Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, KIM DAY, . SEl'TEMMER 30, 1910. 0 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ) tht best of all medicine fnr the cure ol diseases, disorders and wrakncsse peculiar to women. It u the only preparation of ii kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced and skilled tpecialut ia Ih encases of women. It li tafa medicine in say condition of the system. THE OXF REMEDY which contain! no alcohol and do injurious habit-forminj draft and which create no erasing for uch stimulants. THE ONE REMFDY o ood that iti maker r not afraid to print it erery ingredient on each outside bottle -wrapper and attest to the truthfulness of the unt under oath. It i told bv medicine dealer even-where, and any dealer who han't it can kt it. Don't take a ubtitute of unknown composition for this medicine o INom coMrosmos. No counterfeit i a food a the genuine and the druggist who says something else i "just a good a Dr. Pierce1" i either miatakeo or it trying to deceiv you for hi own selfish benefit. Such a nun i not to he trusted, lie in trifling with vour most priceless possession your health , may he your life itself. Stt that y jvf trkat ym aui ftr AURORA . Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Helton, of Canby were In this city Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carethers, of Needy, were In Aurora Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. U Yoder, of Needy, wont to Oregon City Tuesday. I Mrs. Glllerson of Ruttevtlle was In town Tuesday. j Allle Will made a business trip to Salem last week. ; Miss Hazel Helton, of Canity, was' In Aurora this week. Fair Play. of a volcano exists brief Interest, Rnd your Interest In skin eruptions will be as shoTt, If you use Bucklen's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the ! worst bolls, nlccrs, or feve" sores arej soon healed by It. Best for Burns, ' Cuts, Bnilses. Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It gives Instant relief. 25c at Jones Drug Co. Interest Is the great incent ive toward sav ing money We pay Interest on sayings accounts We pay 4 per cent Interest on Certificates of of Deposit Safety Liberality Courtesy i3 our motto Axrora State IBank Aurora, Oregon The m King JgP V of S& IK inner- r m i tainers M M n Why Not Consider This Offer Now? This is nn invitation to every reader of 'this paper to write ns, atone, for our free trial offer no money down 9 months to pay no interest enargeu we pay the treifrbt and rnonoprapn in your own home. Our una includes ew reason f ireside tlOU l'emodlirer to tllflv 2 nr(ft .Lminuld ronnrAv nflm ff-rmnf U... .1.... :.. I r:l... rr i ""j .--i"-uiui j jiii r-jiiirn ; bcrol (4-mimite) Keeordu and hnif Maiidarri jfeeonls; nickel-plated Crane, bottle Phono- CTfin 1 Oil. till run nnrl u Anl,.m.,t;rt r,- j... . ... ...... ...... uu .....uiuuiM, nit-ill. U N o .icr is ;nir to vnti nm . . 7 for Eilers oir best advertisement. us the counoii c.iiHlriinip nnH full 11UL.IUIH win L-umu 10 you oy return Eilers Piano House I'llllll.A.Ml, OUtGOJI. largest Western Dealers In All Unkaii nf Talkirir MnrhlnAa . ivscon'.i. Pianos, Urirar.. Etc 1 AUTOMOBILES ARE POPULAR MANY RESIDENTS OF OREGON CITY OWN CARS AND OTHERS PLAN BJYING. COUNTY ROADS GOOD Many Are Reported as Excellent, and None Are Impassable Farmers Are Also Supplanting Dobbin With Gasoline. During the past year many of the prominent residents of Clackamas : County have become very enthusias tic over autoniobilins. and many ma chines have been purchased during the summer.' Among those who have ' purchased machines are C. O. Miller I C. Scheubel, E. J. Daulton, Chester Elliott, Dr. H. S. Mount. J. L. Wat dron, W. A. Huntley and J. E. Hedg es, McHenry & Ely, George Ely, Schooley Kupenbender, Judge Thomas F. Ryan, Dr. C. A. Stuart Dr. E. A. Sommer and E. T. Som mers There are at least 100 ma chines in the county, many of which have been purchased during the sum mer, and are of various makes, and are from two to five passenger. As to the condition of the roads of Clackamas County for automobil ing. In so lie places they are good while on other sections of the coun ty, where there Is a heavy travel, the roads are not In as good condi tion as they might be. It must be taken Into consideration there are more roads in Clackamas County toj be kept In repair than In any other county In the state, and a great dealj of the county's money has to be ex pended for this. Some of these roads ( are In the mountainous sections of the county and have been almost Im-j passable at times during the winter reason. :?inee Juige Dimick has been' In office he has made a special ef fort to have the roads throughout the county to be kept in as good repair as possible. Men In charge of mak ing the official road map for the Path finder, an automobile guide, who were stationed at Molalla and Cams, state that the roadway there, where over seven miles of crushed rock has Just been placed. Is one of the finest pieces of road construction on the coast There is one advantage of Clackamas A .. 21" .'I 1 , .7a ,wJ tOUIU , W 1ICU 1 rv call Ur: uaru, I i.t .l.i. tkU marart'jl anil 111 Ut7UI pirill Ul lu'a uiu.'.ttu,, ... - makes a good, substantial piece of roadwork. There has been an unus ual amount of roadwork constructed on the road leading to Mount Hood this summer, and the work will be continued until the rainy season sets in. L-trge crews of men have been engaged in grading, and it Is prob able that In time to come that thisj rnailtt-av will lie macadamized to Government Camp. There is a heavy travel over this road in summer which lasts until late in the fall. Chester Elliot, of this city, who purchased a Ford machine In March has covered 9,0"0 miles since that time, and states that he passed over mountainous roads throughout the county and has only had about $20 A Genuine Edison Phonograph Outfit Sent Without Cost to You on 1 0 Days' Free Trial five ten days to try an Edison Outfit No. 12 costs $34.2(1 1'honograph with combina-V , ri- . uaii aozen cuison Am- dozen Gold Moulded. Pmit.l. affnMK a, u.iu u..a.u-.v- ETLERS rn lie honfmca s&s. i --Vo PIANO HOUSE, Send WashlnKton Bt Portland, rur. n tlemen: Pleas man. t aend catalogue and n.rtlcu ara of vour Edison Fre Trial Otter. "'KtlM AdiJre worth of repair to his machine, and these repairs he was able to make himself. He says the roads In many of the sections are Rood, while. In some parts of the county nro fair for auloinolillltiK, none of which are Im passable. There Is one parage In the city, and this owned by t li. Miller, ho has purchased two first-class ma chines himself. At present there Is no automobile club In the city. Many of the farmers of the county have ptrchitsed uutotuotitlos and are using tiem for conveance In prefer ence to the horse and hussy. Many more are already planning to have their c-irs by next season, and about eight of Oregon City's prominent res ii j i f.ii..,..i ,.ni, tu.-iita mm- nmiin- im, u n automobile fever this summer and will purchase tuachlncs next year. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as siin as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough ap pears, will prevent tlie attacK. mmu by all dealers. CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATOR O. D. Eby, Democratic candidate for State Senator, was born In Oregon In 1872; came to Oregon City studied law and admitted to the bar In 1!H4, and by hard work ainj per sistence now baa a large practice. Is member of the Board of Edu cation of Oregon. City, director of Wllllamette Valley Chautauqua, direc tor and treasurer of Clackamas Coun ty Kalr Association, member of Pub licity Departnieut of Commercial Club of Oregon City since its establish ment In June, i09. Believes In Direct Primary law, cornipt practice act and recall and will vote for the people's choice for Tnlted States Senator. Has made good In whatever he has undertaken and will make good as Senator. (Paid advt.) O. D, EBY. What to Do in Case of Accident If skin Is broken apply Dr. Bell's Anti Pain at once and the wound will heal quickly and never get sore. Used In ternally and externally. For sale by Jones' Drug Company.' Letter List. List of letters at the Oregon City Postofflce for the week ending Sep tember :0: Womau'g List: Benson, Mrs Kate; Clements. .Mrs. Helen; Cutbirth, Mrs. Nannie (2); Emerson, Esther; Frank lin. Mrs. C. R. (21: Larson. Mrs. Men's list: Beetsch, Oeo; Fisher. 4nd; Lind, John (2): Lamott, Will: Laglore, Mr;. Roushomes, John; Trean, Ralph; Page, W. E.; Simon Walter; Walrott, St. Elmo; Wilson ... - ' 11 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STOR I A COUNTY COUKT F. A. Miles W. J. Wilson "... J. Lewellen L. P. Spangle Anita McCarver ....$ 11 in . . . . 24 On 12 4'i . . . . S On 29 On Circuit Court. T. M. Miller 6 On Leah Jones i 20 Ij. J. Caufleld , on E. U Shaw 2 w Justice Courts. H. V. Starkweather 2 n L. E. Armstrong 2 5" J. O. Staats u ijii V. H. Mattoon 17 20 Thos. J. Ulilttier . W. W. H. Samson W. W. H. Samson F. A. Miles Mrs. Roberts Mrs. Wilcox Arlina Shaver . . . 1 7 40' 2 30 j 2 30' 2 30 j Mrs. Edith Trescott 1 7o I Fern Hart J. C. McMom-gal . W. W. H. Samson F. A. Miles James Dickey . . . John Payne V. F. Schooley ... 0. E. Freytag F. D. Cox 2 30' 1 701 C CO i 4 r,i) 1.7(1 i 10 1 si 70 1 70 1 70 Frank Vorhles l 70 Aug. Depslng Lf-Hter Vandelsh V. W. H. Samson F. A. Miles : V. W. H. Samson (.'has. E. Uurns . . W. W. H. Samson F. A. Miles 1 70 1 70 15 5 !t0 7 15 3 JO 7 00 4 40; J. i.,.iun ,.l UWJ J Nosey Uoylan . . . Mrs. Mary Boylan W. W. H. Samson 8 70 F. a. Miles i; Aug. iMfch ' 3 Herman Fisher ;, Walter (Iruell D. C. Fonts 3 W. V. H. Samson 7 40 1nl l F. A. Miles 3 Fred Lunrjerg 2 John Flacry 2 r,o' 0. Xellis l 7o'( ('nn. H. Frank l 70 j F. C. Hoik 70 . j- ' ' i , . ? f'.5-.V'-:-r'"v L-i . . , n , ,- 1, ..J Charles Wright 1 7 Henry Nile It and ' I I'O .1. A. A. J. Tufts llohblo Sheriff. Miles Heat to , 1 90 1 !l 8 00 t- A. K. II. 12 til Fashion Stables County Clerk. Franklin T. Urtftl:h F. W, titvenmnn . . Recorder, C. Hucliegger N. K. Derby ' C. K. IMuisby 8 00 17 50 n ro 10 oo SS 00 . 8 00 oo 5 oo no l-ovejoy Uncolii - 1 u. ' looses Treasurer, i .f. C. Paddock. j vJlass ,i rrudhomtue 13 jo I Coroner, K. 1. Iloliuan $ no 11. S. Mount j-j o,t Schools, urenmn xcildcr 40 no J- K Mil's 40 00 (I. K. Johnson 12 00 Attcssor, E, Mcl'.ulgln , Morleia Hickman C. E. Spenco . , Clara Mitchell so 54 00 3 00 54 OH Ktllth Jackson V M -ant E spans. ue IM . 15 00 Currant Home teiepuoue 10 15 60 Pacific Telephone Co ,,, Huntley Hn. Co 4S 95 Court House. h. (. . I jttourette K0 50 C. E. Kamsby C C. Miller Oregon City Ice Co. ., K. A. Eaton Straight & Salisbury .. Jjil. U. U. Ileatle Pauper. C. E. Swaiin 272 8S It 60 2 70 6 00 a 45 6 30 13 00 W. Itanforth 5 (10 II. II. Ilughta . C. E. Hurna ... M. Krtiger .... S. Avln W. T. tlarlner F. W. Sprague . 8 00 & 00 12 00 10 00 10 OO 10 00 Mrs. Rradtl 10 00 J. A. Jones . Oeo. Lazvlle F. T. Barlow 10 00 10 00 7 00 T. R. A. Sellwood 12 60 V. H. Young 10 00 Oregory Boyer 10 00 Mary MoraJ g 00 Sam Booher g 00 Minnie Pulley George May . . 7 00 10 00 Nlles Johnson 7 no U. Slckler s (in Patton Home 16 IHJ S. M. Kelso 10 00 A. Pluard 7 00 Richard Hartgravcs SI10 J. A. Confer .' 5 no Mrs. Cuynup 45 (Mi Ald-rlch Grocery Co 7 o Fair Bros )1. jo yw Electric Hotel ..,.' .7 uu C. K. Thorpe k Co 10 00 Samuel Smith 10 00 Rose Nehren -f.1 on R. L. Holiuuti 40 on Insane. W. l Tel. Co 1 25 Election. Irwln-Hodsou Co CO I'loiiet r TraiiKfer Co 73 Scalp Bounty. O. F. Williams 2 00 Printing. Oregon City Courier 30 CO Or.-Kon City Ktiti-rprlse 13 4Ii Surveyor. 3. A. . Huni-ate 21 50 X. Illalr 14 jo J. Lewis 10 50 J. II. Jones .' " 4 00 E. F. Uruns 2 oo ri. A. D. Hiiiimih 10 30 A. Schram 2 30 le Caufli'ld 2 30 S. A. D. HiinL-ittc 13 00 Fruit Inspector. A. J. Lewis 12 00 Bojrd of Health. C. H. Dauchy 13 15 Insane. Ir. II. S. Mourn 10 0') Or. M. C. Strb . . Coroner. David CanfieM M. A. M.iKiin- W. M. Folb-niili.... Chan. W. K'.lli-j Tom .1. .Mveis 5 00 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 21 1 20 1 70 I). Mclli iuy 'I'. P. Itandiill M. H. Loiik All)(:rt H-i-a . 1 70 2 70 1 70 3.90 10 00 1 70 Charles (;mlk -'. I""- J Cowan . . . W. Norrih c. W. Snort . . . (j. I Mi'iIl-cs . 7 45 10 50 1 20 t 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 70 1 7(1 1 70 It. L. Hulrriiiii D. K. Frost . . A. MIIi-k . . . F. Caufleld W. Nobler f W. Myer: J. W. AlHierlfe F. C. Shell .' Phillip Sehnoor lien Wilson Dr. M. r. Mei,.,ner 10 00 0. L. Hedges C ! It. U Dolman 9 45 Tom j. Myers .. 1 20 .; 120 r .1. linlti'iii i .1. W. Iiwery 1 20 H. K. Hidder A. .Mct.'oniiell 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 70 1 70 1 70 15 00 2 30 10 05 12 40 ( J. Hone I Julia Walker ... Percy Pool !A. J. Slmfer .... j Dr. II. S. Mouni ()Hi - ,ir Hchwart. L. Hedges It- L. Ilolman In rse matter of hridge on Cedar reek and paid for hy K. II Wemme. Ordered that a warrant lie Issued i K. II. Weiiiim.- lor hdld. hridge. In tint matter of bond of 1C, V Donahue. Justice of the Peace. Ordered (hat suld luiiul hit litiit Is nppnived. In the matter of application of v IK Krt'itch for county aid. Ordered that said anpllcanon be granted and (hut he receive the sum of $700 per mouth, In tin' mailer of the pm-clmse of wood for county court housn Ordered thai the clerk ' advertise for such wood In tint county paper In Hut mutter, f the application of Wm. S. Plynn fur llipior license to sell same at Wllsonvllle. Ordered that said license be and Is hereby ilt'autcit In the mutter of (he pcdtlon of Caspar Junker for license to sell llipior at Sandy, Ordered that said license be gran led, In the matter of petition of A Cutpeiiet 11 nd others for a countv road, , Ordered that viewers meet at place of beginning or said mud on (be 21st day of September 1110, In the mutter of e(ltloii of Frank lin Taylor and others for a county road. ,' Ordered that viewer meet at place or tieglunltiK of said road on the 21st day of September. In the matter of the J. A., Slelieu road. Ordered that said road he opened and declared a county road provided tlmt all assessments and claims for damages be paid by the petitioners within 'JO days from this 7th day of September 1910, and In event of fail ure to so pay. this order become null and void. In the matter of application of Alfred Hlnman for a rebate of tax. Ordered that (he clerk draw a war rant In favor of said applicant In the sum of $2 21. In the matter of the Frank Boer road. Report of viewer having been read 011 each of two different days o( thin term, It Is ordered that said maitur be referred, to the district attorney1. Ill the matter of the petition of Carrie E. Dtifur for tax rebate. Ordered that the prayer of the petitioner he grunted. REAL ESTATE O A rainier to J. F. UuiikaiiMin part of HolineH Addition to llorliiK. ;,iio. Hacliel Schrock to Davlil WestlH'K, north half of northeait nuarter oi section 2, township 5 south of rane 1 t'list, IC.noii. Frank Annuo et al to L M. Felts part of the Joseph (ieer Die. township 3 south of range I east, l.'i.'Jilii. II. II. Item I,., gnarillan, to Jennie I) Khy. part vt the II. II. Jiiiksou die towiinhlp & south of routes 1 and 2 cast, 1170. II. Klchctieck and wife and (iustav Kicheheck and wft. to Jiime Morten sen, part of section 2, township 2 south of range 3 cast, K.G50 .1. M. and l.idu poorninn to fl. L. Miller, 45 arn-s In section 17, town ship 5 south of range I ens'. f:l,5ou. Jessie K. Cook and W. . Cook to the West Oregon Conference of Sev enth Day Advent ists. lot 2, block 35. of Oregon City, $2iMl. O. I), nnd Jennie 11. Khy i0 S. A. Cordlll, part of the II. II. Jackson die, township 5 south of ranges 1 and 2 east, 2Ct4 acres, J0. S. A. Cordlll to O. D. and Jennie 11. Khy, part of the II. i. Jm-kson die. township 5 south of ranges 1 and 2 east, 2'i4 acres, $10. E. Playfalr Andersen and Matile Anderson to W. C. Schofleld, east half of northwest quarter of sectloa 20. township 5 south of range 3 east, $10 I). B. and Florence Fox to ticorge Schneller, lots 15 and 10, block 2'.i. of the Oregon Iron Steel Co.' First addition to Oswego, $1. Mrs. J. H . Kennerly to Edward Caulols, lots 14 and 15 of Park sub dlvlson of a portion of Gladstone, $100. O. F. and Agnes Hot kin lo II. L. Graham, land In section 30, township 2 south of range C east, II H. Cochrane et ux to W. F. Smith part of lot' I, section 7, township 5 sixth of range 1 east, $10, W. It. Murray to A. C. Crow, hind In section 23, township 3 south of range 1 west, $1. John Zobrlst lo Charles Shutter part of the William Wado DU, town ship 3 south of range 4 east, $:ioti. A. L. Novotlre and wife to L. II. and firnce McKenney, lo acres near Estacada, $1,000, S. W. Striker et ux. to L. II. Mc Kenney, It:" 2 and 3, block 3 of Esta cada Heights, X200. Sister of the Holy Name to J. T. Conway, lots 7 and 8, block 12, of the Oregon Iron & Bleel Co.'s First Addi tion to Oswego, $10. William and Clara Nlehelwui to J C. McLeas, 10 acres In section 2. township 2 south of range 2 east, $10 Ai. II. and Julia tlamburg lo J. Murray, 50 acres In section 22, town ship 5 south of range l enst, $1,000. Philip and Elizabeth llenneman to James and Catherlno'Olson, lots 7 itnrt 8, In Henneman's acres; $1(1, Andrew J. and Augusts Paulson In I F. O. Garrison, north half of north east, quarter of section 22, township 4 south, range 4 east; $10. Security Savings & Trust Co. to Julia M. Sweeny, lot 1. block 3 of May wood; $10. Krnest M. Smith to H. J. Pearl, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, li, 7 and 8, of block 3, and lots 2, 3, fi, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 In block 2 of Morris' Subdivision of a portion of the First Addition to Jen CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND o LADIK9 1 i.h ior ln.Kit far CnitlM Tntl'S lllAMOND HKAND PII.I.H In Hra snilA (ini.D njctslllr Ixixes, scnled with hucX) ...lil md ..k t. (1114 llf lt-l Ml S Dli SONS II HA Kl PII.I.H, for twill fiq years rtvurdul ss Ife-st.snfe.t, Always Ki-unnle. 1,0 LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TI.MR iKlilLl EVERYWHERE WOMTII nings l.odm; $UoHS2. Minnie Oiloll in V. ), mid Itiichel Fawcelt, lots I, 2, !l, 4, II. tl, 7, S. U, and 10, block 4tl of Mluthoru; $rMi, William ti n tl Mn iiie Kuluiuu'li to Wlllliiiii noil l'im I'nili'i wood, lots 21 and 22, hlwk 32 of Dm Firm Ad dition to F.xliii'iula; $100. Eastern liivcktrnt'iit Couiany lo Mai y II. lH'hin el Ml, lots ti mid 7 Mock 13 of Oregon city; $1. C. N. mid Wlllieliulua Walt (o Mary II. I t.iluii. iii (I n ud 7, block 13 or Oit'Kiui City; $1. Francis McNU to Lena F, Espoy, lulu 3, m mill ;(. block IS of llvde I'aik. $1. GlndNtonii Heal IChtnte AhhocIiiI Inn to Itliluud Hull Jr., lot II, block 57 of liliidstiiu; $2011. , J. W. Nctvliuiil to Anlllla M, New laud, lot 25 uf Flnnvim; $SU0. .1. W, Ni'tvliind to Aldllln M. New bind, lot 2(i of Fluavon; $soil, Kobcit Onllleld to Wllllnin II. Onl Held, part of the Orluil Kellogg l. I. q 7. fill acrns; $1. Julia .Mueller ct al to Mary Mc Carthy, bind in township 3 south rang" 2 eiml, 52 acres; $1. U II, ami CulhiMlue lmg to F. M. Iluineti, norllieast iiuarter of simile east uuarter nf sci'tlou ;i;, township I soulli, inngii 3 esst, 40 ilcres; $I.;UMI Ms, J, II. Kennerly lo W. 8, tillf tin, lotsM2 ami 13 In I'mk Suhillvlslon of a portion of tilndstoue; $2,100. ti, W. and Alice Kennedy lo Will hAn O, Flack, lot 2. block II of' Wind imr; $!.'. Sliiieon II. Covell et al to Mm tie It. Train, block 13 of Covell; l.imn. Aiuei'lcan Trust and luvusliueut Coiniiauy ti hnthuiil mid Handy Itlver Electric Coinpuliy, norilmitst quarter of section o, township i south of range 5 east. Iilu acres; $1, J. S. and Mary A. Hiirne lo A. II Mulloy. strip In - township 3 south, range I west, for roid purKitw; $. Will K. I'unly to o. J. J'uidy, part of the Joseph tl. (Seer U (' town ship 3 south, range 1 went, Co. 25 acres; $1. II. T. (ilbson ami Mury (ilbsun to 0. W. Clester, part of sertlun 3, town ship 3 south, runge 2 east, 17 acres; $.:S25. J. It. IVnrl and Mary IVarl to Julius ItelchlK, lots 2. 3 ami tl, blin k 2 In Morris's Subdivision of n part of tne Klrst Addition to Jennings Uulge; $r,25. GtHirge and Mary Kline to Edward G. llurdl. (inrt of the Alprey 1, U C timimlilp ( south f range 1 east, l7 acres; $.'i.50O, C. K. Munslnger lo Chns. L. Jhily. right of way over north-east quarter of north went quarter of section 20 township 3 stout li of range I! east; $1 Charle C. Crlswell to Kslelln K Crlswell. part of John Dickey I. U C, township & south of range 2 east, 57 Co acre; $:!M, I 11 H lluitliesoii and Ijtura l.j Hugheson, rust half of southennt quarter of southeast iiuarfur of sec-1 lion 3(1, township 3 south of range 4 cast; $r,iHi, John and Martha 1 Vinson to W, F and Frulicl Flurher, unrtlwant quar ter of smith west quarter of sei llmi H towniihlp 3 smith of range 4 west; $U'oo. Title Trutl Company to Charles llesseltlne et ux, southennt quarter of north cust qmirtcr and north-west qii'ti'ter of tmitheast quarter of sec tion v. township ti sourh of range I east. $37.7 1 John W. Humphry to ' Ada Hen drlcksen, f'i lit re lii section il. town ship 3 smith of rsugit 2 east; $1, 1. V. Iteliihurdt and Anna J. Iteln liardt lo Helen j. Niifo,,), lots 8 ami 0, block .'. Silver Hp. lug; $C(io. J. W. Valldel In Alible M. I'lRilerson, west half of north-west quarter of smith west qiinrier of sect Ion 2:1. township 2 south of range. 2 east; $3.5on. John II. ami Itasnllnd Gibson to John Serlek et ux, tract 2'i III C.lh n tin's suliilivlslon or a ihtiIoii of Iikhs Tnicts; $l2ni. J. ('. Miller lo linger I). Tompkins part of the ft W. Htuiiinon D. I (. township 2 south of range i east. If acres; $Cih-,. (), F. und Agnes liolkln to George F. Ilarrlnger, tinct In section 25, town ship 2 south of range 6 east; J.I 50. William T. Watson to Gardner 'V. Ileach, south half of northeast qiinr ier and north half of southeast quarter of section 25, 2 south of 7 cast; $500. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Tltlt Examined. Abtnct of Title Mads. Office over Hunk of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLAIIK, Mgr. Dements FLOUR $1.60 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. D. C. l.ATOURETTE Preildant, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, Transacts a 0nral Banking Buelneee. Ofllce Both Phone 22 Pioneer Transfer Co. KHtntillahed 18C5 FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENQED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Hates KoHHonnble, Buggage Stored 3 Uaya Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street CATARRH llntarrh ami drive L- swntr a Col'l III Hid ELl iiin,i iui.-kiy, it" ii a v rrum slurrs Hie hiu' of II U I f Cs f EsTl Titaln suit Htii. II, Full U" "0 cts., nt Prug- ulslaur by ip'td. In'l form, 75 iuls, tly lliollii'is, Wurreii Hrrwt, Unm Vols, TIME CARD. 0. W, P, Dlwn Portland DIVISION and Oruri City. I .cat it 3 at Arrive l'av I Arilv I 9 I in o 2 3 3 4 00 t, ,2i & 10 5 40 5.45 (i 45 3o T.aa 7.30 0 20 :! 720 7.00 7.5; 00 iltiO 6(7 70 7 30 8 SJ Hill) 7 30 7 37 8 30 $ 00 8 53 t 00 K 00 R 07 9 00 8 30 D 22 9 30 8 90 8 37 9 30 V00 S2 10.00 0 00 $07 10 no V 80 10 23 10 30 11 30 0.37 10 31) 10 00 10 52 11 00 10.00 10 07 11 00 10 30 11 23 11 30 10 30 10 37 1130 1100 IIM 1'JtHI 11 00 11 07 11 51) 11 30 12 22 13.30 11 30 11.37 12 30 1300 13 62 1 00 13 00 13.07 1 00 12 30 1.22 130 12 50 13 37 1 30 1.00 1 63 ! 00 1.00 1 07 2 00 1.30 2 32 $30 1.30 1 ol 3 30 1.00 3 ti 3 00 3 00 1 07 3.00 3 30 3 23 3 30 -2 30 $.37 3 30 $ 00 9 82 4.00 $ 00 3 OT 4 00 3.30. 4 22 4 30 3 30 1 37 4 30 4 00 4 62 6 00 4 00 4 07 8 00 4 30 6 23 6 30 4 30 4 37 ,6 30 -6 00 8 62 ( 00 6 00 6 07 COO 6.S0 S 23 0 30 8.30 6 37 30 0.00 0 63 7 00 6 00 0 07 7 00 fl.JO 7.23 7 30 8.30 0 37 7.30 7 00 7 62 $ 00 7 00 7 07 8 00 7J0 S S3 8 30 7 30 7.37 8 30 100 1 63 8 56 1 00 1 07 00 8 30 9.32 9.3S 8 30 -8 37 30 (00 63 9 65 9 03 9.07 10 00 9.30 L0 23 10.24 10.33 10.37 11.00 1000 10 63 10 65 1003 1007 II 00 ft.3U 11.321 II 25 ' llf13 ll,37 11.00 1 11.53 1 11 5S ft 11.03 61 0T 11.63 11 30 1 12.22! 12.26 ' 12.33 12.37 12 001 13 40 1 12 80 I !I.65MI.6? I fl 13 60 13 681 To Mllwaukla only. Tralna for Kalrvlrw Troutdal. Oreaham, llorlng, lUfla Creek, Eta cada and Catadero and lnternidiat point. 7:11 x8:02. 9:06. il0:06 :0S. 3:05. i4:05. 6:06. k:06 7:06 8:05. 11:35. For Orehm. x Greaham. Falrvlew and, Trontdsla. " NOTE: Car leava Kat Water nd Morrison atreel 5 minute later than lehedilled from First and Alder Hi THE HOME It Incomplete without modern, sani tary Plumbing- You risk th live of your children by kteplng old faihioned plumbing In the hou'o W take contract for PLUMliINO hasting and ventilating. We can refit your entire nous. If you are building this Spring give u a chance to figure on the Plumbing. P. C GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnace and Hop Pipe. All Kind of Job bing and Spraying Material. 914 Main St. 1 Phone 2eS4. OREQON CITY. F. J. MEYEK, Caahlei 160,000.00. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M Roaldenee I'hone Main 2624 Succaaor to C. N. Oronnnian 0 A Reliable Remedy Ely's CroamDalm Is qwltkll sti.nilitil, Olilt Rtlltl al Onir. Itl'li'tllses, snollles, lii'sl ami iiiiiliets tlm dlaiotsisl iiiiiiii. brand MsiiHing fimil Best