Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 23, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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-. o r." .j ! r:- rr.
ling tlw Sianarts aiUiWis jf
ivssnnd RretXonlaLnsnciJT
OpumO'iiirphuic nortocraL!
AncrffCi BcnKdv forromfls
tton . Sour StDRBch-Dianiio
fccSiA- Si$narort of
KrnJ t i .-j-cisand 9 - E
wunu a aa
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
p tor Ovor
Thirty Years
W F. i
Jotm Hold came oer this y last
Tuesday, bringing some pigs l" Ph'kj
Gibson, mill n sheep to II. S. Gibson j
Waltor lloiiglnss returned homo!
last week from Eastern Oregon j
where ho had gone to help his undo.
George Douglass, through threshing
Charles Murphy bought it now.
wagon last week.
Dirk Gibson purchased two cows,
fruin Mr. Affholter recently.
Mrs. Howiitt ntailo a trip to F.sta
cada last Friday, making hop daugh
ter. Mrs Uvdla Woodle, a short visit.
She returned homo Saturday.
Mrs. Um linker visited with her
sister. Mrs Alex Baker, Niturday
afternoon I
August Gerhanliis ts feeling very.,
proud ana stopping vory high those:
days ho has a young granddaughter j
the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. llenj
Anderson. 1
Miss Rlna Douglass was a Portland
visitor Sunday. !
Kussol Jones and Carl Douglass!
went to Portland Monday to attend'
William Roberts, wife ami iluugb.
ter, wore dinner guests Sunday of MP,
anil Mrs. Kolih,
Joseph II. Shaser and family visited.
Mr. anil Mia, Hews Sunday afternoon.
Augustine Miller begun work on Ids
new house Monday.
M1ss l.ulu Morrison and a friend
front Poiilaud wore visitor ovor Sun
day at the Morrison homo.
Mm. J. W. Kxon. tioormi Kltunillter,
wile and Imhy apeni Sunday with tiny
Woixllo and family.
.Mr. I'pdeitrave made a trl to
Halnler Jhls woe!..
Grandma KltroTald eelehrated lier
SOth blrlhday Sopleniher 31.
Mrs. Rxon out ert allied her alster.
Mrs. Williams, and daiiKhtor, of Oro
mm t'ttv, last week.
riillliiR on Mr, Onveuport one day last
j week. ,
I Mis. Thomas and iluimlller, Ada
, are Portland visitor this week.
llllbert Vanilerhoff has moved Ills
, family to Alms,
Horn, to Mr and Mrs. ,1. Klsner
September II, a lialiy Kil l.
: Mrs. lnvo Olirny Is staylnx In I'oi't
; land, Her Utile ilaimhler, 'I'lieliiia, Is
slek and under the doolor'a rare
I She Is RidiiK t stay a month,
i Frank Davenport Is tmllilluit a
house In Alms and Is IntemlliiK to
' move how so as to he close to school
Blood Polion
la prevented by applying Dr. Hell's
Amt-Pnln to cuts, scratches and
i bruises. It destroys all septlo mutter
I enables the wound to heal without
soreness. He sure to ttel Dr. Hell's.
Kor sale by Jones Drug Co.
New Pall style suits, made of dur
able fabrics, well tailored and hav
strong IIiiIuks. There aiu plain navy
blue sorites, cheviots and neat light
and dark mixtures. Trousers llneu
throughout; extra pair knickerbockers
with each suit. W. A. Ilojmes, 507
Main si root.
For a New Hall.
At the regular Hireling of the Kir
wood Progressive Association the
subject of building a ball for the gen
eral benefit of the coiuunlly was tak
en up and the merits of different
plans weep thoroughly ilseussed. As
This vicinity was visited by a fine
rain Friday, with quite heavy thunder
In the morning.
A. W. Woodsides spnt a few days
at this place last week, and left for
his home in King's alley Friday ac
companied bv his son. Fred, who has
bought property there and will make
his home In that valley.
Bert Wallace and Mabel Seward
were married in Oregon City Wednes
day by W W. H. Samson, and are now
living in their little cottage in South
Ernest Mallat spent a fewlays at
Clear Creek last week, returning
home Wednesday.
Lewis Churchill went to Portland
Thurs'i3y after emery wheels for
Snodprass' shingle mill. The mill has
now sirat down indefinitely.
John Carlson accidently set fire to
his slashing Thursday evening whilo
burning some stumps and came near
having more fire than he wanted. Mr
Wallace and son, Fred, and Fted
Churchill were out until four o'clock
Friday morning helping him subdue
the flames when the rain set in and
the danger was over.
Mrs. Maple and Inez Snodgrass
were Oregon City visitors Friday.
The DeMoss troupe gave a concert
at the Methodit church Tuesday eve
ning which was well received by the
greater part of Mulino's population
who a;e ready to patronize everything
that comes along .
Dan Graves was seen riding in a
new buggy Saturday a recent purchase.
Mf. and Mrs Baker and daughters
are visiting at the home of Mr. anu
Mrs. Claud Ashby.
Fred Wallace traded his motor
cycle to Henry Turner for a Jersey
cow. Wonder if he is going to follow
Hert s example.
Snodirrass' horse that was Injured
in the run-a-way died Saturday.
Miss Rose Gans has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Bayne Howard the
past week.
Mrs. Ashb and Vesta Churchill
made a busines trip to Oregon City
Mr. Evans Is building a new house
in Mulino, on Main Street
day with Mr. and Mrs. Haag.
Mr. Kirk, from Highland went to
the state fair at Salem.
Joe Parrish went to Salem to gei
his family and came home on Sundny
The hop pickers are all coming
Alex Scherruble purchased a little
Indian pony.
Mr. Cornwell was in Clarks on busi
ness. Mr. Wettlaufer hauled a load of hay
to town last week.
W. G. Kleinsmlth has purchased a
new drill. i
Alex Scherruble was sawing woodj
last week. I
For use on Face and Hands i
Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve is the best.!
It Is a creamy snow white ointment
and one 2oe box will last three'
months. For sale by Jones Drug Co.
The long expected and gentle Ore
gon rain decended a whole day and
night upon the Just and the unjust of
this vicinity, and although but .GO of
&n Inch fell, it is doing a world of
good to late potatoes.
Mr. Weisman, who has been irk
in Kansas, has returned to Oregon
arriving home last Saturday
' Quite a number have been up to
the State Fair and report a better ex
hibit than ever before, and better ac
comodations for the multitude
Mra. Powell's sister, Mrs. Scott Is
visiting her. Thty were among the
unfortunate ones who were burned!
up north last month, losing every- j
thing but a few tools and a trunk wiib
a few articles in it. I
The Sharp children are slowly im-j
proving from the attack of infantile j
paralysis, and now we hear that a ;
young child of Sam Moser's has been
Mr. Powell is improving.
Mrs. Turner is also regaining her
We are sorry to hear that our
young friend Henry Elllngsen is quite
Zack Ellizsen and Frank Weddle
l are each digging a well.
No doubt you have oflen envied your city friends and wished fop the convenience afforded by modern water
npply under pressure. In your home. The Leader Water Syatetn enable you to enjoy these advantages
more thoroughly than 13 p'wslble with any other system. Th Leader Is not an ordinary farm water supply
sjstem with Its attending trouble and annoyances, it is far from ordinary. It will furnish a dependable supply
of water wherever and whenever you desire It. You can enjoy modem home convenience, such as th bath,
toilet, etc. You will have plenty of water for all domestic purposes, the laundry, sprinkling and PROTECT
ION AGAINST FIRE, that danger which constantly menace the rural homo. Prosiure up to 125 pound
may lie obtained with The Leader System. As is shown In the Illustration, thu tank limy be placed lu tin
basement (more often it Is placed underground) where It keeqs the water cool and fresh In summer and pro
vents freezing In winter. The beauty of The Leader System Is that It la practically troubUdess. With the ex
ceptlon of a few moments when the water or pressure become low, It. needs no attention. But for the fa:t
that every time you have occasion to call on it NrHtn you r reminded of It efficiency, you would forgt
that you had uch a thing a an Independent water supply. We will be clad to give you an estimate on a
tern that will meet your requirements, use the coupon.
H '
f i 7 V '
Write Today for Cata
logues or call on
For Future Information
of Clackamas County. Oregon
Only Anti-Assembly Republican Candi
date for
Clackamas and Multnomah Counties for
the Direct Primary Law and
Statement No. I
Progressive Legislation.
A Fair Deal to All.
(Paid advt.'l W. II. CHATTEN.
i t
w si
It. P. Hurl and diuiuliiiT Klli came
out from PiiriUnd Saturday ovotilni
to nlti'tid the P. p. A. lnoiliii.
The Flrwood tilno Club met with
Mr. E. D. Hurt Hominy vmiln-.
Merchant Praia
Dr Hell's Pine Tar Honey. J. V.
Mt'Daiilel, Klherton, Ills., lays: There
Is tin niedlcliie which equal It for
coughs, colds, grippe, as'luna and
liiiitirtilils. l...k for the lle on tho
Hot tie. For sale by June Drug Co.
Licensed to Marry.
Urons,. to marry were Issued Tiles,
day to Mr, lu-ssle Hlmrt mid K. J.
Pnge. Jr.. mid Mary Ellen Thompson
and William II. Moont.
.Mrs. Daniels returned nome iromi Mr. Welsenburg, on the hill beyond
Wallace Island Thursday, where hetne cemetery, dug 2) feet and got g
has spent the summer. Her son, Joe ! fr,et () water.
acompanied her and is visiting inj Tne Rev Luoas teaches German
this burg for a few days. , Thursday and Saturday afternoons to
Tom Fish is moving to hi3 place, the children and hia estimable wife
here. Glad to see them back in thiSitpacne9 appropriate songs,
neighborhood. Mr. Milen is putting in the fence
! posts for a wire fence on the line be-
"Can be depended upon" Is an ex-! tween two places on the Hays place
presslon we will like to hear, andj Anna Nemic will attend school In
when it is used In connection with ' Oregon City thU winter.
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera andj Scbatzs are nearly through drying
Diarrhoea Remedy it. means that it prunes. Tbey
never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysen-: They had the
tery or bowl complaints. It Is pleas
ant to take and equally valuable for
children and adults. Sold by all
have a new dryer.
misfortune to break
their new manure spreader last week.
Fred Baker's little boy's mouth Is
nearlv well. He bad a serious time
with it.
Mr. Tledeman has his slashing on
the side hill which he burned some
weeks ago, all cleared off and it looks
Mr. Eattemlller and Ed Leitchweis-fine, promising lots of pasture in an
went to town on Monday
Otto Moehlnke baled hay for Ed
liettman last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Scherruble, from
Portland, came out for a short stay
Otto Moehlnke baled hay for Mr
Schriber last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Llndan and daughter
Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Kleinsmith.
Miss Ida Hagg went to Corvaliig to
visit her brother Dave.
Mr. Scribner, our road supervisor
worked on the road near Colton laHt
Mr. and Mrs. Haag went to town
last weeli
other year.
The Misws Majorie and Sadie
Tiedoman visited at Mrs. Nussham's
over Sunday. Mrs. Nussham Is their
Mrs. M. A. Gage came near having
a serious accident last Wednesday
evening, in fact about as pear. as near
ever comes to being the genuine ar
ticle. She wag gathering the eggs
had a couple of hens who wanted to
set this time of year, in one hand
and 'he eggs in the other, when her
shoes, rendered slippery by the dry
weather, slipped out from under her
and she fell. The right side of her
face came In contact with the hard
Mr. and Mra. Scherruble spent Sun-1 ground about six feet below.
Pay Cash and Sell for Cash
Get my prices and see if I can save you money
J. H. MATTLEY 05 7th street
Buffalo Bill's show.
Miss Mary Woodle came over to
the old home place Sunday to visit
a few days with relatives.
Miss Armeda Woodle called on
Miss Bina Douglass Monday after
noon. Grant Huntington's horses have the
Sore Eye- of Three Year Standing
cured. Miss Effle Faulkner, New
Castle, Pa., writes: Sutherland's
Eagle Eye Salve cured me of a case
of sore eyes of three years standing.
I cheerfully recommend it to any one
In need of such a remedy. For sale
by Jones Drag Company.
A goodly number of Kelso people
expect to attend the Grange fair at
Andrew Lindholm Is recovering
from an attack of typhoid fever.
Jarl Bros. & Rath have sold both
of. their large logging teams.
Mr. Netzel has a force of carpen
ters building his new house.
Mrs. D. Jerger bought a horse from
Mr. Gunderson recently.
Mr and Mrs. Jarl attended the live
stock nhow in Portland during the
fair week.
leo Rath is again working in the
K'lso store for R. E. Jarl. ,
The old house and barn on the old
Stafanson place here burned down
during our recent fires. i
Joel Jarl and Delos Shaw have re
turned from a business trip to Dufur,
Saved a Soldier' Life.
Facing death from shot and shell In -the
civil war wa more agreeable to
J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than fac-,
ing it from what doctors said was con-!
sumption. "I contracted a stubborn)
cold" he write, "that developed :
cough, that stuck to me In spite of all:
remedies fur year. My weight ran'
down to i::o iHMinds. Then I began'
to use Dr. King's New Discovery,!
which completely cured me. nowj
weigh 178 pounds." For Coughs, colds j
Iji Grippe, Asthma, Hemorrhage j
Hoarseness, Croup, Whooping Cough
and lung troublo, Its supreme. 60c
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
by Jon'S' Drug Company. j
a result It was derided to form a
stock company to own and control a
hall, to be rented for various pur
poses such as the use of tho Flrwisid
Progressive Association, tho Ml. Hood
Fruit Growers' Association, tho Flr
wood and Dover telephone companies,
lectures, etc. An active Interest was
taken In the project, 21 shares
blng subscribed for at this meeting.
J. M. S. Strowbrldge has donated
the land for a hall at Flrwood Cross
Stubborn A Mule
are liver and bowels sometimes; seem
to balk without cause. Then there's
trouble Loss of Appetite Indlges-1
tion, Nervousness, Despondency, Head- j
ache. But such troubles fly before .
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's
bt Stomach and Liver remedy. So
easy. 25c at Jones Drug Company.
Guy Woodle Is building Mr. Updo-,
grave's new barn."
Mr. Bews hag his home all enclosed
and the roof on. j
Mrs. Charleg Miller Is entertaining
her brother-in-law from Idnho.
MiBB Dates began the school term
last Monday. She is boarding with the
Keith family. '
J. V. Exon bad the misfortune to
lose a hoTse last week.
A delightful party wa given at the
home of ,MY. and Mrs. Win. Hardin
Friday evening, September It), In
honor of their daughter Jessie's 19th
birthday, and their daughter Eva s
wedding putty. Miss Eva Hardin and
Mr. Elmer i'helps were married at
Oregon city August Dl, but on ac
count of Mi Jessie's birthday the
two parties were given In one on
Friday night.
The parlor was trimmed In cedar.
Illljes and maple leaves, which made
beautiful decorations. Games were
played and a good lime was had by
all. Many beautiful presents wettf
given to Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, also
Miss Jessie Hardin. Music was ren
dered by Mr. John Yondlo, Miss Jessie
Hardin and Mrs. Henry Vanilerhoff.
Those present were: Lillian Hhlrk;
Dave Obiay, Joe Miles, Curtis Hardin
Earl Miles, Mr. and Mm. Win. Hardin
Sam Miles, Daisy Shirk, Mr. and Mrs
Yondie, Mr. Sam Oldham, Ooldlu
Morhy, Mr. and Mm. Henry Vender
hoff, !. V. G'ompton, Harold Thomas,
Henry Aliutt, Mrs. Matllo Hunter
Jennie Thomas, Mrs. Adelaide Miles
Harold Reed, Carrie Thomas, Lloyd
Iiwe, Fred Parker, Walter Penning
ton, Mr. and Mrs. A bolt, Horace
Worrlner, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, Mr
and Mrs. Uinlgard, Jessie Hardin,
Willie liiiiilbird, Clarence Vanderhoof.
Mary Miles, Frank Pierce, Clifford
Abott, Kllnr.r Abott, Ben Pratt..
Lunch was served at midnight and
all ret in-tied to their homes satisfied
that the evening was delightfully
Percy Schelly, of Sandy, brought
over Dr. Lupton to see little Ccorgle
.M'-t. -st if. who is sick.
George Ilornstedt, of Sandy, was
The new library books have ar
rived and aro ready for use. Were It
not for the library the education of
the masses would In most cases cease
when the doors of tho schools close
behind them. The library Is (is much
a part of the educational system of
a community as the public school.
The library Is free to all and open
every day of the week at the homo of
Mra E. D. Hart. The following Is a
list of tho book contained In the
library pioneer life and 'adventure:
Hulbert, "Pilots of the Republic;"
Gordon (Connor) "Sky, Pilot." Inniaii,
"Old Santa Fe Trail;" Molt, "The
White Darkness;" SchulU, "My Liro
as an Indian." Books children like:
Baldwin, "Thirty More Famous Hto
rle Retold;" Illinium (Baylor) "Juan
and Jiuinlt;" Bland, "Railway Chil
dren;" Cady and Dewey, "Picture
Stories From Great Artists;" Field,
"Eugene Field Reader;" Hlx, "Onco
Ppon a Time Stories;" Hyde, "Favor
ite (ireek Myths;" Lang (ed.) "Snow
Queen;" like, "Out Little- Panama
Cousin;" Pike, "Christmas Angol;"
Wlggln and Smith, "Pinafore Pal:
a co. Books for girls am) women: Al
cott, "Under the Lilacs;" Barr, "Bow
of Orange Ribbon;" Barton, "Story of
My Childhood;" Brown, "Mr. Tucker
man's' Nieces;" Bunnor, "Zudoc
Pine;" Carl, "With the Empress Dow
ager of China;" Duncan, "Mary's Gar
den and How It Grew." Gaskell,
"Cranford;" Jewett, "Good Health;"
John (Marlllt), "Gold Elsie;" Lane,
"Nancy Stair;" Ijiiighlln (ed.) "Com
plete Dressmaker;" LewlH, "Next
Door Moreland;" Mardonald "Annuls
of a Quiet Neighborhood;" Martin,
"Abide Ann;" .Mitchell, "English
Uiiids, Letters and Kings; Later
Georgeg to Victoria;" Wells, "Rainy
Day Diversions." Plants and animals:
Coitpln and M, "Romance of Animal
Aits and crafts;" Du Challlii, "Land
of the Ing Night;" Fra.ler, "The Sti
Zadn Tales;" VHes, "Plant Breeding."
Books for boys nntl men; Altsheler.
"Voting Trailers;' Barbour, "Spirit of
F. M. ROTH for Surveyor.
L' t Kiilh ttt.liiilillci.tl i-iiltillillltn
for County Surveyor, was born luj
Marlon County. Kansas,, May 12. Is:i.
coming to Oregon with hi parents
six years later, locating nt Cnnby,
where he has resided ever since, re
ceiving his education In tin) public,
schools of this county.
Mr Until U ii irrnilmitii of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, graduating:
with the class of BMil'i, since which
... . t. . I.... ,
lllllO II" litis ot't'll lUimvtniK Ills linr
fesslon In Oregon. California, Nevada
and Alaska.
Don't waste your money buying
plasters when you run get a but tin of
timuihorlnln' Mnlmetit for twenty
five rents. A plero of tl'ilinnl dampen
ed with thin liniment I superior to
any plaster for Inmn back, pain In
tho side and chest, and much cheap
er. Sold by nil dealers.
(Paid ndvt )
Mr. Oilfield Want Divorce.
Vertm A. Outfield bus filed a suit
for divorce against It. K. Oattleld, to
l "Ii" wa married In Portland.
Ore., In l!)01. Hhu charge her hus
band with desertion In Decemlier,
llioj. Mr Outfield ink to be ier
mil ted to resume her maiden name of
the School;" Davis, "Victor of Salain-I
Is;" Eggleston, "Honsler Schoolmas
ter;" Frost, "Court uf King Arthur;"
Glasgow. "Ancient Law;" Hill, "Do
cIhIw Buttles of the Uw;" Parker,
"To Weavers;" Phillip. "Ughl-Fln-gered
Gentry;" Pyle, "Stolen Treas
ure;" Scott (Merrliiiiiti) "Tho How.
era;" Strang, "In dive's Command;"
"Strange Stories of Colonial Days."
J, G l)e Slinzer and liny Howe
Hindi! a trip to Portland Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Htevons came
out from Portland Saturday to SMid
a few days on their anch.
Anlone Malap has been luld up foT
a few days nursing a boil on Ids foot
Tho Flrwood mill oxiMicts to close
down the first of October.
Mis. Albert lkillu is visiting rela
tives In Astoria.
Dr. Bodkin passed through Flrwood
Monday en route to Ills mountain
home In Appletoil
Clair Corey and his mother went to
Portland Friday to purchase furniture
to tuke the placo of what tbey lost In
the recent forest fires.
W. F. Fischer has been Hiifferlng
for the past two weeks with a felon
on his linger. Ho went to Port hind
Thursday and bad It lanced and Is
now much Improved.
Health I Worth Saving and 8om
ul'y" wii reupie rvnow How
to 8v It.
Many Oregon people lake their live
In their hands by neglecting tho kid
neys when they know theso organ
ni-ed help', sick kidney ar respon
sible for n vast iimount of suffering
and III health, but thorn Is no need to
suffer nor to reiuuln lu danger when
all diseases and ache and pains due
to weak kidneys can bo quickly and
pcrmniienlly cured by tin use of
Doan's Kidney puis. Here I nil Ore.
gon citizen's recommendation:
James Wilkinson, 201 nth street,
Oregon Cl(y, Ore., says: ' I had buck,
ache and pains In my loins mid could
nut sleep well at night, There was a
stiffness In my limbs and other symp
toms of kidney trouble were In evi
dence. Being advised to try Doun's
Kidney Pills, I did so and wns grati
fied by their promptness In relieving
tun. Although I nm In my seventieth
year, I 11 in halo mid hearty, nnd I give
Doan's Kidney Pills tho credit,"
For sale by nil dealers. Price 50
cents. Fonter-Mllbttrn Co., Buffalo.
New York, solo agents for tho United
Remember the name Doan's nnd
tnko no other 7-22-2!
When in Portland visit the
only Exclusive Coffee Tea and
Spice Store in the city.
Best goods at lowest prices