OREGON CUT ENTEKTU1SE. EKMDAV, SEPT EMU Eli 9, 15)10. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COCNTY MARQUAM. with hut Threshing Is about over exception of a few Jobs. Hop picking is in full blast. tin y iii e generally light. We hail a line rain here last week vlil;li sot l ltd the iliist ami also deni ed I tip smoke away, although it hits cleared up anil will soon lie dry and dusty as ever. A horse belonging to Henry Hnber Injured his leg so badly In harb the Uyhv fence that ho hn.l to ho killed. There will ho a dance at the haH October Sih. Stubborn As Mules are livor and bowels sometimes: seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble Loss of Appetite Indiges tion, Nervousness, Despondency. noH't No serious Hies vet In this part.i acno, vtut such troubles fly before although while helping to thresh for Tommy llenlley. a load of grain caught ft re front the threshing engine as ho passed It, and narrowly escaped with the wagon and a scorched rack. The lead of grain was a total loss. Quite a band of Warm Spring Indians camped near town on their way lo the Hartinan hop yard. Thej were a curiosity. Dolph Meyers, Jo Ross and others left for Table Keck Sunday to be gone 8 week after huckleberries. Miss Hazel Ijtrkins, of Meadow Ilrool; w as up to visit her cousin, Kcho I.arkins. a few days last week. Miss Poll Marouam has been quite sick, but at this writing is improving; also P. .1. Ridings is on the sick list. Dr. King's New Life Wis. the world's best Stomach and IJver remedy. So easy. 2;.c at Jones Drug Company. CLARKS. "Can be depended upon" is an ex pression we will like to hoar, and when it Is used In connection with Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysen- rnrk wk for ,hetr prune pickers. The flnwsnilller girls are picking Mr. and Mrs. Will Heitman, from the Hoe Hills, were in Heaver Crook with his mother, Mrs. C. Hettman. last Sunday, and their baby was christened bv Rev. V. If. Wettlati. Mr. J. Klrkland was on the sick list last week on Monday. Mr. Sam Klnter finished threshing on Wednesday of last week. There was a fierce flre near Mr. Cummins" house: it came near the old man Cummins' house hut they called for help and the house was saved. Mrs. Ituol had a close call too. the fire started in her direction but there was no damage. Mr. Rottemlller helped haul hay for Alex Sherruble. . Miss Rosa Mueller is helping Mrs through picking hops and their yards have turned out well this year. John Hutson has rented his real esiate office for a residence and Is now occupying an office room at the Hotel Utwrenee. Our village bank Is found to be a groat convenience to our farmers, os specially during the hop picking sea son, for not many places the sire ol Wllsonvlllo can boast of such splen did banking accommodations as are furnished by Thornton Son. There will be political speaking at Wllsonvlllo on Mom'ay evening, the 12th. in the A. O. I W. Hall. The names of the speakers have not been announced, but It Is understood Ihov will bo antl assembly men ladies are cspecltlly Invited. Joe Kplor's orchestra wiill gle a dance In the M. 1. A. hall on Saturday evening, September 10th, and a good time is promised those who attend. Peters Aden are doing such a big business that it has been found neces sary to Increase their store and ware house room, and "Her serious con sideration, this progressive firm of general merchandise men have decid ed to dissolve partnership, and Mr. Peters will go1 Into the general hard- that The Mrs. llolton and children are slop, ping with her mother, Mrs. tinge, a few days. V have no service on the Pnclfin States Telephone and the people are becoming disgusted. Wo understand Maple Lane School Patrons Cammed. Oregon Clly, Aug. 31, The Maple I .line school district held a meeting this evening (o vote for a new school house In a new location, Result. !!2 against 7 favorable; for new building the owners of the line to Willamette on old lot, no 23 jes 7; repairing old want $200 for (lie wire and right of building, no 21, yea."; digging well, no Hi. yes IS; fencing lot, no 25, yes 5. The old bulbltug is .very small, poorly veuillnted, poorly lighted, and way wiiiert seems i inner n nigu price as the polos will all have to bo reset or replaced with new ones. As the service has boon the past your or morn we feel thai we are living In the far hack end of nowhere, before tele phones wore Invented. last winter hogs had to be driven from the spring before drinking water could be had. The teacher was sick about u month, from using the water, We hear with regret that Mrs. .1. 'holara wero often sick, still the very eiuciprising people ot ,iiiio ijiiio down every Mini alt Improvements. A Resident. Q Gage had th( misfortune to got her leg partly dislocated on Friday of last week. Ity bathing with hot water and Milt and rubbing with alcohol the swelling was reduced so that on Sun d.tv nlcht the doctor and her husband sui-eeoiiod In putting It In place again, I wagon and It is hoped no serious results will follow. Mrs. Smith Turner Is reported very sick. The Kllegsens burned their slash ing on the Saner place on Saturday. List Oregon of unclaimed letters lit the City posloffice for the week VVJtor Wsflon Quit. Today is the last of the water In this clly. The Fourth of July Comtnltteo having Hut funds from the celebration held hero on the Fourth donated the amount of money left for the water wagon to used on Main utreet. Seventh street, Fifth and Center streets and .Molalla avenue, which has been greatly appreciated by the residents and business men on tile streets where Hie wagon lias been used. terv or bowel complaints. P. is pleas ant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. COLTON. The dry weather still seems to con- pastern Oregon. prunes for the riark urns. Henry Mueller is working for the Clark ilros. Mr. Haag went hop picking last rook to Aurora. Zelma Cummins came back from llnno. A few good showers of rain would be welcomed by everybody on account of the flre and dust. Prank Countryman purchased a colt from his brother. A. B. Country man, at Meadowbrook. j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pall have moved! to Colton. Mr. Rail will help his! father-in-law, Mr. W. E. Ronney, put' up a shingle mill this winter. . ) Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones and family : of Brooks. Oregon, were visiting their friends at Colton last week. The board of directors of District No. 72 have selected Miss Esther! Mr. Schrlher's buildings are In great danger of forest tires at present, fire Is around his saw mill. The neighbors have been fighting flre day and nieht. There was another strong wind ot Saturday. J. Sehiewee came home some time ago from Idaho to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs Sehiewee. Mr. Marshall's boys were hauling hay for Alex Schernible on Monday. Alex Schernible chopped grain for Rev. Wettlaufer last week. Mr. Rottemlller and family made a trip to Clark Bros. prune orchard last a splendid started to YUU IN hr hr LJ M WHY NOT ENJOY THE MOST DE SIRABLE OF CITY CONVENIENCES ? WATER SUPPLY UNDER PRESURE lisp il Z v Al.t tlllUl, 3 I'KK i KN: AM- tto I ,i 1 t i-1 Wp.imi 1 1 it i Hu As slmil'iiiiiSihi'UHHijniiifc'ijin llnllii'Siniiih'Kiu:illUi'M ProntuK's ni'V''iiMil'b'rrnj IH'SS.'lli'lli.'r.H'iKlnlll'.Slh'ilill 0iiii;u M.irj-.'ii.ie iit,vUtj1, Nor .:c;::i Tor I'i f:nfs ntid CVnrrfi. Tho Kind You Eiavs Always Bought Bears tlio x j , o ! i-- panistrum as tearner ior me comum , ;,)., v Thev said it I vear- , , , i crop of prunes, and they .Misses Josie Hutmarn sua tiumiiv drv prunos on Tuesdav. Hargraves are visiting at the former si AIwt Schernlhle s)Hn, p,mda- with sister. Mrs. WIW James, at Colton. hjs ,)r1,her Dave, near Oregon Citv. No wonder Claude Winslow wan Mr Slllllv!ln went to wn on Satlir. that big smile that went come -iff.:,j3T ast week. for he is papa of a big son. I Mr. Dawelson had his house newlv painted, which gives it a fine app tr ance. New Boys' Sshool Suits Fall style suits, made of dur- Several new houses are going up able fabrics, well tailored and have in the neighborhood. Colton Is jonm-i strong linings. There are plain navy ine all richt I ullle serges, cheviots and neat light Mrs. Dix and sons. I". S. and I. O. 'and dark mixtures. Trousers linea and the iatter's wife, were visitors . throughout; extra pair knickerbockers at Dix Brother's saw mill last Tue-i '1,n eaeh suit. W. A. Holmes, 3i7 dnv. j Main street. California rustic is being hau'ed for the "mansion." j MULINO. Mr. Engstnim Is hack again from , scappoose ann is improving uis, rires are still threatning nropertv plare. i I In this neighborhood and everyone is Gorbett Brothers have heen busy i wishing for rain to' put out the fires, hauling hay from the Phillips place- Mr. Yost is baling hav and straw last week. . j for Wallace Ashby, Woosides and .Threshing Is all over with and nar-; Churchill this week. y everybody Is away to the hopyvd$.j Archie Dougan left Monday on c Mrs. Mudget. nf Highland, acn.i-, visit with Unn county relatives, panled by Mrs. J. A. Stromgreen, at-j a goodly portion of the population' tended rhurch at Colton Thursday. 0f Mulino have gone to the hop yards , Will Dix was at Colton Monday toj Miss Ine?. Snodgrass has been en get his brother's engine to log w.th gaeed to teach the Beaver CreeK for their saw mill at Shuble. j school this fall, while Mr Ross Eaton Mr. and Mrs. John Wall were visit-i will wield the birch in the '.Mulino! lug in f'nner Colton Sunday. j district. Hinie Warner has been on the sicki Mr. and Mrs. Murrav. of Macksburg 1 list, but is able to be up and around . were Mulino visitors Sundav, at the Pin. ! hotne of Mr MrLanchlin. Nearly everylMidy who went to the: Dan r.rave went m nmn rtti. mountains ior nucKienernes, nave returned. H. E. Warden, his daughter and brother W. Warden, have to Portland for a visit. H. Warner was a Sunday visitor at .1. Phiz's. W. James left for Oregon City Tues dav to gpt some baling wire. I. O. Dix burned his slashing last rotIf!hg Lithwise brothers, of Clarkes, were hauling their telephone posts Monday. Wonder if Ole Anderson has return ed from the "Happy Hunting Grounds" yet? He had quite a large time did he? I. 0. Dix put up a telephone on di vision 13 on the Molalla line last week". E. Lindstrum did some business trading at Colton Monday. Ruth gone Monday with a load of hogs and veal. Prod Churchill took a load of hides to Canby on day last week for Dan Craves. IN YOUR HOME No doubt you have often envied your city friends and wished for the conveniences afforded by modern water supply under pressure, in your honvv The Leader Water System II! enable vim I enjoy these inhant.iges more thoroughly than u po.-sihle with any other svsiem. The Leader Is not an ordinary farm water supply sjsicin with Its attending troubles and annoy a tires, it Is far from ordinary. It will furnish a dependable supply of water wherever and whenever you desire it. Vim can oujoy modern home conveniences, stu h as the baih. toilet, etc. You w ill have plenty of water for all domestic purposes, the laundry, sprinkling nnd PROTECT ION AGAINST FIRE, that danger which constantly menaces the rural home. Pressure up to 125 pounds may be obtained with The Leader System. As is shown lu the Illustration, the tank may bo placed in tlu basement (more often It Is placed underground) where It keeqs the water cool nnd fresh In summer and pro vents freezing In winter. The boatry of The Leader System Is that It la pracllrally Iroubleloss. With the ex roption of a few moments when the water or pressure becomes low. It. needs no attention. But for the fact that every time you have occasion to call on its services you ire reminded of its efficiency, you would forget that you Had such a thing at an Independent watertupply. We will be g'ad to give you an estimate on a sys tem that will meet your requirements, use the million. Merchants Praise Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. J. w. McDanlel, Etherton. Ills., says: There is no medicine which ennals It for colds, grippe, as'hnn and Bronchitis. Iok for the B-H on the Bottle. For sale by Jones Drug Co. Write Today for Cata logues or call on W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY J. J. SANDSNESS CANBY, OREGON t For Future Information Portland, Oregon IK 'it 1 VrO 1 w ' L. rej, I .VrJ A. 2i ..;.;- I CrtofT.r. J ,!Ml.,nTI.'lkiC Anorf-vilVnu'ilvf rC'-tHrJ llou.SoufMiir.iKll.l'l-ift''1"1 Wi ir nt-t A "iutilMuit4 ,ri'r: i i lu'ssniulLossoi'Sai:!'. rarS'jiU' Siijiuiurt nf A, A. ft' $; 'in lv' ,r, W ' c Kiact Copy of W rsppef. Thirty Yea MR urn n.u . tin, EASTERN CLACKAMAS EAGLE CREEK. K. I.. Palfrey, of Molalla, aecom panled by IiIh son, Kiio-hI. uud his nephew, Ulik I'allrey, of Hope, ,iu:h liakot.i, canio over to his farm ill this vicinity lust week, returning with load of farming Implements Miss llerihu Ikniglass and Mis Ulna lioiigliisi were Kstacadn vl.it ors tme day last work Mr. and Mrs. J,.hn Held nnd lainlly of Sprlngwaler, were lh gueslH of Janu s ;ib.nii Siind.iv. Mr. and Mrs. tiny WooiUe, nf Ixner, were down this way the firm nf iho week riilllng oil relatives I Mr. and Mrs. .lames ii'Sluer, uf Flrwood, were visiting at the homo of, Mrs. )-Sliiuer'a pirontH, Mr. and MrsJ Wesley liouKlais. Sunday. : Mr. nnd Mrs. itnlph CHmoii look dinner wlih Mr. mid Mr. Hick (illmon; Sundty. Will linugliin went hiicklelHirrylng lust we' k nnd returned homo with 11 gallium of berries. Henry I'dell ae rouipaiiled him. Mr Clark I In the nelghliorhooil Willi his hay baler Ho is baling xinie ft raw for U'enhit Idiugluxs. Mrs. Corn I'dell vlalle, with Jnme (ilbson mid .Mr. mill Mrs. John Rein Sunday Mr. ami Mrs. (Irani lluntliigion called on Mr. ami Mrs. Wesley Hung. his Siiiiday. Ijiii linker uhil fainlly. Alex Maker uud famllv, (i. W. Maker, S A. Houg Ihsh mid Ward lioiigluss, rolurned Hun- lay evening foin tint Warm Springs, where they had gone for an timing. wi re only able in go as far as Orator Rock as the lopea had boon tnkoii ilnuil (he day befoto, owing lit I bn iii"!ttn:t of (lie Htiow lo until an ok ti'l't (hat ll nil I-iikIiIiTi-iI illinafo. Mr aid Mri Then Hoy and Ml (Ili KOI V. of I r 1 1 0 11 1 . r.une out In their auto and Joined Iho piuly nt Flrwoid, all tipeitliiK In mnke tho ellinli logether. Tho g rald from old IIiniiI iilmiil IiIiio ii clock Sillldny niotnlng leaving the m inimphero per fectly clear The vl"w from tho mmm t ii I it n:m fill". Mr. Hart mndo th trip finin (level tmieiit Ciimp to Flr wood lu two nnd one halt hours Mr Frank McIIiikkIii man oilng III Flrwiio,! Tuesdav. K. I Hint went in Porllatid Thur- : ilnv to attend the Live Slock Show. , The rain lli Past week tilling a long foil need, and In refrenhliiK tho i cotmlrv Chilr Corey was down from 3tt Insi week where she has been watching fores! tiro for Heine lime 1 Mi Jennie U-iirand has gone to i Liberal to v I -1 1 her iimie, i A. Hart. The FtrwiMiil 'rogri'lvo Assoiin- ilmt will n t again Sept. I", after n 1 two IllnlllllS suspension. Best for the Hands S. I rhapmaii, Maccas. Ky., ays: I Hied l)r. Hell's Antiseptic Salve on my hands, which worn sore, and find It the best 1 over tried. It cured llo-tn completely. For sale by Jones Drug Company. WILSONVILLE. An Awful Eruption of a volcano exists brief Interest, and your Interest In skin eruptions will be as shtirt, if yon use Buckk-n's Arnica Kalve, their quickest cure. Even the worst boils, ulcers, or feve- sores are soon h-aled by it. Rest for Burns, Cuts, Rnilses. Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It gives Instant relief. 25c at Jones Drug Co. LOGAN. j Klrchm brothers report that on their recent visit to the Austin hot springs they found many people In tha mountains and wardens on the look out for violations of the law. Miss Pearl Johnson and Samuel Lyon Mrs. A. 53. Dresser, or Portland, snent Sunday at the home of Norman Say. i-iyiK- uak-er visited ius parents on1 Wednesday, on his return from Coos I Ray. wher" he had been Inspecting! an Ice plant. Anna Riddr has been on the sicki list for some lime, but is somewhat j improved. Wrn. Flynn Is building a new resi-! d'-nce in our village, and will rent! the property wheh he now ocuples: as soon as the new house Is com-! pleted. .Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Thornton enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Kvans and Mr. and Mrs. Jaeger of Portland, on Sunday. Mrs. France has been visiting rela tives near Wllsonville for a couple of weeks. Several college friends of Doris Young came from Corvallis to assist in the hop yard. The Walters Hotel served three automobile parties with some of their ware business, keeping vehicles and all sorts of (arm implements, and is building a fine new store which will be ready for ocupancy some time In November. Mr. Aden will remain at the old stand, keeping dry goods, gro ceries, boots and thoes; and doubtless both these men will receive the same liberal patronage, as their honesty and courtesy in their busine.s deal ings has built up the Imtneme busi ness which It has become necessary to divide. Agues; Rachel; Hubbard Mrs Klin; Myers, ending September 9, 19M. Woman's list; Ileelscli, llenzie, Mrs. Geo.; Cook. DwiggliH, Mrs. C.rover; Win.. Kennedy, Mrs. ('has. Mens ll-t Clacktoli, Richard Czeck. Mi'imel; Ourward, L. Cribble. Will; (Jllttrlilg". M.; I!. A.; l.gnP. Nap.; Myers, Payne, (i,us. S. con, ''has.: Wat kins, J IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES TIME CARD. 0. W. P. Between Portland W., C-; Hicks f Ceo. K.; ; Ryder, .lack; Hliu- Thomson, Archie. !:ii; K.; Williams. O. It.; U-avo Arrive DIVISION and Oregon I live City. Arrive ! Sore Eye- of Three Years Standing j cured. Miss Eflle Faulkner, New ; Castle, Pa., writes; Sutherland's I Eagle Eye Salve cured me of a case, of sore eyes of three years standing.. Miss Ida ! I cheerfully recommend It to any one, In need of such a remedy. For sale by Jones Drug Company. illKims. Clark. INFANTILE PARALYSIS FATAL Clark Stricken Oread Malady. With The were married at the residence noted good things to eat, on Monday. Mrs Ma life's of the brides parents, .Mr. and M. L. Johnson, on August 28th. their bark glide smoothly over troubled sea. There was some fire excitement in Igan but no serious damage was done. Two slashings were burned, also a straw pile and some rails. Rev. Mr. Hay worth of Oregon Clly, spoke at Ravenswood chapel and gave many sound reasons why the farmers should vote for prohibition. He posed the liquor men's so-called "Home Rule" bill and showed that !t was to prevent farmers from having anything to say about saloons In the cities. Mr. Costello and family have moved to Portland and Mr. Sherwood has moved to Logan. Mr. Chalupsky Is building a large niodern house, which will be fitted nut with gas and all latest Improve ments, for Homer Kruse, about two mlleg from Wilsonvllle. Rev. Exon preaches every second and fourth Sunday In the A. 0. IT. W. hall. Sunday school at two o'clock Everyone cordially Invited. Several new buildings are In the course of erection In our village. ex- among which are Mr. Peterson's and Mr, Butson's. The latter will be oc cupied by Mr. Rethune. A flre occurred at the Chinaman's hop yard on Thursday, several shacks being burned while the hop pickers who occupied them were at work In the yards. Matt Haker and Mr. Slallncher are NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, NOTIONS. Pay Cash antl Sell for Cash Get my prices and see if I can save you money J. H. MATTLEY 905 7th street STAFFORD. It I Miss Ida ( lark, daughter of Mr. and! .Mrs. William Clark, died Sunday; 1 morning at t; .jO o'clock at the family; j homo. 011 Center Street, between 1 Eleventh and Twelfth Streets, of In- I iantlle paralv-ils. Miss Clark was I taken III on Friday night with seveivl ! pains n the base of the brain, and her I j condition Kn w rapidly worse until j 1 death relieved her of her sufferings j Sunday morning, although conscious a I j few hours before her denth. I Miss (iaii. was born 2.'! years ago, at. j?mhl, hi, iho, and was the only I child of Mr. and Mrs. Clark. 8he came with ,er parents to this city t from Idaho 'wor and one-half years ago, and during her residence herei was loved ,y all who knew her having a sweet and gentle disposition. Strange to say that Miss Clark had a horror of this new malady, and had rend every article In newspapers per taining thereto. The funeral services wero con ducted Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Rev. S. A. Hay won h, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. The Interment was In the Mountain View Cemetery. Many beautiful flowers were sent by the friends of the deceased. There are several other cases of Infantile paralysis In this city, but I this Is the first case that has proven fatal. The dry spell continues although sprinkled a little Tuesday. Ed Sharp has three children sick with what Dr. Mount, the attending! physician, diagnosed as the new ills-1 ease, infantile paralysis. The first! child took sick two weeks ago and he I lay In a sort of stupor for nearly two' days, when racking pains came on ! and now although the little fellow Is, regaining his appetite and has no! fever, his legs are perfectly helpless. I The next one was taken a week after wards and he has no use of his lower limbs, and suffers great pain at times. In five days another one was taken but tho famllv are In hopes that the physician will be able to check the third case as he Is not as bad as the others. There are two other child-: rep in the family, a hoy of twelve and one of five, who have so far es caned the disease. Mr. Powell was suddenly taken seri ously III Saturday with a severe at tack of heart disease. He Is subject to those spells, but this one was more serious than any he had had. Dr.! Mount wan hastily Hiimmoned who suc ceeded In relieving him, but It left him very weak. On Sunday a physician was called to the home of Fred Baker to pre- scribe for their baby boy. two years; Republicans four years ago were led old, whose mouth and throat were : to belbjve that by their vote thy were swollen very badly. leleetlng to office a flat salary candl- Mrs. Nemec began picking hops on date for Stale Printer. After nearly Monday; Fred Ellegsen and Hits Geb-! four year's experience they are now hart are through, and Mr. Pomperln ' told by Mr Dunlwny that he only will be done In a few days. j pledged "an economical biiBlnes ad- Will Schatz Is building a new dry, ministration," and now ,hollors for house and Mr. Mllem has put up a more of the GRAFT. Give William J. new granary. fHarke your primary vote. (Paid adv.) u . ; ! i ' ' ir u ! c ' 1 i a !; y , g c'" u " : o ; u o w ! 4 00 5.27 5.40 G.40 B -15 0 45 C:iO 7.22 7.30 11.20 6.2fi 7.20 7 00 7.52 , i.00 ti.50 0.57 7.50 7. ;!0 8.22 8.::0 7.20 7.37 8.30 8. U0 8.52 8.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 10.00 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.62 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.69 11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 1.00 1.52 2.00 1.00 1,07 2.00 1.30 2.22 2.30 1.20 1.03 ' 2.30 2.00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 3.00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4.00 4.52 6.00 4.00 4.07 6.00 4.30 6.22 6.30 4.30 4.37 6.30 6.00 6.62 0.00 5.00 6.07 0.00 5.30 0.22 0.30 6.30 5.37 0.30 0.00 0.52 7.00 0.00 0.07 7.00 0.30 7.22 7.30 0.30 0.37 7.30 7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 8.65 8.00 8.07 9 00 8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 i.62 9.55 9.03 3.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.25 10.33 10.37 11.00 10.00 10.52 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00 10.30 1 11.22 1 11.25 I 11.33 11.37 11.00 1 11.52 I tl.CP' 11.03 I 11.07 11.59 11.30 1 12.22 I 12.25 1 12.33 1 2.37 .... 12.00 i2.46 12.50 I 11.56 11.571 I I H 12.50 12.55 ' To Mllwauklo only. Trains for Falrvlew, Trotitdale, Gresbam. Ilorlng, Eagle Creek, Esta cada and Cazadoro and Intermediate points, 7:15. x8:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05. 3:05. x4:05. 6:05. x0:05. 7:05. 8:05. '11:35. For Oresham. x Oresham. Falrvlew and Troutdale. NOTE: Car leave East Water and Morrison street 6 minutes Inter than scheduled from First and Alder 811 DOVER. Crare and F.liner lllack are visit ing with relative. A. ('. Morrison nil I family. Medley brothers are hunting sinw from the palfrey place. Mlsn Grace Wolf Is well pleased with her po'ltlon lu Sandy. Mr. Morrison found one of his horses lying dead In his pasture. He feel tin- I'ihk of the animal very mech. Howard and Waller KlrMiuid and I'M ward llerlelsen were visitors at Morrison's over Sunday. Quite a crowd gathered nt Morri son's Sunday evening . They were entertained with music, games and a largn honllre. Dudleys will begin drying their primes soon. Trees can still b" heard fallln,; Irnm the effects of the flre. How glad the people of Dover would feel If It would only ruin. Blood Poison Is prevented by applying Dr. Hell's Anti-Pain to cuts, scratches and bruises. It destroys ifll septic Hinder enables the wound to heal without soreness, lie sure to get Dr. Hell's, For sale by Jones Drug Co. For use on Face and Hands Dr. Hell's Antiseptic Salve Is the b"it. It Is a iTi-.'imy miow white ointment mid one j.'ip box will Int threo tnniilhs. Knr sale by Junes lung Co, The people of Oregon, Washington, nnd Idaho ate giving miiiii m tent Ion lo an lui-reasi-d production of live slink. Ciuiilltloiis surrounding the pn;an Hun nf livestock for the market l.uve lit 1 ri'l y changed within the ,it few veins At one lime It a-l coiisl br I'd iifcfvinry to f""d grain from the fl inn tlin nuluia! could eat, but now lite farmer who has green f nid and uiIIIik grain for finishing pmpii-is only, Ik the one who g'i,, the be-t results There should be no esiluui y 011 the part of the Oregon fan, 11 r .i'm iiI liicreii'ilng his livestock liM.ling4, 'tile tale lit which llle pti'Ml I -It ion 4 Inireasng should warrant t.'ii, 111 Hie knowieilKe thai the supply will not catch up with Hie demand for yinn to come and until a siirptM 1 i snnetiis and paii.lng hotisi' product a'e avail able for export Ihln in'C lull of lb" country will not have :"ii!ed Itself of lis heal luoliey.muklu opportu nity. - How Good News Spreads. " I nm 7n years old lilid travel most of the time," writes It. K. Tolson, of Kllnhothtown, Ky. "Everywhere I . go 1 recommend llleetrlc Hitters, be cause 1 owe my excellent health and vitality lo lliem. They effect u cure every time." They never fall to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, Invlgonito the nerves and purify the. blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men nnd women, restoring strength, vigor mid health Hint's a dally Joy. Try thetn. Only ,rnic. Siitlsfiiiilou Is posi tively guaranteed by Jones' Drug Co. FIRWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Wlllilns, Sr., left for Sioux Clly, la., Wednesday urhere Ihev will undid mime lllllll look- after business Interests, nfler which I they expect to to return lo Oregon and will s d the winter In Portland. Mr. si lid Mrs. Justice Htrowbrblgo came out from Portland Sunday and snent I he day with their niece, Mrs. W. IC Stevens. Mr. fitrowbiidgn ownsi considerable land around Kirwonil mid lived hern some, time ngi. Il noles maiiv changes lu the wny of Improve ment since he last vlHlted hero, The new library hooks are expected soon, further notice will bo given. The Klrwood school hoard met last Friday evening and laid plans for the moving of the school houso out t the main road. AL the time the school house was hullt. II was on the rimd, bill since, the rond has been changed making It necessary lo move the school house. School will commence the first of October, Miss Jennie Le(i rand of North Dakota, has been iimnloyeil as teacher. The Hart and Stevens children have gone to Portland to attend school this winter. A. C. Mllllron and Mr, Clnrk, of Molalla, have been spending the pnst week at Klrwood. I Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hart and daughter. El hoi, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart and Miss Jennie IGrand made Bn auto trip to Mt. Hood Saturday ex pecting to climb the mountain, (nit THE HOME Is incomplete without modern, sani tary Plumbing. You risk the lives of your children by keeping old fashioned plumbing In the house We take contracts for PLUMBING heating and ventilating, We can refit your entire house. If you are building this Spring give ut 1 chance to figure on the Plumbing. P. C GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Plpei. All Klndi of Job blng and Spraying Material. 914 Main 8t. Phone 2654. OREOON CITY.