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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
CITY 4)4- i-i )-t )'i i -- -,'' Has your subscription ex- plred? Look at tht libel. You thould not mm any of our newt numberi. Attend to It now. otr lNovl" Sherlock B"1 - OIIEOON'CITY,-V'OIK(JON, FRIDAY, KKI'TKMIIKK .'50, f)10. FORTY FOURTH YEAR No. 30. ESTABLISHED 1866 SURPRISES IN PRIMARY Successful Candidates for County Offices in the Republican Primaries RESULTS OF PRIMARIES i i 4 4 ! -M M I H 4- The Enterprise It the only Clackamas County 4' Newspaper that prlnti 4' all of Hit ntwt of thlt 4' growing County. - 4 4 M I i J -' OHO EN' ASSEMBLY MADE LITTLI DIF' FERENCE TO CLACKAMAS VOTERS SATURDAY. DIMICK POLLS BIG VOTE Bowerman Run Behind Hofer -Wlh Hams, Mulvoy, Oimickk Hackett, ' Blair and Meldium Win Out ' From Opponent!. ' 4 4 4 f V i t- STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET. ('(timi'.'HHuimi W. C HAWI.HY, ! uf Mnrliin, i uveritor--JAY lltlWKUMAN. of , Gilliam. i Heerctary uf KIM"K. V. M'.S- HON. of IhiiiKlnN. HiiiIk Ttt'iiiirr-TIK)MAa II. KAY, of Murloli. Hiipiomn Jiii'. four year 4 hTin TII)rS A. Mcllllll'i;. t uf (iiirknnm, Mini IIKNKY J. HICAN, uf I'liuitlllM. , HnptciiH' Justice, Mix yiHr li'rni (iicoiKiic ii. iii itNinr. of Miirloii. mi. I Kit AN K A. MOOItK, of Columbia. Attorney General - A. M. CRAW- FORI), of Ihniglna. Hiipcrlntendeiil uf I'iiIiIIc III' . tdrnctlon--U It AIJ'KHMAN. of Ijiiiiv Hinic filntfr-WILLI 8. Pl'N- IWAY. of Miilnioiniili. - ('iiniiiililoiii'r of llor-. I'. ll )(,'. of Mtitliioidit h. Ititllrond riiiiiinlloiior-- FRANK .1 MII.I.KIl. of Mini. . Htut.. Kuttlt r--.lo. II. LEW- IS. of Million. Wnl it Hiiiierltilouilclit JAMES T. CIIINNOCK, of Miillliomuli. Clirillt Judges, tlftll )ll.lliiiil . iiitintj. r. rAMi'iiin.u of (iuikiiniiiK, ml X A. KAKIN. of Cluliup.' Joint tf.'imtur, M lilt liiillillll. Clark- iiniiiM Hint t'lihinnllii DAN J. MALARKKY. of Miiltmiinnli. .tnlnt Representative, ( "1 n ik it- mud mill MiiHiioiiiuIi- V. It. I'll ATTKN, of fliirkiitnii. , I COUNTY TICKET. Huio ricliBlnrWAl.TKIl A DIMICK. ..prM. ilntv..- l". J. CAItTl'll. I I.INN H JUNKS. .M. A. MA X" ! t Cnuiity Jililno - JOHN V. CI.AKK. f ' Coiiitiilniloiiir NM'IIOI.Art ', JII.AIIl. i . Sh-rirf-H C. JIACKKTT. I'li rk - V. I MCI.VKY, . It .W.l. r- IJX)YI K. WIIJ I A MS. s t Tr.iooiri.r-. I. A.'TI'rTS. " . Cnronor UK THOMAS J. K-'IX. Surveyor D. T. ,M ICI.DIlt'M. juatlct District No. 4. ' Jiisilro of tlio I'iih,o--V. W. II. f SAMSON. . Cniintiilil.'-dKOItGH A. TlltOWN 4 'i i ' 4' Ail iiiiiiI.vmIh of tlio vulo In'Cliii'kiiiiiiiM County nlioH t tlutt nix out of tlio olk'ht nuiilliiiiti'M riniiily ulllivrn In iliirH.'ii hy tho lii.ptiliilciiii roiiuty itH iti'iiilily wuro Hiirfi'UHfiil. luillriiilim (tint iishln from I lift loKlHullvn ticket tin) KcpiililiriuiH Rt'iiorHlly paid III 1 ! iitti'iitlon to llii' nuoHtloii of wht'tlior I In. axplrunia hud Iiimmi liulorni'il hy Hit. asMi'inlily or not. Tlioitfi who with liiilurHcil mid who wrro aiicri'iot fill with: Cnuiity JiiiIki', John V. Chirk; com niUklMiiiT, Nltli'ilHH lllitlr; Blmrlff, 1'. C. Iliu'kt-tt; Irt'HHiiriT, Jiinifa A. Tuftit; coruiH'r, Dr. Tlioiimj J. Kox; htii'vi'yor, Ii. T. Mt'lilniin. (I. M . Utkc, citiiilliliilo fur dork, mill K. '. I hm! ui i ii. rniiillilutu fur rffonlfr, who rorolvoil tint ussoiulily liiilomi'int'iit. wont ht'itlon, hut (lutlr drfi'iit cjiimot Im nttrlhiiit'il tu tlio iih Ni'inhly, for Di'ilnuin, iifltT IiuvIiir the liiiloiKt'iiii'iit, pulilli'ly I'i'piiilliitnil It mill ni'ViT huiikIiI II, mill l.iik't wiih lit Ho Hum n factor III the nice, for Mill vcy liinl lli'i h 1 1 ii ii t Ion well In' limid from tho IickIiiiiIiik. Tlio vottt for .Mr. Clitrk wiih n primt huipi'Ihi', not licritiiKO ho wiih liulm-Hi'il hy tho n rfoinhly, hut ho cmno Itita tho ruco nt a liilo Ixuir unil many IiikJ eonct'ded I ho humiliation of John I.wt'lh'ii. Dr.i Koic, for coroner, anil J A. Tuft, for trciiHiirer. hail no oppoHlllon, Tho humiliation of IJuytl K. Wllllaiild fur recorder over K. V. Doilmmi ocrn- Hloiieil hoiiio BiirprlHit. Mr. Williams polled an extremely Inrso vuto In tho (Coiitlniii'il on pao 4.) BROWNELLTO BOLT ASSEMBLYNOMINEES FORMER REPUBLICAN SENATOR DECLARES HIS ENMITY TO BOYVERMAN, (Iihiikh C. llrownell, for 12 yearn Hiale Hi'tintor from ChtckumnH county niul who bus thrcu t lines been honored with elect ion to that office liy die lie publican party, will refusn to support Jay llowerman for Cover nor, and will bull ull llopubllran nom inees who woro endorsed hy tint ns senibly. save thoHit who worn prcHei. ted wllh I he ImlorHomeut without Hiillcltnllon. Mr, llrownell takes tho h'lgh ground that he fought the as sembly through the primary cam paign and that If il was wrong then, It Ih wrong now nn.l that the only way to effectually kill It Is to do-, fi'lit thi) liHHCinhly Republican nomin ees. II, Is probable therefore, thai ho will come nut npenly nud make a light against Mr, lluworiuan mid other Republican nominees who were In liny wny Idem Hied wllh tho asnV'tn-fcly. W, A. Dimlck, Slit Senator. CANDIDATES STAND FIRM REPUBLICAN NOMINEES AGREE TO SUPPORT STATE AND COUNTY TICKET. PRIMARY FIGHT OVER . Mn. of Cluckimaj to Line For Nominees From Top to Bottom. - Up The ciiinllil.iiH, fur I(.'iii1iIIc.iii inuiiliiiitliMi who wi'tc nucoi'.iifiil lit tin (Minimi'' limt H.'i'iinl.iy In ('lrKniiia:i (i uii iv l 1 1 in. up fur t)n piulrc Iti-piihllriin Sliito im.l ('utility llrkoj n K.irilli'nK of liny fmnlly irotilih- In tln party riuikH licfon tlio primary I'liTllon. TliiT" In Ki'iU'i'Hl i11km iillliiu In t'lncKnuint coimty for the . ! It"'piililtni to (!'t toKt'llior for thr S'lillr tlrkft. rriiHrdlvM - u( tlm prl i utiiry tlKtit. uii.l County JiiiIko Dlinli k who inn. I.' u line rnrw fur K'iTiuir mid who rerelved 'nioro volea In I ClHckuiuaii euiitiiy than iU three op ' j . iii i ( . In the flrnt tu cum" out ill J itupporl (if Juy llowerman, tlio lle-i i piihllcan iiuiuliit'o tor Kovernor. : I Walter A. Dluilrk, wliu wan nuni-1 Inaled hy the tipuhllfiinn for 8Uli , Si'iiiitur, iiiid 1 .1 ii ii K. Juiien mil) K. I'. I Carter, the Htict.'HMfiil twndlilnte for! Iti.pieMeiitittlve, when Interviewed, do dined their llltentlnn to nupHrt the Iti'piilillciiii ticket from tup tu bottom . M. A. ,MRtilie. the third gtlcceKxftll ; ramllilate for ItcpreHelitntlve, wim out of the city, hut it U tielleved lie will follow the loud of III running mute I neueve uie neptimii'iiiiH nuoimi . ....i i Pl'l IIIIMIII'l HIIU WHIR I'M IIH- BUV-j C.'HH I tile llt'KCI, Pjliu .ill. iijiii.t n hut .he llepuhllcafr party or any part I'l llint pillljr ill nun mm., i.ii.i w try to knife Slatement No. 1 iiiul the election of I'tilted SlateH HeliHtura by the people. The pooplu of thU atate hnvo unlit on three necuHlona that they waul HiIh H.vgtem of election of United Stale SeniilurH. The people of thin Htate have fiiunht for It fur three yearn niul they meaii to keep It ut ull cuxtn. I hIiiiII mil fllncli unit Inch on the Htmiil I took upon thla line in the primary cnmpnlKil and 1 propose to IIkIh fur It'ln the future. 1 helleve the iiomlnccH Hhould let the peoplt Jiiluw where they Mtmid on themt prln clplea. I never have knifed the lie- pulill an ticket mid I do nut propone to lii'Kln iIiiIiik It now." Mr. Joueg nud Mr. Carter Hinted the HiHi'iwHfnl rmiilhlaleH could do no h'HH than lino up for tho entire ticket Tim liiinniSnliin feelliiK nmuiiK the Hepiihlleanft of CliickiitmiH county pelutH to tho HiicceHx of the Hcpuhll- cii n ticket from Governor down to CilliHlalile. J. M. Cummlngs Interred. V The fu ne nil of the lute J, M. Cum in I n mh. who died at his homo in Clad sione, was held Hiimlny from thu Cum mlngs resldoilce. Mn Cummlngs was a native of Ciinada and was 7:1 years old, For tho past 2i years ho has been a resident of Clackamas County. He Is survived by. throo sons, Wil liam, John ittul Robert, CIRCUIT JUDGE J. U. CAMPBbLL. who wat renominated without op position and who will aucceod him self In November. ' , .'...' Linn E. Jonea, Representative. Dr. Thoa. J. Fox, Coroner. SON REPORTED KILLED. Mr. and Mrt, Ladd Given 8c a re A Telephone Metaage. By Mr. itud Mr, t'lmrlea- Iji.Ii! were Chen a terrlhle fright Friday when Homeone telelihuued Mm, ljidd that her Ki'ti hnd lioeii run over and killed on IiIh way to hcIkhi). Mr. and Mm. Utild riiHhiMl to the llarclay school i ! -i VP.tVrtWIIlaa H i v - ':..: Football Days Are With Us Now THE MOLESKIN KNIGHT AND COUNTY FAIR ARE ON THE ROSTRUM, WHILE THE f HUNTER SIDESTEPS ANGRY FARMERS. OCTOBER. T. Koosevett hat come bncV to the V,,M.t Of all the Hough Riders his luck was the best. r(Hl from Dnkiitith to San Juan Hill A() ( ' f(l1( him the Spaniards he wanted to Shouting. ' kill, 'Into 'em TVlll' An' Into 'em deep!" And the men of liramidu Went down In a heap, lie rested his broncho and fed him his (ill, mid then he rode yelling up Capitol Si III. He wasn't expecting or asking a thing, hut he landed right In the polltlcul ring, shouting. "Into 'em Teddy, aud Into 'em plumlr. " anil the poor politicians (tent down In a lump; He watered his pinto and fed him some, oats, And then remounted and hunted for gums. Ho found him some people who didn't ngreo With all of his notions, and gave a whoop-pee. Yelling, "Into 'em Teddy, An' Into 'em hot!" Aud ho knocked them all Into The plitomless but. Ho hobbled his charger und gave him some grass, and then ho went after someone In his class. lie put up a lion wllh blood In his eye, mid he clapped on tho spurs with a terrible cry, say ing "Into Mm Teddy, an' into 'Im hard! uud the Hon passed on to his II mt t reward. Ho breathed his good mtislang mid looked him iiiiiiiikI, Hut further adventure wns not to bo found. So he pulled up his trousers and pulled down his vest. And slowly rode back to . . ' ' his time West, Shouting, "Hack to 'em, Teddy, An' back to 'em proud!" And they gathered about him And solemnly bowed. He rodu In his saddle and rode on his head, and he put all the tender feet under the bed He dashed to the Kast, and he dashed to tho West, and ho hailed belore them, expanding his chest, saying, "Three cheers for Teddy, the pride of the West!" and they took a great pleasure In doing the rout. October Is from tho lathi octo, nionnMng eight, and It was formerly tho eighth monlh of tho year. This brought the football season nroitndlnt a time whun there was grave danger of being suffocated before tho hull wns even put Into play, and there was a great deal of dlHsutlafnelton nt the old Greek anil Roman universities. A change was frequently tallied of, hut It remained for Niiniu rompllltis. who wns one of the early friends of edu- cation, to do anything about it. In 713 H. ( be moved October along to i t ..' A ' ) F. Clark, County Judge. John V W. L. fffulvey, Clerk. hulIdliiK and found that the report wh nltoKt'ther uiitnit) ami that their hoy wan In line health and nplrttH. Juki how the revort orluimiled l not known, hut whoever telephoned, used I tour Jtulnmenl. even If u "practical Joke" wiih not liileiidtd. Militiamen Ccl'plimtntad. take .plcmttiro In compliment inn Its prusent place in tho calendar, and the quarterback on u football i team nays before snapping the ball Nutna, Niima, II C. Come seven. One, three! which the rooters, who a very high statu of pro kt the latter days of Niinui, After reached llclenry recite, . Niima, N imia. Jloonialoenm, Come seven, One, three, n. c. W hoopee! SUvash! or whatever the name of the school Is, as you may hear them doing any time this month by following the rlHt wagon when it piifes. 1'nlll the 2!!d of the mouth, October will bo under the Influence of Libra, the Tmlnnce, which is the seventh sign of the xodlac. This will enable every body running for oiTlce to keep on the fence pretty well ns to tho real Issues of the campaign, hut when tho sun passes out of that constellation on the following day Ihey will begin dropping on one side or the other and t will be easier to make out who the. true friends of the people are. After the 2;!d w'e will be Inlluonced by Scorpio, the Scorpion, which Is almost mean ingless now, hut in early times typi fied the manner In which the north win)i 8tung the old Creeks, who were In the hublt of going until very late In the season without having on any wear to speak of, either over or under. A hit of Fall is as nloo a thing As I know anything about When tho pumpkin is ripening, And the time Is opportune for kraut. When the hunter gets his trappings j out, Awakened by tin1 'i"o or year, j And the farmer, fnrhnis without. And hot within, begins to shout, "(let ou-ii-u-H-ut of here! "Get ou-u-u-u-u-t of here dadblame your skin!" ' Ah, that's the proper time to sigh When the squirrel get" his doodles In Against the winter by-and-by. When the bending p aches of the sky Aro very sofryuu' very near, And the farmer with a watchful eye. Regius to hop nVounil and cry, "C.iY ou-u-u-u-u-t cf here!" (let ou-u-u-u-u-t of here you blanky blank!'; -Ah that's tlie season of them ail When winter hangs upon the tlnnk. Of theVwilil goose passing In the fall. . When the plalntlw quail begins to call Across the golden fields and sere And the farmer bursting from the tall With W'nps and hounds begins to bawl "Get oii-u-u u-u-t cf here!" The melancholy ilnya will come, and v . . I I . .. .... : : - A t. . v I ' ' : ' . - , - . Hi i ii. L-i, i . n... i ... . t 1 1 ii- E. C. Haekett, 8heriff. t 1 X ... tho men of Company G on the ex - nl condition of tnelr rllles," said ' Miijnr F. W. Settelmeler of Woodburn! 'at the quarterly muvter and Itispec- i'(,n of fo: :ti)y (1, Third Infantry, O , N.iG., Monday night. A large per ! I ceniuiie of the guardttmen were pres I cut. Tho dress uniforms were worn j that nlRht, Imt except on formal oc ; canioiiH this winter the meg will wear j the olive drab uniform. the pheasant will Intone his drum U-, throne, where queen Ora Is stationed on the sad and drowsy wind in the ig formed of the national colors. Shft solemn manner of his ' kind. The ' illls cbosen as- her attendants the fol boomlng frog will sniff the breeze and j lowing Joung ladles of Clackamas fall to digging on his knees, and ihe county: Miss Josle Curran, Oregon hm-Kwheat cake An-ill take a crack at city;. Miss Leah Smith, Macksburg: this fool thing of coming back. jiiss Olga Howe; Harlow; Miss Huff- It may be Jeffries and his strain are man. New Era. The throne of the never quite themselves auain, but the1 queen is on the second floor, but Is so pickled pig's foot and the rest are al-( arranged that the visitors on the ways equal to the test. They never; lower Moor may view the queen anil dissipate a hit, but spend the summer ner malda prime and lit. and let the frost suc- ceed the dew, and they re there, you bet, as good as new. The doughty oyster on his shell, the cn'tlln looking strong and wen. unit clear and resolute of eye, the hardy brands of winter pie. The upplehut- ter, Juice and Hake, the same that ' ings were constructed this year. A mother used to make, and the crack-; machinery hall has also been built on ling of our youthfullot the cook and the grounds. Last year. It was nec cuptalil of the pot. j essnry to use part of the pavilion for ! machinery, but as the space in that The footbnl'l season will revet, and building was at a premium the offl ine center rush will paw the dirt, j -3 " Association found it HeNl wake the natives with his roar, 1 neeesary to errect a building for the and bawl for victory and gore. The accommodation of the companies ex-plled-up dvlng and the dead will moss hib ting machinery, against his butting head, and he'll Never before was there a bet er spin the planet in his rage just like lisi'la.v f the rosy cheeked apples a squirrel In his cag "'" l '"c ""'lu 7"',,"'r Alas for those who calmly sit devis-1 ably wl" he renowned Hood River lug to denature it, and all the college PP'es- Many of the prominent fruit renegades who think to temper It for growers of Clackamas county who are maids! The students and the teach-" making a success of raising fine ap ers howl, and the rooters and the P. h"ve taken quite an interest in bleachers yowl, and damned xbe he "'s year's fair and have brought who does not rjse and kill soiilebodv 1 many of their best apples. A. J. twice his si.e. - Iwi8- o s,al,le Lae. R- S. Coe, of The areoplanes will cruise the air the old-time county fair, and the lucky winner will be he who wins th. Iw.sf tun fii a ii three. The rami- er In his limousine will tool around ! upon the green, and the hired man . wilt seize the chance to wear his: other pair of pants. The softer weather will defy The blandishments of June, And the month will give us by ami by The offlcehunter's moon. A chop will cost four bits a pound And beef a buck a bite. And the wolf will wear a groive around The cabin every night. The ISth anniversary of the discov ery of America by Christopher Colum bus will be celebrated on the night of the 14ih by the seven Guggenheim brothers. Mr. Roosevelt will bo stage mana ger again this month. Tho villlan will be the Demon Rum. Mr. Bryan will he the father of the stolen child, aid Mr. Cannon, who made the password Hell Inst month, .will change It to rend llell-p! And then November will return With cold nnd chilly draft. And the wild goose going down line With Winter biting aft. Lloyd E. Williamt, Recorder. COUNTY FAIR "BEST EVER" FOURTH ANNUAL 0PEN8 ITS GATES WITH EVERYTHING FULLY PREPARED. BIG CROWDS ATTENDING Every Department Haa Fine List of Entries, Comprising The Very Best Produced In Clack amas Races are Good. every. department, fast horses on the track and a lare crowd in attend onco. the fourth annual Clackamas i county Fair opened yesterday morn- ing at Canby under most promising conditions, and the "Better than ever" prediction is well carried out by those in charge. All arrangements were completed, and all signs of preparation were removed when the big gates swung open to receive tbe throngs of visitors from all part o( the county. On Tuesday, horses, livestock and exhibits commenced arriving on the grounds continuing until laie Wed nesday afternoon. The big Pavilion where several business houses are ' represented as well as granges and I organizations of the county have ex ' liibits beside the flue display of fruits j vegetables, fancy work, etc, is well ' tilled.. The Interior of the building ! is prettily decorated with the nation : al colors aud other bright colors which blend beautifully with the ever- I greens and autumn leaves. The Ourlng the past two weeks Presi-j dent Smith has been on the grounds j with workmen constructing buildings , ami cleaning the park of rubbish k. v. Morris, of Macksburg, was j superintendent of the construction, Two long livestock and poultry build -"" a - UI. ""lua " """"" "'' ai are auiacii.ig no nine oy no- imimii-ug i-i G. C. Mezger, of Portland, manager (Continued on Page 4.) W. C. HAWLEY, who was renomin ated for Congress In the Primaries, defeating B. F. Mulkey, of Southern Oregon. ONLY SIX SMALL PRECINCTS TO BE HEARO FROM, SO VOTE IS FIGURED OUT. CLARK'S LEAD LARGEST Despite H.s Late Entry in the' Race Nominee for County Judge Ran Far Ahead of Competitor and Other Aspirants. Returns from all'but the pretincta of Hull Run, Dover, (ieorge, Sprlngwa ter, Siitinyslde and (,'nlon nave ueen received. The missing precincts will not materially change the result, as !) -per cent of the vote Is embraced fn the other precincts. The re'urns follow: Congressman Hawlpv, uji; jiui. key, 1H I. Governor Abraham, 172; Rower man, -I2'J ; Dlmlck, USj. Hofer, 471. Secretary of State Benson, 155; Wingate, 1012. State Treasurer Hoyt, 75u; Ka 154i Supreme Judge, 4 year term Bean. 1292; MclJride, 1874; llcfam ant. 522. Supreme Judge, G year term Bur nett, 12?4; Moore. 17o'J. Attorney General Craw ford, Itlli); Hart, C72. Superintendent of Public Instruc t:on Alderman, 159J. State Printer Clarke, CS2; Dunnl way, Labor Commissioner Hoff, 1037; Orton, 12C0. Railroad Commissioner Miller, 1305. State Engineer I.wls, 1x10. Water Superintendent Chlnnock, lfioi; Gettins, 507. Circuit Judge (two) Campbell. 20J5; En kin. 1417. Joint Senator. Multnomah, Ciacka nius and Columbia Drake, 472: Ma larkey. 2241. Joint Representative. Multnomah and" Clackamas Cbatten, 1506; La tourette, CS5. . State Senator Dimlck, 1 305 ; Huntley, S99. Representatives Apperaon, S79; Carter, 1313; Exc.n, 835: Jones, 1599; .Magone. 11(44; Yoder, 680. County Judge Clark, 145; Llewel lyn, C7; Story, 417. County Commissioner Blair, 11SS; Mallatt, 949. Sheriff D. R. Dimick, 1089; Haek ett, 12S3. County Clerk Lake, 385: Mulvev, 1348: .Taylor. C29. County Recorder Dedman, 1106; Williams, 1277. County Treasurer J. A. Tufts 2087. Coroner Fox, 1904. Surveyor Meldrum, 1255; Roth 1087. Justice of the Peace, Oregon City District Greaves, 181; ' Hammond, 303; Samson, 446. Constable, Oregon City District Brown, 419; frost. 408. West has carried the county for Governor on the Democratic ticket. Incomplete returns give him 175, to 87 for Myers. Results at Sandy. Sandy Ore., Sept. 28. The election went off quietly. P. T. Shelley van elected Justice of the Peace bv a large vote over his oppouent, John Revenue. Bert Jonsrud was elected almost unanimously. Joel Jarl, his opponent, did not make any effort to wiu out. 5288 VOTERS REGISTERED.. Many Democrats Said to Have Registered as Republicans. There were 52S8 voters registered for the primaries, divided as follows: Republican. 3939; Democratic, 1016; Prohibitionists, 82; Socialists, 136; Populist, 1; Independent, 84; declined to state, 30. It is estimated that about 15 per cent, of the voters reg- lstered as Republicans, are Demo' crats, and have registered as Repub licans for the purpose of participat ing In the Republican primaries. ' Fined $10 For Fighting. Pat Murray aud Sam Brasfield were fined $10 each for fighting, by justice of the Peace Samson Tues day. Murray paid his fine, and Bras field went to jail for five days. Ab(3!uely Pure . The Gnly IizkLig poivffer crzitefrazti Irtayal Cvspo ?rcsj cf Tarisr (WW i