Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise "J
ninny counties. But too many "need-
roads can be built, ex-en when
Published Every Friday en can fmm(, ,0 IoRn ,h(, nwMy
E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Counties can go too fast as easily as
Individuals. The borrowing power of
Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post- a county has Its limit of safotv n
offloe . sooond-clas. matter. .M ns tho czon tmmlng a pRrt of
! 8ubcrlptlon Rates: 1,g government. Then, too, the cost
One; Year ..$1.50 of roaJ ovpn w,,on ,ne county can
Blx ; Months .75 P? la(,lv the money borrowed to build
Trial Subscription, Two Months .25 It may be in excess of tho normal use
Subscribers will find the date of ex- should receive much careful consid-
piratlon stamped on their papers fol- ,, . . . , ,
lowing their name. If last payment Is e,tlon nd hcn 8"ch taw ,s
not credited, kindly notify us, and "r,ed- 11 should be hedged about with
the matter will receive our attention, all possible safeguards, that the small
Advertising Hates on application.
home owner may be protected In his
home-making proclivities.
The rumblings of impending battle
at Salem this winter are already to
lc heard. Promises of a busy ses
sion are many, and both sides to the
great battle that was fought the past
year are lining up with bills that are
certain to precipitate a young war
early In the year.
One bill that Is promised from
Multnomah county Is an amendment
James J. Hill played Santa Claus
this week by visiting Oregon and
promising new railways. Extensions
of the Oregon Trunk IJne from the
present proposed terminus at Rend
south through Interior Oregon, the
pushing of the Vnlted Railways to
Tillamook and the building of an lnde-
' pendent Hill passenger station in
Portland were some of the things the
Empire Builder outlined.
to the present initiative enactment, i
One plan under discussion is to make - "
it necessary for each signer to an ! Tne O"1" Agricultural College
Initiative petition to take oath that "1 "i""n'e " annual special
he Is familiar with every phase of short co"es for farmers on January
the proposed enactment Friends of 3 and the ntntlon ' l'e offered
the Initiative think ther see In this a yesr is Probably the best since
bill an attack on the initiative prln- ,nese co"3 wer rted several
clple, ; years ago. Experts in the various
The maniDulation of a W or tn. ' branches have been secured and the
sure has much to do with whether It ork ex,end over vcrloi
is good or bad. It is not the present of slx weks
law that is bad but the abuse of it.
And that it was sadlv abused Is evi-! would have perhaps been the
denced by the multiplicity of mea-' wisest course for the constitutional
sures voted on at the late election, 'convention of Arizona to have side-
many of which should never have tracked the question or recalling
been submitted to the whole people. Jndces and amended the constitution
Now. is the Individual to be com- by the initiative to provide for it
polled to go to the Countv Clerk to &f"?r " M accepted by congress and
make his affidavit, as It Is rumored Taft, However, the Arizona spirit Is
in connection with the new amend- not inclined to be meek and humble.
ment? If so it is easy to see that the
evil proposed Is far in excess of the n,ere are other evils In Portland
laxness of the present law. The stan- besides the moving pictures our
dard of fitness of the signer may be preaChers don't like. Some of them
raised so high as to put the matter are ten thousand times worse. The
away and beyond the people's power mmoral wages paid women, for in
to perform and Into the hands of the Btance.
few who wish to and will most cer-
tainly manipulate things to their 11k-
Another new measure proposed pro
Tides for the construction of a state
highway. Properly planned and safe-
guarder such a departure would cer-
tainly work out good results. But this
is another case where the working
ont of the proposed plan means every
thing. State supervision, if it per
mitted the spending of the larger por
tion of revenues in the locality where
the tax was raised, and a small per
centage spent on central arteries of
transportation, would soon work out
great good to the whole people of the
State. But a "robbing of Peter to
pay Paul" would only work to the
good of Paul, and Peter would soon
kick over the traces.
The third proposition, that of put-
Hongkong the Luxurious
Hongkong, with Its luxurious hotels,
Its princely clubs. Its rich and Influ
ential banks, boused In splendidly con
structed and beautifully designed
buildings; Its shipyards and graving
docks able to care for the largest ves
sels: Its miles of warehouses bursting
with wealth; Its yellow sailed fleets
laden with silks, tea, sugar and pre
cious porcelains; Its commerce almost
as great as that of New Tork; Its
botanic gardens hnng amid delightful
rlllas overlooking a harbor that In a
city in Itself and that floats 10.000 sails;
Hongkong, with Its wonderful temples
of ornate teak roofs. Its Idols of a
hundred sects. Its French cathedral. Its
forts, garrison and naval life. Its Hap
py Valley race course all at the end
of white man's civilization. Supreme
from the peak on which It rests, tu
well bred aloofness it looks askance at
sordid Asia, whence It sprung. W. J.
ting state convicts to work on the
roads, as also the inmates of the' Aylward in Uarper"s Magazine.
local Jails, workhouses and city prls- (
ons is a good one. It is good in two :
ways first in the men being enabled ! IDENTIFIED BY FRIEND.
to pay for their keep, and second, ,
working the men in the outside air
r- J ... hi t i : 1 1 j
rrcu oicvcna iidmc ui man r:iicu
By S. P. Train.
proving a wise move from the stand-
Dolnt of healthfulness. As we under-'
stand the proposition state prisoners i
would be worked on state highways, ;
uuiu . , Fred Stevens is the man who was
county prisoners on county roads ana ;kled Wednesday morning by a train
city prisoners on the city streets just south of Aurora. He was iden
eaeh governmental division profiting tified by S. Wunder, with whom he
by the number of bad men it could ! worked in the Elk Horn Stable in
Oregon City. Stevens was 28 years
catch and hold. ;of age an(j ieavea a wjfe at Browns-
One feature pertinent to the propo- vjne hut tney had not been living to
sition seems to have been overlooked: gether for some time. He was at the
In case there is some one dependent stable until 1 o'clock Wednesday
. , . . morning, when he boarded the over-
on the prisoner there should be i,an(i train an(1 evi(k,nt!y fe frora a
provision for the fullest net value of ; coacn near Aurora and was Instantly
services being put to the support of ; killed, his head being severed from
those so dependent, the state, county! his body and an arm amputated. He
, . ij i ttnn worked at the stable last Tuesday.
cny nut c...e - "'Stevens has a sisier. Mrs. Austin, re
siding at Oreeon City. The remains
were buried at Aurora Thursday.
I .
With Christmas coming on there, J. I Ellis hna filed suit In the fil
ls a good demand In the local markets cult court against A. J. KlUinlllor,
for poultry, especially fur seeso, tur-! through his attorney, A, Hansen, for
keys and chickens. Turkeys nave nomination or diameter.
only arrived in this oily so far In! Ellis was accused by A. J. KiMintl-
small lots, but by Saturday morning ler of stealing and carrying away
there will probably be a good duply. ; three wagon loads of fence pouts.
There have been no heavy frosts: Kills claims that he was brought ho
to Injuro the vegetables, and now, al-1 fore the Justice of the peace, Edwin
though midwinter, the markets are .Bates, of Estacada. en June 3, and af
(Med with vegetables, all of which , ter being detained fur about five hours
are Oregon raised. The only Callfor-; he was given his freedom until June
nla vegetables that are now being : 13. when he waa again brought before
received here are the sweet potatoes, 1 tho Justice of the peace. After the
Oregon celery .lettuce, radishes, tur-j latter had heard the evidence. Ellis
nips, cabbage, rutabagas, potatoes, : was dismissed. The charge was pub
onloiis. dried and fresh cauliflower, i llshed In the Estacada Progress, and
boots, carrots, turnips, parsley. j was extensively spoken of by the eltl-
Anmug the fruits that are In tln;eis of t'laeknmas county, which has
markets (or the holiday trade are caused the accused man much distress
oranges, lemons, apples, dates, bana- and humiliation, and he claims that
nas, grapes (California!, pineapples, 'he has boon damaged to tho sum of
grape fruit and pears. Some of the , i;,oo. lih costs and disbursements,
best Oregon apples are to be obtained j .
In the markets at $1 per box. TW0 AGGRESSORS FINED.
An ofter of li cents on j;i bales of
hops was made lo C.eorgo U 's? Oscar Smith and Wm. Freeman Plead
Tuesday by a Salem firm, tupi'tns . Gumy ,nd p, t:5 Ecn
the season's market so far reported, j
Uose declares that this Is n bona tide j 0si.ar Smn Rm, Wm rr,Mlllini of
offer, but states it Is confidential and ranomi,hi two S)orIa w(th ilH.a f,,,,,,.
refuses to divulge the name of the , Ba pKst:Ji ,m,( n,u.k
firm, as he said the concern la Hrt;on ,hr,w ,(H.k ,OVll .-ridav nlitltt
kilos short on the I'liieus failure and ,,, mjlKht , , flht ,,
it would be suu-ldal to divulge tho H..ii,M.k .,. hllrt .,, ,u
firm's name. Rose states that he has
refused their bid.
Quotations furnished by Oregon City
Commission Company:
Grain Wheat. 75fiSiV: per bushel:
oats. $2.".CL'6 per ton; barley, f-i per
Best clover, new $i;Tl3 per ton;
timothy, new $15020.00 per ton;
grain hay. new. $12014.00; straw,
$4.0OS5 00 per ton.
Fruits and Vegetables
Apples, 25cS"5c per box.
Dried prunes, 50-tiOs, new crop, 4ff
5c per lb.
Onions. $1 fi 1.25 per sacK.
Potatoes, new, 80090c per sack.
Cabbage, $10 1.25 per cwt.
Eggs, Butter and Dairy Produce
Eggs, 40c.
Butter Creamery, 60CT65C per roll;
country, 45g 50c
Poultry Old hens, fat, 1213c;
mixed, 10 12c;spring chickens. 11 (f
Ducks, 14 lac.
Geese, 10c.
Dressed Meats.
Hogs, 125 lbs. to 175 lbs., fancy, 10
Veal, fancy, log lie.
Hides, Wool, Mohair, Etc
Sheep pelts. 10c per "
charged false knuckles were used. Of
ficer Cooke came upon tho scene a
little later and arrested Smith, who
was lodged In the city prison until his
hearing Saturday before Justice Sam
son. Smith was fined .'".
On Saturday the Bullocks swore out
a, warrant for Freeman, who plead
tullty when arraigned and was fined
$25 by the same officer. Justice Sum
son, when delivering sentence, said
that he would hand out stiff sentences
until such rowdyism on tho rlty
streets was stopped.
Saturday night Freeman was on the
streets consoling with friends, when
Mayor Carll happened along. That
official stopped and talked to the
young men and to Officer Cooko. who
happened by at the time. In the
course of his remarks Mayor Carll
said to the officer (hat It would have
been a good thing had he pushed
those wanting to fight Into tho middle
of the street and let them fight It out
among themselves.
At the Portland Theaters
pie. Its scenes vary from the. liearl
of the IliH'ky Mountains to n powerful
One of ths Greatest of Modern Dramas hanking Institution In Wall street and
at the Baker Next Week. 'thence on hoard a ship lit sea. and It
Is filled wllh lliiilllug HltiialluuN, ill'-
Amither sensation like was created jaoililng plot, liuense oUiiiiixcn and
by the first production of the great lllehesl comedy. H a mailt llu'liui In
llelaseo play, "The lilrl of tlio (loldeii a struggle between one self iiiaile mail
West," will occur next week lien j and a uilahty I rust for vital ponses
Baker Stock Company offer fur the slons and flnniielul supremacy. The
first time hero the powerful llroaib love element U strong and constantly
hmst laiov play, "Tim Dollar Mark." i creeps In Just ns It lines In every day
It Is one of the vear's most luipurlaul
stage offerings, If not THE mosl Im
portant of all of them. Will I en by
two of America's foremost play
wrights, (ieorge Itroadhiirst, niHlior
of "The Man of the Hour," and ('has,
T. IMioy who gave lo the stage "In
Old Kentucky." It combines the best
efforts of both of them, and when re
cently presented at the Belasco thea
tre in Im Angeles, so startled theatre
goers of that elly, that it run eleven
weeks, playing lo nearly 100,000 poo-
life, What would any play be with
out It? Next week at the linker Is
also of special Inleresl a It Inlroiliie-
on with the company Thurston Hall
the new leading man, and lliemla
Fowler, I lie new second unman, both
III powerful noting roles, "The IKillar
Mink" will open Sunday iimilneo and
(here will be a special Christinas
mill loco Monday as well as the rogu
lar Wednesday and Saturday mall
nees. tiet your senis III advance.
They are now on mile.
Southern Pacific Sued by Thos. Evans
for Loss of Leg.
The damage suit of Thomas Evans
vs. the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company, In whlrh Evans asks for
$20,001) for tho loss of his leg, which
was filed in the Circuit Court in this
Hides, green, 45c lb.; dry. 12Q13c.c"-v- ha be'n transferred to the Fed
Wool, 15016c lb; mohair. 30c
Cascara Bark, 3Q3Mc per lb.
Children Cry
era! Court upon motion of tho de-
I fondant's attorneys, on the grounds
i that It Is not a local concern, but
'that It Is Incorporated In the state of
i Kentucky.
i The accident over which tho dam
age suit arose occurred nt Oswego,
in September, 190P, when Evans was
run over by a passenger train, his leg
being severed above tho knee as a
result. Evans Is well known In
Clackamas county, and hns been n
resident of Heaver Creek for the putt
IS years Gordon E. Hayes and
Charles D. Ijitourette appear as at
torneys for Evans.
W v.VJI- Vrj-i
Kim PA
p . -Mi , ! V
r. . v- ....
. . t ' I
Seen, From "The Dollar Mark," at Baker Theatre, Wtek December 25th.
The dancing party given by Milton I
Price at the Armory on Saturday I
night was a dwlded success. Many
attended from Portland, Milwaukie.
Canby and this city. Tno music was
furnished by the Farmer orchestra
of six pieces.
Bill of Sale Produced to Prove Con
tentions of Winners.
Christmas at Baptist Church.
with the family of the one so unfortu
nate as to be in the tolls.
As we have said before it is not
eo much the law, its character or its
scope, as the acceptance in good faith
of its tenets and the putting Into ef
fect its provisions in such a way as
to get results. But with people at I unif-r l,le direction of Mrs, U M.
.... .... i vi Olmstead. recently of Boston, who is
all times hunting for a loop 0, lhe ,eaJer o( lbe ch(lir, The pas
through which to ciawl it is a hard tor wjj preach sermons appropriate
matter to get onto the statute books to the day. On Monday evening the
At the Baptist church next Sunday
the congregation will be favored with
a number of fine musical selections
laws that will do the work for which
they were intended.
Last of all comes a proposition to I
permit counties to issue bonds for
road purposes. This is another mea-
sure around which gather good and
bad features. If the money will be
spent wisely there is no doubt but
what it would prove a good thing in
Sunday school will give a Christmas
program at the close of which a so
cial time will be enjoyed.
Antiseptic Remedies
destroy disease germs, Dr. Bell's Anti
Pain is an antiseptic remedy for ex
ternal and Internal pains, relief Is al
most itistantenous. Sold by all dealers.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ji;hn Hosey In
In the Circuit Court here Thursday
afternoon the Jury In the suit of Henry
Ktdderbiisch vs. Proctor & Beers fur
$1200 damages relurned a verdict for
Greenpoinl Thursday night
hen I ,np defendants, who were represented
We issue draffs payable in other
countries. Whenever vou have oc
casion to send money to foreign
lands it will pay you to send it
through this bank.
The Bank of Oregon City
Miss Mary Hosey became the wife of V, Thomas V. Ryan, while IVKen &
Charles Schram. Onlv the members j ifwi appeareii ror iiiuuornusm.
of the bride s familv'were present. I " wns contended by the plaintiff that
The ceremonv was perform d by Hev. Pr'K-tor & Beers, who are sawmill
S. A. Havwo'rth. pastor of the Kirst ownor. rut timber from his land, and
Baptist church. Miss Anna Hosev i " wns nlendi'd by the defense that
was bridesmaid, and Frederick E. ! ,he ",n,,'r :"i been sold by Uldder
Haves of Portland acted as best man. ! h"rh lo "" defendants, who pro
The couple have taken up their resl-', a t'11' l f""- $l"n- Justice
denre in one of the Sullivan cottages;0' ' l' T. fi. Jonsrud of Kelso,
on Main street, between Tenth and , testified to acknowledging the slgnn
Eleventh. Both parties have resided I '"res to the hill of Bale. The rase
In Oregon Ciiv for many years, and i w'" ,rie,J '"" J"1"? f U H
are well and 'favorably known here. I follows: Dan Watts, A. J. Harken
Mr. Schram Is one of the proprietors ; ria,'r- Kr('d flerber.. Fred Gross, S .
of the Grand Theater. r;- Klelnsmlth. Alison Baker, B. E.
l.lndd, Henry Thlessen, T. J. Itralie, S.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Myers celebrated j K- Mreen, (i. M. B. Jones.
their 20th wedding anniversary at
their home on Twelfth and Jackson j GETS STIFF SENTENCE,
strpets Sondav afternoon. Several of .
the sisters of Mr. Mvers. accomuanied I James Shell Coffrran Pleads Guiltv to
l,v th.lr fnmilli.s nnil thn mother of Charge of Gambling,
Mrs Myers Mrs. A. Hart, were pros- James Shell Coffman, Indlr'el by
em.' A handsome Havlland china din- Knd Jury on a charge ol gam-
ner set was presented to the hostess bllng a' Estacada.-changed his plea
and host. A sumptuous dinner was . "f '-"'i"y Wednesday iif'ernooii.
served and the table was prettily 1 "f; w l Indicted on three counts, and
decorated for Ibis occasion. Present , "' the first Judge Campbell Imposed
u-..ro tr K s Cook and daughter a fine of f Km or r.O days In the county
Dnih i.t Portland- Mrs John I j-ichl-; Jail. On the oilier counts a fine of
wels and daughter Margaret, of '.is Imposed on each, with the
C'larkes: Mr. and Mrs. Robert lleatie alternative of 2.V) days In J'HI. but
ami children fharles. ItolieM. John. J'Ub'e Cailipbi-ll paroled f'offttll.n on
Air,! -,n,i i .ours. ir iin.i i I. I' (he latter counts, during good hehii-
Willlams, Mrs, A.' Hart, Robert' I.lnti, v.'"r. Coffman has not yet paid his
Martha, Fairfax, John and Annie My- n" ,iml H !" J-
Wilt Have Their Trial January 6.
' A nrit f tr u'(.tKllni U'HU fl in n -Ht Ernest and Frank Pltten, living
i Wednesday afternoon at the home of 'I"ks the Willamette and three mile
Mr and Mrs. Clav Creen, of the West ! "t f ty, were juralgiied be-
I fide, when their daughter, Miss Anna,'""; Justice W. W. H. Simeon at I')
iA firet-n, became the wife of J. J. o'clock Wednesday morning on Him
Talbot, of Portland. The ceremony charge of using oIkic-io and profauo
was performed by Rev. J. It. Lands- lan:ru:ice on the public highway, and
borough, In thn presence of the rela- I" the presence of (. S. Freeman and
' fives and a few friends. The bride family, among those present being
i wore a handsome Princess gown of several ladles. The dale of tho ul
; gray silk, and carried an arm boquet leged offense was rx-cembor fl, and
of white chrvsantheniums. The young the place on the public highway some
j couple were the recipients of many three miles west of this city. Others
I handsome gifts. ! living In thn neighborhood were also
! A sumier was served, after which , P- eHenl when I he offense alleged was
the bride and groom left for Portland, ; committed. Justce Samson, on tho
their future home. : young men pleading not, guilty, set
The decorations were very artistic January fi as the date for trial, and
and attractive. Evergreens and white released them on llielr own recognl-.
chrysanthemums were used In great j zance.
profusion. The tables were corre-
6 r
This is the
for making
Bake Day
Absolutely rure
The only Baking
Powder made
i Royal Giape
Iff frora Royal Gape l
rth Cream of Tartar tin
made from gtapes TfJ
IcJI No Alum 1(11
No Lime rhosphato
Tuneful Musical Comedy' Christmas
Attraction at the Helllg.
f)ur local amusement inauaxers an
ipilte busy nt present arrauulng ihidr
"menu" f'ir the present season, tlf
course of all the first class attractions
scheduled to appear at the Helllg for j trodured; many catchy,
spondingly decorated.
Burial From Home of Daughter.
Erlckion Fined $400.
August Krlekson, proprietor of
Clackamas Tavern, near Parkplace,
was before Judge Campbell In Circuit
The funeral of the late Mrs Mary fWt A,om)' on h0 charge of .
A. Sharp, who died last Thursday at , , h t c , pI,.a
the home of her daughter on the Mo
lalla Road, took place at 10 o'clock
Saturday morning from her late resi
dence. Rev. S. A. Hay worth, pastor
of the First Baptist church, officia
ting. Mrs. Sharp was a native of Mis
souri, and wag bf-rn In 1841. She is
was guilty and tho Judge fined, him
$100. He paid the fine.
Highest Grade Men's Wear.
Thn uh.ir, .f 1 1, tt l , nl urn a UinflnWM.
survived by one daughter, Mrs. Lo-; Tnrfifi ,orty.fr Washington street.,
reiia M. Saunders. t Between Seventh and Park, Portland.
C, Weltibnrg. who, by Ihe wav, will
he seen III his original purl of Peter
Htuyvesalit, the Burgomaster of New
Amsterdam, will be the strong attrac
tion at the Helllg next Friday to Moll
day. The hook has been slightly at
tered, to better It, Ihe dialogue bright
ened up, and diinclng numbers all
gone over and several ih-w ones In-
lining, wills-
the winter none will be welcomed tlcahlo songs Inlet imliiled, while all
IllOri! f'IH'l IMISI) lllilM 1 III ItUI Kl- J I IMI IMIKHOII II I ' S IHIVO lll'l'll lMIIIM
master" with that sterling actor, tins. : The cosliiiuliig, rem rntigliig ami a
C. Weltibnrg ns Peter Hiuvvesiinl, the general comiilete ri nov'ftt Ion will be
old governor of New Amsterdam. I'lx-i noted. Mr Welulmrg will be support
ley ami l.nder have written niioiy ed by a company of ftfiy people In
musical successes, namely: "Prime eluding Ihe original Kangaroo tilrls,
of I'llsen," "King Dodo," Woodland"
and "Crand Mogul" but It was In the!
greatest of all these, "The Burgoinas-j The greatest earn posnlbli. has been
ler," that they scored their first great I exercsed n funning this season's pre
and everlasting triumph. The present acntlng coinpnny for the I'lxley and
seasons offering Is the new edition
of this musical masterpiece, and Man
ager Cullen has given II a auinpliioiia
"The Burgomaster" Xmas Attraction
at Helllg Theatre.
The merry musical comedy hucccs,
"The Burgomaster," will be the at
traction at Ihe Helllg theatre, 7lh mid
Tavlor streets, Portland, for 4 tilghtii,
beginning Friday, December 23. Bar
gain price matinee Saturday. Spec
ial price Xmas matinees Sunday and
"The Burgomaster," a musical com
edy In a new dress, thanks to tins.
7th Taylor Streets
Phones Main 1 and A-1122
Special Xmns Attraction
4 Nights Beginning Friday Dee. 23.
Bargain Matinee Saturday, 13, 3.r)( 50c
Bring tho Children.
Popular Price Xmns Matinees Sunday
and Monday, 25, 35, 5'l, 75c, $1.
The Favorite Musical Pluy
With Hie Original Burgomaster
Gus Welnburg
Excellent Cast Complete Production
Catchy Music Fun Pretty Girls
Evening Prices: $1.50, $1, 75, 50, 35,
25 cents. Seat Sale Opens Wednes
day, Den. 21.
l.uder'H musical comedy success, "The
lliirgoinaster." Manager Win. P. Cub
len has engaged most of the original
company Including (ins. ('. Welnhutg
for ills original part of Peter Sluvve-
saut, the old one lewd governor of
New Amsterdam. Mr. Welnburg will
he supiioitcd by U company of 50 peo
ple. The dale for Mils engagement Is
December 23 for four nights, with
niallnees Sunday and Monday at the
Helllg thculri
(Continued from Page One.)
present that certain thlmts not Just
satisfactory lo them could not be
rhntged up In the contractor. A f"W
minor details that would have Im
proved conilllloini had not been put
In the contract and so coutriict"r could
not be blamed.
Two ordinances pruvldlng for the
establishment of gradn on Sixth and
Monroe streets ern read second time
and passed.
Great Swedish Dialect Play at the
Bungalow all Next Week,
"f)!e Olson," honest, good natitreil.
whole hem-tod and simple, Inn true
and chivalrous as a llayatd, has long
telalued a firm grasp on the affec
tions of thealergoeiH and has sur
vived enough years of coiillnuons pre
sentation to warrant the placing of
Ibis delightful character creation In
the same category which holds "lllp
Van Winkle," "Uncle Joshua Wblt
comb," and others of that popular
class. The play Is a happy blending
or humor mid pathos, ami a truthful
delineation of I ho development of the
untutored Swedish Immigrant boy In
to an honest and respected American
During thn action of tho play "Old"
will slug "Fair Und of Sweden,"
"Strawberries," 'mid "Northland Lul
laby." It will be played hero at Ihe Bunga
low nil ('IiiIhIiiims week by nil excel
lent company and a thoroughly enjoy
able performance Is assured. Flrsl
performance Sunday miillnee. Spec
ial mutltien Monday, Thursday and
Try It, Try It
Try Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve for all
skin troubles. It Is as pleasant ns
sweet cream and guaranteed to give
satisfaction In worst cases. 25c a
box. Jones Drug Co.
Highest Grade Men's Wear.
The shop of the handsome windows.
Thron forty-tour Washington Hlreot.,
Between -Hevonlli and Park, Portland.
"Rlcl.t Cold Time" Promised For the
Evening of January 23.
An niK'uii'tiilon of Scottish folk and
Hint lilt hns been affected with thn
Intention of coming together at times
In social gatherings and mutual en
joyment. The flrsl "rlchl guld time"
will be a social on Ihe "lllcht" of Bole
hie Burns' anniversary, January 25,
when "hiillh lads ami lassies will
meet an' hue a coy time." Those
Interested or wishing to lake part will
hand or forward lln-lr names to Major
C. S. Noble, the chairman, N. H. Cn
dell, the secretary, or O .W, McUirty,
chairman of the committee on ar
ruiiKcmculs. The musical program Is
III rharg" of tho Pattersons and Kennedys,
Will Give Cantata.
The I'lirkplacu Sunday school nnd
church will give a Chrlslmns cnnlala
entitled, "How We Waited For Simla
Clans," In Ihe assembly room of tho
Parkplace school building on Friday
nlghl, December ?3. There will bo
no admission c hit i .
Baraar at West Oregon City School.
The public school In West Oregon
City gave n hn.aar on Saturday night
In Ihe assembly room of Ihe school
bonne. Miss SchmldH's class In sew
ing nnd rnffla work had for tuilo ninny
articles produced hy themselves, nflo
several weeks of careful effort. Tho
pupils sold home made eoiifnclloncry.
The receipts amounted to nearly $10,
WANTED Old Uubbers, Copper and
Brass, for which I pay highest price,
J. II. Mattley, Seventh Street.
THE DEMAND for experienced auto
men Is gteaiiir every day. Wo will
leach you In our own shop, In two
weeks, lo drive and euro for till
makes of cars. Practical, thorough
and complete Instruction day or
evening. Angolas Auto Academy,
office, 11201 Washington St., room
415, Portland, Oregon.
MISS ADA BEDWILL, agent for Iju
dies' Homo Journal, Hnliirdiiy Ev
ening Post, Oregon City Enterprise,
all periodicals. Special rate on
Woman's Homo Companion and
McCluro's, $2for tho two. tf
rircUTSCHBIt VEItHlN" 6fOI115-
gon City moots second Saturday after
noon in each month at Knnpp's hall
In Winter and In Schnoerr's Park,
Wlllamutto, In Summer. Ous Bchnoerr,
provident; Rudolph Seller, soorotnry.