Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
OREGON CITY KNTEIIPMfo, FRIDAY, NOVEMBIOU 2. 1910. TABULATED OFFICIAL VOTE OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY OV MEASURES. MnHtir Veil imI Upon . I i & fr a . o t? 8 ! a . t " I r 9 5 5 3 B 3 2 2 . oils' : t I s . S a s : 5 5 ? . : : : 2 i . J ::: i : : v. x v, : ".:::: 8 : : p ??:.::::: : q ! : ' ! I I I ' ! ,' ', ', I ! ' ' '. '. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' M Q 'i ; Wimian Suffrage ' 3ni Kor :iin Against Branch Asylum ;ni2 Kiir ao:i akiiIuhi Constitutional Convention llnl For :lo5 AitniiiHt Separate Senatorial and Rap. Dial. ami For .W7 Against , Tax Amendment (Soc. 32) and For .'HI!) AK'llllst Creation of Railroad District 1110 Fur nil AhiIiixI Tn Amendment (See. 1) ;irj For a Kit l tint inoreasing Salary of Judge 8th Diet nu Kur 3 IS Aniiliml Creation of Neemllh County Ill II For 64 75 1)1) 32 f.r. Ill Vil 12 l!H i:i hi 31 47 r.i 61 :i7 7 i:i Ml 21 7 Ml r.i 4n 17 20 4H 27 15 41 2.1 12 111 21 " r "" 4 IS 12 22 117 28 7 21 111 17 r.7 20 12 35 17 12 IX 20 10 24 24 74 44 10 , 42 69 44 18 50 85 0 72 40 33 37 32 19 Kl 58 28 .40 33 35 40 107 87 97 101 47 35 8 35 48 80 22 22 106 2871 .L"9.. JJ!. Ji!.. - I J!L Ji .!22. .J. ? 2L-JI Ji J 89 1 101 78 42 M r I 61 123 111 w iw f- 27 35 so 22 22 m zut 79 40 14 47 47 50 13 34 108 9 90 42 38 22 13 11 j 03 HI 2 40 38 21 23 i.rt 85 99 89 07 29 11 10 24 I 24 lgTlS Tj 1818 I.2. Ji JI. JlL J IJ JI.. .JI Ji. I JLJIl. J?l J3 - I 1"" r'' f,:l 45 4!), 84. "3 111 rt4 17(1 "2 72 24 44 45 75 24 79 2757 31 10 4 10 32 'l 27 11 20 52 7 31 11 21 10 9 12 ! 11 27 5 23 10 7 14 1 67 I 40 61 I 28 32 1 31 1 5 I fin 8 10 3 30 801 !r'" .,WI1 2 j J'j, j1"' I "2 JH I 72 130 18 116 88 49 64 74 95 ( 163 'H 04 02 08 95 85 144 171 192 f 139 ( 102 j 73 32 47 I 55 95 18 29 120 3438 l 27 7 14 31 38 13 28 04 0 43, 12 25 10 7 19 35 28 10 22 17 7 17 00 40 03 41 34 25 4 8 ! 20 I 10 8 8 30 1004 L12 1 Ji. Ji Ji. I'll M JI !il 112 lr "' " 42 77 83 127 90 60 , CI CI 94 81 130 102 184 132 69 72 28 39 j 50 82 21 27 mo 3100 3 00 21 31 71 84 20 40 .93 II 71 50 42 38 13 63 68 95 18 40 40 29 50 128 84 99 85 81 39 18 18 55 I 25 11 21 f 2008 J". Jti .. JJ J JH 9 J Ji Ji Ji Jn Ji J? iJ 44 104 :!fl r'' "4 42 77 39 77 133 1 10 j 94 01 55 13 30 12 74 18 12 7! 2101 71 60 I 13 ' 20 I 09 ' 07 I 17 39 I 84 II 08 ' 46 I 30 36 ' 14 ' 28 l' 67 68 I 18 I 37 l' 43 25 I 37 l' 103 l' 83 l' 87 l' 70 l' 6fi I II I (t I on I ia is n n c, 21 82 27 H5 42 09 4ft (III 45 07 13 OS It t T Agiillint Monmouth Normal School HIS For HID t AKMlimt Creation of Ot la County 32U Fur AifrtlliHt Annexation of Clackamas County Til For 3 .'3 Against Creation of Williams County 321 For :).':, AkiiIuki Rryulatiun of Taaatlon by Countlee :i.'il Fur 327 Anliit Home Rula BUI 32K For 329 AiialliMt Employara' Liability Act :i;io F"r AkiiIiihI Creation of Orchard County 333 Fur a:i;i Attalnst Creation of Clark County 331 Fur 336 AK'ilnal Weaton Normal School :i:iii For 337 Against Annotation of Washington County 33H For 3.: Agiiltm! A'hland Normal School 3 in For 311 AKlllllMt Prohibiting tha Liquor Trafflo 312 For 3(3 Against Prohibition Regulation 311 Fur '. 3l."i Agnlnnt Employra' Indemnity Bill 310 For 347 AKiilnat Prohibiting Flirting In Rogua River 318 For 319 AkiiIiinI Craallon of Daachutea County 3.M) For 351 Axnliit Changing Boundarlaa 353 For 35.1 AKiilniit j, Good Roadt Bill 361 For 355 AkiiIiihI Amending Direct Primary Law 350 For 357 AKitlltM! Official SUto Magailno" " " 36, For .169 AKlilnat Increaalng Initiative and Referendum 3011 For 301 AKiilimt Three fourtha Jury Verdict 362 For 303 AkiiIiihI County High School Fund 304 For 36.1 AkiiIiimI '.mil''' 04 Swine Running at Large 308 For 307 AKitlnat . , ...... County Prohibition 368 For 369 AKlllllMt REAL ESTATE Diivldlllc nnil R. W. Clink to llomor mill Kvu Ii. Flnloy, lotH & to 28 IiicIiih Ivv ot MiH-k 12. Ilyilii l'urk; $10. Hullwooil IjuiiI Iniprovumoiit Com pany lo Froil II. I.ihtUo, liinil 111 Oak (Iriivo; fl. Cliirn C. 11ml Clmrli'M MoCornilck to I'YihI MiiihIiiiII Inula 05 11 ml 70 of Oak (Iruvo; $1. Joint H. (lllilMitm lo Hohprt K. Jnrl, 40 arrow of miction 22. towtmlil 2 Holllll. riillKO 4 tMlMl ; $2,1100. A. 1'. CuHi-y to T, J. Trnynor, lnml III MI'(!tloll 25, lllHIIHllIp 1 HOtltll, rniiKo 3 oiihi: $10. Mary 1. anil Jolm C. llrnilli'y to H. K. Mlllor, land In Hoctlon 30, towiiBlilp l moiiiIi, rniiKo 1 iHt; $15,000. Wlllliuii Vim Mntrn ft"l M'"'1" Van Metro to Clinton and Vivian (lordy, 3.1 no.roH or Miction 21. 22, 27. 28, town Hlilp 3 hoiiIIi, rniiKU 2 aHt; $1,200. KII011 M. Ityan lo Jolm S. Worton tlvko. 2.1 iiori-H ot Ook (irove; $1,760. John W. mill tliacn K. Iniliir to r. V. HpriiKini, lot 7 of block 4, Glad-, Blono; $250. I Mary Anno Hoyiiin to jonti j. imy Inn, 30 iiiiroH of miction 22, township 2 aoiith, rniiKo 1 P'lHt; $1- Tlmiiintt mill Kntliorlno WIlHon to A. tliinlo, land In Hortlon 26, towtiHhlp I 1 ui.tilh riinirn 0. flllHt: 81. I K. A. nnd Klla Kdrty to Mrs. R. !'. IIiiiiiIhIoii, 5 ncros of Hoctlon 7, town Hlilp 2 Boittlt, rniiKo 1 fHHt ; $800. I.. A nil it Mtimln 9. Knniio to S. P. mid' Mary O. Mnckoy. lot 15, except! 25 foot, Wlchlla; $l,wu. U..lo M. nnd C. T. Ilumphroyg to S. M. I0". 160 ncros of Boctlon 28, towiiBlilp 3 boiiIIi, rniiKo 1 oiiBt; $1. noiijantln K. nnd Matilda Allun to llimtor A. ItaltiH, land In Clackainas County; $2,9oo. Frank 11. 1'iitch to Elvira SaltmnrBh, 1,4 acre of unction 4, towiiBlilp 4 mmth, rmiKo 1 ot; M75. (iuorKe K. HarRioavoB to Emnm MIlHtoad, lot 0 and fractional lot 7. Clackamas County; $1,100. Ami C. nnd MiikkIo Thomas to Hon ry C. I'rutlhomino Company. 80 acres of auction 1, township 2 south, rango 4 miHt; $1. . Martin V. Thomas to Henry C. Prud himinio Company, 60 acres of soctlon 1, township 2 south, range 4 east; $1. 31 I 33 111 I 77 15 12 Ml 45 12 68 13 31 4.1 15 07 62 2" r.i 19 20 5 8 Ml I Kil 0 40 ! IN I in in ii I 60 I III! II 4 1 V7 3(1 149 (5 i;u 14 inn 43 ! 49 to f,il 7'l 42 j u ji K . hi 5 112 7 III IS 28 6 I 64 21) 105 0 59 20 41 42 41 3 38 0 611 3 39 "II I! .I;l2(i ..I! 13 , .1 till II . J r.i ..II 7 N x no I mi! 32 r.i 14 15 in 17 15 26 18 I 85 111 17 ! Ml 10 37 27 13 3 .10 99 13S 107 82 33 150 32 150 J! Nl ii 311 II j II .11 UN ' :j ,'i 13 .!;m: r.i i r!) I 19 29 I 50 I 7 .ii. 33 K It 07 I 1"4 7 CI I 0 1 im I ill "" i " r f.2 30 211 11 in 10 32 57 11 58 30 j 135 Ii 74 78 J! n .! iri'j 35 .! 71) I! I .11 fio I .l 7S I 7 i 3 1.1 r.s (09 I 12 62 31 31 67 49 50 63 64 33 158 47 149 123 109 118 118 00 123 39 8 I 17 77. 1 95 35 ! on On I 57 7 17 10 3D 1.1 HI 16 18 ( ... . ill ".r 10 I 20 33 64 1.1 62 11 31 53 11 10 89 43 64 111 95 37 70 19 "7 17 I ! 6.1 i 3 i 43 7.1 j I 19 I 91 I ,! 49 ! 04 j!""" 40 ! OS l II 51 ji 09 II I j 20 82 41 37 60 20 I 109 18 I 74 6 113 37 38 3 S7 13 22 23 18 30 155 70 107 S9 97 18 8 17 9 10 11 63 29 29 42 49 69 r 30 63 60 I 62 47 38 13 43 31 6! .12 17 40 42 30 42 10 I9 04 39 24 I 91 IX 104 10 61 20 20 21 19 30 12 19 24 14 3.1 54 124 70 113 95 97 111 94 69 159 10 43 69 32 54 IX I 53 10 4.1 04 22 I 30 65 80 10 17 71 I UK) I 41 60 69 68 22 I 144 27 99 02 r.r. no :;s John 8. Pace to Anna Howoll, lots I to T, S. McDiinlel, 1 3-4 nrrcn of town i 1 and 2 of block 4, (iladstono; $10. ship 2 south, mime 1 cast; $10. I H.", n,ul M",ry f M,n,'ro Mrs. I w. R and Frances Flshor to EiiKene N. h. (ottrell, land In Solhvood B Ad-H. IIIld Cn,n M. 1v,w1Iiik and Nettle dltlon to Mllwaulile; $10. u Culvorwell. 20 acres of section 18, Ellas and Sarah K. Slover to A. t. Thomas, Mouth hiilf of southeast qunr-' ter of section 1, township 2 Booth rniiKo 4 east; $1. Rhoilll mid (ieol'KO 11. Thomas to A. 0. TliotniiH. northeast quarter of south half of HoiitheaHt quarter of section 1, township 2 south, range 4 oast; also 20 acres of section l, township 2 south, riiiigo 4 eiiHt; JI. Oregon Healty Company to J. E. Howard, 15 acres of section 30, town ship 0 south, riiiigo 2 east; $10. Annie and A. K. Mathews 1 to EIIm j whlle 'ml wlfo towiishlp "s south! J. Dilution and Hannah McUrath, mi-! raUK0 ,..(Ht- ii divided one-half Intnrest In lots 6 to; , " ! .' , , 21 Inclusive In block 65. and lot 1 ol ' U .h- ""'I M,lltl? Arm8lroK to block 00, Mlnthorn Addition to Port-11'' i1"" J ': Ar' ul,r; 2- 3; IU. tj,) . 10, 17, IX, 19, 20, block 89, First Sub- a ... ,, ... . division of Portion of Oak Grove; E. M. and Annie Howell to E. I I ... ..uo Swank, lots 3, 4, 5, 0, of block "D," 1'' ' , . , A First Addition to Canemah; $10. 1 "' 3-nn K"a T. Dick to Clnr- , . , .,, , . , ,! once L. Fegles, 8.53 acres of Tualatin Mrs N. E tot roll to J. W. ijntl , Meadows; $10. Lucia Hart, land In Hell wood's Addl-, ' , .,.,. tlon to Mllwauklo; $800. Ellen M. Kockwood to P. A. Miapp Oscar U nnd A. E. Clyde to .lan.os i n,1( s- v- M"clic'' lot 3 of block 9' U. nnd Chun Clyde, block 19, of Clack- Ardouwald; $400. nmiis Highlands; also part of block 1 William fiuldonzopp nnd Anna Onl 20, Clackamas Highlands; $1. denzopp to M. Nelson, land in section (leorglanii 8. and Charles H. Woods 10, township 2 south, range 4 east; to Wesley nnd 11. A. Carter, lots 4, 0, $76. 13, 14. 15, block 17, Mllwauklo Park; $100. Charles N. nnd Wllholmlna Walt to EiiHtern Investment Company, lotH 1 and 2 of block 19, Oregon City; fl. J. M. Nelson to J. J. Johnson, 5 ac res of section 3, township 5 south, ninge 1 oast; $500. W. B. nnd Hnttte V. Barksdale to George. R. Hargan and JcsbIo II. Mar gin), 2 acres of Tualatin Meadows ; $10, I). A. Hart, Jr., nnd Oatha M. Hart to J. E. Short ot nl, 97.2 acres of D. L. C. of Harrison Wright and wlfo, township 4 south, range 2 east; $13,000. Cyrus and Amanda Powell to Flor ence Totor, 11.85 acres of D. L. C. of Robert Caufleld nnd wife, township 3 south, range 2 east; also 20 ncros of Robert Caufleld D. L. C, township 3 Bottth, range 2 bast; $10. John and Florence Toter to Cyrus Powell, lots 1, 2, 3, block 11, West Gladstone; $10. llortha L. nnd Charlos E. Clodfoltor 12ll 38 17 62 09 6I 12 I 68 1103 1 10 1 83 1 64 47 29 7.11 79 1106 1 08 I 611 52 1 43 1 79 1 59 I 104 I 129 100 I 811 77 09 22 22 22 R5 20 M 111 KB 1.1 21 65 07 18 37 72 II 07 41 35 32 10 41 48 ( 0.1 12 40 37 I 20 45 109 I 00 V iT 70 03 35 11 15 f 50 25 7 2(1 07 1 1719 112 32 10 j 65 70 42 9 Q Ji. Ji. 65 3:1 'l 7" 63 112 I f'4 4:1 47 i 2 t JI Ijjlijfi!g5 l01 01 20 30 j 17 75 20 15 76 j 2339 2 " 1 II 1 11 25 4 32 1 8 1H 2 0 2 12 21 3 8 7 4 7 1 40 i 31 j 60 j 20 1 16 11 4 2 8 5 6 3 25 I 611 17.1 93 18 73 122 120 25 89 J58 0 120 I 93 59 59 92 111 154 109 08 80 C9 103 99 ! 103 I 192 I 211 101 131 79 31 52 70 98 25 34 117 i 3904 I i I "I i ""l I " r "I " 1 I i i i i i I i ( r 1 1 i i i i i i i i M 45 I 00 I 16 27 I 1.102 1.1 11 I 60 j 71 j 12 68 I 12 15 j 6 4 18 20 72 8 11 8 7 12 I 101 I 53 I 55 30 I CO 14 10 0 CO 10 5 6 30 1304 I I 72 Cl 30 14 40 79 7 88 87 20 I 60 81 88 142 I 47 1 01 80 70 99 80 93 I 179 ! 220 i 147 05 80 24 64 10 95 5 M i?i M14 95 69 7 ! 45 74 114 J IX I4 42 70 12 68 10 j 9 01 152 30 10 I 79 00 1 " 70 120 27 1 6 152 167 12 8 I 89 21 30 68 12 0 60 1(3 2fi 111 79 60 70 70 17 45 07 1 34 ( 37 J,!J 52 43 00 28 77 47 78 89 82 51 69 62 03 34 43 35 61 29 8 in 10 65 I 71 I 61 28 I 64 10 I IX I 29 f 39 '.9 I 107 63 0 JS 28 53 7.1 68 8 I 20 I 42 67 48 77 44 79 43 J9 55 30 53 30 67 30 11 45 2.1 I 5.1 70 98 24 60 78 68 61 34 13 07 30 49 71 I 4L 65 03 68 ! 69 30 63 79 I S3 44 13 !3 13 15 13 8 17 10 11 J5 9 J4 8 24 68 31 6X 44 A" 58 32 60 JO 3(1 83 64 80 20 C0 34 J5 41 43 50 33 32 62 97 63 Ji 76 69 49 103 42 124 73 ino 60 ; township 3 south, rango 1 west; $:l,500. S. I), nnd Jennie M. Smalley to Jens I.orvlk, lot 17, Oregon Homes; $10. E. M. Howoll to C. II. Wllloughby, land in Oregon City; $10. Thomas and Estollo Wlko to J. K. and Jessie Mulr, south half of north west quarter of northwest quarter of section 31, township 2 south, range 3 east; $10. Preston and Ida Cooper to E. P. Portouw, 5 acres of I). L. C. of S. S c.oorge R. nnd Jeaslo B. Horgan to Noah Bonebrako, 2 acres of Tualatin Meudows; $10. Charles W. Noblltt to Charles R. Noblltt, 80 acres of soctlon 33, town ship 4 south, rango 1 east; $10. Herc.iles L, Kolly to Catherine Kel ly, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, of block 05, Oregon City: fl. 1 Augusta Warnor et al to E. A. nrady, part of lot 2 of block 3, Oregon ; City; flOOO. Willnmotte Falls Company to Henry Opperman, 6.3 acres of First Addition ; to Wlllnmette Falls Acreage Tracts; I fl. Henry and Hello Turner to Franklin E. Mueller, lots 7, 11. block 11. Palls! View Addition to Oregon City; f200.l CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles 'Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Bank of Oregon City. , JOHN V. CLARK, Mgr. ! 00 I II I 01 I 100 I 6 I 93 I 30 i 41 i 21 I 11 I 47 I 97 I 91 I 27 60 I 42 43 I 48 I 151 I 12C I 100 i 116 I 68 ! f.J 1 J 1 i7 I . i J ,is j. 89 10 72 72 30 15 j 79 07 74 I 44 40 47 I 47 I 71 I 611 72 I 118 I 129 I 84 1 88 1 51! 23 1 39 1 35 85 19 20 58 1 2374 81 j 9 49 65 14 49 j 3 ' 43 3 7 IS 00 5 11 11 2 8 90 20 31 29 j 57 7 3 0 I 01 I 4 7 3 24 I 1070 UllULLii. JI 0 I 92 1 97 j 25 60 83 93 154 I 55 07 78 09 103 90 91 202 211 149 70 96 30 53 12 ) 98 21 32 130 3164 101 20 101 105 28 121 4 80 3 1 3 5 115 2 4 j 11 1 6 193 29 20 22 122 4 0 1 I 90 6 2 3 18 1830 ' 2 .!. J '21 2 Ji IPC I 70 92 114 181 27J 97 I 73 110 108 40 234 285 192 49 104 34 60 I 2 101 31 38 100 3283 I 12 l' 67 11 62 5 3s 4 3 3 3 56 4 7 10 2 8 81 j 29 20 24 65 9 2 1 54 I 4 I 5 2 16 i 994 31J738 83 0 I 88 94 2 J3 'Ji 102 57 06 80 68 H 92 102 I 193 237 148 I 08 93 30 51 10 95 22 31 130 3125 1 ' 1 1 "T ""i 1 1 !" 1 T" ""1 1 i 1 j j j r 101 I 23 I 61 118 21 80 48 45 40 24 02 00 ) 98 27 53 46 30 63 HO I 109 117 102 83 47 10 32 59 28 14 23 80 2367 ;il'7 J J ? J 69 I J2 1 y' J2 45 I I 47 7 34 j 69 40 71 124 151 92 f 62 50 17 25 19 71 17 14 83 2124 II 1 ' " i 1 r i " i 5 I 10 37 92 22 70 63 41 22 38 92 68 104 21 38 34 CO 61 I 125 104 175 97 95 50 19 25 47 55 15 16 88 2471 60 j 16 70 145 67 109 68 12 52 J5I 20 114 45 68 56 50 j 54 53 114 1.15 153 127 65 07 10 30 36 57 15 26 99 2039 ' 77 22 67 1.19 12 128 64 62 44 21 63 95 ' 116 32 59 48 39 CO 157 I 102 195 J 152 110 51 16 35 54 1 30 It 17 111 ! 2841 j!0j7 42 4!) 10 I 46 C1 32 Ij 20 C8 60 7S I 18 43 37 30 04 41 00 j 79 91 54 42 52 18 19 19 70 17 17 48 1674 "7 I 0 j 42 57 12 49 3 37 4 5 4 9 62 6 8 9 3 9 80 29 25 I 28 64 10 3 2 54 40 3 3 23 I 999 11 J9 12 89 5 J5 96 28 53 83 89 155 60 07 78 66 98 93 95 190 237 145 00 88 30 50 16 97 23 30 129 3110 ' 111 39 02 1 18 2 32 3 3 4 11 54 I i 7 12 1 8 81 J 31 26 J 23 CO 8 5 3 53 6 6 3 18 941 38 14 1142 79 5 1 95 96 29 1 53 80 92 144 58 I 64 79 66 99 90 90 j 191 235 I 153 I 61 88 30 50 18 j 93 21 30 '129 3078 31 9 28 78 I 4 I 68 ( 23 I 33 13 I 3 15 45 74 13 l' 38 ' 26 7 21: 102 ' 97 ill 89 ' 43 21 10 13 18 13 I 12 15 68 ! 1433 11 M8 I J2 96 I 14 j 92 I 84 30 j 49 I 91 94 128 I 52 04 58 47 j' 97 84 100 I 128 I 107 101 96 I 79 26 39 S3 91 17 23 80 3028 68 7 40 61 10 I 64 I 4 I 39 I 2 0 2 J 4 4 2 4 6 0 8 102 23 18 21 71 11 0 2 57 6 J 2 2 17 972 J2. JI JI J.L4 Hi1 97 I 99 28 I 00 89 101 J 57 j 50 68 88 77 105 96 94 2n8 j 252 159 C4 95 34 51 16 98 27 33 139 3325 22 I 7 27 78 4 1 CI 20 30 13 5 4 38 66 14 1 34 23 6 15 92 f 80 I 106 84 43 14 7 12 22 8 8 13 66 1290 .""iL2.11- Ji. ..!?.? 15 I 1 85 I 41 85 104 135 68 61 68 69 96 92 110 I 147 I 170 I 106 94 84 27 43 52 96 19 23 93 3144 66 I 14 61 109 5 98 36 31 23 33 21 72 45 35 40 46 27 37 114 ! 126 137 130 68 52 9 29 33 26 I 4 23 83 2175 K9 I 20 I 62 1 Ifi J 0h82 75 65 S3 64 JI04 104 j 98 41 53 38 84 74 128 I 156 194 99 93 60 27 31 54 81 I 25 20 96 2917 53 I 13 47 100 3 100 I 35 31 36 37 16 69 44 38 52 42 26 41 107 121 1.13 124 -61 48 9 30 36 28 4 25 80 2113 JVJL JI. JL " S3 ' 81 59 n 64 112 111 I 107 39 I 53 41 79 72 134 174 200 108 104 66 27 32 53 84 28 18 107 3049 31 14 29 74 6 60 16 32 23 13 16 32 43 9 31 28 12 33 78 80 117 83 54 26 6 18 26 1 14 4 14 67 1425 81 U 61 103 12 89 79 40) 41 73 82 13.1 78 60 57 48 90 05 115 133 140 98 78 I 69 27 30 44 88 23 18 81 2780 66 18 47 101 17 88 47 41 1 25 41 53 75 89 33 47 85 41 59 136 114 126 89 67 60 14 25 50 29 13 17 77 2'32 36 12 J4 67 4 55 47 j 17 1 31 37 37 81 31 37 36 35 57 39 58 101 128 83 66 34 12 24 23 65 11 14 84 1840 69 10 41 68 11 49 2 43 6 3 3 9 54 10 16 8 5 11 88 41 37 36 61 ' 10 2 1 53 2 3 4 22 1044 42 15 44 78 6 92 I 96 23 I 60 84 90 153 54 63 68 64 94 86 90 188 215 140 67 83 30 51 15 99 24 31 124 2999 76 j 20 64 102 16 S3 48 42 35 22 52 67 77 15 40 40 29 51 123 ! 81 I 107 75 71 32 10 24 41 16 2 22 78 2000 39 0 40 66 8 65 62 22 25 58 51 I 97 39 56 44 34 76 49 CO I 135 I 143 98 61 64 21 27 24 83 26 16 69 2123 8" 21 66 99 13 82 39 42 40 14 29 59 98 22 52 39 26 55 172 97 140 98 76 40 11 23 46 16 11 19 84 2173 . JL1 44 84 9 75 6.1 I 27 28 74 76 107 23 51 30 39 79 49 37 125 114 74 60 59 22 28 23 84 18 15 66 2146 77 14 47 105 14 81 42 64 48 34 45 74 95 26 I 51 38 32 56 128 90 123 105 77 44 15 23 41 22 10 20' 76 2192 6J 12 52 74 11 71 60 24 17 51 64 93 30 47 39 45 73 48 82 126 147 83 67 55 20 28 30 76 19 19 83 2229 11 12 23 65 13 60 30 j 31 32 16 24 j 40 06 11 J 42 36 15' 46 92 70 62 69 36 28 7 15 I 27 17 8 8 56 1389 8J 16 79 108 12 90 63 37 33 73 79 124 65 64 I 46 45 90 61 111 147 194 105 92 70 24 38 j 44 85 23 27 93 2878 1 "f i 1 1 1 1 ' : : j n i i i 69 13 36 I 95 10 7.1 41 30 44 17 32 I 58 59 18 39 42 33 59 111 95 92 87 63 35 11 22 39 17 6 18 60 1S46 69 I 16 60 j 80 11 79 59 34 19 70 ( 73 102 62 61 42 33 71 43 79 121 161 93 68 62 20 25 j 32 82 23 18 88 2359 83 19 70 136 13 101 CO 41 49 31 62 87 - 88 29 54 57 35 65 125 101 123 84 85 51 12 26 I 44 34 16 23 75 I 2402 JI 6 35 52 14 59 47 j 32 17 48 57 78 26 42 34 25 71 35 78 112 126 94 48 49 19 23 I 27 64 11 17 78 1905 51 19 40 141 4 93 40 ' 42 22 9 18 138 83 20 62 35 23 35 136 132 168 110 48 43 8 15 27 21 12 16 103 2163 78 11 57 62 21 57 69 1 36 42 85 91 47 49 55 40 46 78 65 76 98 99 76 87 57 26 35 45 78 20 23 59 2337 30 12 27 62 9 43 22 j 17 18 11 15 41 j 24 17 j 25 20 18 27 51 53 58 47 38 25 12 13 14 11 6 8 42 I 1097 112 I 23 84 146 22 122 85 I 61 ) 66 90 98 148 I 111 61 ( 76 70 85 82 175 178 207 147 97 81 24 40 63 88 23 32 121 3656 62 17 60 130 7 111 44 38 38 43 26 93 48 43 54 55 35 42 114 124 145 124 72 53 10 33 37 40 4 31 100 2443 J2 18 108 4 I 77 ! 70 I 53 33 .56 1 99 96JJ07 32 I 55 S3 06 71 129 170 200 108 101 62 26 31 51 75 30 16 102 2869- READ THIS. All Who 8uffer From Catarrh, Sore Throat or Colda. Milllonu of people throughout Am- w. T. Henderson, a prominent far erica hnve breathed HYO.MEI (pro-1 mer of Ellwood, while driving to this bounce It High-o-nie) and now own n city Thursday in compunv with his HYOMEI Inhaler niiule of hard nib-, daughter, Mrs. Vallen. met with a her. ) painful accident in which his collar If you own a HYOMEI Inhaler, no bono wns broken. Mr. Henderson's mntter where you live, you can get : horses became frightened of a road a bottle of HYO.MEI nt Huntley Bros, roller, and shiod. upsetting the wagon Co.. and druggists everywhere for j and throwing him beneath. Mrs. Val- onty hue. Ask for an extra bottle of HYOMEI Inlmlent; It Is only 50c nnd with it you can cure a cough or a cold In a day. You can get relief from catarrh or stuffed up head In two minutes and en to the home of his son, William stop hawking and snuffing In a week, j Henderson, where is receiving medi Jnst pour a fow drops of HYOMEI j cal aid. into tne inhaler ami ureatne it in that's nil. It's so easy and so pleasant and so much more desirable than swallowing nauseating drugs, llreatho Hyomel over the Inflamed membrane of tho nose and throat , nnd Its soothing, healing action will be felt Immedi ately. If you have not a HYOMEI Inhaler get a complete HYOMEI outfit nt. once. This only costs $1.00, nnd with ; It comes a HYOMEI Inhnlor that will I iioh a-.iiu-unio mm i.ubi.i iU ub overy family. j " TT Letter List. - List of unclaimed letters at the Ore- j gon City Post Office for the week ending Nov. 18, 1910: Women's list: Elliot, Mrs. Lyman: Kalmbnck, Mts. Pearl; Llnqulst, Nan cy (2); Miller, Mrs. Mary; Shank, airs. j. w.; snanK. m s. .nie; wasn-. burn. Llln; Warner, Mrs. Jennie. Men's list: Be den, W. L.; Ron-: n Jones Drug Co. nott. O. M.: Rurkhnrt, Garry; David, John E. (2); Daniels, H. P.; Flath-1 Registration of Land Title. man. Rev. H.; Gil more, B. W.; Hill, in the Circuit Court of the State of I Wm.; Howoll, Jack; Johnson, Elof; Oregon for the County of Clacka-: Lyon, Frank A.; ftfnlloy, Wm. (10); 1 mas. ' Mclntyre, E. T.; McMlndes, H. E.;.Tn tne matter of the application of I Rawlins, Jessie; Rayburn, Ralph. Dr. Bell'a Pine-Tar-Honey will break up the worst cold and al lay throat Irritation. This remedy quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe, and all throat and bronchial troubles. Jones Drug Co. ELWOOO FARMER INJURED. : W. T. j Henderson Fractures Collar bone in Runaway. len escaping Injuries by Jumping from the wagon. Mr. Henderson, although rendered unconscious, had the ores- I once of mind to hold to the reins, thus preventing a runaway. The injured mnn was brought to this city and tak. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A SLAVONIAN LOSES EYE. Flying Rock Brings Grief to Frank Sajoivc. VpntiL. Cnlnl.'r. a Clai'nnlan Wl l).n sight of his left eye Frldav afternoon, through the explosion of a blast in Harry Jones' rock quarry on Center street. A piece of flying rock struck Sn in!" vi in tha loft ova Houfrn vlncr the organ Th() unf,' mim llves . In the Green Point section of the city ! and has a wife and two children. For Colic or any bowel trouble Dr. Bell's Antl- Pain acta 111(e maRCi releves aimoat instantly. Also cood for all external Frederic Yohann for the registra tion of title to the S. E. 14 of the S. E. i of section 24. In T. 4 S., R. 1 E. of the W. M. In Clackamas County, Oregon. to ai.t. whom it at ay mxrv.nv- Take notice that on the 22d day of November, 1910, an application was filed by Frederic Yohann In the Cir cuit Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon for initial registration of land above described and more par ticularly described as follows: As the S. E. Vi of the S. E. of Section 24 In T. 4 S., R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian. In Clackamas County, Ore gon, containing 40 acres of Hnd. Now, or unless you appear on or before the 30th day of December, A. D., 1910, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the No. 28 REPORT OF THE The First State Bank of Milwaukie At Milwaukie, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November u, RESOHRCES Loans and discounts $45,227.24 Bonds, securities, etc 5,437.26 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 13,541.90 Due from approved reserve hanks 11,399.74 Checks and other cash Items 189.20 Cash on hand 3,206.21 Total $79,001,551 Total $79,001.55 STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas. ss. I, A. L. Bolstad, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belie'. A. BOLSTAD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1910. JOHN R. KELSO, J. P. CORRECT Attest: PHILIP STRIEB, W. P. LEHMAN, Directors. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, AND NOTIONS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OLD RUBBERS, COPPER AND BRASS J. H. rVIATTLEY so tth street same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the applicant, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Dated this 22d day of November, A. D., 1910. F. W. GREENMAN, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. J. F. CLARK. Attorney for Applicant. CONDITION OF isiu. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 1,033.76 Individual deposits subject to check 41,084.05 Demand certificates of de posit 752.98 Time certificates of deposit 4.353.67 Certified checks 176.20 Cashier's checks outstanding 134.25 Savings deposits 6,466.64