OREGON CITY ENTKliPlMSK, FUIDAV. AUUUXT 2(5, 1910. Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY STAFFORD. Mrs. Ilr. Watkins,' with her husband and Utile boy, started buck to their home In San Diego vIh Seattle and llu Alaska route on Friday last. They brought up ft very tine monument iin.l h:i1 it placed by the craves of her mother and father. The emblems of the orders to which her father be longed are reproduced upon Ihe mar ble, with the name. Henry Gage, wife and daughter, started Monday morning for Burns, Harnev comity. After reaching The Dalles by boat on Wednesday, Aug ust 2;:. they will go by easy stapes with a camp wagon the rest of their Journev. Mr. Shanber. who was taken to the asylum two weeks ago, died there on Thursday last and was burled by the Bide of his son In ihe public burying ground at this place on Sunday. Rev. Lucas, pastor of the German Baptist church, conducted the services. Mrs. Lucas sang a beautiful solo, accom panied upon the organ by Sam Moser. The weather still continues dry and the atmosphere somewhat smoky. Men were out fighting fire last Fri day and Saturday, and got It under control after burning a lot of rails for R. DeNieu. Mr. Powell had fourteen teeth ex tracted last week, and about eight o'clock that night his gums began to bleed and bled a stream for twt hours, weakening him terribly before his wife, with the simple remedies at hand, could stop It. Mr. Aerni has a brother-in-law from Illinois visiting him. He Is accom panied by his wife. Spring grain is turning out, better than expected. Miss Bee Gage drove Grace Tlede mau to town last Friday to see the doctor, the first time she bad been out. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve j Is a creamy sncw white ointment put up In air tight screw cap tubes. Will cure any case of sore eyes and will j not Injure eyes of a babe. Sold every-1 where 25c. For sale bv Jones Drug ; V U. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Hoppicking Is the main topic of the dav this week. D. M. Shaver, of Mc- Kee. was here Sunday engaging plck- . S-,vrTn.iS ""f ,nS.iMlnPiCIrl I b'ln a W"B medicine, don't for ailing yard at Uncoln. near, &(iM ,o set ChamberIaln.g Conf.n Salem. ,;, Remedy. There is no danger from It. Clayton Krieger, of Central P"n" I allj nlM Is slire t0 foow. Especial Jackson county, was here last weel,v recomniendeJ for couehg. colds ,, vls.ting friends and then w-ent to Mu-1 lino to visit his sifter Mrs. Lon. Sager-1 . Mrs. Sloan, of Newberg, was visit ing her cousin. Mrs. D. W. Grifflin last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. Hugo Robert Spamer. of Portland, was visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lucy Joy, last week. Frank Albright and daughter Mabel returned home from Dufur, Oregon, last - week. Mrs. G. F. Glbbs is visiting at Dal las, Oregon, this week. Born, to the wife of Tom Gibbs. twin girls. Henry Boguslaski returned to Ore gon City again last Saturday. E. C. Osman. of Goble. was at home Sunday, as his family are out of quar antine again. Messrs John and George Gillett and Ed Confer returned from the mountains this week with 43 gallons of huckleberries. The Primitive Baptists will hold meetings at the Mountain View church again next Saturday at two o'clock and on Sunday at 11 o'clock. I The Bible reading will be held at the I home of Grandpa Stewart next Thurs-the day. I The Mountain View Improvement Club meets every Tuesday. There will be a debate. Orville and Blanche Howltt, of Rus sellville, were visiting relatives in this Burg Sunday. Mrs. J. Lewellen is in Springwater tins week, as ner little granaaaugnter . is seriously ill or intantne paralysis. Abler Mautz returned from a trip near Mt. Hood Monday. j J. W. Gerber returned Monday from Newport and vicinity, where he has : a timber claim. William Beard is building an addi tion to his residence on May Street. J. E. Calvan repaired his wind mill this week. visited Ore City Sa'turdav in the'l interest of the American Woman's League. She is a local representa tive of Newberg and a candidate for the rejrency of the State of Orepin. Of that oreanization Mrs. Sloan is one of the oldest and most energetic! members, having taken her member-! ship in Californfa when the organic I tlon was in its inciplency. i Be sure and take a hot'le of Cham-i herlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ! Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot he i obtained on board the trains or (steam ers. Changes of watr-r and climatP often cause sudden attacks of, diarrhoea, and It is best to be pre-j pared. Sold by all dealers. j WULINO The threshing In this neighborhood is finished and the grain turned out rather poorly, owing to the extreme dry weather of the past two montha Everyone Is wishing for rain to lay the dust, which is simply awful. Land buyers are numerous In this part of the country, but are looking for cheap land, a mistaken idea, as land is no longer cheap Oils near Portland. Mr. Chrlstenson's team became frightened one day last week and ran away, throwing him out of the wagon n his head and Bhoulders, bruising him up pretty badly. The threshing machine men had a run of had luck while In this neigh borhood. On Tuesday, while thresh ing for Mr. McLaughlin, August Er rlckson let his pitchfork slip Into NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, NOTIONS. I Pay Cash and Sell for Cash Get my prices and see if I can save you money J. H. MATT LEY 90S 7TM STREET the machine, causing a delay of two or three yours, then on Wednesday while moving along the road after threshing for Mr Ashby, they broke the engine, necessitating a trip to Portland for repairs. Oscar llaniels Is building an addi tion lo his house, Mr. Wallace, Fred ChurchlH and Orrin Adkins were hauling lumber for Oscar lianiels the first of the week. Miss linker and a lady friend, are visiting at the home of the former's sister. Mrs. Claud Ashby. Teaches are ripe and there Is a rush lo the peach orchards now. If your liver Is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, con stipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel nil right In the morning. Sold by all dealers. CLARKES. Sam Klnier thrashed for Mr. licit man and Mr. Leltchwise Monday. David Mofhnke is threshing in Tim ler Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Washburn. Mr. Sehtooe went to tow. and h.i.l bad luck. The horses w ere soared when the train came and ran away. They ran over him. He was hurs, hut not seriously. Mr. Marshall burned his slashing the other day. Mrs. Tracy is visiting he;' larents. Mr. and Mrs. Schlewce. Mr. Buel burned his slashing last week. Alex Scherrubel was in town Sat urday. A Clean Salve Is desirable. Dr. Roll's Antiseptic Salve Is a creamy snow- white oint ment and guaranteed for all skin disease, such as eczema, salt rheum, chaps, etc. 2."c. For sale by Jones Drug Co. LOGAN. Rev. Sol A. Hayworth. pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Oregon City, will deliver a speech on "Why Farm ers Should Vote for No Saloons," in the Logan Baptist Church, Sunday. t lp A are ,nv,t((l JAMES H. TURNER DEAD Resident of Fall- Fiew a Victim of, Heart Failure. Janic, Henry Turner is dead at his home in Fallls View. He was born in New York state 16 years ago and went to Wisconsin when he was a mere boy, living there until nine years ago. when he came to Oregon City. He married Miss Amanda Mclntyre. and nine children were born to them, : six of whom survive, as follows: I Henry Turner, of rMulino; Mrs. Jennie i Robertson, of McMinnville; Mrs. Mary; Tooney, of Oregon City; Mrs. Fannie Kerns, of Reuiand: Mrs. Emmeline Myers, of Oregon City, and Mrs. Mag gie Glass, of Salpm. His wife also survives him. Mr. Turner was ill about two weeks, and his death was' I caused by heart failure. The funeral took place from ihe family residence Rev. S. A. Hayworth officiating and interment was In Mountain View- cemetery. G. Schaber of Stafford. G. Schaber, who resides near Will amette, and who recently suffered . from the effects of a paralytic stroke,; died at Salem Friday, and the body was brought to the family home at Stafford. The funeral was held from tne famlv resi,ience Sunday at two o c;ock. Tne interment was in the Stafford cemetery. Mr. Schaber lea-: VPs a wife all(1 sever;i children. i Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore ron City pontoflke for the week end ing AiiK'.ist 13: Woman's list Horn liecK, Mrs. M.; Judkins, Mrs. (.'. J.: '''.. Men's list Hehrend, Knmk, Hou- i laski, L. H. : Brock, Kred; Bradley,' Joe: Haskill. A. A. : Ince, J. 0.:j I .Icnsoii, Bert; iine, Claude (2; Mc-i IjOiiKhlin, (iifne; fvarson, Frank; Klo- ciiiii, Krc-d (2 1. ., . .. , F. - 8papera Ca" at l--nt' rprlse office. Free. GIVING OUT The Struggle Discourages Many a Cit- izen of Oregon City. Around all day with an aching back; Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out." Doan's Kidney Pills will give renew ed life. They will cure the backache; . Cure every kidney ill. Here Ib Oregon City proof that this j Is so: Joseph McDermott, Washington street, Oregon City, Ore., says: "I waB in bad shape with kidney and bladder complaint. My back was soj lame and stiff that I could hardly get about and it was all I could do! to dress myself on arlBing in the morning. The kidney secretions were scant and the passages were too fre quent. After taking the contents of a few boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills I was restored to good health. During the past two years I have bad no cause for complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Koster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and lilt o. other. 8-.1-12 JENNINGS LODGE. Mrs. T. C. Rice sold some acreage on Addle street lo Ml', and Mrs. Mere, diih and they will erect a collage at once. And we welcome this new fn lu ll. In our midst. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Wilcox, and eb.ll dien returned last wivk from an en Jable outing ill Seaside, Oregon. The Sabbaih school, held at Grace Chanel, Is Increasing In attendance i and the members are rejoicing over i the Increased attendance, i Mr. Clark, who has been clearing j some land east of the car line. Is III I at the home of Mrs. Klce, with mala ria fever. ! A little daughter was born to Mrs j Moore on Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Hob : erts. j Mrs. Win. Rose and Miss Ollie were I business callers In Portland on Mon : day. Messrs Walter Iteckner. II C. Pain i ton, George Morse and Mrs. A. A j Clough, were among the Wxlge people who drove to the Ottawa peach orch ard during the week. Calvin Morse, of Portland, snout Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Hugh Roberts. " A number of people have visited at Mr. Alexander GUI's brick yard since he has been burning the brick. ; and on Thursday evening of last week J some of the young folks made merri for a wnile and tripped (lie ugnt tan tasllc toe to the music of the violin and guitar. Music on the grapho- I T1 P Hoosier successes here in the Northwest have proven repeatedly that the Hooner Grain Drill with the HOOSIER POSITIVE FORCE FEED it correct. This feed make potuble the feeding of seed in any deilr able quantity, it seeds the -ame on the side hill, up hill or down hill i on level ground, there is no fad to the Hoosier Drill. It does not teed in spots, but uniformly continuously and accurately, this it not always true of gravity and other feedt. While handling tne grain positively the feed doe- not scratch or mar it, This due to the advanced mechanical conitruction of this timple, reliable fegd. The entire conttruction of the Hoosier Drill It, at its feed, above the average. Invettigate carefully the merits of this drill and compare them with those of any other and you will understand why we are tafe from contradiction when we tay that there I- no drill on the market that will equal the Hootler, either in work in the field or construction. Our circular, "The Feeding of the Seed." it interesting reading. We will tend it with our Hoofer Catalogue to your addrett free. Drop m a line. The Sanders Disc "Plows Right Through" Dry, Rooty or Hard Ground We have thete plowt in tizet up to four ditc. They are the equal of any and the tuperior of most di c plowt on tale, we guarantee them to do first-clas work. They plow where a Mouldboard plow can't be moved. Especially adapted to plowing in hard dry land. Ask for free circular. phone and other games were also In dulged in. .Mr. and Mrs. Elierly and Mr. and Mrs. Brown and children, of Portland were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haberman. Miss Thomas, of Ohio, N sojourn ing for a while with Mrs. T. C. Klce. Mrs. Marliaiigh, who lias spent a number of days with Mrs. Emmons, ai Stone Gables, has returned to her home In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Will Haberman have enjoyed a visit from the former's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Knox, of Grants Pass, during the past week, and on Friday the Knox family departed for Eastern Oregon where they will visit before their re turn home. Mrs. Wm. Floss and son, Reginald, of Vancouver, Wash., stient some days at I heir cottage at this place this week. Mr. Iiirned, of Portland, spent Sun day wih his wife and daughter, who are sojourning at flock Lodge during August. Wm. Rose has Just completed a new well at his home. Miss Thomas, of Ohio, and Miss Burnetts, of Portland, were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Palnlon during the week. These young ladles have recently returned from Ocean Park, Wash., where they enjoyed an outing for some weeks. Mrs. Frank Soesbe and Master Ken neth, of Portland, were at the Lodge this week engaging carpenters to build their new house at Gladstone H. C. Palnton has completed a well at Crescent Ridge and removed his drilling machine to Mr. Haberlache', the well-known store keeper of Clack amas. The many friends of Miss Sarah Katnlnsky will be pleased to hear she will be able to be removed from the Portland hospital the first of the week. Mr. Riley Is now on the rural route one of Milwaukle, and delivers the mall to patrons at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman are plan-! nlng on visiting at Hood River this week and will spend some time at St. Martin's turn. Springs before their re Wilson Miller Is enjoying his vaca-! tlon at one of the popular resorts ! beside the sea. Mr. and MrB. Dent have returned to Portland going In a few weeks earlier than they had Intended In or der that their daughter Miss Tessle Dent, may leave the first week In September for Boston, where she j f S Oregon will enter a conservatory of music Mr. ami M)s. Ilenulgan and Marga .et, of St. Johns, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itonrdinun and children, of Gladstone, und Clarence Robinson, of .Mliorion, have visited at G. IV Hoard nian's this week. OAK GROVE. Arthur Graham returned Monday iium i-oug iMMou. .-nmfc.". Wm. Holt Is '.ponding a few days , ,.h , ,.,, ,. n).aln and straw in Washington with his wife and horiMm( h.ly H1V ,M,(nt baled. ''"''"""l ... ., ,i .. , . .hi Ml" 1sii" I ""'I ' working for Mis. u K. Uenl'ey and I wo children , " leave Saturday for Mai'nuain to visit relatives till tine for school to begin .Miss Felix w us a Portland visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Utce and daughter were Port land visitors Tuesday, Mrs. Iahi VanderhBo spent Tuesday with her daugbiei. Mrs. Jack Adams in Selwood. Mrs. .1. It. Kveiis was a Portland visitor Tuesdnv. Mrs. U K. Armstrong and daughter, Hester, were Portland visitors Sutur-' Some of the boys went to Columbia day. ! Reach last Saturday, returning Sun- Mrs. Kahhr lias been routined to her day. They said "Ihe water's line, home with poison oak, for several , bus Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, of Cor das ; nellus, who have been visiting with Our bras band Is progressing slow- relatives the past week, have returned ly. Prof. Drlscell says our girls are home. musical and nni"iis to learn and ww Mrs. II. Karr, who has been sick, will have a baud to be proud of one is able lo be up and around. of these days. , ! quite a few of the young people at Mr. and Mrs I'has, Vandyne, of tended the social at Wichita. Portland, spent the day Mondav with1 Amy Hut t In. who has been up to Mrs. Hkickely and daughter. IMPLEMENTS, VEHICLES HOOSIER DRILLS, SANDERS PLOWS, OTHER MITCHELL GOODS SOLD BY :: :: :: :: IV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY J. J. SANDSNESS OANBY, OREGON Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W'ootcn Woodlawn. sn.-nt Sunday with .1 of II ; Graham ntiil family. ' Mrs. O. .1. Ilobsen, of Hlsley Sta tion, returned home from the beach Monday, Mrs. J. H Graham Is Improving In health and expects to return home fmm the ll. u li In September. j Wm. Fail'-v, Mrs. Farley and sou were Portland visitors Tuesday. j Mr. ami Mrs. Melnzer left Sunday; for their farm near Estacada where i Mr Melnzer I1 spend his vacation1 on bis plate. Bill Farl-y leaves Thursday for' Eastern Oregon, where he expects tn make his future home. Mrs. Farley ami children will follow in a few days, j Mrs. Willie Masterson, of Mitchell, i Oregon, will h ave In a few days for her h.itne after a two months' visit with Ed Ma.iteriton and family. Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Kennetlyt were Portland visitors Tuesday. ' L. E. Armstrong, K. C. Warren and1 Homer llaietiiine left Monday night) for Southern Oregon on a hunting trip. They ,.xpect to return In ten days loaded with deer and other wild animals--bit! we doubt It very much They will have to show us. They ex pect to find G'-orge Miller and spend a few days with him In his new home. Elmer Woiihlngton and wife, Iiiclle Clemens. Waller Kuehl ami Walter Wetler will leave for the mountains east of Estacada Saturday for a weeks outing. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen and daughter Marian wer In Portland on Tuesday. A. II. Linn was an Oregon City vis itor Tuesday. Ladies' Aid. The ladles' Aid held Us monthly lea Thursday at Mrs. Dr. MncArthur'H An Informal program was given Those assisting were MrB. Clark vocal solo; Miss Kennedy, vocal solo; Miss Felix, Instrumental solo; Head ing, Mrs. Dr. MacArthur. Refresh ments were served and a free will of fering taken which added $5 to the church fund. The next meeting will be held In the basement of the church All Invited. 1 Wedding Belli. I C. B. Jones and Miss Nettle Abel w" married In Oregon City Batur- THE J0HN80N REALTY CO. City Lots, Acreage and Farm i Specialty. P. 0. Box 213 Milwaukee, Or. day evening. They slipped away but the boys are wise and will greet ihoni on their .return homo, from Wash ington, where they are spending their hoiicymooii, with a full hand of late Instruments, '1'b eo. Worthtugton was In Portland on business Tuesday. HARMONY. I , ' i, wh at o of l i Hires h im ma The boys have returned from Amer ican Dike, where they had been for the encampment. Roy, Etuol and Uiwrenee Johnson, of Clackamas, intended church at llur mony last Sunday night. Miss llertha Itosemait, of Sunny side, visited III this burg Saturday and Sunday Harmony llonie-comlng picnic was Well intended. Washington, has returned home. Feed Wrong AH Wrong NO DRILL BET TER THAN IT'S FEfcD NO FEED BET TER THAN THE HOOSIER POSITIVE FORCE FEED TIME CARD. o. w. p. Between Portland U'live Arrive DIVISION and Oregon City. lave 1 Arrive. 2 i o 4 o t O t 4 6. t o 0. a Li ! 4.UD C..10 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.110 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5'.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 5.27 7.22 6.40 7.30 3.00 8.30 900 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 6.00 6.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 8.55 9.25 9.55 10.25 10.55 11.25 5.40 6.20 ii.50 7.30 8.'00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.03 10.33 10.03 5.45 6.20 6.67 7.37 8.07 8.37 9.07 9.37 10.07 10.37 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37 1.07 1.03 2.07 2.37 3.07 3.37 4.07 4.37 5.07 6.37 6.07 6.37 7.07 7.37 8.07 8.37 3.07 10.37 10.07 6.45 7.20 7.60 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 11.59 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 6.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9 00 9.30 10.00 11.00 11.00 8.22 8.52 9.22 9.S2 10.22 10.52 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 1.22 1.52 2 22 2.52 3.22 3.52 4.22 4.52 5.22 6.52 G.22 C.52 7.22 7.52 8.22 8.52 9.22 .52 10.22 10.62 10.301 11.22 11.33 11.37 11.00 1 11.52 1 11.66 11.30 12.22 1 12.25 12.00 I X2.4C 1 12.50 11.03 1 1.07 1 11.59 12.33 '12.37 11.66 11.67 I 12.60112.55 To Milwaukle oniy, Trains for Kalrvlew, Troutdale, Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Hata cada and Cazadero and Intermediate point. 7:15. x8:02. 9:05. xl0:06. 1:05 3:05. 14:05. 6:05. x6:05. 7:06 8:06. U:35. For Gresham. x Gresham, Falrvlew and Troutdale NOTE: Cars leave East Water and Morrison streets 6 minutes later than ichediiled from First and Alder Stl. :;;T I lis Al.t'OHoL j pun t KN). AYi'vVLiNf Pivi.imiliiii CirAs slmll;illiit;ihi'r,i,iil,iiKii;a'iiii HniJllK'SiiiiiiaiXsiiiiillloMi'tsi fr-roi. A-0 . I?', if r r:r -1 rnir.uili'sni'Vtlmiil'Krtlii! m.ssiii!illvVsi.l'iiiiijitsin'i;i:a 0 0" (iiiiiu.Mnri!i;:tc iwrMuajl Nor N.itt(iTjr. iryz'J.'i-f.'r::-.z::i Si: j,3'.') .' :'S o'.'S" )U.;lvu'J.l fl AnTf.,iilViiH'ili'i);'rcn'.il;.' iws.1 anil Loss or N.tw KEW YOUK. I tuiranreciTumV' F-itct Copy of Vvrsppff, EASTERN FIRWOOD. The Ml. Hood Fruit liruwrr' Anno elation will meet nt Flrwood Siittit ! day. Aiikuh :'7. at i! I' M. Iieiui Cordlcy mid Prof. U'U. of tbti I). A C, are oxpecled to be prrient. They ! lire planning to upend u few davit look lug mound the country tirul will thru : be In position to give direct lif"! inn ; Everyone Is ninsl lordlnlly Invited to i ulti'lid, ladles have u ieclnl llivlln ; (lull. Mills Alice CiHiper, of I'nrl Inlld. spent n few ilnvii with Mrs. K I) , Hurt the first nf (lie week. Reginald Smith, whii hat been - spending Ihe Hummer nt Ftrwood, i bus returned to Portland. W. J. Wirt, of Sand)', will lecturr ul Flrwood Siiudav evening, August IS, at 8 P. M. Mr. Wlrix' lectures : are iilwiivs luiereiitlug and It In hoHd I I lu in l be a large ntleiidiiiu v Mm. W. F. Flucher hh-tit a few days i In Portland and Onwre.ii vlslllnic her I friends tin, sboplug ! The EIHtiK family, who have been ! mii'tidlng several weeks nt their nuiii ' iinr home, Imvii returned lo the city. , Mr mid Mrs. A. li. Show and little ; sou. Waller, who have been visiting i relatives, hnve returned to their home I In Astoria. I Among those who have been eiilny ; lug outings in tile mountains, hunting, j fishing, hurkleberrylng and slghtsee ; lug. were the Wlllilim famine, Anton Millars. Mrs Snow, B. F. and K. 1). i Hurts, Alice Cooper. Jennie and Fred l-eGrniiil. Ray Howe. Jnrk Uiwles I Fred Black, Lewi Prlilemores, Hayj l Murray, Johnny Sinclair, . Freys John Sinclair miule n trip In I'lUl j land Monday. I Mr mid Mr. Wllcm and child ofi . Powell Valley, are vlslilng Mr. Wll I j cox's sbier, Mr. Win. Iluthnhn. I Mr. W. I, WllkliiN' Hon. of Spokiine,. Wllsll, SMlll lust week with the Wll kins families. J. G. lieSha.er ha been smiling , nb iisantly lit bin friends lalelv. lifter 1 Inquiry It wns fiuim) they hud a new '. babv girl at llielr place. Mother nml rlilld nre dulng fine. Miss Jennie and Kred LeGrnud. of North Dakota, are visiting their uncle E I). Hurt. Mrs. W. F. Fischer ha been enter tabling her friend. Ethel Thompson and Nettle White, of Oswego Mr. and Mrs Fred JVcndliind and children, of Portland, have I n vis Itlng their aunt, Mrs. Krnnt Wend lund. The Flrwood Mutual sis-nt a very pleasant nfleruooti with Mr T. Koen Idler lllHt week. The next meeting will be held nt Mrs. Suicide's, Sep. tnmber 1st. Miss Ethel Hart drove to Cottrei; Monday and soent the day with lier grandmother. Mrs. J. p. Hart, and her mint, MIhs Kiln Hart, who has Just arrived from Curhy. Wash. Mr. and Mr. Hart, Jennie and Kred Ii'Gniud and Alice Cooper, drove to Hull Run Sunday. Albert Brownell, nf Portland, nunc out Sunday morning to spend u few days wllh his fnmllv, who nre micnd lug the snninier on their ranclf on Cedar Creek, M. Wnlton, of Portland ha a force of men nt work on his ranch nt Flr wood, blast lug stumps. They look like they meant business. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is the best for coughs, colds, croup, grin, whooping cough, bronchitis, ii-thrmi and all throat and bronchial troubles. Sold everywhere, look for tho; bell on the holt In. For sale by Jones Drug Co. 8ANDY. Craig Garrett was badly cut about I ho knee while felling tree to strip I Item of cascaru hark. The ax used by George Hennessy Hew from the handle, culling a deep gash In liar rett's knee, so that Severn,! stitches were required lo close the wound. Mrs. W. J. Wirt, and children of Greiihum, are camping in the grovo neur here. They find It mora pleasant to camp here than furl nor up In the mountain. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robinson, of llresham, were the guesla of their daughter Mrs. M. Davis, this week. Harlow Douglass has satisfied those wanting to know how long It would take to walk to Government Camp, by walking there In one day. Mrs. Crane and son, George, of Cle one, called on Mrs. K. M. Douglass while on their way to Mount Hood. George Bonstedt has moved Into his now cottage. Mrs. M. Maronny has returned from a two weeks' visit at Seaside. L'-vji I ft L'wOCc iilfi For Tr.fnntH nml Chllroti. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars tho Shnaturo or Uso G v a r Thirty Year o o CLACKAMAS An unknown limn from a Portland einpli') inent ulllie, wlut hud worked but one duy at tlm Hirnune Ijiniber ('oiupunv, wn nerliitiHly Injured a few diiva ago lie fell from the nlitb dump Mlrlklng on III shoulder. ll win thought that he wu Injured Internal ly and he wim la Lett to the Good Sir miirlliin Hospital f.,r trenttneul. Mr S Milod. iii-coinpaiilcd bv her nn. J Mi'U'od, of Portland. I the gtn'Ht of Iter daughter, Mr A. K l.uplon. Ed. Revenue, Mr nnd Mr llur hank and A. C. Thonui, bnvn returned from Wild Cat Miiiiuliiln. where Ihev gathered huckleberries They report the crop In be uutinintly heavy this year. Mr. ntn' Mr Victor Fimbiir nre tlm parents of n biiby Imiv After piiillng n few day with friend and relative here, Mr, li. Cm ha returned to her homo nt liit t)car DiihlgriiMi narrowly ecniMid being irlouslr hurl nt the Strains" Lumber Mill SiUurdny Afternoon. Ill leg wn badly bruised Mr. and Mr II. Helghlun have re turned from IhunnHcu, whern Ihey hnve been for two week. Took All Hit Money. often nil a iiiiiii earn gnu to doc tor of for nii'illcliies, o euro a St'iiuiiih. Liver or Kidney trouble thnl Dr. King's New Life Pill quickly I cure lit slight cost. Best for l)'M'p I till), ludlgenlloii, llllloustif 4, Ciiimtl. patlon, Jaundice. Malaria nml D'blll I ty Jr.c nl June Drug Co. EAGLE CREEK. Neatly all of the farmers In tills l.uiiii'dlnie neighborhood nre through threshing At this writing Ihe mu chine I upon the L'.ilfrey place mid they nre threshing for John Affholter, who has Hie place rented, and after Ihi'shlng fur lilin I lieu they will move up Into the Dover rMintrv. G. W. Baker, Mr, nnd Mr I .oil Maker, und diiuiililei , lila, Mr. nml Mr Aleck Basel, and son, George, S A. I hnigltiKM, and sou Ward, left last week for the Warm Spring. Where they hnve K'Ule for It 11 Olltlllg. MIhhi'h Muriel and Mary Crouch of Portland, were Ihe guests of Mr. It. II. OIIimoii for a couple of days lust week. I lave llorfnudster went bilckleber. rylng last Wednesday, returning on Thursday with several gallon of ber ries. Mr. Marie Glbnui, accompanied by Miss Lily Frost, (,f ',,rllaiid, who f her guest, was up on the bill last week calling on relative. Wm. A. linker, of Portland, wn nut Ibis way Sunday ami pteai lieil at Hie school house Sunday iiooii lo a hiiiiiII aildleiico. Ills subject was, "The Is real nf find, or Which Is the True Church?" Mr. (Mark went over to tlm Epper son place Monday with his hay baler lo bale some hnv for Mr. Wilson, who reside on the place, Mrs. L. A. Wooillo cninn over too Hie homo place the Mrst of the week lo help cook for threshers. THE HOME is incomplete without modern, uni tary Plumbing. You risk the lives of your children by keeping old fashioned plumbing In the house We take contracts for PLUMBING heating and ventilating. We can refit your entire house. If you are building this 8prlng give us a chance to figure on the Plumbing. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job bing and 8prylng Material. 914 Main 8t. Phone 26S4. OREGON CITY. Aw A V'1-' "fl 1 i, ft ft