Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMRER 1910. CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY. miss .vyrue summernout mado business dip to Oregon City last WOok. rred Hurst was in Oregon City on Itnlicrt nrltl, of the firm ot Brltt & Young, horscshoprs, loft on Sntur- day for Portland, whore he will spend business Tuesday, a iov days on business. Girl Hv Enjoyable Time. H. H. Eecles went to Portland on j The itlrls of the Christian Sunday Saturday returning home on Sunday school met on Thursday evening of cvenliiR. j lust week at the homo of Mrs. V. R. William Lnoke went to Portland on porter, and had a most delightful time Sunday where he spent the day. , in stringing and popping corn, which Dr. Mnrdy was among the Portland Is to he used for the Christmas dee visitors from this city on Sunday. 'orations. Many of the yqung people attended Servicet at Christian Church, the dance given at Herg's hall In Bar j There will be services at the Chris low Saturday night, and a good time ! tlnn Church on Sunday at the follow is reported by those attending. j ng hours: Sunday school. 10 o'clock; J. 8. Yoder and daughter. Miss Nol-! morning service. 11; evening service, lln, of Needy, wore in Cnnby on Tues- 7:30 o'clock. All are Invited to at day morning on their way to Oregon i tend these services. City on business. , Wrestling Match. John Hurst, who la connected with . A WT,,s,nn(t mBtoh wm Pe held at the power plant of Canby, has moved tn c)tv n (hls ctv Saturday. his family from Aurora,, ana are oc-; rveomber 17i ,-, jack Kelson, of cupying tne new couage oi rrank , thts oitv Rnd Carl Bsch, the middle- AHen'a. weight champion of Germany, will Mrs. Cassle Evans left on W ednes-, moot anil wiU be for ,he btst lwo day morning for Portland, where 8hejthn?(, The mntch will start at S:30 will do some thrlstmaa shopping ana ,.)k shs Tickets are on sale while In that city will be the guest j Bt ,ne b!,rher shp,, of M0okt & Haty. of her sister, Mrs. Ethel Ferguson. , Comedy Drama Will Be Presented. Mrs. A. D. Paddock left Tuesday ..Botween the Acts," a comedy morning for Portland, where she vis-; drama presented bv the Hubbard Ited with friends, returning on theSt(Vk companv. will be given at the evening train. Canl,v Citv Hall on Friday evening, Mrs. J. U Waldron, of Oregon City, ; December 16. This will be given for was In Canby on Monday visiting ; tne Dent,fjt pf the C.inbv Band, and with her mother. Mrs. L T. Batten. ! thore (s no doubt but that there will Mrs. Ritchie, of Butte. Mont, who : be a ,arM, Andi0nce In attendance to left here about a year ago. visited in Wl,icome these plavers. The comedv Canby Sunday. Intending to make her wa8 ,,,(1 presented at Hubbard future home In Portland. Her little n(ior tne auspices of the Band of that daughter, Lucile, was the guest of j citv an1 proved a huge success. The Anna and Alberta Gil more. i plav ts full pf nnl0r. and you are as- riorenre ienrer, ui auruia, sured 0f vour monev s worth tr you visiting Miss Edna Hutchinson onat(end fne tickets" are on sale at Sunday. Smith & Will's confectioner)- store Mrs. lieorge ugie was in urvgou ( and at lyoc Saiior'S pool room. Veal tin to 100 lbs.. 12V; 130 lbs., lie; t30 to 10.5 lbs., 840940. Pork Blocker. 9tc; UiO to 2L'5 lb., 9c; 225 to 350 lbs., S'c. lnrd, 17c. Hides uroon. tic: salted. 7c. Apples, per 100 lbs, $i; pears, per 100 lbs, 1. Cabbage, per 100 lbs., 2; potatoes, per 100 lb.. 11.25. Om per ton, ;!0. Wat, per bushel. $1. 0" hay, $13.50; clover hay, $11; timothy, $16. Cvrots, per sack, 90c. Honey, per lb, 15o. Bacon, per lb 22c; ham, per lb. 20c. Chlttlm bark. 4c per lb. Beans Small white, Ho per lb large white, 5c per lb. Vallev flour, $1.35; Suprome, spe cial hard wheat, $1.25; bluestem flour. $ 1.35 &f 1.65. Beets, per sack. $1.35. Sweet potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c. Onions, per cwt., $1.15. Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas t MILWAUKIE ilay for Santa llarlmra, Cnl to apend the winter with her parents, Isaac lllll and family, who left hero early In September. U N. Armstrong nnd Win. Holt wore In IVritnml Saturday on business, Monday evening, the l!Mh, tho Con cord school will uIvh a ChrtHtmaH en- m. by pastor; subject, "What will you torlulnment. The (Jills' Band of Oak do with Jesus?" Teacher training lirovo will assist with tho programmo. Evangelical church Rev. K. Undo baugli, pastor. Sunday mcIumiI, 10;30 a. m John Grnsle, superintendent; services, ,11; 30 a. m. by pastor, sub ject, "Ho filled with tho Spirit;" Y. I. A. at 7 p. m ; preaching nt 8 p. City visiting with friends. Mutual Telephone Company la stalled several new phones In and around Canby this week. Mrs. Jake Carblenier, of Macksburg. was In Canby Monday enroute from Willamette, where she had been vis iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Bremer. Mrs. O. Hlggenbothem, of Aurora, was in Canby Tuesday evening having come here on account of Illness of James Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Armstrong, of Gribble Prairie, were in Canby on Tuesday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kesselring. Otto Krueger and Fred Hampton attended the dancing party at Barlow Saturday night. The young men be came very much impressed with Bar low while there, that Is from an edu cational standpoint, that they visit ed that citv the following evening. U H. Tuft, the jeweler and watch maker, made a business trip to Port land Monday purchasing goods for the holiday trade. William Kendall, one of the promt nent bachelors of Canby, has just completed his handsome bungalow, and says "it's up to her." The house Is one of the finest in the county with all the modern Improvements. Is nlastered and has sliding doors. Miss Ora. Le went to Portland on Friday evening, where she Visited with friends, and returned home Sat urday evening. James Adkins, who has been at Shennard's Snrlnes, for a week, re turned on Monday. Mr. Adkins went for the benefit of his health, as he has been suffering with rheumatism. He has Improved since going mere. Mr. Adkins says many people are benefited by going there. William Bohlender, of Mullno, was in Canby on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Walker were among the Portland visitors on Sat urday. Mrs. M. J. Lee went to Portland on Monday on business. Arthur Knight, who recently un derwent a surgical operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital, has re turned home and he is improving rap idly. B. Roy Lee was in Oregon City on Friday, and went to Portland on busi ness Wednesday. Ralph May has bought two lots In Roth's Addition, througb the Real Land Company of Canby. The Com pany had 30 lots on the market In July only nine remain. There Is a good demand for these sightly lots, as well as other land In the city of Canby. M. J. Lee went to Portland on Sun day. Robert Britt, who recently purch ased some fine game chickens has de cided to enter the poultry business on an extensive scale, and will raise fancy breeds. He and Mr. Young, his partner in the horseshoeing business, are meeting with success since com ing here. Captain Evans, the pioneer steam boat man, who has been very 111 for several weeks, still remains the same. He Is suffering with dropsy of the heart. William J. O'Brien, a merchant of Spokane. Wash., who has been the gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coffeen, has returned to his home. Mr. O'Brien, although has not been In Canby for three years, noted many Improve ments in the town. F. C. Dillingham, of the Big Six Department Store, made a business trip to Portland on Monday. The W. C. T. U. will meet on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. R. Porter. All members are Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. M. J .Lee and the lat ter's sister, Mrs. Ed Bradtl, were Port land visitors on Sunday and Monday. Sam Cobb and son, of St. Johns, visited the former's brother, Jacob, and bis uncle, S. Thompson, and family- . Moving Picture Show for Canby. C. E. Mallory. a well known young man of this city, who has recently been In the employ of Broughton & Wiggins, of Portland. Is having the Hosford building on Main street thor oughly renovated and will open up a moving picture show. If the wiring for trie electricity is finished this week. Mr. Mallory will start the busi ness immediately. He has the mach ine, which is of the Edison new model, already in place, and is ready for the attachment of the wires. A new Vic tor graphophone has been purchased, and the latest Illustrated songs will be given. It Is the Intention of the proprietor to have a moving picture show also at Aurora and Hubbard, the days of the week for their showing in these towns having not yet been set. The building is well heated, and the seats have already been built. Epworth League Meets. An interesting nieetirg was held last Sunday night at 6:30 o'clock by the Epworth League of the Methodist church. This society was organized last week, and there is much interest being taken by the young people of the church. The Sunday school of the Methodist church is preparing an excellent pro gramme for the Christmas exercises to be held at the church on Saturday evening, Christmas Eve. Santa Claus will be present, and will distribute the gifts. Rev. Creesy, pastor, will have for his subject at next Sunday evenings service. "The Growth of- a Man," (youth). This is the third of a series of lectures that are given by tho pas tor, and the services are largely attended. O. R. Mack Will Erect Another Build ing. O. R. Mack, who is now erecting a building on the property he recently purchased from the Hosford estate adjoining his property, has decided to erect another store building. This will be occupied by Moshberger & Son, woodworkers. The structure will be of two stories, the upper to be used for offices. This building will be started as soon as the one under construction Is completed, the latter one will be occupied by the Canby Tribune, on the first floor, while the second story will be used for office purposes, Mr. Mack occupying several of the rooms. The Canby Tribune will probably be moved to the new headquarters next week. Much Butter is Produced. The Creamery here, In charge of J. C. Kanplsch, one of the best posted butter makers in the state of Oregon, Is producing a large amount of butter. which is finding a ready market. The production of this plant last week amounted to 4100 pounds. One of the carriers of cream, J. S. Fisher, whose home is at Hubbard, is one of the champion cream haulers for the com pany, many days bringing to tne creamery 1700 pounds of cream, av eraging about 3000 pounds a week. From one of the patrons he gathers ?00 pounds of cream, this the produc tion fron nine cows. The company has just Installed larger shafting and pulleys for the operating of the pasteurizer, cooler and purifier. Everything at this plant is kept In first-class condition. The pulleys and shafting Just re moved will be taken to the creamery at Lebanon, Oregon, which Is also owned by the Corvallis Creamery Company. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A TWILIGHT. A very successful meeting of the Twilight Literary Society was held In Twilight hall last Saturday evening Everybody was there und all had a good time. Geo. M. Lstolle attended tho meet ing of the fruit grower's union Tues day. The Twilight store has a fine dis play of holiday goods. A Jolly crowd of young people gath ered at the homo of Mr.-and . Mrs. Swich last Friday evening In honor of their son Elden's seventeenth birth day. The evening was most pleasant ly spent In games and music. The guests were served a delicious lunch, spent last Friday In Portland. The school children are going to give a Christmas entertainment next Tuesday afternoon in Twilight hall. Parents and friends are Invited. BARLOW. Miss Joyce Wlthey, of the Portland city schools, was the guest of the teachers and Miss Cora Berg, over Sunday. Everyone is cordially Invited to at tend the Xmas Cantata", "Jolly Xruas." given by the school on Monday even ing. December 19 at 8 o'clock. W. a Tull spent Sunday with rela tives In Portland. Mr. Merwin. one of our enterprising butchers. Is shipping a carload of Ore gon grape root. He is using . A Tull's hop house to dry It In. A carload of potatoes is being shipped almost every day from Mr. Lucke's warehouse in Barlow. A sprained ankle will usually dis able the injured person three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlain's Liniment Is applied a cure may be ef fected In three or four days. This liniment is one of the best and most remarkable preparations In use. Sold by all dealers. of Canby Market Report. The following quotations are given by Gordon Bros. Co. Eggs 17c a dozen. Butter 6570c roll. Poultry Hens, loc; springs, 14c; old roosters, 10c; ducks, 18c; geese. 12c; turkeys, 17 hie; young roosters, 12c. Mohair, 31c. Wool, per pound, 17c. Sliced Meats! Cat on oar American Slicing Machine Look better, cook better, taste better. They are cut fresh from the best pieces the day you buy them. No stafe, unpalatable odds and ends. Call and see this marvelous machine at work, you will be interested and pleased with the results. QT7T7T 17 V'Q THE PEOPLE'S OLLJlCi I O OREGON CITY, STORE OREGON Title and Investment Company Oregon City, Oregon. (Inc.) This company Is organized under the laws of the State of Oregon to prepare and compile abstracts of title to lands, buy, sell and exchange real and personal property, negotiate loans and discount negotiable paper, con struct buildings and dwellings and act as guardian, executor, administrator, trustee or agent in any capacity. The question of title to lands when bought and sold and given as security is of vital Importance snd special at tention Is to be given the preparation of abstracts direct from the record. A chain can be no stronger than Its weakest link and for that reason a defective deed in your chain of title may affect your entire farm, business block or home. The officials of this company with years of experience making and examining abstracts of title to lands in Clackamas County is a guarantee of first class work In this line. A large amount of valuable property in Oregon City and Clackamas Coun ty Is unprofitable because it has been Inconvenient for the owner to Improve It. This company In the capacity of trustee will get the owner of such property together with the lumberman and plumber and hardware merchant in cooperation for the mutual benefit of all parties interested and construct buildings and make such improver ments as will be profitable. Carpen ters and laborers will also be given r, nt-ttiiln, Pmvnr ti,i.tlMt? I Wednesday evening; choir practice Thursday evening. The Sunday school Is preparing an i-ntertalmuent to bo given lVH-ember 21 at 8 p. in. Mrs. K. M. Huff Is on tho slek list .1. Kinney's baby In on tho road to recovery after several weeks' sick ness. Mrs. Zanders of Island Station Is confined to her heme with nsthma. The son of C. O. Jones, of Wichita, who was seriously III with pneumonia, Is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Atwood of Wichi ta, ate receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son Poootnbor 12th. Mrs. Atwood and son aro doing nicely Mrs. U K. Fisher, newly elected head officer of the Women of Wood craft, has been III with throat trouble. JameA Reddawny left Saturday for a few weeks visit with relatives In Salem. Henry Scott returned homo Satur day from Canada. Ho expects to spend the winter with his mother, Mrs. R. Scott. Mrs. A. II. ITowllng entertained lu-r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoard ot Sellwood. at dinner Sunday. The city council will meet Tuesday evening as on account of two of the members being called from tho city, the meeting culled for Thursday even ing was postponed. Tho council will finish up tho year s business and levy a S mill tax for next year at Tuesday's meeting. The play. "Charlie's Aunt." given by local talent and the Milwauklo Band was a grand success. Special mention was made of William I-eh-man. who took the part of Charlie's Aunt. The floor was cleaned after the play and dancing was Indulged lu till 12 o'clock. The Women of Woodcraft are pre paring an entertainment to bo given Christmas eve In connection with a Christmas tree. Mrs. A. 11. Dowllng received a let ter from her sister. Mrs. Daisy lienor- Vath' In Chicago. Btatlng she would start west the first of the uew vear and visit her relatives here for several months, while Mr. Pe-Hor- Vath goes to Hungary to settle up an estate A social dance will be given by the Errol Quartette tomorrow evening. T. J. (iary, county school superin tendent, paid an official visit to tho school Friday. An effort Is being niado to get a gymnasium for the young people In connection with tho public library. A special school meeting was held Friday. Doc. 9, In the school building. The school board submitted a budget for the maintenance of the school for the coming year and it was found necessary to levy an 8-i mill tax. That will Include the $2000. the share the Oak C.rove district rocelved by the annexation of a portion of Mil waukle district Mllwaukie Grange Is making pre paration to entertain the Clackamas County Pomona Grange .the second Wednesday In January. The Woman's Work Club surprised tr Tom Sellwood on Wodnesday afternoon by rushing In on her with n full nuota of members. She, how ever, was equal to the occnslon and entertained them In good shape. nistrlet Deuutv W. E. Cummings Is making preparations to transfer the "Mllwaukie Council Knights and tjidles of Security to Sellwood, and adding an Increased membership there Instead of disbanding entirely. Ho seems to think Sollwood has plenty of material to work on. Postmaster Ganlard has offered nis nlnrn for sale. It Is rumored that the printing office of W. E. Thresher will move Into a nortlon of the building made vacant by the changing of the pool room across the street, as soon as Wetzlcr's building Is completed. N. g. Moffltt Is out again after a siege of several months In bed wnn the asthma. Glad to see him around niratn It Is to be honed the new council will do something towards opening up Fourth street through to the Foster road, so that a person can get througn with n team Instead of going around via Main street. The S. P. R- R- ha" literally cut Mllwaukie Into flat Iron shnned pieces, and to tho newly ar rived residence hunter. It certainly creates a queer looking gpectaclo for him to see the tow wlin no cross Mrs. an opportunity to cooperate In this work. Each Interested party having str(.et,i ami o way to get from ono a nen upon me property ior me Htreet or COUnty road to the otner. amount investea is a guarantee mar he cannot lose what he invests and this plan should be the means of de veloping and making Income property out of vacant lots and saleable and desirable property out of undesirable. It may also be desirable in carrying on the business of the company to make loans and investments and dis count paper. The company expects to build up a profitable business act ing a3 agent for investors and persons with money to loan and one Interest ed In purchasing property or loaning money or anything else In our line of business are welcome to our experi ence In land values and security val ues In Oregon City and Clackamas County of years of careful study and investigation. We cordially invite and solicit the patronage of anyone Interested In anything pertaining to our business and we guarantee satisfaction. TITLE AND INVESTMENT COM PANY. By John W. Loder, President. S. P. Davis, Secretary. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City post Office for the week ending Dec. 9, 1910. Women's list: Hay ward, Mrs. "Will Hubbard. Mrs. Jane; Leuenberger, Mrs. Martha. Men's list: Bartrow, E. T7.; Barn holzen, Geo.; Collins, T. C; Davis, J. A.; Drennan, Jas. (2); Gost, G.; Hague, A. E.: McCormick, Jas.; Pierce. Howard D. (5); Piper, J.; Schiller, Geo.; Tucker, Thos. If you are suffering from bilious ness, constipation, Indigestion, chron ic headache, Invest one cent In a post al card, send to Chamberlain Medi cine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, with your name and address plainly on the back, and they will forward you a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold by all dealers The necullar properties of Cham bnrlaln's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidemics of influenza, and when It was taken In time we have not heard of a single caso of pneumonia. Sold by all deal ers. OAK GROVE. M. E. church Sunday school, 10 a. m.. Mrs. J. H. McArthur, superintend ent; services at 11 o'clock by Father Allen: cvcnlne services, 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rey. Henry Spola. Spe cial music. All invited. Mrs. Virgil Clark Is drilling a num ber of the Sunday school children and preparing a Christmas programme In tho way of a Cantata. Ladles' Aid. Tho bazaar and dinner given by the Ladles' Aid was a grand success, $01. 12 being the net proceeds. This will go to pay for the part of the church debt they assumed when the church was dedicated. The bell for the new church Is In place and makes sweet music on the Sabbath morn. ' Guy White has completed his new house and moved In. Mrs. Jennie Thompson left Satur- I TAKE THE HINT : You can get the best that money can buy If you buy of our new stock of canned Table Fruits. They have the delici ous, ripe flavor. at HARRIS' GROCERY Oregon City. Manor Torwiuiger ami son. Albert, returned homo Wednesday from California after n month's visit with relatives nnd friends. Tho taxjayers' mooting of this dis trict wns held Friday night in the school house. Klvo mid olio-halt mills iiiniuteiianco and one hair mill for Im provements was voted for, making a start of about $:IS5 for a sinking fund. Arthur Graham Is confined to his homo with Inflammatory rheumatlsin. At tho poultry show Just closed lit Portland, 11. U'O Paget received the first prlio on a whlto Wyandotte hen Mr. Paget purchased n flno cockerel, paying ,',o for tho bird. Several other parties from hero ex blblted tine specimens of fowls. Mrs. J, H. Graham und son, Tom mlo, accompanied Mrs. t'riihams nl ter, Mrs. Cox of l.yle. Wash., to her homo for a few weeks' visit. Roy llr.inton nnd Walt Vlgles left Thursday for eastern Oregon, where K - l. ..II .. iiit-.i i-.(n-vi in win i uii niiiti'i . Tho Modren Woodmen of America hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening In Green's Hull. Tho Shubei t Concert Company gave a flue programme Wednesday even ing In Green's Hall to n lin g and ap preciative audience. Mrs. Dr. Mt'Knrluud had tho pleas- nro of escorting Robin Moore, son of I. R. Moore, to sett his first Santa Claus In Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Stromer was a city shopper Tuesday. Mrs. l-'nilloott, primary teacher, wiu absent from school Monday on ac count of Uigrlppe. U K. Armstrong bad the misfortune to lose his bird dog. "Grltt. Mr. Armstrong thinks tho animal was sulmoned poisoned, but the hospital doctors, where he look Grltt. says he bad gastritis. Several valuable dogs have died very suddenly lately nnd tho cause seems to remain a puzzle. Mrs. Bates of Courtney, wns In Port land Tuesday. Harry Menslnger nnd family moved to Portland Thursday to Ho nearer Mr. Menslngor's work, Mr. Kriim has organl.-.ed a Boys Brigade and expects to have them well drilled before the winter Is over. Frank Stranhl and wife moved hack to Portland Monday. Through some mlsunderstnndlng Mr. Strauhl did not purchase Graham & Son's storo as was reported. Goo. Shirk will bo home till after the new year. Owing to high water Mr. Shirk closed his lumber mill In Washington. Mrs. John Smith was In Portland Wednesday on business. Edward Richardson Is reported as being sick In one of the Portlund hospitals. A Woman's Crest Idea Is how to make herself attractive. But without health. It Is hard for her to be lovely In fnce, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will bo nervous and Irritable. Constipation and Kid ney poisons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched com nloxlon. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want regulnto Stomach, IJver ami Moneys, niirlfv tho blood: give strong nerves. hrlcht eves, nure breath, smooth, vel vety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try thorn. 50c at Jones Drug Co. JENNINGS LODGE. Mrs. J. E. Seeley has been enjoying a visit from a rousln. Mr. Mcl'herson, of Brewster, Wash., during tho pre ceding week. Mrs. George Morse had the misfor tune to lose a very beautiful gold brooch on her way homo from church In Oregon City Inst Sunday. It was ono which she had prized very highly us It was a gift to her from tho Motho dlHt ladles of Dubuque, lowu and pre sented to Mrs. Morse before her de parture for new home In Oregon and a sultnblo rowurd has bovn offered for Uh leluni, The luoocli contained tho monogram of M. A. M. Mr, P, It, Newell bus gone to Eu gene on a IiunIiioss on a business trip which will necessarily absent lilm from home the greater part of this weelt. Mrs, J, V. Strain nnd children worn Portland shoppers Saturday. Mrs. II, J. It loo of Ml, Tabor, wns a vlsllor ut (ho ('has, Redmond homo during last week. Mrs, I Wilcox was culled lo Port hunt last week owing to the Illness of hor sister, Mrs. Rlokotts. but ut this writ lug she ! very much Im proved. Mr. I'nlntoii spent Saturday at Au rora looking ut property In that sec-1 tlon and was favorably Impressed with I the country there. Mrs. Tomporaucn Rice has returned from a recent visit with her sou nt New berg, Oregon. Tho committee In charge nro plan-' nlug on a Christmas program si tho Grace Chapel which will bo held on 1 Christinas evo. I MesdamoH I lent nnd Welch were i 1 .oil go visitors on Tuesday ami Mrs. 1 Hampton nnd sou Jack enmo out to their cottage nlso on Friday iiliil were; nccoiiipaiiUid homo by Mr, David ! Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Walter lleckner havo sold their pretty hiimo to Mr, and Mrs. (1. IV. Ilotirdmaii and will remove to Jonney wliero they have purchased acreage. On Sunday night Mr, nnd Mrs. lleckner entertained with a very prettily appointed lunch'-on, Covers were laid for twelve nnd tho evening was pleasantly passed with imisle nnd song. Tho lleckner family will bo greatly missed by their Unlge friend. The Utiles' Aid Hoelely met at Ihn homo or Mrs, I, Hheiiefleld on Wed nesday of last week, Plans wotu mado for ful urn work and (hi) money In the treasury will hit used toward the pastor's salary, . Mr. Hai'liigtoii of Gladstone, road Muporvhioi' of this illMirlct, was a gen ial caller nl Iho lAidcn last week, Mr, and Mrs.-tilnixtnul and Mr. and Mrs. Hhcppard ami Mis. l'hiiian went Hut chiiperoues nt a dancing parly on Friday evo which was held at Urn Zim merman homo on the Mast County Bond. Tho young people from tho Uiilgn attending were the Misses Mil dred and Ellen Hart, Audiy nnd Ollln Rose nnd Messrs, Malison Rone, Edd Wehh, Herbert McGovein nnd Curtis Miller and Hell Greenwood. Mr. Gilbert Smith and Miss I'errlng or of Cams, were visitors at the J. P. Hi rain homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Hmlili of Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs. Kton of Iowa, worn also callers at tho Strain home, Mr, A. F. Ilussel Is confined lo Ills home with the l-n Grippe. Mrs. Geo. K. Morso and Miss Scrip turn attended tho Women's Home Mis sionary Society which was held nt tho homo of Mrs. Silas Scripture In Ore gon City on Tuesday uftornooti, Mrs. II II, Emmons was a luncheon guest nt tho home of Mrs. Hugh Rob erts on Wednesday, Mr. John Jennings Is setting out more or. bis acreage to fruit and In other ways beautifying his priqierty on Jeunhus avenue which overlook Iho river, Kept Th King At Hams. "For the past year wo huvo kept tho King or all laxutlveir. King's New Life Pills In our homo und they havo proved n blessing to all our family," N. Y. Easy but sure remedy for all numerous Stomach, IJver and Kidney troubles. Only '.'.'io nl Jones Drug Co. Guaranteed (r. Watches Only Elgin or Walthuin complete In strong nickel case. LOOK AT THESE PJHCES nnd then remember that they are made by the largest retail Jewelers In tho City of Portland. Every timepiece sold under nur strict guarantee. Sent lo you charges prepaid. TIME CARD. 0. W. P. DIVISION Between Portland and Oregon City. "Leave i Arrive U-avo Arrj en 5 w u u i - S v o2 O A a O -32 o a a Zi ji O " O rfd i t6 v W '- Q c- CJ C3 4. O Hou 5 6 ? a i 4.uu bli EJi fTTo 5M 6.46" 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.20 6.26 7.20 7.00 7.52 300 6.50 6.57 7.60 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.62 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30 9 00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 10.00 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.62 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59 11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.62 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 J2.37 1.30 1.00 1.62 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30 2.00 2.63 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 3.00 3.62 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4.00 4.52 6.00 4.00 4.07 6.00 4.30 6.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 6.30 6.00 6.62 6.00 5.00 5.07 6.00 5.30 6.22 6.30 6.30 6.37 6.30 6.00 0.62 7.00 6.00 0.07 7.00 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30 7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.62 8.55 8.00 8.07 9 00 8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 i.52 9.65 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.25 10.33 10.37 11.00 10.00 10.62 10.56 10.03 10.07 11.00 10.30 1 1 1.22 1 11.25 11.33 11.37 11.00111.52111.55 11.03 11.07 11.69 11.30 1 12.22 1 12.25 1 12.33 "12.37 . . . . 12.00 1 12.46 1 12.60 I 11.65 11.671 H 12.5012.56 $6.50 for Elgin or Wsltham. 16 or 18 sine In neat nickel esse, $10.00 I"""r K'R'tt. Wnliham or Hampden 12 or Hi site. In 30yor gold filled case. $11.00 I'"1"1"1' Open Parn Elgin. Wallhani or Hsmpdon movements III 20-yenr gold filled cases. $12.50 ,-ni"''1' Hunting Caso Elgin, Waltham or llampdeii tnovo ' ments. In SOyear gold filled caso. These are only a few of the bargains wo sro offering to tho readers of Tho Enterprise, and wo maka only tho ono stipulation, thai In ordering you mention this paper; othorwlse wo shall charge reg ular price, ir you want to sen what Ihesa watchr look like and you can't call at our store, ttnd for our lllustrattd catslogut. Wo carry nn Immense stock or Diamonds, Jowolry, Watches, Ster ling Silver, Clocks. Plated Vr. Cut tiluss (llawkc slid other flno muses). Gold and Bllvor Handle- I'mlirella nnd Canes, etc. OUR OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS will rocelvo prompt reply to tholr letters. ir your oyss need attention, our optical department I at your disposal. Dr. Pratt, nn expert of over 20 years' oxporlnnco, Is In charge. JAEGER BROS. o;,LAV THE LARGE STORE 266 Morrison 6trt.t Bctwttn Third and Fourth PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIAL SALE OF RANGES Real Estate one of the Best Ranges Made 18 In. ov.n, 6 lids, with r.i.rvolr 42.50 18 In. oven, 8 lids, without r.i.rvolr 42.50 16 In. ov.n, 8 lids, without r.i.rvolr 40.00 14 In, oven, 6 lids, without r.i.rvolr 37.50 CHARTER OAKS. 18 In. oven, polished top with reservoir $42.50 18 In. ovan, without reservoir 32.50 J. H. MATTLEY 7TM STREET I Dements Best FLOUR $1.55 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. D. C. LATOURETTB President F. J, MEYKlt. Csahlnr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, 150,000.00. Trsn.scU a Gnrsl Banking Business. Opsn from 9 A. M. ts 3 P. M Office Both Phones 22 Residence Phona Mala 2624 ' Pioneer Transfer Go. Established 1866 Suoessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Hates Reasonable, Baggage Stared 3 Days Free of Charts Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER To Mllwaukie only. Trains for Falrvlew, Troutdale, Gresham. Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta- cada and Cazadero and Intermediate points. 7:15. x8:02. :05. xiuius. j:un. 3:05. x4:05. 6:05. x6:05. 7:06. 8:05. "11:35. For Gresham. x Oresham. Falrview and Troutdale. NOTE): Cars leave East Water and MorriBon streets 5 minutes later than eheduled from First and Aldor Sts. CarefuJ of Your Property One of the secrets of our success ' in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street 8 3 f