Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Cor 10th A Main It.
I Special Sale I
I Oc unci 1 5c
This Week
Dr. I. (), I i'.i, ItiHima 4, 8 nml 8,
Heaver HilllilltiK,
Tim town council of !!!".tiuiii lum
Just (nil liurt cctl n bond limiiit uf ),
Kvnry lint at n big reduction. MUa
('. tlolilaitillh.
H.liool lUstrlrt No. lor,, of Will
Miuniiu, hu Invliiil a aHti'liil tn of 4'
Minn Lulu HpuiiKlcr, of Curvttllla, la
vlnltltm with lirr sister, Mra. U U
I orinr.
Ilnvo yon seen Hut Kplinllii Cur act?
If you wish to phono 2732.
II. T. Mulvlii, prominent resident of
Harlow, waa In uickoii City on busi
ness Monilny.
Mlaa Alli n llulloy Ima goun tit Met!
fnnl to spout ih Christum Imlliliiva
with rolnllvns anil friends.
Mra. C, H Nolilit will spend flulsl
lima with Imr iUiikIiIit, Mra. Jnnes
Wlllork, at TttiDiim, Wash.
Tom Uivntt. ami of .Mr. ami Mra.
Jamca I', Unett, who liaa boon III
with diphtheria, la rapidly recovering.
W. Wiilllimtim Hart, who Ima been
IIvIiik III Anuria fur Ihn nat two
moiitha, haa rrtunicil tu Oregon City
to ri'UI.
I'rlvntn tnotitty to loan, (lorilon K
llayxa. Attorney at law,
IJnvil (). llnrilltiK, a alnili'tit of tlu
t'tilvtiralty of ('train, la liomit to
aputul t tin Clirlatmita ami Now Yenr'a
holtitaya with lila pamnta In t)nKnn
Itnaaonahln prima at tho Now Hy
torn Ihintlata.
Jtiatlrn of lli I'rarc T. (1. Jonaruil,
of Kamly, waa In town Khtlay aa a
wltnoaa In tho ault for dninaKra of
Henry tlldirtiiiaih va. rnx-tnr
Call on Nw Hyati'm Tntlata,
Hi IiIk Cornor. oT Andrvat'n'a JowiO
ry Htorf,
Mra. H. I. Yoimit, of l'tilv'ralty
I'ark. la vUltlni with lu-r nUtorn. Mra.
V. U Mldlam ami MUa (irayre Marah
all. of Cani'itmli.
Mr. ami .Mm. Krank Nnwton have
nirlvi'd in Ihla rlty from Toltxlo, Ott
Kim, to vlall with rrlutivi'a anil to
anoint tho t'hrlalmaa holiday.
tiaylottl HiHirroy. who la atndylnR
tni'dli'liiit at tlw OrrKun AKrlrtiltuml
Colli'KA at Corvallla, la her tu a pond
tho holldnya with lila tmrnila, Mr. nml
Mr. (Vllllnin II. Cwlfroy.
V. H. Alilnrnian. wlm waa liullrtnl
by tint Kniml Jury on n rlutreo of ain:ib
Ina a cord of wihiiI from Mr. At wind,
nt lliirmnny, flltiTrd a dra o( I"')
Itullty In tint Circuit Court.
Mr. ami Mra. William It. l'Kna nuvu
ri'turnt'il from iholr homiytiKHUi, which
wna aM'nt In llrltlnh Colnmliln and
Idnbo, Thoy aro domiciled nl the
liKiia homo on Ninth nml Main
Dr. it. lliuiiiiiHUi, n dctitlat of l.
I'niil. Minn., who bun born vIhUIiik
with bla friend. Waller Weill worth, of
ttila rlty, left oil Sunday evening lor
I'liithuiil. nml be ba ilii-lded to In
( lite In Hot WeHt.
Juki rereU'ed n full lino of liullea'
alioea. of the J. 1. Harney mulie, nt
OreKini City Bh"0 Btore.
Mra. K K. Arinatronit, of (irllilde
I'rnlrle, nml her dnutihter, Mra. Win.
Ilniier, biive Kiino lo Wulln Wnllii,
Wntih., lo vIhII frleiida durliiK the boll,
diiy aeiiaun. Tliey will bo tho Kiieiilrf
of n aim of Mra. ArnimruiiK.
Mr. nml Mra. Ilownrd llrownell, of
Aalorlii, me hero to upend the Cbrlnl
tuna holldnya nt tho home of Attorney
(ieomo '. llriwtull. Tho omiK iimii
la Illatrlct Attoriiey of AhIoiIii und la
mnkltiK n repiiiiitlon na n lawyer In
IiIm homo oily.
Wiilliuo Cuuflelil, li aludent of tho
1'nlvornlty of On Kiin, arrived In Ore
Kim City Krlilny nlKlit lo npoml Iho
bolldiiva with bla imretita, Mr. nnd
Mra. C. II. Cnufleld. Itiiynioml Cnil
field, iilso n iilndent of the IHilvoralty,
nrrlved homo Tneadny.
HntH, hiiin! IH al "w on. ICvory
one tniiHt bo sold. MIks C. (iohlHinlth.
Ilnlllo JoluiHon, who Iiiih been on
united In HurveylliK t EHtncnilii, ro
turned to ()roon Clly to apond Sun
day nnd left Mondiiy for Cblro, Cnl.,
whero bo will retnnln until Hprlim
with lila piironlB, Mr. nml Mra. John
noii. Mr. JoluiHon oxpccU to rolurn
to Ori'Koti In l li HiirliiK.
KxIoiihIvo experience, for flftoon
yonra iniikeH pimHlblo tlio bont work
with loan pain at tho New System
Christmas Gifts
The Oregon City Shoe Store has the
finest line of Slippers outside of Portland.
These make a most desirable Chnstrnas.
gift. This store always carries a full line
of the celebrated
Alhed Dodge Felt Slippers
Here you will find unbroken lines and a
very complete assortment of Shoes and
Slippers. With each, purchase yoa
will receive a handsome calendar.
Oregon City Shoe Store
Mm. L II. Tufls. ulin luia Itiuin
seriously III for tho punt two wmilm,
!. E'r a,","0",, ro,;ovorj'
iii inn mm a, nruii, wild in nunini
I Iik Noriiinl Hchool iti (Iii'iiny, Wnnl.,,
Uhc. A h i ..I .. .. i
Twill urrlve liomu Hul unlit y to mut
1.. lit. It. Uk. U.I I I. I.-.- ...t X lf
WiiIiIk Hltvor hitIvimI Imiiia Wed
linsilny iirinriiiHiii from Miimil Angel
CiiIIkkh, ami will hii.ikI IiIm viuii'tliin
with iihiIIht, Mm. Agues Hllviir,
of llio West Hide.
V. T, liniiilcrwui, who met with a
1 114 1 1 1 fill ncehlnnt hImiiiI n iiiiuitli ngo,
f when liu I1111I his urm liroUtMi In ti
fllllliuilll Iiiim ii.I.ii.i...I In l.lu 1. i.l
!''""" " II i'm in inn IIHIIIU ,l
KIwimkI. Mr, lli'iiiliirmni m boon ro
reiving nn'illciil irituimonl In this (illy
I nml lum Ix'i'ii nt tint Iiiiiiiii n( hi 11 Mm,
, W. V. Henderson.
W'uiili'd, unit thousand IhiIIiih to
II Hut merits of tliu Hplrollii Cur-
ant k.
I 411... II..I f . .. k I. . ....I
IV III, million, ll IAm AIIKIMI'lli W ill. 1
I nml Ijiiiiii MoWiirthy. of Port land,
Winn iniirrlml Tuesday nflnrniHin lit
i Hut officii nf Jusllro V, W. II. Hum
I mm, In Ihlit i lly. Iiy Hint official Mr.
? lliilni'M la 11 traveling man wlui miikus
I li Im section nf Hut Nnrtliwimt, nti'l
t Mra. McWorthy Iiiih been for some
u rmZ ..mi,.. ...ty,
Itiiymiiud ('iiiifleld, u aimlent of the
I'lilveralty of Oii-khii, arrived lioniit
Tiieailiiy lo aiieiid tho holldnya whh
bin piii'eulH, Mr. und Mra. Chiulea II.
Cuuflelil. Ho wna amiinpniilod to
l lilt rlty by Wllllnm Ilownrd ami
Ilownrd (liny, of Coiirlney, who hid
iiIwi almleiila of Hut I'ulvoialty, und
will apnml Ihelr bolldiiya nl their
bunion. ,
W. II. Unwell, who la Iho efriclent
autierliitemlniit of tho water work
dcpnrimeut of tho rlty Kovitrniumit
went to KiiKetut Mondiiy to atiperln
tend Hut Imuitlliulou of a filter phut!
III Hint rllv, which will coat tlO.Uil'i.
Mr, Howell lum been miporlutotidmit
of the plant III ihla rlty for twenty
yenra, ami U authority on water worka
ayatoma and filter pbinta.
Mr. and Mra. Curler Itlbbol, who
huvn lii'i-n on their honnymoon, bnvo
returned lo Ihla rlty, whora they will
remain until aprlitx, ami will then
leave fur California, whero they will
realde Mra. Klbbel wna formerly
Mlaa Kit a McCoy, duunlitiT or Mra. N.
W. McCoy, of thla rlty, and Mr. Klbbel
la thn aim of H. K. Klhbcl, nf Ban l-Tnii-rlwo.
Tho con pi it worn married In
thla city. '
W. A. Bhnwmnn. rdllor of tho Cour
ier, baa ptirchaaed thn liunitnlow of
Mra. Mary Hurley nt Hlaley Btntlon.
Mm. Hurley and dauiihtor havo ttono
to Coronado, whoro they will make
tholr futur homo. Mra. Kred Torry,
formerly of thla rlty, and Mra. Anulo
leltoy, daiiKhtora of Iho formor, aro
maklnc their homo t Coronadi). Mra,
Hurley la uno of tho promlnont plo.
noor women of OreKon, and roaldea
hero many yoara aau, Sho la n alater
In law of Mra, Mnry McCarvor.
1'ohIHvo KuarantiHt on all work t
tho Now Byatom Uontliia.
Mr. and Mra. W. A. Yoomana. who
recently arrived nt Wlllnmetto from
llowhclla. North Pnkotn, woro In tho
clly Krlduy on bualnoaa. Mr. Yoo
niana. who la nn porlenced Inrmer,
hnvliiK fnrmod In tbo atatoa of North
Pnkotn and Mlnneaotn for tho paat
Jil yeara, baa purchased 4(1 ncrea near
Wlllnmetto. Thoy nro doitKntoa witn
Iho rllmnto of OreKon. nnd tho formor
received word from frlomla In Dakota.
i hut ihev went recently lost In n lillz-
iirit n few dnva axu. and II wna with
dlfflrulty they found tholr way. It la
itrubub 0 that Mr. Yeomlina win in
dnro oihora to ink up thitlr horn In
Huntley Broa. Co. Haa I Guaranteed
Cure That Haa Stood the
Teat of Time.
Cutnrrh rurea ronio and riilarrh
rurea ro, but HYOMKI rontlnuoa to
euro cntarrh nnd nliollah Ita illacnai-
tit tc aymptoina wherever rlvlllr.ntlon
If von btiv n HYOMKI outfit for II
and bldo It In n dark cupboiird It
won't euro vniir catarrh.
If you breiitbo It dully na directed
It will rtiro your ruinrrh or It won t
coat you n cent, nak Huntley Uroa.
If you havo n hard rubber Hyoniel
Inlui er aomewhero nrountl tlio noime,
itet It out nnd atnrt nt oncO to forever
rid voiiiaelf of cntnrrh.
lliintley Uroa. Co. will aoll you a
liititlo of HYOMKI (llipild) for only
r.o rents; alurt to brenlho It nnd no
tiro how nulckly It climra out tho nlr
piiMsiiRea ami mnkoa tlio onttro iioiui
find fine,
IIYOMEI used reituliirly will cure
cntiirrb, coukIih, colds, bronrhltla or
suro thront. A complete outfit. In
cludlim n bard rubber pnekot lnhnlor,
cohIh II 00. No Htonmch dosltiK. .lust
bronthn It. It kills tho Krm. aoolhoa
und heals the Itiflninod mombrnno.
Dunn Confectionery Movet.
M, K. Dunn hna moved hla confec
tionery from lower Main to tho Kelly
HulhllnK, next to tbo Postofflco. Mr.
punti was formerly located In tbo old
Stevens HiilldliiK. lt when tbo old
sirucluro waa torn down to- timlio
riMini for tlio new lleliver llulldlim, he
waa forcttd lo vncnto. nml Iho lower
Mnln atreot locution waa nil tbut waa
nvulliiblo nt tbo tlmr-
You Can Alwayt Get
Tbo best cmwh medlclno If you nsk
for nr. Holl a rlno-Tnr-Honcy nnd lodk
fur thn boll on tbo bottle Ounrnn-
tend- to give aatlHfuctlon. Sold every
where. Jonoa pniK Co.
I &Ae Locket I
Copyright, 1310, by Amtrlcan I'rana 4
IIK.S l,ollin wna married sho
buile bi-r friends a tearful
fmvw-ll ami went to live ill
thn oilier clilu uf tint world.
Iollln, ninny, wuiiltby nml uIho, bud nl
ways been a fuvorlte nl the luiuleiuy
"Wrllo often, ili-ur," slut anlil, cIIiik
IliK to lleli'll, "mill wear this link'
lix-kot, which I have dcHljtiii'il, that
you will nut forget hid. May my wish
como truo nml auccrsa evur alteud
Tb bx-ki-l wna a aiuaro Kulilen one.
and n tiiriilsii furKelmunut wlih n
dlninuml center diH-urated tho rover,
whirl) Hew open when olio pressed n
tiny nprliiK. dlHcloalns the nurds:
'Troiii Utllln. Bin-roan Atleml You."
letters imnhihI iHttween Ihv two clrla
at first, but now. uflvr threo or four
yvnra. It wna often with fi-ellnus uf
deep compunction Hint Helen would
wrllo to her long neglected friend.
Whllo the locket icllsleiied nt tier
throat. Then one (lay It allppcd from
Ita golden chain nnd chanced tbo
ruurav of Helen's life Thuimlj Into
In November, tbo wentber was dt-llplit
fill, and abu dt-rliled to wnUi HiroUKb
the park ou her way to the' library.
Tbo bright aunabltie toinptotl her to
rest for n moment upou n purs bcurti.
and It waa not until she bad selected
book at tho library tbut she nulla-d
the chnli) baiiKlns empty and retraced
ber atci, aenrcbliiK nil the way fur
the little chiirm. A youiiK mnu was
elttltiK uHin tho bench whs-h ahr bad
ao lately vacated. bl(t blond man In
gray tweed ault. lie Rlnnred up nt
bor aa ahe nitproacbod. then continued
writing hastily lo notebook. Helen
looked nt lilm for moment atnrtlrd
nd then relieved, for a silk fob wne
dniiKllng from bis watch pocket nnd
from It ausH-ndel ber own little lock
et. Evidently the man had clasped It
there awaiting the return of tbo own
er. Hcli'ii seated boraelf upon the op
posite end of the bench and regarded
blm furtively. How could she tact
fully open tbe subject?
"Pardon me," en Id tbe man. rising.
bat In band. "Have you lost any
-Yea. Indeed." Helen told him. "I
dropped square gold locket ber
abort time ago." Involuntarily ber
eye eought bla fob.
"Why, that'a too bad," aald tbt nan
genially. "Allow me lo help you look
for 1L"
Blio stood i mated aa he searched the
gravel with bis rnne nnd even remov
ed tbe heavy boucb. going down upon
bis knees to look beneath IL "Seems
to have disappeared." be said, rising
flushed and troubled. "It bas evident
ly boon picked up. Waa the locket
very valuable?"
"I wouldn't bnvt parted -with It for
anything In tbe world." she aald em
"Well. I'll tell you what to do," snld
the uinn. resuming bla seat "advertise
In the paM-ra and offer reward.
Some one tuny bring It back."
Helen ant dow n upou (he hencb quite
bewildered. Burely tbe tnau could not
flaunt tho locket before ber very eyes
In that manner If be were guilty. Per
bnps, after all. there were other for
getnionot cbnrtna with dlnmond cen
ters. If she could only presa the tiny
hidden spring she would know nt once
tho rightful owner. Hut how could
ahe say, "Will you let me see the In
side of thai locket for I bellovo It to
bo mine?"
Then nn Idea occurred to her. Upon
tbo leather cover of bis notebook was
lettered distinctly. "John W. Hryce.
73 Citizens' Kulldlng." Bile would
wrlto n Idler tbnt very afternoon, aeud
It by special messenger nnd, quoting
I.olltn's Inscription, prove bor claim
beyond all doubt. And It would bo so
mui-b easier to write upon this dellcnte
subject thnu to speak As she hur
ried owny tbe uinn raised his bat aud
walked In an opioslte direction.
When Helen was dressing for Mra
Tom's reception that eveulug she wns
bnuded the reply to ber busty note
It begun very abruptly:
The locket which you saw me wearing
Hits afternoon is no longer In my pos
seulon Nut having opttntd It, 1 am un
able to satisfy you reaurilliiK the Inscrip
tion, but can assure you very positively
that the locket wns not the one which
you loL Truly yours.
Well." eiclnlmed Helen, "of nil the
coolness! No longer In Ills possession
nnd uo oxplnnntlou whatever!"
Her cheeks were still burning with
Indignation when, accompanied Ity her
mother, she Jolued the gay throng In
Mrs. Tom's brilliantly lighted homo.
Sho was the center of n II 1 1 lo laughing
group when ber hostess approached
Helen, dear," she snld, "let me Intro
jure you to Tom's friend,- who will
li ko you In lo supper" And Helen
turned to face tbe lull young mini who
had beeu her couipnulou upon tho park
Instinctively ber eyes sought his
watch pocket ns bo bowed sillily. Tbo
locket wan no longer there Almost In
alienee thoy descended the stairs nnd
took tholr places nt one of tbe smnll
tables. ,
At length Holen Introduced tho for
bidden subloct. "I received your nolo."
sho snld, ".lust before I CRine"
Mr. Hryce flushed to the roots of bla
blond hair. "It Is unfortunate," be
said, "that 1 am uanble to sbuw you
tbe locket If there had been the
1 TAKE Til EH i NT 1
I You can get the best that I
e f.
money can buy if you buy of
our new stock of canned Table "
Fruits. They have the dollcb
ous, ripe flavor.
Oregon City. '
lightest cnnce of III having Inn
your I would bsve glvcu It to you
when you told tnu of your loss. Tbe
fact la tho locket waa merely loaned
lo mo for-er nu occasion."
"To Ink walk In tbo park, per
haps," suggested lleli'll sweetly lis she
nrosit. "I uni very sorry, Mr, Hryce.
to Imvs troubled you over so trivial a
Tho man stood frowning ns Mrs
Tom ngiiln a'"iired. "Pardon me fur
Interrupting you two," alio begun, "but
I hnve a fnvor to ask of you. Helen
Maurice Malcolm bas arrived Kvery
ono la wild nlxiut hla tvuur voice, und
be Ima. consented to slug fur us pro
vided I find ill) accompanist. Hume
dlnlely I thought uf you. my denr."
"Why. certnlnly I. will piny." said
Ilelnii nnd fullowed ber hostess with
sigh of relief.
Maurlro Malcolm bowed low before
bor with a look or nminitiou In his
dark eyes. "Ho kind uf you." he mur
mured. And IIcluii soon became ab
sorbed In ber music, forgiltlng nil else
save the wonderful robe which echoed
through Hut room. Wheu Hie applause
bad ceased he bent over her.
"It Is you," said he, "who have mnde
my song success."
Hut Helen wns staring Incredulously
at tbo furgetiuenot rhiirm sus,etidcd
from bis silken fob "Who gave you
that locket?" she deuiiiiibd curtly.
Tbe singer straightened suddenly and
looked surprised
"I beg your pardon." be said coldly.
Then she smiled
"It la aucb n beautiful design." she
said and held out ber hund "May I
see It r
Uuclnsplug Ihe locket, tie laid It lu
bor piilui. "Would you mind If I
OIMtned Itr
oiMtned Itr
Tbe singer smiled. "If took me some
time to Dud Hm bidden spring," be
said. "Allow me lo show you buw "
Hut ber finger unaided had found
tbe spring Her friend's name wltb
Its curling "V and ihe well known
motto wore dancing before her eyes.
"Mr. Malcolm." she suUt quickly,
"thla la sirauge; friend gave me tbe
very counterpart of tbla mckvl several
years ago, tod I ban It today In tbe
"That was Indeed unfortunate," said
tbe singer. "The owner of this little
charm desired roe to wear li this even
ing. 8 he bas bad It for number uf
Helen's Augers tightened about ths
locket as tbe man held out bla band
to receive IL
Mrs. Tom came toward ibem, bevy
of laughing girls In ber train "Mr.
Malcolm." sbe called, "come and be
introduced." Tbe man besltnted "If
you please?" be said peremptorily,
looking it Helen.
Iteluctnntly she surrendered tbe
golden trinket nnd turned sway. Per
bnps Mr. Uryce bad out deceived ber
after all. Kbe waa airaogely pleased
t lbs tbougbt sod decided at least
to tell blm of ber new discovery. She
found blm sitting lu secluded cornor,
screened from view by pulins and
plants and apparently lost lu gloomy
meditation. Uelen Joined blm uncere
moniously. "I bave seen It again." sbe announc
ed. Ills face brigbteued ss sbe en
tered. "I am afraid I do not understand
you." be replied.
"Mr. Malcolm Is wearing my locket,"
sbe e i plained. "Inscription sud alt
Did you give It to him?"
"I never saw tbe man before." be
snld solemnly. "Ue bas probnbly bevu
fortunate enough to find your lost
charm aud will return It to you,"
Ueieu shook her bend. "Ha snys It
Is not mine." Sbe looked up nt blm
meaulngly. "I supiose It bas beeu
loaned to blm for 'an occasion.' "
"See here!" ssld Mr. Rrycs Indig
nantly. "He ought to give a better
explanation. You wait here for a few
moments while 1 buut tbe fellow up
nd flud out,"
Tbe girl seemed to bave forgotten
ber animosity toward Mr. Hryce.
"How good you are," sbe snld. aud
tbe look lu ber eyes was battering.
Hut wheu be returned his face wore
perplexed frown.
"Did you get tbe locket?" she nsked
eagerly. The man avoided ber eyes.
"It Is no longer in bis possession,
be said.
"Woll, where Is It?" sbe persisted.
Mr. Itryce spoke very slowly. "lie
scorned to think It was uoue of my
"1 see," said Heleu, and ber friendly
feeling toward the young mnu fled.
"Good evening, Mr. Hryce."
Ills tall figure blocked the passage.
"One moment, please, before jrou go,"
be snld desperately. "May I call some
time If I am able to bring nu explana
tion of this annoying affair?"
"You uuiy call," she answered weari
ly, "when you cnu return my locket
to me." He bowed aud stood aside
for bor to puss
Later, wheu Helen's mother -was
mnklng ber ml lens to Mrs. Tom, Mau
rice Malcolm approached. "1 regret
exceedingly," v be snld, "that 1 am un-.
able to giro you any Information re
garding tbnt little charm If 1 should
t uny time Und a solution of the' mys
tery may I cull?"
Helen gave an odd little laugh. "1
will be pleased to see you," she said,
when you cun bring the locket wltb
"My denr." said her mother ns tboy
woro driving home, "nre you not well?
You bave been so unlike yourself all
evening "
"1 lost Lolltn's cbnrtn today, moth
er," .she answered, "nnd success seems
to hnve vanished with IL"
A week or two passed nnd Helen
might hnve forgotten the lost locket
If the blond young ninn hnd not con
stantly appeared to remind her. She
seemed to meet him everywhere, as
she descended ths steps of ber own
home or waited for n car at tbe cor
nor, and once be hud been silting upon
tbo well remembered bench as sha
happened to walk through thu pnrk.
Upon each of tbe occasions sbe mere
ly uiclluiHl bor head lu greeting aud
passed ou. One morning tbe tlorlst
bad delivered a box wltb -tbo curd of
Mr. Hryce attached, and as Helen re
moved tho tissue wrappings from the
bouiiuot of bluo eyed forgotmenots
sho wished henrtlly tbnt Lollta hud
never mudo ber a purtlng gift.
This same morning, while she was
on a shopping toijr, tbe young rector
of Trinity church cuiue und sat in the
cross seat beside ber. Sbe was ad
miring bis clean cut features wbeo lie
produced bla wnli-b and gaftwl st It
n-llecllvcly, Helen snt Upright will)
start. A amull sipuire locket my lu
Ills palm, and Its fornetmciiot setting
seemed to be winking nt ber. tine
drew ber band across ber. eyes "It's
my Imagination," she told herself re
slgnedly; "probably I do Dot see these
charms at all."
Tbe rector studied the locket sften
lively. Preneiitly be found Ihe spring,
lb rase flew open, and Helen rend.
"I'rom !,ollla Huccetts Attend Von
"1 ought lo fell blm about It now."
she thought, "for In few mliiuien It
will not be In his possession ' Hoi
she snt silent ss he left ihe car, soon
to be lost from view lo one of the
large ofllce buildings ,
Her mother met ber at the distr
when she returned late In Ihe after
Doon. "A gentleiuuo Is waiting to see
you. my dear," ahe aald
Heleu'a heart beat rapidly Hh was
prepared to welcome Mr. Hryee and lo
forgive hi m for Ignoring ber coiidi
tloua, but the etpeclunl look left tier
eyes as she entered Ihe room, for ii
was tbe singer who bowed low before
"I am more than pleased." he said,
"to be Ohio to restore your lost property-She
looked skeptical. There must
be some mistake"- she was beginning
Mr. Malcolm smiled. "Will you kind
ly examine the locket?" he asked "It
is, Indeed, the very one I hul you lost,
nd tbe mystery was easily solved I
Inserted an advertisement In the pa
pers and also bad a card placed In the
public library. A young girl bad found
your locket among Ihe books, where li
bad evidently fallen, and was glad lo
I reUrn ll Ibis morning "
-Then this Is not ths one you worer
1 npicn asked
' Helen naked.
I u t, ,'
tbe singer restsinded
coldly and vouchsafed no further in
formation. For few moments sbe ei cried her
self to be entertaining nnd thanked
blm gratefully for bis trouble wbeo
be left, but In ber heart wns a great
dlsnppolntmenL "He enn never come
now," sbe sighed, and ber tbougbis
were of tbe blood young man.
Sbe was playing sad little tune
that evening wbeo lbs maid ushered
Mr. Bryce Into tbe room. Eagerly sbe
advanced to meet blm. "1 am so glad."
sbe ssld, "that you did not wait fo
bring tbe locket"
He seemed puzzled at her change of
manner. "Rut I bave brought IL" be
announced triumphantly aod placed
mall box In ber baud.
Helen sank tuto tbe nearest cbalr
nd regarded blm with suspicion. Tbeu
he laughed- "Tbe city must be full
of tbem." sbe said, placing tbe two
lockets wltb tbelr duplicate Inscrip
tions before blm. Tbe man looked
dazed. "Mr. Malcolm recovered this
one by advertising. Now I would like
your explanation."
For moment tbey looked at eacb
other, then Joined lo laughter. Pres
ently be came aud stood before ber.
"I did not Intend to make confes
sion." be said. "Ton will bave some
thing to forgive. Wbeo your friend
Lollta left tbe country sbe also left
two lockets. Tbe counterpart of yours
was given to my cousin. Olivia TreuL
Tou may remember ber at tbe acad
emy, though sbe says sbe bas not seeu
you for years. Olivia is a little buocb
of superstition sod relies Implicitly
upon ber locket to carry ber through
mnny difficulties. I bad dined at ber
borne tbe evening before tbat memo
rable day In tbe park and was telling
Olivia's father of ao Important lawsuit
wblcb I boped to win tbe following
day. when Olivia clasped tbe little
cbnrm upon my fob. assuring me tbat
It would bring success In my under
taking. Tbe verdict hnd. indeed, beeu
satisfactory, and I slopped on my wsy
boine that afternoon to tell Olivia and
return ihe locket You may Imagine
my chagrin upon receiving your note
nd UK)u tbe events wblcb followed.
Yesterday I fold Olivia all about lu
and she unraveled tbe mystery wblcb
'bas troubled us botb.
"It seems tbnt she bad accompanied
Maurice Malcolm lo the reception tbat
evening and hud urged blm to wear
tbe cbnrm to Insure tbe success ot
his song. I also told ber" be looked
dowu Into Ilelen'a eyes "ot my great
desire to see you aud of tbe condition
Imposed, it was then tbat sbe agreed
to sm-rttiee her locket and Insisted tbat
I return It to you as your own."
The uinn smiled. "Dear little Oliv
ia," be snld. "Her days of flirting
and superstition are over, for she Is
soon to murry the rector of Trinity
church. I would have brought Ihe
locket yesterday," he ndded. "but sbe
wished the rector to wear It when be
went to gain ber father's consenL"
"Oh!" cried Helen, and her eyes
were dancing
His face was very grave ns he low
ered his voice., "I am about to enter
upon a suit." he aald. "which -will
menn nil tbe world fo me May 1
wear the locket charm?"
He slipped his watch Into nn upper
cont pocket, and Holen stood to clasp
the lockPt. the dark head very nenr
tbe f ii ir one. As she finished her task
bla arms closed shout ber Once mors
tbs cbnrm hnd proved lis power.
The Plankton.
When the voyager across the Atlan
tic wutche-i the surface of tbe sou day
after day nud notes how few nre the
signs of life In so vast uu expanse
pf waters he Is apt to conclude tbnt.
ns compared with the land, the ocean
Is n desert. But be bns been looking
for fish nnd has not seen the real myri
ads of the ocean. If the voyager bad
microscope eyes he would perceive
that the liquid mass through which
bis ship plows ber way Is tilled with
a prodigious multitude of minute or
ganlsiiis the plnukton. Tbe name
comes from a Greek word meaning
vagabond The plnukton forms the
food of an enormous number of mu
rine nulmnls nnd has been tbe subject
of much scientific investigation. There
are two kinds of plankton, tbe vegeta
ble, or pbyloplaukton. and tbe animal.
or zooplnnkton. As In the world of
higher organisms, tho auimal feeds
upou tbe vegetnble. The Importance
of tbe pbytoplnnkton to the life of
the sen depeuds upon the fact that.
like tbe leaves of land plants. It bas
the faculty, under the influence of
light, of assimilating Inorganic sub
stances and rendering tbem available
for tbe food of animals. Youth's Companion.
Now for the Final
Childs Misses' and Large Misses' High
Top Shoes, patent leather cuff with tassel;
sizes, childs' 9 to ladies' size 5.
Christmas Purs: Attractive Sets Specially Priced.
' A page like this could be made up of descriptions of dif
ferent styles and kinds of furs in neckwear and muffs which we
have now in readiness in Christmas lines, undoubtedly the largest
and in every detail the mosl attractive display of furs we have
I ever shown.
A pair of gloves from us and she will receive 'in her gift
gloves absolute satisfaction in service and in appearance.
Handkerchiefs: Gift Display Now in Entire Readiness.
This readiness of our Handkerchief Section means by far
the most attractive lines we have ever shown attractive in that
assortments were never so numerous, styles never so beautiful,
varieties never so extensive attractive in that instances of ow
pricing have never been so marked.
917 Main Street
I Christmas Festivities By Methodists.
Friday evening tbe children of tbe
M. E. Sunday school will bave the
right of way for their Christmas tree
and musical and literarv nroeram.
An enjoyable time Is anticipated and
members of the congregation and
friends of tbe little folks are invited
to participate. Following Is the pro
gram: Song, "Joy to the. World," school;
prayer, pastor; responsive reading,
superintendent; chorus, "Happy
Greetings," Primary and Intermediate
Departments; recitation, Letha Cross;
recitation, Quinten Cox; duet. Earl
Zimmerman and Chester Tozier; reci
tation, Evadne Harrison; solo, Marvin
Hickman; exercise, "Christmas
Time," six girls; song,' children Ip
costume; recitation, Alice Miller;
duet. Myrtle and Everett Cross; reci
tation, Paul Benson; recitation, Mo
rleta Cross; club swinging, Olive
Zimmerman; recitation, Ada Mass;
duet, Chester Tozier and Uelle Wood
fin; recitation, Anna White; darkey
Christmas song (comic); recitation,
Maude Kennedy; recitation, Seth
Ketcbum; exercise, Santa Claus,
reindeer, coming of Santa Claus and
distribution of presents.
Children Cry
Father Writes Regarding Daughter's
Hot Lake, Ore., Nov. 18. (To the
Lc wist on .Tribune) In order to let
my Lewiston friends know the result
of the operation performed here a few
days ago upon my daughter for goiter
I am taking the liberty of Informing
them through the Tribune. The opera
tion was a complete success, though
the goiter was a large one and diffi
cult to remove. I am indeed grate
ful to my friend .Mr. Coppingger for
having directed me to "the Hot Lake
Sanatorium. I am truly thankful that
I took the advice of friends and
brougM my daughter here. I can
cheerfully recommend the Hot like
Sanatorium to my friends as a place
where they will receive scientific
treatment and honest consideration.
Yours very respectfully, John Hallo
ran. Lewiston Tribune. The Hot
Lake Sanatorium is located on the
main line of the O. R. & X., 314 miles
cast of Portland.
Dandruff Cured In Two Weeks or
Money Back.
The above Is the guarantee Huntley
Bros. Co., druggists, is offering for
Parisian Sage, the greatest of all hair
If you have dandruff take advan
tage of this offer and kill the little
dandruff germs that will surely steal
your hair if allowed to continue to
persistently burrow Into the hair
Parisian Sage is also guaranteed to
stop falling hair and itching of the
Don't accept any substitute from
any druggist. Parisian Sage is the
original prescription of one of the
world's greatest scientists, and is
manufactured onlv in this country by
Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Parisian Sage is an exhilarating and
pleasant hair dressing; it is not
sticky or greasy, and it makes the
hair soft, beautiful and luxuriant.
They are cut fresh from the best pieces the day you
buy them. No stale, unpalatable odds and ends.
Call and see this marvelous machine at work, you will
be interested and pleased with the results.
Christmas Rush
Installation Will Take Place Evening
of January 10.
At Monday night's meeting of Tuala
tin Tent No. 4, K. O. T. M., the follow
Ing staff of officers was elected for
the coming tenn: Commander, C.
W. Parrish; lieutenant commander,
E. A. Hughes; record keeper, E. 8.
Follansbee; sergeant, A. Fromong;
first master of guards, L. B. Miller;
second master of guards, W. E. Grif
fith; chaplain, A. B. Buckles; master
at arms, F. B. Hay ward; sentinel, R.
D. Miller; picket, O. E. Miller; trus-'
tees, C. W. Parrisb, F. Betzel and W.
E. Griffith; physicians, Drs .Mount
and Strickland; musician, Frank
The newly elected officers will be
installed on the night of January 10,
and the members of the lodge are
making great preparations for the en
tertainment features on that evening.
A banquet is to be served.
Elect Officers Monday Night Three
Affiliated Societies Will Banquet.
Clackamas Chapter, Royal Arch
Masons, elected officers Monday night
with the following result: J. H. Wal
ker, most excellent high priest; Wm.
Beard, king; Max Boilack. scribe;
Henry O'Maliey, captain host; E. A.
Chapman, secretary; J. E. Hedges,
Installation will take place on
Tuesday evening, December 27. It
will be a joint installation at which
time the three affiliated societies
Chapter, Blue Lodge and Ladles'
Eastern Star- will induct their offi
cials into place, these ceremonies to
be followed by a banquet. The event
promises to be one of more than ordi
nary interest
Masons Elect Officers.
Multnomah Lodge of Masons, Sat
urday night elected the following of
ficers: Alvin H. Miley, master; Eber
A. Chapman, senior warden; N. T.
Humphrys, Junior warden; S. L. Stev
ens, secretary; William Beard, treas
urer. Other officers will be appoint
ed by the master. The installation
will take place on St. John's Day,
Tuesday, December 27.
The peculiar properties of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy have been
thoroughly tested during epidemics
of Influenza, and when it was taken
in time we have not beard of a single
case of pneumonia. Sold by all deal
Judge Dimick Decides Case of H.
Kraushaar a Serious One.
An examination was held in County
Court Monday by Judge Dimick ns to
the sanity of H. Kraushaar, of Clack
amas. The petition was filed by the
son, Elmer Kraushaar, who alleged
that the best Interests of the estate
demanded the appointment of a guar
dian. After hearing the evidence in
the case Judge Dimick allowed the
petition and appointed R. B. Holcomb
to that position.
In the case of State vs. H. L. Spen
cer, confined in jail on the charge of
larceny, defendant was arraigned on
Monday and plead not guilty.
Case Bank of Oregon City vs. J. E.
Seeley et al., demur made to claims
of plaintiff Monday.
Sliced Meats!
Cot on oar
Look better, cook
better, taste, better.