Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1910)
OREHON CITY ENTKlilMUSK, FRIDAY, NOVEMHKlt IS, 1910. 53 V 3 . Tho Kiml You Itavo Always Itottgltt, nml which lias born in uso for over 30 yenrs, hits homo tho slunnturo u" nml luts boon nindo under lit per jt JrftTi 6onrtl supervision slnco its infancy. utCy, -Ci-CcAH Allow iu one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits Imitations nml Jnst-ns-pMMl" are but Experiments that trlllc. with and oiulanjrcr tho health of Infants nud Children Experience against Kxpcriiiienu What is CASTORIA Castoritt is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnro poric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is rieasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its npo is its gnaranteo. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Dinrrluvii and Wind Colic It relieves Teothtnpr Troubles, cures Const IjMit Ion nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd ilcvwels giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Fauacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Miss Ponwell was culled to Port lnnd Monday evening to see her sis ter who was quite sh'k. Quite number from here attended Orange, nt Mwllno Saturday nnd re port mi Interesting meeting and a good dinner. The Misses Nettle, Myrtle nnd lliuol I.arklns were visiting Miss Edna Staudlngor Sunday. Or. tiny Is talking of putting Ill power plant at the (alls on Woodcock crock. near the Jnnciion of Sourtiuish and Curllon streets. Compare Our Prices With ihM yvm tio tn th hl( rt Mln, Dr. Bella Antlicptlc Salve Is guaranteed for oe:ena, salt rheum, teuor. ringworm, rnnniiiK sores. ohnp 1,h1 hands and lips, pimples on the f.ter, hlaek heads, barbers' Itch, sun Intrn. Insect bites, fever sores and nasal catarrh. 25 cents at Jones Drug Co. FALLS VIEW. MARKS PRAIRIE AND VICINITY. The heavy rain of last week did a lot of damage to our new roads. Our supervisor is trying to prevent any further damage. Charles and Frank Oglesby were In Portland and Salem last Friday and Saturday on business. Sam Miller, an old resident of this vicinity, died Saturday. Death was caused by Bright's Disease. Mr. Mil ler was buried in the Zimmerman Cemetery Monday. Mrs. Frank Oglesby was visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Wells, Sunday at Dryland. The meetings of the Debating So-i cietv at Meridian are attended by 1 large audiences. The question for de bate tonight Is, "Resolved, That it is best to tell the truth at all times and under all circumstances." A lively Ume is promised as there are several able debaters on both sides of the question. Mrs Henry Wolfer Is improving un der the care of Dr. Wood, of Port land, who is treating her eyes. There is a needy family In our vi cinity, .owing to sickness, and Geo. Oglesby is looking after their wants 1 so they do not .suffer for the necessi ties of life. Persons desiring to help them may contribute what they can by sending their contributions to Mr. Oglesby, who will see that It reaches them. Fall sown grain is up and looks fine here. A large amount of acreage has been sown. Several of our farmers have been butchering their winters supply of fat hogs. There will be a basket social at Whisky Hill School House Wednes day evening, November 23. All are Invited to come. Girls, bring your baskets. Young men, bring the coin and have a good time. When a cold becomes settled In the system, it will take several days' treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the sys tem in a natural and healthy condi tion. Sold by all dealers. SHUBEL. C. Hornschuh helped G. A. Shubel butcher a hog Saturday that weighed 300 pounds dressed. Fall sown grain looks well around here. , The Chinese pheasants are prepar ing to celebrate as the bunting season draws near Its close. They are al ready beginning to arrive, although still somewhat wary. Hurrah for Bob Beattie. Every citizen can expect a square deal now. With our splendid legislative ticket added. Clackamas County may at last take pride in her political complexion. There will be a grand masquerade ball in Busby s Hall Saturday night, .Nov. jti. tveryooay invuea. There was preaching In the Luther an church here Sunday afternoon. Robert Moehnke was up from Beaver Creek today to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Godfred Moehnke. Croup is most prevalent -during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of young children should be prepared for it All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers are never without It in their homes and it has never disappointed them. Sold by all dealers. STONE. Grant Mumpower has been en gaged in pulling his logs out of the Clackamas river., as he feared the boom would break, owing to the rise of the river following the recent downpours. Quite a flurry of excitement is evi dent here on account of the discovery of oil by the Home Oil & Gas Com pany at their well last week. During their work, the men In charge struck a vein of gas. sufficient to blow the water out of the casing. The grass In many places in Stone is tall enough to be cut With an Arm strong mower. How is that for old Clackamas and Stone especially? Some people are feeding apples, cut up and mixed with shorts, to their milch cows. Election is over and the farmers are all at work again. Charlie Grossmlller, Hannah Siege man, Will Dolbow and Annie Gross- miller were pleasant callers at the home of Robert Glut her Sunday after noon. The dance at F. Busby's was a hap py affair. Mr. Stegeman'3 handsome new dwelling Is nearing completion. E. F. Ginther butchered and sold three l ogs to Farr Bros. la?t week. Everybody Needs a good salve and Dr. Bell's Antisep tic Salve is the best. It is a creamy snow wM'e ointment. Guaranteed for all skin diseases. 25 cents at Jones Drug Co. MEADOW BROOK. weath'T for farming once The farmers about Kails View arc bnsv plowing while the sun shines. U Mosier. Avr Dayman. Henry Miller and Rudolph Miller assisted Unite Sagar last Saturday In digging potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wallace arc visiting with relatives 111 Portland. Miss l!ae Kirbyson attended a daneo In Oregon City last Saturday ailght. Avra Havtuan. of Harmony, was visiting with his sister. Mattlo l. Hayman, and Untie Sagar and family last week. M. Beck butchered some hogs last week. Mr. McMurren made a business trip to Portland this week. John Burette, of Portland, made a business trip out to the iagar Ranch last Friday. Wm. .Miller has purchased himself a new horse. Will lilx, Jay Plx and Kdd. Sehmltt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Unite Sagar last Sunday evening. The ev ening was very enjoynmy spent in singing and instrumental music. Unite Wallace and "Will Wallace made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Mrs. Jennie Dlx has purchased a new piano. John R. McGarey. of Viola, was visiting with Mattie D. Hayman. Louie Sagar and family last fcaiuruay ana Sunday. Debating Society Meets. The Falls View Debating Society met last Saturday night In the Falls View schoolhouse nt their usual hour Tho Society was honored by a large crowd: visitors from Beaver Creek Clarkes, Viola and Shubel being pres ent. A programme was given whlcn consisted of vocal and instrumental music. The debate then followed up on the question. Resolved: That Capi tal Punishment Should be Abolished. Those on the affirmative were: George Kirbvson. Edd Sehmltt, Louie Sagar. Kllian Sehmltt, G. Ginther. and Mrs. Kirbyson. Those on the negative were: George Sehmltt, Wm Miller, Jov Dix. Otto Lyman, and G. A. Shubel. Each of the debaters gave a very strong argument but George Kirbyson and G. A. Shubel especially distinguished themselves In their ro hnitnf armiment. The Judges, who were R. Edwards, Charlie Grossmuel ler, and George Holman, decided In favor of the negative. The Society will debate again next Saturday night upon the question, Resolved, That the Pen is Mightier than the Sword. Those who will af firm the question are: Edd Sehmltt, Wm. Miller, G. A. Shubel, G. F. Gin ther, Louie Sagar. Louie Wallace and Mattie D. Hayman. Those who will deny the question are: Jay Dix, George Sehmltt, G. H. Kirbyson, Klli an Sehmltt, Mrs. Kirbyson, Mrs. Sag ar and Will Wallace. Besides the de bate there will also be a literary programme given. All are cordially invited to attend. Blind. Mrs. EUie Tiler, Ravena, Tex., writes: I was blind as a bat. I used Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve and It acted like a charm. It cut the scum off my eyes and restored my sight. It Is all you claim and worth Its weight In gold. 25 cents a tube at Jones Drug Co. .ml u .ill tlt.t w .n.r mxi . itl.t.ittl ot. .nf.h.Hk " tii it'1 uim'6 yu Cl. . -ff t'tl.ln. ..irk (r .H. ,-, '1y h ft Jwml, " 'i!'"l'.. Oltt,'ltM , s li 1 t'tl,l. .or. t. ir,lr ,""' V J- CIIUI' In. .'A-v I- i. (Ml 1.0 s:.Miiiin .50 nn.. 5.00 IH.JfliikW- mi 7.50 N'Imi tilr'IU .50 T HITHOOI All wnrh fiillr turuitrl for flftvu y mi. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists Ftnlitf tmMMLl.ndi'WiiMiwtiMl PtiltTUNO.OH. oak. .,,, . w uo.ii. lulu.. tti M. t anil, ham m mi n imi miwhi . ftmitm . night for the small boy of Willamette eleven III all. Professor Univau Moehnko Is ili"lr instructor on their brass pieces. Mrs. Henna Terry, of Maple Uine. Is vlsltlnij her mother-in-law of this place this wiv'k. I'ouiicllmen and cltUens of Wlllain cite last Saturday night held n cau cus meeting. T. J. Gary, County St'hool Superintendent was nominated for Mayor; Jiinklus, recorder; Frank t'apeti,- treasurer; James Edmunds, and Jako Riarus. for marshal. Elec tion will be held on the first Tuesday In December, when nil cotiiicllnien will bo elected. The water question of this place was laid by for a future meeting on account of the Mayor's chair being vacant. Harry Berdlne has moved with his family back to this place from Ore gon City, and Is living In tho Sam Butdorf house. I'npt. Young has recovered from his late Illness, and Is seen again In the pilot house of the Steamer N. K. Uittg. of which ho Is captain. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Ideal more. Quite a delegation of democrats and a few republicans took passage on the stiamer "Disappointment" for the head waters of "Salt River." Meadowbrook ranks first among the I drv towns; Clackamas the last. We are pleased to note the election ! Saloon closed for want of patronage, of Walter Dlmirk as senator and we I Henrv DaucMtv Is moving to his hope he will become a convert to the ranch and will discontinue sawmill- peoples idea instead of acting agiiinst ing for the present, bis wishes in their behalf. Walter Is The Canby Canal Company has a an able young uan and can do much crew of men repairing Its flume, with good if his heart is in his work. i 0. T. Kay, foreman. Will Hettniau la working for Wm. 1 Mrs. Gilbert Allen left Saturday to Moehnke in ti:r sawmill. 'join her husband In Portland. Coney T!ion;s i.i sawing wood with There are a few vacant houses to lils steam saw for Luku Duffy. rent here. Mr. Hunger's horses were fright- Dr. Guv, of Seattle, In company with tned while lie vaS returning home a few other capitalists, contemplate from town, and ran away. Mr. Kling- planting the Cooper ranch to English er was thrown out and seriously hurt, walnuts, The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomad)Jm . iimu wiiu na. .ens ina impaircu Biumacn sna who aoe not properly digest hn food will soon find that hit blood has become weok and impoverished, and that bit whole body it improperly and intuniciemly nourished. Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDE.V MEDICAL DISCOVERT makes the ttomach strong, promotes the flow of diiestive dices, restores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect. Invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It Is the treat blood-maker, flesh. builder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strom la body, active la mind and cool la lud&ement. This "Discovery" it a pure, glyceric extract of American medical rooft, absolutely Iree Irom alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming drugs. All in ingredients a'e printed on its wrappers It has no relationship with secret rostrums. Its every ingredient it endorsed by the leaden in all the schools of medicine. Don ( accept a secret nostrum as a tuhstitute for this time-proven remedv or known composition. Asx youk nfiohbohs. They must know of many curf) made by it during past 40 yean, right in your own neighborhood World Dispensary Medical Association. Dr. R V Pierce, Pret., Buffalo, N y' Improvements still go on. Rev. C. B. Hysom l tearing up his sidewalk on Molalla Avenue and put ting In a new six foot walk. Miss Rae Kirbyson. of Shubel, spent a few days of last week among friends In town. Mr. J. C. Burd. who was hurt last month at the mill Is out again. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Francis nre able to be out again after their serious illness. Mrs. Stacy Bradley, of St. Johns, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nickels. Mrs. Estella James, of Liberal, was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwack were guests of Geo. Everhart and wife Fri day evening of last week. Rev. J. ft. Qulnn went to Molalla last week, Saturday, to fill his regular appointment on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Heckart, of Mo lalla, were In town last week visiting Mrs. Herkart's mother, Mrs. Maggie Harrington. They have gone to Ogle Mountain Mines to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roberts went to Arlita Sunday to spend the day with Mr. Grnbbs and family. Mrs. Torence and Leona spent Sun day among relatives In Portland. B Y. Linn Is contineu 10 nis "en this week with a serious attack of asthma. Mrs. Mabel Ostnon, who Is attend w business collego In Portland ,n,.m snnilav at home with her mother. Little Mollis Osmon has an attack of pneumonia. Bill Edgecomn, who has been work ing out at the homo of F. Wourms for the past two years, Is staying with his mother on Duanc street. Mr Neahe and family, of Dunne street, have moved to Division street, where they have bought property. Many school children suffer from constipation, which Is often tho cnui of seeming stupidity at lessons. Chamberlnln's Stomach and Liver Tablets arc an Ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle In their effect, and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by all dealers. STAFFORD. Last weejc until Friday, was a rainy time, over five inches of water hav ing fallen from Sunday afternoon to Thursday evening, but since that date the weather has been very pleasant, with but slight frost as yet. Mr. Nussbam Is digging his pota toes with the help of Amos Mays and Alfred Thomas. Mr. Milem and son have been haul ing grain to Portland from the Hayes place. We nro having tth of July every day but Stindnv. One would think to hear the blasting and the guns these days that such was the truth. The hunters as a rule Ret almut one little Innocent bird for every five dollars worth of ammunition and time but think what fun we have tramping through (Tie woods. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lucas returned Tues day from the Baptist Conference at Bethany. The newly-married couple (Mr. and Mrs. Fremel) kept house for them while they were gone. It Is expected that Mr. Moser has rented' his place, and will leave the stock on It. . , , Mr. Howell has been quite sick again since Mast Friday. Tho arilst delivered the pictures or the school this week. They are very good. C. T- Dickenson, Grange Deputy Tor this district, has sent word ho will meet with Frog Pond Grange the last Saturday in November to Instruct us in the work, and hopes for a full at tendance. Mrs. llolton, who was weather bound last week nt her father's, re turned to her home on Friday and consulted a doctor as soon as she got to town In regard to her little girl's hand, and arm. which pained her at times Intensely. The doctor said It was a sprain, and only time would cure It, and recommended a hot pack some fears lflid been enter talneil that It was Infantile paralysis coming on, and It must nave neim a relief to hear the doctors opinion. Susy H'-hrtttz, who had the tonsils removed from her throat a couple of weeks ago. has recovered her voice, and can s!ieak alourt again. Tracv Pompcrino is getting oener with hU caao of diphtheria, and no nw cases nave uevewpuu - school. CLARK. returns alio will bring her mother with her, The Utile girls' Hewing class met nt tho borne of Mrs. Millard last Hatur day afternoon. Ml tlssle Davis has gone to woih I for Mrs. K. J. Spoonor. ! Tho revival meetings wll begin lioM Wednesday night. Uev, ItudabaiiKli, , pastor. 1 A. The road supervisor, Mr. Herlbner. Is laying plank west from the Clai'ks' store. Mr. David Hang and family loft for Washington on Monday. Mr. Sullivan was In town last Sat tirduy, Sam Elmer and family spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. Ilotteiiilllor i Tho Sunday School ami Y. I and family. i have purchased new sung hooks. Mr. nud Mrs. Wallace from High-! Hubert llosemun Is cutting wood for laud, wore on a visit In t'laiks on V. II. t'otiiisoll. Sunday. Mrs. Uuklns Is slaying with her n..,.tni ru.. daughter. Mrs. Nicholas. ' i , , , . ' ,Ul Cy" ., Had a pretty hard frost Saturday i desired by every one. If there Is nKht anv liiriaiumtvtloit the eyes cant be Mr.' W. U. Kllensiiiltl. Is In Oregon ! heauHMI. Smytorl.uid'a Eagle Eye City on the Jury. Salve will remove tho Inflaiiiuinlloii iiioi i inn niv i Mi.,,.-., a vf. CLACKAMAS, Tho School and Home Club met lis Cheap Imitation!, Owing to the Immense sale and popularity of Pr, Bell's Pluo-Tar- llmii.t- tlit.r.i urn Itoitiv rltiultt Itnlttl.. i l... '...i... i, usual Friday afternoon, Nov. II, at ii.'iic, mi in., iimii nv, ii.iii.-i mit,ii ' ... .... , .. .,,.i i,, ...... ,.i..-,n. I the srhoolhouHo. 'I he minutes of the n ,-.-. , get the genuine by looking for tho bell on tin) bottle. Jones Drug Co. C0LTON. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones of t'olton. were last week visitors with the hit ter's sister at Portland. Mrs. lx'o UvlugHtoii nud sou who had been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V E. Boni.ey, left for Jirlu,y H1.llont.,, .,.,, cvh, last mooting having been accepted. President ('. l Sargent gave hearty thanks to the eiitoi'taliiuient commit tee for Its faithful etfoit In carrying to a complete hiicccms (In plans for the recent social.. Tint net proceed of said social atliouiiled to $111 M), which sum was put on deposit In Miss Armstrong's name. The money will be used (or Improvements on the school grounds for the benefit of the I in provonient Committee reported plana for a graveled walk along the street In front of the school grounds and across the whole block. Said plans were turned over to (he committee on ways nnd moans. The Chili having received an luvl- Mrs. Davidson of Manle Ijine. who Ration to hold one of Its meetings had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. each month In connection with that J. A. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Strom-; "f e school board, It was voted to greens' returned home lust week. I accept the Invitation. On motion a John Jones Is busy hauling hay to committee was appointed to prepare his place this week. f""' musical and literary program Messrs. Boiinev, Ball and Eugstruiu for that evening, vis.. Doe, 9. Coin were business visitors In town lastinltle on program for next meeting, wpoKs Friday, Nov. IS. was appointed as Mr. and Mrs. 0. Stromgreen and I follows: Principal llolwsy. .Mr, Mor- daughters were euests at Mr. and Mrs. I ". Mr. Jennlng and Mrs. 1 ravue. Montana last Wednesday, Messrs. Wall, Johnson and son are busy building a new barn for Mr. Anderson. Earl Hunter made a trip to (Market for some wheat last Monday. j J. Fill helped W. II, Whettlaufer butcher hogs Monday. MULINO. Whew, thin hi ml of weather mnkei tho met line OtckoiiIiiii shiver, Tint renin I rains have raised the water In Milk Creeli so that soon logx, lies mid shingle bolls will lm floating down thai hi ream. Mr, nud Mrs. Itnln Howard went In Oswego Hiiturday to visit Mrs, How ard's father. U'Uls Churchill and Wall. Waldorf innilo a Hying visit to Halein Tliura. dny, going fr there lo Portland on Saturday, mid leliiiulng homo Hun-day, HERE 13 WILL A REMEDY THAT CURE ECZEMA Elliott's at Elwood, last Sunday, The question for discussion: Re solved, That the responsibility for . . , i , .., t.m. k.. ,. nn imi linn iiiauiieis noil goon iiioi iii. is extremely painful. It Is caused by im.'Us In the building on the grounds rheumatism of the mursles. Uulck relief Is afforded by applying Cham berlaln's Liniment. Sold by all dealers. Whooping Cough. It is an old saying' that whooping couh must run Its course, but the use of Dr. Bell's Plnc-Tar-lloney has demonstrated boyond doubt that such is not the case. It can be cured by the use of this remedy. Jones Drug Co. HARMONY. Election's past and Oregon wet as ever, although the liquor men re ceived some scares In regard to some of the prohibition measures. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page on election day. A coming voter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker have moved to Gray's Crossing where they will mnko their future home. A lei hea Sollwood, who Is staying with her aunt, Mrs. J. Hoffman, was on tho sick list Inst week. Mrs. E. J. Spooner will leave on Thursday for Montana. When she and to nnd from the home rests with the teachers. leaders on tho affirm ative, Revs. J. I. Jones and Spies. Negative, principal llolway nnd Miss Armstrong iW. . Reynolds Is putting nn ad dition to his house for wash room, bath, toilet and lavatory. Fred Paterson Is building nn addi tion In his house on the west side. J. It. Limlcs Is having the Interior of his house repaired with fresh paint and paper. "We Prova It" Why waste (lino nnd money experimenting- wlih greasy milvi'ii nud lotions, trying to drive the ecu'ina Met in from bllieatli (lie skill when the lliliilley Bros. I'o. Drug Store guiiruie toes ZKMO, a clean liquid propulsion for external tutu lo rid the skin of the gol'm lite thai causes Dm trouble? One application will relieve tint Itch ing and often (lmc one botUo U suf ficient to euro a minor rase of ecreuia. , In over il.tiiMi tow us nud cities In America, the leading ditiKKlst lias Die agency for ZKMO and he will tell you of tho uiarveUnis cures tnmlo by this clean, simple Irentmeut. .KM I) si rccoguUcii as the cleanest ami most popular treatment fur eceina, pim ples, dnudruff and nil oilier forms of skin or sculp afT'ctlonn whether on In fant or grown person. Will you try a boltleon our recomiueudnlloiiT Huntley Hrtis, Co, Drug Store, "Tha Voluototr Organltt." Tho old, old story, told times with out number, anil repented over and over aguln for the Inst .If. years, but It Is always a welcome story to those The plot of William II. Gray's fam ous pttnlornl piny, "The Volunteer Organist," which Is booked for all week nt the Bungalow starting next Sunday tuniliieo, liicliulliig nialltrnes Thursday (ThauksglvliiR Day) nnd Saturday, revolvea around a broad minded young clergyman who fulls In love Willi the tavern keeper a daugh ter, nnd who Is man toioiigh to timid by the woman he loves In spite of nil the petty annoyances and worries cast upon him by Ills congregation. Tim cliinnx Is reached when the or ganist nnd rholr refuse to take part In the church services unless the young woman resign from the rholr. The mlnliier call for a volunteer or guiilst. and a Irniup, who tin been hanging around tha village for tome time, retponds to the Invitation and plnys The tramp turn out to be a long hut brother of the clergyman nnd happiness Is motnd out to all deserve Ing of It while the wicked are shown tho error of their wnya. Dr. Ball's Plns Tsr-Honay III break up the worst rold nnd sl id scurch of health There I nothing ' Iny Ihronl Irritation. This remedy In tho world that cures coughs nnd ! quickly cures coughs, cold, grippe, rolds as quickly a Clinmberluln's j nnd all throat and bronchial troubles. Cough Remedy. Hold by all dealers. : Jotics Drug Co. MOLALLA. A Man Wants to Die only when a lazy lCvcr nnd sluggish bowelB cause a frightful despondency. But Dr. King's New Life Pills expel poisons, from the system; bring hope and courage; cure all liver, stomach and kidney troubles; Impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing. 25 cents at all druggists. WILLAMETTE. A party was given ut Frank Oliver's last Friday nlghl. Little Johnie Kanney is absent from school litis week on account of a se vere cold. P. Berdlne was home from bis work iear Portland Tuesday night of this week. Monday nnd Thursday is practice Molalla precinct was hoodwinked by the so-called "Homo Rule Associa tion ' of too "Greater Oregon's" llquoi dealers' push, by tho small margin o( ihreu votes; and as yo fathers, grand lathers and church members, wltli ono foot in the grave and an eye look ing heavenward, have mado the de cision for the "wet goods" in tho open market, right at your threshold!), sure ly vlll nave no kick to make hereafter should our drug stores, pool room and hotel bar, In tho near future, dis pense tiio liquor you voted for, over their counters to your household, in cluding your wives and daughters, sons and neighbors. When you gel in Ha fullness, brother church mem bers, thou wilt thou remember it and the fruits thereof are yours by virtue of your order placed In tho open mar ket Nov. sth. C. W. Herman has his water tank tower enclosed and painted. It's a tower wild several sources of inlet. First, a pipe ram; second, u power pump; third, a massive hoppur to gather In the rain. Surely there will oe water galore. Dr. Powell & Company have leased tho Perry Hotel and have already be gun cleaning up and papering, and ex pect to have it open for business by nexl week. Mr. Perry contemplates inking a trip east in the near future. II. N. Everhart is slocking up his furniture establishment for tho winter trade. E. K. Dart had a man shooting stumps on a clearing he is making In section 19. Mrs. Ira Jones of Oregon City, who has been visiting at Oak Point Kami, returned homo on the Waldron auto stage line Monday afternoon. L B. U. Stenographers and Bookkeepers I' Great Demand Business firms ore rccoquizing the superior training of our Business University over the work of the business colleges. Our standard is higher; our work is much more thorough; our work is mo c complete; and our students are more proficient in every way, OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. The reason for this is that we use teachers for teaching. They are trained for the work; they know how to get mental development. We do not use office managers, clerks or bookkeepers for teachers; they do not know how to teach. I'or this reoson, our pupils advance much more rapidly than the pupils in tse large business schools. We Love To Teach: Everybody Busy: Everybody Happy. Just the school for the earnest young man or lady who desires to learn and have the high est and best training at reasonable fution rates. You are sure of individual help and instruction. You know the large schools cannot give it. You should investigate our work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all fnc year in day and night school. ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 2751; Home A544G. PORTLAND, - - OREGON.