Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1910)
OUEQON CITY ENTERPJUSE, FIJI DAY, NOVEMIJElt 18, 1910. 7 Petition. In I ln County I ' hi it of llio Hlnlo of Oregon, fur tlin Comity nf Clncka Hill NT III tlin miitior nf tint Incorporation (if llm city of (lliiilHiiinii, W'ii, llm miili'l'itlKiii'il petitioners do hereby certify Hint wn urn iiinliriiti cloctoi x nf thn mild County (if Cluckn num. Hint" of Oregon, mill (hill wu in resilient within I lu tt ml t m of Hill fill IiiwIiik ilosrrlht'd portion of suld Conn ty iiinl Hiitii', to-wlt: IIkkIiiiiIiiK lit Din Northeasterly cor ner of it Hin t nf limit iiwiiiiiI hy Huriili K. Illiiuiit hn limn illiml In record of deeds, Volume H2, ptigit II!!!; thence H" hi i lift I y along llm Masterly boundary linn of h it I it Illiiuiit I rail mid iiIoiik I In' ICiinlorly hniiiidiiry Unit of n Iriui of liiiul owned liy ('liiiiiiliiim Howell, nil i!i mitHici In ri'i'iinl of deeds, Vol liiiin 111, page ti'H, In Hid Hoiillii'iiHtiMly corner of Hitld Howell hurl; thence Winilnrly nlong Hid Hnlilliiirly hound- my linn of hii hi llowidl Irui'l mid tilling Hi" Northerly iMiiindiiry Una uf Aiihiiii'n AdillHnll tu CIiiiIhImiiii, to n tinlnl whom llm Westerly ptojoctloli of mild Hint would lilt i-rmvt Hut West erly boundary Hint of Hut Coiinly roiul, know n ii a llm Itlvor Himil, Hitmen Southerly along Hm Westerly IjoiiikI liry Hum of mild County roml to A point where muIiI Hnn InlnrMitctN llm Nnrtliitrly boundary Hnn of a tract of Innd owned liy Anna A. Illiyos, ua du ller Until in riM-onl of ili'inlii, Vnliiinn IH3. iiiikii i'i'J; lliitiii'ii Southerly mid lilting llm Easterly liogniliiry lino of iild llityi'ii imrl to it point where mild linn i'Hi.ihIi'iI In ii southerly direction would liititmiTt Hm rniitnr or thread of tlin CliirknimiN lllver; tinmen F.nst nrly mid up mid iiIoiik lint renter or tlirnnd of Hm CliiikmiiilH Itlvnr til B tinlnl whuro mild center or thread of llm Cliti'kHinnii Itlvnr wonld Intersect the IC'inlnrly projection of tint North nrly tioiiiidury Hnn of Block or (nu t 1:9 In tlin lowiiHltn of (iliiilHtiinn ac cording to llio pint of mild lowiislte now on fllit In Hm Recorder officii of mild County itml Htiitn, mild North nrly boiiiidnry Hnn of nttld Tract or Block 12.1 linlim nlxi on Hm Nortlmrly lioiindnry I In o of dm Kendal (, Ciisun, Iloliiilloil Ijind Cliilm; Hiitii-a Wester ly nml along mild Nurtlinrly boundary linn of mild Feudal C. Cuhoii, I Mm Hon IjiikI ( 'In I in to Hm annular cor nnr of mild rlnlin, ImliiK a point In I lie rniiinr of Hm County roml li-iullnit from Oregon City to i'orllniid ami known It I hit Webster rond; thence HniiiliWMUnrly following tho (-initnr of mild Ciiunty roud, n( mi miKln of 110 degree mul ;3 tnlntili-s with Hid limt nmiind lioiinilHry Hnn 4'0 foot In stake; Hiniicn following Hm rciitnr of mild roml at nn aught of 17 degrees ami 27 in I mil fM with llio lust limned Hnn 17H fool to a tukc; llicnro Wnnl nrly and along thn Nortlmrly bound ary Hnn of a IfltS ncre trnel nf land nwiind liy Hid Gladstone Itnul Kuliitn Amux'tatloii, and under contract of a In In W. n. Frnley, m 1.45 f...t to thn renter of tlin County roml, known an Hm Cluymin County road; Hii'iico KouHii'itHtnrly and along tlin renter of mild Cluymin County roml, tn.l ;j f.-t to thn NortiiniiHtnrly rornnr of tract of In nil owiumI hy W, ('. and Murium! riillllpH, an described In rncoril of dondx Voluuin ln7 pug" 22K; thence Westerly along tlin Nurtlinrly bound nry Hnn of said Phillip triict to n Milnt where thn Wnnlnrly projection of mild Hun would Intersect tlin Kiwi erly lioutuliiry lino of a trad of land owned y J. II. and M. K. Delano, a (iterlltei In record of deed. Vol limit 110 pniin nr.S; thence Houtlmrly and along thn Easterly boundary lino of ld IMiilio trart tu thn Southeast nrly corner of mild tract; thonco Westerly and along thn Koiiihnrly liniindiiry Hnn of snld llrlmio tract and ulitiig (tin Northerly iHiiindiiry line of n tract of land owned hy I K. Iwl. tnmten, described In record of 1 h-oiIh. Volume iis, pitKn Fit tu thn Intersection of thn Wnnlnrly prtijocilnn of Hiild Hnn with Hie Wnnl nrly boundary Hun of Portland Ave nue; thence Hoiithitrly iiIoiik tho Westerly boundary lino of Portland Avenue to tho Northerly boundary Una of Division Street In thn townslto of Meldniin, an per pint foiiml rn- corded In thn County ltnoorilnr'a of- fli'o of tuilil County and Htiitn In n Northwnnierly illrectlon nliitiK the Northerly boundary Him of mild DM hIiiii Street to a Milnt where mild Hnn IntnrHnctH thn Northerly boiiiidnry Hnn of lliirclny Avetiuo In mild Mul ilruin; theiicn HoulhweHtorly nlonK llm Northerly boiiiidnry lino of mild lliueliiy Avninm to n point whnro thn SiiiilhwcMtitrly projection of mild Him would IninrMccl thn Wnnlnrly boiiiid nry Hun of thn rlKht of wny of tho Portland Kitllwny UkIH & Townr Coinpiuiy'H rnllroiid lino; thence Southerly nnd nlong Hm Wnntorly boiiiidnry lino of tho Portland Hall way ,IkIu & Power CoiiiUiiiy'H rnll roiid Hnn, to Hm plum of bcKlnnliiK, 'Hint no iMirtlon of mild proporty nltovn ilencrltted hnn ever linen or In now Ini'oi'iioi'iited nn n iiiiiiili'lpnl In forponitlon. And Hint mild portion of km hi County of Clnckiimiin, Stiitn of OrcKnii nmitiiliiH morn t ti a ii ouo hundred and flfly ( 150) InliiibltimtH, to-wlt; four huiidreil (HUM Inhitbl tnntn. That nil of mild propnrty nliovo do ncrlbed Ik III and In it portion of Chiclniimin Conntv, Stnlo of Drnguli. WIIKHHKOUK your petltloncm pray Hint mild portion of mild County iih lutiitln ileHcrlbed nml wIioho bound nrlca mo piirtlculnrly Hot out, lm In ciiiiorulitd under tho tiiinio of (1I.AD STONH nml 'under thn Provlnloim of Hm net of tho l.oKlHlntiiro of lSllll, lining noctloliH 2iio7 to "tl92 IiicIiihIvo of llnllliignr'n mid Cotton'H Annotated CodoM nnd StiitiiteH of the Stnlo of Oregon nml the Ijiwh nnd ContilUii tlon of tho Stnlo of Oregon. And your potlllonoiii will over lira v. J. K. A. II C. A. Pnrdno . Mulkcy WllllaniH Clnrcneii siniinoiis John McOutchlo R, A. (luy II. 11. Itockwoll O. 10, Krnytng II. U Hull n. V. Nlckimon J. II. Haltoni J. K. Allen A. V. R. r. TIioh l'urlier , Curtnr . 10. (illlllt ,1. lOiimry Win llreiiton Vedder .T. ,1. II K. lliirgeBH 11. Fox Frost S. Williams C. Paddock F. nioutit Dull It. Slovnm 8, K. ,ovo r. 11. voiin T. J. Chuiiibnrliiltl (1, D. flit to (1, w, I'nrrlHh W. A. Illoiinl 0. A. Ilnxter Tlurton Harlow II. T. Mcllnln H. St.eiulniim 0. Olds Kd Kent Vm. WodtUo John nnihn W. JoIiiih J. 0. M ('.Million W. F. Schooloy Win. Ilnmmond F. H. linker W. II. Miller T.011IH Hull C. A. FroHt. II, 0. I'nddock F. lluzbeo W. II. Cnlklns H, II. Tuckor A. II. Hughes Tt. ' Kinytiig 0. (iiillogly J. C. Schnildt ,T. N. Slovors C. T. Slovoru C. F. SoobIio C. II. Dnuohy n. 11. rhinipB W. P, 1-OWlB 10. A. Hughes J. II. lOmbrco C. A. Ilngnmnnn A. (liieHHliuher P, llnrrlB 0, W. Church It. Mcdetchlo ChnmberH Ilowoll 0, C. LnSnllo V. W. I'riidhoiiiiiio V, M. Ilnllcy Krnd lliillny K. I). Hlovern O. 10. Jjiiiihoimin Jiitung M, Triiny (I. II. Wehnler ,ln men Duninlro Chiirlnn T. Too.o ,nnef lluuer .lumen Wllliliuioii U, W, I'ortitr .tohn I'lttern II, C. Wnglmr W. C, (iuodwlii c. II. Wlllliuim Sydney H. JohiiHonW. H, Tlioimm O. A. Wlilli) 11, M. Thoiiiim II. (,'. SallHbiiry ' Onrnr Thocui S. (liny Nolliii In berohy given Hint thn fiircKulliK pi'lltloli will bo prnneiitnd In Hm County Court of CIiicIiiiiiium County, Htiitn of Oregon, nl thn Do ('inbor term thereof, on Wnrlnniulay, Hm 7Ui day of lleceinbnr, A. I)., HUH, nl loll o'clock A. M., or an noon thorn nfier nn Hm County Court can hour llm mild pi'lltlnii, Diilnd thin 2nd (lay of November, Hi 10, CIIOHH & HAMMOND, Attorney for 1'etltluiinrn. Notice to Crdltori. Notion In hereby given Hint (tin nil (l(triilgued hnn been duly iippiilulnd by llm County Court of Hm Statu of Ore gon for tho County of Cliickmium, nil liillilnlrntrlx of the enlalo of John HiiKor, deciinnoi. All pnrnonii having rliilinn iiKUliint mild nnliito lira hereby riojiilt i-il to prnnunt them to 1110 nl thn offlco of H'ltnti A Si-liiliibnl, Omgoli t'lty, Ori-Koii, propnrly vnrlfled an by law required, w li hlu nix monllin from thn (Into hereof. ' I hi 1 11 of flrnt publication November IK, I'.UO. JULIA SAOIOIt, AdiiilnlHtralrlx of tha enlalo of John HiiKor, diH-nunml. II'IIK.N SC1ICKIIKI. Atiuriinya for Adiiilulnlrntrlx. Summon. 11 thn Circuit Court of tho Btato of Omgoii for tlin County of Clack liliuin. Maud 10. Juiien, Plaintiff, v. John Joncn, liefmidnnt. To John Jomm, thn uhovo nitnind ilefeiidaiit; In thn tinino of the ntnlo of Oregon, you ro liontby rmiulrnd 10 appear nnd miwnr tho complaint filed ngnlimt you In tho iiIkivo nil titled milt nnd court, on or Imforo llm nxplnillon of nix week from Ih flrnt piilillcnilon of thl umniuim, to-wii: oil or beforo tho 23d day of Dncniii- bnr, 1DI0; tho flrnt publication of thin niiininoiin lining on ino 1 1 in any 01 November, 1910. nnd If you fall to ap pear and nnnwer, for want thoroof plaintiff will npply to thl court for tho relief prnynd for In tho complaint fllnd Imreln. to-wlt: Kor a oecrnn dlnnolvlng thn lioiuln of uintrlniony boretoforo nnd now nxlntlng bntwneii plaintiff and dofendunt. upon the grouniU of denortlon. Thin nuiiiiiioni I tuihllnhed in llm Oregon City Kiilnrprlno by order of Hon, Grunt 11. Dliulck, Judga of tho County Court, mtld ord(tr luting nnido on thn loin day or rxovomnor, I'Jiu, and thn day of tha flrnt publication of bin Hiimmiinn la the ltth (lay of No- vnniher, 1910. K. J. MTONDKNIIAU Attorney for IMulultff. Bummon. lu thn Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Ori-k-on, for tho County of Clncka man. Sttruh Hubbnrd, Plaintiff, vi. A. U Hubbnrd, IVtfetidaiit: To A. I. Hubbard, Ih foiidnnt: In tho imiim of tho Slalo of Or gon you nro hereby required to ai pear ami niuwer tho Complnliil died agaliiHl you In tha above entitled Court mul mono on or before the expiration of alx week from mid af ter llio ditto of tho flrnt publication of thin iimnioiiH, to-wll: on or about Sniiirdity, tho 19th dity of November, 1910, mid If you fall to answer tho plaintiff for want thereof, will take judgment nKitlnnt you for a decree dlnnolvlng tho bonds of matrimony nxlntlng between you nnd plaint Iff, and for inch other nnd further relief nn to the Court may Hootn meet nnd equitable aa prayed for In auld com plaint Thin miiiimon In published hy or der of tho lliiimrabln J. U. Camp bell, Judge of thn Circuit Court of tho Stntn of Oregon for tho County of CliickiiniiiM, and mtld order wna tiuidu nnd dated on the 1.1th day of October, 1910, and thn ditto of tho first publication of this numinous In the ltth day of October, 1910, nnd thn date of (ho hint publication of thin numinous Is Friday, tho ISth dity of November, 1 ttlfl. CLYDU RIC1IAKDSO.V. Attorney for Plaintiff, filS Chamber of Coininerco Hldg, Portland, Oro- gun. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon for Cliiikiinins County: Ceotgln Conies, Plaintiff, vs. Win. F. CoMo, Defendant. To Wm. F. Coalos, nbovo named (lefelldmit : lu the iiiiiun of tho Stnto of Oro gon, you nro hereby required to a penr mul nnnwer tho complaint filed itKuliint you In the nbovo uiimed suit, on or before tho 25 day of November, 1910, said ditto being after tho expir ation of six weeks from tho flrnt publication of this tuiiiimonn, and If you full to appear or nnnwer mild complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will npply to the court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For n decree dlnsolvltiR tho bonds of nintrlmony now existing between the plaintiff nnd defendant. This numinous la published by order of Hon. 11 runt 11. Dliulck, Judgo of tho County Court, which order wan nnido ami entered on tho 7th day of Sept., 1910, mid the tlmo prescribed for piibllcntlon thereof Is hIx weeks, be ginning with tho Ihhuo of Friday, Oct, lltli mul continuing ouch week thereafter to and Including tho Issue of Friday, November 2,1th, 1910. G10O. C. HHOWNKLU , Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tliu Stnto of Oregon, fur the County of Clncka niitH. Gruco H, MncVenn, Plaintiff, vs. Tom W. MncVenn, Defendant. To Tom W. MncVenn, Defendant: In tho nnmo of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to nppcar nnd answer to tho complaint tiled ngnliiHi you tu the uhovo entitled suit on or before December 9th, 1910, nnd If you full so to nnnwer, plain tiff will take judgment that tho bonds of nintrlniony existing between her self and defendant bo (Unsolved, and Hint plaintiff ho permitted to resume her ninldon name. Service of this summons Is mndo upon you by publication In pursuance of nn order of tho Honorable firnnt II. Dlmlek, County Judgo of Clncka man County, made October 22(1, 1910, directing biicIi publication In tho Ore gon City Enterprise, once a week, I IIukIi Hull O, J, linnii .1, A. MiiKlinn V. lllitlming .1. A. Tiifln W, 10. Nlli-N V. 10, Koriiluinr ft. Dwlgglng for nix micc.cMNlva weekg, tho flrnt publication lining October ZKth, 1010, mul llm hint December lllh, DUO. HAIUIY KKI.IHCKHAIIM, Attorney for I'lnlutlrT, 8ummon. In thn Circuit Court of tho tilnlo of Oregon, for tho County of Clncka liiiin, F.dylhu llrndbiiry, Plaintiff, VN, lOdward T, llrndbiiry. Defendant. To ICdwnrd T. Hradbury, nbovo liniiiod ilofi'iiiliiiil ; In the nmno of tlm Slnto of Ore gon, you nro hereby mitniiioned mid required to nppenr mid nnnwer the complaint (lleil ngaliint you In tho libovn 11 1 1 1 1 1 -l Court mid cntinn within nix weeks from the (lain of the II rut publication of this summons, to-wlt, on or before thn 10th day of Decern her, A. D 1010: mid If you full to appear mul nnnwer IIS herein required for want thereof, the plulnllff will npply to tlm Court for thn mllef dn- iniiiided In her complaint, which Is fur It decree illnnolvlng lint iiiiirrlligu contract now eilatlng between plain tiff mid di feinliiiit. This summons Is published onco a week for lit leant nix siiccenHivn weeks In Hm Oregon City Kiitorprlno, a weekly newnpiiper, published nt Ore gon City, Chickiimns County, Oregon, by order of Hon. 0, 11. Dlmlek, County Judge of Cluckiiiiinn County, Oregon itiiulii thn 2tlh dny of October, 1910. Tlm first publication of this sum mons Is on October 2Hth, 1910. I luted this 24th day of October, 1910. THOU. F. It VAN, Attorney for I'lnlntlff. Summons. , In thn Circuit Court of tho Slnto of Oregon, fur the County of Clucka mas. n. F. Junes, Plulntlff, vs. Mnrgnret Junes, Defendant. To Margaret Jones, tho above-named defendant: In llm nanie of thn Stntn of Oregon: You am hereby required to appear and answer thn complaint filed agulust you In tho nbovo entitled Court and cause on or before the loth (lay of December, 1910, which Is six weeks ufter tho duto nf the tlrst publication of this summons, and If you fall so to upin-nr and answer the plulntlff will npply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In his suid complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of Court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing between you nnd tho plulntlff, for the custody and control of Margaret Jonon, thn minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief ns to tho Court seems meet nnd equitable. This Is published hy order of the Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judgo of tho above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 20th duy of October, 1910. Dated and first published October 28, 1910, Dnte of Inst publication December 9th, J81.0. t . AIXEN & MULKEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned tins been appointed ad niinlstrator of tho entitle of C. K. Phil Hps. deceased. All persons having claims agalnnt said eslnto aro hereby untitled to present name with proper vouchers duly certified, according to law. at tho ofllco of J. 11. Kyan, Ore- goiilon Untitling, Portland, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publication of thl notice. Duto of first publication, October 28, 1910. VEHNK P11ILIJP3, Administrator of the estate of C. E. Phillips, deceased. J. 11. RYAN, Attorney for administrator. . Notice of Sale. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned will soli nt private sale for canh in linnet tho following do scribed real enlalo, to-wll: A one ninth (1-9) Interest In nnd to the fol lowing described property: Tho S. W. U mid tho S. V. of tho N. K. Vi ; the N. W. of the 8. 10. U; llio S. K. 4 of the N. W Vi nnd Lot G (six) of Section 27, T. 3 S It. 3 E. of W". M. containing 320 acres more or less and tho E. Vx of tho N. W. Vi ; the W. Vi of the N. E. i! ihe N. V4 of tho S. Vi; the S. E. U of tho S. W. Vi: nnd the N. W. Vi of the S. E. 4 of Section 28, lit T. 4 S., It. 4 E. of tho W. M., aub Ji' t lo tho dower Interest of Mnry E. Muyfleld; said mtlo will bo for cash in hand and will bo on and after the 2d day of December, 1910, at tho of- flee of ll'llen and Scliubel In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. C. D. ROI1ESON, Cuiirdlnn of tho Estute of Albert Nortli, minor.. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clttcknmas County. Jugn V. Cillbertson, Plulnllff, vs. William H. Gllbertson. Dofendunt. To Wllllnm H. tlllbortson, nbovo named defendant: In llio nnmo of tho Stnto of Ore gon: You nre hereby required to appear nnd answer tho complaint filed imultiHt Vou In tho nbovo entitled Court and cause on or beforo tho 17th day of December, 1910, which 1b six weeks after tho date of tho first pub lication of this summons, November tth, 1910, being date of said first pirtt llciitlou; and If you full so to nppeur and answer, the plaintiff will upply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In her suld complaint, to-wlt: For a decroo of Court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing botween you nnd the plaintiff, for tho ctiitody mid control of Mildred Cillbertson nnd Hnrry Gllbertson, tho minor children of plaintiff and de fendant, mid for such other and fur ther relief ns to tho Court mny seem meet nnd equitable. This summons Is published by op der of tho Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of tho above entitled Court, mndo nnd entered on the 1st (lay of No vember, 1910. Dnted and first published, Novem ber 4 th. 1910. Date of lust publication, December ltlth, 1910. ALLEN & MULKEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon, for Cliickamns County. Edith Hnnslng, Plaintiff, vs. William J. M. Hnssing, Defendant. To WMIinin J. M. Massing, nbovo nam ed defendant: In the nnmo of tho Stnto of Oregon, yon nro hereby required to appear mid miswer tho complaint tiled against you in tho nbovo named salt, on or before the 23d dny of Decem ber, 1910, said date being tho expira tion of six weeks from the tlrst pub- llcntlon of this summons, and If you full to iiiipenr or nnnwer said com pliillil. for wnnt thereof tlin plulntlff will npply to tho court for the relief prayed for In nr complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing between tho pla'ntlfr nnd defendant. This fiimiiiuiis Is published by order of Hon. J. If. Campbell, Judge of thn Circuit Court, which order wus tiinde and entered on tlm 7Mi day of Novem ber, 1910, mid tho time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with th issue of Frldnv, Nov. 1th, 1910, Mild combining each week thereafter to mid Including the Issue of Friday, Dec. z.;ii. pjiu, UIOO C IIROWNKIX, Attorney fur Plaintiff.- Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, bus, by 'lie County Court of Clackamas Coumy, Slate of Ore gon, been appointed executor of the will of Inline Farr, ileci -used. All per sons having claims hkiiIiihI the said den-dent or his en'nli) are hereby notified to present lln-in, wlih proper vouchers, duly vorllicj, within nix months from tho date of this notice to the undersigned executor nt the office of Jus. E. Hedges, Knq Weill hard lliilldliig, Oregon City, Oregon. Dated October 28, 1910. CLARENCE I Executor of will of Isaac cen tied, JOS. 10. HEDGES, Attorney, , FARR, Farr, Do- Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Lydla Shaw, plaintiff, vs. Frank V. Shaw, Defendant. To Frank W. Shaw, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you aro hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against ynu In the ahovo named suit, on or before tho 11th day of Decem ber, 1910, suld date being the expira tion of six weeks from the first pub lication of thlg sumnioriH, nd 1 you fall lo appear or answer said com plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to Ihe court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons la putiiiHiicd by order 01 Hon. Ornnt B. Dlmlek, Judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on the 2ih day of Octo ber, 1910. and the time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, be ginning with the Isnue of Friday, Oc tober 28, 1910, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Issue of Friday. December 9th. 1910. GEO. C. IIROWNELL, Attorney for plaintiff. t 8ummont. tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clncka mas. R. W. Datup, Plaintiff, vs. Rose Ha tun. Defendant. To Rose Batup, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint Died against you In the above entitled suit on or before tho 19th dny of November, 1910, said dnte being the expiration of six weeks from the date of ihe first publi cation of thlg summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said com plaint, for wain thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for In the complaint, to- wlt: For a decree dissolving me bonds of matrimony now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant This summons la published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge ef the above named Court, which order was made and entered on the 3rd day of October, 1910, and the time prescribed for publcatlon Is alx weeks beginning with the Issue of Frldsy, October th. 1910, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, November 19th. 1910. McCANTS STEWART. Attorney for Plaintiff Summons. n tho Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Clncknmns County. Nellio M. TIfft. Plaintiff, vs. James H. TIfft, Defendant. In the name of the Slate of Ore gon, you nre nercoy requireu 10 ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before tho 20th day of Decem ber. 1910. the said date being after , txprrtln of six weeks from the fl.8t pl,hicatlon of this summons, and if vou fall to appear and answer this complaint, for want thereof, the plain tiff will npply to the Court for the relief prayed for In hor complaint, to-wlt: For a decree that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plulnllff and defondnnt be forever dissolved; that tho snld defendant pay to the Clerk of this Court the sum of f 100 ns attorney's fees, and the sum of :10 to cover the costs of this suit; nnd Hint tho said defendant pay to the Clerk of Oils Court the sum of $50 iter month for the purpose of supporting the snld plaintiff nnd their snld two children, Margaret TIfft and Frances TIfft; nnd for the costs nnd disbursements of this suit. This summons Is published by or der of Hon. J. lT- Cnmpbel, Judge of Hie nbove entitled Court; which order wns made and entered on the 3rd dny of November, 1910. nnd the time pre scribed for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with tho lssuo of Friday, November 4th. 1910, and con tinuing each week thereafter to and Including the 10th day of December, 1910. GILTNER & SEWALL, Attorneys for Plulntlff. Summons. In the Justice's Court for district number three, county of Clackamas, state of Oregon. E. T. Elmer, doing business as the MHwnuklo .Mercantile Co., Plulntlff, vs. Allen Brown nnd Brown, Ills wife. Defendants. To Allen Brown and Brown, his wife, the above named defen dants herein: In the nnnie of the State of Ore gon : You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within six weeks from the 21st day of October. 1910, which Is tho date of the first publication hereof, and if you fall so to nnswer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for a Judgment against you for tho sum of $103.85 with interest there on nt the rate of 6 per cent per an num, nnd for the costs and disburse ments of this action. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publi cation by order of the Honorable John R. Kelso, Justice of the Pence for District Number Three, Clncka- mas County, State of Oregon, made on the 12th dny of October, 1910, di recting that said publication be made In the "Oregon City Enterprise," a weekly tinwspnpnr of general circula tion published at. Oregon City, Clack artuts County, Stnto of Oregon, and Hint said publication be made once a week fur six consecutive weeks. JOHN R. K.KLHO, Justice of the Peace for District No. Three. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the Btnte of Oregon for tho County of Clacka mas. In the matter of thn Estate of Hiram (ioddurd, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has this 3rd dny of Novem ber, 1910, been appointed administra tor of tho above entitled estute by tho above entitled Court, and has duly qiinliried as such. All persons having claims against suld estate aro hereby notified to present the same to me at the office of the County Clerk of the above entitled Court In the County Court House In Oregon City, Oregon, with proper voucher and duly veri fied within six months from the date hereof. Dalod and first published, Novem ber 4, 1910. RUSSELL E. SITWALL, Administrator. CILTNER k BEWALL. Attorneys for administrator. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Amy E., Plaintiff, vs. I), 8. Parker, Defendant. To R. S. Parker, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed aeiilust you In the above en titled suit and court, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or before the 2nd day of Decem ber. 1910: the first publication of this summons being on the 21st day of October, 1910, and If you fall to ap pear and answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to thl court for the relief prayed for In the complaint filed herein, to-wlt: That a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds of desertion. Tins summons is published in me Oregon City Enterprise by order c: Hon. Grant B. Dlmlek, Judge of tlse County Court, said order being made on the 18th day of October, 1910, and the day of the first publication of this summons Is the 21st day of Octo ber, 1910. L. D. MAHONE. Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address. C18 Henry Building, Portland, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, R. Edgar Beall, Plaintiff, vs. Portland Railway Light and Power Company, a corporation, John W. Beall, and B. C. Ramsby, County Re corder of Clackamas County, Oregon, Ella M. Hlldebrand. Mary Frances Wolfe, Laura H- Hammer, Birdie J. Dudrow, Arthur L. Beall, Marvin E. Beall, Jasper M. Beall, Defendants, To Ella M. Hlldebrand, Mary Fran ces Wolfe, Laura H. Hammer, Birdie J. Dudrow, Arthur L. Bealli Marvin E. Ueall, Jasper M. Beall, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the second amended complaint filed In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled Court for the relief In said second amended complaint prayed for, to-wlt: for a decree enjoining and prohibiting John W. Beall from executing any deed to the following described property: the South half of the North half of Section 22, Town ship 4 South Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 1C0 acres. In Clackamas County, Oregon; declaring that the alleged conveyance of the aforesaid property on or about the 28th day of January 1897 from William J- Mead to James F. Beall Is n mortgage, and that R. Edgar Benll, the plaintiff herein, be declared the owner of the aforesaid property, subject to the payment of the re mainder of his debt to the estate of James F. Beall, and that upon the navment of the said debt the said defendants have no further Interest In the said property. This summons is served upon you pursuant to an order duly made and entered on ihe Sth day of Oct., 1910, In the above entitled Court by the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge. WILSON & NEAL, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Date of the first publication, October 14. 1910. Date of the last publication, Novem ber IS, 1910. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Mary A. Youngferdorf, Plaintiff, vs. Andrew H. Youngferdorf, Defendant. To Andrew H. Youngi'erdorf, Defen dant ntxn-e named: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer to the complaint filed ngnlnst you in tho above entitled Court and cause on or before the 19th dny of November, 1910, nnd if you fall to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the above named plaintiff and defendant, and for such other relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This Summons is published In pur suance of an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above en titled Court, made and entered on the (iih day of October, 1910, specifying that the same be published for six consecutive weeks and ordering Octo ber 7, 1910, as the date of first publi cation, T B. McDEVITT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, For Clackamas County. Bethel Hutchins, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Hutchins, Defendant To Henry Hutchins, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you nre hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 19th day of Novem ber, 1910, that being six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E, Cross. CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW We have now moved to our permanent quarter In the Beaver Building. Next to th Andresen Building. Real Eftat Abstract Main Street, Loans, Insurance, Oregon City, Or. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN pear and answer this complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: A de cree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between this plaintiff and defendant, above named, and for such other and further relief as to the .Court may seem equi table and just. This summon?. Is published six con secutive week by order of the Hon orable J. II Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made on the 5th day of October, 1910. The first publication Is the 7th day of October, 1910. MAC MA HON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Registration of Land Title. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas: In the matter of the application of George D. Barton to register the title to the following described property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 7.25 chains South, and 760 chns. West of the Northeast corner of the Samuel W. Shannon D. L. C. No. 70, T. 2, S. R. 1 E. of the W. M- running thence North 30 15' West, 2,442 ft. to a point on the dividing line between the husband and wife's parts of said Samuel W. Shannon D. L. C, thence North 1455.90 feet; thence East 1272.48 ft., thence South 49' ZV East along the North boundary line of Samuel W. Shan non D. L. C. 632.94 feet to a gas pipe; thence north 43' East 508.2 ft.; thence South 47' East 791.90 feet; thence West 725 feet to a point tn the North boundary line of the said Sam uel W. Shannon D. L. C, thence South 49 30 East 595.66 feet to a point; thence South 906.84 feet to the place of beginning. Versus H. U. Miller, J. O. Shannon. S. W. Shannon, Emma X Jones, C. E. Shan non, Charley Montgomery, John R. Hlnkle, Lewis Prager, Hyman M. Pra ger, Wm. Prager, Clara Prager, Fran cis Prager, Zlporah Prager, Clack amas Co. Ore., Mar.on Tompkins, and all whom It may concern, De fendants. To all whom it may concern, take notice that on the 22nd day of Sep tember, A. D. 1910, an application was filed by said George D. Barton, in the Circuit Court of Clackamas County for Initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 19th day of November, A. D. 1910 and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the pray er of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. SEAL F. W. GREENMAN. JEFFREY & LENON, Applicant's attorneys. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. J. D. Hatfield. Plaintiff, vs. Evelyn Viola Hatfield, Defendant, To Evelyn Viola Hatfield, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 5th day of December, 1910, and if you fail to anDear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court I for the relief prayed for in hia said . complaint, to wit: For a decree of 1 the court dissolving the marriage 1 contract now existing between plain-1 tiff and defendant, and for such other j and further relief as may be equita ble. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Grant B. Dimick. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 19th day of Oc tober, 1910, tn which order it is di rected that this summons be pub lished in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published at Ore gon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, for six consecutive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 21st day of Oc tober, 1910, and the last publication is the 2d dav of December, 1910. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. X' Notice Is hereby given that the un-1 derslgned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, Admlnstrator with will annexed, of the Estate of Gott-' Heb Schaber, deceased, late of said County and State. Any and all 'per-' sons having claims against said Es tate are hereby notified to file the same, duly verified as by law requir ed, with said Administrator at the office of his Attorney, C. H. Dye, S. : W. corner of Sth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, this 2Sth day of October, A. D. 1910. LEONARD SCHABER, Administrator of the aforesaid Es tate. C. H. Dye, Attorney for Estate. DR. W. C. SCHULTZE, A. M. The University and Bellevue Hos pital Medical College. New York City. ROOMS 3, 4, WEINHARD BLOCK, j Office practice mainly solicited. The doctor continues the Eastern custom of putting up his own pre-; scriptlons. Pacific phone, Main 1581. i WM. M. STONE, Lawyer. associated with George C. Browned. All Legal Business Promptly At tended to. THOS. F. RYAN Attorney-at-Law Probate and Realty Law Prac tice Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple William Hammond WEINHARO BUILDINO O. D. E B Y Attomey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish A, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN 8CHUEB6L Attorpy-t-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon, C. D. D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Lsw ( Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of- flee In First National Bank ' Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. J W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduite of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot loronUj, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located a. Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Sublet, Heventh Street near Main, Both Telephones Farmers' 13a Mali iju Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney A. Counsellors at Law J STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, "-imps and Hydrsa lic Rams ueclalty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. 4M KW Hriyrf -v. , tWi- ':V4UV Scientifically Distilled. Naturally Aged. Absolutely Pure. Best and Safest for all uses- For sale by LEADING DEALERS. a ""a ess B 9 &ft ks3?rv W ii mm fj!: Mi!