Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1910)
OMCGON CITY ENTEttPJUHK, FRIDAY, XOVEMHEU 18, 1910. CANBY AND SOUTHERN- CLACKAMAS CANBY. I'r.if. T, J, (HII wkiiI lu- OrnKiHi Cliy mi tiiiuliiKHN Hiiliiriliiy, William Luck wunl Id I'ortliunI Hiiniliiy, where liu spent thn day, re turning mi ihn evening Iriiln. Howard . Kcolo wont lo Port Hilhiliiy evening. HI tit Unditny wunl In l'url littitl im luml tn-HM Tuomliiy, Curl Luehti wn a Portland vlNllnr Monday. Mix I 'our I iuiiiton hint gone lo Portland where hv will vIhII Willi hor nlHinr, Mn, Robert Young, A. I), paddock, (liu drugglm, win a I'nrlliinil hiiHlni'iiK vlnllor Tuoitdiiy. I 'd ward AnIiIiiiiikIi of Poilliind, rep. ri'HiiiilliiK III" 1 1 it I titl ix in Cimily Com puny, wim In Cniihy Mmiiliiy, ImtvliiK tint rnlliiwItiK dit y for Mnliillit, Knill llnritnn wciil In l'url lulu! on Tni'Diliiy, whuro do will mind hit liulliliiy kiniiIn. Many of lliu liiorehatilH of thin diy ll Hi rorct villi! thnlr holiday goods. Mm, U T. Untti'ii thl week rulvii n Iiii'kh stock Including Kitninit, (IiiIIh, till". Ir. (I. O (iuy nnil . Graham of Himllln, Wattll,, Weto In Cnnliy (in liimliii'Hii Hiiintny ninl Monday. It. (', llrnilln wunl lo Corvalll mi Hiiiurdiiy itiurnliiK, whore lia attend i'i Dm fuiiiliiill game ImlwoiMl l.'nl vor lty of Oregon ninl Oregon Agrlcul t ll It I Colled". Mr. ninl Mm. M. J. Un wont lo I'orlliinil nn IiiiIiiom TiioHility, William Ui-ki, Ihn rinninliniliin merchant, went lo lliirlow Tunaday Util Tleo, of MImhouIii, Mont., who hit boiui In UiIm city vIhIIIiik will) rolullvim, Iiiih k'inii lo I'ortliinil lo oiid n fnw wiinlm, hut exports lo nl inn linrii before uolnu in hid homo TIllH Im Hid riiMt vlMlt Mr. Tiro Iiiih iiiiiiIii In Cniihy n.r 17 ynnm, uml wiih vry illicit miii prlHicI nl I ho advance lluil Iiiih been inmln liorti. Mr. Tien In roiiliiiiiliiiliIK building on liln prop erty linrn. Hoy Faulkner, nf Portland, wa In Canity Tuesday vlitllliig with friend. Mr. Faulkner returned in I'ortlitntl on Ihn evening (miii nnil frnm llml city Im will go In Hliollliurii, Oro., wlmro li will inkn charge nf Ihn fiirm.he IoiikIiik lo 1 1 1 h parent, Mr. nnil Mm. Wllllitiii Faulkner. Mm. II. .1. Faulkner, of I'ortlmnl, spoiil Hiiniliiy In thlH city, tint guoHl of f i Ikii il h. Mrn. .1. Knott, who roiddc Hour Adlilli Mill, wim IritiiHiii'lliiK IminIiiohh In Canby mi TueMtiuy, Mm. Knott him recently rnlunied front a mijoiirn In fit 1 1 Torn lit. Tint iliiiii'lnx party to have Ix't'tt given by I hi) Cmitiy bund tin Bittur- tiny iiIkIiI nl tlm city hull linn boon uihI puiifil on account of a iiiovIiik lilrlunt hliuw IiiiIiik I tin ntlriictlnii llm Mllllll) OVI'lllllg. Mr, ninl Mm, Kit Koyl, of Htiletn, liuvo iirrlvml In Cnnliy to m-iiiI the winter. Mr. Ki'yl In a wiiII known horseman, ninl Iiiih brought Willi liim IS blooded liurHcN Unit will Ix) win tered on I tin rnro truck of I ho Clack mini ( 'nil nl y Fair (IroiinilH. Hit hn rented tin Hitnndcr house. Tim i en m shovel Iihn arrived In lo i.iiri'huHti polnloc. Mr. I.ucko J faulty, and In now Mtiillmiod In Ihn Iihn, In connection with IiIn i-oiiutil- Hinii Iiiiiiho hero, InillilliiK In linr low, where ihn produce l Mloroil tlmt In iiiri liitHixl In (list icctlon of tin) county. Illation Irwlnn of Tn 1 1 until, Oro K"ii. painted HiroiiKh Canity Hutiirdity evening on IiIh way lioinu from Hid Kruvol ilt In tlm Noiillioru part of Ihn rlly. Hoy Knlti'il. who Iiiim liwn mil lilnyml on Mm Mli'iiin nlmvi-1 ut J"f fttrHiin, Iiiih rt'liiriioil nnil Im workltiK hum for tlm rnllioMil ronipimy. Mr. uml Mm. John 10 Id loft TuoMility nioriiliiK for I'tirllnnil, wlinro llicy ai linnii viMfiln(wllli "it -r KiHr"i(i:iiiiif. mothiir, Mm. II. H. Tlfo, lit AilkliiN MIII, rnliirmiil lionio on Tiiitliiy uftr- noon. (!, Curry, of AHuiny, vlMllml Ht Hid hoiim of Mr. mid Mm, W, It. 1'ortur, inn riiMi or inn week. Mm. J. Ht'hinlll, who Iiiih honn on thn Nick 1 1 hi , Im ImiirovliiK. (I. A. Cohli, of I'urtliiiiil, wiin In Cnnliy tlm fliHt of I ho week vlHltlng llllllllVI'H, Mm. J. Iluly vUllcil tier puri'iitM, Mr. mill Mm. ICkk of Wllliiiiinltii, a fuw (Iuy uko, M. C. Church. HorvlcfH will Im Iiolil at tho M. K. Churi'li on Hiniiliiv with Itnv. (' I. Critiwy, iniHlor, orfliittliiK, Ht tin fol lowing lionm: Huinluy tti'lmol, 10 o' flock; nioriiliiK Mcrvlco, 11 o'clock; iivmiliiK hitvIcii, 7;:i). All nro cor- illitlly In vlt xl. Chrlitlin Church, HrvlrtM will ho hold Ht tho ChrlM- tlun Church on next Bundiiy an fol low: MornliiK nTvlro. 11 o'clock; ttvmilliK Ntirvlcn, 7:. '10; Hulitlny mcIiooI ut tho iiNiml hour. Kov. Hohm will offlclulo, All re kIvcii u cnrillitl wul (roinn to thi'HO HtirvlcoN. Dl(iarnaa Family to Return. Word whm thli wnck rculvod liy MIkh llitltln lliitchliiHoii from MIhh Mitry DIkkitiicih Unit In-r fiithnr, N. DIkkitiikhh, Iiiih nolil li 1h fnrin III KliliiiUcr, Hi mi III Diiltoln, uml tlntt limy luivo docldi'd lo roturn to Cuuliy Mr. IllKKoriii-HM and lilt fnnilly, hIiico loiivlnir horn a yt-iir hko, Iihvo hnd a IoiikIiik to ml urn to Oregon, clalm I it K that thorn Im no plitco Hko Cnnliy. Tho family hnva ninny frli-inlH In-ro who will ho plt-HHcd to In-ur of I heir ret urn. Another Cue of Infintllt pralyili. AiioiIkt chho of Infiintllo (iiiritlyNlM Iiiih divnlnMd III Cnntiy. Mildred Miiiihoii, tlm lldli' Kritnd dniiRhl'-r of Mr. mid MVh. ItohliiNon, wiih taken down with tho drended dUeuHO uhout two weekM iiko, and In now pnrtlnlly iiiiiiinilKd llm lutler'M lirolher. Hltivor CimiT D'AI i rnuiilry. wlmro ho ! i.-ui u,i .li,.r. MIhn Kdllh Kid. Mr. Iiuh lieeii on II hoineHli-nd. Mr. If-1 1.-1.1 mid Mi nlm.-r rniiin from Nnrtli piirnlUed wine, who wnm olio of tha lucky win-' IinWiittt to look for 11 liH-nllon, and The III tin Hlt-year-oltl diiiiKhter of Item In It lionmHlnnd drawliiK, liua ) nllliuiiutt limy were tlnllKhted with Mr, and Mm. IJ1111, who Niirfered from mid IiIh rlKltt. lie whm funnel ly a rnHldeiit of I'anliy, mid Im the hoii of Dr. Irwlnn, a prominent phyNlrlnn. IJoiiel (iordon of OreRon City, who hm linen vImIHiik Ht IiIh homo liirn for a few dnM, returned to that rlty TuemlNy morning. Tlm Iji.tlcH' Aid Horlely of tho M. I. churt'h In inn k I dk urenl prepnm iIoiim for n Im.imr to Im K v-ti In th-ceiiilicr. Mmiy pretty nrtlcleM Miilialilo lor ChrlHlmitM glfll nro lie liitf iniule ty tho iimiuliem. Thin Im nn aimtinl of the Aid Hoelety mid nro nlwnyi MiiccnHHful nffnlrM. Mm. K. Wood, who recently ar rived from Hit It' ill, Iiiih m-cepted a IhihIiIoii In thn Cordon llrothen' Httiro. ('. K, KomlK. whu Iihm ln-en In tint ri-nl tintntn IiiihIiickh with J. U Couih, htn nlnn nct'eptetl lml linn un clerk In the atoro ninl hU IniHliieHN l for llm prt-Henl In full rlutriii) of Mr. ComliH. huvliig contracted the i llinnlti of OieKon. Ihey liitvo not n MtroKo noiiio iiiiio oko. and tier eon yel decided on n locitllon. Hlevrr dltlon liuvlnic Moinewliul Improved, la Kid left for hU homo In North l)n- now very low kiitn mid eM'ctN lo return hero wllh imeuiiH-iila. hlN pit renin In t liu NprliiK. HIm Hlnter Bhootlna Mitch, Iiuh diH-lded to reuniln hero for thu , The Cnnliy (inn Club will have a whiter. ! iliootliiK mutch at tho cliih'M uroumlH JumeM KviiiiM, who Iihn boon very ui Cnnliy on Sunday morning, Novoui III, In Improving mid will mmiii Iio nhlo .r 20. The hootlng will coinmi'iire to ho out. at 10 o'clock, when turkey, duck IC A. Krueger wn nmoiig the l'ort- Hnd geeo will ho plentiful, and If limd vlHltor on TucHday. you can ghoot you can get one or MIhn ChrlNlliia Uivo and ilNior, more for your ThnnkMglvIng dinner, MIhn I'enrl Uive, of I'lttNliurg, r., All are given a cordial Invitation. Imvo arrived In faulty to vlnll wiih their friend, Mm. Arthur 11. Paddock. After their vIhIi In thl city they will gn to Hpokaue, Wnnli , whore they will reiuuln during the winter with relntlve. Cinby Canil Compiny to Hive New Heidquirler. Lumber I on tho ground for the new building for tho Canby Canal Company, that will lie erected on the company' property on Kecond and C hi reel h. Tho building w ill ho of Mm. Clyde KvniiH, of I'ortlitud, hu returned homo orter vlHiung with Her ,MinKn(,w aelgn ond will be 0110 of NlHter, Mrn. W. II, IJulr. t10 nmllt mutwlitto bulldlngH In Ibo (irandnn Illrchett and daughter, of r. ... f,...., .hi "Oypiy" Llndity. the Hone Tnder. i Marqnain. nave arr vet 1 nu nny, ana ,,, wl h0 a inrK0 fro.placo. S UndHev. the hilled homo trainer. I r0 vUltllig with tho formor diiugh- T ..,.(lni, ,o 1Sx32 feel. The Im taken a Nldn linn of homo trad lint, and from all rcMirt Im I mak ing a Hiii'i-eKH of It and In keeping ! lorn. Mm. William Miignt tm air. ,, .Pi,t i,v the Citnbv Trlli- 8. T, KlHher. ,. t)P moved at the rear of tho C.norgti llmnpton, of Portland, ipont 1,,i. and will bo UKed nn a itnrebouie Itrllt & Voting, tho iclentlflc homo 1 Sunday with IiIh parent!, Mr. and and woodnhod. Tho contractor for Mhoem, who havo recently opened up MrN. K. Ilamplon. . the new building wll be Krmik I)odgo. for titiHlnnHi here, Imny patching up j Mr. Walter Well, of Oregon City,' Kred Roth, tlm mirvpyor, who now thn old rrlppleN. Mr. Mndney MtateM , who hit been vIhIHiik with her moth- ha IiIh office with the Canby Cnnul thai from til year' cuporleiico with or. Mr. W. J. (lord ha returned , Company, will aUo move Into tho now liorteH know a giHid tine when he , homo, being accompanied by Mr. Men It, and depenilM on tho homo-: WcIIh, who atopped here on hi way hour to do tho rent In putting Ilium . from C'orvulllH. In good repair and making tliem n Mih. arvy Illnitoll wax called to kimmI a new, l-'rom thn rate Llml- Portland thla week on account of tho ney Im going there In no doubt but mtIoiih IIIiimhn of her father, who ha that ho will Moon bo able lo retire - been receiving Irentmeut In tho Iioh with a nent fnrliino tn IiinI him tho . tiliul, and whone condition I critical. real of hi life. MIhh llattlo llutcliliiHon, who Iiiih building. Canby Tribune to Mov. Tho Canby Tribune will oon move It headquarter from C Htreet to the properly of O. It. Mack on Main St. Mr. Mack ha purchased a lot of tho llonford oHtnte, and will erect a build ing 0xilfl feet, and thl will be occu pied by tho Canby Tribune. f$M$$$jM$fcM 1-ELECTRIC 1 Building In Cmby. There li no town the lzn of Cnnliy In tho mute of Oregon Hint In enjoy ing more proHperlly In llm building lino I him thl town. Tlmrn urn mov ernl now reildencoN, nil modern throughout, now under courxo of con l motion, and will oon Iio ready for occupancy. Andrew Kocher, who recently pur dinned properly hero, will uon coin iiiinco the eroctlon of a rcHldtmco, OHiiir are colitomplutliig building In tho Hpi'lng. E. C. Flohr Will Build. K. 0. Klohr, the florlal, who recently bought bind In Canby, him decided lo build ninl will erect a hamluurno bun galow. Mr. Klohr, a flnrlHt of many your' experience, will K'i Into the flnrlHt biiHlncHH here, ami no doubt hn will make a miiccohh nf It, ThlH In a line of IjiihIiii-hh tint! kih been needed III HiIh purl of tlm cnuiity for hiiiuo lime, and no doom win receive lt Hharo of trade, C. C. 8nneti Sell F-otitoe. C. C. HiiniM-uH, who owiih a f,lrtn on Hie Molulla river nonr Kiln city, ha Mold 90 biiHhel of potatoi'D from IiIh farm and mill reluln 3i) lnmhelH for heller price. Mr. HiiimettH will plant llm acrea of hi land to penchii. Peiiche grow In itliiiiidmice hero, and especially along thn Molulla river bottom land. Harold Morton Kramer Lecture. Thn lecture given at thn City Hull under tho aimplceN of the Lyceum Connie by Harold Morton Kramer, wn well attended. He initio a tre mondoii hit with hi awlli-iice. He ha wit, pblloHophy and 1 wonderful command of language. The nibject of 111 lecture wa "Hre or Nowhere." Tlm lecture I a striking, i-urnint and valuiiblo muMHiige, original In thought and courageoiiM In treatment. It con tain the broad Nympiiihy, tlm aoul depth, the optomlHtlC phllompby that have characterized all of Mr. Kramer' novel. The value of Huch a lecture (o a community can not ho rntlmaled. And with all of hi CarlylMIke phil osophy, bla argument are dreaed pleailngly, flanhe of wit and humor not only adding to the enjoyment of the addreHR, but alao adding to Its effectlvenea. , Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas S MILWAUKIE. pluced In Jfill. HI friends come to ,flono, Medr. Sam Roberts, Elmer ti n,,.. ,.t. . ., it .7, . rp",a 'mm lioardman. Hen Greenwood, Mnnaon The Ileitverton & WlllMburg Hall- Jnll. After being relemed from Jail llon, Herhert Mctiovern, Curtl Mil- road Company In dumping gravel at bo called on Mr. Lola Ilald win, of tho ler, Edd Matthew and Mr. Carmlch- . ',!, 7" "' "' Mnl" ,"r'""1 ar"' ,he J',v""lle col,rt. ") tl that the ael. Mr. and Mr. Hodge served do- MJIIpond preparatory to filling In tho. child wa not receiving the beitt of llcloua refreshment Ifl feet on tho KoMer road, which ha tare. Thl woman vlnlted the homo Prof. HUel of Oregon City was a been dug out up a far as Tommy of Mrs. HasMlng'a brother, and found I,dge cnller Tuesday Ugrand's. The rcHldetitM will petl- everything comfortable and homelike, Mr. Harnett has about completed lion ngaln next year for the Improve- and !he child reccvlng the host of his new house east of tho car line menu to be made on Washington care. Ho wanted tho Juvenile court And mill n.. i .1,1- ,,.t, street, providing; the Improvement to take care of the child. Massing' Mr. and Mr. Hamilton, whose tent on tho foster road provo to bo sails- bearing came off Tuesday morning was deatroyed by fire a few week factory and substantial and after the Judge hearing the evi- ago, havo decided to remain in Port Mr. itutter resigned his position as deuce decided that the child was In land during the winter janitor of the school house on account good hands, and told HaHsing's wife j Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cloi.gli are both of his wires health. Tho family ex- to take It and take care of It. ! confined lo their homo urhh 111,, . 8tis-' Nearlnj Completion. I Mr. and Mrs. Pnlnton were Port The streets of Mliwaukln, are near- i land visitors during the weeV. in t,.,iui,i..-iivn, an nir nn tiiu improve- j. a. Hoeslo, Of Newpo ', WON peel to leave for Oklahoma In a few days or as soon as Mrs. Itutter Is able to travel. ItosoLnkln 1 visiting with her sis- ri,tn are concerned, and Its real- caller at Jennings Lodge tl.'s week, r Vf m I hnu I. 1 i.lif r 11 rt at If itm. ,1 . . . a 1 1 . . ter, Mrs. ('has. E. Meldrum, at Klam ath Kails, Oregon. Mrs. J. T. Townley spent the even dents are to be proud of the town, the zuest at There is no town the size of Mil- home. waukle In the state of Oregon that ; the Walter Beckner Ing Monday at Hie home of Mr. and has so many cement sidewalks as Mrs. J. H. Zehruiig, of Ml. Tabor. The Mllwaukle. The steam was started ' family aro old friends of Mrs. Town- Into operation here on Monday morn- ley from tho east Mrs. Goo, Wlsslngnr and two daugh ters left Wednesday for Hood fliver to visit over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. t'bas. Hell. Judge Kelso was called to Oregon Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A OAK GROVE. Canby Market Report City Wednesday on speclul business, composed of J. R. Kelso, chairman;! Jtirit. nun if oiioy in quite dick. Mr. Morgan and family, of Portland, have moved into one of H. Tscharn- nr's new houses. Mr. Morgan Is em- lug or the Poster road, and the South ern pacific Company Is placing gravel j along tho track nenr the new depot, j The committee in charge of the street work will rush the work along as fast as possible. The street committee Is . ami , 1 B. UDLt.-j. .iiuniitiur VI W F. l-ehman and I. B. Mullan. luagenein, vBsn..spenT Heverni oay The new cement walk along Main 1 ,a" wek .his brother, Dr. Me at reet 011 the east side between the Arthur and family. .t,.,.. nrt th M rHinffico Mrs. R. J. Moore and daughter are ployed by the Curtis Motor Boat i.Ti,i( t,n. h.n mn.l on.i at home from the hospital. Company. tho contractors, Hansen & Peterson, , Mf- Anna Bkud of Rlsley, wai T. R. A. Selwood returned Monday have ftnlhed the sidewalk in front ,n Portland on business Saturday. from Chicago, III., where he ha been of the car uarrjg on Wednesday after- she wa accompanied by her aon-ln- uttendlng the KplKcopal Conference noon 1 law, John Oatfield, also in on business. a a delegate from the slate. , -vV.' H. Counsell has the gravel on 1 J HarJ3r (J- Starkweather and Mr. Emll's mother, an aged lady, ,h ro,.nd for hi. ccmnt walk that daughter, Ada, were In Portland shop- had a stroke of appoplexy Wednes- win eeIld aiong blt ot near the P'"f 8aJur,(!ajr' . ... . A any morning, ur. lowrney anenaea Grange nai.' gcotts have placed an l'er- ' application for a permit for a grade W. H. Curtis, president of the Cur- on Main treet out to their line on tl Power & Boat Company, had the tne Dor)n g,je of the Incorporate line, misionune to ran ana sprain ni ans- anit w.t commence cement le. Although he la able to be around .niw. The cement walk extending I Mr. Curtis is quite lame. The people of Island Station and Mllwaukle proper have furnished The following quotation are given ! funds to build a foot walk over Kel- by Gordon Bros., the. grocers, and Lucke Bros., the butchers Kggs I He doion. Butter ifj 70c roll. Poultry Hens, I7c: wrings, HV4c old roosters, 10c; ducV.i, 17c; geese, lZVfcc; turkeys, 21c; young roosters, i:'4c. Mohnlr. 31c. Wool, per pound, 17c Hogs, SftllHc; veal, lie. Beef, 3.;, 4 4c Mutton, syioc. Uird, 18c. Hide Green, Cc; aalted, 7c Apple, per 100 lbs, 1; pears, per ino lbs, $1. Tomatoes, per 100 lbi, $1.60; cab bagr per 100 lbs, J2; potatoes, per 100 I'.s, 1. Ou, per ton, $30. Wteat, per bushel, f L O-i hay. J 13.50; clover hay, $11 timothy, flo. . Cirrou, per sack, 90c. Honey, per lb, 15c. Bacon, per lb, 24c ; lard, per lb, 15c bam, per lb, 25c. Hams, 203 22UC. Pigs, 5 or 6 weeks, I! each. Chlttlm bark, 4-Vc per lb. Beans Small white, 6c per lb large white. 6c per lb. Valloy flour, 11.35: 8upreme, spe cial hard wheat, 1.25;'bluestem flour. 11.75. Watermelons, per 100 lbs, $1.50. Corn, per gack, $1. Beets, per sack, $1.35. Sweet potatoes, per lb, 3Hc Onions, per cwt, $1.35. C00B1 B 00D1 containing many recipes never before published. Compiled especially for use with ELECTRIC COOKING DEVICES but suitable for any kitchen Electric Store Alder Street, at Seventh 34OO04 How's This? Wt offfr On llundml Ito'.Uri Reward lor ur tw 01 ijturni utt cuttil ug cuiw vt Ilul uum Cun. T. J. CIIKNEY A CO.. Tolrtlo. O. ite. tha undrmtfiiKl. h.r Iuiumh K. J i imp lor llw ll i yrttm, id MM-r lunt prrtrtly turn, orwbla In l buuticai inmuruuni will (luaiiruuly wi mj auxj vui 7 graii;nif, uiaiH- tty lilt nnu. Natiunal 1UNK ur CouuinrE. llHllt CttUrrlt Curp It Ukrtl Inlpmitllr. Artln dlm-lly aiMKi ttM bl.wd lind mucoid turlan- ol ll rlm. IrattmunUlt nit Inr. I'rloe tl crau prr uiMiip. n.ii ny kit imiectm. IaIm Utira K&iuijy IMla lur conitlptUoo. TWILIGHT. Relatives from Mulino spent Sun dny with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Sharkey is reorted lo be III. M. J. Lunelle is attending the Na tional Applo Show at Spokane. Mrs. Snooks was callng on qld friends lust Tuesday. Mrs. Goo. Schreiner entertained her brother and family. Mr. Sam Hess, of Canby, Inst Sunday. Mr. James Hylton hnd the misfor tune to lose a valuable cow lust week Twilight school Is progressing nice ly under the able management of Miss E. M Brodle. The first meeting of the T. L. S. was held last night at Twilight Hall. Ow ing to tho Intense cold and the sick ness In the neighborhood, the meeting was not well attended so It was post poned until further notice. The same program will bo carried out next time only enlarged. HELPFUL WORDS. From An Oregon City Citizen. Is your back lamo and painful? Does It ache especially after exer tion? Is there a soreness In the kldnoy region ? These symptoms indicate weak kid neys; There Is danger in delay. Weak kidneys fast got weaker. Oivo your trouble prompt attention. Poan g Kidney Pills act quickly. They strengthen weak kidneys. Read this Oregon City testimony. A. O. Wooilard, 412 Main St., Ore gon City, Ore., Bays: "I first used noun's Kidney Pills when living In Kansas. My kidneys were badly dis ordered hnd caused my back to be come weak and painful. Upon taking Doan s Kidney Pills I steadily im proved and was soon free from the complaint. ! still tnke a box of Donn's Kidney pills occasionally, finding that they act as a tonic to my kidneys." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Koster-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tnke no other. Fall Breaks Ankle. While working at the plant of the Wlllnmette Pulp & Paper Company, lonry Schoenboru, a painter, In some manner lost his footing Monday af- ornoon, and foil a distance of fifteen feet. As 'a result' of the fall, one nkle was fractured and the other as badly sprained. The Injured man as brought to the office of Drs. Cnrll & Moissner for medical atten- lon, und was Inter removed to his home. log lake which adds very much to that part of the city. The Wellsburg cut off 1 having considerable trouble with a land slide south of Inland Station. , Grange Will Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Orange wilt be held Saturday. Mrs. Casto will have charge of the dinner Women Work Club of Mllwaukle Orange met at the home of Mrs. M. A. Johnson Wednesday. They had a large attendance and finished up all of the fancy work and articles for the Bazaar, which they give In December. There will be no meeting next week on account of Thanksgiving. Dance. Errol Quartette will give a social dance in the City Hall Saturday. Nov. 19. Remember the Thanksgiving ball given by the W. O. W Nov. 23. Parties. The ladles of the Circle and some of the Woodmen of the World, about 25 in all, gave a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold at their home east of the Oatfield road at Oak Grove. The evening was spent in music, games and a good time In general. Refreshments were served by the ladies. Mrs. Arnold is head officer of the circle, Women.of W'oodcraft. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hancon were given a surprise It being their 12th wedding anniversary. They received several presents. Refreshments were served and all present spent a most enjoyable evening. Special Meeting. On Nov. 22 a special meeting has been called to nominate a mayor, twd councllmen, recorder and marshal!, the election to take place in Decem ber. Let every citizen turn out and take an Interest In our city. Wedding Bells. At Seattle, Wash., Nov. 10, one of our leading young ladies, Miss Ruth Lechler, was given In marriage to Earl Dwlre by the Baptist minister In the parsonage at 3 p. ra. Mr. Dwire Is stage manager for the Baker Stock Co. in Seattle. Mrs. Dwlre will be a member of that company. Her moth er. Mrs. Lechler, accompanied her there and remained ttll after the wed ding. Church Note. Evangelical Association. Sunday School 10:30 a. m John Grasie, superintendent. Services at 11:30 by the pastor, Rev. E. Radebaugh. Young People's Alliance at 7 p. m. special services will be held at 8 p. m given by the Women's Mission Society with special Thanksgiving programme. Everyone cordially invited. Teachers' training class meets on Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening. Choir practice, Thursday eveulng. School Notes. Miss Holmsley, seventh grade teach er, is in the Portland Sanatorium for two weeks treatment for stomacb trouble. The pupils of her class gave her a nostal card shower. Pearl Baker has dropped ner scnooi u-nrlt The High School spends the first ten minutes after noon to discuss cur rent events. Lorene Smith and Bessie Holdt of the Lincoln High School spent Thurs day afternoon with the Milwauklo school. Nellie Buchannn has returned to school after a few days absence. Frank McCann is a new pupil in tne th erade. Hnrrv Jenkins has left scnooi ana returned to Portland on account of his grandmother's death. Harry Stevens is very 111 at tne home of his parents. Dnlly attendance 99V. Vivian Kennedy Is absent on ac count of her eyes. She Is a pupil in Miss Emmol's room. Mr. Warren was elected Jaultor 01 the school at a meeting of the school board held, Tuesday evening. William Hasslng Cause More Trouble William Hasslng, who drove nis ife from their home In this city a few weeks ago. and who afterwards called at the home of the latter's brother In Portland, whore she had taken refuge, and then kidnapped their little child taking It to Denver, Colorado, returned to Portland on Tuesday of last week. He called nt tho home of Mrs. Hasslng's brother and carrying the child and placing it on the floor said to the mother "take this child and take care of It," and then departed. He returned the next morning and threatened the mother ml child's ife. and caused a aisturu- ance. The roomers In the building, hearing the commotion, called In the police, and the man was placed under arrest, and the following morning had s hearing. The judge placed him under $500 bonds to keep tho peace, but falling to fill his bond he was from the Zanders property along Main street has been completed to the Leh man property covering 500 feet. The grading fronting the Lehman property ha been completed and is now ready for the cement walk. Cap Kerr has the grading finished for bis walk as far as the Elmer store, and Mrs. Quant, who will also have a cement walk, Is ready for the contractors for her walk. The contract has been let for the wa!k t'ong the railroad company's ground, 120 feet or this walk win be of cement. Milwaukle will soon have a continuous cement walk from the south end of Main street to the north end. All of the work has come up to the plans and specifications, and the contractors as well as the committee In charge of the work are receving much praise not only 01' the Mllwaukle people, but also by the people who have passed through or who have visited the town. Who Will Be Candidate? "Will ex-Mayor Shlndler be a can didate?" is the question which is be ing asked in Milwaukle as the time for holding the city election approach es, but it Is a question neither Mr. Shlndler nor . his friends have answered. Mayor Streib will be a candidate for re-election. His friends are making arrangements to place him In the field. He has served for two years. Much progress has been made in the pioneer town during mat time. Grades have been established and a big programme of street improve ments has been adopted wntcn win be carried out the next two years, which, with the proposed sewer sys tem, will aggregate about $60,000, and the friends of Mayor Streib are urg ing that he is the man to carry out these plans. It is expected that the Mayor will be nominated at the citizens' meeting and then ex-Mayor Shlndler may come out Independent, If he decides to be a candidate. Councilman Mul len, tho retires, has been asked to run for re-election. The Council has appointed judges and clerka for the election. JENNINGS LODGE. Mrs. Downing, of Seliwood, was at the Lodge last week and reports Mrs. Edgar Downing as Improving rapidly. but Mr. Downing as not being ame to sit up yet. Clyde Newell, who has been at Seaside for some time, met with a sad accident by having his leg broken by a log rolling on him. He Is at present confined to the hospital and his mother, Mrs. Laura Newell, has gone to his bedside. I. D. Salt, of Seattle, was a Thurs day night dinner guest of G. E. Morse add family. Miss Helen Palnton was a week end visitor at Portland, being the Mrs. J. H. Graham, Miss Lexy and Tommy Graham spent Saturday at Mount Tabor, with Mrs. Brown, an old friend of the family. Ruth Tirwilllger, of Portland, spent the week's end with her friends and schoolmates, Mildred and Gladys Wetzler, on Courtney Avenue. John Rlsley and son, Victor, attend ed the ball game In Portland Sunday. Mrs. A B Linn and son, Alden, spent the week' end at Redland, Ore gon, with her mother, Mrs Leek, and sister, Mrs. Potter. While there they celebrated the 21st birthday of Leon Potter, Mrs Linn's nephew. Mrs. Wm. Robinett, of Portland, spent Tuesday with her son, Everett, and wife. A. B. Linn left for his place near Oregon City Monday to look after his Interests, there returning home Tues day evening. John Rlsley spent Tuesday In Port land on business. The O. W. P. Is building a waiting room at Pine station and la putting in new ties. Dr. McFarland has been home the past week on account of a severe cold. Melvin Collins, of Portland, is visit ing Earl Linn. Mrs. Robinett is taking treatments of Dr. Lehman of Seliwood. Mrs. Sutter spent Tuesday In Port land visiting friends. Mrs. R. L. Herron and son, Lyon, spent Saturday in Portland. Mrs. John Rlsley entertained Mrs. Carl Sommers, Mrs. W. F. Woodard, Miss Klngsley, and Mrs. Eugene Com stbek, of Portland, at her beautiful home on the river near Rlsley'B sta tion Monday. Mrs. Campbell, of Rlsley, called on Mrs. John Rlsley the same afternoon. Phil Oatfield was in Portland on business Tuesday. The people of Oak Grove met In Green's Hall Friday evening to dis cuss the feasibility of organizing a Volunteer Fire Department. Ed. Olds called the meeting to order. J. O. Staats was elected temporary chair man, and E. C. Warren, secretary. Ed. Olds was elected chief; Wm. Holt, foreman, and Rev. C. A. Lewis, secre tary and treasurer. E. C. Warren, J O. Staats and L. E. Bentley were appointed as a committee to draft constitution and by-laws. The next meeting will be held Nov. 18. Real Estate. Morton R. Spaulding, of Portland, purchased 18Vi acres of John Oatfield. Mr. Spaulding expects to cut the land up into acre tracts and put it on the market John Oatfield has platted his acre age south of the Concord school. Into 2Vt acre tracts, which he has placed on the market. Earl Bentley, of Portland, has already purchased five acres of the tract. Church Notes. M. E. Church Sunday School at 10 a. m Mrs. J. H. McArthur, super intendent. Services at 11 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 given by the Sunday School as a Thanksgiving service. The admission will be a fruit or a vegetable which will be sent to the Boy's Detention Home In sMipst of Harriet K. Cousius. Mr. Roethie Is hauling cobble stone Portland as a Thanksgiving offering for a residence for Mrs. H. H. Em-' from the Sunday School children. mons. which she will soon begin to build on her Willamette river front property. We are informed that Jennings Lodge is soon to have a postofflce, which will be In the general store of Miss Miller. It will be opened as soon as the necessary papers are re ceived from Washington and will have four deliveries of mail per day. Will Jennings is renewing acquaint ances and shaking hands with old friends, but only expects to remain a short time, as he thinks there is no place like the Puget Sound country. Calvin Morse spent the week-end at his ranch in Yamhill. Mrs. L. Wilcox enjoyed a very pleasant visit from her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Miss Vera Bell Lewis and Master Earl during the week, and on Sunday the Lewis family returned to their home at Rainer. Rev. Morris Heverllng preached a very able sermon Sunday afternoon at the Grace Chapel from Matt. 18-16, which seomed very appropriate after the election. The attendance was good. On Monday, Nov. 21, Rev. Heverllng will begiti a series of re vival meetings. The Ladles Aid Society will meet at Chapel Wednesday afternoon to discuss plans for future work. Mrs. iolah Shenefletd Is president and Mrs. Delia Roberts, secretary. At this meeting election of officers will take place. Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Beckner have sold their pretty little homo to Mr. P. D. Newell. The Beckner family is contemplating going to California! nut tneir Lodge friends are in Hopes they will decide to remain nt Jen nings Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges entertained the younger set with a dancing party Saturday eve at their home near Glad stone. The young people from the Lodge attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs. Moore and Misses Millie and Ellen Hart, Audry and Ollle Ladies Aid. Mrs. Shirk entertained the Ladies Aid at her home Thursday afternoon. The usual tea with refreshments was served and a free will offering taken. The ladles are preparing and making ' articles for their bazaar and dinner which they will have in December in Vosburg's Hall. School Notes. Regular dally attendance 112. The scholarship is steadily increasing. The higher grade pupils attend regularly, 3H days being lost by tha 7th and 8th grades. The Busy Bee Society from Mrs. Berry's room gave a special program Friday, entertaining the third and fourth grades and several ot tne par ents of the children. During the nice weather the boys have been playing basket ball out of door3, and have been practicing some with the bat. The day following the election the school children voted on the sample ballots that were left over and they showed more intelligence with the ballot than many older persons. Mrs. Spaulding gave a family din ner Thursday eveulng In honor of hor sistor-ln-law, Mrs. George Dldrlck's birthday. The out of town guest was Mrs. Preston, of Silverton, Oregon, sister of Mrs. Dklrlck. Twenty children of the school gave Edith Griffith a surprise party Satur- day at her home at Pine Station. They each took a basket of goodies and all enjoyed the afternoon. A Regular Tom Boy was Susie climbing trees and fen ces. Jumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, and bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. But laws! Her mother Just applied Buck len's Arnica Salve and cured hor quick. Heals everything beatable bolls, ulcers, eczema, old sores, corns or piles. Try it. . 25 cents at all druggists.