OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Fix 1 DAY, NOVEMBER I, 1910. Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas i I MILWAUKIE. ' Work Club Meeti to Sew. j t this gathering. The mooting was " I Groat progress is being made by I presided over by Mrs. Maggie John- Humphrey Tremhath, who left here lh Women's Work Club of Milwnu-1 son. several months ago for Cornwall, kte Granite, and every week the lad-! 0. E. Spenoe, master of the state England, for the benefit of his health, j les moot to sew, many fancy articles I grange, addressed the people on the has returned, but there is very little . already having been made for the change In his condition. Mr. Trent- annual sale, which is to be held at bath visited his old home and with 'the Grange hall on Saturday, LVcem relatives in England. He was accom-ibor 3. panied home by his two nephews, T. I List Wednesday Mrs. Theodore H. and H. Trembath, who have come . Miller entertained the members at to make Oregon their home. Hotb her home at Milwaukle Heights in a young men have accepted positions j most delightful manner, and the day at Estacada. I was spent In. needlework. At noon The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a delicious repast was served by the Robert Lee, who has been quite 111, ; hostess. The members who attended is Improving. Mr. Lee and family 1 were Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Robbtns. Mrs. tax measure. He showed how the now measure would make taxation more equitable ami remove some of the unjust burdens off of farm lands. His address was closely followed by the audience. The debute upon the county annexation between U. le fagot, of Oak Grove, and Frank ltranoh HUey, of Portland, followed Mr. Spence's address. These two men brought out every point for and against annexation, and kept the peo- recently arrived from North Yakima, ) Parentis, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Hansen. I pie in pod humor. Wiish., and will make Milwaukle . Mrs. Knickerbocker, Mrs. llrown their home. ! Miss Rawie, Mrs. Annie Mullan, Miss Mrs. J. W. Monroe was called to ; Florence Olson, MYs. Theodore Mil Seattle, Wash., Tuesday' evening, re- lor, Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Taylor, Miss celvltig word that her niece. Mis. Kate Casto, of Milwaukle, Mrs, Hen Walter Cratte, had passed away at ry Andrews, of Portland: Mrs. Ham her home, after an illness of about j mond. Sellwood; Mrs. Murray, Sell one year. wood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hewlett and On Wednesday of this week, Mrs. baby, of Portland, were in this city i Maggie Johnson entertained the lad Tuesday visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. T. ies, and a most enjoyable day was Townley. spent In sewing. At noon Mrs. The Wisslnger cottage on Main ' Johnson served a hot dinner, which Street has been rented by Ed. Kel-iwas greatly enjoyed by the following Iocs, and he has taken possession ladies: Mrs. Parentis, Mrs. Ixwel this week. j Ion. Mrs. Theodore Miller. Miss 01- Mrs. Maggie Johnson vras In Ore-, son. Miss Rawie, Miss Kate Casto, gon City Monday. j Mrs. Maple, Mrs. Dora Quaint, Mrs. J. E. Wetzler wai In Oregon City i Davis. The next meeting will be held Monday. !at the home of Mrs. Hammond at J. R. Kelso went to Portland Wed- j Sellwood. nesday. Ball Is Successful Affair. Letter List. Tne dancing party given by unn- The following is a list of letters: "en circle at tne iity nan on au remaining in the postofflce of Mil-: da' niPhL most successful. The waukie, for the month ending Oc-, P31"' ,n ,he fornl of a Hallow lober 31- I e'en affair, and the decorations as Men's 'List Burns & Retzinger, G. 1 as refreshments were car R. Guillim, John A. Nelson, Roy riel ollt- The ha" was beautifully Rickley. ' decorated with jaek-o-lanterns, ever- Womcn-s List Mrs. Hallock Hal-; greens, autumn leaves, stalks of corn, lock. Mrs. E. J. Spencer. Mrs. H. W. I and lne electroliers were shaded Goode, i with yellow and green crepe paper, When' called for please state when ! making a very pretty effect. The advertised. ! ladies who had charge of the decora- RALPH GANIRD. ! tlons were Mrs. Oliver Skoog, Miss t-.I i Gertrude Skooc. of Oak Grove: Mrs. imiumrai.r . . - - - . . i , , ,.,.i i,,,.. .,.,. t Krea L.enman. Airs, hicks, ueairico , i-nju. um.i u...... Services at Episcopal Church. j Webster. There was a large attend-j The guests were Miss Young. Miss Services will be held at St. John's ance, and everyone had a good time. Holmesley. Miss Thomson. Miss Km Eriscooal church on Sundav at the ; The Hoeslev orchestra furnished ex- ' mil. Miss Albee. Miss Carter. Miss George C. Urownoll followed the debate with a speech on "Women's Suffrage. Many who attended the meeting who have heretofore been opposed to Women's Suffrage had a different opinion after hearing Mr. Urownell's address. He was never heard to a better advantage than on this occasion, and everyone who heard hint on Monday night pronoun ced It one of the best addresses ever given in the town of Milwaukle. Owing to the absence of Prof. T. J. Gary, who was to talk on the High School" Fund U, Prof. Vedder. prin cipal of the Gladstone school, talked on this subject. This was Mr. Ved dor's first appearance In Milwaukle. and he put up a logical argument in favor of the High School Fund Utw. H. G Starkweather gave a short talk on the road bonding bill. Mr. Starkweather favored this bill. His remarks wore appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Puck and Miss Holmesley, of Milwaukle Heights, entertained the teachers of the Milwaukle school and a few of their friends In a charming manner ' at the nretiv home of Mr. and Mrs. ; Buck Saturday night at a Hallowe'en I party. The rooms of their home had been appropriately decorated with (lowers. Delicious refreshments were served during the evening. Hal lowe'en games of every description Casto and Mrs. J. P. Shaw, Mrs. Ed wards, of Milwaukle: Miss Arm strong, of Clackamas; Miss Hate, of following hours: Sunday school at ' ceilent music. 2:30 o clock, church at 3 o'clock. Rev. Republicans Will Speak Here. T. F. Bowen. rector, officiating. The I The Renublican candidates will be service of last Sundav afternoon whs hero FTidar nleht st lhe Cltv Hull. ! Portland: A. L. Ilolstad. Mr. Ros largely attended, and the subject of ; when the measures that are to be ; well, E. P. Carter. Mr. Illig. Mr. Al-, the rector's sermon was appropriate , brought up at the coming election j bee, and Mr. Edwards. j for All Saints Day. j will be discussed. Among the can- j Oak Grove Gets Share of Property, i rhll . didates who will be here are W. A. j The Milwaukle school board and tvangeiicai i,nurcn. Dimick. candidate for state senator: i the Oak Grove school board held a The services for the English Evan-i Jonn F Clark, county judge; Uovd ' Joint meeting on Tuesday evening at gelical Association on Sunday will be : Williams, county recorder: W. L. the school house in this city and; at the following hours; Sunday jiuVey, county clerk; D. T. Meldrum, ! gave to Oak Grove Its share of the school, 10:30 A. M.; morning service, ' counly surveyor; E. C. Hackett. sher- district property. This was mutually 11:30; Young People's Alliance, 7 P. ilk; M. A. Magone, representative: E. agreed upon between the districts M.; evening service, 8 P. M. Rev. j p.'carteri representative; L. E. Jones ! that the school children attending the , E. Radebaugh. pastor, will give a j representative; J. A. Tufts, treasur-1 two schools would have the privilege . temperance address on Sunday even-; er. Dr Thomas J- Fox. coroner. All I of remaining In the two schools until lng, and all are invited to these ser-; ar4 invited to attend the meeting. I the close of the mid term In Febru- i V'8' ,f . v , t i Lehman Brothers Move Market j ar-v- j The Evangelical choir has been re- Lehman Brothers, who have been! Ne Library Installed. j organized, with Miss Mamie Mullan ' ln Ih- wines in this cltv fori xfrs- Maggie Johnson, clerk of the I as leader. Miss Mullan is an accom- e past jne rears have built ,, ! Milwaukie school, was In Oregon City plished musician, and the members such a iarge trade that they found on Tuesday, and brought to Milwau of the choir are to be congratulated tnat the building thev were occupy-. kle ,ne new library, which will be in securing her valuable services. The ing was nol arpe enough to carry tmm yriu.-ui.-e is nem every inurs-.tne st0ck of goods, and on Monday day evening. Theodore Bechman Injured. Theodore Beckman, who accident they moved to the Snyder building. Installed In the library here. These are by some of the best authors, and will be greatly appreciated by the The meat market is "in the same ! PP f the school The books that building as the bakery of Mr. Snyder. ally shot himself in the knee about ', and all new fixtures have been In- two weeks ago while out hunting, is stalled by the proprietors. Improving. Young Beckman, while Meeting Is Largely Attended, out hunting, had sat down on a log! The opening meeting of the Mil to rest, when he accidentally struck . waukie Grange was held at the have been installed have been pur chased at a cost of about :0. There are now over 450 books In the library of the Milwaukle school. Kidnaps His Child. Constable Jesse Keck, was in Ore- the trigger of the gun, causing It to Grange hall on explode. The shot penetrated the Many of the measures that are to Monday evening. ; Son City Monday to swear out a ; warrant for the arrest of William knee, causing a painful injury. Dr. be brought up at the coming elec-! "ds'ns- ,:n? 18 ""used or desert- J. T. Townley was summoned and tion were discussed. Never before ; w,le ? K to Loiorauo on dressed the iniurv. and it is nnt fear. ibere so much Interest mani- i oalurday and taking with him his ed that HI results will occur. fested by the people of Milwaukie as t IS mouths' old child. Frank Busch Manufacturer of Furniture DEALER IN CARPETS, HARDWARE, STOVES, DOORS, WINDOWS, WALL PAPER, OILS AND PAINTS "The Adrian" Wire Fence Tied wi-h "The Tie That Binds" Users of wire fence have come to the conclusion that the require ments absolutely necessary for a good fence are elasticity In the line wires, stiffness and rigidity in the stays, and a lock or tie that holds firmly. . ' By reason of special attention to Its construction, the wire used In our fence Is neither too bard nor too soft, but Just enough points carbon to give It strength and elasticity. The wire is thoroughly galvanized, and each and every bundle of ire woven Into our fence is inspected and approved before It is allowed to go to the machines. Our stay, or upright wire, is one continuous wire from the top to the bottom, and is of the same quaiity and guage as the inter mediate line wires. The method of tying the stay or upright wire to the line wire Is where we differ materially from other makes of fence, and we were the first to apply this principle in the manufacture of wire fence. Our knot is a LONG oval loop, with the two ends returning towards the stay, forming two hooks.. By having this long, oval loop it per mits us to put a LONG bend In the line wire, thus preserving the full strength of the wire. We believe this to be one of the vital points in the manufacture of any wire fence. Most manufacturers of wire fence are compelled to put a short kink in the line wire, owing to the shortness of their lock, and each and every short kink you put in any wire weakens the wire. Again, we construct our lock of the same hard, spring steel wire that is Uhed in the line and stay wire. We positively DO NOT use a softer wire for our knot than the line and stays. It is not necessary to anchor our fence between posts because when properly stretched the rigid stay prevents a hog or any other small animal from going under our fence unless they raise the whole fence, and with the fence well stapled to the posts, this they cannot do. We do not use half-sized wire In any of our styles. The price of a wire fence depends on the quality of the wire and the weight of the fence per rod. The life of a wire fence depends on the quality of the wire, the galvanizing, the size of the wire and the method of tying the wires together so they WILL NOT SLIP or In any way Injure the wires In the fence. We have a fence that embodies all of these qualities and we guar antee every rod of fence we put out. On Monday night of last week Has- sing drove bis wife from his home at i Milwaukle. after threatening her life and also that of their 18 months'-old babe. The wife left for Portland on the 9 o'clock car for the home of her brother, but the irate husband would not give her the possession of her child, and soon after left on a later car for Portland leaving the baby on the floor until his return about 2 o'clock the following morning. I'pon his return, finding the baby fast asleep on the floor placed it In his cradle without undressing It. The mother returned to Milwaukle the fol lowing day and found her baby had been uncared for by the father. Of ficer Keck accompanied her, and af ter getting possession of the chUd and clothing left for Portland, where she stayed at the home of her broth er. On Saturday the husband visited his wife and stating that there was no chance of reconciliation that he wished to take the child to have Its picture taken. The wife believing i her husband sincere decided to let Massing take the child, but this is - the last seen of either of them. It Is thought that Massing has taken the child to Colorado. They formerly : resided there before moving to Mil- waukie In May. i Mrs. Massing, who is only 22 years of age, has sued her husband for dl- vorce, and asks for the custody of ; me cnun. it is probolile that Massing will he found, and will be forced to surrender the child to its mother. Massing is an electrician by trade. Later On Wednesday morning November 2, Mrs. Massing received two telegrams from her husband stating that the baby was verv ill and was calling for its mother, but Mrs. Massing will not go to Denver. Colorado, where the husband is with the child. She was left without means, and will not be able to make the trip. She has sent for the baby to ne sent ner, and It Is nroboble that the little one will be returned to its mother. THE INFAMOUS SEARCH LAW"? Ex-Mayof Rose Dcnotinccs It And yet thai law has been on the, statute-books of Oregon for six years, and Is In the law, word for word, for which Mr. itoso plead so earnestly-the local option law. The search clause Is lit every criminal law of every state lu the Union, Why have not the liquor men nnd their aid society the cournRe and honesty to admit this They must deceive the public or their cause Is lost. tt 4 'Prohibition Is a Fallacy So ex-Mayor Hose, declares. Tho fallacies of prohibition cannot hold a candle to the FALSEHOODS of the liquor men nnd their aid society. Head the following telegram, received In Portland Saturday afternoon: j Topoka. Kansas, October 29, '10. It Is with findings of regret ami shnnio that tho undersigned nro compelled to denounce as misleading nnd false tho statements of tho Mayor of the capital city of Kansas concerning conditions in our state. We condemn him as a traitor to his cltv and state, and whollv unworthy of the high position ho holds. Our prohibition law Is tho most drastic and far-reaching ever passed by any legislative bodv, and it It well enforced throughout our city and state. There la not one open saloon In Kansas, and tho statements of Mayor lllllnrd are an outrage upon our city and statu. Our state Is exceedingly prosperous. At least 75 per cent of our people stand solidly for our laws. Tho National Association of Manufacturers and Huslness Men. anil outside brewery associations, organized by one Hlnkle, horn Milwau kee, has perfected a local organization in Topoka of which Mayor ltlllard Is vice-president. Tho solo object of this organization Is' to aid and nsslst the liquor forces In other stale where prohibition questions are pending. W. R. STUBBS. Governor of Kansas. F. D. COBURN. Sec. State Board of Agriculture. E. L. COPELANO, Sec. and Treat, the A. T. A 8- F. Ry. Co, O. D. LEAHY, Sec. to the Governor, ARTHUR CAPPER. Publisher Topeka Dally Capitol. H. T. CHASE. Editor Topeka Daily Capitol. F. L. LOVELAND, Pastor First M. E. Church, . A. W. MILLS. V. P. the Mills Dry Goods Co. T. R. MULVANE. Pres. Bank of Topeka. W. M'FARRAN. Pres. the state Savings Bank, Topeka. J. A. TROUTM AN, Lawyer. THOMAS PAGE, Owner Mid-Continent Mills, Pres. Shawnee Bank and V. P. Prudential Trust Co. JOHN MARSHALL, First Assistant Attorney-General of Kansas. J. W. ROBINSON, Merchant. ROBINSON. MARSHALL A CO. F. M. STAHL, Supt. Kantat State Temperance Union. AND THREE THOUSAND INDIGNANT CITIZENS BY A STAND ING VOTE AT A MASS MEETING IN AUDITORIUM LAST NIGHT. The Attorney General Has Knocked Down the Man of Straw Which the Home Rule Association Set Up. Head this excerpt from the address of Hon. K. C .llronnugh, former Judge of the Circuit Court. Speaking of the. home rufu amendment he said: "It Is merely a repetition of the famous, I should Bay Infamous, Reddy bill. That bill was snowed under deep by tho voters of Oregon two years ago. "I notice what purports to be an opinion by the Attorney-General of this state, answering In the negative the question as to whether or (Paid Advertisement.) nol this proposed lilll will nut It within li e power of tminltipalltlni lo litllliry the criminal laws of I lie Statu of Oregon. I did nol know that anybody had nnnouiii'ed the proposition that It. would. The liquor men hiivci put up a man of straw and hnvn asked the Attoruny-llou-eral lo hnoek II over for them. Nobody who has studied lhe law sup Imi.hcs for a moment that It will rtuililo inunliipalliles to annul the criminal laws or the Htatn of Oregon. Mm It will do n few things which 1 would like to place lieforo you to meditate upon, "Perhaps you know that we have lu llils Htatn a law which provides that no lleetisn shall bo grunted to a person who has been convleled of selling liquors to minors, or pei'tnllllng minora to toiler iiboul his saloon; that Is, it Is the law except In the lily of Portland. "We have another law which prohibits saloonkeepers from selling Illinois to habitual drunkards. Them Is another law which prohibits the opening of saloons on Sunday. Thorn Is nnolher law which pro. hlhlta tho licensing of saloons wllhln a certain illnttiui'it of a public school building. The proponed so-called hoiiirt lulu bill will put II within the Hvvcr of every municipality to ovndo those, laws. Now, Mr, Liquor Man, will you aak the Attorney. Oeneral whether that state ment It true or not? And tee what he tayi, "I am not here tonight to nhuse anybody, I am not here to abuse men who may disagree with inc. I am hero In rupress surprise, that the liquor men should hnvn been shrewd enough In secure such an ar ray of reputable and honorable men to stand sponsor for their bill. Many of those men I know personally, and I know that, If tbr true Inwardness of that bill had been explained lo them, their mimes never would have been at tho fool of It, nnd their Influence never would have been back of It. "There are other things this bill proposes tu do. Has It struck you that It is nt all significant t tint the clause, 'subject to the conntllu tlonal and criminal laws of the Plate of Oregon,' comes before (he clause relating to the suppression and regulation of the sale of liquor? There is also a clause put In the end for the purpose of misleading I ran see no other purpose for It 'Subject to tho provisions of the local option law of the State of Oregon, within the limits of the municipality.' "tt Is provided In this act that no munliipultty may amend Its charter so as to bo In rotifllct with the criminal laws of the statu, or with the provisions of the constitution: but this art does propose In effort to amend the charter of every munliipiillly so that that iiiunlii. pallty may enact ordinances, regulations and laws which set at de fiance the laws of the stale regulating the sale of liquor. It will al practically nullify the local option law, because, if ymi rend the criti cism of The Oregonlan this morning, you will note that The Oregon Ian called attention to the fact that it would practically do nwav with precinct vote and wilt limit the operation of the local option law to the municipality as an entirety. It will do morn than this. In many pnrts of the slate where there nro small towns there are large pre cinct which Include a whole or a part of the town, and a part of the country ns well. This law gives the right to the municipality, as a whole, lo vote upon the local option law, but thern is no law that give a part of a precinct outsldo of a city tho right to vote upon tho question of the prohibition of the sale of liquor, and therefore all such precincts outside of the municipality will bn deprived of that right. Also In the municipality, In many cities where It Is not poss ible to carry tho city dry, a vote may be had upon a precinct, or coin. bluiitlon of precincts. "That Is true In tlio City of Portland, and In tunny of tho parts of the city M'oplo who do not want the saloons In their residence neighs horhood hnve voted their precinct dry. They would be deprived of Hint right If this dill becomes a part of tho constitution of tho State of Oregon. And think of It. I say this Is the most outrageous and audacious assault that has yet been mnde upon the rights of tho people of this state. "Then ng.iln, li this amendment Is adopted, if any county or pfe clnct votes dry. It will be within the power of the liquor men to create a new municipality, however small, within such dty territory, which will be Invested with authority to license the snle of liquor within the munlclpnl limits and I hereby corrupt tho whole district and set at naught the will of the people." (The Oregonlan of Oct. 31st. I A delightful party wes given by Rachel Worthlnglon ' at her home Monday evening. An old fashioned candy pull was enjoyed by all pres ent, games of all kinds were played, and light refreshments were served. At a late hour the young folks de parted for their homes well pleased with their evening's enjoyment. Calico Carnival. The calico carnival given by the Ladles' Aid, October 2Sth was I grand success socially and flnanclally. The following programme was given: Quartete Mrs. J. H. McArthur, Mrs. Clark. Miss Lewis, and Miss Umls Kennedy. Solo Miss Beatrice Sherk. Duel Misses Itose and Lillian Pfel- negar. Solo Miss Foster, of Portland. The society realized over $12 from the sale of calico articles. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore are re ceiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, born October :r,th. Paul Ilerron stient the week end In Portland, the guest of Franklin row- ('inrence, were ler. I during the week. Wallace Miller of (ireshnm and I llonrdimin & Newell are enlarging Mr. and Mrs. James Mctiovem of their new real estate office which Portland, visited their sister, Miss ; they recently purchased. Mr. Heck Miller of this place Sunday. : tier doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Hcdmond entertained Some very pretty views of the arch. Mr. and Mrs. Merrltl and other Port- school chapel and slntloiis are being laud friends on Sunday. i offered for snlo at the store. These Mr. and Mrs. I'nurvaya, who pur- views are on postals and will make chased a half acre from Charles - neat souvenirs to send to friends ns Slocum. put up a large tent during they are splendid photographs which the week and nro nicely located ut were taken by Charles Kermond. their new home on the county road ' Our meat shop Is Indeed quite a (!eo. Morse nnd family enjoyed a credit to this thriving little suburb visit from Ed. Morse and family who as Mr. ('. t. Miller only handles the mini! during the month from Du- freshest meats and Is quite ronven- limine. Iowa. They expect to make Portland their home. , During their short stay at the ; l,ndge, Mr. and Mrs. Paluton enter-! talned nt luncheon In their honor, ' and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morse gave a : tea for them when covers were laid j for tin. Miss Sarah J. Kamlnsky, accom- lent for nil to have this long felt wunt so handy. HARMONY. WA.VTHD-OIrl for housework, fam ily of two. Mrs. Win, La Snlle, (ilndstono. phone 2792. VANTKD--Three fresh Jersey cows. Apply to Henry lloege. Summit Hunch. Oregon City, It. p. 0. No. i. Ill INCH DKV HUH'K WOOD-12 50 Per Cord, delivered. Hullder' Sup plies Co., Hth ami Main Sts. MISS ADA IIKDWILI, nit.ent for a dim' Home Journal, Saturday lev elling post. Oregon City Enterprise, nil prlodlial'i. Speelnl rate on Woman' Home Companion and Mitiuro's, 2 for I ho two. tf hki'tsciihk tukin of ohk. gon city meets second Saturday after. noon In ench month nt Kniipp'a hall "Oregon Dry" Is tho wntch wonl of today. The entertainment which wns held panied her mother to California for In the hall netted the school about I Winter and In Srhnoerr Park, a short sojourn in thai sunny ell- 1 r.s. I " '"""'i' in numiuer. hub nenimerr, male. Mr. ami Mrs John linker from j president; Itudolph Seller, secretary. Mrs. Flora II. Ileckner and son, ' Cleveland, Wash., have moved here '. ... Millslioro visitors : on their farm. i Mr. and Mrs Ceo. Ilerron of Oolddeld, Nevada. Klrner lloardnian returned from 1 Wtipnto. Wash., are hero visiting Willi ' Is visiting his brother. It. U Ilerron t Sherman county during I ho week and relatives and (rlends. j Walter linker from ! TO !'.. V.N .,!KAI1.KSTATK' 7 '"'r cent, ; 1 2ii, tiitm, linn, inn: farm property preferred. ('. . lyn. and family. Geo. lion illy of Sarah, Wash., is here on business for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, parents of Mrs. Win. Well, returned Thursday after several months spent In the East visiting relatives nnd friends. Mrs. Mc'i.iln of Iluennvisla, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. U. L. Her-. you are Invited. left Saturday for Aurora to visit his sister. Mr. Hoardtnaii will return to the Lodge for the winter nnd his many friends are pleased to see him bark again. Witches and mad spirits of dark ness will gather for a revel on Hal lowe'en eve, October SI, at S o'clock. Four girls, members of our band, played for the school Friday In Prof. liuttler'B room. The music wns en Joyed by all of the scholars. Miss Ethel Kisley, daughter of time, It. S. V. "The Wlerd Sisters" (iludstone, Ore. Such was the unique Invitation re ceived by one of our lOdge voting A birthday dinner was given Mrs.' Wlllielinlnn Kiinne nt her home last I Friday night, twenty guests being ; present, and nil report a good tlnin. Hallowe'en wns celebrated at tho ; homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Spooner, with spisiks In grout numliers. At u Into hour refreshments were served. Yours for a wild um nil those present enjoyed them selves. Mrs. Millard and Mrs. W. Kiintie spent Tuesday afternoon nt tho home of Mrs. T. Ilutlln. El linn Clnrko, Walter Kannn and WIRE FENCE C O How's This? We oflff One ffimrlrrrt Iiollrtnt RevirH tn. ' cn of ( .iLrirrh Uiai cwinut Uu cumi Ity Jfaij . , ' F. J, CHK.VKY A CO.. ToMo, O. W f. the Iinrirc1irnx1 li- Ln krw.u. n If f i i tor the lodt I j year, it'i'l fx-Dev dim tJrtwtiv t.r.. oriMe lu A hin,iri- tnniMrilnnsi r,ii n able lo carry out any oMluaiidNi tinuW Uy hn firm. National junk or o.minti r.. , liitt. Ohio. HaU'i Catarrh f'urn In iUn f,H.,.n.. dlrrciiy urxrti the ijIxhJ nnd mucoim mjrPm ' of tlw ynfro. 'I'ltlinQrikih nent fr. i'rlce 7J cwiU l-t tx;tt. H,l' by nil ImiurM. 'Jake Hall f aiijJJy jjmii (or coridtfpation. n i- i if HAM EArT Dm AT- AnOI.U .UPl.in . .1 Made of the best hard sieel wire.thorouuhl oalvanizeri. The locks will nm cl,r they are nol driven down on the wirp h'enrp nm i.ire k :nmH iKn,ih. vj we iuu. 1 oc iicuvifsi nyven.yvire wsrmara larm lence cn me marKei OAK GROVE. Hallowe'en Parties. Berny Slants, son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. O. 'Slants entertained about twen ty of his school mutes Monday even ing. The Hallowe'en spirit pervaded the atmosphere and old fashioned games were played. Kf.freshmonls were served by Mrs. Slants, assisted by Mrs. L. E. Armstrong and Miss lieutriee Sherk. A Hallowe'en party was given thr; young people Monday night nt the home of S. V. Illgham. Music and games were indulged In till a late hour. Refreshments were served. r,,,ir. Miuu Miihln lliiriK nnd on (inv linvls went 1111 the river hist t'has. Risley Is it student of the Ore- ..iVen (,ho responded and was week to hunt. They enjoyed them- gon I. Diversity at fciigeno. delightfully entertained at the empty , selves If nothing mor, Miss Horn Kllgore is quite sick ai wnr(,10H(. of Mr, church which had her home on Railroad avenue. 1 1)(ifin mndn ,H11(f ,y tho wlerd Richard Rash is Improving from a RiH(orH Wtn n,i other pretty severe attack of pneumonia. .-decorations suggestive of Hallowe'en. Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Alexander and j,,,,,,,),, ,, nI1(1 c(,.r were served. LWU BUIlS Mill VUllUnuilJ Ml Ml , , tn,., ll.rt T iultrn fj vf n i no in u i win i iii" !.' lor a lew nays n sowinurn un'Kun. , ,., u(- n.ti. R. J. Moore has rented Ceo. Mey- enjoyed llallowe en when six little house and moved his family "', w.ui .... ... "-; "";" ;' friends nnd en loved n round of pleas- the different houses. lhe er s there fur th. rlnter. .-.. w i i -n..Mi..,i n',.i. ore at neXon iSslnS. r-ar.y Included six little tots whose Mrs Walter Terwllllger and son, ? range from four to tor , yenrs Alb-rt. of Courtney, left Wednesday and after an hour of fun returned to evening for a month's visit with rel- their homes to dream o f lhe wll. J m atlves and friends in San Francisco, nnd their brooms and of the bright I heir former homp colored hobgoblins, their form. r me- Mr. ,, Mr. Jeager nnd sons nnd M. E. church flundny school, 10 a number of their friends came out A. M.; Mrs. J. II. McArthur, superln- to the Lodge by auto last week and tendent; services 11 A. M. by tho ""rcl Lack to Portland by moon pastor, Rev. ,'lenry Spies; special IlRht. mi.ulp All Invliod Jr. ami nirs. r,iinm.n n,,..o . ti,.,i., week end at. their homo hero. Mrs Miss Illlllnrd lrotu ' California Is here visiting with her sinter, Mrs. A. W. W'lnn. Miss Ossle Duvls has returned from Hood River. TIME CARD. 0. W. P. DIVISION Between Portland and Oregon City. In church basement. Emmons was also n Imslness caller n, i ii u. A..t...r eoinirnteri hl at the county sent on Snturdny. birthday Tuesdnv with" a fine din- Mr. 'and Mrs. C. P. Morse enter ... . ............ o tnlned nt their home on Saturday surmise for him evening m "'"" n u.. ' i .11.... .. ....I H.r 11.. I.fillui UfflM SDOltS lllll.!inij. , uu u. Tho hni ,htio eli will meet very prettily decorated with cosmos three evenings a week to practice I ar"1 ''hrysnn hemums. Mrs basket ball. They organized with a ! M"r"B WHH no",ro'1 f"'1,0' fine list or m-inbers and hope to the evening ns it. was her birthday have good times this Winter. j anniversary and n plenslng feature a ,.,... pii. "st grnnddnughler, Mnry Jane Pnlnt- A Man Want to Die I ,',, ,.,..,, only when a lazy liver and sluggish 1 wth a n,lmH()lno cnRBt of Ver. bowels cause a frightful despondency. .. ,,, ..,. ,,,,,,,, t nil,i lint Dr. King's New Life Pills expel' ..., ,.,rn wr,i,.,i i,. Animr imh. poisons from the system; bring hope. ,.,'' , M..1U ,.P,,.,. ,i,i,.i. w,.rn and courage; cure all liver, stomach:,,, f ()f Hallowe'en favors. He- md kidney troubles; Impart health tii.m rr.fr,.,m. W(.rn m.rved nnd and vigor to the weak, nervous and ,,. .,., v1r MnPHn ' . ,h Pn. ailing. 25 cents at all druggists. i rlnint of vnrlons tokens of esteem. The guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. SIIiih Scripture, Mr. nnd Mrs. Palnlon, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. fieo. Morse nnd tho Misses Cnr rio Scripture, Helen I'lilnton, Doris and Mary Juno Pnltilon, HohhIo Rob erts and Arthur Roberts nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Morso and Calvin, Jr. I JENNINGS LODGE. Miss Gentry of Walla Walla, Wash., Mrs. Turner and Will Denny of Port land, were entertained on Sunday at the home of .Mr. and Mrs, Earl See To the Voters of Clackamas County. Tho Democrats of Clnckainns Coun ty held an assembly on the day nnd in the miinner prescribed by law for that purpose, and recommended, me ns n proper person to represent the county In the leglnlatnro and I have accepted, though reluctantly on ac count of business reusons. I stand for strict observance of the lei tor and spirit of the direct primary law, statement one, the recall and olhnr reform laws passed nnd to bn passed by the people. I believe It. would be for the best Interests of tho stutn If luiinerB were moro largely repro settled In tho legislature. The pic torlal part of this will appear after you have elected me, (Paid Advt) O. I). R0MIIN8. Positive guarantee on all work at tho New System Dentists, Administrator' Notice. Notice is hereby glvon that tho undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, administrator with tho will annexed of tho estate of Ilnrry E. Ilelneiniin, deceased, unci has duly qualified. All persons having claims against said estate nro hereby notified to present the same, verified ns re quired by law, at tho offlc.o of Joseph E. Hedges, Wclnhnrd Illdg., Oregon City, Oregon, on or before tho ex piration of six month nfler tho date of the first publication of this sum mons. ' DAVID N. MOSESHOHN, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Marry E. Holnomiiti, deceased. Dated nnd first published, October H, 1910. I'iive Arrive l'sro Arrive 3 2 K Si - 5 5 O a o "o 2 a o " 0 " o o o a & o "2 o 3 & 6 fc2 I 4.uu bli mu rTTOr" o 45 " 6 30 7.22 7.30 8.20 1 0.2C 7.20 7.00 7.32 3.00 tf.60 C.B7 7 60 7.80 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 K.80 8.00 8.62 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 9.62 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 10.00 10.62 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10.80 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.62 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.69 11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.62 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 1.00 1.62 '2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30 2.00 2.62 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 8.00 3.62 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4.00 4.62 6.00 4.00 4.07 6.00 4.30 6.22 6.30 4.30 L37 6.30 6.00 6.62 6.00 6.00 6.07 6 00 6 30 6.22 6.30 6.30 6.37 6.30 6.00 6.62 700 6.00 6.07 7.00 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 0.37 7.30 7.00 7.62 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.62 8.66 8.00 8.07 9 00 8 30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9 30 9.00 i.52 9.66 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 1.0.22 10.25 10.33 10.37 11 00 10.00 10.52 10.66 10.03 10.07 11 00 10.30 1 11.22 1 11.25 11.33 11.37 ..' 11.00 11.62 1 11.66 1 1.03 1 11.07 11 59 1 1.30 1 12.22 1 12.25 12.33 '12.37 I .. 12.00 1 12 40 1 12.50 I 11.65 11.671 I I H 12.50 12.55 To Mllwnuklu only. Trnlns for Enlrvlew. Trontdnl OreahBtn, Ilnrlng, Eaglo Creek, Esta cada and Cn.udero and Intermediate points. 7:15. x8:02. 9:05. xl0:05. tn,-. 3:05. x4:05. 5:05. xli:05. 7:05 8:05. 11 : 35. For Oreshnm. Grcshum. Knlrvlow and Troutdnlo. NOTE: Cars leave East Water and MnrrlBrin Btreetg 6 minutes later than ichedulod from First and Alder Sts.