Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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H.'Roy jce, the real potato dealer,
went to Portland on business Friday.
Mrs, Kpale Shields, who has been
In California for the past six weeks,
whore she went on business, will re
turn -the latter part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Coerce ORle, of this
eity went to Oregon City Tuesday,
While in that pity they visited at the
home of Mrs. Welsmandol, where her
son, V. l Weismandel, well known
for several days, returned home on
Krlday evenliiK.
J. J. Yoder. a prominent young
farmer of Smyrna, w as transact In
business In Canity Tuesday. Mr. Yod
er was accompanied to this city by
Miss-Maude Yoder, teacher of the K".
orpreen school, and Miss Annie Cot
frodson. teacher of the Samson school.
Those two yotniK ladles were on their
way to Portland to attend the Insti
tute. Mr. and Mrs. John nursuyne of
and formerly of this city, is very ill. New Kra, were anion); tho people w ho
Mrs. Emma Hursoyne, who has been attended the funeral of the late Cap
tain James Kvans.
Roy KnlRht has been called from
Monitor on account of the serious Ill
ness of his sister, Mrs, Lawrence Hair,
who is. suffering with an attack of
Theodore Schaffenherg and family
have moved from Sherwood to Canity
and are now occupying the Waite
house, recently vacated by Judge
Waite and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fallows re
turned -from Portland Monday after a
two days' visit.
George A It man of Portland, spent
In this city for tho past three weeks
leaving been called here by the serious
Illness of her father, the late James
i;vans. returned to her home in Port
land on Wednesday, and was accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Evans,
who; will reside for the present in
Mrs. Ijiwrence Ilalr is very 111 with
tonsilitis and quinsy. Her little son,
Cernid, Is also ill. Mr. Hair, who is
out of the city, has been notified of
his wife's illness, and will return
home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer of
Aurora, who recently moved to that
city a'rom here, were In Canny Satur
day xm their way home from Oregon
City where they went on business.
Miss Sadie Evans, teacher of the
Mundorf school near this city, was in
Candy on Tuesday on her way to
Portland where she will attend the
teachers' institute that convenes in
that' city Wednesday, Thursday and
Fridav. Cpon her return she will go the Hosford estate.
to her home near Bearer Creek. Mrs. George Martin and two child-
E. H. Carlton, of the firm of Carl- ren. Alphadine and Dale, htve arrived
ton A Roscnkrans, was up from Port- In this city from McXIinnvllle, and w ill
land on Tuesday. spend Christmas with Mr. Martin's
Cfitud Hougham left on Tuesday mother, Mrs. M. J. Martin. Mr. Mart-
afternoon's train for Portland and in will arrive on Saturday evening
from there he will go to Vancouver,
Wash., where he will visit for a few
Mrs. Douglass is chairman of the com
mittee. A Christmas tree Is one of
the features of the evening's pro
gramme, and Santa will be there to
greet the little folks. All are Invited.
Rev. Rosing to Hold Services.
Rev. C, O. Rosing will hold services
at Cnnby at to: 30 o'clock in the Nor
wegian Lutheran church and at
Knights' hall at 3::l0 o'clock. The
I latter services w ill be held by the
I members of tho Harlow Norwegian
church. In the evening Rev. Rosing
will conduct services at Woodhurn.
The subjects fur the pastor's sermons
will be appropriate for the day.
Moving Picture Show Opened
The moving picture show opened
In the Hosford building on inesituy
evening was largely attended. The
proprietor, Mr. Mallory, has made a
good selection of pictures, and those
which will please all. Mrs. Cassle
Evans Is acting as doorkeeper. The
following was the programme for the
opening night: "Mother Utvo,"
"Dream and Realities." "I I,ovo You
as the Rose Utves the IVw" (lllustrat
oil song. "The Eagle's Egg." On Sat
Suudar in this citv, a guest of the i ""' nM following programme
Hutchinson family. will be given: "The Rucking Uron-
cho, "A New Excuse, "tor ins tes
ter's Honor," the Illustrated song to he
Fred Roth has purchased nu In
terest in the Cauby Tribune. Mr
Roth will be business manager, with
C. W. Fallows as editor and in charge
'Everybody Iaivcs me but the One I
Love." There are two performances
Roy Ross, teacher of the Lone Eld
er school, left on Saturday afternoon's
train for Portland to attend the teach
ers' association.
R. S. Coe went to Portland on Sat
urday and procured from the Ladd
Crystal Spring farm some blooded
Barred Rock chickens. It was the in
tention of exhibiting these chickens
at the poultry show given under the
auspices of the Marion and Clacka
mas County Poultry Show, which is
being held at Hubbard this week, but
did not arrive until too late. Mr.
Coe was in Oregon City on Wednes
day of last week also, having attended
the reception given in honor of Judge
Thomas F. Ryan before his departure
for Salem.
Prof. GUI, Prof. Buchanan. Miss
Florence Stoddard and Miss Weeks,
teachers of the Canby school, and
Prof. H. H. Eccles of the Riverside
school are attending the teachers' in
stitute in Portland.
W. H. Lucke was a Portland busi
ness visitor on Wednesday.
Miss Florence Wang spent Satur
day and Sunday with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Wang.
Carl Lucke went to Portland Mon
day on business.
Dr. Murdy visited in Portland on
Sim Lindsey, the horseman, has
returned to Canby after visiting for
the past two weeks in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wait and
baby, after visiting with relatives in
Portland, have returned to Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. C. U Bates, after vis
iting in Portland, have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant White and
George Scheer made a business trip
to Portland on Friday.
Mrs. Cassle Evans, after visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Ethel Ferguson
of the mechanical department. Thei'h evening, one at .:. ami ine
Tribune has moved to the new build- j other at S:30. On Monday and Sat
ing recently completed bv O. R. Mack. ! ttrda? these shows will be given. Mr.
on the propenr ho purchased from Mallory exhibiting at Aurora and Hub-
tiara otner evenings or me ween.
Pox Hunting Enjoyed.
N. Young. S. J. Vaughan, Sim Lind
sey. who left for Molalla on Monday
evening, where they were Joined at
the Vauchan farm by William and
John Vntichan. went for a foi hunt.
and will remain until Monday. j -o,nim i the timber dimmr the
Card of Thanks, j night until the following morning at
Mrs. Evans and family desire tola o'clock. The men took with them
thank their friends and' acquaintances 14 fox hounds belonging to Vaughan
Francis Dlllard; "Santa Claim." Pri
mary Room; "A Turkey's lament,"
Claire Haines; "Tho Truly Believers,"
second grade; "Keeping Secret."
Myrtle Hutchinson; "Xiim Stock
ings," third grade.
Canby Market Report.
The folio-wing quotation are given
ny tionion nro, i'o.
Kkk 4.1e a dojten.
Butter CS if 70c roll.
Poultry Hens, Hc; springs, lie;
old roosters, l;Y; ducks, lSc; geese,
lie; turkeys, lSc; young roosters,
Mohair, 31c. Wool, per pound, Ho.
Veal tin to 100 lbs., I2ttc; 100 to
1.10 lbs., Jle; 130 to 105 lbs,, 914.
i-oik murker.-). 10c; liio to 2i5
lbs., Sic; 225 to ;t;,o lbs., 81,0.
Uirtl. Kc
Hides Oreon. Co: salted. To.
Cabbage, per 100 lbs., Jl; otntoea,
per 100 lbs., $1.10.
Oats, per ton, J'.'T.SO.
Wheat, iter bushel, $1.
O-t hay, $13.50; clover hay, $11;
iiiuoiny, jiu, ,
Carrots, per sack. 5ik
Honey, per lb, 15c.
Bacon, per lb.. 2ic; ham. per lb
Chlttlm bark, e per lb.
Beans Small white, tlo per lb
large wiiue, 5c per lb.
aney nour, supremo, spe
cial nam wneat. 1.25; bluestem flour.
1 1. ;!;!(' t. us,
Beets, per aack. $1.35.
Sweet potatoc. Sc lb.
Onions, per ct., $1.00.
Ho Was a Pioneer of the Early Fifties
Many Old Time Friends Pay
Last Reapects,
and the lodges for their kindness
shown them during the Illness and
death of a husband and father, the
late James Evans, who passed away
at his home Thursday morning.
Turkeys Shipped From Canby.
There have been 22 tons of turkeys
shipped from this city during the past
week to Portland for the holiday
trade. The wholesale price for turk-
Rrothers. and the doss kept up a hunt
for the animals until 3 o'clock. The
men built a large fire, and where they
remained until the return of the dogs.
Vaughan Brothers Imintrted 50 red
foxes from the East, one of which is
valued at $100, and this Is the first
time that a hunt has been made. The
men returned to the Vaughan home
for breakfast. They are planning to
A Dreadful Wound
front a knife, gun, tin can. rusty na
fireworks, or of any other nature, d
niamls prompt treatment with Hue
leu's Arnica Salve to prevent blood
poison or gangrene. It's the quick
est, surest healer for all such wouml
as also for Burns. Bolls, Sores. Ski
Eruption. Eczema, Chapped Hand
Corns or Piles, L'.'c at Jones Drug Co.
eys here is IS cents per pound. The j have another hunt about Now Year's
birds shipped were in fine condition.
Jack Coffeen Injured.
Jack Coffeen. a well known horse
man of this city, met with a painful
accident a few days ago by being
School! Close for Holidays.
On Tuesday afternoon the schools
of this city closed for the holidays.
A Christmas programme was given
kicked on the forehead by a horse by the pupils, and many of the par-
he was caring for. The Injured man
was attended to by Dr. H. A. Dcdman,
and It was necessary to take several
stitches to close the wound. He Is
improving rapidly.
Wrestling Match Well Attended.
The wrestling match between Carl
Busch. the middleweight champion of
Germany, and Jack Nelson, of Canby,
held in the city hall Friday night was
largely attended. After two hours of
scientific wrestling the match was de
clared a draw.
Christmas at M. E. Church.
The Christmas exercises to be held
at the Methodist church will be in
charge of the teachers of the Sunday
school, and the programme will be
composed of songs and recitations.
ents of those taking part attended.
Miss Weeks and Miss Stoddard, teach
ers of the grammar and primary
Mrs. M. W. Sh. phard was up from
Portland and attended tho Christinas
euieriaiuiueni, which was well ren
dcred and well attended, the children
doing fine and all receiving mum
ons presents.
Mrs. Crocraft and Miss Anderson
have gone to Portland to spend tho
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wlllett were
called to Springfield. Ore., last Friday
receiving a message of the death o
their brother-in-law- who was burled
on Saturday. His name was Hiram
K. Rice. 75 years and 13 days old
stomach' trouble. They returned on
Miss Marian Ingram is going to
Springfield. -Ore., to spend the holl
days with her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Rice.
grades had well arranged programmes j rpsa , RolnK , huv(( ' J, j nMj
In their rooms. James Kauplsch took
the part of Santa Claus ami carried
out his part to perfection. The tree
was laden with candles and nuts, and
these were distributed by Santa. The
following is the programme given:
"Have you seen Dear Santa?" Pri
mary Room; "Tis Christmas," In
termediate Room: "Welcomo Ad
dress," Ijola Gaston; "Evergreen
Day," 14 children; "A Stitch In Time,"
recitation, Elmer Earls; "Xmas Stock
ings," song. Primary room; "Santa
Claus," Eva Beatty; "Xmas Motion."
game, five little boys; "Santa's Boy,"
Tk0kk -m .k i Oscar Keatty; "I Wonder," Edwin
tieuueriie; .uerry Atiiua, iineiiiii-u-late
Room: "A Perfect Xmas,"
occasion. Santa Claus will be pres
ent and distribute the presents from
a prettily decorated tree.
Christian Church to Celebrate Xmas.
An excellent musical and literary
programme is being arranged for the
Christmas exercises to be held at the
Christian Church on Saturday night.
Blanche Dillingham: ' "Xmas Story
Told With Fingers," third grade;
"Coming of Santa," Florence Zellner;
"Six Xmas Letters," second grade;
"Xmas Bells," Bessie Alford; recita
tion, Dorma Haines; "A Dolly Show,"
Primary Room; "Xmas Has Come,"
week, and then will move to Victoria
B. C.
Jim Erlckson, the new postmaster,
will soon move to the place Mrs,
Kyttti win vacate.
Lloyd Wtllett. who Is attending
school at Cottage Grove, Is visiting
with his parents during the holidays.
Miss Ionia Andrews is visiting with
her parents.
Tho Nazarenes are holding revival
meetings at MenJian.
Some young folks, with the Barlow
minister, were on the road to Merit!
Ian Sunday night to a revival meet
Ing and got off Die road and upset In
the ditch; getting pretty muddy. They
escaped Injury, except the minister,
who was slightly bruised.
One of the most successful enter
laliinients ever given in this city, was
that given at Columbia Hall on Mon
day evening, by the pupils of the
Barlow school, under tho supervision
of the teachers, Mrs. Crecroft, prin
cipal, and Miss Anderson. The can
tata entitled "A Jolly Christmas"
was given and each one taking part
showed that careful study had been
given. The remainder of tho pro.
gramme consisted of solos, choruses
and drills. There was a large lit
tendance and the teachers are de
serving of great credit for the man
ricr In which the affair was carried
School has closed until after holi
days, Mrs. Crecroft and Miss Ander
son leaving on Tuesday for Portland,
where they will attend the teachers'
Institute, which convenes on Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday.
Electric Curling Irons
Hot Water Heaters
Milk Warmers
Heating! Pads
Electric Store
Alder Street, at Seventh
Children Cry
Miss Marie Harvey spent last Wed
nesday In Portland aa a guest of her
brother Bert.
Miss Urodle has Just closed a very
successful term of school. Tho teach-
er and pupils deserve great credit for
the manner in which the entertain
ment was carried out, which was
given at the close.
We regret very much that Miss
Mead Is on the lick list
Marvin Faulk, teacher of Green
wood, Is attondlng the' teachers' insti
tute in Portland this week. We are
glad to note he is making a success
in his new unilertakng.
Ruby .McCord made a visit with
relatives In Portland last Wednesday.
Come to the Christmas tree next
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock In Twi
light Hall. Throw dull care away and
come and have a good time. Bring
the little folks; there is room for all.
Mrs. G. H. Brown and son Ira were
shopping In Portland Tuesday, re
turning on the evening train. Her
daughter Mae, who is attending
school in Portland, accompanied her
Hcvelk Bros, have a lumber yard In
connection with their flouring mills.
Mrs. II. p. Wink was Xmas shop
ping in Oregon City Tuesday.
Mrs. P. 11. Mead has been quite sick
tho past month.
Thos. Blanchard has had a force
of men rebuilding line 7 of the New
Era Telephone Co.
The annual meeting of Now Era
Telephone Co. will be held on Tues
day, January 3, 1911, at the usual
place of meeting.
Earl Wink's new bungalow is one
of the attractions In the south part of
Father Mathew is building a new
brooder house large enough to ac
commodate 300 chicks.
Mr. Felix has moved Into the Wlt
tenlmrg houso on the hill.
The shooting match for turkeys at
the HliirHliurg place on the west side
was well attended Tuesday. .
Burt McArthur has Installed a new
water system on his farm.
Warner Grange- baa postponed Its
meeting one week, .making It Decem
ber 81. A watch meeting will be
held In the Grange Hall under the
Captain James Mudlson Evans, who
died nt his homo In Canby on Thurs
day morning, December t.V was one
of tho pioneers of Oregon, mid one ol
the best known stemubont men In
the state. The funeral services were
conducted at the family residence on
Friday morning at U o'clock, ami the
Interment was In the Zlon cemetery.
The services were conducted by Itev.
C. 1 Croesy, pastor of tho Methodist
Episcopal church, and lie was assist
ed by the I, O. O. F, lodge, of which
the deceased has been a member for
21 years. Mr. Evans was also a mem
ber of tho A. O. r. W. lodge for 2t
years, belonging to that order nt (lie
time of lila death. The funeral ser
vices were largely attended, many
front Oregon City, Now Era and oilier
parts of the county being In attend
ance. The floral offerings were many
and beautiful. The 1. O. O. F. Indues
of Cnnby nml Oregon City sent boun
tiful offerings. The ull bearers
were M. R. Colby, A. Kocher. D. 1 Milt-
Irk. John Zcck, William Maple and
C. T. Bales.
James Kvans was born In St. Uuils
Mo August 2S, .m:I, At the ago 01
six, he accompanied his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Evans, to Andrew
County, Missouri, with a train of 13
wagons across the plains. The sin
was made In March, ISM.
There were many thrilling expert
ences on the trip. A brother of James
Evans, while playing tieur the ramp,
was taken suddenly 111 with tiiu chol
era, and died after a few in I miles 0
suffering. The family of Mr. Evans
arrived here In October, ls.12. The
train disbanded at The Dalles, and
those who came to Oregon City crossed
the river near the site of the old brick
mill, which Is now used by llawley
Pulp It Paper Company.
After a three weeks' stay In this
city, James Evans left with bis par
ents for the mouth of the Pudding
River. A cabin was built by the
father, and he secured employment
with Dr. John Mclaughlin In this city.
James well remembered the Father of
Oregon, and often spoke In the high
est terms of his kindness to the set
lers. Mr. Evans delighted In telling
of his thrilling experiences with the
Indians In the early days, and he had
hundreds of friends, young and old
who learned with regret of his death.
Perhaps no man in the state of
Oregon has had charge of so mauv
boats as Captain James Evans. Among
he boats he was connected with In
ho early days were the llooslor.
Washington, Canemah, Oregon, Will
amette, Relief, Elk, Shoshone, Phoe
nix, Shoalwater. Moose, tiaiello and
Franklin. Of the loals of later year
Captain Evans has been connected
with the S. T. Church, Yamhill, Orient.
Occident, Enterprise, James Clinton,
Shoefly, Dayton, Echo, St. Carrie,
)hlo. City of Salem. Success. Eugene,
Cagle, Reliance, Albany, Active, N.
Bentley. W. M. llogue, Elwnnd.
Itonan.'.a. Champion, Isabel, A. A. Me-
'ulley. Valley Queen, Three Sisters
and N. R. tang.
Frod 1C. Block of the Mt. Hood Und
Co,, Is transacting business III this
vicinity Ihls week.
Mr. and Mrs, 10. D, Hart spent Tues
day nml Wednesday shopping III Port
land. 1 ho lii ixul Association hud a
pleasant and Interesting I lino last
Mrs. Anton Malar was In Portland
Hie fore part 1 tho week.
Mrs. B, t Hart spent Friday mid
Saturday of last week In the city.
School District No. fi2 held a school
1111H' ting Dee. 17 for tho piiriMiso of
voting a special tat, which wits car
ried by a largo miiloilty.
Jack Utwlnss left Monday for Port
land and oilier points.
Miss Jennie U Grande Is at lend Inn
teachers' Institute In Portland this
B, F. Hart, of Portland, Is spending
a few days on his ranch.
What would our eastern friends
think of "rainy Oregon" could they
only he with us these bright sunny
Friends of Mr. Slmostoo will bo
glad to hear bo Is steadily Improving
since going to t ullfornla.
titcy, I1'. V. lll'uns; troamii'or, W, A.
Moratid. These new iifflerrs will m
Installed (he first Hiilurduy In Jan
uary with n linmiuet.
M 10,, church will give a graiul
X inn m enlerlaluiiioiit 11ml C'ti liut iiina
tree Friday evening,
Tho school entertainment ami bus
hel social given lust Hiiliiriluy even,
lug was H Miami success; over it hun
dred dollniN In cunli vwm raised for
the school by sale of bushel.
Kept The Kino At Home.
"For the past year wo have kept the
King or nil liixatlriM-Dr. King's Now
Llfo Pills In our homo nml they have
proved a Moaning to nil our family."
N, Y, Easy but sure remedy for all
Stomach, Uver and Kidney troubles.
uniy 2,10 nt Jones Drug Co.
Hlghett Grade Men's Wear.
The shop of the handsome windows.
Three forty-tour Washington street.,
Between Seventh and Park, Portland.
9. Coe Shows What Hit Farm Can
Produce in the Way of Fruit
R. S. Coo, one of the most promi
nent apple and strawberry growers In
lucknmas county, was In Oregon
ity, Thursday of this week, having
coitio hero to attend the stag party
given by tho Commercial Club In hon
or of Judge Thomas F. Ryan, w ho will
ave soon fur Salem. Mr. Coe re
cently had on' exhibit 27 vnrletles of
pples nt tho Apple Show held In Port
land. He has over 300 bushels of
apples on his farm at Canby, Includ-
ng some of tho best varieties. Mr.
Coe Is also a poultry fancier, and will
ave on exhibit at the Marlon and
Clackamas County Poultry Show to
o held by the Marlon and Clackamas
County Poultry Association at Hub
bard on December 20, 21, 22.
$100 Reward, $100.
Th mdtn of thti nanr will h ntrawd in Imm
thai llMrs I kt Inul fMio ilrr(l-l fllnt-am Hut m-bric
tu t-rtl hle tu rurn In ill Us fluui-a. anil Out! ta
Catarrh. lUII'a Catarrh fur la Ih only inmKIvw
cure ouw known lu tna mrrilral fratrmltr- Catarrh
tp-lntf a (vmatltuuonnl (ll-aw, rrqulrra a ftniMIIU
tlimal treatment. Ilnll'a Catarrh t-tirr la taki-n ht
Umally, acting dlrrrtiy utm Mm blood atul miioma
aurfarra of Hi ayafm. thereby ih-alruylfif the
frmmlatlon of the tllaeaae, arid alvttiK the jnlletit
RtrenKth hy building up the ounatltutUHi and aimtat
tnff nature In dolriK Ita vnrk. The prnprlelfira have
rotieh raltn in Ita curative Dowera that they nnr
Ona Hundred Ixalnra for any rnaa that It falla to
cure. Send fur lint of temlmunlala.
Addreaa V. 1. ( MKS'KV CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold hy all Umnlnln. TSe.
Taaa Hall I family I'llla fur cvnitlpalloa.
8on la Born.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bnars, of Kansas
City, are the proud possessors of a 9
pound hoy baby, born last week.'
The Struggle Discourages Many a Clt-
l7n of Oregon City.
Around all day with an aching back;
Can't rest at night;
Enough to make any one "give out."
Doan's Kidney Pills will give re
newed llfo.
They will euro the buchncho;
Cure every kidney 111.
Here Is Oregon City proof that this
Is so:
Joseph McDormott, Washington St.,
Oregon City, Ore., says; "I was in bnd
shnpe with kidney and bladder com
plaint. My back was so lume and
stiff that I could hnrdly got about and
It was all I could do to dress myself
on arising In the morning. The kid
ney secretions were scant and the
passages were too frequent. After
Inking the contents at a few boxes of
Doan's Kidney Pills, I was restored
to good health. During the past two
years I have had no cuuse for complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
New York, solo agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
If you ni'tt suffering from bilious
liens, constipation, Inillgoalliiu, chron
ic headache, Invest one cent In a post
al curd, send It) Chamberlain Medi
cine Co., lies Mollies, Iowa, with your
name and address plainly on Ihn back,
and they will forward you fron sam
ple of tiinniberlnln's Hlmnatii ami
IJvor Tablets. Hold by all doulors
lleuullful weather tho unit fu- d iv.
Is hailed with Joy by tho tnnny farm
ers, especially those who still have
spuus 10 tllg.
Iliilldlng boom la Hint on In Sandy.
Mrs. linger has completed R residence
on Mt. Hood avenue. P. T. Shelley
Is also erecting a hundsttmo bungalow
and will nlso erect a business build
ing on Main street.
P. It. Melnlg Is making arrange,
mollis to erect a big now store build
ing mid move tho old store building
down on Main street.
nrwoou i.niniMT t'o. has sold out
t ltl.,,t, e. ,,, . N
inii, iiiu wm ni tmeo
start the big mill at his fullest rapaci
ty. All other mills are running full
neck o' the woods.
The Mt. Homl Hallway Co. Is plank
ing tl road from Handy across the
riter to tho ixiwor house site as the
Immense trifle over the roads makes
them almost Impnssnhlo. When com
pleto the groat amount of freight for
tho company will lie hauled over It.
Work of grading and laying mils
to llnllrun power house site Is irnlmr
on day and night and soon perhaps
by Fob. l-tho construction train will
run to die power house site.
Cue of the host thlm-s il.m.i In .
for many a day by its cltUens was to
build sidewalks, which Is now .lni
on ami makes things look good to
rtamiy. with six ftn.t sidewalk and
crosswalks on both sides of Main
miiigren ft Davos liavo ih.,lr
building up and finished and I,. v.
put In a first class supply of confer-
turnery una sort drinks, also pool tab
les In connection.
Keller Bros, have opened un a res.
laiirant and am doing a good business.
K. Shrlber has sold his two lots an,!
hoiisu on Mt. Hood avenue In 1 T.
Sherwood, who will soon make his
home here.
Otto Melnlg tins laid out s Ira.-t of
land Into town lots and has almmlv
sold a good many to people who will
j it I HI at once.
Allxm Melnlg tins purchased the
Bacon Bros, saw mill anil will move It
to Salmon river to saw for local trade,
Loo. ketch, who lately nun hosed
the Douglas store, Is making great
Improvements nml la putting In a
stock of good etpial to the best.
Geo. Ketch's store was robbed by
some unknown robbers; I hey gained
entrance by taking out the panel of
a side tloor and took about $10 worth
of Jewelry and other goods.
R. E. t arr Is making extensive Im
provements on his truct and will prob
ably build In the near future.
Handy Grange, at flielr last meet
ing, elected A. C, Thomas, master:
M. V. Thomas, overseer; James Boll.
secretary; B. Jtmarod, treasurer; Mrs.
A. Malar, lecturer; Jon Albel, steward.
These now officers will bo Installed
he second Saturday In January,
I. O. O. F. elected the following
officers: Noble grand, Clem Bnrtsrh;
vice grnnd, A. C. Bnuinbeck; secro-
Next Saturday evening a Chrlnb
mns program will bo given nt the
Grunge Hall. Tho children !' giv
ing their time mid Inking grcnt Inter
est In the ricrclnos, tmislrj and reel
tat Ions. Evory olio bo sure and como,
for loiiioniher, Christum coin.- but
once a year; also aomn apodal tuiialo
will bo given by the Horner brother
from liodgo. It Is nil worth hearing,
School wa (ttntnlHH.il Tuesday tin
nci-ount of tho teachers' Institute, anil
will not bo railed again till January
Are you coming to tho watch party
nt the parsonage the Inst of the your?
Gerald Wilcox, who bus boon at
tending tho Agricultural College at
Corvnlll. relumed home fur tho holi
day vacation last Wcinoday.
Talk ntsiut the hllrartl hack East!
Why-here In Hpiingwittor you run
look nround ami sou people working
with their ronts off. Why Isn't this
worth policing?
Spiitigwnter now ha a travelling
llhrry at Dr .Wallen', Thl show
at least some "people hole resemble
Abraham IJiictiltt. Why: Became
they love lo spend their evening with
tho best of friends -"hook.
A sprained ankle will usually dis
able the Injured person three or four
week. Thl I duo to lni-k of proper
treatment. When Chamberlain's
Liniment I applied a ruro may be ef
fected In three or four daya, Thl
lltilitiotit la one of tho bent and IiumI
remarkable preparation In u. Hold
by all dealer.
Mrs. It. B. Gibson nml MUs Rota
MiN-hnl.e spent n plcumilit evntlui
with Mr. Junes and family last Tues
Mrs. Cahlll returned homo from the
hospital last Thursday. She I net
ting along fine, though still somewhat
Engle Creek OratiK" held l' regu
lar meeting Inst Saturday, thorn being
about 28 member present. The offi
cer for tho following year wore elect
ed James Bell, secretary of the Handy
Grange, was an Engle Creek Granite
visitor Saturday.
J. p. Woodlo wa calling nt the
home of Mr. Ilowlelt the latter part
of last work.
Mr. and Mrs. Chsrlo Murphy and
Mr. and Mr. Bay Woodlo wore K
lunula visitor Saturday,
Eagle Creek tlrnnge I having the
hall papered, which will much Im
prove it appearance.
Victor Berg, who moved away from
the iiolghlsirhtHHl some time as", wa
soon up (hi way ona day lnl week.
We hear that he I thinking of mov
ing back on hi farm,
Carl Douglass, hi sitter. Mis Ulna,
and Miss Modi Murphy made trip
to Estacsda Saturday.
A Merry Christina and llnppy New
Year to all.
A Woman's Great Idea
I how to make herself attractive. Hut
without health, it I hard for her to
he lovely In face, form or temper, A
weak, sickly woman will be nervous
and Irritable. Constipation and Kid
ney poisons show In pimple, Motrin),
skin eruption and a wretched com
plexion. But Electric Hitter always
prove a godsend to women who want
regulato Htomach, Liver and Kidneys,
purify the blood; give strong nerves,
bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, vel
vety skin, lovtdy complexion, risk!
health. Try them, 50c at Jones Drug
ements '
D. C. LATOURKTTB President.
P. J. MEYER, Cubist
CAPITAL, 50,000.00.
Transacts a 0neral Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to I r. M
Office Both Pbonea 22
Residence Phone Main 2G24
Pioneer Transfer Co.
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Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
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One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street
auKplccs of the Grange.
take no other.