Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1910)
OUEOON CITY ENTEItlTJSK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910. 5 t i LARSEN & COMPANY Cor 10th A Main 8t. OHECION CITY, oneooN. - ' " I Special Sale! lion, who linvw ( vIhIUiik Mm. at tho Woodmen hull Inat Thiirmlny llluokhuni III I hlo diy, returned Iiihiio I tiliclit. Thi-an affair nra kIv; by Monday, Mr. Tucker In c-hlof mini- tint lodgo twicu 11 month, and havo noor in inn plum of tho ,oliniitiri I'ulii uncreated mutiv In becoming mi' ft Iiipor t ompiiiiy, I hum nf I In. onlnr. Tlnimiliiv nluht. I''ull lino of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v gondii now on affair was a hoiicMl Hoolal, ufvon Mm. dliiplity Ml llolmew', HI7 M it I n mrnot. Kruil Joy who recently IohI hor Iiiih Mr. mill Mib, A, (, j Vancouver, band In mi accident whllo employed i who "I" on iiixlr way In Mm M t'rown Columbia I'ulp & I'iiim AiikhIi'H, ( 'it 1 1 fit rii In. where Ihoy iiro ''oiiipiiny, Mr. Joy was ii itioni br of lo aponil llin winter, mill who ant In Uiln order its well mi IiIh wife, mid tho Of I f .. I I r-" ' t IULU11U lOt j BARGAINS This Week WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PROCUCE LOCAL BRIEPS Dr. I. (i. Rooms i, C uiul o, Heaver Building. Wlllliini Htiii of ()nli (irovo, wan mi (IH'Koii City vlnitor Momliiy nlulit Joseph JiihiIii niul A I v lu Llmliilil ifiii Humbiy evening In Woodlmrn 1'liniikHKlvliiK mil" on Mlllliicry nl Mi t (iulilmnlili i, Ki ! t ii i m linn relumed to Oregon City after n ahmi ojmim In Cull foriiln. ' Mr. and Mm. Jerry lliily of faulty HH'iit Hutidiiy with relative In Wll In niello. Pllviite mid Hlnte money to lluill. (lordou I'. Iliiyeit, attorney al law. MIkh Kdllh Kul la milieu him accepted n uinl(iin with n telephone company In I'oitliind. Minn Vudii Elliott Hpniil Kiindny In WiHidlnirii, Ihn ttticat of Mr, mid Mm l.yiiiaiiHhoroy. lireat reilnrllon on nil imitern hat MIh ('. (iolilmiiUh. M. J. U'o, inmiiiKer of the Canity Cmiul Company, wa In thin cliy l-'rl liny on litiHlncmt, ' Minn llerllm THIm of ('aril. I the KiieM of Mr. and .Mm. ('. V. r'rled erli lm of till city lti-a.utinhl irlcii nt (hit New 8y ti'itt Iti'iillnU. Unite iJine of Mllwatlklo, lriiiiai-t-ml liUKlliena initltem In lite rniitil y aeat Saturday afternoon. Harry K, Hherwixid. prlut'lpul of Ihn Eldorado nehoot, waa an Oregon City vultor Saturday, tireiit mile on Millinery. MIh (', litildnlllltll. Mm. Kred Miller and Mm. Carl Crio-ll left Wotllieitday for KleVenttoli. Wioih . to vlnll relatives, A. K King lefl Thnmdiiy for Ilwuco, Wn li . afler spending n few day with hi family In Mount rlenxnnl. Cull on New Sytiieiii ieutltii, lli IiIko Corner, over Aiidrven' Jewel ry Htore. tiaretii-o Fallow, edliu. and pub llitlur of the Canity Trlltnne. mado a litinlnemi trip to Oregon City Satur day. Mian Kdlth Jiiikitoii, who la In tho Ht. Vincent lonillnl. and who mif lertnl from n relnime, la now on tho road In reeovery. Alfalfa aweeteited dairy food III rreaiu' milk onothlnl, mild by tho Oreuoti city Cotninlatilon Company. I V. Carolliera, formerly connected with the Ori'Kon City Knterprltie, him liittte to Chloride, Arizona, wlioro ho linn areepled A mihIUoI1. The luteal In IVmlnn lielta at llolineH', i;i7 Main ntrci-i. J. I'e Kekernon, who la ronnected wlllt tint Cattliy Hunk & Truat Co., nlleitdid tho OteKon Clly-ltellanee tooilmll Kinio nt Caiieninh I'nrk Hun day. Cool for calit. Ditkoii City Com iiiIhuIimi Compaiiy. I-:. 'I', r'lelda, nho haa 1 n III with typhoid fever at IiIh ho on Twelfth mid .Main HtreetH, la reeoverttiK. and In now nhlo to he on the atreet. Mra. Ma M. Ilaliroek, of Salem, who linn heen vIhUIiik wIllrMr. and Mm. William K. Priil l, lefl for her home Tneitilay nmrnliiK. Mra. llaltcoi-k la n alMier of Mr. Prutt. New remlnn nieliliiu Jnat received lit Holme', Iil7 Main alroet. II. T. Mcllalil of the Wllluineltn 1'nlp Paper Comimny la apeinllni? a week In WnnhliiKton. iittenillnB to liiiHlne.ia matteiH. While away. Mr. Mcllaln will Hike In tho Niillonal Ap ple Show lit Spokane. Poilllvo K'lin autre "1 "II work at lint New Syatein Dentlala. Mra. Howiitd Tucker and two (laiilililera, Dorla mid l.uvllo of Ix-lut- compiniy wild Ihelr aiin ln lnw. K. n. Confer, mid wife, vlalled Mr. mid Mra. J. A. Confer, of M'luiiliiln View l-'rl- (lay. Wliliiky liiirrelti for ante IV llm Ore- Hon City CnmmlHHlnn Compnny. Hiii lal v.aH largely ai tended mid a neat auni waa the reatill. 1-'oIIowIiik tha iiiiihIi-uI mid literary piOKriiinino Kaim a were IndillKi'd In II 11(1 a Ntlppltr Hurved, Tim followliiK waa Hut pro Kriiminn ri-ndered, every number ho Mr. niul Mm. eiinrlea (Irlffllh left forced lo hourly em-orea: Plnuo for their homo In Oakland h'rldny v- J"""- woouiiii; vocni aoio, Mm enlliHT. followliiu Mra. tlrimth'a x- " llllum Harvey; piano aolo, MTTi lemleil vlnlt wllh her mother. Mra. T. I'-nKellii'ei'ht ! voial Belecllon, Cuno A. rope, of Ihla elly and alaler, Mra man (iiariet., rompoHe.i ot wnvei l-'ranlilln T. (irlffllh. of Portland I'i'oat, Arch Uiiik, (illliert Miiik and While Mm. (Iiifrilh haa heen vlalllnx l-onlo Hmllh; vocal aolo, Mm. K. 0 hmo. Mr. (irirrilh haa heen In Alaaka. l oopor , lint conimllten In cliarne of Hie al fair waa eoniponi-il of Mra. Iviiimu ThomiiH, Mra. Jamea Mi.-Kurland, Mm. Mary Prenmmi. SOCIETY (ino of the moat aucceKiiftil iliiiirlne purl lea ever Klven In Uiln city waa Unit of Saturday itlnlit lit tho Armory when I lie DeKi eo Telllll of Wjiclielll) Council of pocnhonlaa, Kavo llu flrat hall. Ihla order, which wua only or Knnl.ei ii limit lx luontha hko. cuhv hinted (he niinl veiaaiy In Ihla man ni-r. anil tho affair proved audi a ton- cena Hint It waa decided to mako It an iiitnual nffalr, (ireut credit la duo Mra. Henry lleliiilmtaen, pnat Po- ciihoutaa, mid her iianlatnnla, Mra Mlko (irona, Mra. Iiwretice Itucnuli-h, The Pythian Slatera Knve 0 (.( Ion Mouduy to Mra. Ilruco Zuinwali who la Knmd officer of tho order, and who will leave with her family foi California on Krldny, whern they will apotid tho wlnlor. Mra, Zumwnlt, who haa heen im acllvo nji-nilx-r mid faith fill In her dutlita, wna I thin reception aa a mark of IiIkIi eateum In which alio la held hy her Hlatom One of tho fealnrea of tho nvenliiH wua tho pretiiMitatlon of n pivcl hj Mra. .nmwalt to the lodKe. I u nf fair i-hiKi'ii with n lininiuet, when nlHiu fit) member of tho Pythliin Hlatcr .i . ...u ,i ..... ,.... IImm, f-ttrritl, i ru Vl'.ttli.r ""I 'e'w II Ml w irimi null, will hwi .inii Hvii,e Mra Alvln Ciimiiiim. unit Mra " i'"K""-ii u7 name ,.. ...K .,K. ... H,,l,l 1't.lUli... The N,,.,r ""'I"M w"r I""""" decorated to col reniond with thoao of the baiiiti(N hall. ten waa coitipoaed of Henry llcnnliii,'' l'lllll.t.. ..l.'...' t..l.l. II.IIIH ' fi.,(4 i.-..ii'v .i,.. 't,.,.t, r.u,. i.k. Tho early part of tho evening wnl of '.Mm. Jack Kroal, Tl.a ll'k,' im '!"' ''iialiii! n.tlnK affair waa attended l,y SSu peep!". of ""I "',,',r; w""" ,,,ur t""1" many ciuhIiik from Portland, Hell wia.d. Mllwnuklo. Canby and Aurora Tho et.-elleni ini.Hlr fuinliilieil by tho Tho miirriitito of Miaa nernn urn l-ni-miir iirchealm i.lnved tho liiteat flth and Mr. Kmrya Ihomaa wu Releclliina fur tho '(! niimbera. Olio aolemuled lual Wixlneadny l-."onln(4 of tho feature of tho evening- wna at the homo of tho lirlde'a pnreiita, tho "eclliiHo of the moon" when tho Mr. and Mm. William C. (irlfflthn colored electric, llcht woro turned off (if Sp'tUane, Waah. Mr. Thomna win and on alternately. formerly an Orison City boy, being The armory hall never nrcaeuted a t ho hoii of Mr. ami .Mr, u wen I noma morn iittracilvo iiitpearanco than on who moved from thl city about flv Hiittirdnv nkht. The diH-orntlona were yearn auo to Kpokano, wnero uiey nat tmliiuo and beiinllftil, ahowlnis much allien made their home. Ho la well artlatlc tnte of thono in chiitKo. In known In Ihla city, and wn actlvo U the center of tho hall, the leniith of Preabyterlan church work. Mr tho bttlldliiK were many Indian haa- Thomn and hi brldo will make keta filled wllh Oregon Krap.-H, fern their homo nt Spokane, where ho la and holly, while In ihe center wn a In the cotnmlaalon buainrai. cluater of au.aller (U.ea. 1 ho punch prealded over by Mia Dora Hamilton, waa bower of beauty, mo outaldo belim formed of t.andHomo III- Han bliinket. whllo tho Interior wa fornte.l of On-Koii Krapo and fema, and on each aldn wero cedar treea llnhli-d with hundred of colored electric Unlit". Tho orches tra waa atationed at tho rear of the hall, bel.tii aereeiioil by pverKrcena, Chlneae lantern wero nlao lined amonn tho decoration of tho plat Olio hundred member and eiompl member of Cataract lloae Co. No, of the Oregon City Klro Department aKKcmltled at their hall on Third and Main at root Monday night to partnka of a chicken dinner In honor of De partment Chief Chnrle ( rotior, who la n member of tho hoao company JudKO (irant 11. Dlmlt-k prealded aa lonattmiater, and apeeche wero made by the chief and many prominent membcm nnd exempt of the oriainl form. At the rear of tho orchcHtra i(()iin a atrlni? orcheatrn from Port wa nrtlatlcnlly drape, many brlith liin) ,,.,,,,, nmK,c UlrlllK thl oioted initial! nmr. mm ini-i imuh loaned hv thn Ori-Koti City Mamifne- turlnit Comimny, and which attnictod no little atteiillon. On both aldea of eveulni;. MIn Kloretico Mart and Charles I... I.... I - ..r.. l,yL.I. f III. .it liarUJ, IIOIH C.I n..Ul. J".IIH Tffi.- i.l. t...llv fern and OreKon Kruno, of UtiaHellvllle, were (pilellv married ' . . ... ...... .... 1. l W II ii..,.,..., f.., f u nilw .no (-null- J to ini" cnj hi jiinuvo ... . .i. i ...... i. i.m- . ,,,,nrliln I Slllliaoll, at tho SnmBOII rcaldenco ... n.. ..... ,. .i... i,...,,i..n i on Main Street. FoIIowIiik n abort ,.-,r.,.V, r.w.,r In.llan robe that aro honeymoon, tho couple returned to bo worn durlnu the meeting. A neat aum aa the remilt of Salurday night' (lance, and part of thla amount will bo ued III tho ptirchnHlnit of tho robea. . to Kiiaxellvllle, where they will realde, AID SOCIETY AT PARKPLACE. Women Meet For Re-orgnliat on and Elect Offlcen. A iinmber of voiiiik ihhipIo were ei.ierlaltied In a moat delightful tiinn- Tho Parkplnco Aid Society met Am! r by Mia Ha-I nt her homo le-organleil w crttieaiiay nl tne liomo in i:l...ui..iie Kniurdnv evening. In- of Mr. . A. Holmes. .New omeors ,,r.,iii,L- e-itneH lidded to the even- were elected, na follow: rresmem lim'a et.lovmont. tho f rat lirlxcM III n Mm. I'olley; vice-proKKieni, Jim, a ikIiiu l'iiiiio belnu awarded to Mian Jonoa; secretary, Mrs. P. Uicaa: p, .i nl,l unit lini hwe Av aon treiiHiirer. Mia. . oaepn iirunner. i no m.,1 Dm ei.iiKiiai on i.rp.e to Mlsi afternoon waa npeni in Bowing, mi- Marian Money mid Philip J. Slntuitt lowed by n luncheon aervea ny tno Following tho game, dainty rcfretth hnatcas. Ml Myrtle Holmes and nient were served, and until n Into MIim Horner favored tho Bitcsta with hour mimic mid aoinr wero enlnved an Inatrumental duet, and Mm. . A mi.. -r,... nsslKieit In enter-1 Hnlinc with ft vocal aclecllon. The mining hv her aimer. Mia lllldii nieetlnii of tho uoclety will be held TiH.j.... Mia JokhIo I'lidilnek and Mm each week after Thnnksglvlnc Tooe. Those In atteudanco wero: Thoao ntteniflnR nt Wednesdny's Ml.. i..iiIhk Walker. Mlas Khtrence meeting wero Mr. K. I.ucaa, Mm M. (irnco. MIh Kvelvn Harding. Mia Hrnyton, Mra. Wllllnm Wood. Mr. Mh.Il-o llrlgbtblll. Mia Florence Flora Kralser. Mm. Monger. Mra. Ij ui.ii.- mimu i.'inn fetnlil. MIh Muv IVmix. Mm. HiMidrlcka. Mlsa Hcnd- H...IH,' MIh Kiilalln Scltoiibel. Miss rlcka. Mrs. Wallaco. Mm. Kalmbnch. Moreltn Hickman. Mlsa Madgo Hullo-Mra. Coffey. Mra. Joseph Hrunnor, well. Miss Marian Mnuev, Mis Itesa Mrs. lieckover. Grandma Davenport Warner, John IIiihcIi, Victor C. Cintilt, Mra. John Kent, Mm. V. A. Holmes Harold A. Swnfford. Philip .1. Sinnoit, ev. niul .Mrs. Jones, .It.h n Mulker, Joo Slieahan. Uonel Cordon. Ilothwell Avlson. Loo He- . x. L. CLUB MEETS, (iilllh. Waldo Cauflcld, Walter Smltn Cnrlniid llallowell, lo Iturdon "H'l I Glndstono Organization Holds Inter- Harry llargieavoa. esting Session. Tho Artisan held l heir aoclal night fil lie The best of winter shoes The best of winter rubbers The best of winter oikoats The best of winter gloves and mitts The best of everything in leather and rubber McKI The Shoe Man RICK 6J2 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY Tho X. U Club of Gladstone met nt the school house Friday afternoon, and there was much Interest maul' tested mid n good attendance. lA com mittee composed of Mrs. A. C. Henu- llau mid Mrs. Charles Toozo. waa ap- nolntcd to see that tho grounds of (iladstone nro cleaned or paper nnn other rubbish so ns to have a neat nmiearanco. Prof. Vodder. suporlntenilent or me Oladntone High school, gave a talk on "The lllgn M-nooi ruuu mo, which met with defeat nt tho recent election, and tho members of tho club havo decided to work with a vim to havo this monstire passed In tho fut ure tlnip to conio. Tho next mooting of tho club will ho hold nt the school house nt Glad stone on tho second Friday of Decem ber, nt which tlmo a llternry niul mu sical proRrammo will bo given. Surveyor Kills Wolf. Whllo hunting near Estncndft tho laltor part of last week, N. W. Mc Millan, n surveyor of that city shot a Inrgo gray wolf, the first that has boon killed In thla county ftjr some tlmo. Tho hide was brought, to this city yesterday, and Mr. McMillan was awarded $5 bounty for hla prowross, hy tho county. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA Flrwood School Report. I Tho following pupils averaged above ninety In their grades for tho month j of October: Kltmnor Hews, Edwin i Hews, I.nymond DeShnzer, Rlldlo Roberts, l.ula Roberts, Alice llorg- i house, I.cnh Morrison, Herbert Udell. I Tho following; pupils were neither ab-1 Kent nor tardy during month: Klrunn; Hews, Kilwln Hows, I.ula Roberts, nil- j die Roberts, Agues Udell, lvn Udell, Herbert Udoll. MARGARET F. HATES, Teacher. RELIANCE TEAM GOES HOME ELEVEN TAKES ANOTHER ,DY 8TACKINQ UP A 25 TO 0 SCORE. Hy u acore. of 25 lo 0 the Oregon City football team won unotlier decl aim victory Sunday, defeating llio faxl. Reliance Athletic Club team of Portland. Although they played a good game of football, tho vlaltorfc wero ocllpKed In every ili-iiarliiient by tho locals, every man on the homo team milking one or more brilliant, may. Oregon City started thlngn right off Hut reel, mid In lea tlian two mln tiles after play had commenced, they waded through Ihelr rival for touchdown. During Hie second niiar tor, tho locnls again acor.Ml, and In the climlng period, tho Reliance goal lino was crossed twice. While the whole team played gllt-edgid football, the work of U'ug and Moore In the back. Hold wn the feature of the day. Iloth of theso men ripped through the line ur skirted thn end for good gains on every occasion. For the. visitors, (itinrlerbat k Crosby and Herzog, right. end, were the bright and shining light. Following la the lino up: Oregon City Reliance Montgomery C Hlacb Hurry U' Robertson Smith Ii Zedlker linker HT Sandatrorn Uigeson 1.1 M a honey McClure HK Herzog (i recti 1-h ... (iuatafason Whllo Q..... Crosby Seller HH" Klrkland Moore I.HIi Mnckln UiiiK F Mercer 0 ( 01 EDISON $ 12.50 22.00 27.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 60.00 ,1 25.00 200.00 ooocoosooooooccco f 0 0 DEUT8CHER VEREIN ELECTS. Gustsv Schnoor Choten at Head of Society. The Oregon City Detitsrhcr Vcreln held their regular meeting Sunday iifternoon In Knapp's Hall, and In ad dttlon to other matters of business tho folowlng new officer, were elect ed for tho coining term: President, Gustav Schnoor; vice preldent, II. M. Klemson; st-cretary, Rudolph Scll- or; treasurer, utuis A. .-souei; iru teoa, Richard Petzold, Peter Wlnkel and Chris Hnrtmann. Mr. Schnoor. tho newly elected president of the or ganization was recently honored by holinr elected president of the Oregon State Federation of German Societies. Ho will also bo a delegate to the na tional convention of German socle-ties. Following tho business meeting Sun day, music and speeches, a German repast and dancing were enjoyed until a late hour. TIE BOOM BREAKS. 10,000 Ties From Shaffer Mill Float Down Willamette. Men are busily encaged In gather ing In the railroad ties belonging to the Fred Shaffer sawmill on the Mo lalla River. The boom containing 15,- 000 ties hnd been taken from the Mo- lalln River last winter and towed to the mouth of tho Pudding River. A sudden rise of the Solalla caused the boom to break and ties to drift down Ihe Molnlla Itlver Into the Willam ette. At New Era many of the ties wero saved, but since the 'Willamette River has taken a rise many have como down over the fulls and are being caught near the foot of Twelfth street, a large forco of man has been for the past three days bringing tho ties from the sand bar at the foot of Twelfth street, where they will be taken In charge by Mr. Shaffer. High School Eleven Disappointed. Football fans of this city wero con siderably disappointed Sat. over the failure of tho Portland Academy first team to make an appearance for their game with Mhe Oregon City high school. The gamo wns slated for 2:30. but at 4 o'clock, even the most rabid fans bade farewell to hopes of seeing n football game, and wended their way out of Chautauqua park. The members ot the local high school's eleven are much disappointed und greatly mystified nt the non-ap- ponrunce of the academy team, ns no reason was given. H. Mattley Leases Nash's Building On Seventh Street. J. H. Muttlev hus leased the Nash storo building on Seventh street and as added a new line of goods. Mr. Mattley. who has boon In business in tho Reddaway building on Seventh street for several years still retains that building, which Is to be used for his second hand slock. o o a o o Q 0 O o o o Q O o a o o o o o 0 0 o o o VICTOR $ JO.OO 17.50 25.00 32.50 40.00 50.00 60.00 25.00 200.00 Yott Need a Phonograph In your home and yoa can get it on the easiest of paymentsAct at once o o o o o o o o o u o o g o o o o If you only knew how much fun and entertainment a Phonograph brings into your home, you wouldn't be without it a single day. You know how it is you come home in the evening, tired out from your day's work, and a long dreary evening before you. That's the time when you would appreciate some music to refresh you and make you forget the trials and cares of the day. No matter what you want to hear the Phonograph brings it right to you while you sit in your easy chair No one need say "I can't afford It,'' for we will sell you any Victor or Edison outiH on such easy terms that you never miss the money and the first thing you know it is entirely paid for It's Yout Advantage to Buy From Us! Because we carry every machine and record made by the Victor and Edison companies and our prices are as low as you can buy any place on earth, and you can come right here and hear them played right alongside one another and pick out tke machine and records that you like best. That is surely far better than being compelled to take any talking machines and records a far-away concern has a mind to sell you. A FREE TRIAL OFFER We will gladly send a Victor or Edison outfit to your home for a few days at no expense to you. If you decide to keep it pay us a small deposit and a little each month. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers :: Su pension Bridge Corner IT. i s Vfi ( ' Iflf & 0 0 f 0 0 0h 4Hk Jkfc W alPTk 0 0 O o o a o o o o o o a o a o o o 0 o o o 0 o o o a o o a o o o o o 0 o o 0 0 Q O o o Q O () o o o o 0 O )0 NEW MANAGER ARRIVES. G. F. Breltbarth, of Portland, Accepts Position at F. Busch'i Store. cured, as well as Marshall Farnuro, (brother of the celebrated star, Dus tln Farnum), Hugh Dillman, Henry Stockbredge, Thomas Krueger and Beatrice Nichols, as well as a few of the most popular members of the for mer company, including Donald Bowles, Lillian Andrews, John Bur- G. F. Breltbarth, of Portland, has arrived In this city to accept the posi tion as manager of the carpet and furniture department of the Frank ton, William Wolbert, Thomas Mac- Rusch store on Eleventh and Main , Larnle and Ronald Bradbury. The streets. Mr. Breltbarth is a man ot opening play will be Nat Goodwin and experience In this line, having held ajMaxine Elliott's famous success, similar position with the Edwards ! "When We Were Twenty-one," with Company of Portland for 15 years, j ft beautiful staging and powerful and was also connected with the Wal- dramatic power. When We Were ter Brothers' store of that city. He ( Twenty-one Is unquestionably one of is well known In Portland, and comes I the best plays ever written, and is to this city with the highest of recom- 'deal for introducing a new company, mendations. containing as it does so many wonder- Mr. Busch has added a new line of ful acting roles, and giving opportun- goods to his furniture and carpet de partment and finds that it is neces-1 sary to have a man, especially, at the head of this department. lty for superb dressing on the part ot both men and women. Miss Cam eron will play the role of Phyllis, la which Maxine Elliott achieved such success, and Donald Bowies will be ideally cast as The Imp, the impet uous boy whom a trinity of bachelors have undertaken to care for. All tho regular season seats are being held as before, and should be taken up promptly, as the demand will neces sitate selling them the moment the time limit has expired. Matinees will be given during the week on Wednes day (the popular Barcain Day), on Thursday, (Thanksgiving Day), and Saturday. The re-opening of the favorite stock company is eagerly awaited by hundreds of theatre-goers in Portland, and all the nearby cities. WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE. Baker Stock Company to Re-open on Next Sunday Afternoon in Famous Play. The re-opening of the Baker Stock Company after nn enforced recess of over two weeks to remodel the in terior of the new playhouse, will take place Sunday matinee. The faulty accoustlc properties, which were such a drawback lo the performances, have been completely remodeled, and many new members added to the roster of the popular stock company. From now on there will be one big produc- An Ideal Husband Is patient, even with a nagging wife, for ho knows she needs help. She may be so nervous nnd run down in health that trifles nnnoy her. If she melancholy, excitable, troubled Ith loss of appetite, headache, sleep ssness, constipation or fainting nnd dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bit ters tho most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suffer ers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy nnd happy. Try them. Only BOe. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Dressy Shoes For Dressy Wen and plain shoes for men who look first for good wear and comlort. No matter what your shoe needs are, bring your feet to this store and let us fit them right. Oregon City Shoe Store v; v 1 tion after another seen on the big stage, and Manager Baker feels con fident he has the best stock company he has ever had the pleasure of offer ing his numorous patrons. Mabel Cameron, one of the best known lead ing women in the East has been se- Treasurer's Notice. I now have funds to pay Road War rants endorsed prior to March 8, 1910. Interest ceases on such warrants on date of this notice. November 18, 1910. j. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer. SPKCIAL SALE on new ranges, and large second hand cook stoves, second hand sideboards, second hand cross-cut saws, nt J. H. Matt ley's, 905 7th St. Prank Buscii Manufacturer of Furniture DEALER IN CARPETS, HARDWARE, STOVES, DOORS, WINDOWS, WALL PAPER, OILS AND PAINTS "The Adrian" Wire Fence Tied with "The Tie That Binds" Tsars of wire fence have come to the conclusion that the require ments absolutely necessary for a good fence aro elasticity In the line wires, stiffness and rigidity in the stays, and a lock or tie that holds firmly. By reason of special attention to its construction, the wire used in our fence is neither too hard nor too soft, but just enough points carbon to give It strength and elasticity. The wire is thoroughly galvanized, and each and every bundle of wire woven into our fence is inspected and approved before it is allowed to go to the machines. Our stay, or upright wire, is one continuous wire from the top to the bottom, and is of the same quality and guage as the inter mediate line wires. The method of tying the stay or upright wire to the line wire is where we differ materially from other makes of fence, and we were the first to apply this principle in the manufacture of wire fence. Our knot is a LONG oval loop, with the two ends returning towards tho stay, forming two hooks. By having this long, oval loop it per mits us to put a LONG bend in the line wire, thus preserving the full strength of the wire. We believe this to be one of the vital points in the manufacture of' any wire fence.' Most manufacturers of wire fence are compelled to put a short kink In the line wire, owing to the shortness of their lock, and each and every short kink you put in any wire weakens the wire. Again we construct our lock of the same hard, spring steel wire that is used in the line and stay wire. We positively DO NOT use a sotter wire for our knot than the line and stays. It is not necessary to anchor our fence between posts because when properly stretched the rigid stay prevents a hog or any other small animal from going under our fence unless they raise the whole fence, and with the fence well stapled to the posts, this they cannot do. We do not use half-sized wire in any of our styles. The price of a wire fence depends on the quality of the wire and the weight o the fence per rod. The life of a wire fence depends on the quality of the wire, the galvanizing, the size of the wire and the method of tying the wires together so they WILL NOT SLIP or in any way Injure the wires in the fence. We have a fence that embodies all of these qualities and we guar antee every rod of fence we put out. 16-INCH PRY BLOCK WOOD $2.50 Per Cord, delivered. Builders' Sup plies Co.. 14th and Main Sts. MISS ADA BEDWILL, agent for La dies' Homo Journal. Saturday Ev ening Post, Oregon City Enterprise, all periodicals. Special rate on Woman's Home Companion and McClure's, $2 for tho two. tf BEUTSCTIER VEREIN OFORE-; gon City meets second Saturday after- noon in each month at Knapp's hall , In Winter and in Schnoerr's Park, 1 Willamette, in Summer. Gus Schnoerr, ! president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. Alfalfa sweetened dairy food in-1 creases milk one-third, sold by the j Oregon City Commission Company. MU nil A INI WIK L r" L IN C L C O MiMIIEArTliDrn at- n..., ... mae ot the best hard steel wire, thoroughly galvanized. The locks will nol slip nicy die out arvennnwn nn ho wiro ,i r. ;P a ,c . to it rort Tha ho,,,,,: " " uu.t:u.iocrovujT .... ,,, ni.ritu i.un.11 irvne suiiuaru unn icnre cn ma marKeu