Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTEKPKISK, KIM DAY, NOYEMHEll 25, 1910. 2 1111 r iiif. ii i i i . , : j ALCOHOL J Peh fvvr Acfelablr IYepeiRtftiw for As Simil.llmOirs'F.ivt -imlPM.i ling (Jic SiawKiB antllxwisi lVimolcslfelianflmfut tlic .mrl U-r fonl.ihc nc:'T Opium.K)rp!inc norteaL! JL-n". Mab?i-')rer. AnKCtApvli tliirm.-l IIU1I.OUU1 OU'liKRil.'W""- Worms.fom'ulsions.tnTriui ncssanuLOSSOFMXR rKS'mft Sigiurort of NEW TOKK. III? ESlSffltd n n flTffai ll IN" WSWkf QUI For Ir.fiints nnd Cildrf? The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature 3 . ft JP1 Exaa Copy of Wrapper. in rt u fc-or Over Thirty Ycai t I -.1 mm pet r- 1 .1 TMt CVNTAun MMIT, N(W VDftft CtTt. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY DAMASCUS AND ROCK CREEK. Most all the farmers in this part of the country have their immense crop of potatoes dug. Those that are not out in the rain these last few days are sitting by the fireplace "smoking their pipe of clay." Mrs. I'miker is reported to have been hurt by the horse falling and the single tree striking her in the face. She was taken to town to a doctor and at last reports she is im proving. Mrs. Samuel Konitzer slipped and fell while carrying water to wash dur ing the rainy weather and was hurt. She is able to be about now. A number of teams are on the road from early morn until late at night hauling potatoes, cord wood and farm produce to town. All apples except the real late ones are picked, stored away or hauled to market in this part of the country. Rock Creek School is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Mortomore as principal, and Miss Ro man as primary teachers. Mrs. M. Donley's sister and family have been visiting her lately. Mrs. Donley accompanied them as far as Portland on their return home. Suss Donley is home for a while as Rodlum Bros.' sawmill is shut down on account of water supply being 6carce. It will soon begin to run again. Beat-ie. (these are Jokes and will be copyrighted.) K. P. Wilson purchased a fine, young team from C. E. Spence recent ly and A. J. Johnston has bought a span of voting draft horses from some j one near Silverton. Good horses cost money now but farmers must have them. . m The whir of the sawmill on Fred Mosier's place and the deep bass voice of the whistle is heard daily as they convert timber Into ties and lumber. Fred has bought an engine to log with. If this sawmill business could be done only In good weather it would be much better for the roads. There was a- turkey shoot at Mr. Cromer's on the 21st. When a cold becomes settled In the system, it will take several days' treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the sys tem in a natural and healthy condi tion. Sold by all dealers. Croup Is most prevalent during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of young children should be prepared for It All that Is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers are never without It In their homes and it has never disappointed them. Sold by all dealers. MARQUAM. CLARKS. Mr. Buol has borrowed a separator from Mr. Wettlaufer for a short time. Mr. Sherruble of Portland, was out last week to visit his son, Alex. Alex Sherruble was in town Satur day. Mr. Lund from Portland, was out to look at his place. Mrs. Ringo's daughter, Nettie, is out in Clarks. Mr. Haag has rented Mr. Lund's farm. Rev. May of Viola, intends to hold a week's revival in Clarks. .Mr. Elliot surveyed Mr. Marshall's farm last week. Mr. Bottemiller hauled a few loads of wood last week. Mr. Wettlaufer butchered last week. Timber Grove school has vacation over Thanksgiving. J. E. Marquam was home a few days last week from Portland where he has been serving on the United States Court jury. The young people had a card party at Mrs. J. P. Ridings a few nights aeo. The Ladies' Aid is to give1 a Thanks givine supper Wednesday evening, the 23rd. The boys are to have a shooting match also on the 23rd. I. D. Larklns returned home last Sunday from Oregon City, where he has been serving as a Juror and is to return to Oregon City the 22nd to again respond to the call. Band practice every Friday night. Dolph Myer has bought up quite a large band of sheep to feed this win ter. Potatoes are still going up and rain is coming down. The old, old story, told times with out number, and repeated over and over again for the last 3G years, but It is always a welcome story to those in search of health There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. WILSONVILLE. Everybody Needs a good salve and Dr. Bell's Antisep tic Salve is the best. It Is a creamy snow white ointment. Guaranteed for all skin diseases. 23 cents at Jones Drug Co. LOGAN. The "West wind" that was so strong In Logan on election day, seems to have been general over the state. It takes a strong wind to blow a Democrat into office in this state and county, but strange as It may seem the more Mass-ive the Demo crat the easier lie Is carried except the one whom the Republicans can't Mrs. Brobst spent a few days visit ing in Wilsonville last week, arrivin? home on Thursday. Wm. Baker and wife have moved to Portland. Frances Lawrence spent a few days at home this week. Jake Peters' new store is certainly to be a credit to our little village, as well as to the contractor, .Mr. Chalup sky. Mrs. Aubrey Raisner went to Port land Saturday. Mrs. Butson spent some time in the Rose City lately, where she was sum moned as a witness in a law suit. Mr. McBride was In Wilsonville last week, on real estate business. Mr. John Butson has moved back to his real estate office, and is still agent for McCall and McBride, of Portland. The school meeting held Thursday evening was not much of a success on account of the Inclement weather. The boat are now Hiving splendid accommodation to passengers, ami shippers along the river front, ImvliiB put on more vessels. A young couple from Kaslern Ore gon are occupying Rob Graham's house, mul the Huso family moved awav last Monday. Alison Baker. dins. Thompson and H. Thompson have returned from Oregon City, whom they served as Jurors. The Ladies' Aid mot with Mrs. Hut son on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. ltothuuio went to Portland Saturday to seo "Mis. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." n.ri v. turn, hud another splendid short poem In one of the last editions of the "Oregon Countryman." The election returns show that Mr. Darby received a .unanimous vote for Justice of the Peace, and that Mr. Ulggs. for Constable, was also given all the good will of this community that was going. pi... i...i...i,.r .r wilsonvll o turned 1 III' ,'. II iv- - out en masse on Friday evening. No vember ISth, to hear M. ti. ivoeti, president of the Civic Federation of Oregon, on the Interesting subject of "llappv, Though I'mnarrlod." The splendid chicken dinner served by the members of the I-adles' Aid society was proof of the old ndsge. however, that "there Is no better way of reach ing the heart of a man than through ......iii,, nf tli.t stomach." The dinner was served by the handsome and capable young ladies, for which Wilsonville Is noted. ni- AntiFDtlc Salve (- ..ii,.i-iii!...t fur eczema, salt rheum, tetter, ringworm, running sores, chap ped hands and lips, pimples on me ri- Murk heads, barbers' Itch, sun burn, insect bites, fever sores and nasal catarrh. 25 cents at Jones urug Co. BEAVER CREEK. miwniiKrailn ball will be given ciiir.iiv iwemhor 1A at Beaver Creek Hall, (or which great arrange ments are being made. Whlteman's orchestra has been engaged to Or nish music for the occasion. Valu able priros will be given for the best iini.i.l biilv nnd ceiitlomaii. and the HK'St comic lady and gentleman char acters. A Man Wants to Die only when a laity liver and sluggish bowels cause a frightful despondency. But Dr. King's New Ufe Pills expel poisuis from the system: bring hope and courage; cure all liver, stomach and kidney troubles; Impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and( ailing. 23 cents at all druggists. THE VERY BEST rinitttnr un tit lVlrtMWt U i.vut.i her. W h ii Tit built tipottr n'im'Mum t tv V m on n j..Jii ftti'l i 'it,n.t fit! httrr iulri otk MtywWi, ih mugr tiuw tinn U yuu im,v. V' , !i II inrnl, J V "tjlinl ,'lii.l.n ' . fW Wlll.1. iiIUm r 'v , J!lrUnvw.irliiirlr. -OWsj--. j.'jj- CmhIUIw. Iim. V.V'V ','1ArCi., $5.00 !.' - v 'vJAficTu4'U0 ,: '?. Mai 1.00 " . 'J t""l ''"'"n 1.00 s '. gswriiimo .50 ' ! . Jf'" 5.00 V. 1 j,.',r!"kW7 Rn DIM, NmvwMMtMi Pi.M Eitr'tiM .50 NquiHniuMtiwiiM ar MCTHOOtt All wnrh fully itmntntiHxl far flftmMi year. Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists rHtnt IwUiai. Ihlm ml WlitlliwIM fOKIlAMO. 0t. eral of the little boy was held Mon day. This Is the Oral case that has proved fatal at Bolton. Many fami lies of thai sulMirb have been afflicted with the dread disease, aud are on the road to recovery. Diet at Currlntvllle. Mrs. Mary K. Ely, who died at Cur rinsvllte, clackanias county, Novem ber H. was burled at lleppner. Or.. Thursday. The funeral was held In the Methodist Church In Currlnsvllle, after which the body was sent to lleppner. Mrs. Ely was 7i years of age and was the widow of the lato J. B. Ely. They moved to lleppner In is;u and In is?7 they moved to Our rlnsvllle, where sho has sluco lived. She waa the mother of eight children six of whom are living: Mrs. Ista ltauernfiend, of Currtnsvllle. Or.; tieorge V. Ely. of Oai'dciia. Cnl.; Mrs. F. Wallers, of Fort Madison, la.; Mrs. C. J. Wilson, of Ocean Park, Colo.; Mrs. S. I'. Wilson, of lone, Or. She had 17 grandchildren. Mm. Ely was a member of the Order of East ern Star. EASTERN CLACKAMAS EAGLE CREEK. ! In Portland and Oswego Iho paid j week. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F, Douglass were The Fliwood Progressive AhhocIii Portland vlsltora last week. jtlou held Its monthly niccllng Noveui- Fivd llorrnielster bought four pigs ! In r I'.i. After the regular buidness of Henry Fdell the first of (lie week, was disposed with, llin IcacheiH of II. S. tilbson mndo n trip to llarton ' Hover and Flrwood chose sides for Saturday; also Monday. Iho spelling content, Tim pupils of Eagle Crook Grange held lis reg- both schools did very nicely. Lulu ular session last Saturday, About :h i Roberta, of Hover, proved to bo the patrons were present and enjoyed a ; champion, and received the pily.e, a pleasant day together, aud n flue book of poems, offered by Iho Anno chicken dinner. The two member 1 elm Ion. After the couIcnI a short wero received Into the grange. mid Interesting progiainnm was given J. 1). ChltwootJ, of Damascus, was and the members then held it bush a grange visitor Satunliiy. ncss mooting, appointing a couimllten W. J, Howled had the misfortune in attend to all buslmms u (full's per- to slip nnd fall, hurting himself qullo talulug to (he new hall. badly, lust week. Dick Gibson finished digging his potatoca last week. Boy and Ed ltoiiglusa got their po tatoes dug last week. How's Tills? W olti-r mm llu'iilicil I'ull.K ll.niril lnr n Mwi ill t..liili Unit iiitml 1m iiuvil lit Hani luntt Cum. ..It. .11. ,, .. I J llll.llii"i iinr.ii.. ii l uier l unilliil m woi miik lor lii'j i u wulrnium-.. Inm kiiuu J i n.i and Ed Douglass. They cleared (wo I t"r n . ,;," '"."'n'." t'Ti'." acres of land on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker apent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy. Blind. Mrs. Elllo Tiler, Havena, Tex., writes: I was blind as a bat. I used Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salvo and II acted like a charm. It cut tho scum off my eyes and restored my lght. It Is all yon claim and worth its weight In gold. 25 cents a tube at Jones Drug Co. One of Iho most Important pvenls that happened In Sandy for a long time took place Monday evening when tlin tax pavers of the town of Sandy mot and agreed upon boundary lines for Inroi'iHirnilng (he town of Sandy with E. F. llruns as chairman of the committee, who culled the meeting (o This la (he time for everyone to order, and (lie report of tho commit have a thankful heart. " read. Alter some discussion and Harry Morrison spout several days a few minor changes the boundary In Portland last week, returning homo : line an outlined by (he committee DOVER. IIimi it' it itlilu tu tuny uilt mil iililii'tliini. muli' It til. lint, MtlO.lii. ll.Mt t'f t'W.IIII. I 'Mi it... i Mill- ll.iICa CMdirrh Oin. U l.ttrn lnirrii.illt . mtni dlrt'i lltr Mlum iimi lunt.t mill hhii'kii. biiiUi. of tiii- t.ti-IU. l.-lll,nilll4l. wil liv. I'tlin ii cult (M'l tliiltli-. Holit hv Rll iruir.;I.U. litM Hall I. mil)' I nu lm nm.UiKlluM. 8ANDY, OREGON. I.uptou 1 Hiuloiiidy coiinlderliiK tliu plan of pulling up a Mk aanllorluiii. Sandy would be an Ideal placo for hiii'Ii, being well located on an ilo- ill fit spot nffoi'dlliK best of draltiautt, purest of wa'.er, superb meiu'iy nuil lut tiny mountain lilt'. Two loudness men repi ieullli coiupiiuy Hint wlidum lo "tail a big department Mtore In Sandy worn look, lug around for a altii nnd will either build or buy. Sandy has another up lodalo bukor shop. Mm. 10. M. IioukIiihn ha sold her nieicitntllo buMlnc" to Kidnch & Co., of Vancouver, ViiIi.. who are belter than ever piomi'c,t lo seivti (hn pub Ho. Protracted meeting ari held In thn MethmllKl clniich by Rev. L. I'help, Unv. Head, pastor of Handy M. 10. Church, lm oigauled it slnglnu cla who me doing exceedingly well under III Icadel'slilp. Extensive experience for fifteen year make possible the beitt work with lei pain at the New Hystein I It'll! Ill H. TIME CARD. 0. W. P. DIVISION Dtwn Portland and Ortgon City. Umn I Arrlvtl I I'vi" I Arrlvti SKIN AFFECTIONS WHETHER ON INFANT OR GROWN PERSON CURED BY ZEMO AND ZEMO SOAP. AN UNUSUAL OFFER CLACKAMAS. A Poor Weak Woman At he is termed, will endure bravely and patiently aoniei which strong man would give way under. The fact ii women are more patient than they ought to be under sucb troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice free of charge and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World'i Dispensary Medical Association, ft V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y, Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for many years and has had a wider practical exnerienre in the treatment of women ' diseases than any other physician in this country, liis medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli cute women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. The many end varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the People s Medical Adviier (M)H pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will he mailed free on receipt of 31 one-cent stomps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above. Th.. nipotlnir of School and Home Club will be held Friday. November 25. Instead of November IS, as was reported last week. Some matters of business will come before tho club, making It imsirtant that there should be a good attendance. The Ladies' Aid of the Congrega tional church will hold its nnnual ba zaar on Wednesday. November .m. beginning at 10 o'clock. A good din ner will be served from twelve until two o'clock, at 23c for adults, children 13c. The sale of useful and fancy articles, dolls, etc., will begin at two P. M. The ladies of the grange will have a booth, unique and attractive, and will also serve refreshments during the lnte afternoou and evening. Born on Sunday, November 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Marc Heacock, a baby dafghter. weight 10 3-4 pounds. Mrs. Fred Paterson Is quite 111 with what seems a severe attack of the grippe. In fact, there Is something llko an epidemic of that much dreaded dis ease through the town. Thpro will he service on Thanks giving day In the M. E. Church. The pastor of the Congregational church will preach. Mr. Furgeson made some good im provements on the Charlie Clnrk house, lately, by enclosing the large porch on the south, converting It Into a convenient cook room. Freda Jennings, who has been 111 for some time, Is able to be up and around. R. D. Johnston and family have moved from the Ryckman house, to the one owned by George Randall. Word is received from C. E. Spence and wife of their safe arrival at At lantic City, N. J., nftcr a pleasant trip across the continent. The Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Store savs to every person, be It mail, wo man or rhll.l. who has un Irritated, lender or Itching skin to come to our store and procure a bottle of ZEMO and a cake of ZEMO soap and If you are not entirely satisfied with results come back and get your money. S. I conildent are we or tne etricacy tu i this clean, simple treatment, that we make you ttil inni-miu oner. Zemo Is a dear liquid fr external cse that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimple, dandruff, and other forms of skin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO soap ate the most economical a-t well as the cleanest and most effective treatment for nffeetlon oi the skin or scalp, whether on Infant or grown persmi. Huntley Bros. Co. Drug Store. ?at unlay. The school children gave Harold Miller a surprise party Friday even ing. In honor of his fourteenth birth day. Raines tVShnner spent Sunday with his mother, who Is very poorly. The Hews family and the Miller family will move Into their houses this week. worn almost unanimously excepted and a permanent committee was elec ted a follows: C. Junker. E. F. Iliun. P. T. Shelley, (o go ahead and Incur poi-nlo the (own of Salidv. Sandv Commertial Club held n very Important meeting and many point of Intel est w ore acted upon. A pain- new ' I'loei won n wrucuii in tin. im"t Sandy River valley, "uinil or nig re.i I . . .. .... I it....... ..',! vi,.i.,rl,tii s.iiiir. i apple linn pretty gin. skiwi dav evening a large crowd attended upon and soon Information will be the spelling match at Flrwood. be-, distributed throughout the home- Notice. Is hereby given that In sixty days from the date of this notice It will he unlawful for stock to rim at large within tho precinct of Oak drove, Clackanias County. Oregon. This notice Is given pursuant to the statute in such cases made and pro vided. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, No vember 2ith, 1910. F. W. CRF.ENMAN. County Clerk. twifn Flrwood ami IHiver scnooi and communities. Tho "Speller" did fine. Miss Lulu Roberts, of IHiver. wiin (he prize, a flue book, which was awarded to (he one who moral up (he longest. There were five of (lie liover side on the floor when the last otn on the Flrwood side went down. A fluo programme was rendered after tho contest was over. What (he matter with IHiver? She's all rkht! lxtno back come on maidenly and Is extremely painful. It Is caused by rheumatism of the mucsles. quick relief Is afforded by applying Cham berlaln's Liniment. Sold by all deal-era. FIRWOOD. Cheap Imitations, Owing to the immense sale and popularity of Dr. Bells Pine-Tar-Honey there are many cheap imita tions on the market under similar sounding names, but you can always get the genuine by looking for the bell on the bottle. Jones Drug Co. WOMAN ENDS LIFE. Despondent, Mrs. Zook Drinks Car bolic Acid. Despondent, on account of a great deal of sickness In the family, Mrs. T. Zook, of Willamette, Saturday afternoon ended her life by drinking a quantity of carbolic acid. A short time before Bhe took the poison, she tried to borrow some of tho llquod from a neighbor, but as the woman was weeping, the neighbor became suspicions and refused to comply with the request. Failing In this, Mrs. Zook sent one of her children to a store to purchase the drug, which she drank at 4 o'clock. She died two hours later. Mrs. Zook is survived by hex hus band and five small children. The funeral held Monday afternoon at Willamette. MRS. HUSTON BURIED. Deceased Was Mother of Mrs. C. W. Evans of This City. The funeral of Mrs. L. W. Huston, wife of the late Captain Huston, and mother of Mrs. C. W. Evans, of this miv tnriif nlaen at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. K. J. Hall, 825 Han cock street, Portland, at S o clock last Sunday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. George B. VanWat ers, I). D. Mrs. Huston Is survived by three children. Mrs. C. W. Evans, of Oregon City; Mrs. E. J. Hall, of Portland, and A. W. Huston, of Wichi ta, Kansas. There were many beau tiful floral offerings on the bier. DIPHTHERIA CLAIMS CHILD. Three-Year-Old Earl Rains Dies In Bolton. Earl, the threo-yeiir-old son of Mr. and .Mrs. William Rains, died at (he familv borne at. Bolton Monday morn ing of diphtheria at 7 o'clock. A little ghi of the same family Is also afflict ed with (ho same disease. The fun- Notice. Is hereby given that In sixty days from the date of this notice It will be unlawful for stock lo run at Inrge within the precinct of Klllen, Clacka mas County, Oregon. This notice Is given pursuant to the statute In suifc cases made and pro vided. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, No vember 25th, 1910. F. W. GREEN MAN, County Clerk. The Mt. H""d Fruit Grower Asso ciation will hold It regular monthly meeting at Flrwood Saturday. Novem ber ;t'., at '.' P. M. All member are requested to be present. Mrs. E. Weiidlund has been sick, but Is Improving. Mr. J. A. Shaw, of Portland, was the guest of E. I). Hart Saturday. Antono Malnr ha Just purchased a fine new team. II. F. Clark and Mis Ethel Hurt and Messrs. Root, Iseman and Black were out from Portland Saturday night nnd attended (ho spelling con- suckers' section of tho East, tt'lllng (hem "Sandy ha a home for ou." A price of M) rash for a loot to for (lie Sandy country which wn ad vertised In several patcr brought hundreds of letter offering a motto from many sections, even n far East as Montana. They w ere all duly con sidered and the motto, "Join the band lo own some laud at Sandy," olfered by R. E. lsoli was accepted. IT. E. A- Luplon was elctied ft dele gate ttt represent Sandy nl' Oregon Slate I levclopmi'lll Assra-latloll lit Salem, November '2S-Z9. E. F. Bruiut. W. A. I'rorlor and P. II. Mi'llilg wt'ie elected a a commit tee lo confer with the Ml. I It mil Elec tric Railway Company to offer assl tlllico to secure the road It) build lo our pronperutis town of Sandy, and to aid In getting right of way. Mr. nnd Mrs. U-wis who were run ning a cook bonne at Hull Hun gut Into a dispute about who wn bos In the house, and settled their difference by Mrs. I, lulling a big butcher kulfo and making a fuiiou attack on her husband 1 Hiring the moire he had his hand severely cut, requiring sev eral stltche by the dm-ior. The iroiiblo wu taken Into Justice Jon rod court aud thing were amicably ndJiiMted by Imposing a small flno oil thn uggrcHsor. E. F. Brim had hi two finger badly cut In n machine. Dr. E. A. Luptoti ha hi private I 3 ui t o 5 I 5 i: a. t Mrs. W. F. Fisher ha been visiting saiiltorlum nil full of patient. Dr. Mi mr ti 45 0 -.m d :ti 7 :o 0 fif 7 60 7 30 7 37 H30 ti 00 s 07 9 00 K .10 8 3? I) 30 tlllu u7 10 00 t 30 9 37 10 30 10 0 10 07 11 00 10 30 10 37 1 1 30 1 1 00 1 1 07 1 1 19 11 30 11 37 13 30 12.00 12 07 I 00 12.30 12 37 1 30 1 no n7 2 on 1.30 1 03 2 30 2 Oil 2 07 3 00 2 30 2 37 3 30 3 00 3 07 4 00 3 30 3 37 4 3d 4 00 4 07 & Oil 4.30 4 37 S30 5 00 fi 07 t) 00 6 30 6 37 ll 30 C PO C 07 7 00 C3U 0 37 7 30 7.oo 7 1)7 S oo 7 30 7 37 K30 sun xii; 900 S 30 S 37 9 30 IMUl J07 10 00 9 30 ! to 22 j 10 2.'. ! 10.33 1 1037 11.00 10 on to J2 1 io,r.rt II io o:i io oj 1 1 oo 10 30! 11.22 ! II 25 ) II 33 11.37 11 i).i II :.'.' I II V. ii II ni ! II 07 I II Ci'J II 30 I 12.22! 12 21 ! 12 33 12.37 .... 12.001 I2 4CI 12.10 l II Silf.7 I I ( 12.50 "12.55 ( To Mllwauklt) only. Train for Fnlrvlew, Troiitdnle, tSreahnm. Boring, Eagle Creek, Eta rmln ami Cntmleni and Intermedial polius 7:15. -'A2. 9:05. I0:03. 1:05. 3:05. t:ft5. :05. 0:05 7:05. S:0S tl:35. For (ireabnm. x (irhnni, Falrvlew nnd Trouldale. NOTK: Car Icavo Eat Water nnd Morrison ir-ci 5 minute Inter (tan scheduled from First and Alder S' , I 4 00 6 27 6 40 C 30 7 2! 7.30 7 00 7 12 1 00 7 30 II 22 8 30 X HO K 53 9 00 8 30 9 22 9 30 1HI0 9 52 10 0(1 9 3(1 10 22 10 30 10 00 10 53 11 00 10 30 It 22 II 30 1100 '11,52 12.00 1130 12 23 12 30 12 00 12 52 1 00 12 30 1 22 1 30 1.00 I 52 2 00 1 30 2 22 2 30 no 3 53 3 10 2 30 3 22 3 30 3 00 3 53 4 "0 3 30 4 22 4 3" I 4 00 4 52 6 00 4 30 5 32 6 .10 I 5 00 5 53 0 00 1 5 30 C 22 (1 30 I f. Oil B 53 7 00 i f, ;io 7 22 7 30 ! 7.c 7 r.2 X Oi) I 7 30 8 22 8.30 j 8 no 8 52 8 55 I S 30 9 2.' 9 3 j II 9 Oil ft 9 55 i'l Notice. Whereas, at an election held In Clackamas County on the 8th day of November, 1910, tho voters of said County declared against swino run ning at larse within the county, Notice Is therefore given, that In sixty davs from the date of this no tice, It will be unlawful for swine to run at large within said Clackamas Count v. Oregon. Dated at Oregon City, this 25th day of November, 1910. F. W. GREENMA.N. County Clerk. CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND V .ft''" CO" :t ir, t, T-, ERANU r.T "'- n T . nTt?a f l.v Ii....rf for Cnt-CHHS-TKll'S lilAMONU HKAND PII.I.S in K" uirtiillr boien, scaled with Blttcttyy Klblion. Ta XO OTIIEIl. Hat otj'ir V Dr.r.l.t anil Mk ' UK-Tf.U V II It A !l PI I.I.N, l'.r twrlllT-HfO yenn n-nnlM sJ"I.Ba(cl, Always gfllnlile. :0LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE Si 1 f i i.i l ' K mm 7 J? C ft nil ELEC tw;jf jtv v'"yH lF-'"'J'iliAM-'''il. COOS Marina? ay.rr wtv r ' wLiiuiiUAmiiiuLimsv.KWi BOOK THE HOME is incomplete without modern, sani tary Plumbing. You risk the lives of your children by keeping old-fashioned- plumbing In the house We take contracts for PLUMBING heating and ventilating. We can refit your entire house. If you are building this Spring give us a chance to figure on the Plumbing. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and 8praying Material. 914 Main 8t. Phone 2654. (OREGON CITY. i containing many recipes never before published. Compiled especially for use with ELECTRIC COOKING DEVICES but suitable for any kitchen echic Store Alder Street, at Seventh o iB-sMBM4