Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
7 - on 02 53 o fa 2 O A Baaim Evesit Neve Before Paralleled m l Us Part of tine State Ssfe o mat eon Oct and Continues for Seven Days u 9 Ending Saturday, October 3th -WANTED 5 Salesmen and Sales ladies dur ing thissale This is a money saving event entirely different from the ordinary sale. It is inaugurated for the chief purpose of acquainting this community with the completeness and quality of our shoe department. We have completely revolutionized our shoe stock; we are glad to state that we handle only such lines that have proven to be standard qualities in fit, wear and style. Therefore the more important must be placed on this special sale, it gives you an opportunity to buy the best shoes, obtainable, at prices that are ridiculously low. Our object is this if once you buy our shoes we shall everlasting hold you as a shoe cos.umer. We handle the following makes of shoes For MenFlorsheim, Nettleston, All America, American Gentlemen, Dayton, Chipewa and Nap-a-tan. For Women Princess, American Lady, and the Educator line. For Girls, Boys and children We handle the "Educator Brand" and "Red School House" shoes. 'You will find here anything you can possibly want, if its a shoe for dress or for every day it makes no difference we have it, and in all the different leathers'and models. Our as sortment is second to none which gives you, during this sale, the opportunity to get exactly what you wish and at a great reduction of price. Absolutely barring no sale of any kind .we can readily state that this sale offers you the greatest shoe bargains you have ever known. You must also not overlook the important fact that this is not a season tail end sale, but it comes exactly at a time when shoes are a formost consideration. Bring every member of the family and get a complete supply. Every pair of shoes we sell is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or we will cheerfully replace them free of charge. Extra help will be employed to give every one proper attention. Sale begins Saturday, October 1st. WANTED 5JSelesmen and Sales ladies dur ing thissale READ OVER EACH ITEM-WE ARE SURE THEY WILL INTEREST YOU. BRING THIS CIRCULAR WITH YOU. Ladle' Felt Slipper. fir trimmed, all color, best 11.25 arid i.T,'t value. Now 93c EXTRA On lot of Men shoes' consisting of $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 values in a Urgi variety of style. havy grade as well as fine dress slioe, This lot -consists of mainly, one to four pair of a kind, not'all sizes in one kind Lut all izes in the lot, this is a powerful money sav ing values. Take your choice o f any pair in the lot for $2 $2.50 Shdes for Men $1.58 ii'-rf i a ni for the man wJio n looking for ji f iti ordinary yln. Thy arr mal? vain --. Mail in p'ain or c;i( to Tali- Hj.-fri whil? t la t at $1.57 $3.00 Shoes for Men $2.19 At $3.00 w. hnvo viti. different ftty.os In ISkchl anr! hf-avy wi-lnt. They arc mad' of ko4"1 Ix'X fulf In rllffnrt nt hint and fitiNh. We warrant enrh and 'vpry pair of our $'! oo Hhoc to Klvo th mtrm sattafac tlftti fw I h. firdlnfirv 1E fifl a O Hhrt. Now, during ihn Special Hali- $2.19 $4.00 Shoes for Men S288 Men's fine Pre' very newest lutn iliora inalo tip In tlio of hlnh KraU; Pati-nt '"ll. tiun M.IjiI. IIo'x Calf. Vlil anU Cor ftuvan. Ttn vc nr- our $1 wtico. ninl i-vcry :ilr l nli!.liit''!y Cixulypar welt. AH rI'H In cvi-ry klnrl to fit every fin. I. Now ilnrlnK thin cret Imr- kh'ii Invent, take ytntr cholr: at. $2.88 ?5.00 Shoes for Men ?3.77 We can tie proud of our $3.00 lino of shoes for men. Kvery pair has Its own cltHtliicllve Knap nUiut thein that appeals to I he wearer of roo,i shoes. We have them in any leather yon wish, Incltulini; Hnssla mill Kn-nrh Calf, also Iiee or Iliitton. Kvery pair is Btrletly lleneh Maile. eholee of nil $r 00 Hhoea Inrli'K this sale $3.77 $4.00 "en's Heavy Shoes $2.SS Men's kooiI heavy Cordovan shoes, with Kited seliil bottinis. nst the shoes for hard service, adapted to wet. weather. They roine in lilaek or Tan. Will always stay soft and pliable Iinring this Knat sale take thein away while they last at $2.88 tj.l'rs' eeriuine "Comfy" Plfp pers. sold the world over at $1.7."; all shades. Now $1.29 S6.50 Nap-a-Tan Shoes $5.35 O' tmiiie Nap-a-Tan 12-lneh high ctitH, Blrlct y water pr'f, double welt Htltcli v I noil I tmttoiriK. Thin In a Kiandard Napa-Tun olioe and sold all over tlio Coant from 14. DO lo t ".."'. Now, dnrlrn; thin pr at 7 dayn' sale, you can liny them for the low prl'.e of $5.35 $8.50 16-inch Loggers $6.40 We hiivw. tho h-nt 1C mrh hlKh cut liKRera made. We carry tho famoiiH (!hlppewn, Nap a Tan ami Dayton hrandi, known cv erywlierf? for their rellnlilllty. They come uIho In Meveral diffen-nt Btylen, In black und brown and tan. Regular price 1 50. They nre the bent in the country. Now go at $6.40 $1.50 Womens Slippers $1.15 1'rliicenH Sllppem, very suitable for house or at reel use. A good all around sensible slipper for general use. This slipper lins always been n big seller m Ji.r.u. Most ev ery ofher stores chargo4 $1.75 for tliem.but now, during thbt gr'iit sab tako them while they hint at, per pair , $1.15 $2.25 Womens Shoes $155 Here- Is a good special for the woman who is just In want of a medium grade shoe. They nre made of Vlel Kid and Kangaroo Calf and come In several different styles. These shoes are cheap at 2 but now. during this Special llatgain Kvent, they go at.... $1.55 $3.50 Womens Shoes $2.43 I High grade street and dress shoes, our pop ular $:!..r.O line, consists of a very snappy assortment. We have thine tn all the de sirable models and leathers, and each pair Is guaranteed C.oodyear welt and genuine oak-tanned bottoms. Our SX&O shoes for ladles have always been a leader with us. Now. during this Cieat sab', they go at $2.43 EXTRA Here is a snap for the ladies that can not be missed by any economical shopper. We have taken all the Shoes and Oxfords for women selling at $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50 of which we have only a few pair of a kind and placed them in one lot. All styles and sizes in one lot and we warrant each and every pair to give en tire satis- 'ytTK -i f laction.take your choice of anv nair in this lot at HiJ JLL O am H TO J A3.50 Boy's Shoes $2 Boy' and young men'n (shoes, size 214 t" genuine Goodyear wtltn, made up In tho very newest lasm of first quality iiox Calf, Patented Colt and f;urimctal. These are very xnappy shoes as well as g'd wear ers, and we will cheerfully replace any pair that fuilu to Klve i factlou. All Vl.rM boys' fchoeg now go at $2.40 $4.00 Womens Shoes $2.90 At $1.00 we sell women's shoca that are the equal of the odlnary $r.0() grades. These shoes are strictly hand built and come In the best French Kid. Patent Vlel, Patent Colt, (iunmetal Calf, In lace or button. Any bint you cati wish in rcHuIar or short vamp. For 7 days, commencing Satur day, October 1, take your pick of all $1.00 women's shoe at... $2.90 $3.50 Girls' Shoes $2.43 drls' "Kducator" shoes nro made special for girls wearing sizes 2 to C. This Is a special made shoo for girls who wear Indies' sizes. The heels are low and tho shoe In shaped very comfortable and still very stylish. Come In lact or button. In Pa toned Vicl or Cuntnetal. These shoes nre sold the world over at $:i.r,0. Now go at $2.43 $2.00 Misses Shoes $1.39 Misses' shoes, sizes 11V4 to 2, In many neat styles. In light, medium or heavy, lire good shoes for school wear. These shoes have always given satisfaction, nod wo know they are good values at $2. Now, during this great llatgain Kvent, yen buy them at, uir pair. . . . . . . , $1.39 51.50 Childrens Shoes 1.08 Children's shoes for little girls and lit tin boys, sizes 8 to It, very neatly made up, and Ihe kind that will stand the racket. We sidl these children's shoes regularly $I.MI and have always pleased, During tliis great shoe snlo you buy them for at $1.08 2.50 Boy's Shoes ?I.6Q Hoys' shoes, sizes 12i'j to 2, made of good quality box calf, solid oak tanned soles and lueK A very neat shoe and very service able. We warrant them to givo entire sat isfaction. This Is n shoe we have sold for years at $2.50, Now going for the low price of $1.60 $5.00 Boys High Tops $3.73 12 inch high tops for boys, strictly water proof and just the shoes to gladden the hearts of the boys as well as keeping their feet healthy and dry. These are the famous Nap a-Tan high tops for boys, and sold the country over tor .j.tMI. Now go during this great shoe sale at $3.78 Sale Begins Saturday, October 1st .CITY OREGON YT SevetfaK suvct Main Sis. Sale jBegins Saturday, October I st ii J