Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1910)
OUEGON CITY ENTEitPKISE, FUJI) AY, DECKMBEK 2, 1910. 5 1 LARSEN & COMPANY 1 Cor 10th A Mln tt. OREQON CITY, OREOON. Special Sale i of ! 10c and 1 5c I BARGAINS i;3 This Week I COUNTRY PROCUCE LOCAL BRIEFS Harry Gordon of Ciinby, wm Hun ilny vlallor In nmgon City. Mm. II. U Kelly U vlalllng Kb ruliillvaa In Portland (or a (w duyii. Thn 1 1 1 1 In children of Mr. and Mm. Don Mlirum urn allghtly Improved. Dr. U (1. Ire, llooina 4, 6 and a, Heaver IIuIIiIIiik. .Mm, W. W. Alldredgn, win) titia tn III fur the paat lo week, la rwdvcr IliK. (iuylnnl (J. Godfrey returned Id His OrKii Agricultural College at Cor vnllla Monday Mlaa Klhol Klnloy of Oak drove linn Ml fur Eugene to re-enter (he lllilverally of Oregon, HI in Umtxny, (inn of din prominent hnmi'iiitm of Candy, win In Oregon Clly on tiualncaa Muiidny, llnta at a big reduction. Mlrni (' (inlilmiillli. "Hup" l-atouretto, a student of the Cnlveraliy of Oregon, wan homo Inat ik to Hnd a few days. Mr. and Mm. II. I). Cartlldgo spent Th ink b1 vlnic In I'ortlniid, tha nurst of Mr. and Mra. R. K. Crraaler Mm Waahhurn hna accepted (ho poaltlon of head Clerk III the toy de partment of ttin U. Adnma store. Mr. anil Mra. C. Wanic. of Canny, spent Sunday In Willamette, the KtiKNia of Mr. and Mm. T. J. Cory. Mr. and Mra. Jerry llitty of Cnnby, rnlnrrd to Canity Hundnyafter vlalt In it tvhulvea of thn littler at Wllluuv Clin. Mr. Thoma. of Jefferson, Oregon, wlio haa been the gueal of Dr. .and Mra. (!eora lloeyo, haa returned home. Uoyd Hardin returned Hutidny tiliiht to tha Cnlveraliy of Oregon after nn over-Thankaglvliig vlalt with lila paronla In thla rlty. Call on New System Dentists, Bridge Corner, oyer Andreaen's Jewel ry more. I. J. Caufleld and llnllln Johnson, who are with a surveying party In thn vicinity of Katiirada, spent the Tlmnlmitlvln hulltlava tn thla rltv. Mlaa Addle Clark, teacher n the HlKhland Hehool. Portland, waa In thla rlty Thurarfay the gueal f Mr. and Mm. John K. Clark, of the Weat Bide, Mlaa Margaret Wllllnma and Mlai Gertrude N'cfgr, toarhera In thn Portland schoola, aient their Thank giving vacation at thnlr homea lu thla cltv. Mr. and Mra. J. I. Hwafford. Mlaa Nellie Bsfford and Humid A. 8waf ford returned Hundny from Eugene, where they spent Thankaglvlng with friend a. (irnat aula In all llnea of millinery. Mla (,'. tioldHinlih. Mlaa (tilth Hunch hna returned to her homn In (ilndatono, after a vlalt over ThnnkaiilvInK with lier rotialn. Mlaa Marguerite Jiicqulth, of Eagle Creek. Either Huntington, a noted Epla copal nilaalomiry, will preach Hundny evening lit St. - Paula Episcopal Church. Iliiymond and Witlluro Cnnflold left Hutidny afternoon for Eugene to re adme their atudlea at thn Htnta Cnl verally after spending the Thanks giving vacation here, I. U Clark, o prominent fruitgrower, who realdea near Clacknmna, spent Ti lay In Oregon City, having come here on Imalneaa. Judgo Thomna F. Ilyan and Oarar E. Preying, delegates to tho Oregon Development Uoiguo, which waa In aeaalon at Halem the flrat of thla week, relumed home Wodnosdny ev ening. Hev. I'hlllp Kemp Hammond, of tho Kplacopul Church of Eugene, enmo for It few days vlalt with hla aon. Atloruey Wllllutn lliimmniid, of thla city. Mil. 1011 Willi,...,- I....... .1.1- i. " ',," nun ntmn r..M I,..-.,....., .. . . .... . : i oiiinmi, wiiere aim win iiimko liar future homo, her two aona, Cluyhorn and Wnlter, lining lenlileiila of that city, mid with whom aha will make t nor homo. II. II. Jnffilea, repicHiinlliiK the Oro. gun City KiileiprlaK, who liua lieen In iiiitliern Oicmui on hualnnaa, in luriied to Oregon Clly on Hnluriliiy light. Mr. .leffrlea went aa fur aa AhIiIiiiiiI. I'rlviitn money to loun. (lordon IC lluvea, Attorney al lnw. Mr. mid Mra. J, U Hwnffnril and I aon mid (Inuuliter, Mlaa Nellie and lliirolil HwitfToid, returned home Hun- I dny evening from ICiiKutio, whine they apent Tliiiiilinglvliig with the formur'a in, tleorgn Hwnfford. Mlaa Myru Hecox, who recently nr- L',,,1 Id fliltf I'ltw frmti llitl Mnpltiirri J Arkunaiia, to vlalt with Imr alalur, I Mra. John Adnma, la III at her alatur'a home, aurferliig from a aevure uttiick r lu grippe. t Mr. und Mra. I). W. .lumea. who I inn ntt fkrst I l,llv" apelidlng the pult two , WE PAY CASH FOR i week vlalllng I'rof. II. M. Jamea, of 1 Kaiiiciidn, lirother of ihu former, and I at Alierdemi, Wuali., returned liouio 1 t imt. W .1 J, " It. H. t on, a prominent apple glower of Cauhy, waa In Oregon City Wednea- duy on hla way homo from I'orilund where ho baa linen iittetidlng the up pie ahow, Mr. Con haa one lx of applea at I he ahow roiitiiliilng Id vurl etlea. Kxtenalva experience for fifteen yenra makea poaalhln the heat work with lea pnlu at the New Byalem Ih'iitlata. Mra. Tli'MMlore namond wna taken lo the HI. Vlticent'a Hoapltnl In I'ort lund Monday morning. Mra. Oamon waa tuken III at hr home on Thl teeiith and Mnln afreet on Thuraitu of hint week, I lie aymploma of typhol fever having become apparent. Mlaa Anna r'laher, who haa been vlalllng re I n Uvea and frlelida In the Kuat for Ilia punt three month), re turned to her In me In thla clly on Thuraduy. Mlaa r'laher vlalted In Auburn, New York, lireelifleld. I til nola ii ud ninny other cltlea, and hud a liioHl enjoyable trip. Dig reduciioiia on llnta, Mlaa C Cioldamllh. Henry McKlnney, of linker County la In the rlty vlalllng trie ml a. He la an avowed ciiudldiitn for Hpeaker o the Oregon lloiiao of Kcpreacutatlvca. hnvlng hnen a member of the Hoiiae at the lint aeaalon and being reelect ed thla yenr. lie la one of two lie- publlcana to be elected In linker Conn ty. You can aave money, rlak and trou ble by taking all your tnngutlua aun arrlptlnna to Huntley Ilroa. Co., Ore gon City. They guarantee to met or beat any prlcea quoted by any re liable agency. Bend for their cut rate catalog, Harvey Dye. a prominent fruit grower of Wennlrhee, Waah., la vlalt Ing Colonel Charloa II Dye, hla uncle. Mr. Dye waa formerly In rhnrgo of the Chicago, Mllwaukln ft Ht. I'aul con aiructlon work at Tacoma, Waah He la accompanied by hla alater, Iro- line, and they are en route lo the homi of (heir father, Hon. V. Dye. a banker and merchant realdlng near Council Hluffa, Iowa. f you are looking for an up-to-date high grade dreaa ahoe, call at the Ore gon Clly Shoe Htore, and get correct fit and atyle. A large ahlpment of meu'a ahoea juat arrived. Mr. and Mra. Churlca Albright, for nier realdenta of thla city, but now of Hood Klver. where they have one of the beat little ranchea In that aertlon, were In Oregon City Friday vlalllng among their many friend. Mr. and Mra. Albright attended the wedding of William K. Igua and Mlaa Sadie Mny Tlldeli, which waa aolemnlxed on Wediu-adny evening at Vancouver. They will return to their home after vlaltlng In Portland for a few daya. I)on't forget tlic bit; Holiday open inc nt Huntley Hros.' Co. on Wed nrsiluy, Drccnibcr 7. 'ou will linve a ijikiiI time. Sec their advertisement on piiuc 8. K. H. Ijiraen, Jr.. of tho I'nlted aiutea Cjeolngtcnl Survey at Waah Inglon, D. C, and brldo, who la a dnughlir of Congreaamnn B. C. Smith of llukerHfleld, Cullforniu, lire vlalt' ug with the former'a pnronta, Mr, and Mra. E. S. ljiraen, of thla city. Mr, Uiraen la a nntlvo Oregonlan. After completing hla prepnrulory atudlea In I'ortlniid he received hla degree of mining engineer and geologist at the t'nlveralty of Cnllfornln. Mr. and Mra. ljiraen will inuko their home In Waahlngton, XX C. Marriage Llcenaea Granted. The following have been granted marriage llcenaea: 1-olt a Alva .Miller and Arthur John Rtickney, Marence Welter and J. W. Stubba, Anna (iroaa- mlller and William II. Dolhow, (iludya llounda and floorge S. Clark, Grace down on Mondny aftoruoon'a truln Dnvla and Itulo Jacoha. PRACTICAL Presents for Imas Ladies' Fine Hose Wunderhose. Children's Strong hose Wunderhose. Boys' and Girls' strong hose-Wunderhose. Men's Fine and heavy hose Wunderhose. Ladies' Fine Gloves Silk lined. Men's fine and heavy Gloves, lined and un lined. Children's Mitts and Gloves. Another shipment of the "Full Stock" Shoes for Men and Boys' just in. DON'T FORGET US PLEASE cKITTRICK THE SHOE MAN 612 MAIN STREET ' OREGON CITY, ORE. SOCIETY The mnrrliign of Mlaa Hinllo Mav Tllden, daughter of Mr. ond Mra. J. W, Tllden, of Vancouver, Wuah., and Mr. William II. Ignu, or thla city, wua aolciimlzcd at the home of the brlile'a uncle, H. I,, Convert, of Van couver, oil Wedneadny nvelilng of Inat week, thn ceremony being performed by Itov, (lruy, rector of Ht. Uiko'a l''ilacoiu church, Tho groom and brldo wore unintended, After the Itn preaalvo ceremony (hut nnidn (hum limn and wife, a wedding aupper wna aerved. Mr. nint Mra. !gua rnwlved ninny tolegrnma of rotiKruliilnlloiia, and many handaomo glfla, were pre aenled to tho young couplo. Only the Immediate relntlvea of thn family and a few Intimate frletida attended. Tho home of Mr. and Mra. Coovert wua a bower of henuly wllh Ha dec oriitioiia of flowera and amiliix, The reception hull wua In green; Iho par lor In white. Die living room In pink, while Ihu dining room wag In red, tha dncoriitlona of the tuhlo correapond Ing. The brldo waa very attractive In her gown of while meaanlltio over while ailk, and ahe carried an arm bouiiuet of Ilrlde'a roana, Mr. and Mra, Uigua left on their honeymoon Wedneadny evening, and which will be apent lu Idaho and In tho Bound cltlca. I'pon l heir return they will make their home lu thla clly on Ninth und Main alreet. . Thn groom la one of the popular young men of thla city, being flrat lieutenant of Company (). Third In fantry. O. N. Ci., hnvlng taken an act ive part during the Hpnnlah-Amnrlcan wur In thn I'hllllppine Inlands, and formerly member of the clly council. Ho la superintendent of truffle of tho Pacific TelM'hono ft Telegraph Com pany with headquartera In Cortland, and he la the aon of the late Julliia oKua, one of tho moat prominent realdenta of thla clly, who alwaya took an active Intereat In the welfare of tho city. The brldo la one of Van couver'! well-known young women, having apent moat of her life In the Waahlngton city. The entertainment given by the de gree ataff of tho Knlghta and tadlea of Security at the Woodmen hall Tuea day night waa a moat aucceaaful af fair, over $10 being the net procecda. Kvery number on the programme waa well received, and all reapontled to hearty encorea. Following the Ho grnm dancing waa Indulged In, The following iiumbera were given: Se lection, Leon Dclintea and Oarar WcxMlfln; vocal aolo, Frank Alldredge; vocal duet, Mlaa Myrtle. Croia and Kverett Croaa; aolo, Kenneth Wood ward; .luatrumental aolo. Mra. Ilertha Kau: reading. Mini Rvadna Harrison; vocal duet, It. E Woodward and Itoy Woodward; reading, Mlaa totha Croaa; mimical avlection, Alldredge brother qunrtnHe; aong. Hnby La verne llrooka; aolo, Mra. Iuiae Mart in, of Portland; drill by the Knlghta and Ladloa of Security degree ataff; (election, Knlghta' and ldlea" Chorua. piano aolo, Oacar Woodfln. Udlea Nlcht" waa inaugurated at the Oregon City Commercial Club Tueaday night, and tho affair Waa ao aucceaaful that evenlnga of thla ord er will be featurea of (ho preacn( winter. Two hundred people were preannt at Tueaday nlght'a entertain ment, and a delightful evening waa enjoyed by all. Mualc waa furnished by the Imperial Saxaphone Quartette of Portland during tho grenter part of the evening. A violin aolo by Mlaa Melba Weatongard and a piano num ber by Mlaa Florence weatengard were highly pleinlng featurea of the entertainment, and bolh were obliged lo reaimiid to encorea. Theae young Indlea poaaeaa remarkable mualcal talent. Curda, other gamea and danc ing were alao enjoyed and refreah menta were aerved. The marriage of Mlaa Florence Evelyn Kldor. daughter of Mr. and Mra. L. N. Ulder, of Forest Orove. and Mr. Clifford Zlegter of thla city, but formerly of Portland, wna anlomn- Ized ThunkKglvIng morning at 1105 Waahlngton atreot. The affair waa cry quiet, only the Immedlnte rela- Ivca of the contracting partlea being proBent. Tha young couplo will make heir home at 1105 Wnahlngton atreet. Mr. Zlegler hua made hia home in thla city for the pnat yenr, being the llnotvpe operator on tho Oregon City Enterprise and hla wife ia one or Forest (Jrove'a popular young women CHRISTMAS MUSIC It would not seem right to think of Christ mas without music, and the proper place to get the music is at a music store. We carry everything known in the musical line: Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Autoharps, Zithers, Banjos, Harmonicas, Fifes, Jews Harps, Etc. Our stock of Talking Machines, Records and Record Cabinets is the largest in the 'county; every machine and record made by the Victor and Edison Companies can be found here at the lowest possible prices. i-i - "'i'nr'-' lj X Victor Machines , from $10 to $200 IO OnallGaUars, -O Kjrr Mandolins, Violins, Banjos and Accordeons. Edison Machines from $12.50 to $60 f ,B3' WATCHES for men and women. We carry all the loading makea of watchea. Waltham. Elgin, Hamilton, Howard, New Eng land and Ingeraoll: all alzea, all prices. Rome In plain caaea, some beautifully engraved, and otheri mounted with dtamonda. Chains, Charms, Fobs to go wltb them. DIAMOND . RINGS Have you aeen those popular little white atones from $15.00 to $100.00? Never mind the size of your purse. We can match It In a nice diamond that will surprise you. All other Set Rings $300 and up. Lockets, Pins, etc., set with Diamonds at all prices. :o Silverware For a Xmas (rift noth ing surpasses silver. Elaborate presents can be selected from our comploto aets, while the many odd pieces offer opportunities for leas costly, but equally desirable gifts. Below are listed a few suitable Xmas pieces tn 1847 Rogers Bros, and Sterling Silver. KNIVES FORKS SPOONS TEA 8ET8 BAKING DISHES CAKE BASKETS BOWLS TRAYS FERN DISHES Chinaware Our display of fine China, Vases and Pottery Wares offers many suggestions for Xmas gifts. Nothing could be more ac ceptable, yet the very finest pieces are by no means as costly as they look. HAVILAND SET8 I PLATES AUSTRIAN SET8 l WARWICK VASES i TRAYS PITCHERS CUPS, SAUCERS SALAD SETS SUGARS AND , CREAMERS Btwmeiste? & Ancfoesen OREGON CITY JEWELERS SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER A E Tho mnrrliigo of Albort Erlckson, of Mu 1 1 no. and Miss Mlna Johnson, of I'ort I a nil, waa solemnized Inst week In Portland. Tho groom is a promi nent young man, and Is the aon oT Mr. and Mra. August Erlckson, well known residents of Mullno. The young couplo will make their home In Portland, where Mr. Erlckson Is employed by the 0. W. P. Company. The flnard of Governors of the Ore gon City Commercial Club mot at the club rooms on Monday afternoon and appointed a commltfoo to arrange for the dnnclng party to bo given at tho Bunch hnll when thla Is complet ed. The committee la composed of John Adnma, chairman;' Hurry S Moody, E. T. Fields and Dr. Clyde Mount. This promises to be the social event of the season. A hard times party will be given at the Armory on Saturday night, Dec ember S, by Milton Price. Two prizes nro to bo given, and tho music for the dnnclng will be furnished by the Fnrmer'a orchoHlra.' Miss Florence Hayes and - Fred Croissant wore quietly married Wed nesday, Justice of the Pence W. W. II. Snmsoit performing the coremony In his offlco In the Jaggnr building. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Trl-County Push Club. A vory Important nioutlng of tho Trl-County Push Club will he held to morrow afternoon nt Huttovlllo, when nmttors with reference to tho pro posed brlilgo across the Willamette. ver near ' that place will be thor oughly discussed. Members only will be admitted to tho meeting; of the or ganization. Following the business mooting, refreBhmonts will be served to. those present. WIFE A8KS SEPARATION ALLEG ING CRUEL TREATMENT AND DESERTION. V The Circuit court for this county, like all other tribunals of Justice In the state, gets Its full quota of un usual surnames', but tt remained for Hon, Grant B. Dlinlck, aa attorney, to add the one needed to complete the gamut. Tho Huckleberrys are the principals In the case. Minnie Hucklelierry Becking a divorce from Dnvld E. Huckleberry. The couple were united In Indiana In 1897, and four small Huckleberrys grace the family tree, or bush, Mrs. Huckleberry charges her spouse with treating her in a cruel and Inhuman manner, and says he haa a very Jeal ous disposition. In tho complaint, she charges that she has done every thing possible to make home life hap py for her husband, even toklng In washing to help support the children, but all of her efforts were of uo avail, as he deserted her three months ago. Mra. Hucklelierry asks a divorce and the custody of the two youngest children.. HIGH 8CHOOL WINS THURSDAY. Defeat "Busineaa Men' 'By a 23 to 6 Score. The football game Thanksgiving between the high school and a team called the "Business Men," scraped togother on a few hours notice, re sulted In a victory for the high school, 23 to C. The high school started things right from the beginning, and in the first quarter, they scored two touchdowns. After this their oppon ents, though sadly In need of practice and knowledge of the new game, held them pretty good. Baker, Croaa and Sheahan showed up well for the high school, while Gault, Muikey and Green starred for the "Business Men". The lino up: O. C. H. S. - Business Men Welsh ' C Rotter Clark RG. .. 8. Johnson Kelly ,..LO Weber Dnmback RT Frederich Michela, Moore ....LT.. H. Johnson Justin Sheahan RE Muikey Graves LE Gordon Sinnott Q Green Cross RH Justin H. Johnson Caufleld LH Sinnott Baker F Gault Referee, Barry; Umpire. Busch. McLoughlln Beats Eaatham. By a score of 5 to 2, the McLoughlln InstitMto eleven defeated Easthara Grammar School Friday afternoon in a hotly contested game on the Elev enth street grounds. A touchdown Elks' Memorial Service. , was made by fullback Oran Moore of The annual Memorial Services of the McLoughlin , aggregation, and a the Benevolent and Protective Order : safety by the Institute gave Eastham of Elks will be held in Oregon City: its two points. Sunday morning, December 4. at 10:30 ' o'clock, In the lodge room of Oregon Football Next Sunday. who are charged with mutilating a HITCHING POSTS ARE DISCUSSED. deer they shot In (he Molalla country. They will be tried In the Justice Court , "Live Wires" Will Petition Council to Wednesday. v J - "f V Have Them Installed. The weekly luncheon of the Live Wires at the Commercial Club Tues- ! day was enlivened by a discussion of many important propositions that have been taken up by the association. At the next meeting of the city coun cil a delegation of the Live Wires will request permission for the installation of hitching posts fronting the Weln hard building on Eighth street The following menu was served at Tues- day's luncheon. Hot ciam Douiuon Lobster salad Roast pork .. ' Cranberry Jelly Boiled tongue Chili sauce Boston -baked beans Brown bread Dill Pickles Apple pie Cheese Coffee and cream City Lodge No. 1189. The morning hour Is chosen to permit the mem bers to Attend the Memorial Services of Portlnnd Lodge No. 142, In the Hel llg Theatre Sunday afternoon, De cember 4. The Oregon Ctty Lodge of Elks has not lost a member by death since . its organization last March, Sophomore Class Elects. The Sophomore class of the Oregon City high school held a meeting late Tuesday afternoon In their class room and elected the following officers: Louise Huntley, president; Louise Flanders, vice-president; Angus Matheson, secretary; Henry Board treasurer; Edward Busch, sergeant Members of the Oregon City foot-, ball team are soon to receive sweaters i for their prowess. Gray sweaters' have been selected, with a large white "O. C." In monogram on the breast. Sunday, the football team will playi the fast East Portland eleven on , Canemah field. The East Portland team Is one of the most formidable teams of their weight in the metropo lis, and a hard game Is anticipated. ! Oregon City Eleven Beaten. j Outweighed, and In several respects i outplayed, the Oregon City football I team went down to defeat, 27 to 5 before the Independence eleven at I Independence Sunday afternoon. In 1 the first minute of play, Blsmark. an at-arms; Byron Moore, class editor. ! Oregon City end. scored a touchdown TO THE VOTERS OF OREGON CITY, OREGON: Having announced myself to be come a candidate for Mayor, at the election to be held in Oregon City on Monday, December 5th, I wish to say that I was born in Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, in 1859, and lived on a farm until I was nineteen years of age, then I moved to Oregon City and learned the blacksmith trade, which I followed for six years, after which I was tn the livery business for seven years under the firm name of Cooke Brothers. I was engaged in the grocery business for a short time, and in 1891, I bought into the hard ware business with R. D. Wilson un der the firm name of Wilson &, Cooke. In 189S I was elected Sheriff of this county, and in 1900 re-elected. Should I be elected to the office to which I aspire I will use every effort to give this city a good clean business ad ministration. J. J. COOKE, (Paid Advt.) DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between Bartlett & Heylman. Esta cada, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Heylman will retain the offices and do business as usual. FOR SALE Three Jersey Cows, one year old heifer, one year old steer, two calves, five sows, one boar, thirty-five pigs, one three and one , quarter farm wagon, Bulky plow, potatoes and loose hay. For prices, etc.. Inquire of Thos. F. Ryan, Ma sonic Building, Oregon City. LOST Gold Brooch, set with small nuggets. Return to Harding's Drug Store. Reward. 1G-1NCH DRY BLOCK WOOD $2.50 Per Cord, delivered. Builders' Sup plies Co., 14th and Main Sts. New cli'ias colors will 'bo chosen at j on a forward pass but after this the the next meeting, as the colors of last year, orange and white, will not be used Kept The King At Home. "For tho pant yeur we have kept the King of nil InxativoH Dr. King's New Life. Pills in our home and they have proved a blessing to all our family," N. Y. Easy but biiio remedy for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 2"ic ul. Jones Drug Co. scoring was all done by the home team. OH Meal. Oregon City Commission Company has finally secured a consignment of Oil Meal and are prepared to furnish any quantity desired. As the supply on the market is limited, better se cure your requirements 'while It Is available. Oil Meal. Oregon City Commission Company has finally secured a consignment of Oil Meal and are prepared to furnish any quantity desired. As the supply on the market Is limited, better se cure your requirements wtyle It Is available. MISS ADA BEDWILL, agent for La dies' Homo Journal, Saturday Ev ening Post, Oregon City Enterprise, all periodicals. Special rate on Woman's Home Companion and McClure's, $2 for the two. tf DEUTSCHEH. VEREIN OF ORE gon City meets second Saturday after, noon in each month at Knapp's hall in Winter and in Scbnoerr's Park, Willamette, in Summer. Gus Schnoerr, president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. FOR SALE On good security note 7 per cent Interest, 1 year's time 7 head of work horses, weight 1400. Inquire of M. R. Skinner, Oregon City, Route 3. Dressy Shoes For Dressy Wen and plain shoes for men who look first for good weaY'and comfort. No mnt.ter what your shoo needs are, bring your foet to this store and let us fit thorn right. Oregon City.Shoe Store Seeks to Quiet Title. H. L. Colvln, through his attorney, W, H. Powell, has commenced suit against C. P. A. and Estelle G. Peck to quiet their title to the south half of section township 3 south of range 1 west and part of the north west quarter of the southwest quart er of section 3, township 3 south of range 1 east. Try it, Try It Try Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve for all skill troubles. It Is as pleasant as sweet cream nnd guaranteed to gtvo satisfaction. In worst cases. 25c a box. Jones Drug Co. Charged With Mutilating Deer. Constable F. A. Miles has returned from Silvcrton, bringing with htm John and George Morley of that place 9 Dainty Delicate Delicious 'Sand wiches for yoar Re ceptions, Parties, Clubs and Socials are possible only when the meat for them are sliced on our AMERICAN SLICING MACHINE We make no charge for preparing you meats in this most appetizing way if the meats are bought of us. Once a customer always a customer. SEELEY'S THE PEOPLE'S - STORE OREGON CITY, OREGON