OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOHER 21, 1010. lao Kind You IIuv Always Boiiplit, niul v hli-U hns boon in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho sijrnnturo of and lias boon mmle tunlor Ms por- yyT, jX5tfJ- sonnl piipervislon since Us infancy. WiizryTT'' Allow no one to deceive you in t All Counterfeits Imitations and " Jnst-as-jitMd"ire but j:xperinicnts Hint trillo with and ouilanjror tlio health of Infants uud Chilian Experience nsainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is ft harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, rhrv jrorio, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jiureotie euhstanee. Its nsro Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Piarrlnva and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and iiowels, jrivinir. healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Piumeen-Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtNT.W COHMMf. TT , P, i, ., .w, , NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MARKS PRAIRIE. Our school opened last Monday with Miss Emily Spulak as teacher. Potato digging is in full blast with loss than half a crop, and very small spuds at that. About all the hops raised In this vicinity were sold during the past week at from ten to twelve cents per pound. Our supervisor has had several teams hauling gravel on the Barlow road for the past week. John Glade has sold out and, will . return to Iowa, his former home. W are sorry to see you and your family leave us, but we will look for you to return before two years, John., Mr. Kennight has rented the Geo. Kesselring place for a term of years. He took possession last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oglesby were Tisiting relatives at Canby Sunday. A literary and debating society was organized at Meridian school house last Friday evening, 'and nothing but live, up-to-date questions will be dis cussed. All are welcome. Good lit erary programmes, good music and good debates will make the society a success. Mr. Charles Oglesby and Miss Ida Ball attended the big dance at Hub bard Saturday evening. Some of our boys are singing that new song, "Harry Has Another Girl Now." Our road boss will repair the coun ty bridge near Aurora this week, as it Is unsafe for heavy traffic. Mrs. W. D. Fish was taken to Hub bard to the doctor last Sunday. Fred Uacbert has rented the Cans-) neder place for three years, and will take possession this week. The Mill y farm near here i3 being cut up into 10 and 20 acre tracts, and four tracts have already been sold. ' Don Meldnim has been surveying in this vicinity for several days, and as a result, several farmers find their fences in the road, from five to fif- ' teen feet, and our supervisor says i they will have to be moved. Attorney John R. Dlmick will soon have a fine farm, as he is doing a great amount of work on It. There will be a double wedding soon In the Meridian school district. We could give the names of the high contracting parties, but will not do so at present. We wish them success in their matrimonial voyage. The Call Of The Blood , for purification, finds voice in pimples, boils sailow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin. all signs of liver trouble j But Dr. King's New Life Pills make rich red blood; give clear skin, rosy checks, fine complexion, health. Try them. 25s at Jones Drug Co. COLTON. Mr. and Mi's. W. E. Bonney, who had been away visiting their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Lamm at Scappoose, returned last Tuesday. E. Lindstrum brtchered a bepf last ' week and supplied the neighbors with fresh meat. Jonas Petterson, Jr., !s busy paint Ing their bouse this week. Grandma Dix and son U. S. were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Dix last Sunday. Mr. Petterson was busy butchering last Wednesday. Gravi-l Is being hauled for the Col- ton road this week. j Henry Warner, from the hil!s, was a guest at .1. Putzs' last Sunday. .Mr. C. Stromgiecn took some veal to town last week. Gorbett Bros, made a business trip to town Tuesday. V. S. Dix was working on the road last week. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, AND NOTIONS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS, OL'D RUBBERS, COPPER AND BRASS. GET MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING, AS I DO NOT MAKE DRUG STORE PROFITS. J. H. MATTLEY 905 7 street Signature of I.U.MAT tTHCCT, Wf VO OIT. .ui ;Wijiiii,Jr;l'il''T"ii''l'i . i W. E. Bonney is basy plowing. H. Warner, who has been visiting his brother at Portland, returned last Wednesday with a horse, buggy and harness. Our Colton merchant's teamster is kept quite busy hauling supplies for the winter. Florence and Pearl Stromgreen vis ited Myrl Bonney last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrum and fam ily were visiting at lower Colton last Sunday. H. Warner had the misfortune of getting hurt but has Improved rapidly under the doctor's care. Why People Cough l a mvsterv when Dr. Bell's Pine-1 Tar-Honey will cure any cough. Look for the bell on the bottle. It marks , the genuine. Jones Drug Co. LOGAN. ' C. Schuebel and J. W. Loder held a meeting at the Grange hall on the 15th. and made enthusiastic speeches In favor of prohibition. The songs by the quartette and the recitation by Miss Schuebel were well received and much enthusiasm was aroused. Mr snH Mrs A McMurrav are re joicing over the arrival of a daughter ; at their home. Miss Lena Daue. daughter of Mr. i inH vn Robert Dane, wp.s married to Mr. Henrich, of Clackamas, last j Sunday. We extend congratulations and kind wishes. i Mrs. Hammer and daughter, from California,, are visiting Mrs. J. C. Kirchem and other relatives and ; friends. 1 ThP democratic candidates will be , here on the l!th, and we presume the Republicans win soon come io warm up the political atmosphere. We hear that railroad surveyors are at work in the Clackamas bot-; torn. C. C. Robbins and family were out Sunday. He reports that he is build lug a fine residence for one of the four millionaire Porter brothers, wno beiran railroad work with a wheel barrow. Worse Than Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than eczema. L. W. Harriman, Burlington, Me., got in the army, and suffered with, forty years "But Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed," he writs Greatest healer for sores, Fleers, Boils, Burns. Cuts, Wounds, Bruises and Piles. 25c at Jones Drug Co. CLARKS. Willie Marshall is on the sick list. Rev. J. R. Landsborough and Hon. C. II. Dye, gave a temperance lecture in the English M. E. Church Sunday afternoon. J. Bowers, of Portland, was here on a visit Sunday. Wellington Marshall is working for hid brother, Willie Marshall. Mr. Bonemiil'T made a trip to Mil waukie last week. Ed and Otto Buol are Intending to move on their new farm. John Leitcbwise and family have moved to Oregon City. Mr. Elliot and Ben Marshall, of Elwood, wire in Clarks Sunday. Mrs. C. Lai-kins visit e,j her daugh ter, Mrs. Nicholas, last week. N. G. Klietismlth finished digging potatoes last Saturday. Mrs. Rti.KO butchered last week. Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamber lain's Couirh Remedy is given at once or even after the crottpy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attaclc Contains no poison. Hold by all dealers. WILSONVILLE. Marlon Young w8 a visitor la the Koso City Saturday. Mrs. t'hnlupsky, Kmma Stannic and little niece, wont to Portlntut Sat'.ir day. .Mrs. Mnrlon Young und Mrs. Norrls Vouiik attended ilu l.rungo Knlr t Sherwood V cd in's day , Mrs. Calkins, mother of Chas. Oil kins, was hutted in the Hood View c nu'tery Sunday morning, October tho nlmll. Mrs. Calking died 111 Portland hospital, havliiR l'o ntlUc tod Willi cancer of tho stomach. The U'lativcs of Mis. Calkins have many friends hero, who extend to thorn the deepest sympathy, Mrs. Kyinan, of Wlllomins, has boon visiting at the home of her brothers, Kd and Alison Uaker. Mrs. Probst and Mrs. to Portland on Tuesday, to attend the Missionary Convention held at tho First Presbyterian Church, in that : city. ' bYnnres Walls left on Monday for I Portland, w here she will attend bust- J ness college.' Mrs. b'd Itaker went to Portland on Saturday to spend the day w ith her ' daughter Kva. j Options are still being sought near, Wilsonvllle, by real estate men from j McMlnnville. j (."has, Eplor sold his farm last week but we are clad to say ho will re main In this vicinity. Marlon Youngs' cousin visited htm recently, having come out with a partv of real estate buyers from the M'lb'lle West. The Democratic meeting held on Saturday evening In the A. O. V. W. Hall was n rousing success, being well The Stover Engine is an . i . ii. I f.mli-il,TI".ll"vMW.W lffl"l".MH few parts. Just take that cut and compare it witn me picture 01 any cmcr cnKmc in the market.- Notice the difference. Note that the Stover Engine is stronger and better in every detail. Now, why don't you get next to the fact- that you arc cheating yourself by not owing one of these engines? Every day you are doing work that could be better and more cheaply done by a Stover Gasoline. Get the idea that an owner of a gasoline engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't, that is if his engine is a Stover. A few minutes instructions will make you able to operate your Stover as good as an old hand. Thats why we say the Stover is an ideal farm power. It's made right. It is giving satisfaction to 2500 hundred users right here in the Northwest. We sell them in sizes from 1 to 60 horse power and we guarantee full rated horse power. WE ASK ONLY THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU WHAT THE STOVER WILL DO FOR YOU SEND IN THE SLIP IMPLEMENTS Fine VEHICLES attended by the loyal supporters and many friends of the speakers. Speech es were made by 0. D. Eby, candidate for State Senator; R. Wr. Baker, nom inee for the Legislature; R. B. Boa tic, nominee for County Judge; Ernst Mass, nominee for Sheriff; ("has. Thompson, of Wilsonvllle, candidate for County Commissioner. O. P. Hardy, editor of the "Oregon Countryman," and Doris Young, of our village, who la the able business manager of that -paper, were sent out by the PreHldent of the Corvallls col lege, as the two most capable young men for judging the cattle at the Hillshoro fair, held recently. The boom of shot guns was heard In Wilsonvllle on Saturday, the lr.th, many hunters evidently taking the day off to secure a Chinese pheasant for Sunday dinner. Hunters who prowl around this vicinity from other places had better pay a little more attention uri the sign boards forbid ding trespassing, as the farmers say they are going to do a little "pinch ing" this year, .feeling that If they allow the birds' full swing In their grain fields during the long closed Hoason, that they are going to have a few birds for themselves and their friends during the short time the sea son is open. As village correspondent wu feel called upon to defend J. W. Exon, who is now a resident of Wilsonvllle, and whose character has been bo ruth lessly assailed by previous letters written to the "Enterprise." Whether the writer of the Dover letter thinks Ji or not, the fact remains that the first letter from that district cnnlod great weight against Mr. Exon, for the reason that the written statement "75 votes cast, of which Mr. Exon received but 4," was taken to mean Just what it said, for we have con sulted with leading politicians both Democratic and Republican, who, by the way are not "babies," and each and every one of them had the under standing that the statement meant just what it Hiiid. The second letter from Dover insinuated that Mr. Exon was trying to belittle the Democrats by claiming that Borne of the persons who signed the letter were Demo crats, whereas we all know that a man running on the Republican ticket would naturally not expect the Demo cratic voles. That second letter from Dover has plainly proven the fact to I I many of us, if least, thai Mr. Kxon's moment that "a number of the sign- won? non-rcsldentH," In lindenlalily correct, whereas tho first letter stivo us nil tho Impression that It was signed by the Immediate voters of tho lXivor dlstrh't. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy has becomo famoni for Its cures of coughs, colds, nvup anil litlluonr.it. Try It when In feed. . 11 contains no harmful substnm-e and iilwnys gives pivniiH relief. Sold by all dealers. CHERWYVILLE, Work on the long talked about Mt. Hood railroad b' started lit last. They will probably have tho road III operation to s.mdv In one year. They Poland weiit'iuivo been out I'tiymg land and rights , ,f vvny. The talk now Is of platting a town In the flat some here between Alder Creek and Win-Ay Creek on tho .tt. Hood railroad, and on the Pig Sandy Ulver. about i In - or ten miles east of the Sandy pe-iMfflee. Mrs, Siruckoti has already agreed to sell for 15,500, and lot a town be built on her prop erty, Cherryvlllo has a flno fruit country ; around It. Pi,. -leaned fruit land Is selling for $I(M i i $.00 per acre, and ; cleared and liu'oved land Is worth from 1:50 to $ '00 per aero. The l Hood Ulver fruit growers havo learned : that they can raise fruit up In Cherry , ville without Irritating the Intnl. They say they can raise as good fruit here ' as they can at I'.ood Ulver. That Is a good thing for Cherryvlllo. When the railroad ge!s up there the land w ill bo up to .vo ami $000 per acre. DAY TIME-NIGHT TIME ANY TIME THE STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE is READY FOR WORK ideal farm power. It is simple and strong. It has very il. Portland, Oregon J. J. SAHDSNESS W. J. WILSON A CO. AGENTS j MARQUAM. Plowlm. and seeding Is progressing i nicely, nho potato digging, but there i Is a light .'top. . Some of the advanced scholars from ! here are to attend the Scotts Mills , High School this winter. Rev. Maya, of Marqtiam, and an ! evangelist, are to commence a Berles ; of mectin:.'; beginning next Sunday at l the M. E. Church. The iT blrdB had better hide, as I.L. I . -St..- .V...... wie pwoj'ie are out uni mc-iii. Our s' i,.kI la progressing finely under ire care of Miss May Hews, and Miss lideii. The .Maniuam band gnv an Instru mental i i.t -rtainment and oyster sup per for tn benefit of tho hand last week. It was a big success. Clyde Yarquam and others have gone to t!ie mountains for a hunt. Our roads are In fine condition after the rain. Hog. Chicken and Cow Feed. The On L'on Cltv Commission Co. j has jus! received shipments of Ground Barley, ,-iralght; Ground Wheat and I Barley, no screenings or dirt also a : car of Meadow Brook Sweetened Al- raiia t):my roou oueaper iimu nun feed and better. Compare Our Prices With th ...n ha" Ixwn In ttin ljal.lt nl pTinn. ml jri.u Miif n tliit mn ttir em n ouiHilnntiitl inn on all rk mtnl Ten i-Rnri'it it Ixittfir IinIuIum Kuril AnjNJ.Hni, un u.nttiT lii.w fiturll JOU !. l J " 1 'J W flnlih plalo and 1 r L ' ' ' ' J ''O'Imo work li.r out. . i ; &' -JL ' ' '' '3 - town nitron In -V r, " i'nmli-. onm'-tina - -j. J fr,. wlmn iilnl.. fir :': r" Ith1k work in qr'tnr. . Jul, boniulU!ir,n Ir.f, jMolirCro.ni $5.00 ' OGoMFillinii 1.00 jEniriielFillir.fi 1.00 V'.?S Ir Fillinji ,50 . - -tftoorf flubbor '? -Pint.. 5.00 ' v 'aBtitB.rlRuHor- , rfilk Vat WJ f1'!" '.50 Da.w.a will. ranrutMiuiu PainUn Eitr'tlon .50 II Ilirj imniMII r ratmiat IKIIT MCTHODI AH work fulir riinrnnted for flfliMtn years. Wise Dental Co., Inc. I Painless Dentists ! FalllriE Bulldinc Third and Washlncton Puff f LAND, ORE. Willi Horn,: A. U. to 1 1. U. Suuu;n. Hal CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATOR ..1. i -, I s ., ,? O. II. Kby, IViiHM-ratlo candidate for Statu Senator, was born In Oregon In 1ST:': emuo to Oregon City l'.iol; studied law and admitted to tho bar In 1!0I, and by hard work and per siHteuro now ha a largo practice. 1 member of the Hoard of Kdu ration of Oregon City, director of Willlametlo Valley Chautautpia, direc tor and treasurer of Clackamas Coun ty Fair Association, member of Pub licity lVpartinent of Commercial Club of Oregon City since Its establish ment In June, i;io;. Itelleves In Plroct Primary law, 9 o. c. o. MITCHELL, LEWIS & 8TAVER CO. Portland, Ore. I would like to have Catalogue and further regarding this engine. your Stover Information Name Address corrupt practice act and recall and will vote for tho pooplo'a choice for 1'nlted Stales Senator. Has made good In whatever ho ha undertaken and will make good as Senator. (Paid advt.) O. IX EIIY. To Votera. IXBs than WO voters In tho district affected signed the Wuslilngton Mult- tiomah county annexation petition; 500 In the district havo signed a re monstrance, practically all outside tho district aro against annexation, yet you are called upon to vote the addi tion of practically one-fourth of Wash ' Ington, one of thn smallest counties, ! to Multnomah, nlready the wealthiest, ! most Influential and powerful. Voters i of tho state outside of the counties ! affected can know but little of these I county division measures, Wo, of Washington, know nothing of the merits of those not affecting us, and believe such questions should bo left Mo the countleB affected. Washington county cannot afford to lose this ter ritory and Multnomah does not need -p. Wo ask you to vote :i:t!t X No. W. D. Wood, Chairman Antl-Annaxn- tlon Committee, lllllsboro, Oregon. ! f IN NEW YORK SOCIETY, J Beautiful Women of the 400 Who i Have Luxuriant Hair. III gay New York, whero women get their Ideas from their foreign sisters, the hair tonic called Parisian Sage Is In great demnnd. Parisian Sage Is the discovery of a well known scientist, and he claims most emphatically that II. is the only hair preparation that will kill the per sistent dandruff germs. Huntley Pros. Co. guarantees Paris ian Sage to cure dandruff In two weeks, to stop falling hair; to make dull, lifeless and colorless hair beau tiful and luxuriant; to cure all Itch ing diseases of thn sculp, or monny buck. The price Is only 50 cents a largo bottle. Olrous Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Alfalfa sweetened dairy food In crease milk one-third, sold by the Oregon City Commission Company. EASTERN FIRWOOD. In prcpainllon for certain iuciihui'ch to ho voled on at tho com I iig oloe Hon, tho Flrwood Progressive Asso ciation will hold a debute nt the hall Saturday night, October :".), Subject, "ItcMiilvcd, That a Clly Should Have Kxcluslve Power to llegulllto tho Liquor Trartle Within lis Own Lim its." All nro Invited, All Interested In Fruit growing are luvlied to attend the next moollng of Mt. Hood Frnll tlrowofii1 Assocln Hon, at Flrwood Hall, Saturday, 2 I'. M.i October 211, I Hum Cordley, of the Oregon AgrleullUliil College, expected to bo one of the speaker. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Polio wore shopping In Portland the first of tho week. .1. Lot mid F.lmcr Knu, of Port land, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W, K. Stevens, W. F. Fischer has his new luirti well under construction.1 . Ituth and Finest Hurt, of Moiitit villa, spent Saturday uud Sunday on "tho ranch. " A, C. .leldium has returned to Flr wood tor the winter. Mrs. Clark Corey has been u tho nlrk list for the pant lew weeks, but ia slowly Improving. Mr. and Mrs, UwU prldeinoro silent Sunday with Mr. and MV. 10. II. Hart. .1. (. lieSluuor and daughters Viola and Lulu were (lrei,haiu visitor on Sa'urdny., 11 All Bowal Troublt Mr. leU Anil l'iln. It destroys ill ease germs and Mop Inllaiuatloll. Keep a bottle In I lie house, Jones Plug Co, DOVER. ; Mr, Sainlstor has gono to Southern j California for his health. Ceo. Wolf Is hauling lumber for n j lieu- barn. Jatnog DeSbaner and family spent 1 Sunday with tirnndtna I H-Sliit..ir. i A number of the young people at ! tended the meeting hold III Hill Fir j noo.t hall Saturday ulgliL ' Alice llerglioiixe I hoarding with ; Mrx, Keith and unending Hi hool, Surveyor are running out the : boundary line for Mr. Carver and Mr. I Wolf -UiU- week. j Mrs. .1. W. Fxou I visiting till I wei-k with her parent In Oregon city. II. II. I'dell. A. Pew and C. A. j Keith attended the imllllcal lllertlllK I held lit Faglo Creek Saturday even ! lug. I Mrs, Ahnert and daughter were j school visitor last week. j All nr cordially Invited to attend the singing clas to be held Saturday .evening, October 22, at iho M, Iv I Church. Itev, H"e, will lead the ! elui. Preaching Sunday at I0;30 A. i M. ' The following pupil averaged nbovn '. In their grade for (h mouth end i lug October II, IM": Ralph Ahnert. liranvllle Cooper, Kavmond PcHluucr, Itibllo Itobert. Lulu Robert. Herb. I t'dell. Allen llerghoiiio, I'iih Morrl : son. Kb-nnor pews. Tho following pit I pll were neither absent nor tardy during the month: loah Morrison and , Ifli'il Kulth. Margaret F. Hate. teacher.j Your Cough annoy yon. Keop on backing und tearing the delicate mom I hrnnc of your throat If you want to ' b annoyed. Put if you want relief i want to bo cured, take Chamberlain' : Cough Remedy. Sold by all denier. DODGE. F.ataradii wa visited by a flro Sat urday, when the resldi'iice of John ' Trac'ey burned. Mm. Trneey inn In j the garden w hen tho blaze started In iiu unused part of the house. Nearly I all of the furniture mid nil of tho canned fruit wirn saved, and nfter n hard fight, tho barn saved from ruin. K. Ijicey ha gono to the monntnln lo look after bis cattle. Ills son ac companied him. .1. N. Park and Amll Illtlner have commcnci-d building a shingle mill on Clear Creek, near Hon, Jobtl l-wel-lyn'a crossing. Unsightly Sores, bolls, eruptions, pimples, black heads and all skin affections aro very ipili kly cured by tho uso of Dr Bell': Antiseptic Salvo, Sfic. Jones Drug; Co. EAGLE CREEK. Ceorge Douglass, mid daughter Har riett, of Portland, spent a few days nt tho homo of his brother, Wesley Douglass, last Week. . ' E. I Palfrey was In the neighbor hood Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ileriha Douglass returned homo lust Tuesday from St. Vincent's Hos pital, whero she underwent an. opera tion about four weeks ag". Shu Is getting along nicely, Mr. and Mrs. H. (1. Huntington woro entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. (ilbsou. W. J. Ilowleit wns kicked by a cow JiiMt week, but was not much hurt. Ho Is suffering from an attack of lumbago now. Mrs. Katie Douglass camo homo Sunday evening from Stevenson, Wash., whcro who has been tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney for tho past three weeks. Mrs. Douglas underwent an opera tion along about tho first of Septem ber, and lifer louvlng tho hospital went to Stevenson to make her folks a visit whllo regaining strength. Mr.- and Mrs. John Held unit chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Udell lind chil dren, Mrs. Mario Gibson und Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson wero tho gum1 of .lames Gibson Htiiiday. Dick Palfrey, nephew of E. L. Pal frey, of Mnlalla, Is, working for Ed and Roy Douglass. Mrs. Linda HofNlielslor, daugh ter Myrtle, woro Ksliicada visitors on Saturday. Miss Rosa Moehnko culled on Mr. and Mrs. Cahlll last Friday evening. Miss Mary Moxley Is working for Mrs. Bertha Douglass. The Demon of The Air Is the germ of UiGrlppo, that, breathed In, brings suffering to thou sands. Its after effects are weakness nervousness, luck of nppellle, energy and ambition, with disordered llvef and kidney. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, tlio splendid .Ionic blood purlller and regulator of Stom ach, Liver and Kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, bulid up tho system and restore health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering try them. Only GOc. Por ted satisfaction guaranteed by Jones Drug Co. CLACKAMAS OEOnOB. I'nlalo digging ami sowing ha I n the order of tho day, but some few shoner have come alter tho nice huiihIiIuo, so (ho fanner can have a rent again Fred I. In wit, running hi now chopper lam Monday. It 1 an iipto dalo lift nir, and It whistle niake a sound like HomelhliiK doing In this town of iicorgo. .I,n.l Jail and family, of Kelso, were visiting at tho homo of Mr. mid Mr. Peter Kill It over Htlllday, I'der Hath bought a new need drill while l Fstaeaila, Inst Saturday, Mm, Melnke, of I lull i hi, I hero vis iting friend and relative for ev. oral week, Our Sunday si'liool la already pin pining for a big Xiun programme, imdor the direction of Mr. S. Mueller our former Mitporlntoudout. All wlnli her good MlecoH Mr. A. Schmidt called on Mr. K. Lin Sunday afternoon. Henry Schmidt uud Henry Johnson made a lutHlitoii trip to Kitiicndil oh Monday. ' Several of our young folk attended n party given by Herman Hun In his new house Saturday evening, Oct, 15, They hope to inei t tho cook lnt time. The Fstaoadll butcher I seen null" often In thl vicinity, leading away a fat bet f, A year ago the till mm had to till," them to Portland. Thl I unite nil ImpioM'tucM fur the coun try. WHY NOT WOMAN'S 8UFFRAGET (An address nlveu recently nt Iho Y. M, l'. A. hull in Portland by Clar- ellr.l Tl'llo Wilnoll, II. D ) Winn two untile face earn other ill btiille the nruiy of UKKri-s.ilnn, bo fore II can oiimko the miiln body, mul drive In Hie rtklriulsh lines of the enemy. The woman's nofditKo propiiKiind.i Iiiih tin nun out certain .kit nihil lltii's In thn public thought and themi must be dilveu III before o run (nine to the iiiiltu lilKUUielil l-'lmt, then, Ihorie who clsllil that the, ballot Is women's right ipioio from the ilei'Litutloii of Independence Hint, "Tnvntloii without ropie-,eniatlou In tyranny." Hut tho limitation Is not In pnlul, for that iiHiiii-ni nnn ut tered with no ponrdldo rifi-reiiin to III. IH I In il vntern. hinle or female, It was ii ib-i-liiriilliiii of the representa tive of tho t:i (-nlonl.it that tllilcioi tln'io ruloliles leiild have u inpreiieu tutliii In the lull lliimetit nlid III tho. ! cabinet to ptotet-t their lutereuls KI"K jtjrlllKe should not imk ua to pay duty. It had no reference to tlio rimllug of hullolii, for mop Vnted III oeiy colony, but It was a declara tion that one Knvet iinieiit ought not in tin another without due represen tation. Protection for Women. In order to make II refer lo n liuin's miffr'iMc It would have to bo prou-ii that women nro not now prop erly represented by their hmbninls. fathers or brothers; that the govern ment i!im-m not protect them In their property lutereuls, uud that they do not nut value received for their money. The question of voting has no re ference lo the paying of laves. Wo p;iy our tines In return lor tho pro tection to lit" and property, by Iho laws of 14 elvillited nation. Some men who have no property void und iiiiiuy who have no vote pity largo taxes. Numerous young men and women, hells lo largo estates, puy Immense sums to the Kovernmi'iit, but havo no vole. Corporations pay Immense sums In taxes, but tunc no vote, pontons residing In foreign lands or who have lived in this coiMitry only few year pay tntes, but have mi vote. Iii fuel voting has no reference whatever to fillet), Oregon Stiilo As sorliitloii Opposed to the Extension of the Suffrage to Women. Mrs. Prim els J. lliilley, President. Vn'.tl Adv. R. B. BEATIE Democratic Nominee for County Judge, Stands for the Direct Primary and Statement No. I. I will stand, If elected County Judge, for an economical iiiliuliilstrallou of my office, and will take a special Interest In trying lo savo tho tax payers nil Iho money possible, and will endeavor to havo thn road con st ruction and bridge work done and managed In such a way as to bo as eipial and Just among the people nt Claikauias County as II. Is possible. I will ulso insist Hint Micro bo n" morn deputies and clerks employed about Iho court house during my term of office, than Is absolutely necessary to economically ami properly carry on the business made necessary by law, As a member of tho Board of Eiiia llzailou I shall deem It my duty tit all limes to so net ns lo do nbsolutu justice to the taxpayers in equaliza tion of their taxes, I will, If elected, to tho best of my ability, perform the duties of tho of fice of County Judge In such a way a to give tlio people a snfo, satin and buslnesH-llkn udm I nls trillion, If elected, I will have no pels and fnvorltcH and will conduct thn busi ness In such a way ns to glvo all peo ple with whom I have business, an absolute square deal, regardless of their political affiliations. II. B. BEATIE. (Paid Adv't) ' i. ,w, '..; I - f jm.i i v. ' . , .'cf,t