Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 02, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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MIhs Mildred Lamed
is visiting
friends in Seattle.
Mrs. Slndcn and family of Fern
Hldge, who have sient the summer at
o 1. 1., ,i..j i,.,..
n-.innie, iiu,- irnimni iivhiv,
Mr. Manson Hose, will leave ahout
September 1st. for the hop yards.
Mrs. Thonmson. of Portland, spent
Rovoral davs nt the home of G. II.
Hoardman and wife.
Messrs. Lloyd, Clyde and Lingdon
Spooner, who have been visiting In
Taooma, were guests of honor at a
card party given nt the home ot Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Haw have returned to
their homo after a fortnight's stay
-llli frinnda in flie Tjl.9ii iinnlrv
One hv one or.r Udge people ar
returning from their vacations, which
they have 8ent nt the seashore. This
Week Arlinne and Shelly Shaver and
Miss Edna Westorfield rotnnied from
Ocean Park. Washington, and Mrs.
Morse and Miss Carrie Scripture re
turned last week from their two
months' stay at Ocean Park, both be
ing great Iv benefitted from their out
ing. Wilson B. Miller, who has been
visiting frleiiiUs nt Seaside, has re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Haborman spent
Sunday with the Westerfleld family at
their new ranch, and wore accompani
ed home by Miss Lillian Westerfleld.
who will remain a row days among
her old school-mates.
The Jennings Lodge Bchool will be
gin ihe fall term on Monday. Septem
ber Sth, with G. W, Thompson as in
structor. Miss Susie Smith, of Oregon City
will spent some days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts.
Mr. and Mr-s. G. P. Boardman have
purchased the Terry property at Sil
ver Springs, and will erect a couple
of modern dwelling houses for'rent.
Mrs. Isiah Shenefield will lntertain
the Ladies' Aid Society at her home
on Blanton street, on Wednesday,,
nsnist 31st The afternoon will be
spent in quilting. Hol, has s)ent the last ,wo wwks snd family, for a few days. Mr. and
Rev. Heberling has retnrued from wi,h h(,r p;irpnts. H. Shaw are touring tho we-t,
the csmp-meeting which was held at j Harry Balentitie and wife are re- The Oak Grve Improvement As
Veronla and occupied the pulpit it ; cotx-tng th congratulations of friends; soeiatlon held its regular meeting In
Grace Chapel on Sunday. August 2th.j (U1 ,he njrtl, of pound son ; Green's Hall Thursday evening. Sev
While absent. Rer. Etnmel, of Milwau j August. 2Sth. temher 1. A large audience llstue l
Vie, has supplied at this place. j p A Chnmlers killed a porcupine to a good programme and the report
The Worthlncton Brothers, of Con-i xhursdiv nleht on his nlnce. mesur- of the committee on Incorporation
cord, baled oat-hay on Saturday forln?; ; ft fi inch0s. Several of the
Mr. H. C. Tozler. anmais have been seen but this is
Mr. Fred Toaier, of Eugene, and t th first one killed,
daughter. Mrs. Young, of Seattle, were ' Mr and Mr!t Suanson s))0Ut Sanlr
pitests at the Tozier home on Friday. . dRV Hn(, Punt1av gt scapwvse visit-
Mr. Fred Tozier accompanying nls;
daugtiter to Portland on ner return; Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Menslnger, with
borne. : th,,lr daughter. Hilda, and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. dishing, who have warmers, spent Sunday in Portland
occupied Buena Vista, one of ihe sum-! wl!h rpiatjves.
mer cottages of Mrs. Emmons, have, Pr ',, Mrs cian X. Perkins, the
returned to their apartments In Port-, Iatter forn,eriT jtiss Grace W. Grav.
land after enjoying three months at an receiving" felicitations iixin the
this place. Mr. Cushlng is manager a(lvent of a small son who arrived
of the Lillis Seed Company, of Port- a! ,neir nome 0ravs Haven, on Aug
land, and while here they have en- ,,.h pri-ino I ti,0 ld.st
tenained many of their Seattle and
Portland friends. , .
urday for Yamhill to spend Labor Pay
with his family on their ranch at thatj
Mr f- u iinrcA vol lofii-A nn snT.'
Messrs. Beckner and Palnton drove j
to Milwaukie on Sunday and report t
the roads very fine after the delight-!
ful shower on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Larned, of Portland,
will occupy the pretty little stonejof
o-.. o
Mrs. William V. Ren, of Oregan
City, was the Ruest of Mrs. J. W.
Sadler, Friday and Saturday.
Fire caught on the roof of W.
. , J . 7','""
nf trip firo Hpnartmpnt irmn nut tho
, . .
111 UUl.
Miss Tlllie
and Katy Giesy, Ida
Miller and Amelia Giesy went to
Canby Sunday.
Aurora Wins Again.
Ey the score of 10 to 4, the Colum
bia Hardware team of Portland, went
down to defeat before the heavy
sluggers of the locals here Sunday,
August 21.
Stokes, who started the game for
Columbia, was hit hard from the start
n -I, .,
! Interest
Is the great incent
ivetoward sav
ing money
We pay
on savings accounts
We pay 4 per cent
on Certificates of
of Deposit
j I
j j
j :
I !
I .
j j
is our motto
Aurora, Oregon
and Northwestern Clackamas
lions.', Huonn Vista, for tho remainder
of .ho year. I
A very pretty wedding took ptacc :
on Satudrav evening. Angust ;i(h. at!
.1... ok..' l,.,..,.. ., i.,,-.i,u ,...
nue, where Uev. V. M. Proctor, of the
i i -i. ....... ....-.,.
i i.iip.1 fin i iwiiui iimiiii ,m- ,-,v-
monv. which united Mr. George M.
Shaver, of tho I .edge, and Mrs. Uima
E. Hosier In marriaco. Mr. Shaver
! is one of our most prominent citizens
i and Mrs. Hosier Is from Tort land, and;
and Mrs. Hosier Is from Portland, and;
, has made many friends among the
Ulp' ladies, who has had the pleas -
pre of mooting her and oougratiila-
tlons and host wishes go with them,
lmt for life. i
j Harold and .lennle Pratt, of ("anhy,
I tll c.-,.,ml n u.L- n?mnir forniiMV
I schoolmates at this nine.
I Master Kverett Cross, of Oregon
city, spent Friday of last week with
; Mr.' Glenn S.vley!
The many friends of Glenn Sceley
a iv glad to see mm anio io no anoin
again without the aid of his crutches.
His ankle being seriously sprainel
some weeks ago in a runaway acci
dent. Mrs. A. F. Russell and daughter,
Miss Annie, were Oregon City shop
pers on last Wednesday.
Mrs. Moody and son, Frank, went
l. Mt Pleasant to assist with a'l
entertainment Thursday evening.
Mrs. Armstrong and daughter, Hes
ter, were Portland visitors Wednes
day. Mrs. Rash Is very sick at her home
on Century avenue.
Mrs. Lighthouse and son of Oregon
City spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chas
Mrs. Moody was a Portland visitor
Wen es day.
W. Cederson and daughter of Hood
River, spent Sunday with his mother
returning home Monday. Mrs. Coder-
son acconi pained them.
W. l Holt nml wife returned home
n ,..i . i-....i.i m
ing old friends. '
daughter of Captain and Mrs. James
T (Xray.
.vtr. anu .vrs. v. i iarK, wun .Mrs i
sharp anJ MiS3 Ko(.k vlsl(ed friends !
ln Ores:on citT Sundy, returning;
. , ,r a . ...
home with several baskets of fine i
blackberries. ;
Tuesday night cur friends and neigh-
hor. John dleason pas-ed to hi:
eternal home leaving a faithful wife!
and two daughters, Mrs. Chas. Sletten,
Hood-River and Miss Gertrude!
and retired In the slxih, after twelve
hits had been made off his delivery.:
T. Daker, for Aurora, again pitched,
a good game, striking out nine men
In the seven innings he pitched and
aiti.nod hio .i. .mi, hi,.
-.. uiw, nurr.
the locals had a 9 to X lead up to the
eighth. Manager Askln sent T. Baker
to left field and substituted his
brother, Bert, who has just returned
from Wasco. He also pitched well,
... . . .
sTriKing out four of the nxt six men
X. Long and T. Baker were the
hitting stars of the day. the former
getting two singles, a two-bagger and School Superintendent. Smith, deliv
a triple out of five times nine etacin ere(l a very Interesting speech as to
a triple out of five trips to the plate,
and Baker hitting two suites end a
triple out of three limes u;. The
line up:
Aurora: Giesy, 2b; Miller, If;
Parrolt, c; X. Long, lb; A. Long, cf.
Pamer; a Bdklr. D
Col. Hwd. Co.: Smart, ss: Eich-
Inlob, 3b; Nelson. 2b-n: Van Nort-;
U.'lrl Hi- r-',l,lll If Ok. I..
'SchultVc-i'r; Stokes", "p-rf; Eckerson', by the people In general as they i ""- rvhm the stale of af
rf-cf. ; should be especially, as this time otia,n' l'allt',l "u,: r1" of
j the home pecjple, evpry man, woman I drum! If they don't siimd buck kiss
Aurora defeated the fast Columbia am' ch"d 1,1,0111,1 ,,e present at their j them alir. Afier L tlrsi sound of
Steel team Sunday by the score of mPCtlnK8. and help the good along. the drum the Indies rook lo lllgtii
,1.1 to 3. ' Im't say I can't see that It will "if ,ey rind been French." said a
"Conny" Llstman, who pitched for: ,,pnf nt me any' b,lt "'" alrlht f,,r Parisian Journal, "they would bave
the visitors, was hit hard throughout,' Mr t0 80 5nd ''';l"nK. for he will remalned c wollmll
: a total of 13 hits being made of his reap B"me g"od- Tne mnn t",la'
delivery, including two two-baggers 0UBnt 10 know tnat if work of ,nl"
and one triple. ' 'ln', '"' henefit one, it will another. A Tal of Hsroism.
! Tommy Baker, as usual, pitched a We wl" a" s'!t sf"ne KOO', lf went ' for u iwtb yestldlly.', said
fine game, striking out 13 men and rw,,v- " wl" be indirectly. So in an Auvergnui i bad beeu lu the wa
allowing but three scattered hits. j f"lre meetings that are kindly, make ter some Ume when I suddeuly per
Aurora should have scored a shut- at a p"lnt t0 t,e Pre8Pnt an'l help us cevH an elJlliluua uaru a(vanclu(r
out, but three errors ln the seventh!'0 eotiraf?o the work, whether you ,ownrd , ira Jaws open. What
s.(.i . . ovtiAi( tn 1 1 'a K n rr alii-ne.. .e ,,) r
lei in me only inree runs made by the
: Next' Sunday the fas, St. Paul
Giants play at Aurora. This Is going
to be the last game of the season on
the Aurora diamond, and everybody
should turn out and see these two fast
teams play. The game will commence
at 2.00 P. M., Instead of 2:30 P. M.
The Line-up.
AB. K. H. PO.
Glesv. 2b
G. Miller, if.
T. Raker, p. .
G. Baker, 3b
N. Long, lb .
A. lying, cf. .
Will, rf
Frost, c
Palmer, ss. . .
A. .Miller, B,tb
. M 13 13 27 9 5
Fletcher, 3b. .
Laird, If
AB. R. H. PO. A.E.
Cohen, 2b
K. Nelson, 1 b.
Grore, cf
eterson, c.
Sussnian, rf. .
H. Nelson, ss.
List man, p. . .
0 1
21 '.) r,
The score
Columbia ..
Hits ....
Hits ....
.0 0 ft ft ft
0 ri
.ft 1 ft : 1 ft 1 ft
.3 0 5 2 ft ft ft 3
.3 0 4 2 0 0 1 3
" 3
j irritate or catie w-iuf. It spread it-eif . 10. He has, been Vnlted Slates depn
Summary. 0rer an ir.-ilated and ioi;:ry nun a- ., t-Yi-.. ry surveyor for the past 20 years. Mr.
Knnied runs Aurora, T: Culiil'Ma. 1 intf imine-!;at.-!jr the puupi! iuljammaiion, I Ifands will leave today on Ills civil
: t!:ree hare hit:;. T. Hnlrer. tv.o basr-i Ll's Cr-..u i:.-.:;.i' , :.:;. .i.n ..ii,,: ! K,.,-vj. ,. appoiniMieiit In Eastern Ore
hits, n. Uinj; and (j. Iialier; i ruck ! mercury juur ot::- r h.rmii. I drills. tun to take up his duties at once.
Gleason. of Oak Grove, besides many
friend .h..i ho h:id nia.le during n
short residence hero. 1 ho family Has
tho tpest smpal!iy of till tho com
inniitlv 111 their sad herevemeiil.
Mrs. t lias, vosnmg n'mumi i v
from I n i oasi taiuniii)
- -
Mrs. Air. Alton rem. no....-
Southern Oregon Mimdav.
Miss Francis Nlnsloy, of l.uiiami.
Is visiting Mrs. Harry .iohsiiimi.
'! , ., i
Miss . niaoKiro w m
ton for a lew uas on nusim --.
j w copers son w ' ,' ' I'twt exceed live reel two Inches, thai
lmis. Mo., are visiting his i.um i "" jof h( w,ml0 fr fvV, ,.l; ,.llHi
family. ,..,.,, land owing m thdr habit of standing
and Mis tov. Uigh.m at Hie latter s
O. O. lonilOV. lni Of
for l.lptnan
'""'f 1 - ' "ii.i.
homo Thursday from New orh iitit r,
a month sivnt then' on Imsln. ss tor j
; his firm .. ,
fi"T '" i., . ,.' it).
". -i
M r
,l. U Slants with Mrs. Slants and
children went to Trouulale Sunday
and amended camp meeting.
Mrs. Guv White Is visiting her
mother. Mrs. Howell, of Portland
wiio Just returnen nome auer scc. m
immihs' visit In tho east. .1
A large plate glass window in lr
Feblg's residence on the river was
broken by tho blasting across the
rivr nt the old Oswego Iron Works.
Chas. Graham has gone to Lyio
Washington, on a yaoatlon for a few
Mrs. C. A. Gridy is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Cosipiiff. of Curlney avo j T,,rv with thl U, protruding lips,
nuo. j the iipiwr one Hit vorv much elon.
Mrs. Walter Tlrwilllger. of Coutneyj gatHj :
avenue, entertained Mrs Tom Lenard Tho evw are jma m pamJ m,mik
and Mrs. E. C. Warren at dinner wb-t oi,i,,ltl0,T: th,. r U luvurlaLlr
T "n has jus, received a fine as-M"" r. hJ the white of the
sortment of fresh candies. Remonihc- o.ve mis distinctly yellowish lingo,
the place across from the Wailing i .Moreover, owliu apparently to the Irrl
Kiom and give him a call. tatlon prmlucod by tho smoke of Ihe
Abahratn Shaw and w ife, of Canada I fires over which they are so coustaiil
are visiting Mr. Shaw's sister. M"s ly cmucblng. tbey are very generally
Isabell Hilton, and Mrs. I). McArthurj blear ev.M.
' President Thelsen made some
remarks on Incorporation.
Wedding Bells. ; (hi,lr har liu !h nim,n n, SOM
Miss Francis S. Windier, of Eun'ka i lllr!lal.ir ,, ma, trv.
Humholt County. California who has ...npLoing In Its ar-
been sticndlng the nils' week with Mr 1 . , , , ,
and Mrs. Harrv Minsinger. will leave : niiWtiout the ...tl.l Jaw of a ,H.r
Tuesday f;'r Portland whore she will Me " "on of a cmik - St. Ulils
be united in marriage to Elmer Mln : Giolsy-Iictiiocrat.
singer, brother of Henry Mlminger i "
on Thursday. September 1. at two! Ths Air Brm.
o'clock by the Rev. Ramsey, at the j To forget tlie lioeinieiis of the hour
Kpiscopai cntircn at i itn a:i i lav
I TStf VKitil .,iit), wl- 111 rumaln In
j Poriland until the Sth of September j
then they will go to Pltrshurs, Pa.
nn.i vi,it
tho groom's mother and
City Lots, Acreage and Farma
a Specialty.
p. o. Box 213
Milwaukee. Ore
out bv Llsiman. 9: bv Raker. IS: first
base on ball, off Llstman. 2: off Baker
4: first on errors. Aurora. .1; Colum-!
bia. 4; left on bases. Columbia, 6:
Aurora. C: hit by pitcher, G. Miller, 2:
n r,..i.. t-i... .. , i- r,, .
iMiiri, r ii tier alio I. iiaKfr; lime
of game. 1 hour 43 minutes; umpire,
Commercial Club Holds Meeting.
The public meeting held Thursda
evening by
the Aurora Commercial !
Club, was quite wdl attended. County
the necessity of good schools, how to1
obtain such. etc. Thomas K .v h .mV r,n8"""'" "
present i'Mtead cf Wm. King, w'io was.80""" "' K'"-1""
unable to be with in. Mr. Ki y talked, lnd)"" '" ,n"' '''' ,u " every
on different subjects, explain i how! thing pn-i wltli sue u ron nguinst
we can nccompllsh with v( ry little) the olUn r vim were ke. eng the
exiM-nse the different needs w are af-i Hue tbat lie- , idlers were fi.rced lo
'or and how- other towns g't fhem.lefve u-ir hum Lniienillv weie. as do-
The attendance
of t hese
tha r. j, I
which have been held during the pair
ffW XL-Pf'hJ. hava nrf Imon nqlrr.rl.n.1
""7 "V i
,lme - ' It" will !
!,ot C0Ht '" s.(,'n "' npar " "pin
li;u, KIL-., UI lljeK Illt-ll lllal. lalK IO
uh. I
Dr. W. W. Giesy and family return '
ed from Wllhoit Springs this week. I
MShb Annie Get, returned home af-
ter two weeks' vacation. :
G rover Giesy returned home after
several weeks up the Columbia ;
.Mrs. Annie Giesy, Miss Mnlile
Kn.use, Mrs. Hanah Hunt, Miss Llllle
and Miss Nettle Miller attended the
c!rr.-us in Portland last Friday.
Jim Miller left for San Francisco
Friday, his father and sister and Ml-s
Grace Thompson and Miss Amelia
Giepy went to Woodburn 10 see him
.Mrs. Hose Giesy went to Portland
If yon want old newspapers call at
Ln.,rprlKe office. Free. j
: - ;
. 1
Iryin prejinr.it imiH simply di v l-
oodry ciiiiirrli ; tlry dry up tlei se'-retiouH, 1
which lulhBreto the m-mlirane and deeomJ
prsn, enuhinij a far moro wtioiis tronbju
thuii the ordinary form of caurrh. Avoid'
all drying iniialants. fu:in-.s, smokes and.
BHIlfT Utwl tl,,. .,W,l. .l.,.U L,...ll...u
aiidlic-ik lilv's CP-am iial.-a will ma,t. r !
catarrh or ooil Sm the head f.asily and'
nisut!v. All dnit'idsts s.-ll rim .',0 cut !
size, Kir Jlrolhtrs, 5'5 Warren Strent, '
Now York". i
'i'l. Ilulin is usi'il uil.luiiit. tiirt iltui n,.l '
Tri.y Ar Stunt.d a"d Misshap.n
W.ll hui.ouily Ugly.
At tho i wti enviuea nt itio Amer
ican coiiiliioiit dwell tho most wrotch
od race ot Mugs iho KsMiuom hi the
north mill tho Fuccluiis hi tho hoiiiii.
Of iho I wo Iho I u.'uliiux appear to he
(ho lowest In t ti i IvIHrih! scale, their
. , 1 1 ... I. I t
...,. .,..,. .,.. .... .-.
Tli.'lr hideously ugly face express
t ihi Krvtswt stupidity, nml Ihelr ier-
, Mrt, H, lmi,., and nilssjuien.
, T,w wvlri,K1, ni,i(. ( ,,0 , ,,w
. less man llieir tnai ueigiu.
nut, nitlioiiKli ilp v ari voritaKio pyg-
uilea hi staturiv lei their IhxIIo an'
oxc.v.llngiy lnr;:e. ami llieir general
pinm,. s s, 1( iuIkIU rosnli rom
ai,km, t, nmk f B uj.,,,, ,
arms nuil legs of a hlld.
! Their color nl i cars to be a copper
brouie, but as ii.' rly all are beirrliued
with smoke It U .lUUcult lo pi Ify
their precise hue. 'Iho very ,.Mi:ig
children nro light I novn In color with
tho exception 'of the palms of Hie
bauds ami llm s'!es of the fei, whl. h
Hri, ,lf ,r(y y(,!i(lvv
The beiids oV Hie adults are roer.-d
Willi coarse bla.k tnlr which f.ilh In
lank mas! to the u s k behltul and
en each side of tho face, but Is cut
away from before th. eyes.
Tho forehead Is low nud retreating.
the nose broad, tint nod furnlshi-il with
luiuiense nostrils, nud iho mouth Is
The twill, although very much dis
colored. ur', a a rule, regular mid
sound. The men have naturally onlv
a few black bristles scattered over the
upi-r lip and clnii Thi-se. bow ever,
are can-fully extruded from time to
time by menus of two tuiisxel shells,
and very frequently the hair of the
eyebrows Is rotnonsl by a similar
process. The male appear lo pay no
m f nt 1. nt tth. ii,, ..r I., lh, ilriHisliiif nt
' Is au ltiiMwsililli) liicy mv iM'fere
i one ut every utru. ami ni.iiiv of ttieiu
cunt"1" ti''"1'""'1
;i-i nud nun li
j tilscusnetl. For lllal vel) reiisoll it M
well ikciisIoiiiI.V In emiteiiiplale smiie
Itiveullon ot the fui -I nn h wnrki uu
rvMlllltlllgly Slid Ilii'iill-iurllollslV lei
the welfare el ili.tio.luO t oiler tIK
air lirake. Hon m;ui nii-utliev lakr
a Journey by nut ner i.iKe ilniglil !
I the devh e wlllrll nlilllilp r, miy tu III
i sure s:ifiy inii.i p.Hi.ilii nn-nleiii'
j All are so ustsl lo slblliiiil nni-- i-iu
j the cars that lliey never eoiMder ll
I porteiiiotwni-ss. Vel liy I Ins iipileii
tloo of the oier of eoliipresHi-O nil
rn. nf rii,n-n,i r He
tiiiv, tl
pre,t.rVeO iiihI ralln.ii.1 travel tins is-.-n
!,,,,. nllin. ntt.ius All .1... .
I ,,,, ,,,... , tt.lirii ., hm
1 arrant iruKui. not a wont or li tun
what has been mat M-ores of llme Ih
fore, but we line In dwell upon the
air brnke a one- or hum- typical In
rentious win. h are doing Heir work
faithfully and numbly while reeeul
cremlona nvi tin- iflort ami niipliiiisv -
Didn't Wait th Xttack.
. n .. I . .1.. Jh.. - nl lnM
iictpeu Bayt himKred In the ejecu-
Hon of their duty. 'Ihe olllcer In
was I ro do; vi ik-u be wim a yard olT 1
i.""' .'T "Uf ktkni': '""
!' ' '
of batliiug wliii .our clothes on." suld
one of 1 lie llsu ra. From the KretHii
Territorial iln first experience as
sentry, K'dng over bis Instructions) If
any one comes along I say: "Halt!
Who irmn iii,.rr- Then he snvs.
"Friend." and I say, "Pass, friend;
all's well." But some silly assil say,
"Enemy," and then I shan't know
w-haf to do. Itoiten Job, 1 call IL
The mayor of u aiuall town bad come
to Leipzig to see the fair. A stranger
who had Inst tils way asked him.
"Pray, good Honest man. what la the
name of this street'"
.., um n(Jt , DOueHt mun mA
fomer; .., tbe mayop of Mar.
burg." ,,
: " '
Left Thur day for Eastern Oregon to
Take uD Duties.
'-""'"t '- "'""Is. nt this city has
received the appointment of examiner
"t surveys In the General Land Office
service. Mr. Rands Is well known
here, mid is a capahle man for the
liliiit ion be li:iu Inst .been ailltolnted
John Mulnwood brought to the of
lice of Iho Real lind Company a
splendid specimen of Indian eorn
mcnsiuiiiK H liichoa in length nud tl
luchoa In clrcuinforoiice. This com
is fully matured and well lllled. Mr.
Mulnwood make a Mpeclalty of corn
mid Is an nckiiow lodged loader In tills
Industry In this section.
George Follows sold 4 ucres to Mr.
and Mis. Walboig. This sale was made
through the Real Ijiud Company.
Jus. AdkliiK mid Chas. Kails wont
to Portland Monday to purchase rig
ging for n donkey engine, Mr, Adkllls
Is io Install in his togging camp at
Die Misses Lillian, Florence and plcnsitni eiitorialiimout nt the tity
Mildred Wuug, Miss Helen Giuliani, ' Hall Innl Sunday iiflertiouit, which
Messrs, Kmll tiordon, Adams, Dr. ' was enjoyed by n luYgo ttiidlottco.
Murdy and II. Roy av enjoyed a llsh-.The singing win very good and heart
ing trip to Hock Island Sunday. I lly applauded.
MIhk Ora Ue spent Iho week eiid( Mr, Mart ItohliiH and fmiilly, fortner
with Portland friends. resident of this place, but now of
Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson made a trip1 Knrope, expect Io soon move buck
to Portland Thursiluy to secure fall, to t'aliby lo winter his liorsea
millinery. I having wintered here last winter, bis
Mrs. M. J.-Leo, Mrs. I'M. IlimUl and h.irow now being on the Salem truck
Mis l, G. Chirk went to Portland Fli- Will l.ucke attended Ihe circus at
day to tnke In Iho circus, I Portland last Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Kohorts bit Wednesday: Win. Canlwell was n Portland vlnt-
for Oregon Cliv where she will visit
her brother, Mr, C. Ogloshy,
T. J. Gury, who has charge of the
exhibits tit tne Stale Knlr to be held
at Salem, commencing September 12.
and continuing for one week, 'visited
Ihe fair grounds oil Tuesday and se
lected one of Ihe finest locutions lor
the exhibit of Clackamas County tu
the lug exhibit building. The space
Is Urge and Is near the renter of
Ihe building. Mr. Gary states that the
exhibit 1 1 0111 tiai-kauins County is lo
be one of the main uttiactlntis, and
wishes all those residing in the coun
ty 10 leave exhibit not Inter than
Wednesday nt the oltlce of Preying &
Swatlord. or at his oltlce In the court
house. O. K. Pre) lug, of this city,
,io has chaign of the exhibits from
ttll of the counties, has returned from
Salem, where he nccouipniiled the
decorator from Portland, and who Is
busily liigaged III decorating the
building. At the Clackamas County
booth, souvenirs liearlng Ihe likeness
of Imil.in imve, lusl of the Shonholie
tribe, and who was raised by the lute
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klnearson, Mrs.
t). !? Kre tag s parents, one side of
the card, while on the opposite side
will be ihe resources of Clackamas
Couiiiy. will be given to the visitors
at the fair. All of the old settlers
of tinckanms Conuly are well ar
(pialntcd with "1111111111 Pave," its he !
familiarly called by that. name.
RECEPTION to 8a Held.
United States Eng ner and Assist
ants to Be Entertained.
The Commercial Club of Ibis city
will hold a reception at the Commer
cial Club rooms tomorrow evening to
J. It. Thompson. Culled States Gov
ernment Knglneer and his assistants
There will ! over UUl people present.
Among the npcuker of the evening
will be lion. Johnmhan Ibiurne. Jr..
Culled States Senator, George K
Chamberlain. During the evening
musical selections will be given and
followed by refreshments. Mr.
Thompson and his assistants have
been In this cltv for alsiut twf weeks
and have charge of the surveying of
the Willamette river for the promised
new locks.
R. S. C?e. of Canbv, Presents Enter
prise With Apples.
H. S Cue. of Canbv. has presented
to the Knterprlse office a box of his
famous Gravensteln apples and the
whole office from the editor to the
devil partaking of the luscious
A surprise party wn given Clar
ence Alldredge Wednesday night at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs
A. f). Alldredge, on Sixteenth nnd
Division street last night, tho occa
sion t''lng his 22nd birthday. The
affair waa u complete surprise to the
young: man In whose honor It was
given. The evening was devoted to
dancing, vocal and Instrumental music
and game A luncheon was served.
About 15 guests were present.
Dr. Emmet Drake, candidate for
Joint state senator from Clackamas,
Columbia and Multnomah counties,
and whose residence Is ln Portlnnd,
wns In this city on legal business yes
terday ln,company wlih John K.
Latourelte, who is a cnniiiuniH en
Joint representative from Multnomah
The ninrrlnge of Miss E'bel White
and Mr. Roy Dalley was solemnized
last night nt the home of the bride
on Falls View. Tim ceremony was
performed by the Ilev. S. A. Hay
worth at 8 o'clock. Friends nnd mem
bers of the family attended.
William Wilkinson, of The Dalles,
who came hero to attend the golden
wedding anniversary of his brother,
James Wilkinson, and wife, left yes
terday for bis home.
Children Cry
G. A- Harding has returned from
Trout Ijike, where be accompanied
bis family, who will remain for mi
nt her week.
How Good News Spreads.
" I am 70 years old and travel most
of the lime," writes It. F. Tolson, of
Kllnbethtown, Ky. "Everywhere I
go I recommend Electric Hitters, be
cause I own my excellent health and
vitality to them. They effect a cure
every time." They never full to tone
the stomach, regulate tbe kidneys and
bowclH, Hlsuinlate the liver, invigorate.
Iho riervea and purify, the blood. They
work wonders for weak, run-down men
and women, restoring strength, vigor
and health Hint's a dally Joy. Try
tin 111. Only 5:)c. Satisfaction Is posi
tively guaranteed by Jones' Drim Co.
A number of Ihe young folks nt
tended (ho datice at Auiorii Inst Sat
urday, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Itiadll left Mon
day morning for UohoIiuik, where they
will visit wilh Mrs, llriidil's aimer,
Mrs. 1). ti. Clink.
MUs I v it It Gordon made a trip to
Portland Monday,
tr. A. F, lie l.oiipliuiHso him sold
mi I bin Inliuost in the dental IiiihIiios
hero to lr A. T. Miudlo, and bun
opened an oltlco at lliihliaid. lr.
lie LespluasMo's move n a Hiirpiino
to his tiiany fiietids hero, but till Mm
friends with hi in success In his now
The Itelhanln Sextette, of lletluitilii
College, of ICverolt, WWl., gave n
ter Inst Wednesday,
Itilhy Selunltt went In Oregon ('lly
Monday, returning same evening.
Mrs. S. S. Iialeii nud daughters,
Clara nnd Stella, took In Ihe. circus
lu Portland Friday, ,
Fred I lampion returned Saturday
from Astoria, where- he has been
Horace patch has commenced work
011 his new bungalow.
Canby U such n dry town that' It
does not even rnin her nnv more.
Portland. Oregon City and even Wood
burn gets the rain, while the good'
Lord "cuts us out" with only a ,
Professor p, A ('olioiinit Is erocrlug
11 fine l iiinii bungalow on the lots
i pur. based In Ihe Uoth addition.
Dr. Murdle nud Howard Kerles been completed and will have an
spent Sunday In Portland opening or full millinery nlmiit Sep-
Win. Vauglmu left Monday for lembor MIC with Mine. Foster as head
Kverett, Wash, to attend the races, -trimmer.
J. C. Pnddock. of Oregon tity,1 Miss Flora Armstrong has returned
visited his sou, A. I), pnddock, the'lo her home lu Portland, after nn ex
llrst of the week. tended vlsll with hr sinter. Mis. F
Charles llnrias and family left Zollner. of this city.
Tuesday for Mlley's bop yard, where Mrs. Morgan was vMlhig fiiemU In
they expect to hm'H, the next 10 days' I'm-ituiid Tuesday.
picking hups. Mr,, A, ic-kernon. Mrs Jerry llatv
Mrs-i Grant White and Mrs. Iwk .'id Alma LYkerseii were In portlnnd
Tailor left Wednesday for Mlley's bop Frldnv.
h"l' ari'- Mlc Corn nud l-aura Sninlstiess
It U reiHirted that a night school have gone to Portland to seek cm
will be established here the ruining ptuvinent. "Here's g "hI lurk," girls
winter. As some of the p.sml,. nre F Kendall I. home working at 'be
desirous of bettering their education,
It would be nn excellent opportunity
for them, h will ileix-iid upon how
tunny wish to attend If It would pay.
Mrs. T, Morgan' and daUKtiier, Itmli.
went to portlnnd Wednesday,
lienimu Colby, engineer
on 1 he
Northern purine
out of Tnconin.,
" -. was visiting with his nrcnt Orceoti City Sundnv
here last week. j M F.luc Unburn wim III Cnnby 011
Cloister WIIU went to Oregon City I business Inst Thursday.
Monday to Join 11 party of rnmiMTt M J e vhlted the city M mdnv.
from that rliy. The party has gone Hubert llrllt visited fii-rnU In ( nn
to the headwaters of Ihe Molalln bv Mun.lnv.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Itobblns, of St,
Unils, Mo. are at the home of Mary
Houghnui for n week's visit.
Frank Kendall, who Is working at
The Dalles, spent Sunday with rela
tives in Cnnby.
Harrv tiordon. of Oregon City, )
assltlng In Gordon Urns ' store.
W. II. Porter was In Oregon City
Rev. and Mrs. C. O. Hosing went to
Tacoma Tuesday for a two weeks' va
cation. Mrs. J. F. Heyor left for Michigan
Tuesday on a visit to her old home
towns. Her daughter. Mrs. A. J.
Knight, went as far as Chicago with
Uibor Dny service will be held at
the M K. church next Sunday. All
are Inylted.
Mrs. H. H llrown went to Willam
ette Tuesday.' where she visited with
Mrs. T. J. Gary.
W. p. .eu has returned from Lyle,
Wash., where he has been spending
his vacation, and resumed bis duties
a 1 rural carrier of No. 2. .
Mr. nml Mrs. I. II Hutchinson, Mm.
George Hiencor and daughters, nnd
about ?.r voiingstera III and around
Canby, will pick at It. P. McCarthy's
l i yard at Independence.
Mrs. J. Carhletier, ' Macksburg,
was a Cnnby visitor Monday on her
way home from Willamette, where
she spent a week with her perenls.
Mr. and Mrs. A. llreuer,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Moshherger, of
Molitlla, visited III Canby 011 Tuesday.
They came by nulo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ti. Itoherlson, who
are the guests of Mrs. Mary Hoiighnm.
nre looking for a location and nre
favorably Impressed with Cnnby,
Mrs. ('. Ilowerman Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Tlioimis, this
The kind that Wears.
They make good or we will
No it's or ails about it.
"The Shoe Mon"
6J2 Main Street Oregon City
Noiitiiin Siillniiiriih returned fnuii
Lebanon on Monday, whore he has
heoti worklnu with llm I In oli.'f fur
HiivcniU weeks.
John, ColTeon 'H II Hiilem visitor
over Sunday.
Mis, K. C, Hhull and daimhler, Neva
and Ivln are Mulling relative In Can.
by for a few iluys.
Many of the resldeiils of t III it lily
are leaving for the Jiopyai.l of J. It.
While, nt Miiiipiiiii Among thoso
who have ttllellily gone lite, I'r.lll Mild
Nellie llntitilii, Mr. and Mrs, Wil
liam Rider, Mi's, K. C. Shull ami
iliiugliteis. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hone
ThoniiiH Mahlinn. living east of Call
by, Innl the misfortune to full from n
load of shingles, while rciiirulut! from
the mill Saturday, The w lo ots of Iho
wagon passed ovi his body, niiil al
though considerably hrulued, no holies
wine broken, He will he confined to
Ills room for some (lino
Joslah H. Hick, our c Ml y Manhiil, re
colveil a iilece of wedding rnl.e from
UlllTiilo, N. Y. Tho petsnii ai'tidlliK
II Is n itli'ee of Mr, Hick. an. I "lie was
limn led lo a Mr, llelh. who Is In th"
employ of Hie N. a C, ( It, at llnrils
lung, Pa. " .
.Mr. C, N Wall nml family mv e.
piMii'd homo this week from Dw iioa
side, where they have been etijovitltl
llienoielvs (Wlilug nml hunting
M. F Sauce, who lives about nine
tulles out u Die country, noiitlionnt of
Ciinhv, lost hs barn, some stuck ami
allium! all the farming Implements,
also much of his fence by lire o'
August 31.
Mr. and Mrs Alexander MiiViiuld.
of Klinbeiir, in , are visiting l'h
Mr. and Mrs. ('. y. Romlg, of this
plnco. Mrs. Mclierinld Is a sister of
; Mis. Hniiilg's
It, H foe has brought some fine
succinic ns of plums rled in his
place, bus presented lliein ' (be
Cniihy lleally t'oiutuiiiy. wlibh tl'iit
will nteserve them for exhibit1 n.
' The new annex of The UU Six has
rnPH-iHer trade with tils brother.
M. J Ijtfcllc, secretary of the
(iai'l.nni'is 'County Fair Assoeln'loii,
whs In Canby Stliirdny. establishing
s voting place for Ihe uiu-en of the
rnlr. which will be nt Cobb a lulling
bum's Mr and Mrs Charles II11I1U vl.lted
M. S Shrk, di'iuitv dnlrv nml food
IlisiH-ctor, s In Cauhv Wednesday,
Mrs. It N. Hi own wits u Puillatld
shopper Tuesday.
Canby Market Report.
The following, ipiotailoiis ar given
by Gordon llros , the grocers, mid
Lurke Urns , the butchers:
Chickens- (lid bens, Uc; broiler,
roosters, X'if, spring, I'.ic.
Kggs, ,1Mr; butter, 1'..'..
Turkeys, 23c.
Ducks, I Ic.
tieene, 12c.
lsird, WM., ISc
llariui. tanch, 2 Ir-SSc,
Hlioulders, I lie.
Ham, 24c
Flour- Valley, $.:
$l.7.r, Hard, 1123.
Cheese, 2 Sc.
Oranges, iic dim.;
hard blue stern
lemons. :
Shorts. II. Mi snvk.
nick; w bent, fl per bu.
.' per
Holled barley, f I 2.r mt swrk.
Oats, new, :ift oft per ion.
Hay, dover, flO ier ton; client,
Hops, contract. Info ISc.
Grape root, '(f,'ic a pound.
Cascnrn hark, UtTic n pound
Huglir, JiVLTi n sack.
Hire, fancy, i lbs. 2.'ic,
llutter fnl, 29c.
Mohnlr. S2c.
, Hogs, best blockers, 12c.
Hides, salted, lie; green.
1 (ellt
Veul, loijc; million, iie.
Lard, llle.
Peaches, ll.dO box.
Apples, r.dc bu.
Pears, fine bu,
Carrots, $20 ton.
Hpuibi, lull lbs, 1 1. lift.
rresh frull nud vegetables til
don Ilrothers Co.
Oregon Clly Klilerprlso $1 .Hit per
year, All the news of thu County.