Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
OREGON CITV ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEl'TFMUKtt 80, 1910. 1 .10 Kind You Have Always ISottjrht, ami wliieh lias boon iu lira for over 30 years, lias borno tlio sinaturo of and 1ms Won umrio midor bis per jLtJ'?i ' sona supervision since its infancy. VZC7Yt 4cui Allow no one to deceive you in this. . All Counterfeits Imitations nnd "tTust-us-oodM are Imt Experiments that trillo with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience j;aint Ktperhucikt. What is CASTORIA Castor!:, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Part porle, Drops nnd Soothinjr Syrups It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Jlorphlno nor other NaretXit mbstanee. Its njro is its jruarantoo. It destroys Worms and allays IVverishness It cures Diarrlueii and "Wind Colic It relieves Tetthinar Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and llowols, healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SI WILSONVILLE. Mr. llothiino wont to Portland on Saturday to oust hi ballot HI hl home In Lews. Mr and Mrs C'!y! linker are spendtl.i: a canple of weeks at Mr Alison linker's during Clyde's vacs lion from his work at the lee plant 111 Portland. Mr. and Mrs. .loo Kpler spout sov oral days In tho Hose I'lly last week; Mr. Mendel lias sno to Kastorii OroKou on i business trip. Ho was accompanied by his .:iuj!!ut Ksther Mr. Huntley of Oreson City w.n' In Witsouvillo mi Wednesday last. Mrs. t'romn and son. Morris wont lo on Wednesday, where little Morris had an operation per forate:! upon Ms throat by a Portland specialist Oulv :!5 voters wore out to Picas- tut Hill pioelm't election on Satw Compare Our Prices ml ion ;ll that Ar voti uluniui tu ow )l wri h-i m4 irt tstr Of li'WK nHlt,Ht in V. If lflrt. sj I mlt ,iiti. it.n t i , , i"u nr V 'TiUtt vrk t. V,iuc.. J5.0 ." t. 1UWtiM i.p ts .... c i, C .1t'" 5.00 HI 1 Wll.hnmnVuiM -Ui.'i:i .50 NWltw-w- HIT MITHODI All - .Mk ftitly itrtHiH-l r-r flft h )mii, Wise Dental Co.. Inc. Pnlnli Ttntlta day. Tins Is -not ipilto ono-iouriti of nnini guiitum. im ,tH WimmitM mkiuno Out the batloiins doiu- a: tho precinct at : a . h wtr.k, jM. . i general eleoten. - - Mr Charles Kpler and .land. tor. ( ( (l v,)Ulv r Clava went to lwtiainl on s-alnrday M;t c1,(( h(j mA eieu vu-i "us hi ii ini'iFMi.- wi Monday examining the plots. Mr Cronin had the responsible position of pnmpliig air for turn to breathe wlille under water. she U l-etler, but not well yel, She .aid lier titlnrl appivaeliod nervous piostratlon. Sam Moser's little child is sonuv Corral Creek school opened o'i ""' ,,,,u"r' Monday, the itith, with a fairly sinn Mrs. liotfretl Mosor, mother of attendance. Mrs. Aubrey Woods has Sam and Kred Moser, died Monday Iveti engaged as teacher in that ills- Scpteinlier Jil. after ftn IllnesH of tricL 1 about t wsk. She was kind neigh- It. M. C. Ilrown has luniiiht irop erty on Molulla avenue, nour IVnrl sttvet, from Kriink Stlllwell, and l dlgglUK n well and iiiaKIng oilier I in proveinonts, ,lohn till nnd fnnilly limn inovnd lata (), . Kollogg'it Iioiiho nit Taylor si root , M.ra. Sliortlodgo ihh gone lo Tlllii' uuHk to npond a few weeks. Cninduia Hart spent last Suiulay hero with her daughter, Mrs, West and f.iiullw Harry Schoth has gone to Corvnl lis to attend ciillcuo again this term Mr. nnd Mrs. Maui spout last Sun day at Heaver Creek, the guesl ot Mr. nnd, Mrs. John linker. - John and tleorne (illicit spent Sun day wlttr Mr, and Mrs. .tone of KUlu rndo. Mrs. O, II. Jefferson and daugh ter. Alpha, were visiting friends in this vli-lnlly Tuesday. Tho Sunday fehool Itllde study will ho held ill the hmne of Mrs. ft A. (illicit next Thursday, Tom Carried Is having his new house papered nnd painted this week hy Mr. Carrol Mr. Uiyuian Is able to he out again after his Illness Mrs. W, (i. Hall Is able to be ai tho store again this week. j ltev. Moffat I preached at the Moutt tain View church last Saturday and Sunday. The regular meeting of the Moun tain View Improvement club wan held EASTERN CLACKAMAS r FIRWOO0, The Klrwood Mutual me at homo of Mrs. Malar. While picking apple for SPRINOWATCR. Our Heboid Is pingresnlnK nicely Hie under I lie niiaplecn of Mliu Hotilfool and Mls Waleh. Ilie lior.ild Wllcn left bis homo and tirange Kalr at Sandy, A. ( Mllllion inany filends last Hiiluiilay to again fell 1ft feet from u tree and was (en- enter the Arli'iilMn al College at i or dered unconscious. He soon recov- vallis. ered and iislde front it few bruises Is (Julio a number of the young pint- as well as usual. i pie from Ihlx vlcltdiy went to I'orl- Aiilen Malar la able lo work again land laiil week In Iblffalu IHU'k Wild after being coiillned to the holise with, M n( hliow. a boll on his foot. A Hew ' minister has been seemed Tho titango Kalr, held at Sandy and will begin wink here the (lrl of l-'rlday, September was a success November. We all wbili Mr. Howard In every respect. Kvory part of this mieeeNs In his work, ) country was ropreKciitwd I hero. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Slruuk an en- ,. C. Mllllion wiuil lo Portland Julng u Hip lo Hi" coast, and Mulalla Iho Hist of the week. Mr. I'ntnler of 1'iulland was a Kied Ulack and Hay llowo have Hpctun uicl' lilutr lttt Sundiiy. bii'ii repairing the telephone lino be- Mis. Iletilia ie went lo lllvet tweeit Sandy and Hover this week. ,n ,,., Meiiday. ' l-'red How has returned from Oak- The farmers are In-glnnlng lo mulh' laud, Cal., and Is now working In the, again, for only a lew more nights Sandy barber shop, , and I he prunes w ill all have been Mrii. W. K Slovens spoilt the past diied, week with Mrs, N, l. Hart, The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. - .V'i -S.i'jff--iiiifMirirTin'riiiMi" NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MEADOW BROOK. Mr. Schofee has a force of men cut ting timber on Mr. Holman's place The logging force are fiulshing up on the O. T. Kay place. Mr. Boiling has rented Mr. Bitner's spooling mill and is looking for location. Mr. Boiling expects to go into business for himselt Mr. Chind Green was elected direc tor at the special school mteting last , week. So far as we have heard the work done at the primary last Saturday was satisfactory to all parties inter ested. Our real estate men are doing a rushiDg business since the late rains. M. J. Lee of Canby was out here with a party of Seattle business men wTio are looking the country over with a view of making some invest ments. In an interview with Mr Ensle we learned that he contemplates making some more improvements on South Main street this fall. John Allen of Portland' and a friend from Georgia were out viewing the orchards here Sunday. Mrs. Charles Tholan is visiting with ber daughter Alice in Portland this week. F. R. Cooper left Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Iowa. James Wilkinson, 201 14th street, Oregon City, Ore, says: " I had back ache and pains in my loins and could coughs, colds, grippe, as'htna and Bronchitis. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. For sale by Jones Drug Co. and cure of bowel complaints. It Diarrhoea Remedy is today the best known medicine in use for the relief Mr. Botteniiller and family spent ; Sunday with Mr. Buol and family. Mr. Baurer and son Albert went to Oregon City Monday. Sam Elmer spent Sunday with Mr. Schiewe. Will Dobble was out in Clarks this weeK. Walter Grabett hauled a load of lumber through Clarks. . Mr. V. G. Kliensmith worked in the Union Mills last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fully were out from Portland to visit their daughter, Mrs-i Durst. Clarks school will start Monday, October 3. Mr. Shute is hauling lumber. John Marshall went to Eastern; Oregon last week. WHY NOT ENJOY THE MOST DE- t? SIRABLE OF CITY CONVENIENCES? H WATER SUPPLY UNDER PRESURE YOU NEED K W. K Fischer Is building a lino new- barn, Ho not fall to rend Hid Hover elec tion news In this Issue. j Mr. Heed took his four-year-old . I.,..- I., il... L'ifu .1 loitl lill,t .... i . ,i k . L .f I...., display of fiull til the Sandy when returning with a load of lime ' ' ....... , . . ber along the corduroy road the child, " r'"' l ' fell and was throw n under the w.rj 'f I; ; Improvement on. l or i niiU-ly she fell so that lieri 1 ; ' . . ' , , ! I I Koho tills falk John Nelson ia eg was between two legs, and ioiih" .... ....... i 1, nasi'" "UII'"'I lo have twenty acre. K f I. BO. W, J', Huberts of Hover (billed III the home of bis iliiiiuhter here last week. He got Hint plle of till on otherwise unhurt. of laud cleared loel Jni'l halt n force of men clearing seveu at-ren nnd Mrs. .lerger has Just tllilnhed cleiirlmj twelve acre. MIsh Aiii nnd Klleii .lail, Mis Ol- Mlss Kflle Grace ot Clarks wiu Ms I ga Holt. Mrs, Johnson and lister Itlng friends In Ihls neighborhood: isorei came niun i-onianu nun s.tu EAGLE CREEK. last week. Mrs. Clark anil Mm. Murphy railed on Mrs. Wesley IkmglaH last Wedties day nfteriiiKin, Victor Hern helped Hay Woodlo with Iho digging of his well pmt of lust week. W. W. CiMike was In Iho neigh Sunday at (be home of Mis Hllidnll. Mrs. Holt J.dinson fomnorly owned the fit in) I lot i Jnel Jin I now has, Kelso can boast of the most pop ular young lady at the Sandy Fair, us Miss lle ile Canning received that honor. Miss Mlniie l.liidholin Is HMliillug n ' borb.sid ralllmi on relatives Hatiirday1 few weeks with her parents hero. nnd Sunday, 1 Our chon started Monday with I Klder J. IV Norman rauie tint from two teachers III rhhrge. The 'school ' Umta Snndny and preached at the ma'ams'' lire boarding wllh Mrs. school house Sunday noon to a ain'all Tltlidke i iiudieiice. Joel Jur nnd lauilly went to Dover ! Sclusil commenced In District ,N'n. I Tnesdny t" vlsll and to grass I .".it on Monday with Miss llosit Moon- ee, mi Ibelr -tu acn- that were ! ke of Molalln as teacher. ; Inn bed over during the recent Hie. S G. W. linker, Hugh Jackson nnd' Mr. Lludholm got a print on til. I Ward Douglass left Tuesday for the big Hitatoes al Hie the Handy fair. ! Warm Sprlnus and Cnsik country.! .lohnsou llros, from Kelon g..t first i where they have gone for an outing, prlte on Ihelr woodwork ethlhlted. Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle ofj Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-i five cents. A piece of flannel dampen-1 ed with this liniment Is superior to. any plaster for lame back, palng in the side and chest, and much cheap er. Sold by all dealers. CLACKAMAS. The pro and con of the political situation la being ably discussed by the voters of this district. Meanwhile! the "unprivileged" class women and! children pursue the even tenor ofj their way. I The mass meeting at the Grange hall Friday evening of last week and the one to be held Wednesday even-! ing In the Congregational Church will I give our voters some pointers on th ! political situation. The regular all day meeting for! Clackamas Grange, 298, will takej place Saturday, October 2. Visitors j from many other granges are ex- pected. I The Christian Endeavor Society of this place will give an entertainment1 in the Grange hall next Saturday eve-i ning. A fine program is in prepara-j tiun and the Ladies' Aid will serve! refreshments. Admission 15 cents, i School in this district opened on 1 LOGAN. Ve hear that, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, who live on what Is known as the Cross place, injured one eye very badly with a piece of wire and may lose it as a result, J. E. Penwell had a sale on the 22d and will hereafter live In Port land. His place is for rent. W. W. i September 19 with a good enroll H. Samson was the auctioneer and ment. Principal Haliday has the 8th, funmaker I 9th and imh grades; Mr. Heacock Fred Gerber is busy with a force !the secondary room, and Miss Edna of men putting a new support under! Armstrong the primary, the pouth end of the Baker br,'dge, ! Ieroy Paul and family are moving and has repaired the approach to ,nt0 their handsome new residence Rock Cret-k bridge. ; west of town. V,". P. Kirchem attended the State C. F. Street Is building a fine bun Fair and reports good exhibits and Kalow on his property opposite the a large attendance. j former location. Mrs. M. H. Rit.lioff has been on T. Mooney is also building a new the sick list, hut is improving. . j home. Mr. Mooney recently sold four L. Vincent was here last week. acres from hjs place, including the Lowirr Logan school will soon com-' buildings. His present location is a menee with Miss Strange as princi-' 'it' le north of the earlier home, pa! and Miss Duncan as primary! Mr- Wittenberg, who recently teacher. j bought the Pease place, is making a , great improvement in its appear- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and a"'';' especially by adding a fine cures griping, diarrhoea, dysentery,: w 11,1,1 an'1 ower- ,, . , and should be taken at the first un-', Tn;re wl11 be Poaching, followed natural looseness of the bowels. It is by tne con,nmnlon '-rvice, next Sale equally valuable for children and ,aln morning at the Congregational adults. It always cures. Sold by ail : Lhurcn. dealers. IN YOUR HOME No doubt you have often envied your city friends and wished for the conveniences afforded by modern water supply under pressure, In your home. The Leader Wate. iyttem 1U enable you to enjoy those advantages more thoroughly than u possible with any other system. The Leader Is not au ordinary farm water mipply system with Its attending troubles and annoyances, it la far from ordinary. It will furnish a dependable mipply of water wherever and whenever you desire It. You can enjoy modern homo conveniences, auch a tho bath, toilet, etc. You will have plentyf water for all domestic purposes, the laundry, sprinkling and PROTECT ION AGAINST FIRE, that danger which constantly menaces the rural home. Pressure up to 125 pound may be obtained with The Leader System. A is shown In the Illustration, tho tank may bo placed in tin basement (more often It la placed uudurgroundi where It Weeqs the wator cool and fresh In summer and pre vents freezing In winter. The beauty of The Leader Syttem Is that it la practically troulilelesn. With Iho e ception of a few momenta when the water or pressure becomes low, It. needs no attention. But for the fact that every time you have occasion to call on its lervicet you are reminded of its efficiency, you would forgfet that you had such a thing at an Independent water supply. We wilt be glad to give you an estimate on a sys tem that will meet .your requirements, use the coupon. Write Today for Cata logues or call on W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY J. J. SANDSNESS OANBY, OREGON For Future information Portland, Oregon IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES, A GOOD POSITION. CLARKS. Can be had by ambitious young men Alex Scherntble rent-id his wood !'ml, ,a',lies ,l,le fi'l(1 "f "WirUew" saw to P Putz 1 "r Kail way telegraphy. Since the 8 Mrs. Scherruhle returned to Port-: n,""r l w has became effective, and land Tuesdav , since the Wireless companies are es- Mr. Buol and family came home i ,;i,,I1finK, s'a!i,,n3 1hr''" from hop picking last "week. j country there is a great shortage of Mr. Scribner, onr road supervisor, j ''l'1"; '' pa' "0K " .aid planks on the Mott.auflV i Ser 0' Tne and Mrs pur,t lT the Cnlon iroSes',,1!x''o"fr;t: Mills were at Clarks to look at their tlf1ItPj , Amf.ri,.H un,ir supervision m , . , , , ..MR. II. and Wireless Officials and Oib'a Elmer is bad: from hop pici;-; ,)la,.PS a UihU-h into positions. It f; , , ' will pay you to write to them for full Mr. Haag is digging potatoes at ' rj,.t:iiu. present. ; Adding to City's Attractions Mrs. Marion Young and family and hor, a good wife and mother and a, Tuesday evening A motion was car Mr and Mrs. Reed Graham went to faithful friend and will ho missed by! rled that there be a curfew bell at Portland on Saturday, to attend a! many. She h aves to mourn her Ioss; Mountain View to be rung at 8 p. m., farewell dinner given to Professor ,dier bereaved husband, climbing the; and nil children under fourteen years Graham before his departure for G.-r- hill towards 70, and two sons, and a; to be off th hi reel nt thut hour, many to take Specal study with one number of grandchildren. It may be! Mrs. O. U. Hickman entertained of the masters of that great musical said of her. none met her but to love; last Friday In honor of Mrs. Dan center. ! her, none knew her but to bless. Tho Story of California. Those present Joe Epler is building a splendid funeral was l.eld at the German Ilnp-i were: Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. ICrl Story, large boat, which will be equipped tlst church i,n Wednesday, where she Mrs. Dave Story, Mrs. F. Welsh, Mm. with a gasoline engine Joe expects' has attend. , since the church was Ed Harrington. Mrs. Parker, Mrs. to do some towing on the river as! built, and ismi was laid tenderly to Clarence Frost, Mrs. Drayton, Mrs. soon as the boat Is completed. j rest by Hie s:de of tier son John, who Ollle Warner, Mrs. Hickman and Why does not some one start a died some yearn ago. ! Helen Story. A delicious dinner was small livery stable at Wilson vllle?j Zack Klb gren has Btruck water, j served. Such an establishment would be a He dug In feet or more, when the- Walter A. Hlmlck will apenk at the great convenience to the traveling workmen encountered foul air. Then meeting of tho Mountain View lm public, and when farmers go to Port- they I'gired up an auger and bored, provement Club next Tuenday even, land or Oregon City they would have' taking three men to operate It, but Ing, October 4, at 7:.10 p. tu. A large some pleace to leave their teams when they h:ii reached 95 feet they .attendance la expected, where they would be taken care of! struck a strong flow of water, which: Tom Sager of Portland was shall. properly. : richly repass them for their troubloj Ing hands with friends In this burg ! Mr, W. die iH still digging. j Sunday, having Just returned from a Best in the World i T" Misse( Mlna and Kftle Grace, visit with his daughter, Mrs. 11, Cum Cromer mid daughter of T w. ifvatt. merchant f Warren v i "' tak'ht here last year, opened mind. r ,rit,.a- pies on,i .... ' school again for another year, Mom, Mrs. der by mail Sutherland's Eagle Fy- ,a'- "''P'"'"'" 20,iwlth quite a num- Sprlngwater spent Sunday here, the Salve Is the best eye remedy In the her of first vear little boys and girls little girl having recovered from her world. 2.-.C. For sale hy Jones Drug "' Mii Effie's room and a Illness, j number e.f new ones In the upper; . ! Bi-ades. j KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Company. STAFFORD. Wt are waiting now for a little MOUNTAIN VIEW. I Health It Worth Saving and 8ome I Oregon City People Know How to Save It. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, NOTIONS. Pay Cash and Sell for Cash Get my prices and see if I can save you money J. H. MATT LEY 905 7TH STREET Among the many recent Improve ments In our fair rlly, mention ought lo be made of the handsome new res Ideiice Into h,rlt our popular School Miilierlntetidimt, Prof, Toono, has Just moved, situated nt Uth and Monroe streets, Just north of the location of our new High S Iki building. In what the professor has done with Ihls property which he purchased last spring, we have an evidence of his genius nnd good (aslu and a type of wtint he would do an an educator. We may feel assured that he would dn for the minds of hie pupils what he haa done for lb la plena of ground. Out of rhnos he line brought order and beauty. Friends wondered why he bought auch a piece of properly but he saw, as others did lint, lis possibilities, as one of the choicest locations In thli city with a most magnificent view Just as h ee the Mislblllilo lii the. minds and live of the young puopln under Ills can. N Then, too,' prof. Tooio has shown niatbeiiinik-nl skill as well as artistic taste, everybody knows one and one makes two. but he has made two oul of one. At least biChaa used up the one old house that formerly stood on these lots In making two new unea one for his own home, the other to rent (or possibly (o null). Ilolh are strictly modern and iiii lo-datu In all Ihelr nppnrtmetils. The ou -In which the Superintendent now lives Is an artistic two-story bungalow wllh ten rooms and u full concrete basement. In this hoime are many com venjences quite iinlipio which havu been designed either by Iho professor or his equally Ingenious wife. While those good people am a valuable acquisition lo tho forces that muke for a bolter Oregon City what they have done In a material way Is a substantial addition to a mure beautiful Oregon City and It la only proper that their contribution to our city's welfare should bo recognized. It Is hoiiac of this belief that the 'enterprise Is asked to give place lo tills little communication from one who watches with Interest all that Is being done either lo muke our city better or more hcnuilfol. H. P. I). i It Is Up to You to Get the Best If not already why don't you Use "Seeley's Best" FIou Highest la Quality, Lowest ia Price We nro tho largest distributors of flour In Oregon City for that reason wo are able to undersoil. Come In and get our prices and got u sample sack free for tho asking. Special for 10 days from this dale to those who mention this ad: Sack(49lfas.)$t.40 Bbl. (4 sacks) 45.40 Kvery Hack gmiraiitoi'd satisfactory or the money refunded, SEELEY'S, The Peoples Store OREGON CITY, OREGON BIetf4Dej4B4 i mo,e ram, as in a.uos weg, to Kick . i;ie,, .-jep.cmbCT 22. juries oicw, y m (, ,,,. up a dust again Our road Hiii-rvT--an. aged !. years, C months, 10 days.! , h f ,,,, h neglecting the kid- j-or, Will Schattz, used tile Kemner He leaves an aged widow and three ,.'. ,.,,.,. ,.. i,, ,i." ..,. the wlioie length of bis district right sons nnd a daughter to mourn his' n)lft(1 m, ' Hlf,k K,im.ys arc reHpnii-l after the rain, making the road so.Io. s. Yhe daughter lives in Dakota. ! ,;,) f(,r v(1Ht Hmmi t ffl!r18i level and smooth that it. was a picas-: .Mr. ;,nd Mrs. Wellner returned lust a)(, , ,lfu(h ,)t ,,. h m np,,( ure to ride, whether In a gasoline run- Haiurday from a three montlm' trip m(T.r ,. i remain In danger when: about or in an old buggy. in fnnany. . j a ,Keases ami ncheH and pains due l-M .Sharp's children are tr.-ttitjir . 1 , weak kidneys can be quickly and' along as well as can be expectwj. The. ' permanently cured by th-i use of fiii-t one taken, little Harold, runs l)rj in-,' jiri-ur;ltioii.s simply .level. ' ),., Kidney PMIh. Hero Is nn Ore-! alioul and playa all day now, but on dry i'C.r:h ; t.iiey dry iiii the secretions, 1 .,.. ,.iii,,i,'m recommendal ion : ! i one side of bis face is miff ;n,rj one "ih n inllii-re to the m.-mbnine and ibieoin- n( H,.(!p w,, nt night. 'I'bere was a , mug apparcuuy paraiyzeu. -j tie third I'e, eui.n,;; ;, ap nmro H.:riou inmeio Htffl.l,H my iml)H and other Hymp- one taK.en is wen again, nut tne live- '" l"- wnwr xorm oi cmarrrj. niuiu I live-year-old twin has no use of Id ', H dryhc,' udiuUnt. fumes, Biuokea and : legs vet; othcrwlKO lie nei-ina io be ""lift"', uml u: tiiat wlii'-h fWue"M, i well, but the mother has been Kick in "!"' ll" '1'- J-lv''' Cream lialm will master "alarm or e.... Hi tlio lieun ciisuy nun bed since last. Thursday, and it Is al most, impossible ,t.o get help in the house. Mrs. Wilkin xtaycij with them a couide of days and .Mrs. Gne was ph-afantly. All driKUi'''8 8' " tlio 60 emit siz'j. i.iy liinlhers, S"5 AVnrrcn Street, he-v York. 'Hie Ilnlni in n.'d without pniu, dor not. "" Smllh Iu,'"er 18 v,!,'-v hi,!l( '"' overai. in ihiii'd sii.l aut-ry surfaee, reliuv. Klie that was Anna Hfhatt. came ini, im,1..iilt,.v the puinlul iiilluuiiiiatiou. to visit her mother last week. Her JCl-.-a' t're.,mi;aliii contains no c-ocuino, health has been very poor and .Satnr- mercury r.'jr otlc-r liarmful drills. with them Sunday. tomH of kidney trouble were tn evl doticn. Ileltiff advised to try Dean's ICIduey pills, I did ho and was grati fied by their promptness in relieving me. Although I am in my seventieth year, I urn hale nnd hearty, nnd I give iJonn'H Kidney Pills the credit." For sale by all dealers, price 50 could. Kosicr-Mllburn Co.. Iluffalo New York, solo agents for tho United Stales. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other 7-22-20 1 2 the; conquest of pain Dental pathology and therapeutics have been vastly improved. Modern methods and scientific mastery of details have eliminated the fraught with fear feature that made people defer a visit to the dentist. Pain has been red need, to a minimum; oper ations are performed quicker and better than hereto fore. DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST I 7 Eighth and Main Sts. WE1NHARD BUILDING