OREGON CITY EXTKtiPlilSE. I'lilllAY, OOTOUUli 2S, 11)10. 8 I" ..... , f ... It v1 i ,1 1 . Llk PHERE'SASIRIKG I) V " ' I TOYOTOMONEY fl , -jl I On every purcri you I i '. j u;;JWC0'J" 1 youUv.lodoi.loje.klh. -: iV. 1 te'fr' 1 ft ring d Wk come, th. i,VviVjU vi,oie Uo0,tt i t I D. T. MELDRUM fl I1 t y,tt etvotrt' ft ' vot Vt 'xji.-1 Th5lAeprinc5pIPOO J Republican Candidate for County m ..-jci.11 .,t N , dVt-ft U . i I 1 Surveyor. ft '""arty' Vt 1 IW whkh uSe succew ciMhtf JJ 1). T. Meldnrnu the RepnbUcan Vl lgrt bu wu foumW -Srt- nominee for County Surveyor. Is par- Bl8 clvtS 1 Ufiction or your money re- IF tieulnrly well qualified to occupy thai 1 rvrfR ttt, nw,iculn ' ' Ul position. .He comes from n family M X ..vn .stY1 irtl funded. It i alio the Rexall JS of surveyors, being a son of Judge ft neVl o Aft fill li John W. Mel.iram. one of tho'pioneor 1 tVt . 0alten . i0 I If I mjarantee. f f surveyors of Clackamas County. The H ,. to u i l"clW ,c 1 If II ft mau. a graduate of Cornell 1nivor- ft -v ,e Vl iecl Rjf A slty, and should receive the vote of - . 6n ltv 1 IV' "1? i 1 1 every Republican for the office for H ivw 0 6 ,nCe. " : which ho was nominated at the Pri- B &c vv itvtvt v lcfA 1" ft niaries. His number on the official ,co .... cu1 v,4 B hallo, USS. . VVV 5ol?' Texai Half Week at the Baker. After next Wednesday night's per- E formance of the great Western play I Texas, Paker Theatre will he closed I for a week and a half in order to re- jg arrange and beautify the large inter- I lor, also correcting the defects in the fl I ; j. , w" Spi ''I RETURNS FROM ALASKA. j .u t I'l.il'ino 1 ill pharcp of the and reports a very rougn inp on me ; y - in 1W if f JC. HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. The QtaCC Store OREGON CITY, OREGON $1.00 down and $1.00 a week will put aa Edison Phonograph or Victor Talking Machine in your home accoustic properties. So all those who intend seeing the performance of Texas will please take note that they will have to do so one of the first four days of the week. Matinees will be given Sunday, the opening performance, and Wednesday, the popular Bargain Day. Texas Is a play of the great plains and cattle ranges of the days now rapidly pas sing away when the cowboy with his bluster and swagger, his chaps and spurs, was king of ail he beheld. The scenes are laid at the Buck Head Ranch, Val Verde County, and the plot deals with a cowardiy attempt to filch the owner out of his prop erty, which, unknown to him, is rich in gold. The attempt after spirited incidents and thrilling climaxes, fails through the efforts of Freshwater Jack, and some of his rough and ready pals, including Oklahomey, Tank, and the girl Texas. The com edy is of that broad kind that never fa'ls to provoke smiles and laughter, and is furnished by the cowboys, a talking machine of a widow with whom Oklahomey is in love, a tender foot and several other original char acters. The scenic effects are beau tiful and picturesque, showing the true color of the life as lived in the Lone Star State. To Give Minstrel Show. The members of Willamette Kalis r.-imn Vn us. v. o. W.. are ioun to I Harry Trembaih Reports Rough Trip , ( v asjt(? th,,r ax0Si aml smoorttig to Northern Hatcneries. mirnt cork t,pjr f;lCes, they will ! study the "kivers" c.ff of "Miller n:.rn- W. Trembath. who left sev-! Joke nook." The word is boiug pass- o!-o fr u-..t,-hik,m Alnskn. ed around tnat on .Novemner in the Interest of the United States ( win .iiN-;ir u sui.ir,. ...r..-. Hnt-hprv retnrneH Wednesday night. I an up-u-date minstrel show. Captain .....i rA . vorv mnrh trin'nn the M. I). Phillips Is In charge return. Mr. Trembath brought with : coming attraction. iiim l.artfl.OoO salmon eggs, which will j be distributed In the hatcheries of j Saved From The Grave. Oregtm. After reaching Ketchikan I -j jj given up hope, after nearly J. L. Kruso 12.60 i W. H W. W. Smith 21.20 Uiogory llov E. H. Womme 70.00 vinry .Moral Circuit Court. Sam lUmber T. M. Miller 17.00 j i;0.iri May ., County Court and Commissioners, i Mlra Johnson F. A. Miles W. J. Wilson 15.00 W. II. Mattoon 17.20 J. U'wellen Fashion Stables Justice Courts. 12.40 GS.M Mr Tromhnth was nilliCPil to CO a ' r .... ...... ,.rr.,rln,. inrnra 11- t-aiHSon long distance from that place to the trciii,le," writes Mrs. M. U Dix.'V. W. H. Samson hatchery. The lake over which he ,)f fl:.rksvl!ie, Tenn. "Often the pain w. s. Eddy traveled in a launch was six miles j r!,r:.t w()uij ue almost mibear-;.v v c,lm,n lung auu lun-t- 11.11.3 w.ut. ..v yijie altj couiu not no any woik. ports the natcneries in mat section m n:, pr K'.Tig's New Discovery has fine condition, and millions of egg? . f j ike a Ilcw person. Its' Chita. E. Hums . . i W. V. H. Samson are shipped from there each year. The Blue Mouse Coming. a Clyde Jones Drug Co. per cent i SCHOOL MATTERS ABLY DISCUSSED (Continued from page 1.) district 119; B. Friedrlch, district 20: Carl Pipka, Payne district: John Wise, district 49; George Elligsen, district 110; A. J. Hodge, district 9C: J. P. Davis, district 71; O. M. Ausve, district 97; M. Larson, district 38: Katherine Lesch, district 110; W. H. Bonney. district 110; H. E. Carr. dis trict 122; William Knight, district 81.; J. T. Grace, district 95; J. W. Bryant, district 61; F. A. James, dis trict 61; J. H. Revenue, district 19; Matt Ban, district 79; W. L. White, district CO; Aug. Bluhm, district 80; '.are Guaranteed by the "Pure Fudge' law to contain no harmful ingredi ents. such as the old-Joke microbe, : Trial bottles etc., "The Blue Mouse, Fitcliian concoction of I humor, one per cent nonsense, lo per cent cleverness and 19 per cent in toxicants (described in the patholog ical treatise of Dr. You Can t-.Make-Me-Laugh as "Pure Fun"), has been bottled by Sam S. and Lee Shubert. Inc., and can be had for the asking at the Bungalow Theatre all next week opening Sunday matinee. To properly introduce this latest tlixir to the masses the sole manu facturers and owners will, next week at the Bungalow, give a testimonial performance in which a number of well known actors and actresses will disport themselves in a fashion to recommend the constant use of this panacea. , The play will he "The Blue Mouse" and among the players are Grace Mer ritt, Wilton Taylor, Inda Palmer, Guy D'Ennery, Mabel Risky, John E. Hynes, Gordon Mendelssohn, W. G. Reynier, Earle Wright, John Dunne, Wm. H. Burke, Mary MacGregor, Doris Kraker, Manuel Alexander. George Rogers, Louis F. Jones, Oscar Lewis. Sophia Tucker and Mae Dougherty. p c. Infants, old men, ladies who wno the best medicine made for the r. A. MH s .... : throat and lungs:" Obstinate coughs j (;,0, Durgan ... ! stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, ; B;u.3 ' asthma, croup, bronchitis and hem- i ' ' ' " . ' i orrhax'S, hoarseness ami whooping i ua- '"'s''l('u ; cough, yield quickly to this wond rful ('has. Thompson i medicine. Try It. 50 cents and $1.0" i Ati'. Gebhnnk . free. Guaranteed by . -r (;. iunsrud . Bert Jonsrud . . . ! t A IlnvU I ypno a in willimptte. i. .1... r f. .rL'.i... . . . ... I, .1,1 ... J .11U1' . U'. . . . 1 ncre are several cass vi ''""" fever in Willamette. Mauley Man-i-Mrs- ' K"1""' ning's condition is rather serious, as ! J. F. Trh-cke pneumonia has developed In addition to typhoid. His four-ytar-old son, Mnnfnrd, has been quite 111, but has taken a turn for the better. Waller Liesman, who is connected with Hunt ley Bros. Compaiy, is also suffering from the prevalent malady. i.OJ 2..r.0 4.00 7."i 5.1") 5.0" COUNTY COUtfT (Contlnped from page C.) no longer young, the man W. G. Glover, district 17: A. M. doesn't keep tracn oi me auu Kirchem, district 75; Alex Bews, dig-! chronic grouches are cordially in trlct 75; John Putji, district 72. vlted. m For the Best Shoes cKittnclfs For the Best Rabbets McKittsicks For the Guar anteed Wtinderhose If you want to Bay Close McKITTRICK, mMM THE HOUSE OF EXPERIENCE 6 i 2 Main Street Oregon City, Oregon District No. 48. Karl Ott 20.00 John Keisecker 20.25 E. Wendiand 19.00 Anton Malar 5.00 Warren Wilkins 42.00 W. Ott 3.00 H. Wendiand H-00 J. Lawless 5.00 Ed. Hart : 2.00 H. Rldderbuah 5.00 Ray Howe 2.00 District No. 49. Estacada Mer. Co 37.00 Security Metal Works 25.00 W. W. Porter 12.00 Ralph Lemon 10.00 Herman Sauer 15.50 D. H. Roen 21.50 Ben T. Rawlins 18.50 M. J. Anderson .... COO E. Wcoster (. 10.00 H. H. Anders 19.50 A. T. Hunt 19.50 G. T. Hunt 20.85 E. L. Wonacott 4.00 J. F. Snyder 21.00 Robert Snyder 35.00 Ed. Mullen 24.00 H. Wooster 30.00 E. T. Davis 24.00 (I. E. Davis 14.00 W. B. Lemon 12.00 F. H. Davis 27.50 District No. 51. Jondrud Tiros 30.C6 Albert Boese 9.00 S. Ensley , 2.00 Nels Rodlun 2.00 J. E. Slefer 2.40 General. Beall & Co 1030.00 O. C. Machine Works 1.10 W. II. Mattoon T 27.50 John Lewellen 60.40 Wilson & Cooke 6.50 D. L. Trulllnger 132.28 Beall Sr. Co 88.37 O. & W. Sewer Pipe Co 1.90 Pope & Co 1.80 Frank Busch 8.35 Averlll Machine Co .23.05 Peters & Aden 20.25 C. E .Smith .- 14.00 R. M: Stubbs 7.50 ' E. V. Erlrk"n I Olaf L'udiioliu I It. E. Jai l ! F. K. McCiigin 1.0" M. Mikkelsen 1.00 j l". G. Jonsrud 4 C." j IJ' rt Jousi ud 6.20 1 James H.iily 3.70 j I Lewis Rail 7.50 ' Rob't .lons. ud 1.00 j j Uwla Eri 1.00 I J. F. ThielcKe 1.00 ! !:. V. Erlckson 1.00 ' Charles SwanRuti Henry Francis Sheriff. R. B. Beatle 11.13 Tax Department. C. II. Pratt County Clerk. F. W. Greotmuii Molalla. Mrs. C. H. Tnilllnger, the Hubbard Milliner, will be lit Itohlilnx Bros, store, Molnllu, Sept. 21, Oct. 8. ntnl Oct. 22. with completo stork of Fall Millinery. SPRINGWATER 33.75 50 C3.91 COO 3.20 Margaiet Mulvey 4.00 Recorder. Glass & Priidlumime 20.00 Lovejoy & Lincoln 31.00 N. E. Derby C5.00 0. liuchegger 10.00 C. E. Ramsby 8.00 Schools. T. J. Gary G. F. Johnson John Lewellen Assessor. Morleta Hickman 30.00 Edith Jackson 44.00 Clara Mitchell 52.00 J. E. Jack 200 Current Expense, Pacific Tel. Co 17.80 Home Tel. Co 15.90 Court House. C. E. Ramsby 282.04 Pope & Co 60 Vnter GoinnilKslonerB 15.00 Builders' Supply Co -,e O. C. Ice Co fn Wilson & Cooke 10.60 Mr. Hettinger 12.00 F. Busch 13-&6 Pope & Co 2.50 Jail. ' R. B. Beatlo 85.84 Pauper. C. E. Swann 15.00 W. Danforth ' 5.00 II. H. Hughes 8.00 C. E. Burn C.Ol M. Kruger 12.0j John Avln ' 10.00 W. T. Gardner 10.00 F. W. Sprague .' 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl 10.00 .1. A. JoneH 15.00 Geo. Lazelle '. 10.00 F. T. Barlow 7.0u T. R. A. Sellwood 12.50 A i.inrluiirfn it uiiMul U'lll In. l-llw.fl IJ" j al the i-m-Honugf! on Hallowe'en even-l-f'0 Ing. Come. Iirlng all your neighbors land frboids with you. Will Closner, John Moore and Al Julian went Into the mountains a few days ago tind say they had a fine time, only they left nil the deer In the mountains fur the next hunters. Bright boH, as the old saying Is, "A poor excuse Is better than none." Dr. Adlx of' Estncatla, mude sev eral trips to Sprlngwnter to seo Sher man Kllgore, who has the sympathy of us all. Some more carpenter work has been done on the hcIiooI house, and It makes the teachers wear a Hinlle. Mr. Jim Hayden returned homo n few days ngo from Missouri. It has been Heveral years slum Mr. Hayden left there, and ho frankly ndmlls now that ho even "had to be allowed" his idd home. . XtH V Hii'IV Young 10.08 10.0k 8.00 ... 8.00 10.00 7.00 6.00 , KreJ HaUer 10 im I'nttoii Homo , lfi.Oo S. M. Kelso 10.00 A. Pluard '.00 Richard HnrtRruves 8.00 W. O. French. 7. no 3.70 ' J'iu a Drill! Co 6.00 C.43 ' nos Ne!iin au.ou 2.90 s. Vine, ill's Hospital 29.0 4.20 C E. Swli-k 3.00 3.00 ; Mrs. A. G. Gsiynup 43.0'l 6.0" ; V. Ilai rls 23.50 6.00 i'arr Bros lo.Ot 2.90 . Ham Siolth ld."i 2.9" jc II. Th.upo & Co 2.90rI. W. Norrls '16.30 2.73 i K. A. IMgh. 9.00 0.73 Inaioe. 5.00 ; IT. II. S. Mount C70 ; Aug. Geblnodt 2.20 -J. A. McDow.dl 2.30 W. I'. Tel. Co 2.30 I Dr. Tlios. J. FX l.oo Dr. W. E. Carll 1-00' It Looks Bad For You 1.0" to have sor" eyes. Sutherland's EMgl 1.0" Uyo Halve will cure them. Harmless I'.-id )ilnless, guarauteeil fur 2.c a tube. Jones Drug Co. J. F. CLARK. LAWYER Candidate for County Judge on the Republican Ticket. If elected will give nil economical und strictly business iidiultilstrutloii of the office. Jumlco to nil and special privilege lo none. Will look out for the pimple's Interest III (ho piniple's himluexH, no political much lie buck of It I it nor will ever try to build oil" by the put i online of tile olflce. Successful In Ills owti IiiihIih n Mill give Ills hel ability to the county HffllllN. A Inuyer of thirteen ycnrn' prm'tlce, ami u lifelong Itepiibllciiu. The JuUko who iidmllllHtei'H the law should know the law, A vote for J. F. Chirk for .Indue Is n vote for the best Intervals of Clnek.iuias County. ' .1. F. CLARK. -' - - - - ' . . . ! Nodce, i Nolle. i In hereby Riven llmt thn nn nual Mtockholilers nieetliiK of the Ogle j .Mountain MIiiIiik Company will be I held nt Kn:ipm Hull III Oregon City, .Ofeitori, on Monday, the 7th day of Novemliei-, I HI it, lit thn hour of 2:00 ! o'clock P. M. j 'I II meeting lit called III iurnunnrn i f 1 1 1 r nl iluli n for I he put pop of i in tliig it Hoard of Plrerlors tor the leiiMilng year und (or micli oilier IhikP liens as lioiy properly rotnii before M.tlil IlieetlliK I " W. J. WII-SON. i riecuitary. ! Treiurr' Notice. I now have fund to pny Itoit.l War i rants endorsed prior to Feliruary 14, 1910. Intercut reuse on such war rants on ilat of this notice. J. . I'AunocK. County Treasurer. j Oct. ;'., IP jo. ! Executor's Not e. ,, ! N'ctlc U l.i-reliy gheii that the nil I.V K. tie I'emoc.ntlc cimdl-! (1.,.,, ,, 1lV ,,, ,.,. ,.,., Canity Cl.rl;. was iKirn of!.,, ri,,..)....,,-. riu.tuv. Him., of iiru. vlllp. Killl...' ., I,,,,,, iiniiohili.il i . ... ill i ,r of lloi v. lit of ...iac Fair, ilereuK-d. Al per ,sj ni'd Ioc.ii.mI sons Inning claims against the said P. 1 :ir Hiinpi, den lb til or h!n i-hI'iIk nr tn-reby it of the State notified to pn i.i nl them, with proper i t Cliickiuna oucli. rs, il'ilv verllli d. within Blx bl yui.'n. I months from Hie date of thin notlci Cl!U'ltll4 ""' U'nl. 'rs'lMH-d rxeriilnr III tlin oilice oi .ion. c.. io'i.; n. i'.Hi ., em- li-ird IIuiIiIImk, litigoii I'liv, OreRon. II. w. dale for Gorman pai'iitls In Co.' Jailiuiv ill, 1ST:. Ca re to O" "i ll III ! mi a l.irm ei.ir the S lll'd ll:ii .i II -i n si'!. s!MC" till! .!i:;e uli.l t 't nt ii t y ah ell II" : a M.-4'l 't II t iiiluUti r the Hut v. hole P (Paid Adv.) pro i-ie o' tier a-i.l U e i t. o!,':ce fur Hie In d will a V benefit of ,1 . W. LANG. COMES CiJICKLY. j Dcn't Have to Wmt For Weeks! An Oregon City Illustration. ,..( Walling Is dlscuiirngliiK. I'n in;" action ple.nes everybody. A Inn .I. n on the back Is a heavy in Ighl. Hard to bear day after day. Ulil'ig weight, removing the bur den. Brings appreciating reniionses. Oregon Clly p"iiile te! of It. Tell of relief that's quick and sure i: -.1 ;s a cit'o of It: Mrs. I.. II. Talley, 901 Eleventh St., nieeou City, Ore, says: "I am glad to nay that Dunn's Kidney Pills brouioil me prompt relief from a moat annoying attack of kidney coiupliijtit and biiclini'lie. Other members of my faintly have taken this ro.nedy with the licit of results." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 ft inn. Foster Mllbnrn Co., Buffalo New Yoik, solo agents for tho United HtiitfS. Remember the mine Dona's and tnko no other. 8-51 2 WANTED Girl for housework, fam ily of two. Mrs. Win, Lu Hallo, Gladstone, phono 2702. p.iteil October 2S. I'll". -t i'i.i:i:ci: p. karh. i i:eriitor f!T will of Inane Fair, He I eea-ieil, JOS. E. HEDGES, i Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Cmirt of lite Ktato of Ongoii, for Clnckaiiiiis County. I.ydla Shuw, plaintiff, v Frank W. Shaw, !-feniliiiil. To I'l ii'l; W. Hbnw, iibcivit nuincd il- felldllllt : In the imnie of the Statu of Ore. gi'll, you lllo hereby required to Up petir li I 1 uiiswer Ibe romplalnl filed ngulnnt you In the ubow inimed suit, on br before the ll'.lli day of Decem ber, 1910, said date being the expira tion of six weeks from the first, pub lication of this HiiinnionM, mid If you fall to appear or answer said com plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to Ibe court for tho relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between tho plaintiff and defendant. 'This mi iii Hum h Is published by order of Hon. Grant II. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court, which order wus mudo and entered on the 27'h day of Octo ber, 1910, and tho Hum prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, be ginning with the Issue of Friday, Op. tolier 28, 1910, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including tho Ihbiio of Friday, December nth, 1910. GEO. C. IIROWNF.LU Attorney for plaintiff. Ex-Mayor David S. Rose Of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a speaker of national fame, five times mayor of his city and prominently mentioned in connection with the vice-presidency of the United States; will speak in Oregon City at the Opera House, Friday EveiVi5, Oct. 28 on "Thz Fallacies of Prohibition" As a speaker Mr. Rose needs no further introduction to the reading public. IJis address here will be an acute appeal for the control of the liquor traffic, a problem with all phases of which he is thoroughly conversant. INo one interested in the wcllare t the community and state 'should fi to hear him. ' ail ADMISSION FREE (Paid Adv't.)