Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DKOEMMER 10, 1910. Oregon City Enterprise E. E. Published Every Friday BROOIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post office aa second-class matter. Subscription Rates: One Year ..$1.60 Six Months 75 Trial Subscription. Two Montis .25 The reelection by a unanimous vote of T. J. Gary, as secretary of the, Willamette Valley Chautauqua Assem bly. Is a deserved reward to that gen tleman for his untiring efforts In be half of tho Institution. The business men of Oregon City who advertise are hav'ng a record breaking Christmas trade. There's a reason. Subscribers will And the date of ex piration stamped on their papers rob lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Rates on application. Passengers on the Oregon City Portland electric car will rejoice over the owning of the Madison Street bridge. At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDK CH P GREATEST OF ALL COMEDIES, (the wonderful complications that would unfold ns the plot thickened. Record of "Charley's Aunf Which 'One mlxup after another comes up Baker Stock Company Presents -one ghastly trap after another rims Next Week.' ! to trick and expose them and they go desperately on to (lie end when, tho Millions of )Hple have laughed at , real Aunt doea appear, and then the TAXATION IN CLACKAMAS. It Is unofficially announced that the new administration of Clackamas County Intends to wipe out the coun ty's Indebtedness Inside of three or KOPACIN GETS $1,999. Jury Awards Him Full Amount For Loss of Three Finger. One thousand, nine hundred ninety nine dollars, the full amount sued for, was the sum awarded to John Kona- i rln by a Jury in the Circuit Court yes- four years, levying sufficient tax to fin(.8 The mfshap ..j lt) the take care of 25 per cent of the debt plant of the Crown-Columbia Pulp & each year. The county tax levy this ! Paper Company on the west side of vear was .14 mills, and It will be asj,he rtver n1 Kopacin declared that , . . unsafe appliances were the cause of great next year, and if the state tax ,he at Two entire days, and a portion of the third were consumed in the hearing of the case. Kor Ko- commisslon does not materially In crease the assessed valuation of the holdings of public service corpora- pacin, George C. Hrownell and Uvy CI .1 ...... V T f tlons In Clackamas Count, the lety, RnJ y M Bppeawd for may oe even greater man n nuns, the paper company. Oregon City's tax levy is eight, mills, and the city school district is nine mills, a total of 17 mills, and estl- Mrs. Pfister Dies. Following her recent illness, Mrs. Anna TWsfov fMntt Info finndnv at fht mating me county ix at i mms, : home of her 8on pfister at New the property owners of Oregon City Era. The funeral was held Tuesday will have a tax levy of 31 mills, to , at New Era. Mrs. Pfister was 73 which will be added a half-mill . i rrs of age at the time of her de . . , , 1 mlse. She was a native of Germany, brary tax. u is to oe nopea io me ; and nag r?sille1 in Clackamas county state tax commission will raise some 1 for a number of years. of the corporations to a point that i --iit ...m. nM.-m Cnnntv and Diet in New Hampshire. , . , , 1 News has been received here of the Oregon City to make a material re-; death of p,. Josia N Woodwsrd( fol. duction in their tax levies In succeed-: lowing over 30 years' practice of medi- lne rears. No one will contend that ! cine, in Nasua. N. H. Pr. Woodward .h ,n. .,,twitl thA rltv conn-1 w cousin of R. E. Woodward of ..... v i j. . this cltv. and visited Oregon City a ell and the board of school directors fgw years gso are wasting money. In fact, they are j trying to conduct the affairs of gov- Five Mill Tax at Gladstone. ernment as economically as possible, I The taxpayers of the Gladstone , . . ... i j ,u. tw i school district Friday night levied a consistent with required results. Butlgpeca, taj of f,ve mUIg a certain amount of money is needed. tne spfloiai tax was ejRht mMg. but must be obtained by direct ' no Improvements are In contempla- ! tlon for 1911. and the levy was re- iduced as a consequence. the fun In "Charley's Aunt" during the ten or more years of It's existence, and from the wav It Is still received whenever presented by a really first class company It looks as If it will live forever. Next week starting Sun day matinee, Hukor Stock Company will be seen in it. with Henry Stock- bridge in the title role of the bogus gig is up. It Is truly a remarkably tunny comedy, and the audience roars from the first to the last curtain. Matlncss will bo given Wednesday (Itargaln Pay) mid Saturday. Christmas week H1 see the first production in this city of The lVillar Mark written by I'.roadliursl, author of The Man of tho Hour, and (.nun SANDY. Aunt that little runt of a college boy. i T. luoy, author uf In Old Kentucky who plays he Is the Aunt of one of It will be one of the most Important the other fellows In order to have a i ottering oi tinner mock l ompany proper rhaperono at a little luncheon. this season, and will also servo to lu thev have arranged In their rooms trodtice Thurston Hall, the new lnd for two of their sweetheart. It all . Ig Man and Uremia Fowler, the new starts In slntplv and harmlessly Second Woman, both In powerful enough, but little did they dream of roles. and it taxation. HIGH COST OF LIVING. HEWETT, BROLEY & CO. When yon talk of the high cost of living did you ever stop to think that today it takes less labor time and less human energy to produce a given re sult or a given article than at any other period of human history? This Is the real test of the "cost" of an article. Take the industries of this country. Twenty years ago a single sawyer with a Hanson shingle machine would make forty to forty five thousand shingles In a day, and as wages received $2.30 per day with board. At present, a sawyer with the same style machine, which has been slightly improved by sawyers and filers (working men) a sawyer will make sixty to sixty-five or seventy thousand shingles per day and gets as wages $2.50 per day with board, or $3.00 without board. Yet today his $2.50 will buy less shingles or less of anything else than his $2.30 would have purchased twenty years ago. i - . i - - Highest Grade Men's Wear. The shop of the handsome windows. Three forty-four Washington street.. Between Seventh and Park, Portland. BROWNELL TO THE FRONT. Hon. George C. Brownell was elect ed Mayor of Oregon City last Tues day, by an almost unanimous vote, al though he was pitted against a very popular man. J. J. Cooke. The vote given him marks the return of the confidence the people had in him and which was rudely shaken about six years ago when he was falsely accused of complicity in the land frauds. People were unreasonably ex cited at the time and readily believed what was published, without consid eration. His political enemies made capital of the accusation, while his political friends, faint-hearted, did no;, rally to his defense, which amount ed to desertion. People would not wait a reasonable time for facts to develop, but were pleased to fake "snap judgment" on the Senator. His appeal for a hearing was disregarded and he graciously retired from poll tics and patiently waited for the time when truth would set him right. It was months coming, but the day i iA A a . - "'5! jf. -'tjes- (A Scene from "CHARLEY'S AUNT" at Baker Theatre all week opening at Matinee Sunday, December 18th. Bargain Matinee Wednesday. Mati nee Saturday. Grace Cameron In "Nancy- Next Week OWM r Tltf DIM Tfj fflUr U 1 Q 1 1 UlltULL IMA UIU. IU lUIIL 111 IQIL One of this season's great play suc cesses Is a play called "Nancy" which was written by C. H. Kerr, author of The Beauty Doctor, Little Pollle Dimp les, Papa's Baby. Over The Fence, etc., etc. This piece will be present ed In Portland for one week starting next Sunday matinee at the Bunga low theatre, and comes with a great company, headed by the peerless co medienne, Grace Cameron. The play Is delightful and refreshing, full of (Continued from page 1.) Medford has a chance to crow over the showing made by the late census as disclosed in the reports recently came when the United States Attor- issued With one exception, says the "ey had to admit in court that he had ' . , , no evldtnce or case against Senator census bureau, Medford shows the Brownell and the lndictment was greatest percentage or growtn or any thrown out. Yet the great damage city in the United States during the had been done and may never be re last ten year period. The city that paired, but Oregon City has made the outdoes Medford Is Oklahoma City, start toward righting a great wrong. Portland Exchange. Oklahoma, which has a percentage gain of 398. Medford's percentage of WANTED Highest cash price paid ,. . for old Rubbers, Copper and Brass growth Is 392 per cent . a R Mauleys, 905 7th St. nr,mn has a nonulation of C72.7C5. THE DEMAND for experienced auto according to the figures of the thir- j teenth census, an increase of C2.7 per ; cent over ten years ago, when the j state had 413,536. The increase In 20 j years has been 114 per cent The j gain shown by the census figures en- , titles Oregon to another representa- ; tive In Congress two years hence, even if the ratio of representation is j increased, in accordance with custom. men is greater every day. We will teach you In our own shop. In two weeks, to drive and care for all makes of cars. Practical, thorough and complete instruction day or evening. Angelus Auto Academy, office. 32C4 Washington St., room 415, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Three Jersey Cows, one year old heifer, one year old steer, two calves, five sows, one boar, thirty-five pigs, one three and one quarter farm wagon, sulky plow, potatoes and loose hay. For prices, etc., inquire of Thos. F. Ryan, Ma sonic Building, Oregon City. Roseburg wants the legislature to enlarge the Soldiers' Home. They ought to have it. Commandant Elder j LOST Gold Brooch, set with small was a warm supporter of Governor- ! nuggets. Return to Harding's Drug elect Oswald West and will of course j Store. Reward. be rewarded. Mr. Elder is a faithful i MISS ADA BEDWILL, agent for La member of the Chamberlain machine. dies' Home Journal, Saturday Ev--m enlng Post, Oregon City Enterprise, all periodicals. Special rate on Woman's Home Companion and McClure's, $2 for the two. tf Again comes the talk about enlarg-! ing the state capitol building, to ac-1 commodate the library and the state i DEUTSCHER VEREIN OF ORE prlnter. There is so much money in gon city meets second Saturday after the state printer's job that that indi- i noon in each month at Knapp's hall vidual should be compelled to pay rent, like the rest of us. in Winter and in Schnoerr's Park, Willamette, In Summer. Gus Schnoerr, president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. FOREIGN LANDS We issue draffs payable in other countries. Whenever you have oc casion to send money to foreign lands it will pay you to send through this bank. The Bank of Oregon Gty THE OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY " " " '; " ' -'C) ' ! ..... , 1 ' ( . i h ) I ; f 1 pay i large proportion. Tho advis ory board in Oregon. comKsed of C. E. S. Wood. W. 8. U'Ren. George M. Orton, 11. W. Stone. II. J. Parkinson, C. H. Chspman and E. S. J. McAllis ter, will have chario of the Oregon campaign, so far a the commission's efforts are concerned There will be local organizations that will take an active part In the different counties of the state. "The meeting of the Fels Commis sion was very Interesting. The mem bers of the commission are Daniel Klefer, of Cincinnati, president ; Jack son H. Ralston, of Washington; Hoi ton Hall and Fred C. Howe, of New York: Tom L Johnson of Cleveland, and Lincoln Stcffens. "I met .Mr. FcU lu Philadelphia. Ho Is the founder of the Fels Fund, and contributes $2.ihm) annunl toward the j snread of single-fax propaganda In the ; United States. The slngle taxers have : not yet matched his money. Mr. Fels . Is doing the same thing In England, i and Is .contributing to slmllnr efforts ; In Denmark. France, Germany and ! the nrltlsh Colonies. ! "Joseph Fels and Mr. Klefer expert ' to be on the Pacific Coast the Inst of January, and I hope to hnyo them spend two or three days among the commercial and Industrial organiza tions In Oregon." TRIANGULAR ROW GOES HIGHER UP (Continued from page. 1.) : officers of the Bank to show causo i within 21 hours why the Hank was , not in contempt of court. Whereupon : n.i. rt.-mii H a suit In the Clr- GRACE CAMERON as "Nancy," in ' nillt Co,lrt aKiilni)t tho justice Court, play cf that name at the Bungalow i willam Kn,mp and j. E. geeley, both The?tre all week opening Sunday (lf wnom dlllm lh(j monPy, The mon Matinee, December 18th. Bargain , haH h,;n d(.poHted Wnn the Circuit .....,v0 ,,.w..-.;, ,..... , (;ourt pending a settlement or tne heart Interest and highly diverting comedy situations. The production comes here In Its entirety the same as In all the Metropolitan cities. There has been some controversy amongst ourt theatre goers as to whether we were to have the original No. 1 (or big city) company In "Nancy" or a secondary company. The management wishes to Inform his patrons that the original No. One company headed by Grace Cameron will lie the one that will appear here and not the No. 2 or secondary company. case. Not Good for everything. Sutherland's Kagle Eye Salve Is good for nothing but the eyes. If you use. It and are not satis fied come back and get your 25c. You be the Judge. Sold by Jones Drug Co. HEILIG THEATRE 7th & Taylor Streets Phones Main 1 & A-1122 Spertal Xmas Attraction 4 Nights Beginning Friday, Dec. 23. Bargain Matinee Saturday, 15, 25, 50. Bring the Children. Popular Price Xmas Matinees Sunday and Monday, 25, 35, 50, 75, $1. The Favorite Musical Play "THE BURGOMASTER" With the Original Burgomaster, Gus Weinburg Excellent Cast Complete. Production Catchy Music Fun Pretty Girls Evening Prices: $1.50, Jl, 75, 50, 35, 25 Seat Salo Opens Wednesday, Dec. 21 ANNOUNCEMENT ) AT HEILIG j EXTRAORDINARY j THEATRE i Heilig Theatre j SUNDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 18, 2: HO o'clock POPULAR SUNDAY AFTERNOON ! CONCERT I 75 Chorus 75 17 Orchestra 17 Direction Wm. If. Itoyer Leading Singers of City Helllg The- atro Orchestra, Popular Vocal and Orchestra Selections. Popular prices TO THE Christmas Trade 25 per cent off on PIANOS and ORGANS to nnd after Christmas. You want to avail yourself of this offer If you want a piano or organ. There Is only a limited number f these Instruments, and they are going fast so corno quick if you want one. GRAPHOPHONES $6 AND UP We have over 200 records, at. popular prices, to pick from. Piano tuning a specialty. Sew ing maehiins 20 per cent off on new machinoH. Old machines from 15 up. A new lot of furni ture Just in that we can mako good prices on. Don't forget to call and see our fine line of Christmas cards and booklets Post cards from one cent up. Alao see our line of doll go-carts at prices that cannot be beaten. A. H. SURGES 7th and Center Streets H. U. Thompson, Deputy (lame Warden, and Mr. Rollins, who passed through hero Ih'cetnber R, on their way to Mount Hood, succoodod In us ing (lie two pair of handcuffs on men who nro now- chanted with fishing out of season. Tho men woro taken to Oregon City, where they will bo held for trial. A reslauraut has just boon opened hero by U. W. A II. M. Keller. The brothers' parents came, from New Mexico last week nnd will tnako their home here after spending some time at Estaeada. S. It, F.gbert, of Hood River, pur chased 10 acres of the t'olcmau home stead for an apple oniiiird. Mr, t'o of that place also bought land hero. Tho Mount Hood Itallrond Is erect ing n large hospital at Mull Itun for (he use of tho workmen. W. E. Wilson, of Sycamore, has bought a farm here and moved his family to this place. Mrs. R. M. Douglas has sold her store to tieorge Ketch, of Vancouver, who Is now enlarging tho place and nxioct8 to put In a largo slock of dry good and men's clothing. HEWETT, BRADLEY A CO. Highest Grade Men' Wear. Tho shop of the hnudsomo windows Throo forty-four Washington street.. Iletweon Seventh and Park, Portland. BORING. Mr. Charlie Irvlngston has moved buck homo from the S. P. II. awmlll where he has been employed for tho Inst two or three weeks, Mrs. Nancy Rich had about thirty for dinner Sunday. D. P. Shaw sold his farm east of During. The S. P. 11. sawmill has closed down for tho second time and Is now .In the hands of tho receiver. They have taken the donkey back to Mr. Ie's place, east of llorlng. Mr, Robrt Jones of llorlng, and Miss lne. Roe of this place, also, wore married hist Thursday nnd Robert Jones has taken his baby from Mr, Andrew Meriting, who has been tak ing care of It for about two years. Fred Oroshoug and Jack and ('has. (Iroshong are splitting cordwood for Mr. Ilrown at Seller, Oregon, at 70 cents a cord. rm rt f BMINQ mm POWDER All Cakes, W Biscuits, Hot Breads W I More Tasty, Economical, M till Al Li.LM hi M 11 D ttDsoiuieiy neaiinrui jj IMPROVEMENT CLUB MEETS. Mount Pleasant Organization to Build More Walk. Plan Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA FIRWOOD. Tho lecture given by Mr. W. J. Wirta Sunday afternoon was welt at tended. M. Wlru spent Sunday night with K. D. Hart her mother at Diinmscus. A number of Flrwood people attend ed the Orange at Sandy Saturday. Mrs. W. Stevens has gone to Port land to spend a few month with her husband. HEWETT, BRADLEY 4 CO. Highest Grade Men's Wear. Tho shop of tho handsome windows. Threo forty fuir Washington street., Between Seventh and Park, Portland. Intercut itldeiii'ed by i-oupoiis pay able h.-iiiI ttuntiallY. liiittipal and Inlerent payable In I'. H. gold coin of prenetlt weight aud fineness at the orrire of the Treasurer of the Town of Willamette, Clackamas ('utility, More sidewalks Is the program for Oregon. Mount Pleasant, and at n well attend-1 Sealed bids will he received by K. ed meeting of the Improvement Club Mass. Recorder of the Town of Wll Tuesday night, three committees were Uiiiette. t)ri-uii, for the ptirt hao of apiHiluted, olio to confer with (ho said IhiihIs. until five (M o'clock P, Mountain View Improvement Club, , M , December 3t'(h. lit to, nnd the othera to promote the con- The right Is reserved to reject any strut-turn of walks running south from and all bids. Mount Pleasant. Four new member j lly order of Ihe Council of (he Town were admitted at Tuesday ulKhCs'tif Wlllnitietlo. meeting, nnd John M. Slevers win Dated at Willamette, Oregon, this elected secretary, lo succeed J. Kver- 'iltli day of December, l!MO. nrd lllatt. who Is spending the winter 1. J. tiAltY, Mayor, in California. Nolle of Final Settlement. Notice I hereby given that tbn un dersigned as etei'titor of the estate of Jacob Mlley. deceased, ha filed hi final report sui'h eioctitor with the llonorubln County Court of Clark ainns County, Oregon, and the Court ha set the pith day of January, IUII, at the hour t ten tiVlock A. M. In the i-tiiitt room of a!d Court a Ihe (linn and placo for settling thit said .entitle and for (ho. hearing of nhjec- tlnlis IhiTeto. HatiM locember 15th. 19HV ISAAC A. MILKY. Kiecutor of the Kslnto of Jacob Mlley, dix-eased. l!()tIlN K II A YKH, Attorney for Ktate. Notice of Levy of Special Road Tax. Notice U hereby given that , the underalgiied taxpayer represenllng Bear Cause Encltement, Kxcltlng retMirt arc being inado Mrs. A. Malar spent Sunday vUltlng : through lh Reaver crwk and Clark country that a large black bear I at large nnd was seen several time by the Reiser brother, who live In that vicinity. Till I supposed to signify that a modern!- winter will he had as Urn bear (eldom venture so near ctvllUntlon unless It I warm in the mountains. Antiseptic Remedies destroy disease g.trm. Dr. Ilell't Antl I'nln Is an nntUeptlc remedy fur ex ternal and Internal pain, relief I al most iustantenou. Sold by nil deal er. Notice of Sal of Municipal Bond. Notice I herrhy given that thn What a Great Man S'd to the Great American People. Parisian Sagn I a discovery of a relebrated iclentlst. who snent the best years of his life perfecting till i Town of Willamette, Oregon, will sell ' ten per cent of tho lax payer In to the highest bidder, coupon itontu lioau insirici .". i", i lai-snma III the sum of Ten Thouwiud (110,- County, Oregon, hereby give notice pun Oil) Dollar, In denoiiilnatliin of ' lo tbn taxpayer of said dlntrli-1 In (Hie Hundred ttiniHHO Dollar each. ! Hnrtoii Hall nl llartoii, Oregon, on dated December 31st, 1910, and dun Saturday, the 31st day of December In twenty (20) year from date, pay- nl I o'clock. P. M., lo vole nil ndd! able In live (5 year from dale, at lloiinl tux for nmd purpose, a pro ihe option of stld Town of WUItiin-' vbl.-d by nil act of the legislature In etle, with Ihe option to pay said 19"9 bonds before five 15) years from date, John C. Miller Slantoii Tavlor providing for a forfeit of Five ($.".. on) Willlittn Norrls H. II. (iiiffln It stops ' Dollars on ea h bmid sbnll he lutld. (!eo. W. Turner F. H. Turner Itching Said bonds to bear Inierest at tho W. Niemann llermnii llroimer rate of eight (.H) per rent, per annum. II. F. (Ilbsoii I). I Dnvl great hair tonic, In giving his recipe to tho Amor- Irtin people he said: "Parisian Sage Is the mont delightful hair dressing In the world. It cures dandruff by kill ing the germs that Infest Ihe root of the hair; It stop falling hair; It give vigor and strength lo the hair roots. Huntley llros. Co. sells Parisian Sage at 50 rents a large bottle and guaran tees it to do nil that Is claimed for It, or your money Is refunded, railing hair, dandruff and scalp In two weeks. Your Gift Problems Can be Solved Here. THE EARLY SHOPPER HAS THE BEST CHOICE AND ATTENTION Don't Envy the Well Dressed Woman Buy til m lln. Kabo ill 11 w BuyJ'Him" an Umbrella, it is always in good taste. How about Men's Slippers, 50c, 75c and $1.50 per pair. A pair of Dr. A. Reed's Improved Cushion Sole Shoe would be very acceptable to "him." $4.00. See window. For the Little Girls a Doll is always the right thing. A nice pair of Gloves always carry the gift thought. Wc ',ave 'on8 and sliort Silk Gloves, also a line of Kid Gloves. See them. Furs make exquisite gifts. See our selection. Why not buy "Her" a new Dress. We have Serges, Panamas, Poplins, , Broadcloths, Diagonal goods and Henriettas. A new Silk Waist will fee the right thing for "somebody." Don't miss our Holiday Specials In Shoos and Clothing PRICED TO CLOSE THEM OUT W. A. HOLMES 6(7 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, OREGON l 75, oO, 2u. beats now Helling.