OUKOON CITY KNTKIIPUISK,, TODAY, OCTOHEU 28, 1910. i ? 4 LAKjcN & lUMPANY Cur 10th k Main 8t. OHEC10N CITY, OnCQON. Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND PRODUCE LAN I) PLASTKK Hiiy, drain, Hi, 'flower tind (mr (kn Seals. i WE PAY CASH,, FOR ' COUNTRY PROCUCE i LOCAL BRIEFS Dr. U (i. leu, Domini, Uddiii 17 anil IS, ,Mi'hlo IliilK. i .Ml llnli'ii l unli I' ll Friday (or KllK 'III', III Villi lIl llllH, !: x .1 u li-' JiiIiii Mi'liliiim In very III , lit liln linllii' lit ,M till mil. J. I), Ijnliliio, it wull known rnl ili'iit u Miiniuiiiii, was in Oregon City nil IhimIik h Hittuidny, Mm. J. U Wiililrnii went to Canity Tmniliiy whore lm vlnlttil with Iht brother, Mm. U T. Iluttln. 'tin' V"iy Intent correct styles In tiilllliii'i y lit triiniiiiilii prices. MIhh C, linllliilllllll. ' Wllllnm It. KIi'IiIht. of Portland, formerly of Itilu rliy. wits III OrKun ('II y mi tuiHl ili'iit TiirHiliiy. Ilnrii, Mniiiluy morning, Oember 3, t.i i a.' witi' ,.r uiiiim hiiihiik, or win- riiii'IIk, it llli"iuii ituiu: lii"i . Mm. I'.', W. Iliiili iiiui mm, liernld. of lllllulinrii, were tin) Sunday guest n( Mr. aiul Mm. U I'. Ilortmi. .Ml ii.i Nellie Lambert, nf I'lU'tlltllll, who hint I" "ii tlio K'K'xt "f Mr. J. I', Uivi'it, Iiuh ri'tiuiii'il to Iht Iiihiik. Mm. H. H'-liiuh'l, of I'oriluiiil, ar rived In lhl clly Tih""Iiiv fur n vIhIi with Iht itiuiKhlor, Mr. W. ri. C'llen. Fur the very Intent correct styles In Ii.i l.i mil on Mlnit ('. linlilniiillll. Elmer lliti'iut, lifter a year's sojourn In cliff. t. 'ill purls uf lli lut, hni returned to Oregon City for tint win ter. .1, M. Iwtwroitcc, of lleiul, in In Ibis I'liy mi hunllUK nnd while licr" U tin' kIh nl i f hi niHtiT'ln law, Mm. ('. II. Miller A. M. Hhlbley, it wi'll known r'"t ih iit of Sprlngwater. wits trnumteilnK luminous matters In th county seitt Friday. I'ru.iio mill mule iuuih'v to loan. Gordon 11-ivi'n, nliornov HI htw. l.lnyil Wilus watt In tliU flly Frl il;iy mi bin Wiiv In Portland, tutting Kp"itt Ni'V rsl tiny t li' homo III Sllvcrton. on; lung iifrl-iin In millinery ciiitlil'H ii to offer ymi the vi'ry high ! values ut the lowi'Kt miillii' price. Minn C. Cnlil'Miilth. Mr. I'lirirlt ninl tlilld arrived from HulMtt hVlrtity to Unit tlm foriiii'r' luiri'iii. Mr. mill Mr. John Itniich nf (ijiilnl"li. I Ml Mlhlii'il Kruno, instructor in tin. blind rhoii nt Salem, visited with Inr iimilii'r, Mr. Anna Krui, mi'r Sunday. Crunk Autumn. Jr., Wllllnm Clnrk ntiil Ijiwri-nr" Hwan, Httnli'iit of tho iii'iKim AKili'iiltnnil t'olli'Ki'. Hpi'til Hiiiuhiy .'ti'riKi'ui In (jri'Kon City. lr-. Mmy I'li'iiilni:. her iluimhli'r, Mri, Jiiiik- ll.trrlmm ninl on W. Kl ilon, who Imvt' lni'ii vIhIiIiiu Mr. Wll llnm tirlimii. Ii'ft Krlihiy for Allmny. uriKiiti City CniiiiiiUnli'li t'niiiliitiiy hnii now n liiiB'' iitni'U 'f hriin nil liaiul. Snmiii'l (ilovi'r, nf Hpokiui", Wimh., ninl I'liylnii tllnviT. nf roillitml, con In of Mri, ft. K. Si'i Iptiiit', worn vlit lior nt tin' Hrilpiuri' hoimi nil Tlliir ,ltty. ItiiKti Mitrrn, wlio tin wi'll imikliiK mi ixti'iHlnl vlMlt In th" Uimti'in Announcement W. L. Little has taken the agency for Pelce Lava Carpet and Rug Cleanser, lately intro duced by Geo. Uptcrovc yi Chicago. Give it a trial. Any one needing same call at Little's. j TAKE THE 11SNT ; . - 7 You can got the beit that rjionoy can buy If you buy of I our new stock of canned Tabls , Frulta. They have the delict- oua, ripe flavor. I at t HARRIS' GROCERY I Orenon City. A Big Cash Sale ON ORGANS COMMISNCINQ ON Saturday, October 8th mid InstliiR to the 15th of Oct., I will cIoho out my Htock of OrKiinn hh I muni hnvo tho room for new wood. There will ho lota of Rood hiiyo oome mid ana for yourrndf. AIho boo our lino of flnu lioittorg und rntiKoM, A. H. STURGCS Seventh and Center Street. On the Hill. OREGON CITY. i Mlnli'H, Ihih ii'lunii'il in Iht Ihiii In MiIm i'liy, ninl I kind to K"l hunk to lllll Ol'i'MI'll, Alfalfa w"nli'iii'i dairy fooil In cii'iihi.n inllli (inn thlril, -milil by tlm tlirijnn Clly Ciiliiililiinlnll (JmnpHiiy, V.'lilln h pi 1 1 ( t it k wni'il I'lliluy, J lur urn Minor ni'iil'li'iihilly nlnii:( til l j lilli'i' Willi Mm ilnulilii IiI.iiIkiI ii km tin Willi imliiK. 'I'lm wnninl, whlln not Viiy m . i-1 1 1 ii m , I n painful nun, i MIhii Itnliln HIiiiw, of MIIwiiiiIiiiii ll.''i;lil;i, ninl fiiiiiini'ly nt thin clly,' Ii m h"i ii liiln'ii In lhi til. VtiK'fiit : IIomiIIii, I'oi'lllilill, win. in dim will tin-1 'li'i'i'.'i iih lli'iil t."i-.iiii!'-nt. ,Mlii HIiiiw ; Ini In" II In pnnr lii'dllli fur mimu i llllin. l(i'!i!iiuiuMi( prlciH Ml tlm Ni'W My-: ('it llnlillntH, j Chin h-H Minilliiii, v.lio Iiiih hni'ii I npi ii lli'i; Urn piinl Ihin yi'iiiH In On Ki'ii, Inli Tlmi'mliiy iili'.lil'fnr IiIn Iihiih' ! il Wiini'ii, ,M I ti it H'lta, wI.ith Im will, iHi'inl Hi- w.-iilii of UJu hImIit. Mr. ! 'Ii.nllun wl'l iroli:;lily I I III! It Hlinijl ,l;nniiiiy 1. i Will .1. y Imiri'lii for ruin hy Oii'K"ll ; Clly CiiiiiiiilMlnii Cninpmiy, I A ti'li'!:rmit liint Im'hii ri'i'i'lvi'il hy Iv 1 1 ii it- l m ; . ( i .i i nt Cliiiliiiniii!, Hull. Ill r. hi. (I W, ll.ii'rliiclnii, ha nrrlvi'i! '. III Hi I ill. fi'iini Ni 'in", nil. I will 1." Iimiii' III n tv' il.it ;t. ,Mr. Hul l llitslnii ' hni fii'iMt iV Ahn'kii iiliii'ti Mfiy .'ID. . WliliiUy liiun-ln Inr mil.' hy tlm Old-; H'Hi Clly I'niiiiulii-iliin Cninliiiiiy, i Mr, iiml Mri. I'nink V)ili, nf Hml-; iiimnl, hnvn iinivi'd In IhU clly, mill inn Hi" I of Mr, itml Mr. W.'. C, t!i'"i n. Mih. Wiilm ! it (fhii-r of Mm, Cn'iii, ninl Him imil Iht Iiiik I. ninl Inn" K""" Into tin,' linti'l IiiiiiI !, ninl urn ilnlnn well. Cull on N"w Hyiiicin IwuiIIkIh, Hi IiIk" CorniT, nvi r Aii'lri''li' Jnwch IV Hiorn, Mr, mill Mri. l'my Chiiinhnr hnvo iitilviii In Ori-cmi ciiy from Uiku Cliiii li-, l.uiil .liinii, ami iiuvi luln'ii it i lln lr ri'ii!il"tu'' lit thti hnnin of Mr. Mllhr, K'lfi Mi'vi'iilh SI. Mr. Clmiii li'i. who lin in i'"pi"M a piiililnii iin ittlHwrltjItt Willi tlm Wllliiini'tto I'ulp to I'ltprr Coiiipniiy, i u hroihiT uf Aii'lnii'iiciin CliitiniH'iit, of I'm 1 1 it net. 'lin' firt'Knii City ComiiiiKilon Com puny Iiiih it lri;o hlmk nf hriin on limnl. AlfnUit w'i."lctii'il tlulry fooil lip, I'tnniK' milk oiH' thlnl, Kulil hy tint llii'gnil Clly CoimnliiHlnii Coliipiiliy, .SOCIETY Mr. I.. K. Jnii'' wit tho Inmti-H of two nflnrtionii IiiIiIk" piirth' nt Imr In. me nil KlKlttll Hint Mnnriii' Hlri-nm. iiiik i;lvi'n mi Huturday ufliTiiiMin und nil" Mniiiluy ntliTnonli, hnlh nf which prnvil to hi' ninKt di'llitllllill a flu lr. Th" mom tviro hi trtn-i lv hv lh"lr arllslif itrinrulniiit, mi Mittunlny Ihn ili'i'iirntl.'li h"IHR of Aiiiilmu liavrs. mid Monday of trinllim rU'iimll vliim liiti-riulintlt'il wllli ird anlvln liloxonni mid rliryiinllii'imini. It"-fiinlilni-nt wtTt' wrvi'd hy llln hoiit 'i. Tho pllt-a nf Kntiirduy wcrn wi n hy Mr. I, I. I'orii'r, Mm. II. C. Curry of rnrtlmid, Mr. IC. T. Khdd, .Hid 'MonditV prlf wimh won by Mr. Nl"i liailow liwriiiio. Mm. A. U. IPi'ti". Mm. V. A. Klii'Winiiii. Mr. Jnni'i' KU"I ill thi't-i' dnll?lll (ul parlli'ii with Ml Clmrlf I). Iji- Iniirrttf. Mm. A. T. .Mi llrld", Mm. T. Itv.in. Mi-. .. II. Waljnr, Mr. M. C. Sir!i:l;laiii. Mm. U U I'nrli'r, Mr. ICiniit l. Hiii'U. Mr, ll'iiry ll'Miil Ii y, Mm. II. T. Hi'ld', Mm. Ilavld Canriil.l, Mr. J. W. Mnffatt, Mm. Chirli Crlfllh, Mi. K. K. ItrocHir. Mm. J. N. WIhiiim', Mr. 1., A. Mnrrl. Mm, A. I.. Il'iilh'. Ml. Win. IjnwtlP wail". Mr, ti. A. Ilnrdlni!, Mm. Khi-r A. Clmpiniiu. Mr. John l'Wthtt allc, Mm. I U riilcrii. Mm. M. I). Im ioiii"lli', Mr. W. H. tlodfipy. Mr, .lotto Aila'ii. Mr. W. A. Hhi'wiiinn. Mm, t). W. Kfliiilniiii. Mm. J. N. Win iht, Mr. I". T. Avlmn. Mm. ('. II. Mi'iKiiiiT, Mm. Mfl.l limlnw Ji'i i ii.-n. Mr Wllllnm Print. Mm. II. K. Sirnl;ht, Mm. Albert I'llif. Mr. Thnndon' OhhioiiiI. Mm. VV. S. Ifllfii, Mm. M. P. iJiiotiri'tt", Mr. Kdwiird Si'linnh. Mm, I,, A. MonU, Mr. T. I', Hmiilall, Mr. M. Ilitlliirlt. Mr. Kdward linker. Mr. A. 0. Wiiiiht, Ml M, 1.. Hoimi', Mlt Harriot Coch ran, MlfH FiiiiiiU' I'oi'lnr, Mis Kati' I'orii'r, VI Marian Lcvihwiilto, MIb Nnllhi Ciiiifl'lil. MIhh Allff U'wlh t it'll'. MIkh Mnrjnih' Caiiflnld, Ml Hmly fl'Miilli'V. Mi II. C. Curry, lm,'j, I. KnntliiK. Mm. R T. (irlf flth, Mr, Wlilltun St'iiismii, Mm. !) vliton. Mra. 1C mi II Simpler, Mm. A, I,, simpler of Porthind. The Derlblck Club held an Inter esting meeting at the home of Mis Vurlt-I Stevens on Sixth and Wash ington street Mnndnv afternoon. A Ibl wa the first meeting rIiico the milliliter month, a great deal of Inter est wa manifested. It has been de cided bv thl musical Huh to tako up some of the modern ciitupo'iera a well a the late composers for thn coming year's work. The study of Hdwaril McDowell was taken for last Friday iifternnon. The musical me morial, "Thu Pelerboro Pageant," In his own home town, wa given by Mri. W. A. Huntley, and tho Illustra tions, Including "The Autumn Dunce," "Indian Lodge," and "To a Wild Hose" were Illustrated by MIks Umlse Huntley, who was tho piano soloist of the afternoon. After the program MIhh Stevens served a luncheon. The next meeting of the club will bo nt Hie homo of Mrs. K. C. Onnong, on Friday nfternisni, November 4. The members of tho club who woro present woro Mrs, II. K, Straight, Mrs, Fber A. Chapman, Mrs. O. A. Harding, Mrs. O. W. Easthnm, Mrs, L. I,. Porlnr, Mrs. fl. H. Cniiflold, Mrs. John F. Clnrk, Mrs. E. T. Avlson, Mrs. J, W. Moffatt, Mrs. Theodore Osmond, Mrs II. P. (innong, Mrs. Wal ter A. Dlmlek, Mrs. W. A. Huntley, Mrs. Mary Stevens, Miss Murlol Stev ens, MIhs Louise Huntley. J. W. Draper has just finished a fine barn on his property at Ttolton, and In honor of tho occasion, Miss Erma Printer entertained a number of friends In tin-now building Mon day night. Games of various aorta were played, refreshments served nnd a most enjoyable evening was spent. Tlionn at tending wero Mr. and Mrs, tieorgo McUtiiglilln, Mrs. Anna John son, Miss Eva Wash, Misses Cleo nnd Malva Dlllow, Miss Maud Llghtbndy, Mlsiics Nelllo, Nancy and Mary Llnd milst, Miss linrtrndn Slgurdson, Aug ust Chi'lstoiisen, Elmer Sunford, Jack and Leon Draper, and llnrry Ilresler. Tho masquerade bull given In the Armory Hull lust Saturdny night, wns n decided success There were more than 40 couples mnskod and they en joyed dancing until a Into hour to ,llio nuiHlo of Farmer's orchestra of six pieces. Mrs. BoshIo Rueonlch won thn prl.o for tho best dresBed lady, and Mr. Tonilln.-of Sellwood won the Kimtlomun'a prlzo. Mlsa Taylor rtnd Mr. lliu'im had tho best comic cos-tumps. E0Y'8 OPEN LETTER. Oftoh'ir 'li, I!) 10. To Ifori. W. A. lilinhdi, Hcpiilillimn Cinnlldl for Htulu Hi niiior. Iieiir Hlr; In tin' cmiieHt now pendlnK for tlm offl") of Stain Senator, I hnvo repeatedly churned you wlih hi'lnit Insincere In your pmdlloil ree,ardlii tlm Into limiciiibly mnl J hnvo anli) Hint you itri! not it Hiiiteiuciit No. 1 mini fit hem t 'md never wore. In support of my chaw I Imvo (dud Mm iirKument that you put foilli mnl Ilin nnHiiiill tluit you nimlrt iiKalii!, Ihn aH'nmbly mid Ii caiiillilali'ti durliiK your recent primary cumpu!Ol nl huv- loinhiini! llilii wllli your Interview Riven out mid puhllnlied In th'; Te!ii;nnii of Hi piemher I1.", 19I0, III which you de-hiro for tho mippurl of the niitlri' JH'iiiililli iiii h ln-t, which liicludeit ittiaemhly ruinlhlnie, mid havii iihio compared II with the 1 ii'Ilni; editorial nt tin! Orei-on ( lly Kiiterprlitn of Urn mime ilaio In t.blch it ny that you Iwve l.m d up In Biipport of Hie whnln llckcl, I uiiih i'Hiiiiid Hint you liavn 'publicly mild that I am nnhilr In Oil mailer mid Hint In uiitkliii; linn" chmeH I am not trmilii!; you rli-lil; now Uwant to bmiiiii'o you dial I hnvo alway been your friend, pr aonally, mid f hopii that whnlever nuiy b the remilt of till cimip.ili;ri inul eieciion we may mill he frlenihi, ind that f had no dliinnlil'm lo be unfair lottiird you. I hnvo taken nil iiHIvo part In H mimber of i-.tmpalun In thl County, and I hnvo never yet made, nn un iny n u reimlt thereof, mid I do not wlah to do no now. In order Unit thn voter of Ibl County rimy bo tlm J'ldun of w)nVmr or oof I inn fair In thl mutter und that you limy ha.e n full opportunity In the next lnuii of t!il paper lo nriHwer rue, I l tj leave lit It Hit yoll II few llelui. IJImi: 1 It true na I hnvo ehiirK"d that you ero now nippurCm: Mr. llowerman, thu Republican AnKembly cnndldiito for Coveinor? Second: If It Ih (run Hint you nro iouk lbl, how run ymi recui. Clio thl poHltloti wllh your poMltlon In the frlmury flitlit when you Hiild that Iho HKieuihly mid II ciiudldute woro tho old corrupt bunch of polltlchtnH buclinl by the rorponitlona of thl Htato mid that If the AHtu'inhly candhlnteH wero nomlnnted mid elected they would take itway from Hit' people tho Iilrect I'rliitury ljtw, gtalenient No. 1, the liilllatlvo und referendum, and tho other reform Inwi which have been etiiich'd by thn people? Third; If Mr. llowerman I elected do you believe that Im will bo tho enemy of Ilium, reform m''iiurc? If not, do you think bo lin reformed, or have you hud a clmtiKO of mind? Fourth: If you hnvo alway been a Statement ff. 1 man, why did you liellate to lKn the jiU'iIko In 1918 when you ran for Itepre Mcnliitlvc, and why did you fllo your declaration without Killing thl pledce and tin n chaiiKo It after havloK campitlKiied In the Primary for a week or more? Fifth: After liavlm? en in pit In tied In mild Primary for a week or more, why did you nay to three Rood reponlble men, all of whom are utaiim li Kopublleun, on the atep of the Court IIoiino In Oreson Clly In 1!0S, Hint you did not believe In Statement No. 1. but that you niuHt hIku It In order to win, and why did you on the aino day Kit to Juilc.o Mcllrlde ninl He"k hi advice a to whether or net you had hi tler tulin till pledije. Sixth: If you nro now a Statement No. 1 man at heart, why wa It that after you had cat your veto for Chamberlain for Senator In l!)fia. Hint you went lo Oswego In tho recent Primary campaign, and In a public addre told tint pooplo thire hbw badly you haid to keep that pledge and to vote for Chumberlaln and that before cnsMiii; that vote you had honoHtly hoped that either you or Chamberlain might die mi that you would not have to perform that unpleasant duty. And nlo please reconcile thl 0wego statement with your a peer h when you voted for Chamberlain on tho floor of the lloiine, where yon n!d that you look great pleasure In mating the vota for Chamberlain. I have, paid' for thl Hpace In tho nex' Issue of this paper and ak that you miHwer the above question no that tho people may be the JuiIko of your sincerity and of my falir.es nnd miles your answer appears here, lli(j( space will be blank next week. i Very respectfully, 0. D. EBY. (Paid Advt.) A unlet wedding wa solemnized at the IbipiUt pamnnaro lat Thum ilny, when Hev. S. A. liny worth per formed the ceremony uniting .Mls Ce cil" Wi Hon of this clly and James II, II ml. men of Attorlt. The couple will make their home In Atoria, at which place Mr. lleinterKon hold a responsible position w!ih Hie Huni iimnd Lumber Company, Can! have been Issued by Oregon City No. US!t. Benevolent ami Pruteeilve Order of Ellis, for a Hallo we'en dancing parly al the Armory W. A. HOLMES' Snappy Weather Shopping News The Crispins In ibe morning air reminds us nil of winter's coming needs This I to remind you that Ibis store Is Oregon City's best shop-jwl11 P'lig place. Every iork in tho store Is now in1 Its very best awaiting your Inspection. Each seel Ion now has Siime special bargain Inducement In New Fall Comls. Come In and shop or visit at will, The store grows more popular every day. You will pitrdiin us while we step without the bounds of modesty and say the merits of the store has noinethlng lo do with this Increasing popularity. Folks who were formerly strangers to us are learning that this Is a good store n fine place In which to trade. Custo mers are telling their trlends to come here for this and that article of Mer chandise. Of course the store must nm he giod Is making good. It Is our constant aim to treat cus tomers so they will be pleased to re turn and visit us agniu nnd ngaln. And wo want every customer to trade lo know that she Is sure to be satis fied In every purchase, Now don't put off your lull shopping too hue. Some of tho prettiest things are bound to bo closed out later on. NEW Cl'IlTAIN MATERIALS. One thing you'll bo surprised nt is the exquisite styles now made In low prleud curtain materials. We offer our regular 20c grade during the com ing week for 14c. C.OOD GLOVES AT FAIR PRICES. Kid Gloves, largo variety of colors. Silk gloves both long and short; are double tipped the kind you will nsk for again nnd again. Golf Gloves and nearly all kinds. SHOES? YES, SHOES! Next week will bo shoe week. Vnl- lies to surprise you, styles strictly up-lo-dute, quality second to none and prices? Como In and see for your self before you buy, and If you con sider quullty I know the price will suit. Be sure to see our shoes, It will pay you. W. A. HOLMES. ' 617 Main Street. Mnndnv evening, October SI. The af fair will be given inclusively for the member of the Elk Ixidse and their wives and sweethearts. A committee has been appointed by the High school to arrange for an entertainment to be given In the near future for the benefit of the Athletic Association, and Is composed of MNs Johnson. Miss Edna Caufleld. Miss Evelyn Harding. Joe Alldredge and Hymn Miwre. LONE ELDER AND VICINITY. The farmers an' making use of the beauilful weather by gathering In their ernpg nf potatoes and apples, nnd sowing their fall grain. - Hunting season having opened the I reports nf gims are heard from far and near. Many birds have lost their lives over the reckless hunters of Lone Elder. Prof. Baldwin's mother, .Mrs. , C. Baldwin, urlved front the east a few days ago. Mrs. Baldwin and her son '" " their new place as soon , .. n iiiiui cuit-iiiR uit- mane. I he imputation here was increased by the arrival of two new baby girls. One nl die home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Onhel, and the other at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W:n. Gilbert. Mrs. Herman Harms entertained her slHter ami brother-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs, C. Utrenx, last Sunday. Little Johnnie (ilnile, of Paradise City, while visiting bls uncle. John lleppler had the misfortune to gel his left hand cnughtjn the cog-wheels of a feed cutter, smashing the mem ber so severely that it was necessary to have the llrst two fingers, anipii- mien. t.r. r. t.iesy, or Aurora, per formed die operation. Geo. Scrainliu, the Mncksburg nier chum, who has been visiting in the east for several weeks, Is expected back the first of next week. MisB Tlllio Knutdson Is attending the Macksburg high school. Mrs. Al. McCoy, of Portland, wht nils been quite ill for somo time, is still at the home of her parents, Sir. and Mrs. Nels Bowers.. She is slowly Improving. Mrs. Anna Gibson, Mrs. 0. Baldwin, Miss Marie Bowers and V. Eckert were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Al. Lo ren.'s Sunday. Miss Erica Nordhausen Is attending Barlow high school. j Geo. Sutherland and family of Au rora, have moved back to-Loue Elder. They have jented the Joe Gibson place. We are glad to see you back. George. Lone Elder Is all right, Isn't It? Miss Laura Bnlan expects to leave for Grent Falls, Mont. Mrs. Greta McLaughlin, nee Klebe, of Oregon City, formerly of this place, and Mrs." Wm. Kraxhe.rger were vis iting their sister, Mrs, F, Kraxberger Saturday. They had a short visit with their cousin Al, Lorenz on their return home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bowers were visitors nt John Glade's last Sun day. Roy Rss, our teacher, was taken III Wednesday afternoon and school wns dismissed. Mr. and Mrs. J. lleppler visited their boh, Jesse, and wife last Sun day. Miss Anna Oolbrleh Is staying with Mrs. Gabert this week. Man In Larson ha moved his fam ily to Barlow, having rented his farm to Sam Erlckson. Henry Krans, of Aurora, ts haul ing lumber from Cole's mill, to build a new woodshed on his place here. i 'LM i Ti- ,, . m y CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATOR O. I). Kby, Uouiocratlf; candidate ft,? : Htale Sdnnlor, waa horn In Oregon' III cnnie lo Onvon City i'.ihl; Muii I'1 !a and ml ml tied to the bar; In 1fi.il, and by hard work and per-' Msietiee nf.w liit:i a largo practice. ' It iiieniliir of pie Hoard of IMu c.ti'.n (f Oregon Clly, director of Wliiiuiiieile Valley Chautauqua, dl run tor rn.il treasurer of Clackamas Coun ty Ka.'r AnoclnUon, memli'-r of I'u'o-, licit y Department of Commercial f.'luh' of Oregen Clly kIiico it establish ment In Juii'', Jfm'J. , llelieve Itt Direct Primary law,; corrupt practice act and recall and will vote for tho people'e choice tor I'nUed Stale. Senator. Ha made good In whatever he ha i undertaken aud will make good j a Senator. j (Paid advt.) 0. D. EBY. ! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Letter List. Lint of unclaimed letters at thn Oregon Cl'y Post Office for the week ending October 2K, 1910. Woman's Lint. I'.aker, Kathryn; Brown. Nannie; Many, Mrs, Jay; Moore, Mr. Kobt.; Smith, Mrs. E. II.; SmUh. Mrs. K. D. Men's List. Allen. Walter (4); Conely, Fred rick; Curl, Charley; Duncan, Alex (:;; lieldeman, Fred; Johnson, Rich ard: JoluiHon, Will; Maehler, Louis; Miller. J. It.; Miles. S. C; Morgan, J.; Peel sell. W. E. REAL ESTATE J. II. Black to A. E. Matthews, ; lots 7. 11. and lots 2? to 40 inclusive, ,nf block SH. Minthron Addition to . Portland; $10. I Elizabeth F. and Scott Bozorth to A. E. Matthews, lots 11, 15. 10. 17. Ii, in. block 97. and lot 1 of block ! its. .Minthron Springs; $10. i J T ninl M.trv A.. Barron, to O. M. '; and llattie M. Taylor, east half of west half of northwest quarter ol section 2. township 4 south, range 2 east; $2.700.. Mrs. E. O. and M. P. Cribble to W. N. Price, lot 13 of block 11. also h.ts II. 13. K. block II. Windsor; Herman and Marie Krause to H. A. and Martha Estelln Spear, 24 acres of sectiou U, township 4. south, range 4 etst ; also lot 1 of section 3, town sh'p 4 south, range 4 east; contain ing IIS acres; fC.500. F. M. and Martha A. Burby.to E. N. Piatt, lot l(j. block 26, Oregon lion & Steel Company's First Addi tion to Oswego; $1. Joe and Barbitr Walkowskl to A. .1. rtnd Katherine Lais, 10 acres of section ti, township 5 south, range 1 east; J.Vjn. William E. Welch to John J. Kad e.ilv, lot 4 nf block 1. Deer Park; $.10.' William E. Welch lo Mary Kadder !y, lot ;t of block C. Peer Park; $50. , Ottis S. Savage and Jennie M. Sav-. age to Alice MeKen.lo, ti.OS acres of Frederick W. C.eer and wife D. L. C. and 212 acres of sections 31, 32, township 3 south, ranee 1 west; $10. J. W. nnd Mary E. Parker to Laura J. Barnes, 12 acres of section 33, township 1 south, range 4 east : S1C00 A. E. and Alice Frost to Frank E. Andrews. 2.50 acres of William Hol mes D. L. C, township 3 south, range 2 east; $10. 1'nlted States to Harry Green Pil low, so acres of section 33, township 2 south, range 7 east; Patent. J. C. and Minerva L. Elrod to An lonlo Vises. Tract 23, Webster's Acres; $1,200. M. W. and Bessie Sheppard to Marv E. Wright. lots 1, 2. 11, 12, block 3, Barlow; $1,000. Bertha and W. W. Glazier to WII- Un; Siubbe, lots 3 and 4, block 19. Zobrist Addition to Ectncada; $500. E. C- Hunt to Emma S. Allen, lots . ti, block IS, Zobrist Addition to Estacaila; $250. Paul T. Smith to Samuel Honder Ick, 10 ncres of section Mil, township 4 south, rango 1 east; $300. Edward and Carrie Reufer to Clack amas County, land In George Willis D. U C. Logan Tracts and Hector Campbell D. L. C; $1. P. S. and Leila E. King to Em monda L. lRisford, til acres of section 30, towushlp 3 south, range 1 east; $0,500. Fred Stulke to EUznbeth M. For man, lot 6 of block 6, Barton; $1. Ellen L Rockwood to George T. and Delia Parry, lots 7, 8, 23, 24, of block 5, Ardenwald; $1,050. D. I Check to A. E. Matthews, lots 2 to 9 inclusive of block 98, lots 10 to 15 Inclusive lots 25 to 31 inclu sive, block 95, Minthron .Addition to Portland; $10. J. B. and Eleanor Shcdd to, A. E. Matthews, lots 24, 25, block 15, Min thron Addition to Portland; $10. James H. Black to A. E. Matthews, lots 40, 41, block 73. lots 3 and 4, block 77, Minthron Addition to Port land; $10. J. A. and L. E. Thayer to C. H. Dickey, lot 9, block 4, Mountain View Addition to Oregon City; $25. Martha L. Hayward and A. O. Hay ward to Wiley A. May, part of D. L. C. of Wllllnm Holmes and wife; $100. Arthur and C. A. Hall to Clemen tina E. Hall, land In section 10, town Bhlp 2 south, rnngo 3 east; $3,000. Jasper L. nnd Ida E. Hewitt lo Frank R. Cook, 17.72 acres of section 20, township 3 south, range 4 east; also 2.41 acres of section 20, town ship 3 south, range 4 east; $10. Portland Trust Company of Ore gon to Sarah Z. Rllea, 2 acres of Hec tor Campbell D. L. C; $1,000. J. D. and S. E. Gcode to Mattlo 51. 1 CiOLD ' RINGS Por Every Man, Woman and Girl in Clackamas County 'T'HAT sounds big, doesn't It? Bat Listen! All we ask yea to do h to sfop in cut store the first time yoa are parsing and ve will show yea rings and prices that will surprise yoa. Signet Rings Opal flings It u by Rings Emerald Kings And all other Set Rings $1.50 and upwards M I 1 We carry a fine stock of DIAMOND RINGS Prices from $10 to $100.00 Do You Wear Your Birth Stone Ring? If not, now is the time for you to wear your birth stone, but in buying a ring to be sure to buy one "la which the Sets stay in." Every "W-W-W" set ring we sell we will give a certificate of guarantee with it that "The Sets will stay in." DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE GOODS Btinneister & Andr eszti Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor. Barnes, lot 23 of block 13, Minthron . "K", ' Subdivision of Clackamas Addition to Portland; $10. (Heights; $1. E. F. and Martha Riley to Mattle ; Anne 'V. Jagger ct al to Emil M. Barnes, lot 25, block 13, Minthron ; Guenther. lot 2 of block 156 Oregon Addition to Portland; $05. CUy; $400. Henrietta G. and Rowland F. Row-1 Mary and J. M. Phillips to Sophia laud to R03C0e C. Brooks, land in : Guynu, SO acres of section 18. town section II, township 4 south, range 4! ship 6 south, range 2 east- $100 east; $2,400. Cora E. Morey to E. A. Brady,' part Harry and Elizabeth Sawtell to ', f lot 2 of block 3, Oregon City; $1. Geo. Henry Sawtell. northeast quart-1 Mary Bany et al to Fred Bany, Iota er of southeast quarter of section 12, ; 9 and XS of block 5. Canby; $10. township C south, range 1 east; $1. Joseph A. and Mary Straka to Eastern Investment Company to D. ! Ch,rIes G- Schroeder, 9H acres of t steinrfier Mnhnnci ! Julia Ann Lewis D. L. C. townshin icoutneast quarter of section 12, town - ship 0 sennit, range 1 east; $1. J. N. and Jennie M Ttrnmhall in Brnmhall Logging Company, 8.2S j of s,'cti,,n 6. towiship 7 south, range acres of section 36. township 1 south,!4 e!ist: 'r,0,)- range 3 oast; also 5 acres of section Oregon Realty Company to W R. S5, 3C. township 1 south, range 3 1 Townsend, SO acres of section 22, east; $10. -township 4 south, range 4 east; $10. Mary J. Jack et al to Henry Smith.' c- A. and Rozelia Lutzenberger, ."ii.i4 acres of sections 15, 22, town-ilanl ln section 30. township 3 south, ship 4 south, range 1 east; $1. ! range I west; $1000. Samuel O. Gribble to Ada Smith, ' Nellie and Robert Stephens to John land In Clackamas .county; $200. I Lutzenberger, land in section 30. T. R. and Amanda Orem to J. J.. Evans and Mary A. Evans, land in Clackamas County; $1. Frank and Bessie E. Andrews to A. E. Frost, lot 9 of block 6, Oregon City; $10. Swan and Anna Owen to Moses and Cora Foumal, part of D. L. C. of Andrew Hood and wife, township 3 south, range 2 east; $1. Moses and Cora Foumal to Swan ami Anna Owen, lot 11, 12, block 10. Willamette Fails; $1. Sandy Land Companv to Gustave Stueki, lot 12, block 12. First Addition to Sandy; $75. C. P. and A. if. Hagen to George E. Cummings, land in sections 28, 2s, township 3 south, range 1 east; $1. Eastern Investment Company to Charles A. Mann, lot 5 of block 28. Desn FLOUR $1.60 PER SACK f. C. LATOltETlE President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts 6-neral Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. It Office Both Phoney 22 Residence Phone Main 2624 . Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 1865 FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BYEXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charg Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Careful of J One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. I Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street f Plain and Fancy Engraved Gold Band Rings $1.50 to $10 Children's Gold RlngM 75c to $5.00 -A 1 "y"1"' "s tij ;,o.-u. Newton P. and Mary Tomilson to I "regon Realty Company, 15G.2 acres townsnip 3 south, range 1 west; $1. William and Johanna Vorpahl to Robert and. Hattie Vorpahl, land In sections 35, 36, township 3 south, range 1 east; $1. Robert and Hattie Vorpahl to AI- vin G. and Chioe A. Phelps. land in section 35. township 3 south, range 1 east; $4000. T. and Clara Hart to II. Binford, LG acres of section 25, township 2 j sbuth. range 3 east; $1. C. E. and Adeline Baxter to Roy A. Baxter, lots 2 and 7 of block 45, Ore gon City; $1. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Bank of Oregon Cltv. JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. AT ALL GROCER. F. J. MEYER. Cusbie. Sucessor to C. N. Greenman Your Property