6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DEOEMMHIi 2, 1910. RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY, THE SOLDIER Giirnfed anVr tl v4 JMi 1 MS Itf 51 mm looml (frtfrr, MVtMBMlMia MNm Hi tJ"S!cJ'.'i.ISS-i. fuirirn it ,1 VIHrtWIAIbto ' QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS dr. ring' NEW DISCOVERS JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHSandCOLDS And all Diseases off THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND r d n n rii i a i dcm rnv mm mm w w a a rm mm llhlll bl I Avv,, Price 50c and $1.00 SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY JONES DRUG CO. 1 i -.. . i u i ffQl WW I kl'li A. P mm I BBHBBBMHMBa CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY. The Canby band will give a danc ing party at the City Hall on Saturday night, the music to be furnished by the band. There will probably be a large crowd. B. Roy Lee, the real estate man of Canby, was In Oregon City on busi ness Monday. Miss Verna Robinson, who is at tending High! School In Portland, has been spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Robinson. Howard Eccles has returned to Canby after visiting with friends in Portland. Harry Gordon returned to Canby Sunday evening after spending a few days on business In Portland. Mr. Hamilton of Portland, visited with Earl Robinson Saturday and Sun day. Miss Alma Erickson, a student' at the business college in Portland, has been spending the holidays in this city with her parents. Lee Eckerson spent Thanksgiving in Portland. James Adkins, the lumberman, was In Portland on business last week. Mrs. Lee Erickson and children visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beck. Mrs. W. H. Bair, who has been visiting with relatives in Portland for the past week, returned home Mon day evening. Mrs. Ed. Bradtl went to Portland Friday to visit with her brother, Arthur Knight, who recently under went a surgical operation at the Port' land Sanatarium. Miss Mamie Huiras left on Tuesday morning for Portland, where, she has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kaupisch enter tained at Thanksgiving dinner, their son, H. V. Kaupisch of Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coope and sons. Mast er Charles Julius and Raymond Wal teman Coope. Frank Zollner has gone to Canemah where he is engaged in getting to gether the railroad ties that recently broke loose near the Molalla river, belonging to theSchaffer mill. Mr. Zollner succeeded in saving 2000 of the ties. Mr. Metzger, of the firm of Mitchell Lewis & Staver Company, of Port land, was In Canby on Monday and Tuesday on business in connection with the firm. Mr. Metzger is In charge of the Leader water system and several of the residents of Can by are contemplating Installing this water system in their places among them being Frank Walgamot, John Newton, C. E. Wait and others. This machinery is handled by Sandsness, Son & Company here, who are carry ing the Mitchell Lewis & Staver goods. O. Gunderson, familiarly called Father Gunderson, of the Salvation Army, was in Canby Tuesday and Wednesday in the Interest of the Sal vation Rescue Home. Mr. Gunderson came here to look for fuel and pota toes for the institution. Mrs. A. D. Paddock went to Oregon City on Tuesday afternoon's train, and the following day made a busi ness trip to Portland, returning home on Wednesday evening. B. C. Davenport, who has been In the jewelry business In this city for the past two years, left for Tacoma Tuesday afternoon and will be con nected with C. H. Laske's Jewelry store. Mr. Davenport will leave his stock of goods in this city for the present, which will be In charge of A. D. Paddock at the drug store. Mr. Davenport is a man of experience and he has been offered a lucrative posi tion in Tacoma. A. D. Paddock, the druggist, went to Port'ind Monday to purchase k line of holiday goods. Miss Anna Krueger, of Portland, has arrived in Canby to remain until after ChrlBtmas with her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. E. Krueger. J. J. Sandsness and family went to Barlow Sunday to attend the services held at the Norwegian Synod, when Rev. White delivered the sermon. Mrs. Ed. Bradtl, who went to Port land Friday, returned home Sunday evening. Capt. James Evans, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, re mains about the same, and there Is little change in his condition. Little Violet Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Evans, of Portland, is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. ? j V l J High school recently returned here. She taught last year In the I'arkplnce t High school, and is a very bright young woman. She graduated from the Albany College several years ago, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Her many friends here hope that she will soon recover by the treatment given at the Sanatorium. Robert Brltt has received from South Carolina, three fine Cascade I Warrior game chickens. The chick ens upon their arrival here were In fine condition. ! E. A. Krueger, the furniture man of ' this city, went to Portlnnd Wednesday ! to purchase another Invoice of Christ 'mas goods. .Mr. Krueger has jt:st In stalled a handsome line of chairs. months kro for Portland whore she has heen living with her ulster. Mrs, Annie Allen. She imido many friend while in this city and Mr. and Mrs. Redfleld have the sympathy of their ninny friends here In tholr sorrow, IVooased was born In Minneapolis i years ago. She leaves besides her father, John Hull, of Minneapolis, six brothers and slv slatora, who are the following : Jehu, Charles, Ray mond, George, William and Clayton, of Minneapolis; Mrs. Klla Redfleld. of Canby, Oregon; Mr. Annie Allen, of Portland, Oregon; Kdlth, Minnie, Beryl. Amy Hill of Minneapolis, Minn, Her mother died about four years ago, M. E. Ladlta Will Qiv Br, The Uidles Aid Society of the M. R. church will glo a bamar at tho City Hall this Friday evening. The hall is to bo decorated for tho occa sion, and candy booths will bo In evi dence where you can find the finest of home made ramltea.' and where C.'inby's popular young ladles will preside. All kinds of fancy articles will be found and will make suitable gifts for Christmas. Many Go to Aurora. Canby presented n deserted appear ance Wednesday evening of last week, when ninny of the young people at tended tho dancing party given by the Aurora Band. A most enjoynble time Is reported by all who attended. M. E. Church Strvlcet. There will bo tbe regular services at tho M. E. church next Sunday, when the pastor. Rev. c. U Creosy will of ficiate. At B:;n) p. m. a meeting will be hold for tho purpose of organising an Epworlh Lcaguo. All those be tween the age of 15 and 30 years of ago are eligible for membership, W. H. Luck Ships Christmas Tree. . H. uicke, one of Canby s prom inent commission merchants, la ship ping 2000 Christmas trees to SnnFran clseo for the holiday trade. The trees have been cut and are being shipped to their destination. Tt)l order was recently placed. These trees will probably bring a big price In Cali fornia nt Christmas time. Canby Lodge Visit In Portland. Several members of tho Canby UhIco No. 158 I. (). O. went to Portland Friday evening to make a fraternal visit on llassalo lodge, when the first degree was conferred un several candidates. The mem bers returned tho following morning about 1:30 on the south bound train, this train having stopped upon their request. Those who attended the meeting were: M. J. Lee, W. H. Bnlr, II. H. Eccles. A. H. Knight. F. A. Weld and It. C. Knight. ' I. 0. O. F. Elects Officers. At the meeting held by the I. O. O. F. Lodge at Knight'a hall last week the following officers were Vice Mlsa Ionia Andrew, who works In Portland, was home for Thanksgiving Her brother, J. W. Andrews, wn also Home for Thanksgiving but returned to tils work In Scllwood on Friday The Progressive ICue.hr Club met Saturday night to hear the report about their exhibit at the fair. Harry Moivin, committeeman, made the re port on tho fair exhibit. The Club Is In a prosperous condl Hon having f'.'O In the treasury, be sides the scales they are now raffling off, which will bring tti more. Tho Twentieth Century Dialige will have Its regular meeting the second Saturday In December. They will elect officers nt that meeting for th ensuing year. Mrs. W. W, Jesse, who wa away visiting for a week, ha returned home. i W. B. Tull spent Thanksgiving with his aunt In Portland, Mrs. M. W Shepard and Miss Molllo Hallow. Mlsa Gertie Evans, who ha been working In Portland, l-etiirned home on account of poor health and will re main homo for some time. The peculiar properties of Cham berlnln' Cough Itemedy hate been thoroughly tested during epidemic of Influotua, and whuu It was tiikoii In time we have not heard of a slugl case of pneumonia. Sold by all deal era. BARLOW. , Word ha been received from Mr, Howe that her father ha passed away. Mrs. Howe wa called east by the Illness of her father, who live In Minnesota.. last month. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Jesse went to Portland to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. Bergren went to Portland last Sunday. Mr. and Mr. R. E. Irwin went (o Portland last Friday evening, return' lug Sunday evening. The Naiurlne are holding revival meetings In the old hotel. Everybody welcome. Rev. Ilolden, of Astoria, brother of Mrs. Skor, and other relatives, caino here to attend the funeral. School closed Wednesday evening and opened Monday. Our teacher Mra. Orceraft and Mis Anderson, spent Thanksgiving in Portland. ! tracting no little attention, M. J. Lee. Delegate to Oreaon D-i Herman D. London, of Albany, a velopment League. I prominent mine-owner, who was M. J I-eo HoIomIo tn th riN.n.1. Canby Monday the guest of J. Development League, that convened ! Comb went t0 0ren C1,T on Tue- at Salem Mondav. Tuesdar and Wed-1 oa morning, returning to his home nesday. returned home Wednesday on iuesuy evening s tram. evening. Mr T.ee sava lhat h nn-n. Bazaar is Success, pied a desk In the House of Repre-I The bazaar given by tho Ladies sentativps and did not havo tn uu.r. Aid Society of the Norwegian Luther- the DeoDle's vote to et him thr i an Church at the City Hall on Satur- nor did he have to subscribe to State- s da' evening was a decided success men) n. 1 nor mm mv lan Thnm. I tn socially ana nnanciaiiy. me lounges and pictures. The display room recently completed, elves the manager a place where his goods can kh0801: Noble Grand, J. Zeck be displayed. Tbe room Is now at-' Grand. J. R. Vlnynrd; Treasurer, W. H. Bair; Secretary, ll. II. Kccies. i ne installation of officers will take place the first meeting night In January. Encampment I. O. 0. F. Elect Officers. as F. Ryan and O. E. Freytag, of Oregon City, were also delegates in attendance. M. H. Lee. of Lebanon, arrived in Canby Saturday evening and has been visiting with relatives here. Mr. Lee has gone to Estacada, where be Is tbe guest of his brother-in-law, Charles Bonney. Mrs. George Spencer and "two daughters will leave this week for Aurora, where they will remain dur ing the winter. Mr. Spencer being employed in that city. Mrs. Charles Rider went to Oregon City on business Monday. Mrs. Lon Grazier and children of Aurora, were in Canby visiting with relatives this week. Mrs. J. W. Kesselring met with a painful accident a few days ago, which resulted in an Injury to her back. While going to her barn she slipped and fell striking heavily on her back. She is improving from her injuries. Mrs. D. B. Smith and sister. Miss Silva Halley, of Albany, have returned to their home after visiting with Mrs. G. W. Spencer. B. Roy Lee, the real estate man, was In Oregon City on business Mon- da. W. . Gilmore has gone to Lyle, Wash., where he has accepted a po sition. Hazel Saunders, who has been visit ing with her aunt, Mrs. "Doc" Santor, has returned to her home in Portland. R. Soper. of Washington, has been visiting with his mother, Mra. Soper. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Manley, of Port land, who have been visiting with, the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man ley, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rauch, of Portland, have returned to their home after visiting with the former's moth er, Mrs. George Rauch. Mrs. Mary Kirk returned to her home at Sellwood Sunday afternoon, after visiting with Mrs. C. L. Bates and other friends. Mrs. Emma Burgoyne, of Portland, arrived in Canby on Tuesday even ing's train, having been summoned here by the illness of her father, Captain James Evans. Grant White returned on Monday from Troutdale, where be was the guest of P. L. Lumsden for several days. Mr. White, while at Troutdale, had the pleasure of duck hunting, and after feasting on ducks for several days brought many home with him. Mr. Butterfleld returned to Canby on Tuesday morning's train from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Betbke and C. N. Haines of Oswego, spent Thanks giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant White. Miss Gladys Easton left for the Open Air Sanatorium at Island Sta tion, near Mllwaukle, on Tuesday morning, where she will undergo medical treatment. Miss Easton was accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. -Easton, who returned here on the evening train. Miss Easton, who has been Instructor of Latin, English and History in the Kelso NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, AND NOTIONS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OLD RUBBERS, COPPER AND BRASS J. H. MATTLEY 905 7th street ladles of this society had worked faithfully in preparing for the event, and they have been well rewarded, as the net receipts were $70. Everything from a knitted sock to a quilt was on sale, and the way the knitted socks disappeared "wasn't slow." The auc tioneer of the evening was Mr. Ander son, of Aurora, and John Eld. of this city, had charge of the receipts. There was a large attendance at the fair and all had a good time. Councilman and Treasurer Named, The Good Government party met in the City Hall on Wednesday even ing to select a ticket that will be brought up for city election on Mon day, December 3. The following were selected to enter the race for coun cllmen for a two year term: William Lucke, A. J. Alstead, W. J. Brewer and A. F. Snell. M. J. Lee waa select' ed as councilman for one year term, while Leroy Walker was mentioned for treasurer. Mr. Walker was also selected on the Citizen's ticket. Much interest was taken in the coming elec tion. The Citizen's meeting for the pur pose or selecting counciimen ror a four year term and one for a one year term and for treasurer was held at the City Hall on Saturday evening, There was a large attendance. For counciimen to serve for four- years the following ane named: Joe Suth erland, Joseph Lieser, J. Lee Ecker son and Warren Kendall. H. C. Gil more is mentioned for a one year term. L. B. Walker, who has served the city with satisfaction as city treas urer, will probably succeed himself. There Is much Interest taken In the coming election as some of the people here are In favor of again having sa loons, while the majority are opposed At the recent election the city went dry by a majority of over 45. Canby is at present in a prosper ous state, the city is free from debt. M. J. Lee, candidate for councilman, states that if he is elected, and if the town Is voted "wet" he will resign and not act as councilman. The town has been dry for several years. The good government ticket claims that the city of Canby can be run without increasing the taxes without the sa loon money. Power House Withstands High Water The power house of the Canby Can al Company, located on the Molalla river, is furnishing the four town Canby, Hubbard, Aurora and Donald, although the Molalla river Is a raging current. John Hurst, manager of the power plant, will move his family from Aurora this week and will occu py the residence of Frank Allen that has just been completed. Residences Nearlng Completion. The cottage of Horace Patch Is nearlng completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. The handsome bungalow of William Kendall will be completed within a few days. This ' Is one of. the most attractive little homes In the city of Canby. The veranda Is one of the comports of the house, and adds much to Its appearance. Death of Miss Mabel Hill. Miss Mabel Hill, sister of Mrs. J. J. Redfleld, of this city, passed away suddenly on November 19, at the St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland. Miss Hill was taken ill the night previous about 11 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. Allen, of Portland, with whom she had been visiting, and she was Immediately taken to the hospital where she expired the following morning at 3 o'clock. The funeral services took place from the Holman undertaking parlors on November 21st, Dr. Morrison, rec tor of the Trinity church, officiating. The Interment was In the Rose City cemetery. MIhb Hill came to Canby In April from Minneapolis, Minn., for the bene fit of ber health. She left here several The Erfcampment I. O. O. F. elected the following officers at the meeting held on Saturday night in Knight's hall: O. R. Mack. Chief Patriarch: W. S. Maple, High Priest: H. A. Ded man. Senior Warden; J. R. Vlnyard, Junior Warden: A. II. Knight, Treas urer; J. Lee Eckerson, Scrllie. There was a good attendance at thla meeting and much interest taken. John R. Newton Returns. John R. Newton, who has been at Twin Falls, Idaho, on business, re turned to Canby oa Tuesday morning. Mr. Newton says, that while he was In Idaho, his home stnte, that It rained and snowed during his stay there, and he was glad to get back Into Oregon. Mr. Newton has property Interests in Idaho and went to look after his interests there. A sprained ankle will usually dls able the Injured person three or four weeks. This Is duo to lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlain' Liniment Is applied a euro may be ef fected III three or four day. This liniment I one of tho best and most remarkable preparation In use. Sold by all dealer. TWILIGHT. Canby Market Report. The following quotations are given by Gordon Bros., the grocers. Eggs Ific dozen. Butter 3 70c roll. Poultry Hens, lfic; springs, lac- old roosters, lie; ducks, 18c; geese. 12c; turkeys, 20c; young roosters, 12Hc. Mohair, 31c. Wool, per pound, 17c Veal CO to 100 lbs., 1IH4C; 100 to 130 lbs., 11c; 130 to 165 lbs., 8tt9MrC. Pork Blockers, 10V4C; 160 to 225 lbs., 9c; 225 to 350 lbs., 8c. Lard. 17c. Hides Green, 6c; Baited, 7c. Apples, per 100 lbs, $1; pears, per 100 lbs, 1. Cabbage, per 100 lbs., $2; potatoes. per 100 lbs.. J1.25. 0u, per ton, $30. Wieat, per bushel, $1. G- hay, $13.50: clover hay, $11; timothy, $16. , . Carrots, per sack, 90c. , Honey, per lb, 15c. Bacon, per lb., 22c; ham, per lb., 22c. Hams, 20fi22'4c. Chlttlm bark, 4c per lb. Beans Small white, 6c per lb; large white. 5c per lb. Valley flour, $1.35; Supreme, spe cial hard wheat, $1.25; blueatem flour. $1.35-31.63. Beets, per sack. $1.35. Sweet potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c. Onions, per cwt, $1-15. The Twilight Literary Society will meet next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock In Twilight Hall. A good pro gram I being prepared by the com mittee and a well edited paper will be read by M. J. I.ello. All coming will be well entertained. Mr. and Mr. Swlck entertained In honor of Mr. and Mra. Myer with a Thanksgiving dinner at their homo. The following wnro present: Mr. and Mr. Myers, Mr. and Mr. C. E. Swlck. Mr. and Mr. Hoop, Mr. and Mr. Nash and children and Mr. Ball ey. A little daughter came a a blessing to the home of Mr. Ioiigreen last Tuesdny. , Mother and child doing well. D. L. Boylan wa called to Kelso by the sad Intelligence of the death of his brother, Irvle. He had many friend here who sympathise deeply with the relative, a he lived here when a small boy and wa a general favorite with his associate. Tho family of D. L Boylan and II Scheer enjoyed their Thnil.sglvlng together at tho home of I). 1- Iloylan. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Izelln and son. M. J. Lazello, spent their Thnnkaglv, Ing In Portland with the family of Attorney F. J. Molndl. Mr. Arthur Snook of Vancouver, spent Sunday with his parent, Mr and Mrs. Snook. He was accompan ied home by hi mother for a short visit with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Old entertained with a Thanksgiving dinner. The fol lowing guests were present: Mr, and Mrs. Carl Shank, Mr. M. J. Ingrlm and (. S. Coffman, from Kelso, During the afternoon selection on the graphophono were enjoyed by those present. Guaranteed Watches LOOK AT THESE PRICES and thou remember that lliny nre tiinde by tin? largest rclill Jeweler In tho Clly of Portland, Every timepiece sold under our f p Only Elgin or Walt hum "' gmu aiilee. Sent ' DO uU HiT'!"'''' ",f""" rhnm' i"',t"'i'i- $6.50 l''"r I'-ln or Walthiim, HI or 18 lo In limit nickel case, $10.00 For Elgin, Witltham or Hampden 13 or It! alio, III sn-yvar gold filled case, 511 00 ,J""''H (leu Face Elgin, Walthiim or llampduii movement ' In Su-yeur gold filled rase. 512 SO I-"'11'' I iMHtluii Case Elgin, Wnlthnm or Hampden move " iiient, In aOyoar gold filled ruse, These are only a few of the baignln we aro offering to tlu reader of The Enterprise, mid we make only III" one stipulation, thai In ordering you mention Hit paper j otherwise we shall charge reg ular price. If you want to see v. but these wnlche took like and you can't call nt our store, lend for our Illustrated catalogut. We carry an Immense stork of lUanioiids, Jewelry, Watch, Ster ling Sliver, Clock. Plated Ware, Cut Glass (lliiwkcs mid other fine make), Gold and Sliver Hundla Umbrella mid Cnnrs, etc. OUR OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS will receive prompt reply to their letter. If your eye need attention, our optical depart iiient I at your disposal. Dr. Piatt, an expert of over 20 yean" experience, la in charge. lArrcn.nnnc jwii 2t6 Morrison Street OPTICIAN THE LARGE STORE Between Third and Fourth PORTLANO, OREGON CANDIDATES GET REFUND. School Report. Following l the report of Clarke Republican Given 20 Per Cent oflschmil for the month ending Nov, 2 Their Contribution. I '.MO. .No, of pupil enrolled, fit; Nil. of day taught, 18; average dully at-temlnni-N, 4!t; lanllliess, 0. Those who were nolihr absent nor tardy during tho month are: Wll- Money left out of a campaign fund an unusual condition In any inimi cal parly, yetu Chairman I.lvy Stlpp and Secretary William Hammond fur,, LI file and Oliver Marshall. Char- ,.iMi.i mm in, hiiiik, 1110 ininii- ,,,! i. i! li,.i,i I l, date receiving just one-fifth of the'Kl.le and llennl Elmer. Raymond amount of ihnlr original contribution. !,.ili1r Alfrmi ...,i n,. The assessment of tho candidate for! ......ni, .,i,i. ,n:.r n.i m". t ie various legislative and county of-1, .;,,, BI11 ,.,,, nn..nilllp. KIK flee amounted to $:.o0, and the com;,,n SnK,. Wa,r K Ivl iiMml ( H. Wait mlttee expended $100. the principal I ,., ci10. mu Kv i.lr. Hem being hull rent, livery hire, postage and printing. Tho report of,rg ,r,,-(,t, ftlUr i. it. i.'i-,, 1 1 i-MH.ii -i 1,1 mv ui'iiiiuii i welcome ee was lieu ill mo county Clern fflce Tuedny, a required by law. Iliiby, Alva and Bernlrn liard. Visit- Visitor alwny HOIIKItT GINTIIEU. Teacher. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A DARLOW. Mr. Percy Keebaugh, who has been working In Svllwood all summer, re turned to his home to remain this winter. Owing to the death of his nephew Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews were called to Tualatin Saturday. The fun eral services were held on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews went on to Nowberg to see Mr. Andrew'j mother, who Is quite sick at that place. They returned Wednesday. Orris Keebaugh, who has been sick with Inflammatory rheumatism, Is Improving slowly and Is able to be up all day. He has been confined to the house for about two monthB. B. J. Berg, our enterprising mer chant, went to Portland on business Wednesday. A Woman's Great Idea Is how to make herself attractive. But without health, It Is hard for her to bo lovoly In face, form or temHr. A weak, sickly woman will bo nervous and Irrtialilo. Constipation nnd Kid ney poisons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched com plexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidney, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyus, pure breath, smooth, vel vety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. BOc at Jones Drug Co. Letter List. List of unclaimed letter sat tho Oregon City Post Office for tho week ending Nov. 25, 1910. Women's list: Cohn, Mrs.; Hnrlx son, Elva; Little, Mrs. Irene B.; The Misses Lubkl; Moore, Mrs. Elhol Remington, Bortha. Men.' list: Beam, Ixster L.; Dun ham, J. P.; Gasklll, Will; Hamilton, Lloyd; Honnlngs, Tomas; Koates, Jas. A ; Kolly, Jas.; 8mlth, J. F. HIDDEN DANGER3. I nn i up rriir IIIIIT M i lAKt Hit MINI T the '"best that I Vnn pan nut . .... . money can buy If you buy of our new tock of canned Table Fruit. They have the delici ous), ripe flavor. at HARRIS' GROCERY Oregon City. Nature Gives Timely Warning That No Oregon City Citizen Can Af ford to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes frmn the kidney secretions. Thoy will warn you when the kidneys are sick. Well kidneys secrete a cloar, amber fluid. Hick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, rod, Ill-smelling urine, full of sedlmont and Irregular of passage. DANGER 8IONAL NO. 2 comos from the back. Bank pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, toll you of sick kidneys and warn you of the ap proach of dropsy, diabetes nnd Brlght's dlHease. Doan's Kldnoy Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them perma nently. Here's Oregon City proof: Frank H. Bush, Jr., Main St., Ore gon City, ore., says: i suiioreu from an acute attack of kidney and bladder trouble and received no re lief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. This preparation did Its work so thoroughly thnt since taking the con tents of two bottles, I have had no recurrence of my former complaint. Whenever an opportunity occurs I give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorse ment." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 Now York, sole agents for the United Strifes. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. i If you nre suffering from billon- mis, constipation. Indigestion, rhron Ic hcadarhe, invest one rent In a post nl card, send to ChanilMirlaln Medi cine Co., Ies Moines, Iowa, with your name and address plainly on the laick. and they will forward you a free sam ple of Chamberlain' SlumRch and Uver Tablet. Sold by all dealer CLARKES SCHOOL NOTES. Debating Society D'Kuiim Many Live Question. The Clarke School Debating Socie ty met In the schoolhouae Friday af ternoon,! Nov. 18, and the following question wa debated: "Resolved: That a system of old aga pension should be adopted In the I'nlted State." The speaker were: Affirmative. Elsie Elmer. Zelma Cumin, Ray mond (ilnlher, Kima Leo, Mhhln Sav er. IUel Tnllman, Rufert Marquardt, I Jir.lo Marshall, Negative, Ruby Gard. Clyde Rlngo, Laura Gard, Rdna El mer. Alva Card. Wlllln Johnson, Rud le Miller. Sophie Miller. The question wa decided In favor of tho affirmative, II to 9. The ques tion rhoKon for tho next debate Is: "Resolved. That the United Suite should permanently retain tho Phll llpplne Islands," Tho speaker are: Affirmative: Rudy Miller. Laura Gard, Raymond (ilnthor, Elsie Elmer. Ubblo Snger, I.ydla Klelnsmlth, Esther Utidaii, Willie Johnson, Rufert Marquardt. Negative, Clyde Rlngo, Zelma Cum in, Ruby Gard, Edna Elmer, Lizzie Marshall, Sophie Miller, Alva Gard, Erma Iie, Edwin Botteinlllcr. Special School Meeting. Notice I hereby given to the legal voter of School District No. fij, of Clackama County. State of Oregon, Hist a vpoclal meeting of said district will ha held at tho county courtroom of (he Courthouse at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, tb ninth day of December, lulo, at 7 o'clock P. M., for the following object: For the purpose of levying a pec lal tag for school purpose. I sued this 2Hth day of November, 1910. Attest: GEO. A. HARDING. Chairman Board of Director. E. E. DUO I HE, District Clerk. Dsndruff Curtd In Two Week or Money Back. The above I the guarantee Huntley Bros. Co., drugglta( I offering for Parisian Hugo, the greatest of all hair restorer. If you hvo dandruff lake advan tage of this offer and kill tho Utile dandruff germ that will surely steal your hnlr If allowed to continue in persistently burrow Into tho hair root. Parisian Hagn I also guaranteed to slop falling hair and Itching of tho scalp. Don't accept any substitute from any druggist. Pnrlslan Sage I tho original prescription of one of the world' greatest scientist, and I manufactured only In thl country by (llroux Mfg. Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Parisian Sago I an exhilarating and pleasant hair dressing; it Is not sticky or greasy, and It make tho hair soft, beautiful and luxuriant. Dements Best FLOUR $1.55 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. D. C. LATOURETTH President F. J. MEYER, Caablar THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, 150.000.00. Transacts a 0nral Banking Buelne. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M , Office Both Phones 22 Reildonca Phone Main 2624 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 1805 Suceisor to C. N. Oreenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rate Reasonable, Baggage Stared 3 Day Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER CarefuJ of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 wtfhasASkafJBW 525 Main Street I I