Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1)10. a E 1 ho Kind You IIiiTe Always lu use lor over yu years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-pHMr'nr but Experiments thnt tritlo with and endanger tlio lienlth oC Infants and Children Experience, ajralust Experiment. What is CASTORIA " CKtorti Is a harmless snbstituto for Castor Oil, Pnro gorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xnreotta substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisbness. It cures Diarrluva and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy nud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tbo Mother's Frieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The CM Ton Have Always Bought In Use For 'Over 30 Years. Tut ecNTv MaMsv, rr jrvAV mccT, new vom nt NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY STAFFORD. We got just the tall end of the big storm at sea, and no damage done except that a big tree was blown down lengthwise of the bridge, be yond Holtsworth's place, demolishing the bridge. The mail carrier had to lay down some pieces of plank and run his hack over by hand, then got the horses down through the gulch, making him late at the boxes The weather kept up a grouch until Wednesday when she looked out smil ingly upon the world giving promise of a pleasant Thanksgiving. Plenty of shooting matches near about supplied the lucky ones with goose, turkey or chicken, so we were all happy, and each bright kitchen smelled so spicy and full of good things when the children returned from school and the good man came in tired from his work, that each and every one of ns felt we had lots to be thankful for. Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Shanber's only daughter, sent a message that she wiuld be at Oregon City on the 8 a. m. train Wednesday. She has not been home for two or three years. Toney Nemlc was sick last Sunday and Joe was called upon to come borne and do the chores. Mark and wife took dinner last Sunday with Fred Baker and family. The rain has stopped potato dig ging. News from Mrs. Holton's little girl Ib to the effect that she still suffers with her arms and back and the doc tor says three of her ribs are strained from the back In addition to the sprained thumb. ( Mr. Powell gains strength slowly. i Gus Gebhardt has dug up a part of . his hop field. i Granulated Eye Lids are easilv cured CauBtlc Is not net essary. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve is rainless ana narmiess ana guaran- teed to cure. Has never failed on a case, cubi tav. cum uj us . Co. . oirrwnw. i , ! The sick and ailing are all getting upuu meir iwi uam. s luaua- ful to report Mr. Powell has walked , out to the barn. Mrs. Aden eomes to thn tnhln fnr her meals. Mrs. Thomas. who has been afflicted with erysipe- las. Is able to ride out again. j Mr. and Mrs. Andrews followed their only child to the grave on Sun- day, November 27. He had his leg hurt at school, and blood poison set in and ended the little fellow's life. t The parents have the sympathy of I the entire community. Mrs. Andrew's j maiden name was Day, daughter of Justice Day, now deceased. I Mr. and Mrs. Milem ate their : Thanksgiving dinner with the parents ; of their son's wife, a sort of a family reunion. I A good many potatoes waiting for fair weather to be dug. Mr. Nussbam had a force of men helping him Saturday and secured nearly all of his potatoes before Sat- urday night's rain. ; Honry Ellegsen was not feeling as well last week. i Mr. and Mrs. Turner, who have ! gone up into Eastern Washington to visit friends and for the benefit of Mr. Turner's health, report that they , both took cold on their journey and We Give Away Absolutely) Free The People'i Common Seme Medical r.nglish, or Medicine Simplified, by K. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consul tin i Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, book of 1008 lorfe Dalies and over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 6S0.OO0 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one and a half million copies were given away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready lor mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis rBNSAur Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N, Y, DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough that its makers are not afraid to print on it outside wrapper it every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE RFAfEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no hubit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots of well eittiblished curative value. i i j I I I A y 1A1 Bought, and which has boon nns doiho mo Bigniuuro 01 , ana litis Decn mmio unuer ius per sonal supervision si mo its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive von iu tills. Signature of were not very well when they wrote home. Miss Susie Schatz will return to Portland for the winter, where she is employed in Lowenberg's millinery establishment The young Schatx's are clearing off another piece of ground on the hill and the fires look very cheerful. The Delkar brothers are gathering In a crew to dig potatoes. Mr. Moser has rented his place to a young fellow who Is to marry the remaining sister of the Baptist minis ter the coming week and take posses sion. Mr. Moser, whose wife died In the early fall, will make his borne with one of his sons, or with his ren ter at the old home. The weather bureau man was Just in, and said in the month of Novem ber almost 11 H inches of water fell, and now we wish he would let up a little, as we. who have potatoes still undug. would like to be able to do a little dry farming. We were shocked to hear of the sudden death of John L. Smith, of Tualatin, last Saturday. A great many of us have had business deal lngs with him, and always found him honest and upright. He will be missed by many aside from his bereaved fam ily. Not Good for everything. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Is good for nothing but the eyes. If you use It and are not satis fied come back and get your 2ac. You be the judge.. Sold by Jones Drug Co. WILLAMETTE. J. Hickman and Chas. Kanny, con ductors on the west side car line, have decorated themselves with conduc tor's caps, the first on the road W. Critcher is building himself a Bew'cnlcken nouBe and woodshed. Grandma McCloud is home again, hav,ng been ln 0regon clty witn her daughter during a spell of sickness. "When is the wood saw coming to ! this place?" is the eternal question with many here just at present Grandma Mouldenhour's health is reported no better )n regard t0 her kidney trouble ' Many persons find themselves af- fected witn a persistent cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain s Lougn Kenieay, h should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold by all ueaiers. WILLAMETTE, The wood saw is heard again this week in this burg Mrs. J. Parish came down from her home at Highland to attend to her mother's wants, Grandma Molden- hajier, who Is very sick In this place. Mrs. A. Keollermeler, of Stafford, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bremer, In this place this week. Mrs. A. Tompkins, of this place, made a business trip to Sbaw the first of tbis week, C. Andrews, of this nlace. and mall carrier, has been changed from route three to route five, which is in this district. D. C. Latourette, of the National Bank of Oregon City, was Been ln of Cost Adviser, in Plain o ""ii mm business Wednesday Z. M. 7.ook was In Willamette Wed nesday straightening un his business affairs. Ho has. since his wife's ttoath. been at his brother's at St. .lohna Ollf Israeli lost s small portion of one of his finger by coming In eon tact with one of. the barkers In tho paper mill. A Dreadful Wound from s knlfo, sun. tin can, rusty nail, flrewurks. or of anv other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Ruck- len Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Hums, Holla, port's, Mini Eruptions. Kcxema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. 25c at Join's Drug I o. WILSONVILLE. Prances and Jesse spent Thanksgiving day with their mother In our village. Norman Say went to Portland and Oregon City on Saturday. Prof. Bethume spent Saturday at the county seat. Eva and Mae Baker arrived home In time for Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Halley, of Eastern Oregon, have rented Hubert Graham's farm. Alison Baker and Chas. Thompson are still at the county seat, serving as Jurors. Prank Seely was In Oregon City last week, serving as a Juror, and was shaking hands with his old friends of our village on Saturday. A horse belonging to Ed Baker was run over Monday morning by the ten o'clock electric flyer. Miss S. M. Graham entertained her immediate relatives at a delightful dinner on Thanksgtvlng Pay. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ei'ler spent the Thanksgiving day with relatives in Sherwood. Mr. and MY. Wm. Baker are now at home to their friends at No. 388. First St., Portland. The hour of church service at the A. O. V- V. hall has been changed to 11 A. M.. and Sunday school at ten o'clock, for a short time while re vival meetings arc In progress. Ser vices in the evening will be held at the usual hour. An attempt was mado to rob Mr. Dovle's store on Monday evening, but the would-be thieves were not very expert and left the decided tracks of amateurs behind them. The notice of revival meetings ar rived at the correspondent's desk too late for last week's Issue of the "En terprise." The meetings began Sun day night. November 27, and are be ing conducted by the pastor. Rev. Exon, assisted by Robert Brymer and wife, who are accomplished singing evangelists. All are cordially invited. A young son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Molalla, lust week. The Smith family have mnny friends here, where they lived last year on Aubrey Wood's farm, aud we all hope the little new man will grow up to be a model farmer. The directors of the bleb school mot on last Saturday evening In the school house, and made final arrange ments to have high school begin the first of the year. The old drug store, owned by Mr. Harms, has been rented for this purpose, and will be fitted up with desks, seats, etc., right away. Those who wish to attend will con fer a favor by reporting to the direc tors, or the clerk of the school ftoatd, as soon as possible, so that a better Idea of the provision tor pupiis may be obtained. It Is not essential mat the scholars be residents of thn dis tricts constituting the high schoo': but those who have finished the 8th grade, from far and near, are wel come to take advantage of this splei did opportunity to receive an educa tion, which will better fit them for good positions ln the world of today. A delightful party was given to Ray Baker by his mother. Mrs. All son Baker, on Friday evening. Novem ber 25th, the occasion being In honor of Ray's 18th birthday. The party was a surprise to Ray. whom upon the arrival of the guests, was dis covered sitting by"lhe fire In a sleepy and yawning condition, but he soon awoke to his responsibility as hos', and a lively evening ensued. Games were played, musical numbers were rendered, dainty refreshments were served, and a very enjoyable evening was spent by the guests. Don't forget to attend the basket ball game given on Saturday evening, December 3rd, In the M. B. A. hall, at which time the village team will line up against Hubbard. Admission to the game is free, but all the young ladies, mothers, sisters, cousins and sweethearts are urgently requested to bring baskets, and the members of the male persuasion are expected to bring along enough good United States money with which to buy at least one basket. Our basket ball club is made up of courteous gentle men, who are a credit to our com munity, and richly deserve the sup port and good will of each and every resident of our little village. Eczema Is considered hard to cure. Try Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve and you will change your mind. You will see an Improvement from the first applica tion. Sold by Jones Drug Co. FALLS VIEW. Miss Mattle D. Hayman saent their home In Harmony. George Sagar of Beaver Creek. made a business call on Louie Sagar last Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace and Mr. Louie Wallace and family have been quite ill the past week. Everybody in Fall View Is rejoic ing; the wood saw has arrived. Louie. Sagar made a JiuKlness trip to Oregon City Tuesday. Wm. Miller and family spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Welsmandel at Cams. Sidney Smith's Bmilltiir face Is In the rielStiborliood again. George Klrbyson is having soaie plowing done. Louie Sagar lout a valuable watch last Monday between Mr. Duffy's and Mr. Shtibel's. Mr. and Mrs.' O.scar Dlx Hnent Thanksgiving wiih the latter'B par- eiitB, Mr. and Mrs. Aiken at Mullno. A very interesting debate was giv en laKt, Saturday night at the Falls View school house by the Falls View Debating Society. A number of visit ors from adjoining districts were pres ent no that altogether,' a large crowd was in attendance.. The llferary pro gram, which was given by tho differ ent members of the society, was FTPatly npurecfated by tho audience. The question debated was, "Unsolved, That Fashion Is more detrimental to the hurmm race than war." Those who affirmed the question were: Ix)iiie Sagar, George Schmidt, Wm. Miller, 0. U. Miller and Mrs. (i. It. Miller. Those who denied tho ones-1 Willamette on of this week. THE VERY BEST eonil.trym tlx r-lfl(vwtliiwatnl k.r. Wa htx twill tip iHir rwpauikm un it. V hi r.s S.pil im ftJ'iy u"t eAitmil gvl b.ltf tnl.a Work. oujrvlMn. wnwwWl amis ott pr. n.t.k mm. U4 t'f.k'wii ltr. la pn w.) ir ,ilrl. ilr.oti,v N. CmmIHIim Iim, kwCtms $5.0 ;.-Mr.ii.4.0 um ruws 1.0 (mmi rui 1.00 .50 5.00 Haiti riiiM IL... ..j rutM 7.6 Iitr-tlM .5 St, m. 4. SUM, m. m ear mktmoo. All OTrfc fully tunnuitMcl IW tlttw wn, Wise Dental Co., lac. Painless Dentists ftfeHtttlliaaWMMltwi POMUNO.Mt II U. Ull.k luuii.lkk tton were: Klllan Schmidt, Juy Dlx Kdd Schmidt. Will Wallace and John litird. Tho debaters on each Hide put up a very strong argument but the Judges, who were, Oscar Dlx, Sidney Smith and Louie Miller gave their de cision In favor of the, affirmative. Tho Society Is looking forward to a very Interesting time aguln next Sat urday night when they will debate upon the Question, "Resolved, That Euthanasia should be adopted." This question Is advocated by many people at the present time; but It met with some disfavor among tho debaters who are to affirm It next Saturday night. Those on the affirmative are U. R. Miller. Klllan Schmidt, George Schmidt. Mrs. 0. R. Miller. Louie Sagnr and UH Wallace. Those on the negative are, John Gard. Wm, Miller, Jay Dlx. G. H. Klrbyson, Kdd Schmidt and U. A. Shubel. Much at tentlon Is also being given to the program which will be given. The program Is is follows: Select rend Ing. Lours Miller; duet, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Miller; oration. Jay Dlx; solo. " H. Klrbyson; essay, George Schmidt: harmonica solo, Untie Sug ar: reading, yuttle D. Dayman ; song male quartette. An Interesting time Is promised to all those who will at tend. Miks Up Your Own Mind When In mtxl of cough medicine. If you buy Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey we guarantee you get the boat. Sold by Jones Drug Co. 8TONE. The wet spell hna given the Clack amas river quite a Job In taking the water downward toward the Pacific. Grant Mumpower, with a force of men aud two teams to help 111 m, got his logs out of the boom and upon the land, so thy would not be carried away by the current. 'Aunt Emily" Haltan has been seri ously 111 with stomach trouble. Dr. Strickland ws called. Mr. Crater has had one son, John nie, affected with St. Vitus' dance, while his daughter, Miss Mary, hss been suffering with Infantile paraly sis, and Dr. Mount has been In attend ance. Both patients are now Improv ing. The two maladies are very un usual visitors at the Crater home. Our school held a session to discuss the Woman's Suffrage prohlem last Priday after recess. Miss Elva Watts led the affirmative and Melvln Stew art the negative fclde, there being two more aoeakers on each side. Alter the girls won. one of the hoys said that the reason the affirmative side won was because they wrote their soeeches down. This shows that the girls are always a little ahead of the bors. even on the suffrage question. Mr. Smith churned 800 pounds of butter the other day. This creamery la a pretty good money-maker bore In old Clackamas county. e don t know what the Portland people would do If It was not for the creamery and all the people who eat butter around here. Something Just ss Good Can only be the case when It Is nnother bottle of Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. Every bottle the same. Ixxik for the boll on th bottle. Sold by Jiines Drug Co. MULINO. Thanksgiving Is past and now every one Is looking forward to Christmas festivities. Quite a number of out of town visit ors spent Thanksgiving at Mullno. Mr. and Mrs. Caruth of Utah, are spending a few dnys at Mrs. Daniel's. Miss Carey and Miss Baker of Sa lem, are visiting at Claude Ashby's. Archie Davis was home for the Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Donglass of Salem, and three daughters, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Churchill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Mackaburg, spent the day with Mr. McLaughlin and family. Mrs. Klarr and children were nt Mr. Wallace's for the day. Mrs. Bert Wallace has been on the sick list for a few days but Is able to be around again. Mr. Mnllatt left for Eastern Oregon last week to visit his son, deorge. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ashby enter tained a number of young people Thanksgiving evening in honor of Miss Carey and Miss Baker. A very THE HOME is incomplete without modern, sani If I tary Plumbing. You risk the lives of your children by keeping old fashioned plumbing in the house We take contracts for PLUMBING heating and ventilating. We can refit your entire house. If you are building this Spring give us a chance to figure on the Plumbing. P. . GADUE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and 8praying Material. 914 Main St. Phone 2654. OREGON CITY. enjoyable evening wass spent by those present. Mr. niul Mrs. William llohlnmler ar rived at Mr. HnodgraHs' Saturday from Knslnrn Oregon whore they have spent the summer, John Carlson wint to Oregon City Wednesday to spend ThniiksKtvIng with his dwughlor, Mrs. Fred Kiiek-son. $100 Reward, $100. TV nwtltra ol Ihu paiwr .ill t mMmt in llwl ll-r li .1 Im.l m ilrmll diMr lh.l w-inh- h. Wn lu riiTv in .11 11. .uk?., .uu uwt w lfcui;tt. 11.11. (Vti.rrh Cir I. tli only l.wHl viirv ao kit.t.n lo Ih niMli.Hl Uurfll t"iia a rt.taiituii.Mt.1 iikm-. rr.iimi a ly.tituu. Il.ul IrMimwi. H.ll-a iMr u ulxi i tent.lly, a-llii. Ullwtlr ui.n tl .ml murtma mrlmv. ot um ivlm. thcivhy tl.-alrmtns lh rmttttlntk uf III tttM-. hiiil Itvl". tit tMllntl irwwlh by tmiMltis up lh cui.iiwiim .nil m.ui. Int tt.tur In tlniba II. vors. 'lit. prtM"l-lr hay. mii.-h f.lth lit li. rurMit. !.i-r IU.I llwv n,-r im llti'tilml IMI. Ir any mw ttul II UUI 10 Cur. SrtHt for Iim itt A.Mn r. j ru k v co,, rtii, o. ""Ill 111 llrnolala. TV ! ll.ll s itiully rub lur (oniuusuua. ELDORADO. Rob Dullard gave a dunce Satur day night, which wits enjoyed by all the young people, and he will give another dance In two weeks, Albert llelvey went to Marquuin one day this week to visit a few days with some friends. Clyde Smith, of Oregon City, Is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith, of Eldorado. W. 8. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, has Just returned from Day ton, Wash., where he has been work ing for the past eight months. Alfred Moshberger, who was taken quite 111 Inst Sunday, Is some better at this writing. Mrs. Kate Goucher and brother, Henry, took Thanksgiving dinner lu Mullno with their sister, Mrs. Daalels. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Jones and little daughter went to Oregon City to spend their Thanksgiving. Full grain which was sown around here looks fine, but there ate some who have been uuuble to get any sowed on account of sickness. Mr. Maple, our Mullno niltlor. and family left this weok for Woodburn to be gone about a week to look after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Helve? spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I'dull, at Mullno. Bert MrDonol bus arrived home from California, whore he hna been working. The greatest danger from Influen- xa Is of It resulting lu pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, a It not on lv cures Influenxa. but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. iu uy an ueniera MEADOW BROOK. . . I . . .uJ This summons Is published b? or Mr. A. V. Davis Is out from the ... . , It -......i.-ii i,i. of! ranch and spent Thanksgiving with , home folks at the mill. H. C. Bonaker and wife mado a business trip to the city Frldny. Mrs. C. T. Howard of Mullno, wss In Oregon City Tuesday on business for the Lower Columbia Fire Relief As - sorlatlon. The High School Success I Jterary j Six-let y rendered a very Interesting program Friday ariernoon. buimcci for discussion was "Resolved, That City Ufo Is More I'leasant than Coun try IJfe." It wa decided In favor of the negative. The Thanksgiving dinner given by Mr. and Mr. Larkln wa proof posi tive to all present that Mr, larkln and her daughter understood the art of cooking John Allen and family loft Tuesday , for Portland where they will make! their home. Mr. Allen ha a position on the Oregon la n editorial staff. HO0JD A'Y Suggestions Electric Store Alder Street, at Seventh !rac4. DANDRUFF AND ITCHINQ SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT, Why experiment trying, to drive the dandruff germ from underuniith the skin with greasy lotions or dine) hnlr dressing when Hunt ley llros. Co. Drug Store guarantees ZKMO and Sf.KMO SOAP to entirely rid Ihe scalp of the germ life that enuai'S th trouble. ZfCMO ami ZICMO HOAP enn ba obtained In uny city or town In America and tire ret'ogiilKed (lie he. and tun"! economical treatment for nil ntrectloiiN uf the skin or sculp whether 011 Infant or grown purmiu O110 shampoo with ZICMO SOAP and nppllrnllon of ZICMO will stop Itching and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. We Invite you to try ZICMO and ZICMO SOAP niul If not entirely sat. Islled we will re fund your money, Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Store. CARS USED ON IMPROVEMENT. Moffat A Parker Build Track to Haul Away Loose Earth, Moffat ft Tarker, contractor for the Improvement of Washington street, have had constructed on Wash ington street, betweeu Eleventh and Twelfth, a track, and the dirt (hat I to be taken from the strwts near the Apporson, Huntley and Mack Howell place will be carried clown the hill and be placed on the Twelfth street fill. The cars will be sturted this week. There, will probably be alMHit a 15 foot cut on the strwt where the dirt Is to he removed. Many residing along that street are Installing ce ment walks. Keaaonnhlo prices at the New Sys tem Dentists. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clackamas County, Addle Mabel Burke, plaintiff, vs. William Iliirke. Defendant. To William Burke, the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho sliove entitled cause on or before the Ifith day of January, 191 1. and if you fall to so appear and answer for want thereof thetplitlntlff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her said complaint, to wn": For a decree of this Court dlssolr. ling the marriage contract now exist-' Ing between plaintiff and defendant, and for cost and disbursements here in and for such other and further re-; I lief as may be equitable. , r.,.,, 'rri nf the. Htnte of Ore- . ., r-lnrkanms Count v fiir the 1. ,,....iui ninri.i mndn ami mi. 1 ttrtu, 0) dly f nw-emir, ,.,. ... .l- ,,,. 11P.rrit! .,, . , pu t1 t-tal tisn of this summons Is six; jWH,kg bll,nnK ,-rlday. m.0emlier S. ; limn, and endln with the Issue oft jBmlary lMu ,91I, I Dated December 1st. 1910. Dated December 1st. 1910. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for l'lalntlff. Notlc. t. hnrnhr riven that In slxte dars from the date of this notice It will ba unlawful for stock lo ruu at large within the precinct of Oak (.rove, Clackamas County, Oregon. This notice Is given pursuant to th statute In surh cases mado and pro- vlded. Electric CHAFING DISHES in Nickel and Copper Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, No vember ar.tii, lino. F. W. GIUCIONMAN, County Clerk. Nolle. Is hereby given that III sixty days from the dntu of thl notion It will be unlawful for stock to ruu at largo within the product of Klllcn, Clacka mas County, Oregon, This notice Is given pursuant to (he statute In such rnsi' nindn ami pro vided. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, No vember SMIl, 111 ID. F. V. OltlCICNM AN. County Clork, Notice. Whnri'iis, at an election held In Clni kimiiis County oil the Ktb day of November, tlMO. the voters of said County declared against swine run ning t large within the comity. Notice Is therefore given, that In sixty day from the date of thl no tice, It will bo unlawful for wlno to run at large within said Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated at orogon City, (his 2Mb day of November, ltild. F. W. GRICICNMAtf, County Clerk, TIME CARD. O. W. P. DIVISION Portland and Orsgon City. Arrlv lave" Arrive 3 I. 3 Bstwtan llave"l 3 w 5 ! TTm tvTf Mti 8o m Hi Did T.St 7.30 1 20 6 ! 7 !0 7.00 71: aoo ino 867 7 to 7 30 t il 1 30 7 30 7.J7 130 too 1(1 tOO 100 107 00 130 8 IJ sjo 1 30 137 30 100 f) 10 00 00 107 10 00 130 10 !J 10 30 1 30 1 37 10.30 1000 10 53 1100 10 00 1007 11 00 10 30 11 33 11 30 10 30 1037 11 30 11.00 1112 13.00 11 00 1) 07 It fl 1130 13 33 13.30 11 30 11 37 13 30 13 00 1JR1 1 00 13 00 1307 1 00 11 30 1.33 1.30 11 30 13 37 1 30 1.00 113 3 00 1 00 1 07 3 00 1 30 1 33 1 30 1 30 1 03 ! 30 100 111 100 3 00 3 07 3 00 3 30 3 33 1 30 1 30 1 37 3 30 3 00 3 13 4.00 3 00 107 4 00 3 30 4 32 4 30 1 30 3 37 4 30 4 00 4 13 1 00 4 00 4 07 100 4 30 1 13 1 30 4 30 4 37 1 30 100 1 12 1 00 1 00 1 07 8.00 130 8 33 130 1 30 137 8 30 8 00 8 13 7 00 8 00 8 07 7 00 1 30 7 33 7 30 8.30 8 37 7 30 7 00 7 13 1 00 7.00 7 07 1 00 7 30 1 33 1 30 7 30 7 37 1 30 100 1.51 111 100 107 (00 8 30 23 IS 1 30 1 37 1 30 100 53 111 03 4 07 10 00 130 10.22 10 31 10.33 1017 11.00 10 00 10 &3 1061 1003 1007 11 00 10 30 1 1 .23 II 3S 11.33 11.37 11.00 1 11 13 11.61 1 11 03 II 07 11.11 11.30 1 1S.!3 13.38 13.3.1 13.37 .... 13 00 1 13 40 1 13.60 11 6111 671 Nil 6013 61 To Mllwsukle only. Train for Fslrvlew, Troutdale, Oresham, llorlng, Ragle Creek, Esta- 'cada and Caiadero and Intermedial ! points, ! 7:11. Xl:03. 1.01. Xl0:01. 1:01. 2.08 (4:05. 1:01. xd:04. 7:01. 1:06. 11:38. For Oreaham. x Oresham, Fslrvlew and Troutdal. NOTE: Csrs leave East Water ani Morrison afreets 1 mlautea later than scheduled from First and Alder Bts.