Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
I OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, HEPTBMIJKU 30, 1910. 7 WHY NOT GET HID OF CATARRH? Il"tn Hiti x'imn symptom nf catarrh; IF you iiiivi! liny of l hum, gel 1 I nf llii'in whl lo tlii'in In ynl lliun', Ib ymlr Hi run I tiiw'j I III lll MIII'KKII lift -Ml? Ih your In -mill fiml? An' ti 1 1 'tH wuloryT tin ymi lake colli i. unity? ' , In yntir tiu.m iniii'i tip? tin "ii haw In ilt nfti'iiT I in rniiln fuiin In ynur mum? Ai" vnil Inning yutir ni'Iiiii' or Htiiitll? I In ynit liliiw yum' iiiihii II Kriit drill? Iiim'h yuiii' liiniHIi iiimIii iiii iiiihii llllix? I h ymi have in climr vmir t brunt I'll rising, in' huvo a illm-hm nu, fl 1,111 (HI 11(111'? ' I lull II IK'UH llllip III I 'I' I'll uf lliri'Hl? Iluvo nii I liming nolm-a In ()' ram? 1 1 V ' M V: t liiriiniiiilii' It High-nine) H K'.l.tlilllli'IMl III I' II IH I'll 1 11 llll, rilllKiiK, I'iiIiIk, mini lliiiuil, lirnurllllls, n 1 limit niul crimp, or tin rity buck. .IiixI lirniMiif li III. 'oiiiii'li iiiiim, Ini'liiil tug hurd rubber Inhaler, l mi. Iiiiik gluls i-vriywlii'i'ii mill Huntley Hum t'u, sell IIVUMIX ir ymi already ln vi' mi InlinliT, Ymi ran buy tut extra Imlllii of IIYOMKI for only fit) cents. Citation. In Hi" nuttier of I lin Estate ii ml (iiuu illiinlili of Albert Ninth, it minor. In Mix iiiiiuii of llii' Htute nf (i'i'i:n, to Mury H, Mityn.'lil. 'Willi May-lb-Id, .urn Ituliliniii. Jessie Mh)' Hold, Ki'iiln Miiyllt'lil, 'una North V'-u.i tiiint, Mm y llriimtiiilller, Alt mi Mitynehl iiinl II II. North. Ymi mill I'Ui'lt or ymi inn hereby re qulnil to appear In tin- County ('nine ul th" Slule uf llli'lioll. fur ('liirkuiinia Ciiiiuly. t III I' court limine or milil rouiiiy, In (Mi'Hoii City, mi trn first itny or November, A, I). 19111, lit In HtiVliirk A, M . nml hIiow raumi, If uuy ynit I'll IP, wiy a jtriMiHii hIiuiiIiI not Iik unilit'il to ('. ). Ilolilwll, U'lin illmi or thu mtnti nf Allwrl North. minor, in sell llui oiii' ninth liitarcnl or iinlil minor In niul to lh fulluwliii ilmi i liint real usUlo, situate In ('Ihi'k nniiii I'uutily, (iiiKon, in wit; Tin' H. W. ' nml tin S, W. V, or iho N. II '4 ; tlio W. t or llii) H. K. I I; iiii) s, u. or ih n. v, 'H nml liil No. II (ilil or Sei-tlnp Si, T. J K, II. 3 K. (nf W. ,M foiilnliilim ;i.'n in n.ii, aim or leim; ulsu the K of I liu N. W. tho W. nf the N K. 'V; the N. or K W. 4; tlm .1 K U nf dip tf. V ',; und thu N W. of tlm S. W or S.Hlim St. T. 4 8. II. K. of W . M , mnl i iiiitnlnlnn S.'o ncrvn, innin or Imii Alt or tlm iiIhivd U ri'iiulii'tl iy or il'T. or milil Court itimln nml i nli ri'il till lliw i'.nli itny ir Hniili'liiliiT. I It In. In tin itiuttiT of tint I'MitUi mill K'Hit' illunnlili nf Allo'tt Noilli. n minor mnl illirrti'd to you mt licit of kin of mii'l minor mnl nit In I ! --r. t ,) In mil,! ii riiliii tirni-rt v. Thlx Clla Hull mnl nrili-r U onlrrrll jn t 1 n lni In ilm Ori'Knii City Kiil'Tprlno. puli lUlu'il In c'liii'kiiniuH Couiily, Un'Kiin mnl to lii inilillnhi'it th i i'i' oikN, tin llr.l iivilillriillnti In In- Hi'il. nntll tlHii, all 'I llin llixl plllillitlllntl to I (irtoliiT 2litl. ltllD, lly orilrr if (illANT II. IHMK'K, Coiiitty JinlK)'. AHint. K. V. CHKKNMAN. Clork (SiMit or County Court.) KOIl SAI.IO-HtotioKruiihlc or lHik kipltiK ulliiilnrnlilti In k I'ortluiiil llimlii.'.ii Cnlli'it-. Uiirn Tarry Orrsnn City. IIK.U. Nu. 3, HfvT Crprk. IXTHAYKD Bfpt. 17.rmin Cluck nm. Jumry hirr 1 ywir old; tli of liornii ulliilitly liotil. KlndiT no tify N. Luttdlr. Clnrkiimim, or iliono Kurnirrn : nd rorrlvti llhrrul re- wnrd. WDtltl WANTKIH-Notlre U hcrfhy HlviMl ttmt lildn lll bo rrcolvml by C'liirkiitini County ror tlm didlvtiry nt tlio court hotiBit In OrrioiiClly of 4li co Ma or K'xi'l. notilul. ilvti. old nr wood or rnur fmit iMij(ih. r . lillKENMAN, County Clerk. WANTKtt Ctrl Mr hmim'wiirk. Aiily Mr. J. II. i-tiwlliwultc. Wont Ore unit city. I.ADIKS Wv luivo uh uniiHiiiilly at trucHvt) clitmrti ror lirlnlit, uncr i;i'Mr woninti, well mid fnvoralily knonn In thin community. Knr do lalln ml'Iri'KH, 1'iii'lonlnit . Htiininiiil mir iidiliiHiid I'livi-lopi' In MliuiiKcr Un-k llox "511, Hf. IiuU, Mo. 8ummoni. k In l ho Circuit Court of lliu Statu or OroKon Tor Cliickiimn County, Klofcnif O. C'ralK. I'lultillff, VB. William H. CrulK. I tiifi'inliuit. To Wllllnin S. CrulK,' the olve nit mrit ili'fi'ndiint. In thii imiiio or tln Stillo nf OrcKoti: You iirti liHichy required to appear mil iitiswiT tlm romplliliit In thn iiImivo entitled milt llled nuiiltiHt you on or heroni tlm ith dny of Octolier, A O. H'ln, Unit lit'lnK tliejimt day pro hitIIii"! In the order for publication or HiIh HiiiniiiiiiiB iiixiri you, mid If you rail ho to nppi'iir niul iiiihwit tho Hiild riniinlalnt, lor wnnt thuroof tlto plain- HIT will nppty to the Court for tho re lief detiiauili'd In snld complaint us follows: For M decree iIIhhoIvIiik tho liondi of matrimony between you and the plalnillT, and for hucIi other and fur ther relief mi to tlm Court nuiy seem Ittetil nnd eipiltuble. Thl.V Hiunmons Ih puhlluhcd pufl miant to nn order innile by llui Him uriilile .lames V, Catnplinll, proHldlitR JiuIki of tho above out it led court, and which order wax iiinilo nml entered on the l.'th ilny of Septembr, A. I). Ill in. , The fli'Ht piilillinitlon of thin Hitni iiiiiiik Ih Heptember Hi, 1010, and tho Intel iiithlk'iillun thereof la on Octo lier "S, 111 10. T. n. M'DKVITT, JR., Allolitey for I'lllllUiff. Summont. In the Circuit Court, of the Htnto of Ori'Knii for ClacluiiniiH Counly. Mauile K. Jones, lialiillff, VB. V ' , .loll it Jotiett, Defetitlant. To John Jonea, the olinvo nnnieil ! i r. -i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 : III the name of Him Stain of Orcein: You nre hereby required In appear ailu niMWi'i' . Ille complaint llled ncaliiHl you In tho uhovo enllileii court and cumin on of' liefnrn the day of (he ex piration of tho tlnio proscribed In Iho order fur tho piiMleatlon of HiIh Sum niotiH, Hiild date beltij; the :!nl day of Si'pleuilier, lln, and If you fall to appeai- and answer, Judgment nnd -cree will, bo taken iiwiliiHt you for, want thereof an Hpeiilled In Iho Hiild complaint, to-wlt: For a decree iIIh Hiilvlin; I hn IhiiiiIh of liialtitunliy now exInlliiK lii'lwiii'ii III" plaintiff olid ill' fi'lliliuit, ror thn cure iiHtudy nnd ron 1 1 il nr minor chllil, nnd ror nm-h oilier mid rurther relief im In thlx Court may nee in Jinil, 'I'IiIm huiiiiiiiiiim Ih hiu'vimI by iiiihii I'lttlnii llierrnr In thi) llreniin City ICn tiprlne, h iiiiwHpiipiir primed nml pub IIhIh'iI tit Ori'Kon City, CluckuniiDi County, llri'itiin, hy tird f linn. J. V I'liiuplii'll, .IiiiIkii of Hie above untitled Courl, mini", tinted mid llled llierunii (ill Hid 7lh ilny of Hi'pleinhi'r l!ln, ublrli Hitld order ii'fiiilieii Unit mini iuiiiih In lliU null he piibllHlieil uiio" n week fur hIk cnniecllllvii WcellH. K. .1. MKNIIKNIIAI-I., A-llnriiey for I'laliillff. ;'ns Ciiiiiiiiiiii'liil IHiIk., I'oiiIiiiiiI. Ore Dale of IIi-mI pulilli llllnu hereof H"p leinlier i'Ui, Iiuu. I lain of lant piililli'iitlnti het unf Nov ember lilt, I'.HU, Aiieniur'i Nolle of Mcotiny of Board of Equnlliatlon. Notice la hereby tl Vi-H thai upon Hie iblrd Nlnndnv In Oetober, towlt: llctober 17th, lUlu. I be Hoard of Kiplllll'llllnli will lllll'llil at the coitit limine In ( 'laili a iiiiim County, (lienou, nnd pulillcly examine tho iinni'Diimi'iil rollii uuil correct all ermrn In viilini I loin, deHrl lpllollH nr Ipllllllli'H of IiiiiiIh, loin or oilier pinpiilty IIkhchhiiiI by tlm Cnuiily AaneiiHor. llnli'il til lay officii llilil Hill ilny of Hepleuiber' I1H0. .1. K. JACK. County AHKiiHHnr Summoni. In the Circuit Court of, the Hlalii (if Oreiion, ror ClitrkiiniiiH County, Mil M. Uliniml. rialiillff, VH, Mlrhiiel Uidruml, I lefi'inliint. To Mlchnel Ijiliruml, nliovi) mimed do fenilitul; III the mime of the Stale of Oregon: Vim are required in uppeur mid n wer tho complaint 111 ! iiKiilimt you In thn nlHivii ititmed Hitlt, on or before thn r.'d duy or October, 1HI0, mild ilntn I.eliiK nfler thn evplralloti or HlK wiH'kit rrom thn llrnt lutbllcatlon or thin Hiiminoii". mid If you fall to 'i prur nml utiHwer Hiild complaint, luri mint thereof the plaintiff .will npiily to tlm court for tho relief prnyrd for In her complaint to wlt : . For It decree dlBHolrltiK the IhiiiiIh of mntrlmiiuy now enMltm between the piilntiff and defendant. Thl Hiiuimoiix Ib puliIUIied by order of lion, J. I'. Cmiipbnll Jmlk'ii or the Clr rult Court, which order wn nimlo mid entered on the Nth (lay or Sep tember, l'Jln, nnd the lime prencrllieii fur pnlilb ntloli I hereof In hIx week. bi-lilnnliiK with the lnmii of Friday, .Septeniher uth, 1H10, and t-ontlnultiK each Week thereafter to and lucltldlliK the iHBtiti nr Friday, Octolier L'l, 1 It 10. T. II McliKVITT. Jit , Attorney inr riitlutllT. Admlnlatrator'a Notice. Not Ire In hereby nlven Unit the till-iIi'IhIkIIi-iI lllta lieeniiKilllted fttlmllllH- trator of tlm 1'Biitli) of Itny W. Thotn na, ilereuneil, all lieiniilH havlliK claluiH uiialiiKt mild eBtate are hereby notified to printout the bhiii with proper voucliera duly certified accord IliK lo law, ut the office or Ceo. C lliownell, nt Oreuoii Clly, OreKon within nix iiioIKIih of Iho date of the publlcniton of thin, notice. Haled 8eitemlier 1910. J. V. THOMAS. AdinlnlBtrntor or itBtnto of Hoy W TboniaB, ilcumied, tH'o.' C. limwnell, attorney for ad itiliiliitrntor. Notice to Craditore. Not leu U hereby Riven that thn un ilernlKiied Iihb been duly npxilnled by the County Court of the State of Ori'Kon. for the County of ClarknmuH, admlnlHlrmrlx of the eBtate of daily llrown, deccHBed. All poraoiiN havltiK cluliitN aKiilliBt Bald PHtnto are hereby ri'ipilroil in prcBeni ihem M me at the office of CroHH ft Haniniitnil, OreKon City, OrtiRiin, proMirly verlllod an by law required, within hIx monlha from ditto hereof. Dote of llntt publication, September illth, 1911). MltS. FANNIE li.VHTl.ETT, AdmlulBtrutrlx or tho estate or (ilndya llt-owu. Decnaned. CHOSS A II A.M.MONO, 'Atmrneya ror AdmlnlHirttrlx Admlnlatratrlx' Notice. Notice Ib hereby Klvcn that thu tin ilerBlKtied huii been appolnleil ndmlli- Irtrntrlx of the e itato of Julm CleaHou, ilcceaei; nil peiHotiH having clalnm tmaliiHt aiild ent ite nre hereby notl- II eel to tirem'til the mime with proper voucher duly verllled :icoordlii'' to law, at the ofTlce of (StMi. C. llrownell, nt lireKiul Clly, Oregon, within hix iniiiitliH of tho date or the ubllcallou uf thin not Ice. ' Dated September lfilh, 1910. .IICNNIK V. liUCASON. AdmlnlHtrntrlx or wtate or ' John tilOi.::iin. 0ecor.ed. (leo. C. llrownell, attorney for admin- latratrlx. Summont. In the Circuit Court of tho Slate of OroKiui, for ClurkmniiH County. Ini'NH .M nil In, l'liilnilrr, VB. V. If. Mnrtln. Oefendnnt. To V. II. Martin, nhovn nnmt'd defend- ant: In tho name of Iho Slato of Oreinut: You nre required 'to appear nml ana wer tho complaint filed iiRnlnst yon In tho nbtivo named null, on or before the 2!th dny of October, 1011), mild date belpK nfler (hn expiration of hIx weeks from tho tlrat publication of thin Humiuiiim, and If you fall to ap pear and answer nnbl romplilnt, for wnnt thereof the plaintiff wfjl npply In the court Mr tho relief prayed ror In her complaint, to-wit: For a decree (IUmoIvIiik the lirntdH of miiirlniony now exist Inn between the plaintiff nnd defendant. This Huninions Is published by order of Hon. J. V. Campbell, JiiiIko of the! Circuit Court, which order was inailo and enteteil on the Olh dny of Sept ember, 10111, nnd tho tlnio proscribed for piibUcatltni thereof nix weeks lie KiiiiiliiK wllh the lisun of Friday, i'epleniber liltli, 1910, nnd contlnuliiK each week thereafter to niul IncliulltiK the Issue of Friday, October 2t. 191(1. K. K. MILLKH, Attorney for linlnllff. :!0 Worccsler IIIiIk., Tort laud, Ore., Summons. In the Circuit Court of (he Statu of Orepm, for Clackamas County. Jacob I.ehnian, Plaintiff,. I.yillu l'hmnn, Defendant. To Uylla l.ohman, ilefondiiut In the almve entitled suit; In Ilm name of the HI nl o of Oregon : You nre hereby required to nppnnr mnl oiiRwer the cimiplnlnt of plalnllff llled aalnst you In tho above eiitlllnd camio, within six weeks from the date of III" flint publication of this num. tnons, nnd If you fall so to appear and answer, tor want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to Iho Court for tlm relief ilemmuleil III anld complaint to-wlt; That Ilm IiiiiiiIh of mutrliiiniiy be tween plaintiff mid defendant bu ilia mil veil mnl aiimilli'il, mid for audi oilier and furl Iter rullnf hm to tho Court may ' in JiihI and eipillable. 'I IiIb biiiiiiiioiib la Herved upon you puiBiiant io nu nnlrr made mid en lrod In nit Ul mill on Ilm inih day of fi'liii'iiihcr, 1910, by Iho lion. J. V. Cilllipbell, JiulKe of Hie uhovn lliiineil Court, which nnld order requlrea you Ui iippear mid miKwer the compliiliil In mild suit wit ti It) six weeks or Iho date of the IliHt publication or thin sum minis. JOSKI'll WOKHNIllj:, Alloiney' for' lialutlff. Ilntn of IIthI piilillciitloii HcpleDl her HiIh, 1910. I late of luit piihlli iilloii October 28111, 1910, Summon. In thu Circuit Courl, of the Klalo of OreKon, fur, (iucldiiniiH County. Henry (ielsler, riiilhtlff, vs. I. iilla (e-UI'T, Defemlant. To I.yilit lielsler, bov named do- felllllllll :) In the mime o thn State or Ori'Kon ymi urn hereby rcipilieil to apis'ar n in uimwer the cntiiplaltit filed lo'.aiiiht you In tho above limned milt, on or before the 2lth day of Oetober, 1910. nu I it dale belliK aflT the explrnlloii of nix week from the flrsl publication of IhU HiiiiiiniitiB, iintUT you rail In nppi ar mid uiinwur fiald eoinplalut, for wnnt thereof th plnliillff will npply lo the court for tlm relief prayed for in her complaint, towlt: For a doeri'o iIIbhuIvIiik the bonds of matrimony now cxIiIIiik between the plaintiff nnd defendant, TIiIh kuiii moiiB Ih puhllHlild hy order of lion. J. I I. Cajiiphi'll, JihIko of the Circuit Court, which order was nmdn and en tered on Ilm llth day of September, 1910, and tho tlnio prescribed for pub Ileal loll thereof la hIx weeks, IickIii nltiK with the Isbuii of Friday, Septem ber tilth, 1910, nnd contlnuliiK encb week thcrenfter to nnd Includltii; tho Ihbiio or Frblny, October ISIh, 1910. (illr.NICH A SKWAI.I AHortieya for I'laliillff. Summont, 6 In thn Circuit Court of tho Slnte of - Ore;;on fur Clnckunina County. Myrtello I'lerce, IMnlnilff, VB. Damon 1'lerre, liefi'iiilant. To Dnuioii Pierce, the above nameil defendnnt: In Iho name of the State of Oregon vim are hereby rommmideit to appear In til" nlsivo entitled Court nnd action on or before six weeka from the date or Hie flrnt publication or this mim- mona. vtr: on or belore the 2!nd dny or Octolier, 1910, nnd answer the com plaint filed URalnst you In mild Court nnd cause, and for wnnt of nn answer the plaintiff will npply to the Court for the relief demanded In the com plaint, towlt: fur a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds or matrimony niw exiting between the plaint Iff and defendant mid. for such other relief na prnvi'd for In her cnmplnlnt. TliU summons la published by an order of Hon. firnnt II. Dlinlck, County Judxe of Clncknmn Counlv Oregon, made and entered on the 8tb dnv of September, 1910. Dnte of first publication, September 9th, 1910, JAY H. tTTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice la hereby itlven that iho un-dor-sinned has been duly appointed by the County Court nf Clackamas County. OreKon. Executrix of the last will and estate of Alexander Wnnnen ntacher. Deceased, late of aald county. All person having claims against aald Kstnte are hereby notified to file tho name duly verified as by law required at the Office of my Attorney, C. II. Dye. 8. W. corner Main and 8th Streets, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from date of this notice. Dnted. August 2Gth. 1910. MARIE WANNENMAC1IER. Executrix of the aforesaid Estate. C. H. Dye. Attorney for Estate. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned as ndniltiistrntor of the es tate of Frledrlch A. Melnlg, deceased, hits filed his final report as such ad ministrator with the Hon. County Court of Clnrkmuns County, Oregon, and tho Court has set tho third day of Octolier, 1910, nt the hour of ten o'clock A. M., as the time for hearing said llnnl report. Any and all persons having objec tion to snld llnnl report are hereby notified to nppear and make the same known to the Court on aald dale above mentioned. Dated, August 29, t910. AMION O. MEINIO. Administrator of tho Estate nf Frled rlch A. Melnlg, deceased. CORDON E. HAYKS. Attorney for Estate. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for Clackamas County. Itliinche U Davis, Plaintiff, vs. Fred A. Dnvls, Defendnnt. In Iho mime of tho State of Oregon: You nre hereby required to appear nnd answer the complaint tiled ngnlnHt you In tho above entitled "court and cause on or before: Iho day of the ex piration of tho time proscribed In tho order ror tho publication of this Sum mons, mild (Into being the 21st day of October, 1910, nnd If yon full to so nppear nnd answer, judgment nnd de cree will bo tnketf against you for want thereof ns specllled In the said complaint, towlt : For a decree dis solving tho bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff nnd de fendant, and for such other nml furth er relief ns to this Cijurt' may soem just. ' ( ' 1 his summons Is served by publi cation thereof In tho Oregon Clly En terprise, n newspaper printed and pub lished at Oregon City, Clncknmn County, Oregon, by oldor of Iho nbove entitled Court, nmdn, dated and filed thereon on tho tllh day of Septoniber. 1910, which snld order requites tlltlt summons In this suit bo published once a week for six consoe.utlvo weeks ' SWEEK & FOl'TS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ci2;i Lumberman's hldg., Portland, Oro. I Date of first publication hereof Sep tember Olh, 1910., Date of Inst publication hereof Oct ober 21st, 1910. Suirlrriona. In the Circuit Court of tho Slato of Oregon for Clacltiimns County. John i. Dnvls, Plaintiff, vs. Mlnnln Dnvls, Defendant. To Minnie Davis, abovo named de fendant: '. In the nanio of lite Stale tit Oregon: You ate hereby required to appear nnd answer .the complaint filed against you In tho ahovn named suit, on or he foro th 12th day or November, 1910, Hiild (Into heliiMT afer the expiration of six week from the "ft Publication of this HiiiiimoiiH, nml If you fall to ii lcnr or answer snld nimplnlm, for want thereof the jiaiinirr will apply lo Iho court for Ih" relief prayed lor In his complaint, to-wii: For a decree dissolving Ilm bonds of matrimony now exiting between the -plaintiff and defendant. This numinous Is published by order of lion. Criint II. Dlinlck, .Indue of tin County Court, which older wus niaile nnd entered on the Zi- day of Sept ember 1910, rid Ih" 'lino proscribed for piibllcKlloii I hereof Is six weeks beginning wllh Iho li-m. of Friday, September :iuth, nnd -i mliniliig each wool- tliereiiflei- to and Including th Issue nf Friday, November lllh, l!io OHO. C. HU'WM-:i, Altorni ) for I'lulntirf Summon, In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Clmkamio' demly. Helietcu (lusleun, I'lali 'iiT, vs. Charles CuhIohu, IMc'cum. To CharloM Ouslcaii, above named defi'iidnnt: 111 the tiatiio of lh '''! nt Oregon: You are hornhy ri'ipdr'-d In appearand answer the complaint bled against you In the above iiumi-l suit, on or be fore Iho Kth day of Nov-mber, 1910 said dull! being after t'n- expiration or six weeks from the P t piihllcnllou of this Hiunmons, and ': y-n full to ai- penr or unstrer snld cmpialm, for want thereof Iho plaintiff will apply to the court for the rdl-r prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds or matrimony now eil'lng between tho plaint Iff and defendant. This summons Is published by order ol Hon. (irant I). Dlinlck, itnU:o of the County Court, which order was made nnd entered on tho 21st day of Sept embirt" 1910, and tho time prescribed for publication thereof six weeka liotiluniiiK with the bnue of Friday September 23rd, und ceiitliiiilug each week thereafter to and Including Hie Issue of Friday. November. 4th, 1910 GEO. C. UHOWNKLU Attorney for lialutlff Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clnckatiun County. Percy H. Wood, plaintiff, vs. liltlo Wood. Defendant. To Ittlo Wood, above named do feiiilant. In the name of the Stnto of Oregon, you are hereby required to apiiear and nnswer the complaint filed agnlnnt you In the above named suit, on or before the 1st day of October, 1910 snld date being nfler the expiration of six weeks from the first publication or this summons, and If you fall to npenr and aiier said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho reTlef demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendnnt. This stimons Is published by order of Hon. (Irani B. Dlinlck. Judge of tho County Court, which order was made and en tered on the ICth day of August, 1S.0 and the time prescribed for publica tion thereof la six weeks, beginning with the Issue of Frlnav. August 19th 1910. and contliuflng ench week there after to and Including the Issue of Friday. September 30th, 1910. ' ' JAMES E. CHAIR. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Delle Littlejohn, plaintiff, v. Joseph Littlejohn, Defendant. To Joseph Littlejohn, above named de fendant: In tho name of the Stnte of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against ycu In tho above named suit, on or before the 1st dny of October, 1910. snld date being after the expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this summons, end If you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendnnt. This summons is published by order or Hon. Grant B. Dlinlck, Judge of the County Court, which order was mado and entered on the 15th dny of Au gust, 1910. and the tlnio prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue of Friday, August 19th, 1910, nnd continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Issue of Friday, September 30th, 1910. GEO. C. flROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Courl of Oregon, for .Clackanihs Counly. Joseph's. Klrkley, I'liilntiffff, - vs. 'Via M. Klrkley, Defendnnt. To Cora SI. Klrkley. tho defendant. In tho name of the State of Oregon: You nre hereby required to ippeur nnd answer the complaint Tiled against yon In tin- uhovo entitled courl mid cause on or before tho 'first dny of October, 1910, nnd If you full to ap pear or answer said complaint, the plaintiff will npply to tho Court, for (no relief prayed for in tne complaint, namely: - For a decree dissolving nnu setting aside the bonds of marriage existing between the plaintiff and do (pndnnt, and for general relief. TI1I3 Bunions is published by order of Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of Oiegon, for Clncka mns County, made and given this 17th dny of August, 1910, In the absence of the Judge of tho Circuit Court of Ore gon for Clackamas County, nnd the llrst publication Is mtido on the 19th dnv of August, 1910, and the Inst pub lication will bo September 30, 1910. C. M. KISSINGER. Attorn. 'V for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of Iho Stale of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Susan E. Smith, plaintiff, vs. Andrew J. Smith, defendant. To Andrew J. Smith, the above named defendant: lu tho name of iho State of Ore gon; You nro hereby required to np pear and answer the complaint llled against you In the above entitled suit and court, on or before tho expira tion of six successive weeks from tho llrst publication of the summons, to wit, on or before the 7th day of Octo ber, 1910. tho llrst publication nf this summon being on tho 2t!th dny of August, 19IU. And if juu fa!) to ap pear nnd answer, for want thereof, plalnllff will apply to this Court for the relief prayed for In tho complaint filed herein, to-wlt: For a decree of absolute: divorce dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore und now ex luting between plaintiff and defendant, Umui (he ground of wilful desertion. This mimriioji Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order duly mndo and entered In the above entitled court by Honorable Grant I!. Iilmlck, County Judge, In tho absence of the Circuit Judge, on tho 20th day of AugiiHt, 1910. JOHN H. DOWNKS, Attorney for Jialutlf. Date of first publication August zn.i 1910. Dale of last publcallm", Octolier 7. 1910. Summont. In the Circuit Court of tho Slato of Oregon fur Clackamas County: Iniln Kubenati In, I'laliillff vs. Mollle Ritbensteln, Defendant. To Mollle Rubi'iiHlelti, the above rummd Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you nre hereby commanded to appear In the abovo entitled Court and cause on or before the SHi day of October 1910, and answer the complaint filed against you In said Court and cause, and for want of an answer the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In hi complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of divorce din solving the bonds of matrimony now exlRlIng between plalntlrf and defend ant and for such other and further re lief as prayed for In bis complaint. This summons Is published by an order of tho Honorable Grand I). Dlm lck, Judge of the County Court of t'larkamas County, made and entered on the 24th day of August, 1910. Date of first publication. August 21, 1910. JAY If. I.'PTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County: U'ona Orr, Plalnllff vs. W. H. Orr, Defendant; To W. H. Orr, the above named de fendant: Iu the name of ttje State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear in the above entitled Court arid cause on or before the "Silh day of October 1910, and answer the complaint filed against you In said Court and cause, and fur want of an answer the plain tiff will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to wlt: for a decree of divorce dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant, nnd for such other and further relief as prayed ror In her complaint. This summons is published by an order of the Honorable Grant B. Dlm lck. Judge of the County Court of Chtckanias County, made and entered on the 24th day of August, 1910. Date of first publication August 26, 1910. JAY H- UPTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Mlnle Owum, Plaintiff, , vs. Edwin Owum. Defendant. To Edwin Owum, above named de fendant: la the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or be- for the 7th day of October, 1910, saia date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of tnls sum mons, and If you fall to appear and Bnswer said complaint, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published' by order of Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on the 23th day of August 1910. and the time prescribed for pub lication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Jssue of Friday. August 26th. 1910. and continuing each week there after to and Including the Issue of Friday, October 7th, 1910. A. HANSEN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Vntlee Is herehv clven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by thn rnnntv eonrt of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Clackamas, exe cutrix of the estate or Charles h. Mil ler, deceased. All persons having rinima ncnlnst snld estate are hereby required to present them to me at the office of U Ren & scnuoet. uregon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law- required, within six months from the date hereof. Dnte of first publication. September 2. 1910. SARAH C. MILLER. Executrix of the estate of Chnrles H. Miller, deceased. U'REN & SCHl'EREL, Attorneys for Executrix. Notice to Creditors. v.itioo la herehv clven thnt the un dersigned litis been duly appointed by i the county court or tne state ot ure gon, for the county of Clackamas, exe cutrix of tho estate of August Holden. deceased. All persons having claims against said estate nre nereuy re quired to present' them to me nt the ofllce of F. W. Greenman, County Clerk, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified ns by law required, within six months from the dnte thereof. Date of first publication September 2. 1910. ANNA HOLDEN, Executrix of the estate of August Holden, deceased. CiiKN & .SCHlT.riEL, Attorneys for Exeeutiix. Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of intox icating liquors within the municipality. 328 X Yes ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS Greater Oregon Home Rule Associa tion, 618 Electric Building, Portland, Oregon. (Paid adv.) , PROFESSIONAL Harvey E. Cross. William Hammond CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW Removed to Rooms 12 and 13 Masonic Building. Real Estate Abstract Main Street. Loans, Insurance. Oregon City, Or. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon. Sarah Motrls, Plantiff. vs. Charles Morris, rx-fetylant. To Charles Morris ubove named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to app"aranij answer tho complaint, filed against j you In the above named suit, on or before the lSth day of October, 1910 said (Into being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and If you fail to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her Complaint, to-wlt :j For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on the 30th day of Attg-I tiBt, 1910, and the time prescrlliedl for publication thereof Is six weeks! beginning with the Issue of Friday, I September 2d, 1910, and continuing each week thereafter to and Includ ing the IssJe of Friday, October Hth 1910. GEORGE C. BROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Nellie A. Murray, Plaintiff, vs. Guss Murray. Defendant. To Guss Murray above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint riled against you in the above named suit on or berore the 15th day of October, 1910, said date being after the ex plration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This sum mons is published by order of Hon Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court.' which order was made and entered on the 30th day of August 1910. and the time prescribed for publication thereof I six weekB be ginning with the Issue oi Tiaay September 2d. 1910, and continuing each week thereafter to and includ ing the issue of Friday, October 14th 1910. GEORGE C. BROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Nelson J. Darrow, Plaintiff. TS. Jenette A. Darrow, defendant, To Jenette A. Darrow, above named defendant: ' In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yes in the above entitled suit, on or before the 8th day of October. 1910, that being six weeks after the date I of the first publication of the sum mons, and if you fall to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: A decree of di vorce dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between this plaintiff and defendant above named, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable j and Just. This summons Is published for six consecutive weens Dy oraer 01 Honorable Grant B. Dimlck, Judge of the County Court, made on the 25th day of August.. 1910. The first publi cation Is the 2fith day of August. 1910. MAC MAHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. DEUTSCHER VEREIN OF ORE gon City meets second Saturday after noon in each motith at Kflapp's hall In Winter and In Schnoerr's Pork. Willamette, In Summer. Gus Schnoerr, president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. MISS ADA BEDWILL, agent for La dles' Home Journal. Saturday Ev ening Post, Oregon City Enterprise, all periodicals. Special rate on Woman's Home Companion and McClure's, $2 for the two. ' tf Dr. W. Chambers ScholUe A. P. 1SR3. A. M. lS'ia, Lafayette College, Enston. Ponn.. M. D. 1SC7. tho university nml Hfllcviie Hospital Medical Collfire. New York City. ROOMS 3 AND 4, WEINHARD BLOCK. Office and consultation practice exclusive ly. Over forty years experience. (The Doctor continues the Eastern custom of putting up his own prescriptions. WM. M. STONE, Lawyer. associated with George C. Browned. All Legal Business Promptly At tended to. BARTLETT 4 HEYLMAN. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. Special Attention Given to Probate Matters. E. W. Bartlett, Atty. at Law Practices In all tho Courts. ESTACADA, OREGON. THOS. F. RYAN Attorney-at-Law Probate and Realty Law Prac tice Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple DIRECTORY WEINHARD BUILDING O. 0. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish 4, land title examined, eatate settled, general law business. Over Ban of Oregon City. U'REN at SCHUEBEL I Attorney!.' at I I Deutsche? Ad ? Will practice Iu J1 coa make collection and M'tlertouti. Office In Enterprise TJuK-lloX, Oregon City, Onf. . J lllt'(lS C D. A D. C LATOURETTE I Attorney-at-Lw , Commercial, Real Estate and f Probate our Specialties. Of- i flee In First National Bank J Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. J W. S. EDDY, V, 5., M. D. V. Craduite of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, ml the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, ha located '. Oregon City and established an office a: The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones Farmers' 13a ' Man ijii Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment ot maps, plata, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY, Attorney A Counsellor at Law STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBIN4. Wind Mill, r-'mp aad Hydrau lic Ram ecialty. Phona 2SJ. Oregon City, Oregon. if a t J i 1 "V m ij 4 izi 1) a '-Vi i)i I- Whiskey is a good friend but a poor master. Used in mod eration it cheers, inspire and strengthens. For . socia bility use HARPER. Sold b LEADING DEALERS. I v'-; :: -