Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
OftEOON CITY ENTERPRISE, KIM DAY, HtJPTEMIJElt 30, 1010. 3 CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANDV. m. .1. is mill Waller II. Moore itmcio n trip In Miilliiii ,y automobile I Hominy, lio' Hiillor wim n l'liiiliuui vliiUor .Mummy, W. li. I.uoko wim In I'm timid (.run- mii'tltiK liiiHltMHH Monday Tim following union wmi) trjiiixu't il liy lint i C i I Uinil ('ompniiy iliu IiiinI wi'i-lc KIvk itcrH by Mm, Halt imiiimIi, put'clumed by Frank J'utoli; nv mro to ic, I'litii'imm in (,'iuiliy (liii'dnim; hfi iiiiiiH near Muliillit liy ft Hi'iitiln f! r in ; ;H in'rng In itiititlior linrt liy tliu miliiii firm. Mm, ChmhIii Kvihih vIhIIoiI Ihu me- r i l Im r'rldny, Mril Cm ii In Cliirli wim mi (i'i'Km CHy vlMliur Tmwiliiy. Mr, mid Mm. (poncer of Noedv with nIhiiiIiik In Cmiliy Tumidity. H. II, Carlton nf Iho tt tin of Curl Inn & Himxnkriillii Co, wan Krni'lliiK olil friend mill looking Hf t.T III H IhihI iikhn lnliriU In Cmiliy Tiii'Hiliiy. Win. ('niitwoll muilit n hIihi'I vIhII to orllmiit Monday. I', 8. Million rt'turiicil from Hills lioru iiml vicinity Tueniliiy, wlieru lie turn been looking tip u locution wllh u view of fnt tin ivBlili'iicn. Mr .Mini Mm. Hunt Hliopliord of Wil lamette vUlli-il Willi Mr. rJlicphertl'ii parents, Mr. mill Mrs. X Hheplieril. on Hiiiuliiy, Km ilk Willgiililol of Polllutnl vIh 1 1 I'd IiIn fiirm nl IIiIn plnro Htiiiilny. Clirystliia, I In- IlllUi ilaiiKht'T or Mr mill Mr, IJnn, IIvIiik on lliit tyolnll roiiil, iineliitlf mllo eimt of Cmiliy, who wiu Ktrd ki'ii wllli liifnnillu paralyNU on Tuesday of hint week. In ri'UlliiK 1'iinlly nl liiHt ui'cuiiiiIh, iilthmiKh llttlit li'(m In inrtiiliuii for lier recovery K. Ilnnim tiu oli lil rinfir-tloiiry turn in riimtr Will mm ldlgar Hiiilib, both w i'II known Cmiliy hoys tun! while we regret to liwo mu ll g. nlnl. Iilghparl.d oltUrns tin Mr. ami Mm. Iliituiii, who hnvii proved tlmm solve to bo, In llii'lr two year' rwil-J ili'Ui'x here, o will extend our best wImIihh for tliiilr hiii'-ihh, Mr, mill Mm. Milium opet to iniivi) to ifiimt urn Oregon In Um near fiiliiro. Tlicilr Iiiuiiii wiih foriutiily ut Unit place, wlii'rn lliny lniv( large property In- ll'lllHlH. Wallace, Httiii mod orMr, mid Mi IC. N, liiiolilnwin, luiii tim misfortune 10 full on mi nx one. iluy of lnut week, nearly severing hi tlmmli. Dr. lied mini ntiuiiiii'il lu I liu .Injuries Hint no tut r rMiullH urn oxlicoloil lo follow. Mr. IHckniiin, wim In NiiirirltiK will) 11 li hi luck of piiKiuiionlii, In slowly I in proving, Mih, ('. Hlmll nnj diuu: lit -r, who Inn i. Im'hii visiting relative In Cmiliy "ml plt'ltlliK hop ut W'h II nil yard for several W'-i'Iim ut l it in mi ii . returned lo Ihlr In i ut l.lnton Hiimliiv. I Kkkh-IKIc dozen MIkm Klori'in-B Wiiiik, who lit twich- Hiittur 7o roll, lint In tliu Ciiiimiuili Hi'liooU. vlHltuil I J'onltry IIiiiih, IKc. uprlnKii, 18c; Iiit pnri-niii ovitr Hiiiuliiy. I"'1' rooHUTM, 12a: iluckH, 1714c; koubo, Mm. I. MorrlH hint Iii-lii vIhIUmu ' Uo. tnikcyn, niilx lit Ji'ffiirmiti ovr Hiiiuliiy, to- lurnliiK Tiii'Hiliiy, WiiIut, Um lll-yiii'ld non of Mr iiml Mm, lOdwnrd Ki-iiinil of Murloii Hull, who dl.'il of illplithiulii on tliu 'jnih, wim liiirlml m Ion Oiimtory tlio riillowliiK iluy. No new taxi' tiHva lli'VI.'llipl'll, W. II. I in I r, AiImiii KnlKht ml (Ji-o Mui'kit wnnt to On-Kmi CHy on IiuhI ih'kh Tii"Hiluy iiftirniioit Ci". by Mrkt Report. Tim following (iiolntIonn nro ((Ivi'n by (lordon llnm., tlio Krocom, am) l.ui'k'i IlroN., tliu t)tiU hor : Mih. llnirliliiMin In tlio nillllnory mi him Hid in ut wi'k. V 1 1 1 lit hi illnid, forniKrly of Cmiliy, Inn ri'ci-ntly of CIiIimi, Oil., nrrlvud In Cnnliy Hut ii rl it y for u vlnlt with hU liiiithi-r, llitrvey, iiml liiclili)titlly 1 10 IK $1 to iiitKint tim Mis fnlr. Mm. J'. J. lluiTiiiun mill Mm, IJIIIn Nlnk of Niw Km worn In Onliy on Tui'mluy IiuiIiIiik nfii'r thn InluritHU of thn Wurtli'r (iruiiKo exhibit Ht Ihu County Fnlr, MIhh Old l'i U n liliny yoiiHK Imly thi'Hn ilayn, Hcli'itliiK hitr iiiiiIiIh of liimor mill pri'purliiK for iluMoit " yni'i'ii of Iho lliirvi'Nt. The followlnic ('liirkiimtiH County Kli'U huvo iicrcpl i'd thn liiinori u utti'iiilmitii; MUh JtiHtn Curriin of Ori'Kon City, MIhh lliiffiniin of Now Km. MIhk aA Biullll of Miii'knbtirK, MIhh UlRit lliiwn of Hiulot. 1'iin (irlbblti, who Ih ultmiilliitf tlio lilKli mi'IioiiI. Ih inulilim Iiit hoiiin with her liniiidmiillii'r, Mr tl, W. Kchhi-I-rliiK. Mm. (ii'oiKi) Bpi'tircr vIhIu-iI OrttKon CHy Tiit'intiiy evwnlnR. ' MIhh Alum KiiIkIiI vlltcil Ikt pnr- Mohnlr, 31, Wool, pi-r pouinl, 17c Iiwhhi'J pork, 1214c; tlroMHinl vonl, 12'c. ! Illd- (Iri'i'ti, tic; KHltvil, 7c. i Alinli'H. hit 1 MO IbH. II: IK'lirH. Dir TomutoKH, tMir Inn IIih, ll.r.d; culi- liiiK". pxr 100 llm, potutoDH, per 1110 IbH, II, OiitH. pur ton, :i0. Whi'iit, pir IiuhIii.-I, l. Out hay, $in.f,o; i-lover buy, $11; Ikii'thy, $10, , i.'nrrolH, pur niu-k, BOc. 4lonvy, pur lb, lfc. Itncon, pi'r lb, 24c; bird, pr lb, 18c; hum, pi'r lb, 2rc. I'Ikh. & or IS wi'i'kx, $2 rucb. Chlttlm bnrk, ic pr lb. Ili'iuiH Hinull whllo, 8c pi-r lb; In iK whltu, r,o pr lb. Vnllcy flour, $1.35; Riipnuuo, i clul hunt wIiimii, $1.20; bluvNtem flour, $1.7S. Wnti'rmUm, per 100 Um, $1.00. Corn, jnr mck, $1. Ilci'lH, pT Hack, $1.35. HwdcI poUtiH H, pvr lb, 3 '4c. OiiIoiih, Mr cwt, $1.35. IIorh, 1214c Veul, U'4c, uml Hpont a fow fluy wllh Lode folk Thi'y wure accornpiuilfil hotup by MIhh Krn Hurt, who will I a wtk-nd! mii'Nt at tlm WoHterfiVlii horiiu. I Hi'V. HoviirlliiK pri'iuiliiij a vi'ry! iiblii Niiruion lit (!rnc Clnii' on Hnp-j lumber 25lh from Mutt. II !. Tim piiir-i li-rly coufonilicH will Im lndd at thi'j Miimorliil Churi'li In I'lirtkiul Butiir-' iluy ovoiiIiik, October I. On Kundiiy, Octobor i, Ihu piiHtor or tlie KvaiiKoll-! ml church at Mllwunkli- win pri'iich! nl (Iraro (,'lnipi'l at thlM il,u'u nod ad imIiiImIit commuiili'ii. All urn Invltod ! MIhh HiihIh KiiiIHi of Onn-,n I'liy Hi'Uit Monday wllh Mih, HiikIi IUU- I'Mh. I IC. DllWIllllR WUK tllll' ll lllildif,y III at Hid homo of IiIn Rh)t r In H. -II wood uml IiIh ninny frlondn ;U llnj IjiIk'! wi'in pulimd to lo'iir tbm Uiclr fiunllyj phyHliiuii found hi in (' b" Huffi-rlim wllh typhoid fuvor. Mm, Morrill, who lnn Kjn-nt tho miiniiii'r with her frlnd, Mih. Iloblln : him roturnod to I'ortlmt'i to Join hm ; bimbiiiid, Captnln Mi-rrlii, who him ; roii'iitly rotiirni'd from riimnu. i Mr. and Mm, Horace CuMilriK mourn' Hid death of.tlndr llifimt daiiKhtor i who ciime to tliclr honn' In I'ortland on Himday, gpti'tiiber 2,',tb. Mm. Crone') llrodle uml MIhh Mary' MKldnor of I'ortliind i:e TuoHdayJ luiii'limn gui'HtH at the liomc of Mm. j If, KminoiiH. i FThe Standard I Patterns New Kail atyle null, made of dur aldii fnlirlm, well tullori'd and have H'rotiK llnttiK. Thre orn plain navy lilim hitki-'H, chovlota and ih'hi llht and dark oilxtitroH. TroiiHcm lliin throiiKhout; xtra pair kiilckirbockerH wllh each wilt. W. A. HulnifH, 507 Main Direct. , OAK GROVE. Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas JENNINGS LODGE. Mr, 1. Wllciu fiijoyi'd u vlnlt on Hiiiuliiy from Iiit Hlnlxr, Mr. and Mm Itlrk.'li and family, of I'ortland. Mr, I'. 1). Ni'wrll rnjoyvd Iluffftlo 111) I'm rlrt'tlH UhI wrwk. Mm, Jniiii'H Wi'lcb and Mm, Vyvynn Ih'iii dpparti'd UhI wi'rk fur llcppnor Ori'Kon, whir thi-y will hhiu a month with rrtciiiU. , Kdoiii . Mum,', youiiKi'Ht blNitlii'i of (iiMr Miimi, arrlvrd Hnturday frum liiliiiiinvbia. TnU Ih Mr Morw'H fourth tftj to thU connt. ami Iik loin di'i ld.'d to romrivp hm fatuity to rortlninl, wIutd ho linn at'ciMiti-il a ai Canliv Mm. II. IE Kuimona and ! Portland Wdni'lay. Mr. II. C. I'alntoii are to cham-roiiB a! Mr. and Mra. (Inrllc of Mtddrum party of tlio youiiKi.r net, who are ' removed to Hay City the fore part of looking forward with much uli-amiro I Um wwk. toward the bvai fnlr Ihla county hu ' MIhh Mlldrml Hart la rccoverlnK cut had. i fn her recent IIIiivhh and li again Win. 11. Hover. -tenor uliieiir of 1 able lo be about. I'orimnd, wIioh.i wlfo and ilmiKliler Mr. and Mm. T. J. Bpooncr have MUh IVkuv lloyer. berunled Kock decldi-U to take'up their rraidence In UhIkb at thlR place diirluir the miiiii- ' 1'nrtlniicl for the winter and will rent men inoutliH. Iiiih iiiHt relumed from their collime furnlHlied for the re- a trip thrmiKli the mualcal ami art . nialnder of the year. reiilem of Kurooo. Mr. Ilover had Mr. and Mm. (morne Steele and the pleiiHiire of tneelliiK many great party of frlenda pand throunh here ih-oii u in nuiHle and he also ntleui led : rriuny in tneir louring car, the world rmnoUH "PrhhIiiii I'lay" at! Mr. Thompson of GladHlone dellv. OberainmerKau, beHldea many ohtiih I ered aonie very choice Mulr pcacttca poHlllon. Mr. Miifae could hardly re l roncerta mid recltala. Mr. Ikiyer hn : ut the ImIk'i Wednemlay. .11... ......,. 1 .i I1- 1 1.1. ... I.. I Til.. I II VU'nll fiitnll allie the rapid growth I'ortland vlilulty linn taken on Hltlrn he here lx yearn ami. Hen (ireeiiwooil nf l)ubliiiie, Iow.l Ih at preneiit 'IIiIiik IiIn mother, .Mm i. HmlUi of tbU place. Mm, C. Torler u a IniHlneHn raller nt Ori'Mim City on Moniliiy, Mr. l-nrued, whuiie family Ih douil (Hid nt the II II. ICmmoua hiiiiiiiii t homo. 'Iliieiia Vlatn." Ih dntiKeroiiHly III at n I'ortlaud hnnpl(nl. II. C. I'liliilou Ih nt pri'hi'tit drilllnii a well fr CharleH llnrrla of Meldruiii lie riniiili'li'd one lust week at (lie new homo of Mm. Abe Uiholiwlch at Klaley. A numlier from hern are plminliiK to alleud the Clui'kaniiiR County fair and re Hume d hit jkihIHoii aa tenor In the left Temple lletli Inrai'l iiunrtet. MIhh Mnble Mom axHlHied at the pruiirum Klveu by the Itebekaha lu Ori'Kon City on Tueailay evvultigtof IiihI week. Major and Mm. ClnckHon broke up rump on Tuenilay and returned to their npiirtuteiita In I'ortliind for the winter. Mm. JeHHlo Candrcth and daiiKhter, MIhh .Mnble, who have vlnlted with (he former' mother, Mm. V. C fllce, dur 1 11 it the piiHt nix wi-i'kn, have returned lo Ihelr home In Hiicrnmeiiln, CaU Thomiix Plrknon of Oneida, Iowa, Uireu iliiHhiiell of Manehenter, Iowa mid lliik'h Koberta of the IxidKe, via tied a number of pliicea of Interent In The I. 1). Newell family bavo been enJoyiuK the necond crop of atraw berrlen from their vlnea during the punt two weeks. 0. I'. Morae left for Yamhill Sat- unlay to accompany hla wife and son home from their ranch. They will take up their renldetice at their place on their return. The Mlanes Ulllan and Klna Wca lertleld came down from their ranch THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. City Loti, Aereag and Farm Specialty. t TO GST P. O. Box 213 Milwaukee, Ore. THE CHEAPEST LIGHT mn H -IN- THE WORLD The Best for the Eyes Electric Store Alder Street, Corner 7th Our aehool oieiied Monday morning with over 100 piiplla, many now face I among the pupils and one new teach- j er, Mra Green, who fill (he vacancy made by MIhh llnrtnell'i reHlgnatlon. Fifteen new piiplla, miwtly in the! eighth grade. We hope mid feel we will have a aucceaaful year, with! Prof. Duller at the head and aHHlMted I by Mm. Kndlcott, Mra. lfcrry and Mn.i Green. Mrs. Siiuiildlng and Mlm Snovell iro city vlnltom Monday. MrB, Hurry Meiialngrr, who has Ijn under Dr. McArthur's care for "no Weeks, Is on the road to recovery Mrs Proctor was city Bbopper Monday. , j Mr. and Mrs I M Arnintrong were In Portland on buslnem Monday. Wolter Knehl was In Oregon City Monday eVonlng. - E. C. Warren and L. E. Armstrong! went to Eatacada on business Wed-! nenday. Modern W'Hidinen held their reg- j ulur bUHlnens meeting Tuesday even-1 l"g ' ! Frank Cox. of Lyle Waeb., spent ' Monday night with J. H. (iraham and family The primary election made things lively here Saturday afternoou and evening Mm. A. Latowltch has ber new home nearly completed at Rlsley Htailon. It adds much to that part of our little burs. Rev Henry Spcla has been appoint ed by the if. E. conference for Clack hums and Onk Grove this year. Rev. James Moore formerly of (his place and Cornelius. Mm. Matthews and Ml Matthews of Courtney were i'ortland visitors Tuesday. Wm. Hefty of Portland has moved his family In their new home whlcb bo purchased recently of Geo. Han sen. , E. C. Warren Is excavating for a basement and build his new house n the comer of Center and Second Avenues. Ed Austin, the bnker, will take charge of the Oregouian and Tele gram route October 1. Anyone de siring either tit the papers will call on hi in at (he bakery. He has a span of burrog and expects lo give the customers good service ull winter. E C. Wurren the retiring "SKent wishes to, thank (he customers for the courtesy shown him (he past (wo years he has been agent. Mm. John Keblman and children spent "Wednesday with her daughter Mra. J. Lulk. In Portland. ,Hk,s Anna Colbwln was a Portland visitor Wednesday. Frelda Spldell and Clarence Hush ing arrived from Florence, Oregon, Wednesday (o visit wllh relatives and friends Oak Grove' Uterary Society meets twice a month in U Voshurg's Hull corner of Pine and Railroad Ave., on Tuesduy evening, w. H. Moore president; Airs J. H. McArthur, vice, president; U Vosburg, secretary .Miss Nellie Matthews, (reasurer The club has (aken up (he Northwest as a study. A committee was appoint ed to arrange a literary aud social program for the winter. H. V. Mills, salesman for the Mod' em Candy Co., was in our city on Wednesday. Henry Sehneffler's new house Is completed and the family will be set tled In a few dayj. The Inside paint ing aud finishing was done by John Kuliler the popular Oak Grove artist. Church Notes. M, E. Church. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m., Mrs J. 11. McArthur. Supt. Services nt 11:00 n. m. by the new pastor, Rov. Henry Spela. Special music by, the quartet. All are cor dially invited. The Ladles Aid held their month))' tea at .Mrs. Geo. Smirks Thursday afternoon. A good attendance and a large free will offering was given to assist In pnylng the retiring pastor's salary CCtore WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW !0th and Main Loom End Sale Do You Want to Save Money If you do you should be sure to visit our Remnant Counters during the next few days. We have bought a great lot of mill ends of all kinds of goods which we will offer at much less than regular value. COME AND LOOK THEM OVER If you can find there what you want you can make a great saving When you buy 10c goods for 8c yoa save 20 per cent. When you buy 10c goods for 6c you save 40 per cent. On these mill ends we can save you all the way from 10 to 50 per cent. Loom end of bleached muslin I to 1 0 yds. in piece ' 10c goods at 7c 1 2c heavy fleeced poplin at 8c 1 0c fleeced back flannelette at 7c 6c calio, light and dark, at 4c Also remnants of ging hams, outing flannels, dress goods, etc, left from reg ular stock goods at greatly reduced prices. BUSTER BROWN SHOES rot BOYS at.ut fUUUOfl MADE FOR US IM ST. LOU i a er Thb bnen Etc of chocs h being told b nearly every town in &o United States, from Boston to San Fran cisco. The Icatlien ce of celected quality and the whole line of chocs is irdc cpbthe sams tles that are being shown m Men's and Women's tigji grade foot-weat. Emyboy mAtf wiHbeddbledwh the atrwanrsj ted with tha qiiM&j d ' Buster Brown Shoes for Boys Boy's heavy Kangaroo Calf Shoe, one of the best: Sizes 81 to Hi $1.90 " 12 to 2 2.25 " 2J to 51 2.40 Shoes Children's Box Calf Blucher Shoes: Sizes 5 to 8 , $1.25 " 81 to Hi 1.35 " 12 to 2 1.60 Children's Heavy Calfskin Shoes for wet weather school wear. Sizes 7 to 8 $1.35 ' 81 to Hi 1.50 " 12 to 2 1.85 Children's Kid Blucher, pat ent tip: Sizes 5 to 8 $1.00 " 81 to 111 1.25 " 12 to 2 1.50 Ladies Heavy Kangaroo grain lace shoe, plain toe 1.50 Ladies' Box Calf Blucher Shoe 1.60 Ladies' "Queen B" Calf Blucher Shoe 2.00 Ladies Kid Blucher, pat ent tip 230 Ladies' Fine Kid "White House" Shoes 2.98 Men's Heavy Work Shoes j $3.50, $3.00 and $2.65 Men's Box Calf Blucher Shoes, the best thing put out for the money 2.50 Men's Kid Blucher Shoes 2.50 Men's "White House" Dress Shoes, in kid or gun metal, latest styles $3.50 and 4.00 EXTRA SPECIAL-Boys heavy steel button shoes, sizes 9 to 131 $1.05. J30NT FAIL TO SEE OUR BLANKETS BEFORE BUYING J CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tha Signature Christian Endeavor Officers. Tlio Christ Inn Emlfiivor Society of the First Baptist Church hold their rRulnr business mooting lust evon- Iiir and the following officers wore elected : Miss Amin T. Smith, presi dent; George Edwards, vice-presi dent; Ella Dempster secretary; Lewis Conltlln, treasurer; MIbs Anna Conlilin, organist. About 35 members wore present. After the business meeting, refreshments were served ami a splendid social evening was spent by all. L.B.U Stenographers and Bookkeepers y Great Demand Business firms are recognizing the superior training of our Business University over the work of the business colleges. Our standard is higher; our work is much more thorough; our work is moe complete; and our students are more proficient in every way, OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. The reason for this is that we vuse teachers for teaching. They are trained for the work; they know how to get mental development. We do not use office, managers, clerks or bookkeepers for teachers; they do not know how to teach. Tor this reason, our pupils , advance much more rapidly than the pupils in the large business schools. We Love To Teach: Everybody Busy: Everybody Happy. Just the school for the earnest young man or lady who desires to learn and have the high est and best training at reasonable tution rates. You are sure of individual help and instruction. You know the large schools cannot give it. You should investigate our work. Dd it now; do not wait. In session all the year in day and night school. ECLECTRIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 2751; Home A5446. f ! Your ' complexion well as your temper Is rendered miserable by a disordered liver, Tiy taking Cham-i bcrluln s Stomach mid Liver Tablets PORTLAND, OREGON. 0 9 ! you can Improve both. Sold by all