Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1910, Image 1

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    M t 1 t i I 1
The Entei'prlte I
I' only CIr.Mainnt
Newtpnper tliwt
mi ut the now.
fliowiinj County,
i i i i i i , , , , i , i
ul till
Hal your subscription ex
pired? Look at the label.
You ihould not miss any
of our newt number.
Attend to it now.
i t
Or.goti Historic flocler; ESTABLISHED 1865
Congrnmn Hawley and Senator
Chamberlain Have Prominent
Curt In Exercltet Rln
It Disappointment.
1 In' fuiiitli iiiiiiiml fulr Ih-IiI ly tlx
Clttckminnt County I'ulr Aniuelullnii
lit tln Inlr grounds In t'uuliy cliim-il
oil H.itni il.iy iilkhl, ttttur a throe
lny V naiilini. The tlmi iliiy of Hi"
fulr wim mil mm largely 1 1 nihil im
the two fiillnnliiK day. On Friday
in in it I li ti all exhibits wort) In tlii'lr
plmm Th" null hIioiih nil liny nil Fit
tin y mnl brought over 7"" penple to
tlu fulr grimmls, but " Hulurdny,
ultliniiijli Hi" wi'iiili'T being iinliivur-
lllllll l till' tlllirillllK. Ulllllll SlMUl pl'll-
pl iiUi'H'IimI, urn ii v from IhlH city ill
kIiiIIIih. hi Id a y wan oicgnu t'liy
mnl I'liriliiiui il.iy, mnl about 5on
people front title i'Uy l"fl on th" II: I J
liulii rutin nlng In I In' evening. Tin'
Nice Vk ITU lllllllllll lilt) llllllll fl'llltiri'H.
Imt there wim tome illuiiMiliitiiii'lit In
1 In i', iiml Wimp mil ii i In til" Bland
mil of I hum on I In- tuu k Iiml yi-nr.
Th" ruim Iiml iM-rn turned over l
til" Idvi'inlil" 111 h III); ('lull nf Port,
liiiul, mnl tln'i" eie in) running riicm
nil Hi" proKniniine, except III" llml
iliiy. It miiy mik, Tim nlluT race
romi. .1 nf trotting mill pining rue"
'III" Im'kI iiii'h wim mi tiiitiir.luy ntt"-
lute ri" ii .ii. I'mlii' luiti, CriHiin,
GeoiK'n tin-", mnl Ui il Skin.
Tli" n-milt nf III" Jlliis fur T'lllllH
ilny wan ii m It'lln.'-'
I'ai liiK, i ii" Imlf mil" li. ul, three In
five; Atilli.ll. flltit; fieiirgill Hint),
("(unit, Ulii" Jacket. Tlilnl. Time
I'.U: I:I.'i, l it. Puire. (ten.
'I iiiii.iit;: li'-'l Sl.lu, flint, linily
llliiip!", r iti.t . Cninni, tlilnl. 1'iin.c,
ln)V puny imi-, qimtti r lull":
Mlilii.'t, (Hit. Hilly. f"fi.iu); ltlui UN .
tlilnl. Tlui". :'t.
Tli" Ii Hill nf I'llde.) riiot'H Win 111
llulf.mllii trui :. Until" Dimple, tlml;
CuyllK'lit, i."niiiil; ItimtuK, ililnl, II
I'M'k flm lirsiU tu iliilil" Hi" rr.
Th" lliuo liiiul" by IXi!!!ij lutuiilu in
III" liii li"nt n I : iav.
H fi.nfnt-.il I: lt"il Skin, drill;
(iinrKla Itiin", humiiiI; . ',', lliiril,
I'luiiiii, fmntli; lllii" JeiUit, Ilfth;.
Siiliinlii)' rui'i'H rimiH'i In tli"
tlliii lull" trnl
Guv YimtiK. driving
Zn '., Kim th" rare, t'rnltui nun" In
Mtnliil; 1 1 - ul l.lll. ililnl; I'uillhhllll,
Iniii ili. Hlu" .liieket won tin. half
mil" pace in three straight beats,
JinlK T. I'. It ..it Nvii.-i Chief Judge
nf Ihe i.iii"! iluiiiu tlui three days'
reunion nf (h" fiiir Jmti:e C II Ililnl. 1
ami Gciu: J.:i'lle w-re Jiiilg.-s lur omiii'Ih nf Oregnii fit v In start the : playing f'sitliiill at l uiiliy. lie col
li!" llml d.i nf tiie iin-i- i. Jin lei' J. C. bull rnllliii.:. ItiVi-stl-.-uilmi hits nrnveii ! Hded Willi nmitht-r player. Young
Campbell mnl tiling" Uu.'lli- fur the!
i i I ilu. uml en Hie ihlnl day C.
SrhU' hi-1, (""iim" l.a.-.i -lie mnl Judr.n
Itjmi. ' l . N. Wall, if t unliy, wiih lire injulnni th" srheniK. I here Is an
cierk nf tli" rniirje; ei li'iii'iiiH belief preluding that gnnd
On TlnU'mluy mnttlllii! lit II o'clock ' roads and l"W tae will follow lin
Ihe c . ri in it 1 1 Ii exi-ril.es look pliiee : mr-lluli-ly lifer miuexatlnn.
no tin. pint form in the grove. Th" 1
ipi.'eii. Mi.is dr. i U-e, of Caiiby, uc-j Livery Stable Horset Die.
. '...iiut...'i. ni t"i iiiit.n:i it iiuiiiii ,
Mimi .IiimI" Ciruili, nf Oregon City;
MIms l.i-la Smith, nf .Macki.biirg. .Mlns
Olgn Howe, t, iiarlnw, and "Miss
I 'ul -Mil I luff mull nf l.'r-i ...-I..,1
,,i. II, ., 'l, Il.o I
took ihelr phii-es mi iho plutforin,
when, were m-.U.'.l linn. li. II. Iilmlck. j
ii l. i.'i... ,.,,.1 ii.... j-. ......I . l
U. II I'.li.V lllllll" 111" 0ii'!llllK llillllcs.1
mill luiriiiliiceil Hon. -W. C, lluwley,
who tiioii I'liiii-ci. .,r ii,,, ii-r,-b.,,ii mil i
I,, ii fni- u,.M ,.ii,, i., ,.ii,,..,.i ii,..!
guided rionn on the qi n, thus glvj
rig her mini majesty control of ilie I
f ill. The Oregon City bund rendered I
several popular select Inns, after
which Hie queen, and her attendants,
Mini. . C. lluwley. Judge (i. II. Him
i cl( mid O. I Khy repaired to Ihe
ln villi ti mid limk their places on the
throne, which was nrlisllcally deco-
ruled lu tlui national colors. An ad
dress wan minli, by Mr. lluwley and
was followed by selections by the
blind. Th" queen, who Is one of th
most popular young liulleH In the
epnnly, was becomingly ut tired In'u
gown of blue chllTiin over blue mi
Hiillne. The maids were prettily
gowned In white. During the races
Jiieep Orn mid her maids occupied
n box lu the grandstand, nml (his was
decorated In the mil tonal colors.
During the Ihree ilaya' session ol
the fair the building wiih thronged
with the visitors who viewed Iho line
exhibit of vegetables, fruits, the
ladles' textile, department, domestic
science department, dairy department'
mid exhibits by many of the business
bouses, .Many ultractlvo booths were
In evdlence.
Each evening n programme was
given In Ihe pavilion and wns attend
ed by Hevernl hundred people. The
curly purl of the evening the bund
, gave musical selections, tho Oregon
City band furnishing the music the
(1 rut two iliiys mnl the Mllwniiklo
bund the Inst day. On Tlmrsdny eve
ning Hubert Warner, nf Oregon Clly,
gave an exhibition of fancy club
swinging, and wan followed by music
by tho Oregon City band.
On Friday evening A. II. Devers,' of
the firm of Clossef ft Dovers, of l'orf
land, gave mi address and was fol
lowed hy Dr. J. It. Wetherbco mid
llr. Unyninnil, nf Port liinil. All of
I liese liiMrnsses worn right to tho
point, and were highly appreciated hy
thu large audience. Mrs. li'on De
Utr.es, of Oregon City, was tho solo
ist of the evening nml delighted tier
hearers, Shu wiih forced to respond
to n henrly encore. The Oregon City
baud furnished govern) selections,
which were well received.
(('oiulnuei! on Pago II. j
'I ll" ( l.n'liiitmin liry I'liinpiilk'ii
Kpi'lllli'l'N, (', KrlllU'lii'l unit .lullll W,
lnlii, lii'lil Iwn 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 k Huiiiluy,
tli llml lit IOikUi Cri'i'li III th" I'rre-
liyti.fliiii Clitiicli H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iimniliiK ami
III" 'ililnl In III" llfliTlMinll nt HprliiK
win it. ,N'iiiliHtiiinlliiK tln liu.'li"
Hu nt wi'iitlu'r tlii'iii wiih ii lurk" ul
("inlillirii ill tli" iiinrillllK lui'i'illiK.
mnl In Imili pliirnH ttii-rii wim iiiiiili
iiiiiliiiiiliiHin uviir l hu iiiuvi'iiii'iK to
plui" Cliicliiiuum (niiiily In III" muni1
cnliiniii with I, Inn, Ijui", llmitoii uml
pinny uilmr Oii'kiiii ('uiiiilli'it. Tint
HllrrliiK Hi'li'iTliniK hy th" iiinrt"tt"
"n liilirtlly npplmnli'il In liotli llu
i !( I u-m. (iiIht ini'i'ilnnH mlii'iluliiil
hy Mr. Hi'liimlii'l uml Mr. Ul"r ilur
liiK ill" ciiinpiilKii follow; Sitliinliiy.
Oi'toliiT H. IHkIiIiiihI; TtH'nluy, (in
tolinr, II, Miinpiiiin ; Hiitunlny, Orto-
Imt IS, liKiin: Wi'ilui'iiility, Di'iolmr
lit. Vlolii. Htttiii'lity, Oitnlii-r 22.
Ni'iily; Kuilil'iy, Oi'lolii-r 2, llurlnw;
Wi'iliiiMiliiy. Oi'toliiT 2rt. I'li'iifliinl
Hill: Hiiiiiiiliiy, Oi'toiii-r :".i, Timiutlti;
Huii'liiy, Oitolii'r :hi, Mupl" Unit-;
V"ilii"Hiiiy, Noviiinlii'r 2, . Itrown'e
nrlinnlliutiM'; riiiturility, Novi'inliiT (i,
Clark Story It Injured In Practice ; rrh-eil n ronipll ilary vote. The
Barclay School. I neennd t.allui reunited: Schiiebel 7;
' I I )'", 1; Cromi, 0; Huntley 1. The
Clnik Hlory. mm nf Mr. und Mm. K. : ti,,d bullm Knve the place to Mr.
K. Htmy. while playln fnotluill Wed j Hchuebi'l. mid tin. vote atood: Bchue-ni'-itiiy
at iiinin on tint llarrlny Hiboul , .i (j. frB-i 7.
KrniiuiiH, in"! nii a 11111111111 acciiieiii
nhi'li the IhiK" Iiiiiiii of IiIk I'k wiih
lliitllv iiuriiui'ii 111111 mi' Biiiiiiit-i 1 1 ,,it, ., ...1., ... .. . . t
. . .... , . , , ,i.i lill II t HllOttllli; Hfl'fl! VOtej for
brnkiii. The lint wim taken to llini.,....; . .... ;
Iinini. 011 Sixth mnl Jeffi-rmm ntri-ets.
- 1. ,.Jli,i.., , ......
who net tin- lliiib. The liny Ktal"H
j that h" hut Iiml n mifflcleticy nf foot.
! bull. It In thoilKlit that th" lKiy'H l"K
mm Iiml, ni by ntin of-the lioyt nccl
i ib ulnlly nti'ppliiK on It, an the Story
j buy hud tiei'ti thrown to ihe Kmuiiil
In the ai-iiffle for Hi" pniiHi'tiilnii of
i th" bull.
Th" lli.iir.l nf tinvi rnnn. nf Ihe (lr, -
,. ...i... ...... 1 . 11
. .1,,." Ini- for . i.lnv ivenlnH ut
8 o'clock nf all the club inemU-rs In
HllscuiH Hie nrnniHi'd iiiiiiexulloii nf 11
! pnrlliiu nf Cliii'kmiuiH In Miiltnonuili
! It Is III" b lief nr the null ulilli'Mitlnn
j ci'mtnluc" tluit otKanli'i.iInn of the
(orces opposed to county division
: Hlmiild be the llml step and It Is up to
members of the Cninnieri lal Club
iiitil the
Unidn.-H men mid pruperlv
that maiiv resi"inH of Ku.-itern mnl
' Ni.rthern CliickiimiiH county, which It
J In prupnsed lo annex In Multnomah.
Twii horses belonging to 11
Miinilvs stable were taken s'ek
Oil (
Friday nlgbt, oil" nt S o'clock and the
I nlher at 1 1 oi lncli, one of them ulng;
tw" hnlll-H
lifter and the other llire"!,M . , , .... . ..... ' ,
I 1 i- l-.t.l.. .1... ......,rl.,,,,-i. uni. I
" "' '"' '""',' ' . '
"""' ns snmmniicl. but " '" ,
in nun nui uie r.uiM oi u.-ioii. i-i.
' ''
I'.l'lv minli' n pnsi mortem cxamltm-i
Hon, but tin purl Ides nf pnlson w ere
visible. Ihe two horses were mining
most valuable beliiiiging to the
Woman' Burnt are Fatal.
Mrs. A. Stefan!, the wlfo of n prom-'
Inent sawmill owner III Caiibv, died
Friday night, us it result of serious
Injuries received Thursday evening ;
by the explnsoln nf a can of ollk Shei
Blurted n flro In the sieve using kern-l
sen", and thought the lire und railed:
to Imgi. She placed the ran contain
ing Ihe kerosene on top of til" slove,
and tin' explosion followed, burning
the nnfoitunnte wnmnn In n terrible
manner. Shu lingered until Friday
night In horrible ngony. She was
ng"d about 35 ycurs and Is survived
by her hiiHhund and live children.
Wagon Capsize Near Trestle.
E. J. Burnett, wife and buby, bound
for M illlno from Portland, In n wagon
laileii with household goods, tipped
over near the Fotirleeneh street
I resile Thursday, Willing lunula soon
had Mr.' lluneil's belongings on the
wagon, which was righted, mid he
started early Friday to Ills destina
tion. There were no Injuries,
No. 2.
I say ndvnrilsliig Is one of tho
biggest problems of tho world.
And I can prove It!
More 1 1 1 ti ii $1100,000,000 a year
Is estimated us the advertising
expcndltjires In the Untied States
And nt flint, advertising prop
erly used Is nn economical force!
Of course fuko advertising,
which takes money out of tho
public purse without giving nn
adequate return, Is detrimental
bolh to the public mid to the
newspaper or publication tn
which Iho ndvertlslng Is run.
. But good, Round. Informative'
advertising I ninliitalii Is of great
benefit to tho public nt large.
Advertising Is nn educator, nn
advance ngent of higher civiliza
tion! (To ho Continued.)
C. Behuebel ii Choeen for 8tte end
Coo. C. Brownell for Conjree
einnol Committeemen Sup
port Promieed Ticket.
I.lvy Htlpp wiih limt Sntiinliiy rp
cli'Ctid I'liiilrmim of tho Hi'ptilillrati
Count y Ci'iitnil CoiiimlKuo for Cluck
aiiinii Coiiiity, ri'cclvliiK iilim votcK
to five for John It. KkIhu of Mllwau-
kl". Mr. K"lo wim hoit"ii triiiMiiri'r
mnl Win. flmiiiiioiiil wim "Inrti'il m-i-rii-Iiii.m
('oiinliliTiililii InitTi'Ht wuh taki-Jl
ovir tin- nli'dloii of it talu coiiimlt
ti'i'iimn uml a ooiKiri'iniloiinl com
in 1 1 1 Inn n. I lino billion b"lli liikon
In mull IliMtutii". I", Schiiclifl, ('. II.
Py" unci It. II (.'rime wcro iioiiilnuii'il
fur Kiut" coimnliti'i'inan. On tin
Hint ballot lii" volo wae; C Kcliiii
b'l. f.: live, t; CroHH, f,. C. G. lluntli-y'
im not placed In nomination but ru
tleorne V. Iliownill wan electeil
rotiitreKKloniil ronmilitemiin, the Urm
'"' ' ... "" ""
I "'' Th" aerund liiilmi ntood: Hrown-
f1ir...k tit.. I ,. II. .1.1.
milt nf thf third ballot wim decisive,
111" vol.. belliK: Hrowtlcll, 8; CroHH, 5;
Huntley. I.
Th" chairman, nectetnry and treas
urer will coiutltiitu a tunnnKlnc com-Iiiliti-e.
The mc'-tlim wa the flrBt to
be held ilnce the prlninrle. nt which
a new cctiinil roimulttee was elected.
Tho nrKiitiltitliin nie.'ins that the sup;
H'rt of the entire Hi'iniblicnn State
mill Comity ticket will be vigorous.
John p. Clark, the ret iritis secretary,
was not a randldate for reelection, ar,
he Is the Republican nominee for
County Juilce.
Open Season for Upland Bird.
Th" open season for upland bird
doi- lint open until October 15 this
year. This npplieH to Chinese pliein
siints, quail and grouse The senson
irl""' November 1.1 giving the sports
tiii-n Inst oil" month for IiihiIIiil- It
!1'1 unlawful to kill female peasants
"' ""' ",ir K , ,h!' The
" ' ' "? " un"
1 lllll'll ..'III. Ill "IT .lll.'KN 1H .1.1.11 I ."III-
. r ... . 1. m-. . . . .
i"r I tn February 13.'
First F00tb.1l Accident at Canby.
A.l.ill.url f:..r.l..n I t.A 1 v.n.r nl.l
j "' nf Mr. and Mrs
V. .1. Gordon
' anny, Drnki. ins nose .V. unlay Willie
tlnnlnti was bnnight to Oregon Clty
' hnnln i'. Clulre, and Hr. C. II
i.Melssner set his Injured facial mem
Birber Jumps Board BUI.
Jnlin Allen, alias .1. V. Woods,
li u-lier w in. has been working at the lamed pointers about tie orgaiiii'iuion P(1 (l tIl0 Oregon City Uiundry, ma.vjver Creek, 1 uesday. Oct. -:; tison
corner nf Filth mid Main streets, was 1,s ""' r'"r"sl rov'' l"'l'lIe propose !os0 th,. fls,.,s ( her left hand as.vllle. Tlmrsdny, Oct. 27: Oswego,
ciiplut'i'd 111 I'nitlaiid Wednesdav ' f""" Itrotberhnnil this winter. ri,s,l!t f m.-fitlnt that occur-! Friday, Oct. 2S: Clackamas, Saturday.
iilii'i noiiii ou iniriisnie street by Con-
1 .,, . ..- I.. .. ,11....
. .,. ,,,. ., hr,. , ,,.
HIS " I I. ..o. ,lt .in- .will I 1 .11
irant. amounting !,. about IV
m ril, rent bill. He Is
"It.' till iitvi.lllm- n lo.n.-li.i-
. .
Figures of County Clerk Greennum Show Total Vote Received By Each
Candidate In Primary Election.
State. '
For Hepreseiitutlve III Congress, First
Congii'sslnnnl District
lluwley, W. C
Mulkey, If. F
For (rovi'mor-
Abraham, Albert ..
llowcrinun, Jay , . ,
Diiiilcli, tlrnut B, ..
1 Infer, V.
For Secretary of State
Benson, F. W
Wlngate, ()
For State Treasurer
lloyt. Hulph W. ...
Kay, ThonuiH li KJ28
For Justice of the Supreme Court
(four year term)
Bean, Henry J
Mcllrlde, Thomas A
McCamaut, Wallace
For Justice of the Supremo
(six year term) -
Burnett, Geo. 11
Muore, Frank A
For Attorney-C.enerul
Crawford, A. M
Hurt, J. N
,. 11105
. .11ISI1
.. 528
.. 648'
For Superintendent of Public Instruc
lion '
'(' -
Alderman, U R. .
For Stale Pi Inter
Clark, Win. ,1 '. 701!
Dunlwiiy, Willis S 17011 1
For Commissioner nf Ijibor Statistics I
and Inspector of Factories audi
liorr, 0. p
Orion, (j, .M'
For Conimssloner of
mission of Oregon
Miller, Frank .1. .
For State Engineer
l,cwis, John 11. '. .
.. 119
nM,',i f.,.l
j " y j
JAY BOWERMAN, nominated by thai
Republican of Oregon for Cover-;
nor. Mr. Bowerman will refuie, if,
..elected, to aanction ny amend-'
menti to the People'e Lewe. I
PROMINENT MEN 6PEAK AT THEjun the mat. The men were rather
Acting-Governor Bowerman Make a
Pleasant Speech and W. S. U'Ren
Explain Meaiuret Before
the Voter.
The first meeting of the Men'a
Hniiherhnod III the parlors of the
night, brought out a large crowd of
men to hear the speakers of the
evening. The hhiiiiI nipii-r preceded
' .
the proKrainnii', which was more than
of ordinary Interest, as acting Gover-
nor .Liy llowern.an was a guest and
. .,.,,.. ,
n....l" a brief talk, but carefully re-
frulned from touchliiK in political
matters. W. S- I"Ren was also pres-
ent and made nil address mid not.;
... . . :
wn iMunuing ... mi, u,, ,k,- n
...... moil ........ .u...i.
rantltdai'.jr for Governor, hirmony pre-
vnlli .l and polities' was fknooed. Mr.
I' Reii tnlked alH.nt the Initiative
ineiisiires that are to come before the
people at the November election anil
. , . . - .
explained the vurposc of some of
i Hiese amen.lmet.is. auswerlng many
, questUins that were propouim,,!.
I llllll!. Jill K'- llillil.K .iiiii-ii
f-... t .. .1 .... i ...1..1. r. 1. ...... .1
Governor Biiwernuin. and simke warm
,. -"" ' " "
, worus of commeiiiiathin 111 nenan 01
words of eomiiietiilatioii In behalf of
I tiie
Ifpillilicaii guliirnritorlal noim-
The two men were raised to-
gl'thlT Utlll Weill
to the same school
,r in Marian 1 ounty, una are iasi
1 liaries tl. Moores, t I'ortmnii. inr-
merly Register nf the Oregon City-
l.-ind Office, was
one of the tn a i ii
speakers nf the evening, n ml he talk
ed entertainingly In a reminiscent
vein of Hie in On gnu City when he
was a resident of the town. W. N.
Ferrln, president of I'liclflc Vniver
Hlty at Forest drove, spoke of the
work or the Urotherh. mil. and cdi-
.music was fiiriustn u ny tiie lies
, 1 H-t n
... ,1,..,.,,..,;i ,. r,...,i
... , ,.,. ,.,
.'.V III.- IIIIIT-ll ll 11,1 . lif,u-silllllllll
R church, and the suit
of the affair
points to an enjoyable season for the
members of the organization.
For Division Superintendent of WuCwr
Dlv.slon No. 1
Chluiincli, James T 1075
lltttins, Fred K "i2,S
Fur Judge of the Circuit Court, Fifth
Judicial District
Campbell, .1. I' 2103
Kakln, J. A 1470
For Senator Mth Senatorial District,
Clackamas, Columbia and Multuo-
niiin counties
Driike. Knimot . .
Mahirkcy, Dan ,1.
For Itepresentiitlve 17ih Represent a-
tivo District, Clacknniiis mid Mull
iiimiuh Counties
Chattel), W. 11
Lntourclte, John U
For Senator
Dlmlck. Walter A
Huntley, C. CJ
For Representatives-
Apperson, J. T
Carter, E. P
Exon, J. Wi
Jones, l.lim E
Mngoue, M. A
Yoder, J. S
For County Judge
1 1- i ,
1009 ;
703 !
Clark. John F 1298
iAHvellen, John ,
72.1 !
429 '
I Story, Coorgo L.
.For County Commissioner
I Blair, N
Mullatt. J. J
For Sheriff
Dlinlck, D )t.
Hackett. li. C
.. 403
.. 059
For Comity Clerk
l-nlc. C. At
Mulvey, W. C. .
Taylor, I. D. ....
I For Recorder of Conveyances
! Dedmnn, E. J
I Williams, Moyd E
For County Treasurer
Tufts, j. A -
to OIlli'Tt C. H'-iiil, an alternative
j writ of rnaniliimux was Isfliied Tin-nil
irru pnrr t a rrnn i nt ' ''"V '1V Circuit .IipK-p Campliell, direct-
j irn-n I,. K. Fii-IIIlK, Asa Hawklnn, J. P.
! Woi;ill Charli-3 Shuttirr and W. D.
Vancouver Barrack Man Showi Claaa
and 6trenuoue Effort on Part of
Butch i Required to
Wln Two Falls.
I Carl Hum h, who clalimi the title of
mlddlewelKht champion of (jermany,
won a atrulnht match TueHday nlKtit
J with John lirnen. .a uobller from
Vancouver Ikirracka, at the Armory I'" framing uqnor iicensen
1 tiMHf-h h,i no entf k mid lout thnt Kstacada has no aaloona,
; firH fall in 20 minutes, an the aoldli.-r
: wan heavier and fant and atronR, and
I ho weakened Hunch's knee early In
i the match and a few minute later
had both ahoulderg of the German
evenly matched, and all of the atreng-
th and skill poHSettscd hy the German
were required to best the dier.
IliiHch came back with determination
and in thirteen minutes of hard
wrestling he won the second fall, with
a half Nelson and scratch hold. His
wind was better than Lursen's, but
the lad from the Ilarracks wag game
aA ni miMMi.. ,,.r nw,in,i i ,,in
down his shoulders ror the deciding
The Inclement weather was respon
sible for rather a small crowd, but
the fans who were there got their
money's worth, for the mutch was by
far the best ever seen here. Time
after time It appeared that Busch
had the soldier going, but the strength
I and agility of the latter would be
brought Into play, and the hold would
' ",k with apparent eaBe. Lorsen
L" . ...i . Z.. ..'-.ul
UK lg l.lll mill lai.jr auu inn surtiiiu
Bn, alertness are marvelous. Most
of the time be was on the defensive,
'" the first fall. Busch tried ev-
crythlng In the wrestling game, ex-
ppl)t th(. lmrre(j straI1Kle hohl an(,
the half Nel.,071 was the only hold
used successfully acalnst the soldier,
Two young bantams put up four
fast rounds of boxing as a prellml-
. M fa3t ,, furl -
oils. 1 iiey i-n- iiiiiiiwtra ny niiiwu
and Freeman, who sparred four tamej
"nnd. ' I
After the match a challenge was ls-
su d to Busch for a straight match j
with a Jiexican wresuer. wim a siue
t . ...... . 1. 1 tl u K,
bet of lino, and it U possible that a
go will be arranged ror October
"l .ii" .1.1.."... mixtu -1...
I .l. t . -.... Ha .
.... .. .........
up tnnit-rit fur n fiiin.iipnn mn rn
w ith "Auk" Smith, and on Friday
',.. ..',... .... "... . ' t-...i..
mi., mu wi r..,.o.
i.im.i i.e . i.i '""'Zl";
night he has a match at Canby with
' Mraneier Mini n. 01 roruanu. miii
"Slrancler Sntl
lie will try lo throw three times In an
hour, with the strangle hold barred.;
inn ..mmy inns am muium
; ! day. Oct. .15; Molalla. Monday, Oct.
Mir. v.rni. u.iri m3U in cinnrrs'lT; Marquam, Tuesday, Oct. 18;
as Result of Accident.
xiis, Vernlo Mead, who Is emnloy -
red at me laundry r ruiuy anernooii.
.....l-U,. .... .....Ml.-. tl-h.in
hr urt i.m..i ... cm-ht in the n.n.
,,,., ., ,..,, ' .t.1;.1.i ti, -.,,.,i
lllllll nil,, 1. I.llil.. I. li.l. v.. ,.v v... ....
was dressed und there is a possibil-l
Ity that the doctor may be nble to
save her lingers.
Fnr Coroner
Fox. Dr. Thomas J.
For Surveyor
Meldmm, D. T
Both. Fred M
For Governor
Myers, Jefferson
West, Oswald
For Secretary of State
' !
.. 159
.. 330
.. 410
uuver, i inner
For Justice of the Supreme
(four year term)
Slater, Woodson T
For Justice of the Supreme
(six year term)
,. 430
,. 430
. . 350
. . 80
King, Will K
For Stale Printer .
Godfrey, James E
Taylor. J. Scott
jFor Commissioner of tiie Railroad
V niuunssinil 01 uiei;itll
McUtlne- Hugh
Strain, Charles P
For Senator
Eby. O. D
For Representatives
Baker. R. W
Strickland. M. C.
Bobbins, O. D
For County Judge
Beatle, R. B
For County Commissioner
Thompson, Chas. 44S
, For Sheriff .
Mass, Ernst T
For County Clerk
Ijmg, H. YV
For Recorder of Conveyances
Harding. H. J
For County Treasurer
Mars. W. W
For Coroner
Myers, Tom J
For Surveyor
Cautlold, I.ee J 439
I in nil iiti.'iiii" tu uiiiiii"i ' u" Lily
I of K-t;irain to Krnnt a liquor lircne
Ili'iilhrnn lo nppi.'ar at Orcffon City
Tui'Kdny. October 11, at 9:50 A. M..
to Know caiiH" why the city should
not be cornfx-lled to (jrant Read a
llci'iis". The petition gtatf-s that
Read filed an application on AiiKimt
18, for a HccniHt to hpII liquor at Rnta
cada on Second and Broadway Sta,
for a period of one year, and at a
meeting held August HO the council
refused to Kne the license upon the
ground that It was opposed generally
b'-en voted dry nt the general elec
tion In June 19ng, but It eontended
that the city charter of that town
gives the council power to regulate
the liquor traffic, regardless of the
local option law.
Gasoline Blaze Calls Department.
The fire department was called out
Friday afternoon by an alarm from
th- olrt Kd.lv hulle d ,he corner m'
the old Eddy house on the corner of
Sixth street and Railroad Avenue.
' "a was
d," ,0 lheJ!se ' gasoline In washing
clothes. The inflammable material
was poured Into a wash boiler and
spilled over on the stove, causing a
small explosion.
l-jobo Robs Dotion'i Cabin.
The cabin of S. C. Dotson on the
Criteser place near Rock Island,
south of Oregon City, was entered on
Thursday afternoon and robbed. The
thief Is unknown, but Is supposed by
j ,, of p0yce Burns to whom the
j ,brr was reported.' to liave been
nofto- A 'atcn. ring, fountain pen
a hobo.
and a pair of glasses were taken.
J ans lOI III" nr iuu!lliiu i.uiiiiiiait.
rIapklln.M Covn,v have been out-
: 11 1 1... S-1...I.. C ! nt
. .., .nmml,,pp ,. ,u Pnn.ih.
'ii.u V v. ....... u..r, ..v
. . .
i Mean mass meetings, at wnicn the
,-., , tn ,.. Ivoforo tha
. f , v" mh. ;HI1 -.'m
ikopW at the November election will
: : - .. 1KlJ hn, ir,i hOP
he discussed, have already been
scheduled. At these meetings a no
i tary public will be present to regis
i ter voters. The meetings will be
jheld In tho evening and the schedule
j follows:
j Sunnysiile. Wednesday, Oct. 12;
Damascus. Thursday, Oct. 13: Boring.
: Fridav. Oct. 14: Eagle Creek, Satur-
j lmrg. Thursday. Oct. 20; Clarkes,
Friday. Oct. 21; Canby, Saturday, Oct.
iJi: New Era, Monday, Octj 2
- ua iik.ih. ik-i-i......
1 - XT I 1 1" fill L- I e l-VlnilV 1V. 4' KStH-
I eada nml Samlv. Saturday. Xov
! nveirnn Cltv Miindar. Nov. 7.
; v . -. - - - . , ----- . .
Wrestler Wanted On Forgery Charge
j Porter Munson, who wrestled Carl
j Busch here Tuesday night, and lost
j the match, is wanted in Astoria an a
; charge of uttering a forget) check
Munson Is wrestling Instructor of the
; Astoria Amateur Association. He left
Oregon City yesterday for .Portland
He is a clever man and Busch used
up one hour and 47 minutes in put
ting Munson's shoulders to the mat
for the first fall.
Niiv Trlr-nhone Onerator Arrives
A new telenhone onerator has been
emnloved at the office of the Home
Telonhnne Comt.anv. She arrived
here Saturday morning at the home of
Munmrer nnd Mrs. TV B. Havhurst. in
Canemah, and weighs exactly eight
pounds. The first word the young
iadv said was "Number?"
Mrs. Helen Smith Seriously III.
Mrs. Helen Smith, who Is employed
In 1 Adams' store, was taken ser
iously ill with heart trouble Wednes
day afternoon and taken to her home
In Canemah. Mrs'. Smith was uncon
scious for several hours, but ts im
Mr and Mrs. Walter Well Presented
With Gift.
Mrs. Walter YVells, one of the
"newly weds" of this city, whs taken
by surprise Saturday evening by some
of the members of the Gypsy nnd C.
N. S. Clubs. The affair had been
planned to take place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells on Fifth
nnd Jefferson StreeLs, but as Mrs.
Wlls wns on a visit to the home of
her mother, Mrs. W. J. Gordon, at
Canby. and did not return until a late
hour, the party was given at the home
of Miss Bess Kelly. Mrs. Wells was
Invited to the home of Miss Kelly
upon her nrrival home, and her sur
prise was completq. She. was pre
sented with a handsome silver carv
ing set nnd cold meat fork, besides
many useful kitchen uutensils. Re
freshments were served.
Present were, Mrs. M. D. Lntour
ette, Mrs L. A. Morris, Miss Helen
Daulton. Mrs. Charles Griffith. Miss
Aimee Bollnck, Miss Zida Goldsmith,
Miss Cis Barclay Pratt, Miss Bess
Jay Bowerman, Republican Candidate
Pof Governor, Hit Straight
From Shoulder at Mar.
Who Bolted Party.
To Jonathon liourne, Jr.; In the
Portland evening papers of Septem
ber ;;o there appeaared an interview
credited to you. In which you indulged
in a great many generalities and
meaningless platitudes. In this
phraseology you presume to Uaue a
command to the people of Oregon to
vote against many candidates in the
coming election nominated by the re
cent primary.
Since your election to the t'nlled
States Senate you have not taken
sufficient Interest In the State of
Oregon to spend any great amount
ume r"'rr
ar" aS P"8' 10
pastimes and associations more
agreeable to you while you were able
to find In this and foreign countries.
You have visited this state but twee
during the the last four years, and
then devoted very little time to ascer
taining the wishes of ihe people of
Oregon, or their need or require
ments; but you have devoted your
time to Issuing mandates to the
people of this state directing them
how to vote. You claim to be the
friend of the people of Oregon. I
presume you Imagine that by repeat
edly telling the people you are their
friend, someone will believe you.
Fortunately, however, some of your
sins of commissloin and omission are
matters of public record, which you
are obliged to face and cannot avoid,
excuse or deny.
It is amatter of public record that
you, a', the special session of Con
gress in 190S. in a harangue, by
courtesy termed a speech, delivered
by you. when the tariff bill w-as under
consideration, referred to that other
"friend" of the people. Senator Al-d-ich,
as an authority upon tariff leg
islation. It is a well kuown fact
that during your term in the Senate
you have lahoud in conple-e har
mony with Senator Aldrich. In this,
so-called speech yr.u stated that you
knew nothing of the tariff, but that
your particular friend, familiar and
boon companion. Senator Aidrich,'
was a master of rates and that you
would be content to abide by his de
cisions. Y'ou voted against Senaror Bris
toiv's amendment, which would have
taken the "joker" out of the sugar
schedule. Ry this vote SfiO.noo.OOO a
year Is wrung from the people of this
country and given to the sugar trust.
Y'ou further outraged the people of
Oregon and of this country cn this
occasion by assisting in placing a
duty of 15 per cent, ad valorem on
Iron ore. Of course you knew the
steel trust owned the iron ore in the
Vnited States and that by your vote
you were taking this money from the
people of this country and giving it
to the many millionairs who control
this, the greatest trust in the world.
No doubt you expect the house
holder, when, he purchases a cook
stove and pays this unnecessary
I tri'.:ute to vour colleT'iies to be 1, Iiml.
.. I ed to your neglect of duty by the plat-
- - ' .
! itndes you indulge in concerning my
self and the other candidates who are
not fovored with your support, or
with the acquaintances and associa
tions of your millionaire chums and
friends who are the beneficiaries of
your misrepresentation of this state
in the Senate.
Y'ou voted to admit to this country
raw silk free and to place a duty of.
53 per cent, upon the manufactured
article. At the same time you voted
to place a duty of 135 per cent.
(averageV on woolen and worsted
cloth, valued at not more than 40
ceiit per pound. Was this act on
Tour part induced uy your lnenusnip
tor the people? Was it in the iuter-
est of the common people? Did you
! vote to place this exorluant duty upon
! Roods used by "us, of the common
! People"; for the benetiit of anyone
except your coupon-clipping chums
and associates?
Y'our chief legitimate Income Is
said to be from a large cotton print
mill, owned by yourself aud relatives,
In New England. Y'ou voted to place
(Continued from page 4)
Absolutely Pure
Tha only baking powder
msdafrom Floys! Crapo
(Srezun cf Tartar
Kofl!urc,fJo Lima Phcsphsis
Q.it m him .
v K