OREGON CITY ENTER I'KISR KU1DAY. (HTOHl.tt II, 1910. is- JHSl I Bill ALCOHOL J PER I'KNT. ANtgolaWc ffrrmion lor As simiLiiiithcFodilamlliti tin$(ioSunniisanittoc)si US lYnmoics Diijrslionflmfii ness and Iks(.C anuins noisur Opiimi.Miirnhaic nor.MktcraL OTAHCOTIC. riia-t.:.dai itaSjrai fccr. Aperfeol Itanrdv forCVmsfta-1 nn siviirStanirll.l)UrrtW3 r..n.l-Lic FSi-r.r. wras,.oiruir.ii3,i. mi-! nrssandLossOFSUEP. Facsimile Siunw of TEV YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY SHUBEL. Miss Lydia Harnschuh has pone to Salem to visit for a few weeks. John Bluhm made a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. John Heft & Co. are building a fine residence for Mr. Stegeman. School begins tomorrow with Pearl Miller as teacher. Jim Beeson and Henry Cushman cleaned out the school well and dug It deeper one day last week. Robert Glnther and family have returned from the Clackamas county fair where they had been camping. David Moehnke has moved to the j Emll Guenther farm which he has rented. : Henry Ginther of Llttell. Wash., is visiting' friends and relatives here j for a short time. Freddie Moehnke has returned from Eastern Oregon bringing a fine work horse with him. The next order of business here will be a wedding. All get ready to give Henry a grand serenade. The speaking by Mr. Loder and C. Schuebel last Wednesday night at Schuebel school house was well re ceived by the large crowd present. Luke Duffy and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hanson today. The Call Of The Blood for purification, finds voice in pimples boils sallow complexion, a Jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, all signs of liver trouble But Dr. King's New Life Pills make rich red blood: give clear skin, rosy cheeks, fine complexion, health. Try them. 25c at Jones Drug Co. CLARKS. Mr. Maxson is helping Alex Scher ruble build Mb new barn. Mr. and Mrs. Grace were in town last week on Thursday. Timber Grove school was started ! on Monday by Miss Darper. I Mr. Sullivan was in town last , week. j Frank Bittner is intending to move j to Elwood from Oregon City. He rented his father's spool mill. j Miss Draper, the Timber Grove school teacher. U boarding at Mr. , Hang's. Alex Scherrulle took a load of , oats to town last week on Tuesday. Six government surveyors went through Clarks last week. Sam Elmer is ploughing. He Is getting ready to sow. RolK-rt Ginther Is going to teach the ninth grade In the Clarks school. Mr. Haag butchered some hogs last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wetlaufer were In town last week on Thursday. Mr. Fcrlbner, our supervisor, has , finished the fill by the bridge and now is laying planks n-ar the. Clarks store. ! Willie Marshall has blood poison In his arm. Ben Marshal! is working for Mrs. Elliott in Elwood. Mr. Mh.-kIirII sold porno cattle to Mis. Elliott in Elwood. Why People Cough Is a mystery when Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-iloiiey will cure any cough. Ixiok fur the bell on the bottle. It marks the genuine. Jones Drug Co. MOUNTAIN VIEW. There ih still sickness In this vi cinity. Mr. Crawford is seriously ill at his home on Warner street and Mo lalla avenue. Alvia Brandt who hail his leg broken last month is out on crutches this wiek. Mrs. W. tl. Hall has been seriously II a'r;alu but is improving. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, NOTIONS. ' . Pay Cash and Sell for Cash Get my prices and sec if I can save you money J. H. MATTLEY sob ?th street For Infants nnd Children. The Kind Yen Ibvo Always Bears tho Signature L Ui Ul'L'i Thirty 'Ye'or i CIS IMt 6TTU COM. TMI HIT. Mis Ivy Bluhm is at home with a high fever, symptoms of typhoid. Born. October 6, 1910, to the wife of J. OM. son. Mrs. Dora Hopkins Is very sick, Dr. Mount is in attendance. Ralph Grovi, our blacksmith, has a partner in with him. Charles Mc Ginnis, who was recently connected with the V. H. Nelson blacksmith establishment on Maine street, has bought a half interest. Mr. McGinnis and wife have moved into the Stewart house on May street. Mrs. Jennie Hodson of Salem Is visiting with her brother Lon Baker this week. Mr. Berry Buckner and wife of Soda Springs have moved into town, on Molalla avenue and Locus street. Mr. Frank Voorhees is putting the finishing touches on his new house and barn, and putting in a new six foot sidewalk. Ixin Baker Is laying a new side walk where he lives. John Darling Jr.. of Portland spent Sunday at home with his parents and friends. Mr. Vanhoy returned home Tues day from Goldendale where he spent three weeks. Mrs. R. N. Woodruff of Hood River spent last week with her sister Mrs. N. M. Aldredge. Mrs. Osmon returned home from the hospital last week. Worse Than Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than eczema. L. W. Harriman, Burlington, Me., got in the army, and suffered with, forty years "But Bucklen's Arnica Salve curej me when all else failed," he writs Greatest healer for sores, fleers, Boils. Burns. Cuts. Wounds, Bruises and Piles. 25c at Jones Drug Co. BEAVER CREEK, The Oregon rain has again return ed and is the order of the day. People not long ago said dust, dust, dust, this miserable dust; I wish it would rain. Now It's rain, rain, rain. I wish the sun would shine again. The grumbling farmer never Is sat isfied. The farmers are busy dig ging potatoes, plowing. and sowing. The Beaver Creek school has again commenced for the winter term, Miss Inez Snodgrass, school-marm, and all the pupils seem to like their teacher very much. There must be great attraction somewhere in Beaver Creek. The young gents at all hours are seen from different directions of the coun ty, wishing them success. Mrs. Maud Heart and son are home again from a trip on which they visited parents and grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Daniels. "Bill" Daniels lost a horse one day last week which fell dead while hitrhtd to the wagon. .1. liohlander is busy hauling lum ber for his new house. Men are at work digging the well for him. Mr. and Mrs. .1. S, Jones of Chi noifk are the guests of Henry Mo ehnke and family. Mrs. Marv Rondergon, who under went an operation at St. Vincent's hospital returned home a week ago and is improving rapidly. Mrs. Anderson of Wyoming has made a trip out west to visit with her daughters, Mrs. A. Babcock of Heaver Creek and Mrs. E. Babcock of Mill Creek. .Mrs. .1. liohlander and Mrs. F. f-telner were the guests of .Mrs. C. Heitinan one day last week. .Mrs. H. and Prs. F. Henrici were 'he guests of Miss G. Sciiockley last Wed uesday. .Mr. I). W. Thomas Is very ill and all of his children have been sum moned to his bedside and have all niaile great, effort to get there except his son Able who could not be AA- 01 ft F in M' L'so rt'iii-hfil by telegram, hut Is expected homo most tiny ilay. Mrs. A. Hlunt of Gladstone, Mix, P. Lloyd mill Mrs. .1. Wlllioieomh, Iiotli of IVrtkind, Mrs. Unsinussen of Salem anil Miss liloilwon Thomas, who was learning dressmaking lit Oregon City, Imvi' been called to Iholr homo. Mr. mitl Mrs. IX Hahcock were tho guests of Mr. ami Mm. A. Uahcock ami family Sunday night. Miss Mario Hormaii who was homo for a couple of weeks has agalij ro untied to rortlanil. Mrs. A. Uluhm lias boon In Heaver Creek for II couple of ilays having sonii dental work done, Mr. K. Hughes mul A. Thomas Lave bought a wood saw hut havo not commenced work oil aooinil vl tho hi'ter's father being taken 111. Mr. UotHehl Uluhm Is Improving slowly nfiir his severe attack of tho typhoid fever. Tho roport Is out thai wo aro to hoar tho ringing of a couple of wed ding bells in this vicinity soon. Look out for tho shotguns and cow bolls bt s. Tho Oregon City Commission Com pany hs boon doing a big business, shipping In grain and pivduoo to the REDLAND. At 7:."0 Saturday evonini!, Kev. A. May of the Independent tlrder of Cood Templars will h-cturo on Pro hibition ai I he Kir Urovo Schmd houso. liuriui; the eveniim. ii'fiesh meats will bo served. All are Invited. 3 rPIfi ! W j itli. .1 in I, i Tl I The Stover Engine is an ideal farm power. It is simple and strong. It has very few parts. Just take that cut and compare it with the picture of any other engine in the market. Notice ihe difference. Note that the Stover Engine is stronger and better in every detail. Now, why don't you get next to the fact that you arc cheating yourself by not owing one of these engines? Every day you are doing work that could be better and more cheaply done by a Stover Gasoline. Get the ic that an owner of a gasoline engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't, that is if his engine is a Stover. A few minutes instructions will make you able to operate your Stover as good as an old hand. Thats why we say the Stover is an ideal farm power. It's made right. It is giving satisfaction to 2500 hundred users right here in the Northwest. We sell them in sizes from 1 to 60 horse power and we guarantee full rated horse power. WE ASK ONLY THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU WHAT THE STOVER WILL DO FOR YOU SEND IN THE SLIP IMPLEMENTS Fine VEHICLES Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for its cures of, coughs, colds, croup and Influenza.' Try It when In need. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers. MEADOW BROOK, Meadow-brook did herself proud in carrving off premiums from the Mo lalla fair Saturday. ! M. .1. Lee, of Canby, was In town a few days this week. . H. S. Ramsby nnd Mr. Wilson, of Molalla, have been hauling apples this week. There is some talk of a rose and apple show here soon. A. j. Is looking around for someone with a wood saw. R. L. Holman has B'irnest Mallat clerking for him. Mr. Holman is a rushing real estate dealer. The late rains are bringing on the grass, which is greatly appreciated j bv the farmers. Mr. Larklns and Mr. Orem have just returned from the coast, looking over the salmon fisheries. O. T. Kay and family spent Sunday visiting their daughter, Mrs. Standin gs, at Orchard Kails. The South Hide Mills started up again Monday morning after a week j of Inactivity. The iJty brothers have a force of men taking the timber off the Hol man block. Mr. Boilln and Mr. Bitner and their families left for their new home near Kstacada, where they will engage In the spooling business for the Oregon City paper mills. Quite a number attended the So cialist speaking at Molalla from this side. Our grange friends took In Pomona Orange at Mulino Wednesday. All report an interest Ing time nnd nn ex cellent dinner. Claud Hall is out on the streets once more, having a bout recovered from the hurt he received on the tie dnv;. Look out for something startling In the way of news from here In the near future. O intiiii ('', v Commi.-.doTi f.'irnpanv hr now a large Mock of fliiaud on hand BEUNA VISTA. Pell Hart, ending lss of tho Oro gou City Woolen Mills, has piirclmsotl a faini on ihe Abornoihy, llo will commence tho Improvements lator on when ho has time. Mr. Osbourne and wife aro boarding at W. tiiwn's. Thoy aro ivcontly lioin Muryavtllo, Yuba County, Calif., I and will remain pcrmanontly hero. Mrs. Hlohardson and family havo, moved Into i ho house recently va cated by Mrs Clark ninl Mr. nnd Mm. Payne and family havo moved Into rotor Hinges plaeo. Mr, nnd Mis, WaiM havo returned from ensl of tho mountains, whom t hoy wont to look after their homo Head. Mr. and Mrs. Tjscklewlcr:, of Rldge field. Clark County, Wash., were vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. W. li. lyings ford of ISth and IHvlsloll streets on Wednesday last. Tho Fraternal Order of Kimlett and Owls havo e.enmeucod to hold their weekly nieetlnc-i for tho winter, A niimbe" of people are getting ready to iliipese of their property lietore prohll'ition Is tesiod In No vember, o Tho Menrv Miller place was sold to a party at Usn a fow days ajso by John UMler for $tiiO. Hoarseness In a child snliject to croup Is n mho Indication of the ap proacli of the disease. If Chamber laln s CoiikIi Kemedy Is bIvcii a' onro or even after tho croupy coiuth has appeared. It will prevent the attack Contains no ,.ison. Sold by all ileal or DAY TIME ANY THE STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE IS READY FOR WORK o, Portland, Oregon J. J. SANDSNESS W. J. WILSON & CO. ACENTS STAFFORD. The w-itther is all that could be desired, and quite an acreage of fall wheat Is being put Into the ground, as we plow a strip with one eye, fol lowing a passing cloud, harrow It, and drill In the grain; then we know for sure we have that much growing, nnd procei , in that way till the whole field Is dune, ready for the rain. Mr. Miiem says he Is trying a new way to get rid of stumps; a way, ho learned In the Grange. He piled BOtne sttaw on the stumps In the summer, and after the fall rains came and wet It down i;(,od, he raked It off and set fire to the stump In the usual way, and that fire sought out the smallest root, and mude the ground clear with out Un- expense of giant powder or the gaping hole to be filled up after Its use. ' Dick Oldenstadt has been helping Mr. A'-rnl break his colt with good success. Mark .'ays the day Ih the 2"ith, and me and my son, and my neighbor and his son are all ready for the fun, If he will 'reat us to a cold pickle and lots of Adam's ale. as we are teto tally opposed to 1-er. Mrs. (lage drove down to Oswego Friday o, help decorate the Orange Hall fur the fair on Saturday. Compare Cur Prices With Oio,, jou hi ln In the litMt nf pnOnif, nd jnu w.ll it Onit wit nff.-r jon A iililiiilil Inn nn il nrk n-l nn aiir'"t v't (Miliar .ainlMl work anjMliwtt., no ij.aitxr how unu-h you pHr. ,1, i ihwii,i,ji wwiii' MW flnli.li plain anil -V ' - " i , !ri'lt work for out. a ":' I "f -town i.atronn In --Nfc.- ' ,tir.. T i I'liiiileiM oiirH'-tion -'-1 l.rnluK fr-, wli-n p. aim or ft work in or'lr. Cbntullnt ion true, - a Holir Uowni ..l22kBrif,.T.eth4.fJ0 .. . - i? nn L A" nld Filling. 1.00 . . ,4'vJVSr Cuaiirillimt 1.00 li!" it-': "j8.lwf.ISl.ltl .50 . V ' 1 I Cittn 5.00 ," V : - ! Bel! Rubbr OS. w.. nutm an Miiiiu Piinlm EiVlinn .50 .i,.u. iiimixii ! rint.M BUST MHTHODa All noil, ttiiir nuiiniiiti'M for flfow-ii ).nri. Wise Bctital Co.,mc. Fatting Bu:'4lng, Thlfo unit rVHnr1on PORRANO, ORE. Olllca iibnri: 8 A. U. to I t. U. Iuuli, W 1 Tho fair w hoar was as usual n Rii'iit micrcKH, ami M1ss Hull of t)s wcko won tho ipillt. Mrs. Waldo told of her travels In tho lauds across tlin big pond In a very pleasliiK mid on terialnluit maimer, and I lie best of the short proKiiiinino was oxcollent. Mrs. Plokonson took the dollar of fered for tho best loaf of bread, and Mrs. Stevenson tho call of Klhorta peaches for second prlfo. The Jiivo nlle tiranao cmno bravely o tho front also. Seven of litem had articles on exhibition, and for kiiIo, All children from ii to II are eligible in Join I be .luvenllo tiranKe by iayinent of a few cents each nioiilh, If they are honest ami truthful, whether their patents belong to tho tlrmiKO or not. Younn Mr, Kren.el. who owns a fine ranch .IoIiiIiik Mr. Thomas ttho obi l'ele Kavson placet has the tnaterlal on hand for ' a fine new houso, and nlreadv him ,tho ooncreto Imsonionl up and only waltlnis for workmen t'u help him put up the hulldlUK, nfler which the selecled housekeeper will take possession. U'ldoniuus and Nnssliains havo boon eutertalnliiK old frleiiils from liakola. Sam Mosor's Hi lie sou and I'M Sharp's twin boy aro Improvlnu after their rocout Illness. WILSONVILLE. Nettle llasselbrlnk went to Port land on Saturday. John llutson spent Saturday In tho Kosk City on real estate business. Miss S. M. tlrnhani Is spondlnit a few wneks vIhIiIiik relatives In I'orl laud. . Aubrey Wisids has Just returned from a huullmt trip In tho tlaston country. NIGHT TIME TIME C. 0. MITCHELL, LEWIS & 8TAVER CO. Portland, Ore. I would like to have your Stover Catalogue and further Information regnrdlllK this engine. Name Address I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton are In 1 Kit-item Oregon on a hunting trip. Alfred linker Is at home, and ex pects to spend the winter here. Charlie Tooe, a popular and ener getic young man of this vicinity, Is clerking for Henry Aden. J. II. McFeeters. of Mood River, is visiting his cousins Norman ami Harry Say. Mr. McFeeters may buy or rent in this vicinity. 1 Mr. Mallnry, our former station agent, has been removed to a more remunerative position III Porllaniri and his many friends here wish for him continued prosperity. Iteed (iraham went to Portland on Tuesday. Mr. Walters Is clerking and team ing for Henry Aden. Norman tyiy and Ron ,I nes went to Portland on Wednesday. The Hood View Congregational Church holds ervlceH every Sunday morning and evening, and Sunday school In the morning. All are cor dially Invited. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hodges, who had Chas. linker's place rented, havo niov"d nway and had many friends, who regret their departure, Rex. Kxon has been returned to Ihe Wllsonvllle district, and services will now be held as follows: Services on second nnd fourth Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, and on first, and third Sunday evenings at X o'clock. Sun dny school every Sabbath afternoon at 2 o'clock. Kpworth l-eaguo In Ihe evening on Sabbath at 7 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to all these ser vices, which are held In Ihe A. O. I!. W. Hall for the present, and this d"nomlniitlon expects to biillil a fine new church In the spring. Revival meetings are to he held soon, of which nnnouncemeiit will be given later. . It. H. Cronlse, who was Wilson 'ville's Hist depot agent, and who has been, agent at lllllshvro for some Utile time, has been returned to WIIhoii- vlllo by the Klectrlc Co. We are glad to welcome him back, and are rrai' liil that the depot Is still lo have a callable, reliable manager. liuyers and renters have been nil-nii-i-iiim lor the pa1" week In Wllson vllle, ami this fall promises to be ,u --y in tli" r'a estate line, Kxpert. apple growers from Hood River M.y Unit our apple land In this : valley would bring us the same lop- notch prices of Hood Itlver, were wo bill lo use (he sprayer to better ail vantage. Thoro Is a uroat ileal of bullillim ttolnti on In l IiIh vicinity m present, and our lilt lo vllliino will soon bo ipilto a town, Willi no drawback!!, havliiK "mil ood car service and hohllnit a splendid liver front poiil lion, which Is hcuultful and prnlll able also. THOMPSON FOR COMMISSIONER Doniocrstlo Former Ii Candidat for Pct on County Court Charles Thompson, a well known farmer of Stafford, lias aunouueod his candidacy for the position of County Commissioner. Mr. Thompson has been a resident of CIhoIviiiuiu County many years, lie favors the cost mo tion of Kood roads ami believes In peruiauenl road work,' and Is stroniilv opposed lo building county nmihi '.'limply, lie hclli'Vm III tin i cnliouilc ' un. I iniiliicsllkit iidmlnlstrntlon of ci.iinlv iiftiiHH and rtiHpvrlfully solicits tho votes nf the electors of Cliicknums county at the November election for the office of Conunlisloner. I CIIAItl.Krt TIIOMI'SON. (I'al.l adv.) REAL EST Aft: i 0 I Portland Trust Company to Robert i J. KIIcm. J uevrt-s of wllon !!. town I ship 1 si. nth, rung.' 2 cast; $r,ni). I Aha W. and M. () Albtlnht to il'iniliind (Vnii'itt Company, 177 j nctes of S. 0. Nicholson II. I C. tow ship f. smith, i iiiii 1 cast ; I I I.'. I Jr. J. K. nil Minnie Lnckn to J. W. friwsli'y, lots ;l, i, block 3, Pomp.'ll; 110. IMitcn.la Slitte Hank to W. W. Jnhnw.ii. J nrn-s of section 21, town shlti 2 south, riiiiKe i cast; ft. W. P. Phln to Heat rice llrnkko, Tract "A", Clarkninns Riverside. $10. Hurry J. unit li.na 1 Crnsn to Miirljcti A. and John I-'.Kers, f. urn-i of Maiil-liursl ; ll.il'Hi. Mmy J. Nnrion and IJII" Jck to .1. W. Yoder, (1 acres of ."ctlou , township i". south, iiingi' 1 eust; 7.'.n. M. II. Clark 'o Clackamas Rutlway Coinp.my. one half acre of Kirn KImIi cr Ii. U C: II- ' M. II. Clink to Clackamas South ern Hallway Company, lot u of block ill, Oregim CHy; l. K. W. and K.llcii Paine lo John I'alne, 72 7-'.'.''. acres of laud III Cluck ama coituly; tl. CliickiuniM Southern llallwny Corn puny to John W. filler, lot 3, Ore gon City l.'.uo. Alfred Tlinuipn.il and L'll.iib.-tli A. Thompson In Cleiuiuii C, PnroiiiiiiK inn, I. .t ii :ij. :u;, section k, township I south, range -I east; $J..r."0. .1. K. Hedges and wife, and V. T. Griflllh nnd wile to Mary Cook, "'j acres of sectli.ns Ii, li, SI, '.Vi. town ships 2 and il south, raiiKe 'i east; llo. Pearl I). Wlsslnger to (ieorge Wis singer, land In Crystal Lake Park; II. William (',. and KV'lyii -;. Thomp son to W A. (Iruiithniu, norlhenter ly niic-half of lot 4 of block 3, May woi.il; Jl.i'.o. Oregon Iron At Stcl Coinpany lo L. K. Sc.inele, let 8, Kit, Rock Villas; ('lira rorn st.-r lo II. V. I-Wioocr, part of 1), L. C. of James M. Ilrown, secllons 2H, ':', 32, .1'!. township 2 south, range 4 east ; also l.r urr. s of section 2s, (ownshlp 2 south, range i east; fl. K'astern Investment Company to John C. Iler, east half of wfst hnlf of southeast piarter of section S, town ship .'1 smith, range I cast; $1. Mary K. and .If ih n I). Stevens to A. R. Cutnmlngs, in acres nf section L'S, township .'1 south, range i ensl ; $1. John W. lieber and Christina 3. I. oeber lo Charles A. Ilelz, li acres of :!!, tnw'trdilp I south, range 2 ensl; J7un. Ililwln ami Ine Kcliles to Wlllliim and Margaret ilrodle, II acres of sec tion ;',:;, township I south, range 2 east; .".i")0. John V, and (Irate lnler lo K. W. Illesslng anil L. A. Wrenu, in acres of II. L. C. of U I). C. Ijijourelte and wife, township ;i south, range 2 east; II. ('. A. ami A. L. Hall lo Anna nnd J. J. Ilazelwood, one hiilf acre of aec Hons I, G, X, ft, township 2 hoiiIIi, range .'I east; $1. P, and A. W. DeShlelds to (. Ilnh Clinch, 7.fili acres of sections HI, II, township 2 south, range 2 east; $1,1170. A. O. Schmidt lo Hllznhotli .1. Schmidt, part of lol Whllcomb H. L. 'ownshlp 1 south, range east; $150. ICthel l, Ham to J. J. Aschwau ben, lots (i, 7, X, block 4, south, Ore gon City; $1. .lacoli and Margaretha Wi lgert to II. (',. Stevens, Jr., 5 acnes of H. I), Tompkins and wife I), L. ('.. tuiwii- i4i 2 south, range 1 east; tl.HliO. Lucelne stout lo Ida M. Sloul, 10 acres of section 17, township houiIi, ninge ,'i east; $1, 1-1. M. ami Anna Howell to natina Liinilgron, land In Clackamas enmity $:!.-. T. W. Johnson to V. fl. ('null, t; acres of section pi, 2, lowiishlp 2 youth, range 1 east; $1. Nelll" M. nml W. M. Shank t.. . K. HIsikII. south i!2 feet of block Oi-"goii City; $10. .1. A. and S. A, Ream In Kiln ami L. V. Ilarti'i, land In WlllamelJe Kails Acreare Tracts; $. Kinma C. and W. M. M-flarvey In I hut. 'I Alice Mpni'Uiiiau, land In sei:- . .... . . i t i R. B. BEATIE Di-mocrAtlc Nominee for County Judge, StAnds for the Direct Primary and Statement No. I. I will hi.M-.l. If cl.ct.-d Ci.ililt Judge, fur an i i niinuilciil leliiilnb.tiii'a ii of my nltl.c, no. I will Inky a t 1 I lllleled III 1 1 I II K 1,1 "li c 'il" "X- puns nil Ihe moil. ) p.iisil.l.'. mid will eii.l.iivur to liine the i.i.id en stiiicllou ami l.i dgo work dmi" ''' lil.niiK.il III such II way ll In he II a . iiuiil and Jif.1 luunlig Ihe pie ot ('III. I.llllllis ('nlltllV II-. It l pnr.-.il.l... I will llisn Insist lllllt Ihele l ll'l III. lie ileplllb s and clerks elupleV I'd iihniit the ci. .lit lioii"i tl ii it n K my t.tin of i. Hire, than Is nb-eliilelv nei . mry lo i-c.iii.it'.liiilly nnd propcilv carry nil Ihe busliu s mad.' iiei e-". try .y law. As a member of the Hnnid e( i;.ini ll.'ittli.n I shall deem It my duly t nil llmi's to so m t as to do al.i - luin lustier to the tiivpnycrn In cpinllra lion of their late. I Will, If elecled. til the hen' of lllV abllliv, perftirtn Ihe duties n llo- of the of Cuuiily Judge III such a way us lo give the people n safe, mine tin. I binlnc 1 1 lie ml mi I Hint nil Inn If elecled, I will linvi. no p-'s mul favorite and will roiiduct the .ul lies In such a way as to give all pin pie wllh whom I have hiilii.i, nn iil.soliitri miliar.' deal, ri'Kat.lb 's of Ihelr pollllnil nfflllntlons. It II. III.'ATIK (Paid A.lv'l) lieu 2, toHllnllip 2 south, IHIIK" 2 cist; II". John nnd Suiin J. l-'iigon In V. u. ,'. acres of m-cflnll 2'!. tnw llwiiitt J until, rilliKe l went; $ !p.l, A. W. nnd U KordM-e In livl. Lewis, laud In Shaw's Al'll:."li to Oregon City; $l. William y mi. I Lot i a U-iilf'i lo J W. Ihlgh, Inu I. 2. X I, I.. 7. s, bletk 7!i. (ir.gnti City. $ I n, (iunale Rend to John and Mury llolrwiirth, loin 2, J. block .1, (ien. isilul Addlllou In Oregon CHy; ( 1 '!.. II. It. Potneroy to Charle and I'd ward T. Webb, block 4o. 41. Put' Addition to Jelllllllgs Ui.tgi,; . Jehu C. nnd Jetlllle M. Mow rv to Iv II. (itirnn, .is.r.4 acna of ll.irnui; $;i7iio. N'otili ami Hai l. in a HI. key to ( bus. II. Whitney. 15 acna of s.-ctloii 2. township f, south, range I eust; fs2. Nlcholiia I .It-It t to Paul P.iu'.ai.n, 20.42 acres of Cliickniiias County; II. Chnrlen and I'llabeth (ieph.-rt to Paul Paulson. 1 acres of section 25, ;'ii, :t5. ::r,, township I souih, rang" 2 cast; $10. William and Rnsettn A. Heard. rff to Paul Paulson, 5 acres of sectloiii 2.', 2'"., :!.'.. ml, towiihlilp 1 south, r.inge 2 east; o. Kll-ab. ili W. and W. C. Clieii-v to (leorge II (Pithrle. 2 Kli acres of pe'er milt Reli.-cra J. Rlnearson l. 1,. ('., section p.', township 2 souih, rang" 2 east; lll'io. Then. I. .if W. and Helen l.lndketi to J. C. and Helen WiiKenuin, "5 acres nf section .'to. township 3 south, r.HK" I east ; l.'iiuO. ( hiiiles I. and Julia M. Hunter to S. II Klmhiill, In tut In section 2. town ship 2 south, range 2 ensl; iino (;,-., ik'.' K. and Clnni llnrrluget lo Klb'ti J. Myers, 21 ncres of section 2.'., township 2 south, range f, onM; $10. William Clark to M. and K, Ibi'l , ,'l.so acres of section 7, township 4 soulh, t a ui;e : east ; Jliiiin, M. and P. Ilu.l to William Clark, lol HI, block .Ml, (iliidsloue; $10. W. II. Vincent to Kdwiird Arm strong, l.'l.ho acres of section 17, township 2 south, range .1 east; lloo. J. W. and Mary Haulier to II II. I'f. 1.22 acres or I). I C, of t ;. Crow and wife, No, 4H, township 2 south, ninge 1 ensl; $1, J. W. nml Mary Haulier to Henry K. Jones, .M ncri-s I). L. C, of (ieorge Crow' nml wife, tow'ushlp 2 south, range 1 east; $. K. K. ami Martha H. Riley lo Cluis. Itatibe, lots lit, 20, block LI, Mlll thnrn Aildltloti to Portland; 1 1 mi. (ieorgo R. Ciinimlngs to It. W. Mc Keoli, h.:i5 acres of secllons 2S. 2'.l, township II smith, ruiige 1 east; $1,2011. R. W. McKeon lo Arthur R. Cum inlngs, liiinl In sectloiiH 2X, 21'. town ship it south, range 1 east; $1. 1 Jacob llarlesa lo I. W, and Ever man Robblns, lots I ami II, Moliilla; $2,1100. Peter and Karlii Weslherg to Ills Irlct No. 122, liiutl In section II, township 5 soulh, range ;i cast; $10. Ilunniih Liissoii lo Iluriui J. San fonl, lot i; or block ;:o, couniy Addl- lion lo Oregon City; $10. CLACK AMA8 ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Ofllce over Hank of Oregon Clfy. JOHN V. CLARK. Mk'r. A Reliable Remedy FOR CATAHP.il Ell's Cream Balm it tUirl.lf llll.irllli.l. (ilvet li. Iirl at lima. R .-I.-IUI'.CM, Hoolh.-M, lii-iils mid piiii.-.iit III.! llh.-ll-.-.l lllcili. biiui.) resulliu:; Imm Ci;lnr.!i ami .lii-'-" nway uCi.ld in tl, id-mi .jiiirl.ly. II. Hie S.-iiv-h .,( T.i-lu nml hin. II. J ell -i'-" 5(1 els. nt l)Mi-...j.t j or by i.iuil. l.i..iJ Von in '!-,Iiii f. ,r p, ,. j,, hOmmi.-im 7", . i .. l.ly Lrntliern, M V;,rreu Htns-t, New '-. :'