Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1910)
4 OREGON CITY JiNTKUPKlSK, FRIDAY, KOV.KMMKU .18, 19.10. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday C- E. BROOIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post office as second-class matter. Subscription Rates: One Year 1.50 Six Months 75 Trial Subscription, Two Months .25 Subscribers will And the dale of cr piratlon stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Kates on application. the city wide open. It Is difficult to believe, however, that the liquor peo ple will lie so foolish as to full to keep their promises. Their failure, to make good will mean tho repeal of the amendment In 1912 and "OroRon Dry'' will have a bettor chance. ! If the at at omenta of tho members of the Clackamas Dry Campaign Com- , mlttee are true, there Is plenty of ' room for reform In Oregon City. The high license has not diminished tho number of saloons. All of tho 16 seem to ho flourishing. There are too many. Estimating the population of Oregon City to be tWOO, and there are not to exceed this number within the corporate limits, there Is one sa loon to each unit of 373 people. Of that number. It Is safe to say that 300 never see tho Inside of a saloon and it therefore follows that 75 men sup- It HOME RULE AND SALOONS. , port each saloon In Oregon City is apparent that somebody's family : must go without luxuries, and perhaps , tho necessities of life, to enable 16 saloons to pay $16,000 per annum to me itome uuie amendment, adop- the city , ,ioe!lses 6IU, a profit ieu oy me voters of tne state at the besides, recent election, la subject to different Interpretations by attorneys and offi- eers of the Greater Oregon Home Rule ; Association and members of the Ore-! In political circles there is a report gon Anti-Saloon League. It Is cou- current that before the end of the BENSON MAY RESIGN. tended by the Home Rule people that year Secretary of State Henson will incorporated cities that voted "wet" ' resign and that Acting Governor in counties that voted dry where Kowerman will appoint a Republican local option elections were held, will to succeed him. It Is not stated who be allowed to sell liquor as soon as . is slated for the position. If this re- the amendment becomes effective. port Is true. Governor-Elect Oswald Incorporated cities in "dry" coun-; West will not be able to name a Pom ties that did not have a local option ocratic Secretary of State and the election must remain "dry" for two State Board of Control will have a years. Incorporated cities that voted "wet" In counties that voted "wet" may sell liquor as soon as the County Court declares the vote carried and sets Republican majority. It is also ru- mored that Dr. V. E. Carl!, of Ore gon City. Is an aspirant for the post tion of Superintendent of the State Insane Asylum. He Is a close friend aside the order of prohibition, without of United States Senator George. E. waiting for the adoption of the Home Chamberlain, and there is every rea Rule amendment. ; son to believe that Governor-elect Councils In incorporated cities that West will be guided in his appoint are "wet" may elect not to grant ments by Chamberlain. However, a liquor licenses. . majority of Republicans as members In Yamhill, Benson and Lane Coun- of the State Board may mean that a ties, where no local option election Republican will secure the Asylum was held, the incorporated cities job. must remain "dry"' with the county - - unless they are voted "wet" two years That the Hill interests are prepared hence, as provided by the local option to spend from 17,000,000 to $10,000,000 on extensions to the Oregon Electric and United Railways in Western Ore gon during the coming year or IS months, is the statement of John F. Stevens, head of the Hill system in this state. This will mean the con structlon of from 200 to 250 miles of new Interurban roads In the Willam ette Valley, Southern Oregon and the Coast country. law. Dry counties that voted "wet" may dispense liquor without waiting for the amendment to be proclaimed. These counties are Crook, Gilliam, Klamath, Malheur, Morrow, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla and Union. The only cases where the .Home Rule amendment really becomes ope rative are in Linn, Douglas, Hood River, Wallowa and Josephine Coun ties. Cities that voted "wet" in these counties will have the right to sell liquor and will not be bound by the rural vote. This is the contention of George E. Farewell, of tne Home Rale Association. Attorney General Crawford is work ing on an opinion as to the exact meaning of the amendment While Clackamas County is not di rectly interested In the outcome of the controversy over the legal con struction of the new law, local resi-1 Ashland claims it will have the dents who are Interested In the liquor I most beautiful street In Oregon when ANNUAL MEETING Of HUMANE SOCIETY MISS ANITA McCARVER IS AGAIN CHOSEN TO HEAD THE ORGANIZATION. SEVERAL COMPLAINTS REACH SOCIETY Treatment of Dumb Animals Arouses Wemben New Drinking Foun tain Will Be Erected In Near Future, Realty dealers of the state are to be asked to attend the Annual Con vention of the Oregon Development League at Salem during the last three days of November. It Is felt that these two organizations can accom plish a great deal by coming together and working for the advancement of the whole state. It Is expected the realty men will hold their first annual gathering at the same time as the Development League Convention. question are watching with curious eyes the efforts of the Home Rule its new boulevard Is completed. This thoroughfare will be 100 feet in width Association to "regulate" the liquor j Xvith paving on both sides of a park question. It is whispered that the row in the center, that will be beau- public pulse is Portland is being felt, Jtified with trees and shrubbery. The with the scheme all hatched to throw paving will be completed next spring. No. 172. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF OREGON CITY at Oregon City in the State of Oregon, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOV. 10TH, 1910. Resources Loans and discounts $167,989.09 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1,701.18 Bonds, securities, etc 370,148.72 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 32,135.58 Other real estate owned.. 600.00 Due from ap proved reserve banks $303,098.75 Checks and other cash items . . . 337.08 Cash on hand... 85,555.58 388,991.41 Total $961,565.98 Liabilities Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, Ies3 ex penses and taxes paid... 13,327.97 Individual depos its subject to check $547,158.61 Demand certifi cates of depos it 111,011.34 Time certificates of deposit 116.571.44 Savings deposits 72,796.62 847,538.01 Reserve for taxes 700.00 Total $961,565.98 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas, ss. I, K. G. Caufield, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. G. CAUFIELD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ICth dav of November, 1S10. H. L. KELLY, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: CHARLES H. CAUFIELD GEO. A. HARDING T. L. CHARMAN Directors. SEAL Eliminate All Possible Risks To pay fay check does away with the actual handling of money. There is not the risk possible as when cash is carried on your person and paid to others. There is no possible chance of losing money or of being robbed. Errors are easily cor rected when checks enter into a bosinsss transaction. It would be much cheaper and more con venient to employ the check account if it cost the user one cent for each $25 transferred. Can YOU afford not to pay by check, when there is no cost whatever? The Bank of Oregon City Oregon City, Oregon The annual meeting of the ClacHn mas County Humane Society was held Tuesday and the election of officers for the ensuing year took place. .Miss Anita McCarver, who has served as president of this organisation for the past 12 vcars, was ag iiu unanimously elected to fill this office for another year. Miss McCarver has taken an active Interest lu the work of this society since Its organisation 12 years ago. Several complaints nave come before the society lu the treatment of horses, and this matter was discussed. The other officers who were elec ted were C. A. Harding, vlco-presi- .lent; Mrs. E. C. Caufield, secretary; E. U. Caufield, treasurer. Tho direc tors are ti. A. Harding, Mrs. K. I.. Caufield, Mrs. (5. A Harding, these to serve for three years, and those serv ing a two-year term are John R. Humphry, Adam Wilkinson. Miss Anita McCarver, Mrs. Adam Wilkin son and Miss Nan Cochran. The president gave her report and it Is In part as follows: The society is much mimpereu on account of not having an officer to attend to this work. We fwl com- oiled to ask the city to appoint an officer or Instruct the present officers of the Oregon City police force to cv operate with the society and aid In the prosecution of the ortenses ami violations cf ihe law. For the past 12 years the society has worked under great difficulty in order to carry out the project for which It was organized, and It has never received the influence and tl nancial support it deserves. Oregon City is rapidly progressing alone the line of educational worK Why not encourage the promotion of humane education, a work that has hoonmn an liulisnensable feature in Clackamas County, and worthy of the serious attention of all who strive for the nubile good." The Clackamas County society has already erected two drinking foun tains. ' It Is the Intention to now erect another fountain In the near future, the location of which has not been determined, but It is probable that It will be on Main street between Tenth and Twelfth streets. The secretary's and treasurer's re ports were read, the latter report showing the financial condition of the soctetv. Mr. Bradley, formerly Hu mane officer, who worked without compensation, has moved from tnts ritv. leaving the society without an officer. It is the intention of the Clackamas County Humana Society to secure more members, and anyone residing in the countv is eligible for member ship, only 50 cents for the yearly fee Samuel Grunrf Burled, Former Oregon City Man Interred In Mountain View. t no Mineral services over the re mains of Samuel II, llrund, who died in Portland en Sunday morning o1 gangrenous Appendicitis, were held In this city Tuesday at tho llaptlst church. Rev, s. A. liny worth, pastor, officiating, IVcensed was a member of tho Modern Woodmen of America of this city, anil the local lodge at tended in a Tho Interment was in Mountain View cemetery, Mr, Crund, who was 2f years of ago, was the son-in-law of Mr, and Mrs. J, O. Miller, of the West Side, lie leaves a wife. High School Benefit. There will be a benefit performance for the Oregon City high school nth lotle association at the Electrlo The atre this evening, the first perform ance beginning at 7:15 o'clock sharp. Two reels of the latest moving pic lures will he shown, nud there will be Illustrated sengs and a farce by the students of the high school. The students are Interesting their friends to make tho affair a profitable one. REAL ESTATE 0 XI indwell E. and tl, W. Church et nl T WILL ELECT OFFICERS CHARTER AMENDMENT WILL AL SO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS FOR ACTION. The annual election of the town of Willamette will be held Tuesday, De cember G. County School Superinten dent T. J. dary, who was elected Mavor bv the Council a few weeks ago, when Mayor James Downey re signed, has so far no opposition for re-election. R. A. Junkin is the only candidate for Recorder. Th re are two candidates for Marshal, J. E. Ed munds and Jake Reams, and ono can didate for treasurer, Frank Canen. Twelve men have been suggested for councilmen, with six at large to elect. They are fi. G. Craves. ;. L Snidow. J. A. Ream, Frank Shipley, V. A. Ross, I. W. Rivers. H. Lelsman, Frank Oliver, R. W. Baker. William Criteser, Cordon Rod iters, Ed (.ross. The people of Willamette held a mass meeting last Saturday night and suggested candidates for the various offices. At the election an amend ment to the charter will he voted up on, providing for a change in tne hours of holding election. The pres ent hours are 8 A. M. to 4 P. XL, and it Is proposed to havi the polls re main open until 7 P. XI. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A TO THE VOTERS OF OREGON CITY, OREGON: Having announced myself to be come a candidate for Xlayor, at the election to be held In Oregon City on .Monday, December 5th, I wish to say that I was born in Clackamas Coun ty. Oregon, in 1S.V), and lived on a farm until I was nineteen years of age, then moved to Oregon City and learned the blacksmith trade, which I followed for six years, after which I was In the livery business for seven years und';r the firm name of Cooke Brothers. I was engaged In the grocery business for a short time, and In WM I bought, into the hard ware business with R. I). Wilson un der the firm name of Wilson & Cooke. In 1XD8 I was elected Sheriff of this county, and in 1900 re-elected. Hhould I be elected to file office to which I aspire I will use every effort, to give this city a good clean business ad minis: ral ion. J. .7. cooki:. fl'aid Advt.) to .Marlon Johnson, laud In section township s south, range 2 east; Jl l lilted states to lle.'eklah inrr, land In section 14, township 5 south range 3 east; Patent. Hannah Scott und Richard Scott trustee, to A, U Kennedy, lot 2 of block 2. Lewelllng Park; 1200. Isaac A. Xllloy to Carl and Elisabeth Potwln. 10 acres of Albert Fish D. L. C. No. 40, township 4 south, range east: t050. I tilted States to Henry Oak, ttlO acres of section 2(1, township 2 south range 7 east; Patent. S, D. and Jennie XI. Smaller to Andrew Ilergcscn. lot IB, Oregon Homes; J 10. .1. I. and Maggie Johnson to XI In thorn Springs Water Company. Addl tion to Portland; Jl. George and Grace T. Hamford to W. S. Hohn, lu:. acres of section township 2 south, range 3 east; $10 Isaac A. Xllley to John Frank Cam pan. 22.715 acres of sections 25. .10, township 4 south, range t east; 1720. Ijiov K. and Allle XI. Keeth to Hort and Cert Scott, land lit Clackamas County; $1 Oregon Swedish Colonization Com p iny to Per Thoroii. 40 acres of soc- tion 1.1. township 5 south, range cast : $t;o0. W. K. Hansen to George Relmers and Herman Relmers, 50 acres of sec tion 12. township 3 south, range 1 east; J7.100. Emma B. Mllstead to C. 0. Hooper, 5 acres of D. U C. of S. 8. White and wife, township 3 south, range 2 east G. A. aril Xraggie Cobb to Karl I and Finn Nelson, all of lot 92, Canby Gardens: $000. Elizabeth Zimmerman to S. II. Reese and Karl Nelson. 1 arre of sect Inn 4 township 4 south, range 1 east; also 6 acres of section 4. township 4 south range 1 east; $:;eO. Estacadu State Hank to Max Klaetsch. 7 acres of section 21, town ship 3 south, range 4 east; also land In section 21. township 3 south, range 4 east : 1500. JohrvS. Gilibons to Hert Jonsnid. 20 acres of section 22. township 2 south, rang" 4 eant: $t',0t John S. Gibbons to William Hell. 20 acres of section 22, township 2 south, rang" 4 east; $S0O. Ethen and Arthur .Miller to Frank It. Riley. 2n acres of section 8. town ship 3 south, range 5 east; $1. Jacob Rnerk to Jack Rueok, 80 acres of section 8. township 4 south, ranee 1 east; 1. Henry Wlnltel et nl to William Wlnkel. lots 1, 2, block 5. West Side Addition to Oregon City; $1. J. C. and )ina Iehmati to Joseph Conrad, 1..'.". acres of section 23, town ship 5 south, range 1 east; $::o. John J. Iloylnu to .Vary Hoy tan, land in township 2 south, range 1 east; tl. A. G. Suter and Ressle Suter to J. lean Under and Charles I. I'arKer, land in Clackamas County; lua. Stephen liuke and Pauline Halle to Oregon Swedish Colonization Co.. So acres of section 24. township i south, ramie east; $.'!.'in(i. Daniel Mcljircn and Agnes Mc- Ijiren to Oregon Swedish Coloniza tion Co., land In section 8. township 5 south, ram:.- 3 east; $2000. Mindwell k. and C. Huron et al to XIarlon Johnson, land in section H, !), township 2 south, range 1 east; St. I'nited Stati s to Hezeklah Car, land in section II. township 5 south, range east.; patent. Hannah Scott and Richard Scott trustee, to A. I Kenneuy. ioi z oi block 2, I-ewi.tllng Park; 2I0. Isaac A. Xllley to Carl and Mlza- heth Potwln, 10 acres of Albert Fish, D. L. C. No. 40, township 4 south, ange 1 east; $050. I ti ted States to Henry uns. iw acres of section 26. township 2 south, range 7 east; patent. S. I), and Jennie M. Hmnlley to An drew Hergensen, lot IB, Oregon Homes; $10. J. I. and .Maggie Johnson to sun- thorn SpriniM Water Company Addi tion to Portland; $1. George nnd Grace T. Hamford to W. S. Hohn, 105 acres of section o, townHhlp 2 south, range 3 east; $10. Isaac A. Miley to John frank Cam- pail, 22.7(5 ncres of sections 25, 30, township 4 south, range t east: $1720. I.tley K, and Allle M, Keeth to Hell mid tlert Scott, laud In Clackamas County; $1. Oregon Swedish Colonlimtlou Com pany to Per Thoren, 40 acres of sec tion is. township 5 Mouth, rauHO 3 east ; $ooo. W. K. Hansen to George Itelniers nnd Herman Rolmors, fiO acres of sec tion 12, township 3 south, range I east ; $7X00, Ennna K. Mllntoitd to C, C. Hooper, 6 acres of l I C, of S. S. While and wife, township 3 south, rango 2 east; $10. State of Oregon to George 11. West 40 acres of section It!, township 7 south, range 4 east; $100, W, II. and l.uhi A. Hose to James Rasmussen, lot 1 of block If., XI In tlimn Addlllon: $10. James C. Griffin to John XI. l.vdon, lots U, 15. 10, block ti, Nob Hill; $1, J, J. and Mary Honolulu to Mary Adams, I.41i-cres of Franklin Pierce 0. U C. No. 38; $300. Alice XI. Howell to J, Vanlloiiten, lots 25 and 2tl of block 60, Oregon Iron & Steel Company's Extension to First Addition to Oswego; $;!."0, The Shaw Fear Company to Nclla E. Itoark, lot 10. Hoardliiall's Addition to Jennings Ualge; $10, J. XI. Koines to Xlnry E. Kehre. lot 3 of block 1, Junker's Addition to Sandy; $1, Xlary XI. Charmaii and U'lta Chuivi man to J, A. tluck. block 22 of Clack- amiis Heights $. J. II. ami Andres Johnson to J. It. Pitman ami Hose Pitman, 5.105 acres of William Xlatlock 1). U t town ship 2 south, range 2 east; $1100, Perry A. tiud Sablna A. F, Hunter to U C. Skvlllttgor 11 acres of sec tion 31. township I south, range 3 east; $2000, Casper and Alice Kerr et nl to El sla IVner, lots 20. 27, block "A," Kerr & Shlmller First Addition to Mllwnii kle; $350, John W. and Grace K, l.oder to K. U Rudolph, SO acres of section 3. township 4 south, runge j oust; $0, S. P. and Xlary II. Kent to A. K. and Mabel D. Austin Elliott P. l C, No, 45. section 12. township 5 south, range I west; $125. A. E. mid Xlabel 1). Austin to John W, 1ider, land In section 12. town ship 5 south, range I east; $1. G, W. and Elizabeth lindou to l nora Spatli. 13 1-3 acres of section 27, township I south, range 4 east; $1. Shaw Fear Company to Uona J, Wardner, lot . Sraw's Subdivision of lots "A." "IV "C," Jennings Uidge; $5ii0. I'nited States to Una Vane, latul In section 33, township 2 south, rangu east; $1. Merchants' Savings & Trust Com pany to John Charles and .May Kly- chlng, 10 acres of sections 7. 8. 11, 17. IS, township 3 south, range 4 east; $10. W. F. and K. Fannie Edwards to Oregon Iron & Steel Company, laud In sections 7. 10. township 2 south. range 1 east; $, Xllnnle V. Day and W. It. Dny to llawley Pulp Paper Company. 7 acres of township 3 south, range t cast: $50. !!. H. and l.ydiu XI. Smith to I J. Orelidorff, 25 acres of section 1. town ship 2 south, range 3 east; $2S0O. Cum and U t . Newell to J. V. Smith, 5 acres of section 34, town ship 1 south, range 4 east; $125. Walter H. and I'enrl U Day to E. II. Hobbs, lot 3 of block "V. and lot i of block "I'." Xlllwaukle Park; $H. D. K. ami E. 3. Uitouretto to t has. K. and Robert G. Cramer, lots 5, tt. 7, S. Clackamis Park; $1. John H. and Sybil XI. Ham to Xlll- ton S. Friendly, 19 acres of section 2S. township 1 south, range 2 east; $1. James XI. and Etta Swetter io Fmd Price, lot-! acres of .lato'-s s. Williams I), U C. section IS, town ship 5 south, range 2 east; $10, Tliiio'hv W. and l,aum Umi to Su san C. Unn, lot fi of block 42, County Addition to Oregon City; $1. John and Helen H. Angus nnd Jes sie Ant-'us to John Dick, land In Clack amas County; $10. I'Tiorn and Joseph U Fletcher to Abraham and Ida C. Odeen, O1..12 ncres of section 4. township 5 south, range 2 east; $9000. Charles K. ami IJIUnn XI. Cramer to Robert G. and Cora ( ameron, lots 5 and li of Park; $1. uwrm t-i V .'A r: i fcrif mm m POWDER s1r titles'.'!) d&hylt'! ' v;"f rX Rnrnl Cook Hook Untiled fr ImmcilUtely on r ipt of your sd.lrcifc Tells How to Make 178 Kind of Cftko Cakes of all kinds for all people are best made with Royal S PLC I ALLY FINE FOR LAYER CAiiC. No, S55U fe-.-,vi-r;'''' REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank of Oregon City At Oregon City, In tho State of Orerjoo. at the clost of business, Novum. ber 10th, 1910, ItESOt'RCErt Uuins li ml discount $ tt7,0IS 23 Overdrafts, secured mid unsecured I', S. llonds to secure circulation Honds, securities, etc Il.mklng house, furniture and fixtures Due fioiu National Hanks (not reserve agents) Dun from State and Private Hanks und Hankers, Trust Compan ies und Savings Hunks Due from approved Unserve Agents Checks iiii'l other cash items Notes of other National Hanks Fractional paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents Iiwlul Money Unserve III Hntik, vlf.: Specie $ 4I.7SI.IO gal tender notes 2,710.00 Redemption fund with I'. S. Treasurer (5.. of clrculnllotil H7S 05 12,500 00 70.),V.I 7N 15.0110 no 2.751 35 3 f.f H.1.34H 31 I.IM.IO 13,415.00 !SS 03 47.HH 10 Total I.IAHIUITIKS Capital stock, paid III $ Hrt.0iii1.un Surplus fund t'liillvlded profits, Icks expense and taxes National bank note outstanding Dun to Stuin ami Prlvutti bank nud bunker Individual dnMinltN suhjnet to (hook. paid I.t;:i7.37 I..TOS.U 1 .11 10 00 S.OM.i.'l ;ti'J.23! U4 Demand certltlcnti s of deposit 22,0X11 Total $:lS,929.7il ST AT I' F OltF.CON. County of ('lacUin.--H 1, F. J. Meyer, cashier of the nlsive minimi bank, do notmmily swnnr thM the above statement I truo to tho best of my knowledge nud belief. F. J. Xleynr. Cashier. Subscribed und sworn to before m this Kith duv of November, 1910, J. F. CI.AItK, Notary Public. COHIIKCT Attest: ISKAI.l No l..TOI'ltKTTK I.ATOI'HKTTK I.ATOl'ltKTTIC Director. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. OITice over Hank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLAHK, Xlgr HELVY ON TRIAL FOR SMITH MURDER (Continued from pat,"; 1.) from Smith, the rn.-in who was shot. He leoeat.ed Helvey's story that Smith waylaid hirn with a club, and told of tb reals having been made bv Smith against. Helvey's life, leaving Hie hitter's mind In a state of con stant fear. I have just received a fine shipment of GrapfiopWes AND RECORDS Pianos and Organs which we will sell at unheard of prices as long as they last, so if yju want one of these fine instruments come quick before they are all gone. We have a $500 Piano for $200 A. H.STURGES 7th and Center St. Notice of Final Settlement., Notice Is hereby islven that the uti dorslKiied, H. F. Huliard, duly np pointed, qualified aniT nctltiK itdmlulH trnlor of the estate of Frederick Dul lard, deceased, lias filed his final re nort in Ha hi estate. And that the County Court of Clarknmas County. OreKon. has set Monday, December 19th, 1910, nt the hour of ten o'clock A. M. In tho County Court room, nl the court house In Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, as the time and plnco for tho hearing of said final report, nnd tho objections1 thereto, If any there bo. nnd for tho settlement of tho same. H. F. DULLARD, Administrator of tho estate of Fred erlck llullnrd, deceased. CROSS AND HAMMOND, Attorneys for Administrator. REPORT OF" THE C0N0ITI0N OF THE FARMERS BANK At WMsonvllle, In the State of Oregon, t the close of business, November HKSnCHCICS Loans nnd discount. . , . Ilonili, securities, etc, , . , Haiililm; house, furniture and fixtures Dm' from approved renerve banl.M Ca.h on hand 10th, 1910. I.IAIIIUTICH S.ri.rS7.07 Capital slock paid lu $ir.,Ouo.OO US. lo Sur-plii fund .','in.oo t'liillvlded profits, lea e- '.:r.9.:i5 piumi. mid taxes paid 1,011, N3 lllilhl'tllal deposit subject .mm;.:!:: to cheek is,;ij37 .'1 . 1 2 1 . f. Iinmiitid certificates of do poult 1,730.11.) Time certificate of deposit 1,91:1. HO Total $7 1, US:1. 10 THE HOME Is Incomplete without modern, sani tary Plumbing. You risk the lives I of your children by keeping old- fashioned plumbing In the house We take contracts for PLUMIilNG heating and ventilating. We can refit your entire house. If you are building this Spring give us a chance to figure on the Plumbing. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and Spraying Material. 914 Main 8t, Phone 2654. OREGON CITY. Total $7 1, L'K;!. in STATIC OF ORKCON. County of Clackamas,- s. We, ,. W. Thornton and Joe J. Thornton, owners of the above-named bank, do solemnly s.vear that the above statement Is true to the best of our kliii'VleilKo anil belief. .1. W. THORNTON JOH J. THORNTON Owners. Subscribed mid sworn to before me this Kith day of November, 1910. KATK WOI.IIHRT IHRALI Notary Public for OreRon. KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH HOME IT IS wonderful how much satisfac- tion can be obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. A letter carries voids, but the Bell Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modulations of the voice are clearly heard. The cheery tones show that the tafker is well and in good spirits. The call may conic from a suburban village or a distant city, but within the limits of the carrying power of the voice the Bell Service carries the tone as well. You get a per sonal interview with a friend hundreds of miles away. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone in the Center of the System Ay a v r'( .j ft