Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 16, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday
G. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at Oregon City, Or.,
office at second-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
Dim Year 11.60
cilx Months "6
Trial Subscription, Two Months .!S
iriihscrlhers will find the date of ex
plratinn stamped on their papers tol
lowing their name. If last payment Is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Advertising Kates on application.
able. He U the man who Introduced.
In the Oregon legislature the Corrupt
Practices Act, that boars Ills mime.
He signed statement No. 1 In l!0d
and has subscribed to It this year.
He Is the only candidate for the legis
lature from Clackamas County who
advocates the election of road super
visors by the people, and of taking
that political weapon out of the bawls
of the county court. He la a business
man and Is certainly entitled to fair
The Enterprise Is no advocating
the nomination of Mr. Huntley, as
against Mr. Olmlck. May the best
man win. Hut this newspaper will
always be first In Its defense of any
good and tried Republican of char
acter whose principals have been as
sailed and whose motives have been
I'nder ordinary circumstances The misconstrued.
Enterprise believes it is not good i
policy, nor Is It calculated to promote;
harmony in the Republican part-, for' NOTABLE FEATURE OF CAMPIGN
a Republican newspaper to give open
endorsement to any candidate for of
fice In the primaries. This newspaper
has made only one exception to Its
established rule, and that was when
tliA K..ll,.f woe e.inr-il thai :rio f
,, ,,, ., , , tlons n public offices, and are work
Grownell would be the only Republican' ' , , ' . . ...
... . ,,. , 0 . , ing for the reduction of taxes bv the
candidate for State Senator.nnd on " I
, . (cutting down of expenses wherever
that occasion commended Mr. Brow-i
, . . i possible. The crv for economy and
nell, whose long experience In legis- ..
. i an end of the extravlgance of publu-
a .,, I office has been heard all over the
didate. No Republican can reason-; ,,,.,
. . ! Northwest, and candidates every-
ablv object to the endorsement of a
. i .k where have pledged themselves to
C.lUtllUMie UCU'HT U1C pillll.1i n-, nuriv
A notable feature of the Washing
ton primary campaign has been the
Influence of the Taxpayers I-eaguei
and other organizations of the citizens;
which have made a study of condl i
there Is no opposition in his party i
! effect reforms that will reduce expen-
against him. We feel at liberty at
ses. This work In the various counties
llll be suplimented when the legis-j
' V v v .v-
V ' " ' - : -' 1 '
TO !
Carps of Teachers Hat Been Mater
ially Strengthened By Election
of Educators of High
lsinre nitHMs hv the efforts of the'
who ocv " , . , . ... I
this time to give a cordial word
behalf of James A. Tufts,
cuples trie envianie position o, ut-uu m,ri,nria-
the only Republican candidate ior i (o
nomination for County Treasurer. ! espondUure of pnMI(.j
With this preamble The Enterprise , nionev ,hat was indulged In by the
desires to see fair play, to give every, lawm.,kprs two vears aso. n this con
man his due. and to say a few words necn S(,vera candidates have sttg
in explanation of the charges that gesIe(J reforming the method of pro
have been circulated against Clyde G. j (j,, bj. tn( legislature with the
Huntley, who is a candidate for the , appropriations bills. They would
nomination for State Senator on the have ,ne Dm)!;e,s of au the state of.
Republican ticket. It has been said ficials maiie up ,en day, afler tne i.K.
by J. L. Kruse and others that Mr., sature meets. so that the lawmaking
Huntley voted against the plank at , .jy can nave lots of time to con
the last Republican national conven- git1er lti anj the emmittees will get
Hon demanding tne aireci eieiuou ui a chace to investigate any;
Tnited States Senators by the people.; jtems that imk 1lK) big aml cut tnenl
Mr. Kruse went so far as to issue a d,)Wn, Two years ago the approprla
letter attacking Mr. Huntley, and at- tjog bm was nisnej through at the
tempting to convey the impression c,ose Qf the seS3ioIli an,i carried a
that Huntley was opposed to the Dl- great manv tems which careful tax
rect Primary Law and to the election iwvers believe might have been elim-
of I'nited States senators by tne nateJ ,0 tne advantage of the state
people. The Enterprise has never treagur.
been able to understand Just wny mis Tnis crJ. for .pponomy is not con-
attack as made, for Mr. Huntley had flned to one state or county, but
no hand in promoting the recent Re- ,t seen)s , be peneral in the North
publican county assembly. He was west and the davg when sll.CeSSful
absent from the city during the whofe can(iijatea may split up the patron
of IL !
age among their friends, doling out
His 'record on the question of the fat jobs with public salaries attached,
direel election of United States Sena- are rapidly drawing to an end. Th
tors will bear the closest investiga- watchfullness of such organizations
tion. In 196, four years ago, when he as the various taxpayers leagues will
was a successful candidate for Rep- prevent extravagance in future years.
resemative In the legislature fromj l
Clackamas County, he wag an advo-:
cate of the direct election of Untied Th fil cr0P of 0reSon and Wash
States Senators and subscribed to , "!Kton is exceeding even the greatest
s,mci v , i tar, hP is ne of ear'y expectations, and will prove a
Candidate for Nomination for County Judge on the Republi
can Ticket
If elected will give an economical and strictly business admlniHiratloi.
of the cffUe. Justice to nil and seclal privileges to none.
Will look out for the people's Interest in the people's business.
Hu no political machine back of him nor will ever try to build one by
the patronage of the office.
Successful in his own business w'll give bis best aMIIty (o the county
A lawyer of thirteen years' practice, m, a llfe-loiu Itepuhrcun.
' The judge who administers the lw should know (he ia.
A vote for J. V. Clark for Judge 1 H vote for the let Interests of
Clackamas Countv.
(Paid advt.) J. K. CLARK.
the original spporters of the prnlcipal bS sset 10 lhe sta,e - yeir.
of direct election. t ,he "heat croP ru feelow the
' average. F. W. Graham, northwest
At the national Republican conven- indlvldual agent of the Great sonh
lion the platform reported by the com- ern in an nterview wlth the Post
mittee was substantially the draft ap-, inteilegencer, declares that the ou:-
proved by Mr. Taft and Mr. Roosevelt. pllt of the wenatchee Valley will be
worth $2,5H,000 this year. Mr. Gra
ham is in close touch with the situa
tion, as the railroads are constantly
mittee. after an all night session, re- at work getting advance information
and sent out to be submitted to the
committee on platform and resolu
tions of the convention. The com
ported it to the convention and rec
ommended its adoption. There were
numerous amendments proposed to
on the crop and preparing to handle
it. With Wenatchee shipping 2500 to
30O0 cars this year, the state's crop,
the report of the committee and a-, if other regions areequallyas prosper
mong others, one favoring the elec- ou, wl!I far surpass any previous
tion of United States Senators by dl- yied And onIy about one-fourth of
rect vote of the people. Charle3 W. tne planted trees are in full bearing
Fulton was chairman of the Oregon thig year wlth new trees coming n
delegation, of which Mr. Huntley was t0 hearing each year, and the rall
a member, and it was understood that road bringing new settlers into the
when any member should be absent frult districts almost as fast as their
and a roll call should be taken on a trains can carry them across the con
vote, that the majority should cast tinent, Washington is certain to de
the vote of the absent member. At velope into what nature Intended her
the time the vote was taken on the t0 be, one of the World's great fruit
proposed amendment favoring the centers.
election of United States Senators by
the people, Mr. Huntley was absent
temporarily from the convention hall , Oregon fruit has scored another
but as all of the other members of the triumph, Hood River fruit growers
delegation were present, and a ma- having just made what is believed
jorlty was present, Mr. Fulton an- to t)e the biggest sale of fancy apples
nounced the unanimous vote or tne on record. The New York commission
Oregon delegation against that and firm f stelnhardt & Kelley has
all other amendments. ' ci03ed for practically all the fancy
The above statements of the facts apples grown in the Hood River dis-
will be born out by Sir. Fulton, him- trj,.t tne purchase amounting to be-self-
1 tween 250,000 and 300,000 boxes, or
Clyde G. Huntley has been a re.?I- over 400 carloads. The transporta
dent of Clackamas County nore than tion Involves a sum close to half a
20 years. His character is unlmptach- million dollars.
Banking Is Out Business
We have nothing else to do. "We give
our undivided time and attention to
We also make it our business to furnish
the people helpful bank service.
You want real bank service; then make
THIS BANK your bank, because you
will get bank seivice that you will ap
preciate, that will help your business in
more ways than you may now imagine.
The Bank of Oregon City
! f i . r : 1
I ' ' v 1 ' ,N.
' f ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' - I
I i , , ,
To Republican Voters.
i i n ..n.ii.i.,.. f, ,h ,.io ,.f Candidate for the Nomination
County Clerk In the coming primary Recorder of Conveyances,
election, I desire to submit for the con- n coming before the people of
sideratlon of the Republican voters Cbiekauns Countv for their endorse-
fM,i.,, ctnroM.uiit- fient for the offlre of Recorder of
Conveyances of this county. I wish
I wish first to say that I am a Re- to say. that I have had some previous
publican from principle, not "for experience In the work of said office,
revenue or office" onlv. Have been ""! !t Is my d-slre to serve the I le
i . i . .in that capacity,
a resident and taxpaver of this county
, , . ., , I have been a resident of Clackamas
nearly twenty years, during all of fnf ,irty.two ver,
which time I have registered and wh!ch time I have been almost en
voted with the Republican party. I tirely engaged in furmlng anil fruit
believe I am qualified to fill the office raising, arid l ave therefore been In
Cloistf (out il won me pt'uMU Willi lorui
the strength and sinew of our county.
Next Monday will Mini k the oH'tihig
of the fall tot in of the city schools In
Oregon City and prospects wine never
so bright for a succeHsful .vent'. The
Interior of the lliuvlny mid Kits t ham
building have been placed In older
during the vacation muihoii, additional
equipment has been obtained for work
In cbemlstery In the high school ami
the corps of teachers bus been mater
Inly strengthened by the election of
experienced educators, IhiIIi In the
hMi schools and In the grade.
Many new faces will be seen this
year among the teacher. The Portland
schools have elected several peda
gogues who were employed here last
year, and the aeunelc have been
tilled with women from the West and
Middle West.
The crowded condition of the public
schools will not be relieved until niter
the holidays, when the new high
school building will be completed.
The building's foundation has been
finished and Kelly & Mahotiey the con
tractor, are doing record work on the
Aaron H tlould, the architect for
the new building, I taking a particular
personal pride In the erection of the
structure. He was selected a the
architect In the faA of keen compe
tition, mid this Is hi first commission
since hi recent arrival from Huston
to cast hU fortune in the grem West.
The llouiidnry Line betwei-n the
two division of the district has teu
determined with a view to regulating
rhe attendance at the respective build
lugs 111 the Interest of the pupil ami
patron according to room and other
! accommodation, and parents are re
I quested to re-operate iV sending their j
j children to their own rhoo building;
the fllrst morning The Hnrclay di
vision I that portion of the city situ
ated north and wei of a line extend
lug through the middle of the street,
John Adams, from the south city
limits to Seventh, thence to Monroe.
(thence to Tenth, thence to Twelfth
n"d thence to the city limit. Thp
Kastham division I that portion "Hu
nted to the south and east of this city
boundary line.
Knirnnce fxajuluiitlou will begin on
Saturday of this week lit nine o'clock
at the Kastham building. All pupil
who will take the same, mid all who
will classify for the first time In either
high Behind or grndes should be pres
ent at till time and place If polhle.
The hook lists) are now ready at
.lone- Drug Store and at Huntley
All pupil are urged to be present
the First day. Assignment will be
mnde and work will begin nl the open
ing, nnd everyone. If jxisslble, should
be present nt t lint time.
The Superintendent will be at the
Rastham building fm Thursday nnd V'rl
ili y of thl week to confer with pupils
and patron concerning inntler of
school Interest.
Save One-Fourth to One-Half
On Your School Books
By selecting your School Hooks this week from our
second-hand stock. Second-hand books good as new
at 25 per cent, less; worn books at half price and every
one guaranteed complete and without torn leaves.
If you buy this week you will be more certain to
get good second-hand books.
We buy old school books, Don't let your old
books lie around till they are out of date. Hi ingthem
in now and get money for them.
We offer extra values in all kinds of school sup
plies. Lead Pencils 10c dot. up
Pens - - 5c dox. op
Box of 8 best colored Crayons 5c
Pencil Sharpeners - 5c
Slates - - JOc, 13c, 1 5c
Pencil Poxes - - - - 5c
Huntley's Big Value Tablet 5c
Free Book Covers and Free Rules with any order, however small.
Let us outfit your children for school and they will have quality
goods at modest prices.
:- , '.
' .y ' "- -
.. . - "4
L ' - ,
A . i
to which I aspire, having had years of
experience in clerical work. Have
never been connected with any clique,
faction or "Assembly" so have no po
litical debts to pay. If nominated and
elected will always end'-avor to give
a full day's service for a day's salary,
and a -clean buslneR.s-IIke administra
tion. No. 01 on the primary ballot.
(Paid adv.) I. D. TAYLOIl.
and In which is located what earthly
possessions I may have and upon
which I pay taxes.
Should the people h';nr nie with
their confidence, I shall snare no pains
to administer affairs efficiently and
economically. I shall be most grate
ful for vour support and vote Septem
ber 2tth, mxt.
(Paid adv. I Clackamas, Ore.
p I y I
hi'' l : ' 'll's ' l i
of Ilorlng.
Candidate for
In presenting my name before the
Fellow Republicans.
In liiitiouiiilng my candidacy for
Hheriff, many know that I am a pio
neer born In this county, and taught
Heboid In Ongon for many yearB. I
served as chief deputy for the late
.1. H. Shaver, who was klllyi on duty.
Republican voters of Clackamas conn- Have experK d the books of the coun
ty for the office of County Clerk, I ty a number of tlmea and I don't
would like to call attention to the tact think my ability to fill the office will
that the country Is really entitled to ,n questioned.
recognition, as wen as tne euy. Jiotn
of my opponent!) are Oregon City
men. ine way ror the residents or
Clackamas County to secure the rec
ognition to which they are entitled,
is to support a man from the country
The business of the office has grown
to such dimensions that It requires a
man of Home, experience and ability
to handle half a million dollars yearly
the sheriff now collects. If I did
not feel competent to do the work, I
I have been a resident of Clackaman u,.i.,' ... J ' .. -.,i.
County most of my life and my in- ,f nomnat(.,, and elected, I promise
terests are here. I have always been tf) t rlrf.fll,v 8nd ag economically
a staunch supporter of the principles a CODI)8tet with good ac-
of the Republican party and have cnTHUi Wtr
never held an elective office. i Thl) nan,,i,n(? of half a minon doj.
. c' M' I lars In sums of three cents up Is a
train aav) taHk tnal requ)re, careful painstaking
work a work of great Importance to
the neonle of this county and a work
Mrs. C. H. Trullinger, the Hubbard . that should . done hv a man that
Milliner, will be at Robblns Bros.'knowg how. I feel that I know how
store, Molalla, Sept. 24, Oct. 8, and and, If elected, will give the people
Oct. 22, with complete stock of Fall the best service possible.
MlU'iery. (paid adv.) B. C. HACKETT.
Children Cry
(Continued from page 1)
most sacred nnd dearly bought right
of the American cltlen, and the man
who would abridge or take It away Is
a traitor to himself, to his family, to
the flag of freedom mid to all pos
terity. All this rot about packed assemblies
and the taking away of the rights of
the people by nn a-isembly Is the
veriest sophistry, cooked up by de
signing iH-rsons to deceive nnd rouse
the prejudice of the voter; there Is no
attempt or thought to do any such thing
but the Republicans taking a stand
for the organization of the party. In
terferes with the plans of certain In
dividuals who by reason of large
wealth can manipulate the party to
their own Interest and resent nil at
tempts to get an organization, and
who prefer political anarchy to sober
thought, full action by representatives
of the comDum people, These
political anarchlHts can step' In, and
with money and by a' minority vote,
elect themselves cver better men who
may be the choice of the pnrty.
If we cannot have an organization
nnd head to the party, we will be like
the Kilkenny cats that fought until
nothing but the tails were left to
Jump at ench other, while the opposi
tion steps In and takes charge of nf
fairs nnd the Republican pnrty will
be n tiling of the poHt and ft memory
to scoff at.
I ask all Republicans lo think these
things over and decide without
prejudice or listening to misrepresen
tations of popullstB or political nn
archlsts with Republican paint on
their faces, probably supported and
paid by coin of prospective (I. S.
Senators or corporation Interests, but
vide for your pnrty recommendation
and vindicate your right to be a free
Republican and honor yourself and
your county.
Chairman Republican Assembly.
Chief llepcly In Recorder' Office
Candidate for Republican Nomination
At Primaries September 24
He xtund for fair nnd courteous
treatment to all; promise business,
like mid economical iidtiilnlstrntloli ,
pledges himself to keep the offlrv
open during the noon hour to con
venience the public.
tl'nld adv.)
j r
for nominal Inn fur
Stands for;
The IMrect Primary law nnd
, Its preservation
For the (dcrtlon of I'lilleil States
Senators by the -nple;
Kur n roiitlnuaucn of the right
of the pcnplit to rule;
For strict economy In appropri
ations. Stinda aQjintt:
Creation nf political bertha for
office seekers;
Against sieen privilege In all
forma, In corporation., innli
led Interests or Individual.
(Paid advt I
For Nomination
I am an nntl-ansomhly candidate
and will have no opposition In the Pri
maries, but will be opisiscil In the
November election on the Republican:
ticket by nn assembly candidate. I
respectfully solicit your vote.
(Paid adv.) ' TOM J. M VERS.
Democratle Farmer is Candidate
Place on County Court.
Oregon's imp crop promises to ho
generous, with flrst-cluMs quality. The
yield Is now being gntbered nnd great
euro Is taken In the picking to get the
crop clean of leaves and stems that
will bring the usual good figure that
Oregon hops command In the world's
Charles Thompson, n well known
fanner of Stafford, tins announced hi"
candidacy for the position of County
Commissioner. Mr. Thompson has
been n resident of Clnckainas county
ninny years, lie favors the ronslure
tion of good roads and believes In
permanent road work, nnd 1" strongly
opposed to building county roads
cheaply. He believes In nn economic
and bulsnessllke administration of
county affairs nnd respectfully solicits
the votes of lhe electors of Clackamas
countv nt the November election for
the office of Commissioner.
(Paid adv.)
Your complexion ns well as your
temper Is rendered miserable hy nv
disordered liver. Hy taking Cham
berlain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets
you can Improve, both. Sold by all
Can be had hy ambitious young men
and ladles In the field of "Wlrcleiw"
or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8
hour law has became effective, and
slnoe the Wireless companies are es
tablishing stations throughout the
country thero is a great shortage of
telegraphers. Positions pay begin
ners from $70 to $J0 per month, with
good chance for advancement. The
National Telegraph Institute of Port
land, Ore., operates six official In
stitutes In America, under supervision
of R. R. and Wireless Officials ond
places all graduates Into positions. It
will pay you to write to them for full
The cost of dental wotk is often given as an excuse for
neglect; but have you ever considered tne work done by your
teeth and the relative cost of dentistry compared to food, clothing,
etc.? The teeth are our best friends, never valued until lost.
If you neglect them you cheat yourself. There is no work that
costs so little inproporiion to its imperative essentiality as good
denial work. There is none that can compare with it in effect
upon good looks and good helth. A better appreciation of con
ditions has made the public better understand the beneficent ser
vices rendered by dentistry in the preventative and protective
work that it has done.
WEINHARD BUILDING Eighth and Main Sts.
Carefui of Your Property
One of lhe secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833
525 Main Street