Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
OJtEOON CUT , ENTEIiPJ JJE, J-'UIDAV, KKI'TKMBKU 30,' 1910. hioiii a fow tiny h horti, Mr. 'I'm f.iniMTly MIik KHHo l.loyil, U wnll litiown horn mm Hint hits vlnlti'il lntr I'llllttlllit,- llm MlHIll'K HuiiIIIh, iOVOI'Hl Ilium, . M ik A nnil (I, I lays, of (ilinliiKiiiii, loft, ThurHilay, nml Imr hrutlior, Mr, Hh'ltli'N loft Hiiluiiliiy fur Dfl.rult Mich,, whi'io thoy will mli'iiil llm (Inlih'll WiiiIiIIiik uf -( li..t imrolilM, whti'h will hi' ii'lclitiili'il Ocluhor IN 'I'liiiro tun fluiit chllilitii, In tllfft.r mil tm r i n uf tho i Ktiiioit nml Cmiiiilii, nml nil will Kiithur In IX'trnll fur III" HifnlvKi'Hiiry. Mr, llnyH will cpoinl Hut wlnti.r In 'I.M'Mojt,. Ilavn yuii it'iul IIU'n 1.1k ml? lr y. il tin It will Im llmo wnll Hi"in. PASTORS GET ISIEJV CHARGES LARSEN & COMPANY i Union Revival During October l"our Orcflou qty Churches United To hghr bin ond Saloons Cr Itlth A, Main 81. OHEQON CITY.'ORtQON. r Wholesale and Retail METHODIST CONFERENCE 8CE8 !(iIH)CEM!:Si J 1 ' MANY CHANCES IN CLACK- AMAS CONGREGATION 8. BLAGKWELL IS CHANGED Ray. Ii. F. Zimmerman, Antl Salmon Worker, Succeeds Him to Oregon Clly Charrje Other Pastors Co to New Fields. ANDPRODUCK s1 LAND PLASTER liny, (iroln, held, Plowcr (ind Our den Seeds. WE PAY CASH,1 IFOR COUNTRY PROCUCE LOCAL BRIEFS fir. L. 0. Ice, UMilll. Room J7 nd Id, ,MNlc liidn Wither U Ku-lj (.f ouk (irovo ' In !hi. t-H v Monday iiIkIh, Mix Don Medium In (rcniy III l her home li) this plly, Tluinim (loihor him reiiirooit from a niijiillt ll In ( 'u lfot tli. Mr. mill Mm. J I. HwnfTonl mihhiI f-w ilny III HllM.iiru hint wk, mi, (lain rc. .Muipy, of lilotimorlo. Iff I'rirtuy night tcr your jour of Unmpo, l r. il llilimiii f nil Churl J,,.,. uf Cimliy wore Oregun Clly visitor. Hiilnhiv KllnTtlt I'rm hi., chotip, Mt Oregon Cllv CniiiiiilnHlnii Co. Ml Ad Flout In vImKIiik hot brother. Hiinrnti Kioul, nl I'liotuitln. WttiUliiKtiill. ; " Godfrey left TinmUy 'iiioniliiK fur ( uiviillN, whore ho vlll i.ii..r i hr Oih'nii Attrtouiimul ('nlliitf. I tit' rv I'lill-ick, who Im been vl IiIiib i.-htlic In ililx cliy.'wlll leave In ii lew iii) lii.lliiiKli.ini, Wiuli Mr-. Nitn iMrlnw liwri'iu" will rt - her vooul ntudlo October 1 nl U'oi. WiixliliiKioii fiiffl. I'huiiu 1794 Mb. Nnii I'orlniiti nn, Mi. Grunt II, lumltdj relumed Monday' night from it l"vl!!V mijuirii i Saw purl Knil! ScliaT Im return,., in Ufi. Kim Ciiy utter HpiiuiltiK I tin summer ill hmo mill nilii-r Kiiieni Oregon pIlltHl. I .( ' cm nil. him lii IiiiiiiUiiiiik Rlntu hull, l ull mi MU C. Coldnnlth. I'civy rnulli-iii hint returned from Viienlluu uf nevornl weeks, during whli h hi' visited tlm" Biiiillii'ru ' nnil M'-xk-o ( uiiiiiy Fruit Inspector A. J Uiwl left T'd tiilny morning fur Canity wlih fruit fur lln' 1'hioknmiin ritimy Kali Ihll'ltlnii. Harry iimiMT ami Tlnudoro o- mini. I linn' returned from fort night n).iiirn Ht I In: Breaker 1 1A-I at Nmlh Ih-iuli. Hlu't nui ii Ihii foul uf Vlclurla. II (', Oil. I III llilllll'rUl Wlttl (ll t'llltl'lt Htni.. I iii tit Ik rut lull Service, l iwntl Inn A ft w ilii) lu thin city. Mr. Omar Wood II n, IMntl Int. pupil of Charles IMiTto of I'urllund. will lie Klail tti receive pupil Ht 12IM1 Wll liiKfnti ulri-pl. I'hiMio, ,lnln 1794. Mln On !,. tho iH-wly t.lui'loil fiit"'il "f Ihff ruiiiity fiilr, nnil Mr. I'imI.' KviniH, hiilh of I'miliy. vlnlti'il Urt-unii I'lly ami I'urilniiil KrhUy. V ulhiiT mill Wnliuc Hurl uiul Kv 'irti Cii-fD ri'ltinii'il Kntiirily vn Ilia frt.iii Lincoln, iimr Snlt'tn, whrro tin.)' npi'tit l,liri wt'i'ki ni Wiilll ih'h Imp yiint. ' Kur tho Intont llnn In uillllnury in lliry nr.. hniiiKlit out rail on MIhi C. liuliUliilili Hsrry Whlln jiiul Omnr Smith n tiiriit'it Siin.lny fiotii mt vti'iultil trip lhn;ti!li I Iih inliltllii mulvk They rt'piirt u ttn trip, hut urn kIiuI; in ukiiIii In' In i ho Imul of rainfall. Mr. ml Min. Irit Wlxhurl and hnhy lift T'H'-iluv in dim In u fur lln'lr homo lit Tulfilu, Lincoln Cuiiiily, . Hftfr fortiiliiht'it llt wllh rvli'iiiU unit rul ntlvun In Ori-noii City nml 1'urtluuil. Mr. nml Mih. Arthur lluwiaml nmt hnhy Ifft Tui'Kilny fur Hnlotn. whmv Ihi-v will vlHli 'Mr. mil Mm. Wllllum II, Iiiuiihm'ill, Jr., fur fow uuyn Im fnrti it'iurnliiR to ytt'lr hmiio lit (iinnlN I'lim. Mr. fimtnllii, uf t'hlliiililphln, I'll.. i tin Iiiih Imm.hi liotikk'M'in'r nl th l'ulii'0 Siiitt'it mint, fur tlm punt thirty 'iir, wiim tho icui'Ht of Mr. nint Mm. I'ot.-r J. Wlnkol uf '"i Ok'uiui City ThiiiMlNy. COAL OroKon Clly Coinmlwiloii Co. aro now tnklim nnlom for ctml. Softire your rtjiilrtui'iil for tht winter. J tirif Ic-c of tho IVhco V. W. 11. Slim huh olTU'liiti'.Mt tw woilillnuM nl IiIh ' nrriro hint Momliry. Wlllliilil W. Hiiwith nml " Ivtcl I'iuiI wi'io. uulti'il In niiiii'lani', mill I!, li Olto anil Itrmt I'li'lrliiT wort- iniiilii olio. Mrn. .(!. W. lii iico mill (liiimhti'm MlH-i it Kliiioiiro nml Klloii IJinoo, m liiriioil tn Oionuti Clly rrlilay nlttht from a vUll wllh rt'hillvott In Knulanil, Slni'o IiiivIiik Itoro In .Inly Km1.', tlu-y havo vIhIIimI Hovorul purls of Kiiropo mi. I tin- I'nltotl SlnioH, Corrort Htylon In iIi'ohr lints'. Minn C. iiiilHiiilth. Kur i ho honollt of Ht. Jnhn'H Coiii clory AxH'irlnt Ion a rhlrlion dlmuM' wiih ni'ivoiI Hiinday iifli'iiiuoii In Mt Umuhlln Hull hv tho lailh'H of Ht John' Catholic Church. Tho. affair waH U Kivnt MiUM'OMri mill lliti pi'ot'einlH wi.j-c nioit KrmlfyliiK. The nioiioy will ho iih.'iI In tn n K I ti k liiiprovouioillH to Hi. Jolin'it Coini'tory. No I'coiiiiiulcal tuiyor will pimH ill) LovIHh Siii'fhil Shoo Halo. , Mlsn Maican't llanlflii lias rolmni'il from Tiicuiiia, Wiih., wlioro hIiv Hpcut tu wookM vIhIiIiik vnliillvt-H uiul frluiiiU. Hhn wiih nccniiiliiili'tl by, Mr. nml Mm, KiKanl Tjow, .who will - i TAKE THE HINT You cm oet the best that money can buy if you buy of our new stock of canned Table Fruits. They have the delicl ous, ripe flavor. ' at HARRIS' GROCERY Oregon City. SOOETY In I'timmoiniiiiitloii of tholr I Wfiil Ihiiyi'iir of wi'itih'il till mm . Mr. mid Mih. .1. II, WMIkor TlnifMihiy lilchl I'l' ilii'lr Hllvor SVoihlliiK id iliHr homo on Hovonth Htrooi lu n iiiuHl t'lijoyuhla miiunor. Ovor llfiy lioupln wiio proHoni, nuiHily. oh' fil ht, who know tho happy coiipln lu'fiMi' tho tl of lliolr iuiirluKo. Tho VVulluir ri'Hlil.inro wiih honutlTully ilocoratcil fur urn omiHloii. Auiitiiin loiivoii mill rt il worn u'il In priifiiNloii In (ho hull , mill tho llluiiry mid parlor worn ii.forult'il In Kroen, with whim inttiiin. rlii yuan! lii'iiiiiniH mid rnH". lu tho tllnliiK room, tho color Hchtmio wiih IniKi'ly Kr mid nllvor wirn nlo iiki-,i In inon( liintofnl uunt imr. ruin" wiih Hcrvctl In tho tllnliiK room by MIhhoh Junfi Chmimin, Umttio Walkor mm MiiiIkh HrlKlithlll, mul horn woro ulmi Iho tunny hoiiulirul iiiohoiiIh rn colvoil by Mr. mnl Mm. Walker. A iliiluty Iiiih'Iiiiiii wan wrvtnl, ilurltiK which lion Ijir.oH' urthoHtra trondoroil HI'VI'I'Ill HI'll'l-tllimt.HMIIIIIK l In' in bidutt tho jhiUKrln mid MotidolHitohn wod dliiK mnrchoH. Mr. Hint Mrn. Walkor inn both well known In Oregon 'Hy ci-mlnu from old pioneer duck. Tweii. ly llvti yearn auo ihoy woro wcihloili ami their many frlemla wlh thorn mnny nioro earn of happliivaa. lu lift pitrlom of Iho Klrat Metho tlli Church Tuei'luy iiIkIiI iho mom horn of tho nmnrciiiitluii anvo a faro well reception to Kev, K. C. Hluck well ami family Itev. Illiickwell ha been trnnafvrreir lu MlllKlxiro nfler belnii hero five year. Tho chureu miih prettily derorntoil fur llm ix'tn hIoii wlih .rlo i-rn and nulumii leaven, mill u Iiiiko crowd wan In attend mice, lu behalf of !he ruiiKrtKtttloil. J. I; SwiirToid. pronldout of the church b'Hiiil of Inmleen. iionenlei Itev. ami Mm. liliu kwell wllh a allver friill dlh mid Mih. I'rnll, Mm. IllurkwulU niuiher wllh a nhnpplnu Iuik. Htioecli. i i .. i..... I-......, .. ..ii .. en were iiiiuie iiy ii''.. ii''""i uveral uieinborn of (bo oonKroKiildiii, and refrcnhnieiiU were served. Hov llbukwell mid family will leavti H"miii I fur their new ome. y in tiuiiiir nt ll Kilna Park. wIioko maniiiKo to Moriluier J. Cockrcll will lake iiliue In Iho middle of October a china nhower m given at the homo of Mm, Mortimer Ijiiourette Kuliirilnv ovonlng by Mlns Helen Omil tun ami Ntlss Kdllh Cheney Tho l.rlile in lm watrtho recipient if many beuullful priteni. Tho ovenlug wa .unit In a mont vnjoynble manner and dainty rffrteOiuienta were norvod. Thon In atiotidiinco were Mr, nor bert Melnnnor. 'Mr. Walter Well Mr. Mortimer 0. l-atmirettti. MIhs ICdllll Cheney. Mis Helen Mantlon, MIh Kdim l'rk and MIhso Clara imU Kdua Cnulleld. The t'nlnracl Hose Company, of the Oregon City Fire Department, has arranged to give ii grand ball In the Armurv Hall net Saturday , evening. Octuber I. Farmer' orchestra hus been engaged and Ihe frrat of the nronioV dance for the winter I ex jiecled to be a great success. Social dancea will he given on the two fol lowing Saturdays, at the Armory by August Rnkel. Now I tho time lo figure on your winter' fuel. Flnco order fur coal with Oregon "Clly Commission C. "Injuns" invade Oregon City. Among Sunday's visitor In Oregon City wore a number of Indian of the "lllanket and lung hair" typo. They intruded no little attention as they wandered around the at reel, walking on the. sidewalk ol In Iho renter pf iho streets. Just as thn notion took them, mid sitting on the sidewalk or In front of a business Jmuso, when- . .... i ....... rt... over luey leu in in-eti ui I'-n. i" aborigine have Just left the ,ho- vnrds mid said to he on their way lo Ihe "Round I'D" rendh'ton's big Wild West rarnlval. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Charles Stewart Die. Charles Ktewart, nn aged resident of .Mouutnlii View, died at his homo yesterday, aged 91 years. I To Is sur vived by a widow nnd three sons, C.eoiKo, Charles mid William Stewart. Mr. Stewart ...ul l.een i roam. en, iW(,rlll J(ul W. Uuler talk of Mountain View about ton years. Hist ..,...... (r..i r th ll.iiini- funeral was hold nt two ociock thlH iiftiTuiinn from Hie Mountain View church, Itev J. J. Qillnn officiat ing, and the Interment was In Moun tain View cemetery. Th.mtit Voters For Support. (Hailstone, Ore., September 28 To IhV voters of Clackamas county: Kindly accept my sincere thanks for yoor generous support tit the pri maries. Hoping you will favor me again wlih your votes -on November Sili, I remain very truly Jours, , .1. A. TPKTS, Nominee for County Treasurer (Paid Advt.) ' Card of T(jank. We' wish to extend our heartfelt (hunks to Ihe dear frlenils one nml nil who so kindly showed their sympathy In our recent bereavement also ror'thu lieaiillful Moral offerings Mrs. C. Landed;, .Mrs. K. II. Kanirnlh mid family J! . ; Best for, the Hands S. I.. ('hapnian, Maccas, Ky., Buys: I uned Dr. Hell's Antiseptic Salve on toy hands, which were sore, and And it the best 1 ever tried. It cured them completely. 1'oreete by Jones Drug Company. Hov. L. K Zliiiiii.-riiiiiii, for tho hint Ihreit yeiirH aocrelary of tho Oii-huii Allll HiiIihiII l'Httue, him hi-i-ll Hi'lecled us (ho in- pimtor of Iho Mi-HiikIIhI Kpineopul Church of OroK"H Clly, to Mlicleed Itev. It. C. Illlick wi'll, piiHtor of tho Ori'K"ii yily Church for the Innt II vu yearn. Mr. Ilhickwell Iiiih been truiiHfofrcil lo tllllHboro. Mr. Zimmerman will preach here riiinilay iiiuruliiK, Ho Ih about 4') years of iikc, and has a family. Tho members of the church tendcrud a reception In the pulrliiK iiuHior and his family at Iho Methnillnl Kplhcnpal Church Tuenday evi-nliiK. Itev. M. It. I'lirounaitliui, formerly of KhIiiciiiU and (ironhmu, hiia been sent lo Jlrowimvlllti. Itev. V. J, W'i er, who wiih located at fanny, h'ioh ui Imlepenileiictv Itev. C. U Crenity r maliiH at Canby and Itev. Henry Hpeln Kih-h lo ClHckatmiH mul Oak lirovo Itev. II. V. Kiihlmnn will ko to Knta ciiiIii, Itev. W. II. Mooro to U-uta Itev. W. J. Mays I" Mnrnuiim, Hov. A II. Ciilder to HorltiK and rieiiHunt Homo, Hev. W. M. Hold l Handy Kv, It. H. HUhop (o Tuulalln and Ohwoko, Hov. K. M. Waehllo to Wllla mliiii and Hov. J. W. Kxon to Wll- nuiiviiiu. JOHN II. GIBSON . WILL HELP TICKET URCES ONITEO ACTION ON PART OF REPUBLICANS OF CLACKAMAS. MILWAl'KIlt Or., Keptember J7. ! Kdltor of The Knlerprlse: Will yoiijal any fair, and since so many com- p.. null mo, through the column, of your paicr lo state publicly the aland which I shuH lake III regard to the j coming election? nhall mipinirt the entire uckoi from inp 10 nuiiom uun I want nl this time to ask all Kepub llcans lo rally to the supiairt of the wholo ticket. , l'rlur lo the adoption of the Olrocl I'rlmary l-nw I always voted for my party riindhliiiu, and since ihe Direct I'rlmiiry nieihod of nominating cundt dulcn ha lieen In practice, I feel that I am In honor bound to support the nominee of lur narty. I take the ground Hint wbeti a man make campaign before the people and se cure a nomination for an office thai he in entitled l receive the support of all loyal Republican With all due respect lo anyone who may differ with mo. 1 venture the aanertloa thai any man who I honestly and truly In .favor of Ihe Direct I'rlmary Law will aupport the candidate . uf hi party who secures the nomination for an office under tho luw. Now If the republicans of this State had hii herod to that principle four yearn ago an ilu'v should have done. Mr. James Wylheconih would have been elected govonor. I In closing I wat to say that we have before us a peculiar situation namely, a Dortlon of our Htute anil County ticket are men who were rec ommended by the assembly, and the balance of the ticket la made up of men who were opposed to Ihe assent- hlv method of recommending canitl illatt s. Now that the nomination are made, let na remember that we are Itepuhllcans. and In so doing lot us throw aside ull difference and work unitedly for the success of tho en tire Republican ticket, and remoinlior that "Hulled we stand; divided we fall." Youra for the huccdss of our party JNO. 11. OIHSON. "CLACKAMAS DRY" BRINGS OUT CROWD CAMPAIGN TO SUPPRESS THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN COUNTY AROUSES INTEREST. -The opening of tho "Clackamns Dry" ciimpalgn at Parkplnco Wednes day night wiih very enthusiastic, mid too peopl ' wore In cUo audience to hour C. Si'heubel, Rev. S. A. Hay- the pernicious effecls of tho lltiuor truffle. Mr. Srhtiehel has a glitter ing array of statistics to show the cost of criminals and insane in Ore gon, and be bhuuea the saloons for most of It. In tUo last session of the slate legislature there was approprl Died II, 131.(1 for the care ot criminals mid Ineiino and for Improve ment und operating expenses, of these Institutions. There will he a mass meeting nt Bugle Creek nt. 11 o'clock on ue.t Sunday afternoon. Messrs, Schueb'el, I'iter, A. 15. b'rost and II. V. Miller form a quartette that gives vociil i-electlous at these meetings. At a meeting last Sunday In Heaver Creek there wove 1.10 poo plu In tho audience. SOLDIER WILL WRESTLE. John .H. Lorsen of Vancouver Bar; racks Matched With Carl Busch. Carl Ilusch, who threw Pones M'tmson, of Astoiin, at the M'nur Tuesday night In n wrestling match has arranged go with Joh.i It. Lor son, a soldier from Vancouver Bar rack, and' the nffulr wll! ht: pnlleii iff in the Armor:' Hull next tnesiluv night. This will lie n strniitnt match best two out of throe fain, und thv slrntiKle hold Is barred. Larson is a big mill, weighing nliofit 185 pounds nml is said to 1ft- very speedy for hl weight. Rev. Ceo. Taylor, Nc ted Evangelist, W 'o Will Conduct the Big Revival Prof. Wegner, Soloist H'-KlunlliK October g a union revival . Kon Dry" faction will gain many ad-Hi-rvleu la lo l held during tho' ''orenla. The meeting are to ho1 month of October hv t;.-. l!,.,.,.i ,. .! uv, ev.-nlns In the labernaclc mi-Kutlunal. f'rmbytoriiin mui !ih.; odlat chirchoH, All uf tho churrhi'H InlereHted are workltm hunl fr the! SIICC..H of tho big ri-Uml, an, a K'mmI many convernloi,, art; eipnctod. llm revival work will ,(, In charge Of Itev. lieorgo W. Taylor, and hi helper Include l'rof. Wegner, t he : well-known choru leader, who wllll direct tho singing. Mrn. Taylor U' a rnrnctlat of great alilllty, and will 1 alno aHHlnt. TemK'inin.e work will' alHo bo tukifti up In cuiiiectlon with rellgloiiK work by the Breal evangel Ih!, and It I thought that the "Ore- JELLY DISPLAY AT THE COUNTY FAIR MR 8. WARNER WILL ALSO EX- HIBIT IN ONE OF THE PORT- j LAND BUSINESS HOUSES. Vr. Robert Warner of this city.. who was awarded (list premium on her dlspluy of Jellies at the Slate Fair held at Salem lusl week, has mado the study of Jelly making for the past' lu year. This was Mrs. Warner's first uttempt of oyer entering Jellies incuts have been made of the won- terestlng. and many good horses were derful illsplay, Mrs, Warner has en- run. At the baby show a number of lered some at the county fair at Can- mo "best babies" were entered, by, and later will pluce an exhibit lu A ,, , th'e evpning closed the one of the large stores In Portland,' fair Thg ta tne flrst Grange Fair where they may be viewed by Hoselht,la , Saniiy Hnii everyone wag well Interested In this science. There pea8(,d wlth the resulL An im wiM 2.H glasse of Jellies entered by n,eni,(.iy K,W(i exhibit of fruit was Mrs. Warner, and the fancy glasses hl,n Manv freak8. both In vege- even made them more attractive. Some of these glasses contain a many na seven different varieties of Jellies, and when removed therefrom are lo tie found lu, different layer. Mrs. Warner haa well named her Jel- Ilea as the "Jewell Jellies." Ily plac- Ing a newspaiier at the rear of glass of nrry color of these Jellies the print is plainly visible and can be read with east". ( WrnmU Z R TJg?o use several different varieties of f,lt j ' : GUARANTEED DANDRUFF CURE, f1...x n (ha rlmittrlul u-Kit tail Id you that anv other hair tonic la Just as good as Parisian Sage bo knows utnlpr. , Huntley Ilros. Co. are Ihe agent for Parisian Sage and they won t try lo give you something Just as good because they know that Parisian sage is guaraiiu'cu ui cum umiuiuii stop falling nair. ami cure an uiseasef. of the scalp n two weeks or money back. Huntley Bros. Co. know that Paris- Ian Sage I highly recommended as the' most pleasant and rejuvenating hair dressing known. It makes the hair fluffy and beautiful and is not sticky or greasy. FJfty ceuts a large bottle at llunlley mos. co. mey win guarantee It. Made lu America only pniry Caroline Bruns. flrst; A. Of by Olroux Mg. Co., DulTalu, N. f.i.i,,,. 0f Ilarton. second prize. The girl with the Auhum hair on ev ery package. FOOTBALL PROSPECTS WERE NEVER BETTER, BIG SQUAD OF ' EXPERIENCED PLAYERS AT OREGON CITY j . HIGH SCHOOL. I ! Football prospeds for the Oregon City high schtol .ire uuusually bright, , ' , . , T pts(-h. this season. Mr there are many ex- Wt bunch of gmpcs-H. T. Hsch perienced knights ''t ibfl pigskin en-f- terliig the high school, coming from Numerous other little prizes wen. Kiatled schools of ihe county. Moore, , given. Shouhan, Michels, Slmiott and Kelly! aro enrolled from the. MeLouKhliii k, Institute, mid J Shonhan has been ; chosen captain. All ' of these boys have played several seasons. uom, and. Wilson came from the Barclay Holmes from Meant Pleasant., liault Graves and linens from C.hulstone ! iind Dniiiliai'li. llnriin ntui Auuiens (m T1)(iv wpre Krontiv surprised, from the fiasthum. While there n;pwltj, tle Kod display, especially of only two men Mt from last year's high school learn, Welsh and Clark, j uie new uu-ii im.e ...v i 1.. .lU.l.l.t , 1 U'i.i'L' riti lu. , and the work can Ih. W lilleil llllO ie..i:i iiin.utfc. v-u. ... i . . 1... ..,-.,...U-" riraves Is niauar of the team and t.. ti,,, o i k- .v mi olil football I star, will be coach. The weight of the i squad la about 1-lu pouiids. The buys are out for practice every afternoon and tholr flint yamo will probifbly ! be with the Greslnm high school. , J I Canby Fa,m Managers Kesign. George H. Ron.-eh and wife, who, have been m inn li'ig H. McCarmlck': "Kilgewnler Farm" at Canby have re- signed Ihoir places mid left for Is, Angeles, Oil., where they expect to make their future home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesinh Martin, of j 1.4'hiinon, are spctnllnsa few days lu Oregon City with ""relatives and i frleiids. 1 V I Mrs, Taylor, a Cornet-1 1st, Who Will Assist Her Husband in Revival Work. I ne laDiiTrnane, which id mrm t.rfi't,, at thn rnrtnr itf Ninth nnti ! Mir,..tu i completion. H will have a Heating ,.,.B,.iv of two thouaaml. -Hundav ! evening the Uheruacle will be de'll-j fated by a united meeting of the: four churchea. A aormon will e preached by Rev 8. A. Hayworth panlor f the Haptlst Church, and the. other minister. Including Hev. Zim-; merman, the uowly appointed paator! of the Methodist Episcopal church, wll' also participate In the services. Mu-j slcal work will le rendered by a large: chorus. i I SANDY GRANGE FAIR WAS GREAT SUCCESS GOOD EXHIBITS, FINE RACES AND LARGE ATTENDANCE MAKE FRIDAY BANNER DAY. The Orange Fair, which was held at Handy Friday, was a decided sue- cess. Aliout 500 were In attendance a good many coming from Rockwood OreHham, Troutdale and Pleasahl Homo. Good programs were rendered both morning and afternrxm by local and other UilenL The races were In- ,,,, . , erowths. were award- ed prizes. The Jonsrud Lumber. Co. ,, Ih "Si.nlv Drue Co. had good rumraorciai displays. The ladies had flne exhlbits of sowing, embroidery Bnd cooked foods. Bessie Canning wajJ Vl),((j tne I110St popular young ,u(ly Th(J committee, E. F. fiurns, M. Thoma8i e. McGuglu andJ.G- De slla7er hl)pe t0 enlarge the fair next yeur e apple was exceedingly so- , W. P. Roberts won the flrst prize on varieties of fruit. The second prlie was awarded to J I G. De Shazer and the third to A. C. Mllllron of Fir- u'riilfl Mr. Roberts also won first i prize for box exhibits, while Jerome Cockelress won the prize for plate exhibits; the second prize went to Mrs. Fred Rates, and the third prize to the Mt. Hood Land lo. prunes First prize, J. S. Albert CrBj and grasses A. C. Thomas flrst E p Bruus seconu. CTr., nri. a C. uBMlnH H Rev. luu""' " ' enue. . Ladles' Exhibition First prize, Mrs. A. G. llornstedt; second prize, Mrs R. Jonsrud. Business MV'n's Exhibits First ,)rl,,0i jonsrud Uros.; second prize, r h. Kssotu Biggest pumpkin prize a. Thomas. . r 1 liwllwilm irS, prize. 1 n-if. onhb.l nrir fl. HailHT- luin. Biggest kale (iugin. Tallest corn -Prize to Henry Mc- -Prize to- Herman i Ki'her. ! Tallest sunflower Prize to A. C. 1 Young. Best collection of cut flowers Mrs. .V Aschoff. . . . mvers Mrs. Nelson. Au j,, fti the fair done more to sundy to the front as a most jir,iuc.tive" mid land section than 1)V liny oth,.r means tried. -it,,v . interesting people, nniong whom were Portland business nmJ mftny fruil gl.owors uf Hood R . mher gi,cl)(ms wero pres- fruit and the Grange received many (,()11K1.tlll.ltm,s for doing so much to n ,w Ihoir product. The committee on program, Mrs. P . .. , ... .... .. ,,. Siieiiy nna .Mrs. ..,..- u i- did program. W. S. l"Ron. tne speaker, pleased his many hearers with Ins. eloquent i speech I Tho contest for the most popular young'lady was won , by .Miss Bessie . CiHiinilus uftor a spirited contest. j j,ljltp j Sj,mt left Wednesday for: CorvaUls. to enter the Oregon Ai-; cultural College. j p Kom)e(h stanton, accountant of wuiamotto Puln & Paper Co., has' returned from his vacation. Licenses tiinarry were Issued Wed nesday to Cora I Willett and E. N. Cunningham, ami Nellie N. Keller und Edward Sinnott. PHONOGRAPHS Make a small deposit only and we send an Edison or Victor outfit to yoor home. Then $J a week pays the balance- You never miss the small payments, and before you know it the outfit is yours. Come in; and let us play the new Edison 4 minute records for you. ''They are the best ever." . "We will duplicate any offer made by any Victor or Edison dealer in the United States." Burmehter & Andresen, Ortgo City Jtwdcn. Suspensie Bridge Corntr. BURGLARS ENTER THE BERNIER RESIDENCE! USING LIGHT, THEY AWAKEN1 MRS.. BERNIER, WHO ALARMS THEM BY CALLING TO SONS. The residence of Sir. and Mrs. ! It was a pleased gathering of mat Charles Bernier In Greenpoint was . fans that filed out of the Armory at entered at 1 o'clock Sunday morning, the conclusion of the Buscb-Munson by two burglars, one of whom was. match Tuesday night. The bout was armed with a revolver, but before! fast enough for anybody, and the they secured any valuables they were! game received a big boost In Oregon put to rout by Mrs. Bernier. The meni City. entered the room occupied by Mr i Although Busch won from Munson and Mrs. Bernier,. and the light theyjhe did not do so easily, and It took used awakened Mr. Bernier. Thetan hour and thirty-nine minutes be smaller of the men told her not to be, fore he could get the flrst falL Mun alarmed. they were just after money i gn was as slippery as an -eel and He seemed in a Jolly mood and madelquict as , flasll Several times' several witty sallies, during which Busch would have a good hold well time Mrs. Bernier was doing her best secured, and would be turning his In a quiet manner to awaken her hus- opponent over, the crowd holding band. Failing in this, she called to, their breath, when Munson, with a her sons upstairs, and the burglars I twist, a Jerk and a kick, would get alarmed at Mrs. Bernier's outcry and j out of harm's way. Time and again the alacrity with which the boys tum-j Busch wuld get a good hold, but bled out of bed, hastily fled. No tracejMunscn would merely watch him a of them has been found. while, then kick loose, lust a th TWENTY-ONE LIENS FILED BY LABORERS CLAIMS AGGREGATING $2100 STACKED UP AGAINST LUMBER COMPANY. j To the crowd it looked that Busch. j was considerably heavier than the C Bennett, C' Johnson, T. Haack. i Astoria, instructor, although the Ger E. Judson, J. A. Bennett, A. G. Brown, man (Jt'clares his weight to be 158. G. Judson, B. E. Looney, Edgar! Munson's quickness and his ability Heiple, A. Mlnonern, F. Brownrigg, j for squirming out of tight places' O. A. Full, Emma Dowty, W. Grang- mada qujte a hit with the fans, while vist, F. H. Bennett, G. Bennett, E. Busch still retains his supporters. Collard, J. Bertschinger, M".- Bennett Busch Is seeking to arrange a return Hawk and Topling and J. Jefferson j match with Strangler Smith. He yesterday afternoon filed mechanics agrees to throw the Strangler three liens against W. O. Cameron and times in an hour, but bars the stran Hoyt Bros, for claims aggregating gle hold, which near proved his un $2100. The papers In the case were doing before. filed In the county clerk's office by Munson Saturday night wrestles Attorney E. W. Bartlett, of Estacada Hoyt Jros. sold their mill on the Clackamas River, West and South ot Allspaugh, to J. H. Hoyt, who dis posed 6f the properta- to Cameron and the latter took possession last Saturday. The claimants have been working for Hoyt. who has been man ufacturing lumber and ties. Molalla. Mrs. C. H. Trulllnger, the Hubbard Milliner, will be at Robbins Bros, store, Molalla. Sept. 24, Oct. 8. and Oct. 22, with complete stock of Fall Millinery. " Merchants Praise Dr. Bell's Pine-Tnr-Honey. . J. W. UihaWnn lib o.ivc Tlioro M no medicine which equals it for easy. 25c at Jones Drug Company. FOUND Black mare, three white feet, brand L T, weight nbout 1200 lbs., and black horse, no brand, White on neck from collar, gray oil nose, weight about 1250. George Wickiund, Clackamas, Oregon. When in Portland visit the only Exclusive Coffee, Tea and Spice Store in the city. Best goods at lowest prices CHAS. F. JONES ' GRAND AVE. AND E. ASH WHOLESALE GOOD WRESTLING AT THE ARMORY TUESDAY BUSCH AND MUNSON STRUG- GLEO EIGHTY-NINE MINUTES BEFORE FIRST TUMBLE. crowd were wondering how many bones were broken. Several half and whole nelsons were broken, but final ly Busch secured a whole nelson and succeeded In pinning his elusive opponent's shoulders to the mat After the flrst fall, Munson became aggressive, pushed the German off the canvas, and tried, but not suc cessfully, to get a body scissors Busch soon .regained his feet and se cured the winning fall in one and one-half minutes. Dodan' Singh, the Hindu grappler who was matched with Eddie O'Con nell In Portland before Eddie was taken sick. Blood Poison Is prevented by applying Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain to cuts, scratches and bruises. It destroys all septic matter rnables the wound to heal without soreness. Be sure to get Dr. Bell's. For sale by Jones Drug Co. Licenses to Marry. Marriage licenses were Issued on Monday to Inez Paul and William Bowers; Rose Fletcher and C. C. Otto; Katie Wolker and Charles Ijivuss; Nellie Bal'.ew aud Charles Wamsley; Elsa Piper aud O. It. Hart nell. ' Best Ever Used A. B. Hei.-ileln. Harrison, Idaho says: I have used Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey for coughs and colds and It Is the best I have ever tried. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. For sale by Jones Drug Company. RETAIL