Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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ting (lie Siauaos aallkmit i
ncss am! lfcst.Contaiii$ ik'Os
Ophim.Miirphinc nor.aaal,
Not Narcotic.
ApertVc I Rcmcdv forCcusfc
IV Sunk Si$nnirt of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
ito&sn. Jrnr.
Merrv Xmas to the Enterprise fami
ly. Weather clear; many are plowing.
The Molalla school closed today for
" a two weeks' vacation. Our teachers.
Prof. Owens. Mrs. Joy and Miss Lay,
will attend the institute at Portland.
When Molalla heard that Geo. C.
Brownell was elected mayor of Ore
gon City she threw up her political
bonnet skyward frem the corner
stone where the old Confederate cross
roads are supposed to have crossed.
Levy Robbins is having built on
his farm, one of the nicest houses In
the neighborhood.
A few weeks ago there was a notice
in one of our county papers that Mr.
Meldruru, of Meldrum Station, had
installed the first residence electric
lighting piant in the county. Two
years ago J. W. Thomas installed at
Oak Point farm, an electric lighting
plant of 35 lights, run by a gasoline
engine or by water power. The ar
rangement of the plant accommodates
the residence, poultry houses, barn,
shops and garage collectively or In
dependently. By gasoline power the
cost per month runs about $5 to $8,
by water iower the cost is only 10 to
25 cents per month.
Born, to the household of Mr. and
Mrs. Marsh. Dec. 17. a daughter.
Dec. 19 Mrs. Gilbert Engle present
ed her husband with a girl baby for
a Xmas present.
Russell and Hendershott have re
turned from their trapping expedition,
reporting a good catch.
Chas. Thomas and Mrs. Lett re
turned from Seattle last Saturday ac
companied by Mrs. Bell, who will
spend the holidays at Oak Point farm.
Mrs. Clara Dart, Virgil, Myrtle, El
sie and Alma will spend Xmas with
relatives at Stone.
Granulated Eye Lids
are easily cured Caustic is not nec
essary. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
is Painless and harmless and guaran
tor! In pure Has never failed on a
case, costs 25c. Sold by Jones Drugj'a'e speeding the plow.
The entertainment given by the
Colton school Saturday evening was
well attended and everybody reports
a good time. I
Mr and Mrs. Carl Stromereen and Many persons find themselves af
daugliters took a trip to Oregon City . fected with a persistent cough after
last Week . an attack of Influenza. As this cough
J Putr was helpiner E. Lindstrom can be promptly cured by the use of
butcher hogs and beef last Friday. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It
Mr and Mrs. Will James, of Colton. ; should not be allowed to run on until
were visiting with the latter's sister it becomes troublesome. Sold by all
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marse, at dealers.
Dodge, Sunday. !
W. Gorbett ha3 been 'busy putting; MULINO.
in a new skid road the past week. j
J. A. Stromereen is on the sick list.1 Frost v nights and bright sunshiny
Henry Srhrleve, of Clarks, was a
visitor at J. Putz's Sunday.
Alfred Bergbind was busy haul
ing telephone posts Thursday.
John Pcott, of El wood, was a busi
ness visitor in our burg last week.
Pearl Stromgreen, who had been
absent from school on account of 111-
ness. started again last week.
Joe Carlson left for Oregon City
Qui'e a number of Springwater's
young folks attended the entertain-
ment at Colton Saturday night.
Welcome Words to Women
Women who tuffer with disorders peculiar to their
ex should write to Dr. Pierce snd receive free the
dvjee of t physician of over 40 years' experience
skilled end successful specialist id the diseases
of women. Eiery letter of this tort has the most
careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly
confidential. Many sensitively modest women wrile
fully to Dr. Pierce what they would shrink from
telling to their local physician. The local physician
is pretty sure to say that he cannot do anything
without "an examination." Dr. Pierce holds that
these distasteful examinations are Generally need.
lest, and that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to them.
Dr. Pierce's treatment will cure you right in the privacy of
your own home. Hit " Favorite Prescription" baa cured
hundreds of thousands, aome of them the worst of cases.
It t the only medicine of its kind that is the product of s regularly graduated
physician. The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every
ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no fecrecy. It will hear examina
tion No alcohol end no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup
ulous medicine dealers may oiler you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle
with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.
V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y., take the advice received and be well.
urn i mim
For Infants and Children.
Ths Kind You Slavs
Always Bcughi
Bears tho
t or Ovor
Thirty Years
E. Lindstrom was hauling wheat
from Clarks Thursday.
Mr. Swanson, the supervisor of
road district 21, with a number of
men was busy laying planks on Main
street last week.
J. Putz and family attended church
at Clarkes Sunday.
M. and Mrs. I. 0. Dix were visiting
with Grandma Dix, the former's moth
er .Sunday.
J. J. Jones has returned from Port
land and reports that Joe Wallace is
improving nicely.
Olie Hanson, of Sbuble, is a visitor
in Colton this week.
Mr. Erickson and family, of Port
land, have moved to their home on
the old Lundell place at Colton.
Lew Hubbard left Tuesday for Ore
gon City to get a load of Christmas
supplies for our merchant, Mr. Dan
ieison. T". S. Dix was helping his brother,
I. 0. Dix, butcher Tuesday.
The Luther League Debating So
ciety was well attended Sunday.
Frank Robinson, who had been
away visiting at Washington has
returned accompanied by his daugh
ter. Something Just as Good
Can only be the case when It is
another bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
Every-bottle the same. Look
for the bell on the bottle. Sold by
Jones Drug Co.
Christmas is near at hand and there
will be a Christmas tree at the church
on the evening of the 20th.
The pie social at the lower Logan
school house on the ICth. was suc
cessful in every way. Carl Fallen
was auctinner and $ 40 was secured
for the organ fund. One pie brought
$2.93 and others were not far behind.
There will be a W. O. W. dance
at the hall on the 24th.
Mrs. M. H. Rubhoff is on the sick
list again, we are sorry to say.
Farmers have been very busy of
A. O. Wold, our egg dealer, reports
that his wife has returned from an
extended visit In Iowa. Ye reporter
has a fellow fe'-ling for Mr. V'-vid as
he has just had a similar recovery.
Effie Kirehim has returned from
an extended stay in Oregon City.
rtavs is the order now and the sun-
shine l appreciated after the foggy
weather we have been having for the
past week.
This neighborhood was shocked
Inst Saturday to hear of the sudden
illness of Mrs. Maple. The ambu-
lance came out from Portland Sunday
morning and took her to the Good
Samaritan hospital where she tinder-
went a surgical operation and Is re-
ported to be getting along nicely,
Her many friends hope for a speedy
Mr. ami Mm. Ashby went til Salem
Saturday on visit, returning Men-
' .. .
Fred Wallace wont to Saint Helens
lno Snodgrass wont to Portland
Tuesday to attend the teachers' In
stitute. The Mullno school closed yesterday
for a two vacation, after which
Mr. Eaton will continue to wlold the
Mrch for another term.
Bert Wallace Is ahlo to he al work
again hut Mrs. Wallace Is si HI bod
fast ami Improving very slowly.
Hill Rohlnndor ami wire have taken
up their resilience on the farm of H.
II. Snodgrass at Meadow-brook.
Mr. Crook bought a cow of Mr.
Cooper this week.
A telephone ineotiitK was "p'1'
the Graugo hall Saturday evening to
elect a director, resulting In the elec
tion of J. A. Davis to fill that (Hwltlon.
Is considered hard to cure. Try Or.
Hell' Antiseptic Salve and you will
change your mind. You will see an
Improvement from the first applica
tion. Sold by Jones Drug Co.
Clarence Lh got a load of oats
from Alex Schorrwblo for Mr. Cum
mins. Alex Sehorrtible has moved to his
brother. David's for the winter.
Messrs. Stromgreon. Nurslanduiul
ami Axcene are putting up their tele
phone posts.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas, a
Mrs. Soherruble has gone back
heme to Portland.
Ther had a special 'ax mooting on
Saturday in Highland. It was voted
down: no special tax for next year.
Jack Wallace, from Highland, bought
Alex Sohorruhle's bees last week.
Mr. Wettlaufer made a trip to Port
land last week en business.
The greatest danger frcm Influon
ra is of Its resulting In pneumonia.
This can be obviated by using Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, as it not on
ly cures tnfluonr.a. but counteracts
any tendency of the disease towards
pneumonia. Sold by all dealers.
J. Lewellen Is building now side
!wa!k for J. H. Falrclom;h near the
: store of Everhart & Hall.
I J. Hofsted returned from Canada
.last week, accompanied by his broth
er, who will spend the holidays here.
Mrs. Frank Itullard was shopping In
Portland Saturday.
Mr. L. H. Newman has bought two
lots from Miss Mollle Holmes and ex
pects to build soon.
Rev. J. H. Quinn held services at
the Mountain View church Sunday
Mrs. Oninn was sick and not able
to be at Sunday school or church ser
vices. J. W. (ierber. of Portland, was in
this berg last week.
Mrs. Hahn has bought the cottage
on the corner of Molalla avenue and
Roosevel tstreet, and will reut the
Justin property whore she has been
There has been a chicken thief In
this vicinity recently. Fred Bullards
son lost a number of chickens.
' Mrs. H. U. Nickels is on the sick
list this week with rheumatism.
Mr. .1. Grubbs, of Arleta. Is the
guest of George Roberts and family
this week.
Mrs. Crawford spent a few days
this week at Maple 1-ntie with her
daughter. Mrs. F. G. Parker, who had
a sick baby.
Rev. Ward and wife, who are living
with Mrs. Isaac Prindle. have a very
sick child. It has tonsllitls.
Hall & Everhart have put la a stork
of beef again this week.
The Mountain View Improvement
Club held its regular meeting last
Saturday evening with J. Lewellen.
president, at his psst, who gave n
splendid inaugural address. A pro-
arum of unusual merit was prepared
by the lecturer and was splcmlliliy i
rendered. Speeches for the goon 01 i
the order were made by Messrs.
Francis, Hall, Roberts, Corbet. Van -
hoy and Rev. Quinn; also Mr. Grubbs
of Arleta. j
Mrs. S. Edwards, of Falls View, i
spent Wednesday r,f this week with ,
her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Newman.
of this place.
Miss Mabel Francis, the Mount
Pleasant Primary teacher Is in Port
land this week attending the teach
ers' institute.
The Primitive Baptists will hold
services in the Mountain View church
Saturday afternoon and Sunday morti
ins, December 24th ami 2'ith.
T!;e Mountain View Sunday school
will have their Xmas exercises Sun
day afternoon at ,::!o P. M. at Hie
close of Sunday school.
Make Up Your Own Mind
When in need of a cough medicine
If you buy Dr. Bell's Piiie-Tar-Honey t
we guarantee you get the best. Sold
by Jones Drug Co
The farmers around Falls View
have been taking advantage of the
fine weather the past week.
Everard Saaar, of North Yakima,
Wash., is visiting with his brother,
Louis Sugar. .
Coxey Thomas Is sawing wood for
Mr. Wallace.
Mr. Briggs. of Woodlawn, Wash.,
is visiting with Harry Kirhyson.
Mr. and Mrs. Iouls Sagar and
daughter Mabel, Mattle I). Dayman.
George Sagar, Everard Sagar and
John Gillett, of Oregon Citv. spent
one evening last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Uiuls Wallace and family.
Ed Hor muis. the road supervisor, Is
doing some fine work on the roads
Mrs. Anna Dalbo and Emma Gross
mueller called on Mrs. L. Moser one
day last week.
Everard Sagar and Louis Bagar
were visiting with Louie Rath and
"family, Joe I'arrlsh and Tom J'arrlHh
of Highland, Monday.
Jay Dix spent last, week In Ore
gon City.
Ikey Cook has purchased himself
a valuable horse.
Frank Miller and Louis Sagar have
Installed new phones.
Wm. Miller has moved from Falls
View to his new farm In Cams.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Wallace and
daughter, of Meadow-brook, were vis
iting relatives here the past Week.
Rae Klrhyson has returned borne
from a visit with friends In Oregon
Harry Klrbyson, Mr. Briggs, George
Sagar and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cum
mons and family, of Beaver Creek,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis
The Falls View debating society
met last Saturday night at their
usual hour in the Falls View school-
house. An especially large crowd was
In attendance, many visitors from ad
joining districts being present. A
program wm given which consisted
of vocal and Instrumental nmalc. Tho
question debated upon was "Kesolved
That the crimes of the white men
against the Indian have been worse
than those of tho Indian against the
Whites." Those who affirmed the
question were Covrgo Klrbysen, Louie
Sugar, Kd Schmidt. Harry Klrhyson
and Otto Uvtnati. Th se who denied
the question were Ceorgw Schmidt,
Klllan Schmidt, ti. K. Miller and Mrs.
O. K. Miller. The Judges were Rob
ert Mochnko, Peter Huber and It. I'M
wards and Rave (heir decision in fa
vor of the negative. The society will
meet again Satunlay night. December
SI. when they will debate upon the
question, "Kesolved, That the fear of
punishment has a greater Influence
upon human conduct than the hope of
reward." Those on the affirmative
are 1M Schmidt. G. It. Miller, George
Schmidt, Jay Dlv. Harry Klrbyson
and Mr. McMurren. Those on the
negative nro Mrs. G. U. Miller, Klllan
Schmidt, tieorge Klrbyson, Units Sa
gar. .Mattle I). Ilaymati and John
Card. Besides the debate there will
also be a literary program given. The
society will give a Xtuas program on
Sunday night, lVccmber 25.
Not Good
for everything. Sutherland's Eagle
Eye Salve Is good for nothing but the
eyes. If you use It and are not aalls
fled come" back and get your 25c. You
be the Judge. Sold by Jones Drug
Master Willis Slaudlnger and his
sister Kdna made a business trip to
their mountain much Monday.
A. V. Davis Is head engineer at the
planing mills this week.
Mr. Ilolmnn was seen by some of
his neighbors hauling off a load of
turkeys the first of the week. Wo
suppose he raised them.
The Chritinas entertainment at the
school was a success til every rosHot.
The Too was beautifully decorated
and held tunny beautiful presents.
Charley Shaw Is erecting quite a
substantial residence near the sus
pension bridge en Mullno avenue. .
O. T. Kay arrived home Sunday
evening from Washington, where he
had boon visiting his son's famUy.
Miss Reta and Willie Slaudlnger
are sieudlug Christmas visiting with
Master George ami Mary Kay.
Milton Trulllncor has a now process
of removing slumps. The farmer
with stumps in Ids field may soon be
come the laughing slock for his
Highest Gracfe Men's Wear.
The shop of the handsome windows.
Three forty-four Washington street..
Between Seventh and Park, Portland.
Sidney Smith, of Mullno, spew Sat
urday evening ami Sunday with .Mr.
unit Mrs. Will Wallace.
Quite a number attended the de
bate Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wallace nnd
daughter spent S.iturdny and Sunday
at 'he Wullace home.
The sick folks are all about again.
Charley GrosHxIller was a caller In
tbla burg Sundiy.
School Is out until after the holi
days. Everyone Is getting ready for
Christmas, esiieclnlly the little folks.
C. Thomas Is at Wallace's with his
woods;iw but Is having iul'e a lot of
trouble with It breaking down.
Mr. Cook Is talking of moving on
the old Tmlllnger place.
There Is going to bo a Christ mns
tne at the Falls View school house
Sunday evening.
We have enjoyed excellent winter
weather for t ho past week, but very
ijtt rajtl having fallen to hinder the
dlu-ging of potatoes,
e w.r sorry to hear that Mrs.
Anna Mary Hams passed away at 7
o'clock Tuesday evening. She has
been ailing for a number of years,
an() ),ad frequent sick spells, but on
December 1 sho w-as taken seriously
, which developed Into peritonitis.
She leaves to mourn her loss n sor
rowing son,-and daughter, and nu
merous relatives and neighbors. She
has been a willing worker In the
Grange for years.
Mr. Nussbaum ran a mil! In his fin
ger and has had quite a had hand
for the past week or ten days, but Is
improving now.
The teachers, with the help of the
scholars, got up a very pleasing pro
gram for Tuesday afternoon. While
the exercises were good the drill
where a class of young girls looked
to be standing on their heads, while
they sang a little roundllay, with
shoes on their hands waving In the
ir. and the mock marriage ceremony
by Gideon Anderson, seemed to bring
down the house.
There Is no school till after the
holidays, as the teachers are to at
tend the Institute at Portland.
The meetings at tho church have
been well attended and the program
for the Christmas tree, which will be
heard on Saturday evening, is well
In hand.
The shooting matches have been
well attended with uniform satisfac
tory results. In some cases a flock
of turkeys, chickens or geese have
been started with the live ones ob
tained. Mrs. Elligscn sold two geese the
next day after one of the matches to
start a feather bed next summer for
the buyer.
Little Sarah Nursbaum has s'ck
spells ipilte often, but did not like
to stay home from school or the en
tertainment n rid was quite sick Ihat
night and next day.
dftntfstry on tli Purine fwt Uiwall burst.
We )iT0 iMiilt uponr rpautou on it. Von ran
deprifi on ffuaUiy aurf run nut gri bttnr pninlu
Work MivlMira, no niaXUr bow mxiuh yuu pay.
.;. flirl.la,
.J. . ! Jof-U,
W. B,h plat ,mi
in work ror out-
Son ,ur if ,lMir4.
,l'inkM oil ration
i". ,nm piau or
lirldgs work l ordor
ConiultlhM lrt.
ilirCrowns $5.00
Gold Filllnn 1.00
Ensoul Fillmrs 1.00
siiwrniiiifs .50
Uni dubUr
Plitn 5.00
But Had Rubber -
ci.,.. 7 nfl
M. W. a. will, , m Miuiu
Mnllll EttrMlKl .50
tim ntuum ntnjm
ear MOTHooa
All work fullr cusrantMd for riftooa roars.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
Fittlnt Billdlni. Thud ana Wtshlnrtsa PORTLAND, ORE.
omc. m.ui: I A. M. t s t. Ml. St4r. lui
V- ,r?4,""
lluAimHU,! HluW II. a r.Mul
ml ptuui w Jm. fciib,
), K.rUI S, IvB, U
li. 1, IIU. VIM. "
mnu fKitmtitiiLoaofOM
ni it I'tp oia c
t 1
Austin C. Mllllron to I. T. Hart, li'.o
acres of section 10, II. township ti
south, range 3 east ; l.
Ida M. Mundheiiko tn F. A. Huber
Inch, fij.l'ti acres of township 1 south,
tango : east; $1.
O. P. and Frances Kellogg In W. M.
Stewart, lots 9 and H of block 31,
Central Addition to Oregon City; II.
Rons and I). W. Klnnalrd to llertlin
Iuut. lota 5, 6. 7. 8, block 20. Canemiili
Bertha IiOtig to Hons Klnnalrd, lots
S. ('.. 7. X, block SO, Caiiemah; fl.
IX W. and Bona Klnnulid to Bertha
Umn. lots S, 0, 7. 8. block 30, Cane
nmh; $1,
Horry Ilurkner 'to lwls William
Buckner, land In section 2, township
4 south, rnngo ! east; fl.
B. Buckner to Alvln Buckner, land
In section , township 4 south, range
2 east; l.
William J. nnd Jemima. A. Klrkliuid
to Mrs. Ollvo Kessl, lot t.3 und north
half of lot 7:1, 74, Jennings Uslge; $IU.
Ellen M. Itockwood to Kdlth. M. Alt
now, lots 10, 17, I'tick 6, Ardeuwiild,
It 100.
Z. M. Zook to E. V. CarptMtter, lot
"A." tract r.S, Willamette Tracts; il.
K. J. Stevens t Max Klmrtseh, land
III section 21. township 3 south, rnngo
4 east; I.
Estacada State Bank to ElUnbetli
T. Jones, lot 4 of block .12. First Ad
(1 1 1 loii to Estacada; l-'T.O
Flo Henderson to J. V. Hoed, lots
, 7. block 9. Columbia Addition to
Cliffs; HM.
Isnnc Mlley tn James C. and Mnry
C. Brewer, 8 5.1 acres of section 30,
township 4 south, rnngo 1 east;
Gustavo nnd Augusto Honke to Fer
dinand J. and Bertha Kruxhurger, 1
acre of section 23. township 4 south,
raugu 1 ca-t; $:i:ii)0.
W. V. und Ida A. Ashburn to E. II.
Wood, tract 7 of Gordon Glen Home
Tracts; 11D0.
Ethel K. Mam to J. K. Mlnkler. land
In section 15, township 2 south, range
3 east; also tract of land In section
15, township 2 south, range 3 rust;
Kmlly C. Emery to (!. F. Gates, all
of north-half of northeast quarter of
section 34. township 4 south, range 1
east; t',0nO.
David Crlchlon to Nerl I. Ackles,
5 acres of James Wlnstin ami wife
I). I. ('.. township 2 south, rnngo 7
cast; IS75.
O. S. Murphy to Floyd Murphy, lots
25, I'd, 27. 2S. 2'.!. 3D, 31, block 40,
Mlntborn Addition to Portland; P.
P. I), and Laura Newell to G. 1).
Iloanliiian, lot 29, Jennings Lodge;
R. W. McKeon to John Gulllcksvin,
part of Philander 1-eo I). U C. No
5ii, section 31. township 3 south, range
1 east. Including in acres; $:iuim.
Richard und Nellie Nuuhauer tu the
Boss Company, east-half of lot II,
Pinehurst; 110.
I.etta B. Irwin to I, E. F.woll, lots
5 and fi of block 118. .Ml 11 1 horn Addi
tion to Portland; iiu.
Kll.abelh Thomas to Abel Thomas,
,2 acres of sections 23, 2H, township
3 south, range 2 east; Jl"oo.
Elizabeth Thomas and William U
and Pearl E. Thomas, 52.4 acres of
section 2i, township 3 south, rnngo 2
east; $1200.
A. E. Mathews and wife, T. I, Iugh
lin and wife to O H. Murphy, lots 25,
2(S, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, block 4", Mill
thorn Addition to Portland; Kl.
Ferdinand J. Krnxberger nnd Bor
lha J. Kraxberger to Adolf nnd Ofto
Krnxberger, 20 acres of section 14,
township I south, rnngo 1 oast; $2100.
Luby nnd Marguerite llargivo to
W, A. Pullon and Minerva Pullen, B
acres of sections 7, 18, township 3
south, range 1 east; $1000,
Charles nnd Graco Ely to .1. W.
Baty,. land In Clncknmns County; fl,
Fred and Joslo Erickson, to J, W,
Italy, .land in Clackamas County;
1 1 3110.
II. D. Austin to 8ever 0. flrlnile
land, east half of south half of north
east quarter of section 7, township 4
south, range 1 east; f:i825.
William F, and Ruth A. Buht, to
W. E. Belford mid Charles Grnlinm,
84,93 acres of section 4, township (I
south, range 3 east; fl.
W. II. and Laura Hair to E. O. Chaf
fer, fiO acres of section 22, township fi
south, range 3 east, and 40 neres of
section 1ft, township 5 south, range 3
cast; $8000.
.1. W. nnd Mary K. Mnuldlng to F.
II. nnd Henrietta Tvowney, 85 acres of
section 9, township 3 south, rnngo 7
east; $11000.
H. W. and Floroneo Upton to Chns,
l.ucke, south half of oast half of the
northeast quarter of section 4, town
ship 4 south, range 1 east; fl.
E. K. Holmes to Ell Follows, one
half ncro of section 2, township 4
south, rnnge 3 east; $1.
Frank E. and Mary K. Pulton to 13.
A. O'Mealy, 5 acres of section 0, town
ship 2 south, range 1 east; fit).
Gladstono Ileal Estate Association
to Ina M. and II. K. Kellogg, lots fi
f. nd 10, and all of lots 4 und 11 of
block 98, Gladstono; fOOO.
Harvey E. Cross, asslgneo of the
m. mm
And all Diseases of
Price 50c and $1.00
estate of Jacob N. Kiiuffmun, to Snm
uel J. Knuffmnn. one half Interest In
I'll acres of section 31, township 4
south, iiiiiko 1 east; iil.
Alfred Johnson nnd Hlluia JoMihou
to John Naze, II 0 tin oh of section 3U,
township 1 south, range 3 cunt; i',uuil.
Cnthortmt and llllina Jolinaoii lo Al
fred nnd llllma Johnson, (,., S5 seres
of section 3, township l south, rnngo
3 east; II.
William N. und .Stella Ik Price to
Sophia M. ticluMiley nnd W. Kuppeu
bemler, all of lot (3, block II, also
loia 14 and Id Inclusive, of block 11,
Windsor; $10.
Charles F. and Ibisn Horn to Wil
liam N. Price, lots 6 and 0 of block
3S. Oregon City; f HI.
K. M. Howell to B. It. Ixe, lot I of
block "0." lots I and 8 of block "II,"
Caiiemah; 0.
N. W. nod Ullln Bow land to H. B.
Eitbcrt, land In seel Ion 17, township 2
oouth. range 5 east; II.
II. F. and E. It. Hart to William T.
Itivil, St) acre of section 2S, township
1 south, range G east; 1 1.
Dyson nud F.li'n Dyson lo J. W.
McAuully, 5.45 acre of section 28,
township 2 south, range 2 east; $10.
A. II. Itllitotil to J. W. Me Anility,
laud In Cluckamas County; $1.
G. M. nud l-.'thlene Mcllrliln to Ho
mer A. Knise, 3 71 acres of section
7 nnd 18, tounshlp 3 south, rnngo I
east; $i).
Thomas F. nnd ti M. Itvun li
Carl Gon-usou. 40 nrres of section 20,
township 5 south. niliKo 3 east; too.
U F. and Sarah llnlo to Noel Hiir
vor, 5 37 acres of George Currlo I).
U C No. 41; I'M.
Mllo F. and Mary E. I .an Is to Chris
nnd Olio Blchsol, 4 5 8 acres of sec
tion 2, township & south, rangn 1
runt; 4 ID 35.
Sandy Uind Compnny lo J. K, Pom
eroy. bus 3. j, 5, hlock 12. First Addi
tion to Sandy; ll.'o.
George (i. nnd U na Boot to Caro
line A. Vergel. 13 acres of sect loll 29,
township t south, rmiKo ,1 east; flf.oo.
Jesnlu Hurkholmcr 10 Frank E. Put
ton. 20 acres of section 0, township 2
ninth, range I east; $n.
J. W. nnd liulsn A. McAnulty to A.
8. and Martha I). Brown, 5.45 seres of
section 28. township 2 south, range 2
ciiMl ; 1 0011.
Charles K. nnd Grace Eby to Ernest
R. Turner. i!5 acres of County Addi
tion to Oregon City; II4"0.
G. M. Mrllrldo to Ethlciin MeBrhlo,
20 acres of nerl Ions 7 and 18, town
ship 3 south, range 1 east; .r,n0,
George I- and MagKle I. Lludsley
to William GoshIIii, 210 notes of sec
tion 31. township fi south, range 4
east; fl.
K. II, nnd Matilda Klctugcr to Anna
Hlotagor Oak. HM7 neres of Irvln
Tracts, Clackamas County; fl,
Itebocca .1. Ijiiik to Ivy Alnsworlh,
10 acres of sei:llons 24, 25, township
5 south, range 1 west; fllim.
William nnd lmlso Beard tn II. C.
and Euiellne Myros, 13 acres of Hub
ert Cnufleld I). L ('. No. 53, towunhlp
3 Rjuih, range 2 east; IS.'iO.
( harles Ki'ebs to Gust Finger, 11
acres of section 22, township 2 smith,
rnngo 4 east; HIM',,
Charles and Kvn Krehs to Fred J.
Suckow, land In section 2'J, lovviiNhlp j
2 souih, range 4 east; I'.ouo.
Mrs. T. C. Hlce to Dora Meredith,
nil of tract No. GO", Jennings Lodge;
Horn Meredith to Mrs. T. C. Ulco
tract t;R. Jennings Lodge; fl2nn.
Augimt and Oltllle Peter to Martin
Bobbins, Effln llobblns ot at., part of
D. 1,. ('. of Washington Williams and
wife, township 3 soulh, range 2 east;
George M. II. Jones, Arabel Imel
and James Intel lo Charles I). Kirk,
11.89 neres of section ::4, township 2
south, range 2 east; also 4,0(5 acres
of D. I (J. of Ern Fisher D. L. C;
Georgia IV ami John W. Meldrum
to Olios M. Caldwell, 4 10 acre Of 1).
L. ('. of Peter Rlneiii'son mill wife
D. 1 C, township 2 south, range 2
east; 200.
Anna P. Moon lo John Dillon, lots
8, fl, 10, block 11, West Gliidiilniior
also lots 13, II. 15. Hi, 17, block 3,
Pacific County; ffiOO.
Oregon Swedish Colonization Com
pany to Olof Pearson, 100 acres of
section 9, township 5 south, rnngo 3
east; 750.
Frank Patch to E. Grace Sailor, lots
11, 12, block 18, Cnnby; $325. i
A. E. nnd Allen Borthwlck to Clem
entine F. Lewis, land In section 13,
11, township 2 south, rnngo 1 oast;
William nnd Julia E. Holt to Den
nis Worthlnglon, lot. 5 of block 100,
Onlc Grove; $1.
C. II. Wlllotighby to Luis Wlcklund,
land In Oregon Clly;f700,
. Louis Wlcklund to 0. If. Wlllough
hv, lots 2, 3, 4, fi, 0, 7,-8, fl, block 1,
Ely's Addition to Oregon City; f 1 20(1.
Frederick Koshland and Julius anil
Rlokn Kruemer, to ,T. W. Olierendor,
fi neres of section (i, township 2 south,
range 1 east; flO.
Frederick Koshlnnd to Theo. R. W,
Ohlsen, fi nores of section (i, township
2 south, rnngo 1 emit ; f 10.
A. II. und L001111 Beeson to Ella N.
Voco, northeast qtinrter of soul beaut
uqmier of seel Ion 28, township 1
south, rangn 5 east ; $10.
tieorge and K'.'lo Shipley to II. T.
Shipley, lots 8 nnd 9 of block 4, Pleus-
uut Place. Addition; fl.
Alfred nud Sitrnh Johnson lo Frank
II. t'omslork, land In claim No. Kd,
towimhlp 2 soulh, rsngo I east; fl.
Frederick Koulihnul lo Charles I)
A I bee. lo neres of eetlon It, township
3 soulh. rangn I rust; $10.
Nlcholus II I mi null to Oliver J. and
Althn M. Culberlson. land In section
21. 2'.', 27, 28, township 4 south, ruiiKi)
3 enst; $10.
Wnlter Wuldoif to Nicholas lnr
nail, 1.25 neres of section 17, town
ship 4 south, rnngn 3 enst; $1.
Israel and Julius l(ooiifnltl to Mael
Rimeureld. 48 neres of 1 1. 1. C, of
William II Forilyce and wife, town
ship 3 south, range 3 enst; $ll,
Helen J. and Charles F. Fabysn lo
Thomas T. 1'mil.ey, blocks 21, 32.
Cliiokainn Heights; $::2o.
Hubert nnd Matilda Clark to Chnilra
A, Clarke. 0 neres towimlilp 3 south,
range 2 east; II,
F. M .Burnett to Antlioiiv Wlognml,
in ucri-s of ncrtlim 23. lownshlp 4
smith, range 2 east; 1I"0.
Herman II. slid Nora Hmldt lo Pot
er .MielWon, 4 B3 neres of George Urn.
ham l I. C. No. 4.4. towiiohlp 3 soulb.
rmiKo 3 oust ; $750.
II T. Shipley to II 11. nnd Harnh
. MchoU, lots 8 nud 9 of Pleasant
Place; 1 1".
J. T. mid Ada F. Aleniulcr to Pi tnr
lloffimin, lot of block 3. Windsor; It.
E U and Addle A. Wonscuit to Klls
M Strvker. lots 1, 4. 5. , 7 . .
II. 12. 1.1. 14. 15. Id. 17. IS. block 3;
lots 1. 2, 6, C. 7, 8, 9. block 4. Kamonda
llelehla- t'.",oo.
John and Mary J, Baker to Julius
nnd Anna Robertson, tl seres of sec
tion 15. I, township 3 sontli, rnngo
2 inl; i.OO.
11, (!. and Hatlle fl. Kno, oue-hnlf
aero In I lor Ins. I-''".
Addlo I'. nnd Cnsslus T, BnrloW to
William Evnns, block 4 nnd part of
block 3. First Addition to llsrlow; II.
J.mnlo Cbaiten t oMary II. Miller,
south-half of section 2, township 3
south, rnngo 1 enst, Clncknmns Coun
ty; I'lOO.
Ole A. nnd Knnnn Holland to Peter
O. Holland. CO seres of section . town
ship 4 south, rnngn 1 rant; $2400,
Charles II. Cot lo E. I. Bossier,
33 84 sores of section 25. IK, township
2 south, range 3 cast ; $1.
Christian nud llortha lllttner to 8
C. Fletcher, southeast quarter of
southwest quarter of section 32. town
ship 4 soulh, tango 4 east; $1.
FriioKi H nud l.ydln Webb lo Ru
dolph. Heytlng, land III section 34,
lownshlp 1 south, rnngo 3 enst; $1.
Ilornintl nnd liulsn Oelschlaeger lo
Emll OelsohlBcgcr, 0 neres of Wesley
Welch D. I. C township 2 south,
riuiKe 2 enst; nlso 10 nrres of U l
C. of Presley Welch D. U C. and 3
acres of section II, township 3 south,
range 2 east; $1.
Emll Oelsohlacgor to Herman nnd
Ionian Oclschlscger, )u ucres of Pres
ley Welch li. I C. township 2 south,
ruiigo 2 enst ; $1.
(Continue. I on Page 3 )
j Trojan Powdcf
Just received 20,000 pounds
For Sale by .
I Oregon City, Oregon
Every Plumber
has his spnclally. Ours Is prompt nnd
satisfactory work. Nowhere In town
can you find such high grado goodH,
first class workmanship and prompt
service combined with auch
as wo nro now offering, All plumb
ers' supplies constantly on bund.
Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and
Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job
bing and 8praylng Material.
914 Main St. Phone 2651.