Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
OREOOX CITY KX'TElirUKSK, ..KKIiaV, SI2lTKMUKU SO, 19ty. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. BRODIE, Editor tnd Publisher Entered at Oregon City. Or., Post office aj socond-clnss matter. WHAT IS A REPUBLICAN? With the flKht In the family .nc-. ami tl Republican ticket nom inated, there la a disposition that HI pears lr be general to unite for the entire Kcpuhllcan ticket from top to bottom. It la tine there are a few disgruntled men. who call themselves Republicans, who refuse to accept the .-edict of tl'.o primaries, lull they are few in number. Among the first to come out ami aincmce their nnqua'itled support of (ho tlekot weiv Four Democratic Candidates for County Offices Advertising Kates on application. Subscription Rates: One Year J1.50 Six Months 75 Trial Subscription. Two Months .15 , County Judse Grant IV Dlmlck. Jtidi;e I Henry K. McGinn and Dan J. Mir- ; larkey .Indite Dlmlck mane a ir"i Subscribers, will find the date of ex- did run fer Governor, ohiaittliiK morn nlr.' stflmno.t (ill ttietr hnanl fnl. . -.,, ..c o, M., muhik th..., tl... th.-.v.. lowing their name. If last payment IsV.a.-r candidates combined, but he is not credited, kindly notify us, and a s.v, Republican, who has been the matter will receive our attention. ' honoffd by his party many time-, and he believes that the preservation of the Hepubllcan party Is dependent; ! upon the success of the whole ticket None made a fiercer fisht on the can PRIMARY ELECTION DECISIVE, j dldates Indorsed by the assembly The result of the primarv election; thi,n ,iid McGilm "ml M:Uarko-v-in Clackamas county last Saturday i'"0' P" 1,k th s'1"1"1 is decisive. An analysis of the vote for Kantian, the party's candidate shows clearly that no candidate who for l'",vr'r- The Clackamas county dws not uphold the principle of thei W'siative ticket, headed by Walter election I'nitod States Senators by1 v nin,lck for Stat0 Senator, have do the people can hope to secure a Re-rlared ,Mr i",,,"on t0 lPrt the publican nomination, especially when'"Ur tlcket (rom uown enough Democrats register as Repub-I K!,rK he rec,nt primary fight as licans to help the thing alons. With! famil-v affalr- mA ,h,,' ''" not lxln three elections to look back upon son' !0 l ustfd bv ,he l'""--rats to It is not likely that any candidate dofoa Republican candidates. Tne for the legislature in Clackamas! democratic Portland Journal nc county will again refuse to subscribe' some of the Bourno M1" are try. to Statement Xo. 1. Nothing short of' 10 inJuce tu'n SellltiR. of Multuo- political suicide will follow. ' "an '. to come Into the guboi j natorial race as an , "antl-ussetu'rly An assembly for the endorsement : ... u . .1 ..., J 1 Republican candidate but thev nave of candidates for county offices never1 ... . . ... 0 , ,. , . i nothing to offer Mr. Celling, nor an- was In high favor in Clackamas' ,' . one else, except to be used us an county, and every candidate who had ,nstrument t0 (Wt?at tlu r,,,,,,,,,,,, assembly" printed after his name on 1Mstv and 0svM the ba'lot was mihlessly slaughtered ' w , v, .I., .... 1 Governor. ,w"""s 4" It is high time the Republican 1 of: tlons. a majority of the candidates , clackamas and , g,e of 0rt,inj indorsed by the county assembly; realization that the DM V ' reel Primary Ijiw has won used ir tiiuuduu to iue iiiuuitfiiit iii in f lilt? ut'iiiuv iaia i Republican candidates, and thn w:w to savt? and preserve the Uiwis to support the nominations I . V I 1 l 1 i . . ... H.W. Ljuo. tor Clerk. R. B. Beatie. for Judge. " A- i 'A f . jP 1 " 'i , j ' -. . . j ,J-' s R. W. Bjker. for Representative. E.Miu. for Sheriff, ARSENIC P01S0MINQ. The Terture That . Ertuti Before Death Unnu Rabat. When a Nliiule dune of nrwule in auf fielent iiiuilll 10 lie fell l, lni'il taken eolbuy p.iius. hoi' disorder nud perhaps re-uli. In" the courso of 1111 bvui after u polsonou dose tin H bet'li mli.'il 41 It llilriini- burn tiitf ' n In In felt In t tn' epli:iuiiK nmt Ktonuicli. Till spread to die iMitlro nnteilor portion of Ibe lower pan of the trunk. A enni of ronoirleilnti at the throat nud an ncrbl. uietallle tame iiis-ouipiiny 1 lu pain, i'ln-u voniltlni; and ivlaxailon o ibe bofln begin. As the caw prKi'e.vieM llie s.Mnpionm inorvnse in IiiIimhII . I In n comi" a thirst tlial waier lll ii"t nlla.v. ill tbougli U appaienily rea-e the Ktoin.iMt ilNtuiliaine, The victim groans and wi ll la's. Now be Iu'I'Ioivh I la- d'H-lnr to mn e bill). Then be beg to be killed nud put out ef pain. The extremities bivome ley. Tile pulse Is auiull. finable nud fro Hiient, and the breathing N labortsl. emlinrrassml nud painful because of nlHlomlual teiideriit'ss. The aurfaee of the iMHly becomes dark and of that bltlMl odor that medleiil nn-u call ey. anowHl, Violent ei-auip mid their tor ture. exbnustlon become eolliipse. eon vulslona or coma ensue, nud di'iuli end the ngony. The torture liit nniFtltnea fnuu live to tweniv boiir. In some ease ihee ayniptonm m-eue but In a mantled form, ami I In- diM'tor will apparently get the better of the disease. The reinlln will be but for a day or two. Tlien the nbdomeu will well, ami ley coldness will pervade the frame, shivering will become pro nounced trembling, then cramps, con vulsion ami death. S'HWYIN-WiLLIAMS VT 'V VA L local affairs, keeping in mind prin cipally the personal fitness of the candidates. But on the state and legislative tickets the assembly men' miilp hv tlio the Priinr.rv. had not a ghost of a chance to carry j . . Clackamas county, when they fiaun!-' " ed the "assembly idea" in the faces' p YQU D0NT KN0W, V0TE NO. of the voters by having it printed on. the ballots. t There are 32 measures that will ap LESSON OF THE SALOON. j The part taken by most of the Ore-; gon City saloon keepers In the pri pear on the ballot at the genera! elec tion. A few of them are good, mos" of them should be voted down It Is hard to separate the wheat the chaff. The Enterprise ailvisc.- the 'voters of Clackamas county to ALL-OREGON ' APPLE SHOW NEW CHARTER PROPOSED, V Milwauk.e Finds Present One Does Not Meet Requirements. FRL'IT EXHIBITS FROM ALL OVER THE STATE WILL BE DIS PLAYED IN ARMORY. ...u., .1U1,H ja, ,cra vQte ngalnst every proposj,!,,,, ,hal for the retail liquor dealers. The' . . . , ,. , , ,, .i, ! he does not fully understand, wl'nout .oca, saioon men were .arneo 10 Keep. EW(f hlr- j-.m K 'knrA ' ptisal that relates to county division CLACKAMAS HAS PRIZES their hands off, but they have been' dabbling in local politics so long, that' they refused to heed the counsel of their Portland officers, and headlong into the fight, candidates for nomination. or the creation of new counties should be defeated' upon the princlpl tnat ..K...f lUSUru . . . K,.oiT tr .u! h(t sh0lW created over In Wallowa. Tte rc- This action will be remembered on establishment of three normal school? the eighth day of November. There-mav safely be left to the legislature have been many men who believed ( j,e measure to create people's 1l the saloon 'was a necessary evil, butlSpectors of Government is another of they believe It no longer. The "wets"! those propositions that one Toter out carried Clackamas county two years ;0f ion pretends to understand. Here ago by about 165 votes, and this Is a. Is the list for your digestion: mighty small majority to overcome I Woman Sullerage. There is a carefully planned cara Constitutional convention, paign In progress to place Clackamas; Separate Senatorial and legislative county In the dry column and there', districts. Is more than an equal chance of It; Abolishing . constitutional provt being successful. This campaign wIll,8on for eqtlai ad uniform taxation, be carried into every precinct before j Permitting each county to regular election day, and wit the constantly f taxation and exemption, and abolish increasing dry sentiment In every ' )ng poll-tax. part of the country, it Is not hard to forecast the Vesult. There was expended In Clackama. Bonding the state by districts to build or purchase railroads. Classification of property for pur- county this year $190,SSS".C7 for the poses of taxation. support of the public schools. At the Annexing part of Washington coun- last session of the state legislature ty to Multnomah. there was appropriated $1,134,642.35 ! Prohibition. for the care of criminals and Insane j Giving cities and towns power to This Is a pretty figure. Over a mil-: control and regulate liquor traffic. l'on dollars in the State of Oregon ; Prohibiting taking of fish from Clackamas county pays its share j Rogue River except by hook and line The "dry campaign" speakers are providing a method of creating asking the people why they tax them j new counties. selves so heavily for the support of Road bonding by counties. the public schools and then turn . Amending primary law to pay fare around and undo the work. The leg and expenses of delegates to Nation Islative appropriation does not in- al convention. elude the money expended for tn Creating six new counties. courts on criminal matters that can Re-establlsWng three normal be traced dirctly to the liquor traffic, schools. ' The saloon men have the fight of Annexing part of Clackamas to their lives on their hands In Clacka- .Nfultnomab. mas county. It Is not to be expected Employers' liability law. that they will give up without Creating commission to study ques struggle. The big Portland and East- tion of employers' liability, em brewers will pour in money to Creating peoples' inspectors of Gov keep the saloon traffic up, but the ernment. penile throughout the county have Proportional representation In Let, come to the conclu sion that the saloon Islature. must go'. P.eorganUing jury system. Milwjukie Is 10 have a new char ter. Mayor Sir. II. und the Council men have found that the present charter Is Inadciu iVt-and tHat street improvements c.innnt be made or sewers laid under uny of Its pro visions. The charter was thrown together hastily mhen MHwaukle was Incorpo rute.l, and Its dete. r only appeared n-n ine couni'iimen miucrtook a hose programme of street lmHrov ments. After a careful study of the charter the Mayor and Coiitiellmen derided tnat a new charter must be framed. Assistance of the Mllwaukle Com mercial Club has been asked, and It has a committee looking Into (he sub- t Ject. The plun Is to secure the ser , vices ef a competent attorney to draw up a charter lit once and have it v submitted to the voters at the city j election, December 15. Councilman , .. ... ,. , : MuIIan said that the charter-la full In conneenon with the quarter- ()f ho, j centenmal celebration and annual k hsj , h meeting of the Oregon State Horte , cnltural Society, , an "All-Oregon" tAt ,he Peeeinlr election, besides Fruit Show will be held in Portland ,hl' vote on a new charter, a mayor November 30. and December t and 2 ,clt ""'""'r. city treasurer, marshal Elaborate arrangemenLs are being , ?" J two rouncilmen will be elected made for the show, and -o great has Th,': candidate, for mayor, it Is said. been the response from all parts of.'"' Illielv lho l"c"tnbent and ex- the state that the original plan of Ma'or William Shlndler. holding the affair In the Melee &' Frank Store had to be abandoned and ROMANCE OF ARCHITECTURE. the Armory secured In order to take, , care of all the exhibits that will be - . . . ... p.,in,hi.n Rwl. Oregon City Commercial Club. Mt. Hood Land Co. and Cnipm 1 Her low Offer Special Premiums For This County's Fruits.. Apples will of course be the princl-l . v ' pal exhibit, but pears, nuts grapes! In the winter a young girl bad dle.1 and dried fruits and vegetables will In Corinth. Sine time afterward her also be featured. A prize Is also be ' maid gathered together vnrloti trio ing offered for a vegetable exhibit kets and playthings which the girl bad Those In charge of the show are work- loved und brought them to the girl's ing hard for Its success, and will grove. There she placed them iu a strive to hold a national apple and basket near the monument und put 11 fruit show in Portland next year. lar(,c ,,,.,. ,nP ,, u,p basket to In addition to the many prizes of- , , n.,,(1 from v,.r.uml.ig H. fer-d for the different varieties and ' . .... . .. . . , ,. . , , . , , , . It hiipiH'nwl that under the basket was individual exhibits, every county In 1 1 , . . .... the state, and many fruit districts are root uf "n"','u'' P1'""- w h offering premiums for the best ex- Prln ''sn"' lhp 'ntuu sprouted. hibits from their section. 't its shoots were not nble to plerei- Following are the prizes offered by the bnsket. mul neconllngly they grew Clackamas county organizations for around It. having the b;skct In their the best Clackamas county exhibits: midst. Sik ti of the long leave 11 Prizes offered by oregoh City Coin- grew up ngalnst the four protruding mercial Club :lo. as follows: liest coniers of the tile on the lop of ibe exhibit from Clackamas county: , (mkl,t cllrM rmld under tbes,. cor- First Prize-Cash $20 ; ners and fnr,. pretty volutes. Trprprir- ; - -.- Prizes offered Hv Ml. Hood Und tllnt ,ln-v- " ",U ""' Co. and Associates $50. as follows, for nimllnlely cue elved tbe notion that the fruit grown in district from Sandy to 'orm or the luixket wiin tne piaiuc AMERICAN MANHOOD. An English View of the Common Peo ple In This Country. , 111 nil I spent 'our tpouth trnvelliitt and lecturl-.? In the eastitrn rllle of the United A'nie nud met many men of Ttirletl elnwe. In my wlldinit dreams of the race I had never fore seen such wealth, Mich freedom, such equality. America I tbe laud ef the common M-ple, n England ft the laud of the elnsse. If I wer a ymins; worklnginaii I would go to the State ns soon as I 1-011I.I earn a pasMige. cause once on her oll 1 should eea-w to Ih a Inlx.rer and liei-ouie 11 num. which I it very different thing. Itetter than the lioiiiiilles wealth of America, belter t tut 11 any material lien et)( lie ran besmu, I this x-use of manhood and equullty that U 11 all perviullug a (he air. 'iue lliiin I lie earthen flmlr of our tH'aint hovel. still found In England' southern nulli ties, an. I the iiliirvattoii wage mi which Ife live I tin h!avili pkit that drng tbe rap from hi head Im fore the squire or crowd lilm Into the ditch ns the carriage pa- by. He Is not a man. only a laborer, one step above the serf. -Joseph Hurtt of 1-on dou In I.-lle'. mm if! w tj .i,.. 1 ' 1 '1" PAWS & VARNISHES The first thinj,' to know alont p.iint.'i ami varnlslu'S is tint liotisr pnint will nor. J for frt'ijlit cars ami that piano varnish will not ilo for floors. This is l run ofalltair faces each requires .1 ilillfii iit ti'tain,r:;t. You tan no more pet i;oi-tl results IVnin .1 finish nuulc for all surface than you tan lit! cured of all disease.- with one nu ilu'int; lieware of tht! paint' or varnish that is recommended for all kinds of purposes. Your problem is to find the paint or var nish best suited to the e you wish to cover. Tht Shtn(ii-ll'ii'iii:s Co, ha vo worked out this problem for everyone fur every surface. The ripht quality in tht-ir products protects and beautifies lonjjest the surface for vim h each is in tended. This ripht quality has made them the largest manufacturers of taints and varnishes in the jvorld. We sell a full line of Sherwin-Williams Products. In our paint store is a paint for every purpose and a paint nun whose advice you may rely upon. Wc carry not only the full line of S. W. Paints and Varnishes, but many other hijjh rade specialties such as Chi-Namcl, Jap-a-Lac, Johnston's Artistic Wood Finisher. Economical painting means buying the highest grade paint you can. There is no other carried in our paint store. Have a talk with our paint man it will place you under noobligation to buy Dover, best 3 boxes: First l'rize Cash $25. S-cond Prize Cash $10. Third Prize Diplomay . IJest Ih.x Northern .Spy. . First Prize Cash ."). Second Prize Diploma. Host box of Yellow Newtown. First Prize Cash $". Second Prize- Diploma. P,.ist exhibit on Plates. j First Prize Cash $:!. 1 Second PrizeCash $2. Third Prize Diploma. Ill -l ., HOXeS IIUIII (ll-d.l.t IIIMIHTI. ; Mire of I MkI trl-. Cnh .'. donatio! l.v I . ' 1. . ,, 1, ' ' ' tboiu;ht i,1 M lilrlJJII! 6 MM lJW. Second Prize Diploma. j on top of it and surrounded by the lenres and t ilk of aeiiiilliu would be n ruuielt iieutfliii? for coltimn In ; an.biKH ttire. He from till Idea formed j tbe beautiful ( 'orlnt lilali style of eupl j tal. Sii' li. a! leant. I the story 11 tile I architect Vl'nivlu told It t.!HH) year I Banking Is Out Business We have nothing else to do. We give our undivided time and attention to banking. ' We also make it our business to furnish the people helpful bank service. You want real bank service; then make THIS BANK your bank, because you will get bank set vice that you will ap preciate, that will help your business in more ways than you may now imagine. The Bank of Oregon City A Pretty Poor Portrait. A China in.. 11 of very hluh rank bud hi portrait painted, nud when it was finished the painter reoueHtifd lllm to p!iscrtiy what they I iij.iiiiii fir !i . jin.' oiner iireco anil ! asked th.. mi ciinier: I "Do you iicuU HiIh portrait like?" The hat.! extremely like," replied ! the crllie. 1 The subject of tbe portrait nuked 0 I similar (pu-.'lon of n neeond fttrniiKer, j who uiiHucr-'d Unit the clothe Heeiied !to be exit'iiy ruiir'Hliiced. He wan jnlHiut to ititeiTOKiile a Ihlrd when the I painter ni r,, ,,., him and mild Impn I tietitiv: . : ' '"II. e resetiihlniK-e of the hat nud 1 cioiln-H Is of no Importance. Ak tin i irent leinn i. u -1 . r- !u tliltik of the fiu-e.M Creek, Ore., Keplemher 27 On beliiL' nslteil this riueHllon till) Ftraiii-er hesitated n very long time, but at lat he re)Ili;d: Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Coming Election Will Show Real Friends of Primary. An K.'l!?ll Editor of The Enterprise a defeated aaseir.bly camliihiiii 1 fi. th n.irn ill !. I for It t.iwt. ...tit ... ! five. I wish to hereby ev-.r.-s to the' "Tll,! l"':inl "" 1,ulr "re ,lrst ratc'" many fiiends w ho so loyally supported ' me, my niosi sincere iippreciation. I knew to boKin with thai the oddh ..f-rc fV(-rwllelliiiri;'lv ni.riin-! tr.n Trie ihliiji'now to do Is for the asseiu.j fr""'1!S "l'"u Hie luo"'ii uinbltlon of blv and an;l a:;Hciiihly people to K- "l" major of II town to be made a lotrether and s-ipport the ticket as! knlbl for his diKtiiiBUlshed Horvlce In ii'iuiinated by the' people from top to' reeelviitir royally nud narrate for (lie bottom. If we are tn,. to the direct beiietit of ti. 'iisplnitit tbl nnecdote: primary law ibis will he dune and if; Wh.-n Adam Wink, the Edliibiirisli this is not done the direct primary i publisher, wri wounded on tbe subject of ree.-ivlim knighthood, be said: "Nae. It Wouldn't Sound Well. IliiKiisii north country paper is a failure and the voice of tin oeople will soon he heard against it New Is the time to show by action who are the real friends of the dir eci primary law. I. V. KXON. nae; It wndiia flee. You nee," he ndd eil. "If a hoy cum Into tun' shop nml said. 'A ha'petti o' slate pencil. Kir Adam.' It. w;icliiu hoiiwI weel."' Tripping Muskrats. riiimner of mivhnnlcal trap to catch inuskriit have Ihi-ii Invent. hI and tried, but none k'lve more itutl- f act Ion than the old ttoatlnu barrel trap that ha ln In use for ninny year. Itoth end are left i-IihmsI, nil. I a hole about elclit by twelve luclu- square Is sawed lu (hv nl.le, A tnuiK cleat l nnlbil arro ench end. the cleats prnjccttiii; nix or elulit Inches beyond the barrel, and upon the cleats are nailed two board, one on each side of the barrel mid several lm be lonuer. Water then I placed lu the barrel so that It will ttoat with the board plat forms about ou a level with the sur face of the pond or i renin. About one-third of the barrel remains ahov water. Apple, eiirrol and other dell cacies Hint the muskrat likes are placed lu the barrel. In ihelr utlcmpu to get the ball the uiiliiial fall Into Uie barrel and are unable 10 et out. Kx I'bniiKo Proving His Authority. There wit mi Irish foreman of n Itati, of laborers who went to any lenitth to show h men that be was the real bos. One moruliiK this fore man found flint his Kamt hn! put a handcar on the track without hi or ,dera. "Who put that linu'car-r-r on the thrnck 1" he nked. "We did. sor." unc of tbe men un swered respectfully. "Well." he Hald shortly, "take It ofl a'ln:" . The talKirer did so with some dllll culty. "Now." snld the foretnnn. "put It on au'ln!" Greit 8chm. "What do yon do." nsked the ons who bad been married only a few morfth. "when your husband come home late nt ulKht?" "I preleiid not hi nut lee that It's lute, and pretty soon he ks me If I wouldn't like to go to the theater or somewhere tomorrow iifternoon." THE CAMERA OBSCURA. From It Was Evolvtd Cvr Modorn Pho tographlo Apparatus. The camera wa liivemed by an Ital ian niiuieil Ihipllsta Porta, llmtieh It wa not at first used for pliotnKnipli Iiik. It wa lu reality merely a dark room. Into which the lluht wa admit ted through a Utile round hole In one side. The rays of I It: lit coming from objects outside of Mil room enli-red It throiiKh till aperture und made a pic ture on tile other side of the room Klowlnt; In all the beauty and color of nature Itself, but rather Indistinct Mini upside down. 'J'lil (In rU room wa contrived bv Porta about the middle of thesl.xleenili century. lie Improved It later by plai'lni; n t'lass en Jn the aperture and oulslde a mirror which received the ray of llulit ami reilected them through the len so Hint the limitfc upon the opposite wall within wa made much brighter, more distinct and In n natural or erect position. This was really the first camera obsctirn, un Invention which Is enjoyed to the pres ent day. Now our modern photographic enm pra Is merely n small enmera obscurn In Its simplest form, currying; n lens nt one end nml n ground Klnss Hereon nt the oilier.- It Is, however, often much more coiuplieni.-.l In lis construction. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. THE QUALITY STORE SURPRISES IN PRIMARY (Continued from page 1.) iThsy Don't Lik the Assembly. liover, )rv, September : 1-MlloC lit Tint l:illtriirlHe' OreRim City preelm-u and In outh- Vp. Hi,. ilnerve with western und eastern t'lacknmas, ' RIVBt H,lrpl Mrl (,lt j, y. .;,m. No he dl known. Ilia prom-; lUe nwiti ballot, runuliiic fu U.i tu keep hU oflc, open durliiK th" randlducy repre.tntlv.. from flack. n.Hin hour prouahly brouijhl many vifB,M county ou the republiciui ticket " ter to hi support. .Mr. Mnldruiii tl had printed, "A firm believer In made a very short rmpl8ii. yet heii,tri(r, primary. Alu liilllaiivn and ' r I veil the nomination v.T i ti,.f,.r..iuliun." after bis lianie. We Kred M. Itoth of Canliy.. Mr. llack haVB kOWl Mr, Km flir ,,,, ,,, vit a uomliiatlon wn due lu a (treat , Mlu rnll t, M f.. lii decree to the fact thai hi lintjurs)-1 Httttxiupiilit. Mr. Knoll railed llie Inltla tlomd abllliy I well known and he .,.,, ronveiitloii held In this dlatrlri mad- nlM-tter rampalitn tlian did his-,,,, wlw ,, r tUo deleKiites to lho opponent. Mr. Illulr. cunlblnK 'or, Clackama eoiinly ronveni Ion. lie w comml-.loner. ni'tled a satisfactory j cnveivtlon a cholro for repre... vole. thoiiKh his rampalKll wim not ;,,. ,, ,)w,,, hu ,M,t,,.tt ,irrr o tliorotiKh tl'at of J. J. Mallatt. ; ,,,, ,,, ,0 ,,., (urt-jen ut i4; Km W. A. Dliiilck. for state s-naior. has ' nvntlouyet he Hiea as a direct carried the county by mom tlam .'loo' prinmry candidate, vote over Clyde (J. Huntley. The' , , h(,m AMrirt Oreitoti City precincts were conceded (),iv,.r,, t dlcaiel by His fext to Huntley, but he hurt them by 123. , hat oulnf a total of sevimly flve nccordlUK to unofficial return. Mr ! Vlll(1( ,., fl,r ,, six cnmlldatea for Huntley came Into the race late, and ; r)r,,l,.,,vi Mr Kn f.,,,,-,,,, Dlmlck laado a linrder campalKU. I fr. The Statement No. t affiliation nft vv ,,,,, p,,'rm f,dnB toward ine cauiiiouir mr r...n- i... '"I Mr. Knn or any other as My can n-sponsinio lr tne neieni oi v npiiiin . 0,ia w nill fB J. T. Apperson. J. W. ICxoii and J. 8. favor the arm- bly plan or any one who attempt to SlKtied: fre, K. HI nek Clair K. Con-y . Clark Corey Austin (1 MHIInm 13 D. Hurt. II. V, Clark. A. J. Morrison Win. I'. Iloherts C.eo. A Wolf H. A. Morrloti I). ltiadley (ieo. II. Bawtell Voder. Captain Apperson and Mr. ,i.i...i h,,, i,ii n, i,iii 1 oner llliiou prar.u-niiy iui i;niiirisiKii. The same ipiesilon affected the can- dldacy of John 11. Ijitmirette Tor Joint' representative from Cliickumna niid Miilliiomab, and he did not even car ry Oregon flty, wheip he wn born I and raised, thouuh hi opponent, . II. Cliatleii, had hardly any acquaint ance here. The vote of (irnilt 11, Dlmlck for governor lu Clackanni County ex ceciled Hint of nil hi competitor. Ilowermnii ran behind Jtufer In till county. Thomas Kay. cunilldate for slain treuMirer, polled a liiindsome vole lu Clackiimiis, nud CoiiKressman Hawlav ha npparently cnrrled the county by a narrow mnrtdn. With the except Ion of those cmiilliiaie lor state iifllrea who bud no opposition the iiiitlassemhiy aspirant carried Clackamas. The liidnrseiiienl of Su preme .liiHllce Tlionia A. Mcllrhlo ami Circuit JiuIko J. C Climphell, boili of whom am ('luckaiiia County men, I very KratlfylliK to thosu iteu tlemeii. Mnlarkey, tbe nnll-asMenibly candidate for Joint senator, bent Dr Kmniet Drake by over 2 to 1 In Cluck- a ti i us. COUNTY FAIR "BEST EVER" (Continued from parj4 1.) of the kiis ennlties nud pumps depart ment of tbe .Mltcbol, I,ewls Unit Htavwr Company, has Installed tne leader I'lieumatlc Witter System on the fair Kroiiiuls. Mr. Meaner will i;lvo public deiiioiistrulloii dnrlliK the threo days session of tlio Fair. KamlncHH, Sou & Cntiimiiiy am the nuenls of this water ayslem, with hcailiptfliieiM at Canliy. This demon slriilor will iilso show bow lire can he extinguished by menus of this system. Hecrelary Marshall iaizeiie nun m alleiidants are kept busy from morn to iilnhl. Tim best of order prevails lh- L'l-iniiiils. und no Kiime of chiiuce nrn permit ted. The nierry-KO tumid Is pleasliu? tlio yminitHlers as wi ll as I In- older ones. Many of the llnest lireeilliiir horses and cuttle In.-e been brounlll the f:ilr KmunilM hiul the billldlin? In which Ibey lire kept are lielim visited hv hiliiilieds dully. ' -- The music finiilsed by the bund Is onn or the rirawliiK cards. Durlim the evenliiKs concerts will be given nml followed by speeches from many of the leailini; speakers of tlio stale, The speakers' platform has been built lunr the canip Kroimdii nl the rear or tlio exhibit hullilliiK. The urove Is lllli'd yt It tenls. Never be fore has the fcrovn prf'teiit"d n more iitlrnctlvr; nppearaiice Ihim It (iocs ul llie present time, since Mr. Smith and bis asslslanls have taken charKe of the grounds, 1 MARKET REPORT Quotation furnished by Oregon City Commission Company: Buying (iniln Wheat, HnffbSc per bushel; oats, 'jlfl:'.1 per ton; barley, $J3 per ton. Hay Iiet clover, new l0(f$ii sr (on; timothy, new (ISfflil per ton; ftriiln hay, now, $; atrnw, I.OiKf6oi) per ton. Fruits and Vegetables Apples, f ."icflf 70c per box. riiims, L'fi'ii 10c per box. Dried prunes, Cm-U0m, now crop, 3 He 5i Ic per lb. Onions, $i,sBf l.nn per sack, Potaloes, new, !)l)-i;i $ per Hiick. Eggs, Butter and Dairy Produce Kuks, line. .- Hut lor Creamery, Oflfninc per mil; connikv, nuc, I'ourtry old -hens, fat, VW.1i I Ic; mixed, Iii'kIc; sprlnK broilers, n'jfli lie. Fryers, 12 fit 1 to. Dressed Meats. Hons, 125 lbs. lo 17:, l,s.; fancy, U'c Veal, rancy, llr02c. Hides, Wool. Mohair. Wtr... Sheep pelts, 10o. per lb, lliilos, xreen, 41ir,c lb.; dry, 12' Wool, i;c, nic lb.; mohair, Hoc. Cascarii llark, 1c per ll How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old mid Irnvel most or the time," writes II, F. Tplson, of Kll.nliellitown, Ky. "Kverywlmrn I Ko I recoitimeml i;lei-trlc llilters, lie rainio I owe my excellent health und It Hi II y lo Ihem, Tliey effect it cure every time." They never fall to tune the sloinar-h, reKulato tlio kidneys und bowels, stimulate tlio liver, Invlb-oenle lho nerves nml unify lho blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, resloilnj; HtretiKilt, vIkoi and health Hint's, n dully Joy. Try them. Only rule, SatlHractlon Is pnsl tlvciy Kiitirtitileed by .bines' Iinur Co.