Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 12, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    OUKO'ON CITY ENTER PttiStf, Kit J DAY, AUdUHT 12, 1910.
Mr. n till Mih, II, A. Milt imt mill
iiiMimiinr, i la-ion, who riM'i'iiily ur-i Iiik piuly nl dm clly liull,
ilvi'il In Puriliiini fniiu Allium, I'u.,1 lir, t'liiu.l lliiinnlmi. of I'lirlliui'l,
HMi'iil H ii ii ilny In Ctinliy, llm ui'ln of vUIIimI IiIm piiri'iilN, Mr, ami Mil, K,
Mi. mill Mm. Un, , I ilunijitoii, thti first of llm wonh.
Mr. iiinl Mr, W. , lliilr h'turui'it j IC'-Im wu it I 'i .it lu ml vliilior
limiiii on Tiicmliiy iiiiiI'iiiik' trutti , Himlny.
fnnii Hi'inililii, wlinrii llii.y npi.it iv- MIhh Kli.rxurn Hnmiriir Iiiim Iwi'ti
' I iluy, Mi'. Itiilr, IihIiik it itimlmr very lmy khiImk vul 'ltir mIim cm
of llm II. I', o, ic of (iifunii City, nl-1 '"'"'I 'ti't, If wink mill impii-
h'tnli'il llm i'Iiiiii Imlui nt Hllllti oil
Htimliiy (tlvi'ii hy llm Kllm, Ml'. Hull'
y llim hit ilimnii't wiuil to nii nn
oilier Hum until tint not rliiiii Imlm,
Hit Inn Ini.l iili.nl v of I limn til limt i
lilm fur xonii. timn, Mr. unil Mr". kk'uihI, Ini" Immmi movi-il to lii-r trot
I Itilr ri'iKHt ii nioul (njoynliln llimi. ''' f'"Hlly liiiri'luiHi.il In Him Until
(I. A. Col.l.. of forlliiml, wim !"" Tin. I.uII.IIuk wl tlioro.ml.ly
Clinliy on IiuhIiik Tui'Kilny. I r,,""v",,,''
M. .1. U.. w.mt to I'ortlun.l on Inml- 8ohoo wl ComWic, B.ptmbr 19.
...... Mo.t.lny T ( . w
Mr. Hniy. of Hiiloin, lut nrrlv, nl,.lm, ,. .Ml,MllllV) H.-pi.-mr..r II.
HiU oily, mill linn rmiu.i Mm. Hull- 1(J11(, y,,llr , N,,,lol) m ,lt ,.,.
limr-l,' IIS urn- true! of liin.1 imt of . , Bftl.r , c()1y fur ,
I'"1'"' )lli illri'i-loin huvn A-liM thnl till
Mr. nnil Mm. K. I Hln. of I'orl- will iimk'it llm rlontiiK of Hie lorin too
lunil, npi'iil Hiimtiiy Willi Mr. mill Mm. ! lulu. Tim I !(' Ii r h for Hut III nil
I.. II. Wnlknr. Hi'lmol, Kruintiiiir ftnil inliniiry urinli-n
J. O. Hoih. mTKi'iiiit of tint Tlilrly-;
ihlnl 'mini Artllli.ry, wnn In (,'uuliy , 'rly In Hut miniinor. At u rwi'iit
Hiiliinlny vIkIHiik relutlvn uliil initi'llim of Hut Imnril MIhh lintrlrt
frlt'iiiln. I Wm'ka, who will huvn cliurRi. of tlm
Mr. mill Mm, It. U Tuft Imvo rout-1 fourth, flfih unit sixth tcruilun, wan
fit lint 1'iilliiKc rrrt'iilly vai'iltml hy ' 'lm'titil.
llm W1.I1I. family mn iiwiiimI hy MIhh! Thn llfvi-rliln ni-hool. whlrli will hi.
Orn lii.ii. Mr Turin will tukii pon ; ty H. IIKirlf. will nuif
niKlnu tlilri wwk. . i I"'" Moniluy, (Irlohi-r 3.
VI. II. Ilnlr thin work mrrhiiKi '
two (mm of ('hilt. mm hurk. j Building In Blnu Ranovatad.
Mr. Mnrijiiiiiu, of Vmnniivrr. Vh., Tim hiillillUK imiir tint Hutchltnuin
wnn In Ciinl.y TiH'mluy, Imvlnu with liillllurry nlorr whlrli turn hi'on linril
til in n wimlirr. Mr. Mnriimui Kvt n liv Cmhu.. Ilrowu, thn iniIiiIo Krownr
initillr nViiiuimliKlliiii nt Hut city hull, ; of Nrw Dm, Im IioImk rniinvnlt'il. The
nnil nrvrrnl of llmnn lnlrrmtril In Itn IiiiIIiIIiik him lirrn rnlHril mid Ihr 1 -wnrktliim
ntnln II In itiKiil nmrhlllr. 1 t.. lor llnNhrit. mot will l. nu.-.l
J. J. HiuiilHiit.nH, Hon A Coiiiinuy, linvn
ilrrliloil to hmiillt' tlio mnrhltii. lit tlirlr
ntt.n'i i
J. J. Hnmlniinnn wnn n I'orilmiil vlnl-.
tor Mmiilny. I
.MoHlllii-rKt-r hull, or W.ntillilirn.l
will open Ihelr iinderlnklnn parlorn tttnttiff from the AdMun nnwuilll for
In Hie Mark lull lill tint HiU mouth. Tho ), M,.w renldenre. It will be our of
Interior of llm hulhllnic linn been,,!,,, 1(,.rn ne ,,f ihln rllv nml
piirllll.iued off lld other Improviv M mv Mx r,HmH Tl0 i,K
nriitn niu.le. will , ,.rt.rt.., (,n Hie property Mr.
Mr. nml Mm. (. H Mnrk and rhll- Kendall rereutly purrhned, Herond
drrn will leave Knliirdny for New. nil ..tr .trwln. Wnrren Kendall
M.rl. where lliey will nMnd nevernl 11( n,,, rntrnct for the biillillnn.
weene raiiipoiK.
Wlllnnl KiiIkIiI and fmnlly. who
hnvn been nmKInK their liouin nt
KoneburK, whrm Mr. Knlitht linn been
In the employ of the Hmithern l-nrlllc
Cornnnny will iimko Hm r .. urn .01,,.
ul (KMltnirn. Mr. KhIkIiI In rtt 111 In
V .1 a .1 ii ... 1
.he employ of tlm rn llrtaol roltipal y.
"' " " , . . . '
week iuovIiik hi" hoimchold coodn to
H. T. K1hcr, who In employed on
the ntentn nhov.-l at Jeffernon, npent
Hiinduy lu Ciinhy.
Mr. mid Mrt. Umln Mien ntid mi.
who recently left hero for Korent
lirove, where they purrhnat'd n home,
will noon lenvtt for Mtmtnna, where
they will rrnlde.
John ll.iultninn. who nrrlved tld"
nuinmer 1 nnil 1 iiiciiko, nnu wno nn
been rttlinecteit with the Corviillli
Crennjrry Comnmir, hnn nevernl bin
rotiuectlon with the ronipnny, and
will leave to accept a nlmllnr ponl
II., 11 Mr. Iloiiltiiinn hnn hnd lunny
Jrnrn' eipi-rlrme lu butler nmkliiit.
Mr. and i Mm. A. J llurdetiit and
non, Lenlle. who hnvn been hnvliin: a
. mmt enjoynltle time In camp t New
port, OnKi.11, hnvn returned home,
Mlnnen llnltle and Kdnn Hutchln
non npeut Hunday In Aurora vlnltlna;
Mm. Arthur I'nddork, after two
weekn' nlny at Ijmit Itwirh, Wnnh.,
returned to he home Tuendny morn
I UK. Mr. I'nddork nlnlen he wnn tired
of hnchliiK. Mr. riuldork went down
on Monduv evenliiK'n train to meet hln
wife In I'ortlniid It In ntnted Hint
diirlnu Mm, I'addock'n nbnence, )r.
II. A Dediunn nlMle, her hunbund
with Hut rooklnn, but neither In nuf
ferliK wlHl llvpepl wo fur.
Hoy Ii'n. Htniiley Vmn(, Dr. Mnrdy.
Minn Kloirnre Wnnu and Minn Helen
(iralimn foroird n purtv, thai went
lo Hie New Kra ranin-mnntliitf Sun-ttnv.
Pr and Mm. Hen 1-nptnniiHno nnd
non have Kt.ne to w.iivr. Colo, where!
Ihev will make nn entonded vlnlt.
i., ..... t. . ..i.. ......
Iiurlnif Dr. Hen l.i.HiilnnnHe'n nbH.tnce.1
Dr Murdy. of I'ortlniid. will hnvn1
rliiiru.. of llm denial luirlom. 1
Minn KlHle llrrk, of Aurora, nitent
Halur.lay nn.l Siimlny with her Meter,
Mm. J. U Kckernou.
Carl mid Hubv Smith, after vlnllltiK
rrlatlven nt Siilillmlty, Oregon, have
ri'turneil home.
The -PV
of ' vr;',': )T
i:nter- pg;,; M )
Why Not (Consider
This Of fer Now?
Thin in an invitation lo every render of thin paper to write us, ntonoo,
for our I'l'ei- trial offer im money down 0 months to pay no interest
chaiped wo pay t ho fi'i'iejit und
riionojjriiph in your own lionut. Our
mid ill.-lll.lnri Tev V.lihiii.l t.'i....ui,ti.
lion repiDilucer to piny 2 nnd 4 initiuto records; now Cyunotlw'
Horn, nlno npocml t ihi'r-JIorn ; half
tieroi ( i niiiiiitej Kcconls mid .(mir uoxon Hold Mouldcdyy
fStundni'il Ki'corils ; niitkvl-plntoil Criino, bnttlo rhono-r
Kra)h Oil, Oil Can und nn Automatic. lirush attach-' EiIjER8
nienl. Thin ol't'er it fair to you and to us, booausofe wano
wu want you n antinfieil ciiKlonier a lionstori H0U8B.
for Kilrrs-ottr best ttilvcrtisemont. 'ffilir 8 '
us tlm coupon catalogue nml full par-.antlemn: p'inu
ticulms will como to you by roturn mail. .y Jerntd, '""."o" yo'u '
n m mm
liners i idiiu iiuusc
I'(lllii.AM), Oltl'.tJON.
l.nrKunt Wenlnrn liealcrn In All
.Mnken nr 'In I It I n k Alumina
itttcordn, I'lnnun, (irHnna, Kti-
Hurry (lorilmi, of Oicko City,
HiH'iil Hnturiliiy unil Hutuluy III HiIh
city, luivln mum In mti'iiil tho italic-
""'"y ' ', Ml"" rlnriiliro will will,
Cnttag Moved From Cmp Ground.
Hit' rutliiK" piircluiMi'il Ity Mr", I,,
T. Iliilli.ll on tln Mi'thiiillht niliili
hnvlim Inumi nlm-tiM nl h iiii'i'IIiik t"ll
nlorn IiiiIIiIIiik or n IoiIkk hull. Ithiu
not iM.rn iIhI.tiiiIiiimI Tiki rnrpntilvr
work In In plinrKit of A. Krlcknon.
Wlllmm Ktndnll Will Build.
Wtlllum K.-lnlull Iiiim onlrr..,! Ihtt
Charle Ken Knight Ii Injured.
While workliiK on the llrnuden bun-
IXll.kU. lit Itl. It. ...M t.t.rt ..f ll.A Ml.
h , R , , ; ; j.
,,,,, ,
,.l i..Z ri. .
' I' H- 1 I'" lUIUII'll WnPJ Ulnll
, r
""'I I " nuniniourd and who net ih.t
limit. II will be nevernl uimillm lie
fitrv Mr. Ken Knlulit will he able to
line the limb. Tlm nrnffoldlhu Umiii
which he wnn wyrkliiR pollapneil, let
tine Mm fall lo the crmmd below.
Hrvcrnl workmen, who nre. nlno em
ployud on the IiiiIIiIIiik. hnd but a few
mlnuten ftrevloim denremled to the
Krniind or they would have been In
jured hIhu. Mr. Ken KiiIkIiI In readme
ennlly at laH nrrounln at bin home
New Mahlnery for Creamery.
W. While, who rel,h-n In Cnlon
rreclnrt, wan lu Cnnby Tuenday. Mr.
White In riiKUKitd In huiillim cream
to Hie Corvnllln rreaniery In thin rlty,
mill on Tuendny brouiiht In "ml
IKtundn. which tnnken a Kod nhnwInR
He rumen to Cnnby nn Tuendny.
II. W. KniiplHi-li, inannner of -the
t'orvntlltt ereniiinrr with henilunnrler
at Corvnllln. will arrlva hern thin J wan noinewhat checked The rnln
week nnd Inntnll new machinery In are larco nm flrni, and Mr llltion
the rrenmery. The nmrhlnery Include j expect , have a noon yield ,
panteurUer. cream rlpener and hulterjof the Krnln In thin ncctlon him InZn
moulder and cutler. The machinery. J rut. and manv f t,0 ,,"
which hnn Iteen lined hern nlnce the i lulve koo, yleldn.- .
plant ntnrted oin-rnllon will lie re-j J
moved, an Ihe rapnrlly In much lamer
t tin n wan at firm anticipated hy the
rompnnr when the plant wnn nlnrted
tin, and the machinery now helna
uned In not Hultnhln to hnndle tho
work. A dynamo will be luntnlled a
noon nn the power In turned on nt the
Cnnby Canal Company' electric ntn
Hun. J. C. Kauplnch, nlnce taklnK
rhnriro here, hnn built up a Inrgn trade,
nnd hnn Induced mnn? of the dairy-
men of thin county, who hnvn former
Iv "hipped their rren m to I'ortlniid,
ItIiik It here. Mr. KiuijiIhcH, I.y hln j
Invlnl dlnoonlllon. hnn nindn manv !
",vi' iioition. nnn nin.to many
friend both In thin dry nnd throimh
out tile comity,
Dancing Party Olven. 1
The dnnrlnit party islven Inturday
l,v KmiII Horilon nnd I). IV Stark nl
tho City Hall wan n very enjoyable ,
1 arTalr. The music, furnlnheil hv a
I A Genuine
. Edison
Cost to You
on 1 0 Days'
give ten days to try an Edison,
- Outfit No. 12 o6nts $34.20,
l-lw iiiAfrfii.il. Willi nnmtiinn- A
dor.on Edison-A in-Xy
JI.UIBUn I.HI wttvi.
Iforlliiinl tirrlii-Htrn 0 four pluw-n, wnn
i-i':'llriiL unil till of thn lutrnt (inure
iiiiihIl' wun iiluyt'il. A rhlcknn -Hiijipfr
wtin ncrvi'd lit llm City Hotel.
: Exhibit! for State Fair.
Thn (.khlhltn for llm coiiiIiik Hliilx
fjilr will Im left 111 tint W, II. Ilnlr
wiirelimiHi., wlient they will lnivo the
heHl of cure until tiiken to the fulr
Many of llir f 11 niMti h iiiiiI renlilrnln of
thin nei'tlnn of Hut coutsty nr enthii
hIiibIIc over H111 illnily Hint will Im
liiinle thin year hy CIhHiiiiiiuh roiimy.
Thin In tint llrnt tliint tlm eon 11 1 y lian
had 1111 exlill.lt at tho otate fair, and
mi effort will lie muilit hy tlm com
iiillteit hn nil I hi k thin to huvn 0110 the
cmitily will Im proud of when tho
thouHiiuin of vlnltorn will hit there lo
view II, Al the clonit of tho itnt fair
all x Ii 1 lit I m from thin eoiinly will Im
reliirni'il to Cauhy ami plnreil In Hut
1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 nt tlm iCIuckiiuiH County
fair KroiimlH for the coniltiK (Muckn
iniin County fair, whlrb will hit held
on Heiiemlier 211, .Id und October I.
Tint ('lurknnian County Knlr lr
tn In in llnln liHve been oonrplnted nii'l
Hiomi wlnhliiK naum may find yinn'ut
Hie IniHlnenn lioun-n III Ciinhy or by
cmiimiililriitliijj wllli tlm necretary, M.
.1. U.elle, (jrt-Kon City. It In probable
that tlicri! will he a lurKer exhibit
limn ever nl the coiiiIiik fair. Thn
eihlhltn of IiihI year were certainly a
creilli to miy rounly. Ther will be
larKer crowiln Httend' thin yenr Hinn
tiny pievloun year. Thorn will he u
"Peeliil exriirHlon truln from Hri'Kon
City on Orenon City day, Hie train.
wiiirn win nnil, nl, ly reach hero before
dinner, kIvIiik the vlnllorn plenty of
1 1 ni in view i-imiJltn lirfme-Hi.. ,K
rart n eoino off. Home of Hut lniHlne
houen of OrcKm, City are to have
exhll.Hn ih y,.ri M.H(e nevernl
cream neparator rompanlen of JJort-
'1"1"' - Bocrittary Ijtzt.llt. hnn HlrrTidy
armnm-d for 11 inerry Ko-round.Mihlch
win pienne I he 1 1 1 1 let folkn. Three
ownern of merry ko roundn nppll.-d the
name day lo Mr. Ijizelkt to have their
iiuichliiea liroiiKht to tho Rrouiidn. Mr.
iJi.ellu H a I ho rnniimmlrntiiiK; with
Urn uiaiiiiKer of tho doK and monkey
how i the (,ukn, Aruold'i nhown and
ot hern who ,av K.l attractlonn. but
thee hii'H ...it 1 . . .
The con.mllte,, U Ko arrai.KlnK to
have a iiueeu iirenld,. .,v, 11... .....
I lu ...
" " .- mir
i. ur, in n im-iii .i a ...... 1
.'V-rUl yoiiHK ,,;. M
.'Ii n.eKete, , repreneut (',,(,
( ni.dldntc w probably be put ,, ln
nevernl nectbmn of .hi. conn y w u'h
w l be dlv.d,,, dlntr.cn, 'and he
"'" l"'11"" Voted t,,(). 1, , .
li.tln to have H. ..,. .ire.td n
l."m..ir,il robe, which wll I, J e
""..led . .r tt, Hu ;d P
-h . n " r""1 ,""""-r' The co.
tent will (,e ,,-.,, ,,,
n AHt ,! thin will Kv,. fho ,
"He. ,,! lhe,r fr,.mU ,. of
There.ro many hand-
no and ,opniUI. voufl
he t mirlet they repi-enent. and there'n
.loubt but thm ,hlr fr(1.
Fine Specimen of Oat '
il,e .m" H,";,',""", or 'Sl, """ In
the oltlce of the Cnnby H,. Jlnd
oinpany , nltr,-t,1K no , ,..
Hon The raln wH rained on the A.
A, Hilton ii tire mn.i .(.. .1.. - .
. . . -iniiiin Illlir KHI
liiKU. and thorn are :iu nlulkn which
mi',' fr"0'" Krln l''nteU hy Mr.
.......... jm woum nave mtaliied
n tM'tter tsrowth. hut owl,, tu ihe
eoiilliiio.it. .1... " .
Electricity to Be Turned On Monday.
In Sunday' OreKonlnu wan an ex
client article on tho canal, reeeuily
completed by thu Canby Canal Com
luu.v. why, will ho uned for thn Irrl
Sitli.n of nevernl tlioiiHand arron, and
u - for ii,,,,y wuu.r f()r ho uw
plant that han Juki been flnlnhed. The
nrtlele wns well llluatnited Mr
Moore, prenldent of the compan'y', furl
I'lHhlnK the OreB,ilan with the !io
loKraplui. .
II will not be louK before Cunby
can h. f irnilsli.,l with elpctrlrltv Vi.,
I. ,..... uur"
f. ...i- mm an nisni. It iIH been
ciih-oiiih,v to have the current turned
oh al 12 o'clock, the
iilfhcd by the electric companv nt Au
rora, hUl tin Cailhv eun ....v- i
hn, ii k ru.,i... V" ;
I .. 1.?." L.?" "oW l,""t of
. , - " ... lii.llsi 1. 1
niivlnu a waterpower nystem of its
in oi ,m necenHiirv to de-
pend upon the Aurora int,iri.rlse but
on the oil....- i j ... . '
plant here will frn, nK,t a",
power to Aurora. Harlow. Hm,bar,Und
I at, by.
. ...tun. iiu- roiniuinv'u
, The opening of n, onnHi wM 1kp
I plare .Monday evening at which time
, there will bo prominent speakers, and
all those Interested In the project are
Klven a cordial Invitation to attend
I ho exercises nre to bo held In the
1 evcnliie, so i11)lte wlisliliiK t0 attend
from I'ortland and Oregon City mav
r'-"'"' on the train ,m, nn.iVes here'
:'";. 7 o'clock, while tho.o fro,,, the
Kontnerti nfift
.... . . . i rouiiiy may come
on the afternoon train
The new electric llht poles are
now IipIiik placed In manv parts of the
city, and the wires win bo strung so
that when the power Is turned on thev
will ho 1 readiness. rst llrothera
have charKo of this work.
Friend Are Entertained.
On Wednesday of last week n few
friend of Mrs. o. R. Mack called on
her to remind her that It was her
birthday anniversary and a most en
Joyublo nfternoon was spent by the
following ladles: j, Kal. MJS ,
lllssell Mr, llrewer. Mm. R. s. Coo!
Mrs. White. Mrs. Mnnloy, Mrs. Colbv
Mrs. nouglas. Mrs. Herns. Mrs. Myers
Mis. William It. Porter und Mrs. Doc
Letter List.
I'he' following K t,P of i(,t,.rs
remaining In the Canby postofllce for
tho month ending ,ii,y .m-
Mrs. . II CoiTov
I.ucy Kellev. "
' Mrs, T. K. i.ockett.
Mrs. J. R. Nelstnn.
Mrs. .1. Smith.
Cohn ltuchannii. '
.tint Kdgarton.
Kred Olessey.
Ilerthold Class. ,
Frank Huston.
Reluhold Helinnnn.
Ceorge A. Messmer. i
V. K. Miller.
W. H. Seltzer. '
T. A. Shields. '
Zenerth Audaln.
M'hen rolled for plonan state when
advertised. A. If. KN10HT, I. M.'
Cnnbv Market Reoort. "
The following (inolntloiis nre glvnn
by (iordon Pros., tho grocers, nnd
l.ucke Pros., tho butchers:
Chickens Old hens, 20c; broilers.
per do..; wonlorn, 1Uc; nprlng, ZOit;
KdKM, 2!tc: butter, iic.
Turkey, 23c.
Duckn, .Hie.
(leewi, i;io,
llrnn, 17 Me.
HprliiKX, 1714c.
ItiHinlern, Vie.
Urd, bulk, lo.
' llacon, ranch, 24c
Hhmild'-m, Klc.
Ham, 25c.
Klour Valley, $1.35; hard, $1.7r.;
lilni'Klem, $1.70.
CheeHit, 2'lc.
OrntiKcH, VHt dor..; letiiona, ;;(io.
Hhortn, $1.12 nnck; Itu:i, 8:!c per
nu k; wheat, $1 iter bu.
Hulled hurley, $25 l'r t'.n.
Oatr. new, S:tO 00 PT ton.
Ilnj, clover, $10 imr ton; cheat, $15.
llo!,n. rontrnct, lf, 1
CirM root, 1r.c n I'inid.
CaMcurii bark, ill &: p'iuihI.
HiiKiir, $1.25 nck.
Itlce, func.y 6 Ida. 25'.
Ilulter fnt, 2!tc.
Molmlr. 32c,
lloun, bent blockern, Ylt.
Illden, nalted, O'i & 7c; xr- i n, 1 cent
Veal, in'jc; mutton, Kc.
I.nrd. Hlc.
Orenon City Enttrpil $1.50 per
year. All tlm newn of t'1'- ' ounty.
VeKetablu and flower w-.-dn at (5r
doll Itron
Children Ory
Twlllnht Im ntlll ou Hi.- man. 1 be
youiiK p.-ople of tho nelKliUirhood are
talkliiK of kIvIiik a nodal In ih near
futuro. The Idea nouniK u.h.iI, an we
have not hud much Ii :,i-i,i nlncc
the Literary adjournej fi.r the sum
tner. Ilert Harvey, who ban n enjoylnn
a leu dayn' vacation on the farm, inn
renin,'.! to hln dull-' w'rti tnr. o. It.
k S-
.Mr. and Mm. fjeo. Sihn-lner have
beoii ln I'ortland thin wee!; on account
of Ihe death of her ninti-r, Mm. E.
Minn l.enetto 8 nook hik r. t ti.e lant
part of laat week Bn n eimm of Hie
1 1 ofT n; H n (Inter, of New Kra. While
them nlm attended the .New Kra catnp-
The Oliver Chilled I'lor Company
in drmoiiMlratliiK their dry land ntilky
plow on The Mountain Ah, Stork
Farm, with (leo. M. l-az.-ll lu Uiarne.
John Faulk' non-ln-law ami family
are makliiR them a visit.
Mr. Karl and ilaunli'-Tri urn vIhII
Iiik win, her father and n iiher, Mr.
and Mm. U J. Ilylton.
Adolth Joehnke, who ban ben qu'te
111 of lute, .in tjorno lnipr., at th.n
Mlsn Alberta Dunn of Oregon City
wan vIhIHuk frlendn In hU vicinity
thin week.
Mm. Thompnon mid Mm. Milion
Mutton Bjuftit one day las' week !n
I'ortland attending to hiiKincns mat
tern. C.eorne I-ii.elle In puttliiK on a crew
of wood-cutler to supply the Mendy
demand for wood In Oreson Cltv.
Oliver Halley. TwillKhr genial car
penter, in IiiiIIiIIiik a huxe ln Aurora.
ThrenhliiK I" over and we are all
Every one ha a premium lint of
Ihe County Fair and I delighted with
I nnti in vn iifu(ru Mil
! the name. We are all Kolng to the
Fair September 29 to October 1. 1910.
David Fnncher l awv with the
army at American fjik'e. demonHtrat-
Ing the correct poaltlon of a soldier.
Aumist Kan lie, for many years a
resident of Cbickanuis County, han
Hied a suit for divorce aualust his
wlfo, Wllhemlna Kanne, whom he
married in LfSeure County, Minn., in
Arcordlntt to Kanne's statement, he
purrhns.-d lilil acres in Clackamas
County from William Ryan and wife
und paid a Rood price for sunio but
"T convenience, nail ne ana ueeuca
by warranty deed to his wife and Hit
jlemil title lo the property Is lu the
name of Mrs. Kami.', although the
consideration was furnished hy
Kanne, and same Is valued now at
JtlO.lino. Mrs. Kanne Is accused by her
husband of helns guilty of cruel and
Inhuman treatment towards llim and
has ound fault with him In the way
he has managed the farm. He states
that Septembtir I, and October 1.
l'.-UO, his two sons desired to take
rharKe of the plare, but were Informed
by their futher that they could not
have It und that lu' would njt even
rent it to them, and ho also accuses
his wife and two sons of entering into
a conspiracy to drive him away from
the home and farm. The mother and
two sons have from August 1, 19nfl.
to August 2. 1910, bad control of the
horses, machinery and farm, so says
Hie father, without giving him any
av whatever. In his accusations
against his family. Kanne ends by
saying that they have treated his
horses cruelly by v.'hlpnlug and over
working them.
Mr. Kanne recently filed a suit
axulnat' tho School Hoard of District
No. 9, for establishing tho Ninth and
Truth grades in the school when n
special meeting was held to consider
same and when a sprcial tax hud been
voted upon to carry on the work.
In tho divorce suit. C.eorge C.
Urownell Is to look afier Mr. Kanne's
From the pp.v.ranee of the
registration bonks it Is upper-
cut that the f.i.'t that every
man must rcgr t r in order tu
participate tn the primaries is
not generally known. Only a
very sninl! mimber ef voters s
have registered thu fur. The -.
registration cl.is.'.i for tho prl-
ninrlPR Septcm'.'i'i 1 1, nnd any
man whoso name -Iocs not an-
pent In tho rcxi-it ntlon books
will not 'he allowed 'to vote
In the primary flection S-'P-
tember 24. The law ,s iigid
and does not pei 'ii't an elector a
to swour In his v.tt.j at the prl-
mnrles, as Is don at the pen- ss
oral election. If yon ds not ss
register you rinno: vote at the
prlmnrles. This Is a privilege ,N
that you shonl.1 h.u'illy pass by.
Register. Ho no', delay, but
register, today.
The Cotton
Hew H Trdd In Ihe South Durinf
Ihe Civil Wtr nnd Why He Quit.
Copyright, ISIO, by Amrrlrnn Pr
In ISiiJ. when I'nwlileiil l.lnrulii fear
ik) Unit the want of cotton by Hie Kng
lint, and other foreign iiiniiufiicltirer
might bud lo liiterveiiliou. he Issued
an order lo hi general lo Kite every
facility In their power to imthoii de
siring to purrhiipo Hie nrtlele and per
mit I br in to whip ll on Hie army wag
on going north empty for aupplle for
the troop. At the time euttoii could
be bought for a aoiig In the noiiih. and
before the war ioeJ It bud rlwn to
a dollar a pound In the northern
I wo then young and eager lo make
money. Hnvlug some cupliul, I went
down Into Vlrglubi and rode among
the plaulalloii In the neighborhood of
Ihe Union nnnles. buying eottnu wber-
ever I found nn opportunity lo get It
wit ti In our linen und w-ud It norib
One day I had Iteen out a few in Men
beyond the Union vedi-tte lo u plaimi
Hon where I bud Iteen told wits ntor.tl
a large stuck of cotton. There wa no
enemy In that direction, und If there
were I considered my rocullou a shield
ngnlnnt Interference, for I win n citi
zen engaged in nnnlKting the southern
planter to turn their cotton Into toon
ej. I bought liny bale on condition
that I could get transportation for
them and rmle back to the Union Ilium.
Something about the arrangement of
Ibe camp looked different from whrt
I hnd left. Indeed. I found a great
deal of difference. While I hud Iteen
away the corpn I hnd left bud moved
and another had .taken It plare. The
otllcer of the picket post would not al
low me lo go where I liked, but look
me to ihe provost murnhal. Major
I noticed that the moment Ihe pro
ront murshnl looked at me be gave a
faintly perceptible mart. I told biui
who I wu and the buslnesn I wan en
gaged In. He listened to my story,
then nald he would report my ense to
the general commanding. He left me
to do no and was going no lung that,
tired of waiting. I was about to mount
my borne and ride away when a sentry
ntopped me. I usked bim wby-be de
tained me. and be said that be bad
been ordered not to let me leave till
the provost marshal returned.
Major Campbell rode up an I was
talking with the sentry. He asked me
to come into bis tent and. getting out
the army demijohn. Invited me to have
something. He chatted in a fauiilinr
way. neemlug much Interested ln my
cuttoti purchase and asking me a
nuinlMT of Uestious perlaluiug to the
business. He told me that the gen
eral would like to see me. but wm too
busy to receive me till the uext day.
I had left my belongings at a bouse
a short distance lu rear of the army,
and when the conversation lagged I
arose and wild 'I would ride there, re
turn In the morning and call pu the
general. Major Campbell said that
there a no necessity for me to go
away, since be would be happy to give
me a cot lu a tent with a subaltern
otllcer and my meal at bis mess. But
I (aid I wished gome clean lluen and
would prefer to go. At that he told
me as politely a possible that the
general tuid directed him to bring me
to hi headtiiartera the nest day aud
he would uot dare risk losing me.
This was equivalent to telling me
that I was a temporary quasi pris
oner. Nevertheless I did not think
much of the matter, for if permitted
to go I might tiud it Inconvenient to
return. lu that event the major
would be liable to censure for disobe
dience of orders. So I made a virtue
of necessity, saying that 1 would be
happy to accept his hospitality!
During the cveulng I played the
army game with the major aud sev
eral other otlirers In his teut. the
army game being draw poker, with
greenbacks In lieu of chips. Somehow
it noemed to metbat I was uu object
of Interest. Kvery now and again an
otllcer would come to the tent' lo look
over the game. Hut. 'glancing m nt
these gentlemen. I invariably noticed
their eyes fixed ou me rather than on
the curds. 1 was puzzled. What was
there abotit a civilian engaged ln cot
ton buying to Interest otlirers of the
army? however, the game Interested
me. and speculation of this kind did
pot take root In nty mind. We played
till midnight, when the party broke
up. and 1 was conducted by my tent
mate to my place of rest. 1 noticed
that he kept an eye ou me while I took
off my outer clothing and did not take
It away till I stood in my undergar
ments. While going to sleep Hie circum
stances of my detention, the Interest 1
had excited, this watchfulness of my
tent mate, altogether found a firmer
lodgmeut in my bruin. Yet as 1 pou
dered over the mutter 1 could uot
thtuU of one art sufficiently noticeable
to signify anything In particular. As
for my visit In the general the next
day. It might be an advantage. I bad
expected to nrrnnge for cottou trans
portation with the quartermaster. Tos
slb'ly I (might derive some advantages
by Interesting the general In what I
wns doing.
The next morning I waited till II
o'clock for Major Campbell to take
me to the general, when, becoming Im
patient. I asked tilui the cause of the
delay. He told me thut tho general
was busy. I Inwardly cursed these
military nnbobs who made every one
await their pleasure nnd were treated
by their su bo nil nates us princes of the
blood. If not sovereigns. It was not
till a lu the afternoon that the major
told me lo mount my horse and go
with him.
We found the general about to ride
out on a tour of Inspection, aud I was
Invited to join him. 1 did so, and ft
awhile he kept me beside bim. asking
me what seemed to me n lot of stupid
questions. I tried to tell bim' about
my cotton buying, but he wouldn't lis
ten to II. He rrmeil more Inierenlrd
In Imrolug when, I had been during
III, day I had come Into hi Hues nnd
the day before Hint nnd nn fur back n
I could remember. Then suddenly be
cenned to take ny further Interest In
me or my whereabout nd. calling hln
chief of atnff. waved mo back with the
Major Campbell rode with us-why
I didn't know, for he was not of the
Kcni-ml' personal nlnff. Judt'ing from
hi Interest In me, I fancied Hint he
eight have been brought along for the
purpose of entertaining me. He kept
railing my attention lo this feature of
the position nnd telling me thing
Dbout the numlier and disposition of
tho troop. They would not have In
terested me In the nllghtcnt hnd not bis
tatement of the different divisions nnd
J brlgnd be declared were on the
ground apiienred much overdrawn
Hut why should he bother me at nil
with these matters, and why should he
de-dre to make It npteiir to me thai
the army wa stronger than It really
wan? I wa a citizen with no military
knowledge whatever and wits content
that these fiery soldiers should nlaugh
tcr one another ad lib. provided I could
make a fortnne.
The general called Major Campbell
to bim and wild nomelhlng In nn un
dertone. Then the major dropped
back beside me. As he left the gen
eral the latter mild loud enough to be
"That plan would nerr- do In the
world. He who bus eye lo ce can
see for himself. I'll issue the order an
soon an I get bark to beudiuurtern."
I had no Idea what thin meant, nor
did I take any Interest In It. I wa
getting disgusted at being kept Idle
all thl while by these aipocratlc mili
tary men. I wanted to get at the
qunrtcriuuater. since the general took
no interest lu my buslm-it affair, and
secure lransHriatlon for the last lot
of cotton I bud iH.ught.
Hut a terrible surprise wnn in store
for me. We bail no sooner goi hack
to camp than I was placed under ar
rest, with tw-o soldiers Miunill.ig over
me. ready lo kIimhI me til Ihe slightest
provocation. I was not only indig
nant! was fri.-hielicd. -V" ..nicer
came near me. ili.il I was unable
to ask any one nhai It all ineni:t. ex
cept id v guards, i. in. told me th.il all
tli.-r knew iiIkhii it was that ibcy had
orders to shoot uie If I nnitle ibe
nllghtest move lo esraie.
The first information as to my real
position 1 received was when an otll
cer approached me and began to read
from a paper be held lu his hands. I
was too agitated at first to Ilsteu to
or understand It. but presently I gath
ered from it that I wan charged with
being a spy and was to be tried fur
that offense by drumhead court mar
tial that very evening.
Everything now gradually became
plain to me. On the supposition that
I bad come Into their line fur the
purpose of gaining Information the
provost marshal bad reported the fact
to the general, leaving word that 1
should not be permitted to go away.
The matter of my Identity being sup
posititious. 1 was not to know that I
was suspected until they were sure of
their case. Tbl accounted for the In
terest 1 had excited and for my teut
mate watching me while I took off my
clothes. He wished to know if I was
armed. Then while on the tour of In
sjiecllon they had thought of permit
ting me to go back to where I came
from to report a greater force than
they mustered. But the general hud
quashed this plau. saying. "He who
has eyes to see can see for himself."
The order he suld be would issue was
for my trial, which also meant execu
tion. In the evening I was taken Into a
large tent where a number of otlirers
sat around a pine table lighted with
candles. One of them stated that 1
bad been lurking about their camps
and had been arrested. But before be
ing placed lu proper confinement 1 bad
taken to my heels, tearing up a patter
as I ran. 1 had escued. but the bits
of p:iier collected had contained draw
ings of Ihelr position and memoranda
of the number of Ihelr triK.w.
An efflcvr acted us my counsel, but
as he knew no more ubout me thuu the
others hi defense was worthless. Un
fortunately I had recently sent a lot
of businrsM papers north thut would
have proved my identity. As it was
I was mistaken for some one they had
their grip on before and who they su
posed was still plying his vocation as
spy under Ihe guise of a cotton buyer.
1 was condemned lo be shot lu an
hour. Ten minutes before the time
appointed for my execution an officer
r'Hie up and called out:
"We've retaken that fellow who got
f AfiTED-A
sample Latest Model "Runs:!"
Vip making money last Writ jar
imnr.i nrji inr.u until you receive ana approved your Dicycic. we snip
tD anyone, anywhere in the V. S. trtt?ui a ctnt dtfrsit in advance, fref-iy frtifki, and
lllow TEN 1AVH' l-'KKE TKI Al- during which time you nuy ride M.t bicycle and
put it. to any test ytu wish. If you ate then not pert wily utishc-d or do not wuh to
keep the bicycle ship it tuck to us at our eiense and jr' ' tut b out cm ctnt.
FAPTflRV PRIPFt e unil,fl tiie behest graue bicvclei it is possible to make
Hwl Wit I IUUI.tl a( one tm.i pmtit above actual uctory cost. You save fio
lo sij muKtiemen s proms oy ouyim: airect ot ui and have tiie manufacturer s Kuar
anice behind your bicycle. 1H 1SUT HI V a btcycie or a p.iir ot tires from anyan
at mj prtc until yuu receive our catalogues and learn our unheard oi jtutvry
frn$ and rmurkabi tPtciM ojfert to ritlur UKIitb.
VA'I 1AJII I RC AOTANlClirn when you receive our beautiful catalogue and
1UU fllLL DC AdlUf1.aI.XU stlldy our superb models at the wndruUy
li'To trtcfi we can mate vnu thix mr. Yr lh liu'hivf und hirvrloa fnr ) mnttetf
t' than any other factory.
tt-A 111 TLK 1 1-; A l.KKS.
double our prices. Orders tilled the
usually have l number on hand taken in
iromutiv at Prices mm: mir from to
PPACTm nPAIfrC tKl wlnx-l. Imported roller chiilim and jvduij, parts, repairs and
vWMj I tlVUuHfUWi euwiment of alt kinds at hoi V usual rtUU pruts,
en CMmi img Tiore a sample pair
WkLI liLtlbliiU 11111.4
The rrjFMlar retail trice of these tires is
9JU Per ptiir, Pnt to tntrisiuc nr u-ill
tells QMasampiepxir1ori.!)xashwtnorxer4)
NAILS. Taoke or Gins will not lot the
wXt uuL Sixty thousand pairs ftokt Inst yi-ar.
tner two nunurexi uiousana pairs now in use.
DESCRIPTION! Mndeln alt sizes. Ithllvclv 1
aud e:i!tv riding, veivdur.ibleaiid lmevlinsi.lewu h
a aneeial nualitv of mhlw?r. which trover becomes
vwroiisnnil which closes tin small mtnetures without
fnjf theairtoescap. We have hutufretlsolctters from sati?- I
Cedcustomers stating that their Urt'haveoiilyleen pump J '
upotice or twice in a whole season, T hey wei:;h no more than
an ordinary tire, the puncture resist int;" qualities being given (
by several lavers of thin, specially prvyared fabric on the '
uy several layers ui wun, (cv;uiiiy picvurcu itiuutuu me
trend. The regular price1 of these tires is J.-i. jo per pair, but for
ndvertisinp nurooscsweare makinir a special t'actorvDriee to
Hie rider of only & So per pair. All ordeis shipped same l:iy letter is received. We ship C. O. I. on
approval. You do not pay a cent uutit you have examined and fuund them strictly as represented.
We will allovr a rrth dieount of 5 jv.t cent (thereby mtiLing the price V1.68 per pair) if you
send t'lXL CASH WITH OKI) Kit and enclose tins advertisement. You ruu no risk in
sciiditig us ou order as the tiles may- be reuirued ot OUlt expense if for any reason they ore
not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money Rent to us is as safe as in a
bant. If you order a pair of these tires, you wilt find that they will ride eaHier, ruu faster,
wear better, last longer and look finer than euv tire you have ever used or seen at any price. Wo
know that you will be sa well pleased that when you want a bicycle you wilt give us your order.
We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer,
wf MfCgm TfDVTO don't buy anv kind nl any price until you send for a pair of
r IVw Vl fnTtLO Iledgethorn Vuncture-l'nxtf tires on approval and trikt at
the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue wuicU
describes and quotes alt makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual price.
11 lnr WM tr but write us a I1 today. DO NOT Til IN K 4F IirYiVO a bicvele
wJ3 MJ M wwMi or a pair of tire-t from anyone until yon know the n-w and wcudeiful
oil era wc are making. It only costs a postal to learu everything. Write it NOW,
n way IihI week lie's been coiii eiiletl
by ii southerner "
The moment he looked at mo In
ntnr'eil I.mi U In tisionlshineut,
"I'd have sworn." he said, "that I
left you only n few minute ago. A'oti
must lie his twin brother"
I was not "his twin brother," but
when I saw him the next morning Just
before be was shot I snw that hi re
semblance lit me was remarkable.
1 bad had enough of cotton buying
I concluded lo go north nnd recover
from the nhork I bud received.
Mt Angel Newpaperman Thrown
From Cano Into River.
The body of Harry Cecil Poole, edi
tor of the Benedictine Press, published
at Mount Angel, who lost his life by
drowning In Ihe W'llluinette rl-r on
Wednesday while canoeing at Wilson
vllle with a young man by the name
of Dnvln, was recovered Thursday and
an Inquest was held, Judge Samson.
Dr. H. 3. Mount, 0. U Hedges and
Attorney Stlpp going from thin city
lo hold the Inquest. The body was
turned over to Ihe undertaker at Au
rora, who prepnred It for shipment tn
Mount Angel, where the burtgl took
Poole wan a well educated young
man and wa about. 39 years of age.
He han been ln the newspaper busi
ness for some time. He was a mem
ber of the Catholic church. The only
relative known Is a sinter living in
Australia, whom I'oole has been as
sisting financially owing to the former
having an Invalid husband.
The accident wa caused by the tip
ping of the canoe, and both men were
thrown Into the water. Davis swam
to shore and gave the alarm and the
river wa dragged for the remain.
Retired Millwright Came to America
at Age of 18 Years.
Charles H. Miller died at 3 o'clock
Monday afternoon at his residence,
1215 Seventh street In this city. He
wa born In Saxony, Germany, July
22. 18.'!4. and came to America when
he wa 18 year of age. He was a
millwright by trade, and worked In
the West Coast Furniture Factory at
San Francisco for a mimber of year.
In 1876, he came to Oregon from Cali
fornia, and lived at Westport, Clats
kanle and Corvallla, coming to Ore
gon City three years ago. He had
been ln feeble health for the last two
years. Mr. Miller was a veteran of
the Civil War, serving three year.
He is survived by a widow and one
son, W. H. Miller. The funeral was
held Wednesday morning from the
residence, Rev. A. H. Mulkey, of Glad
stone, officiating. The Interment was
In Mountain View cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Holland, Native of Ireland,
Dies at Age of 65 Years.
Mrs. Mary Holland, wife of Michael
Holland, died Teusday morning at her
home on Tenth and Van Buren strets.
Mrs. Holland was taken HI at her
home Sunday, after preparing a meal,
and bad been gradually failing ever
since. She was born in Ireland and
and at the time of her demise wag 65
years of age. She came to Oregon in
1X87, and has resided In Clackamas
Cotintv for ,he nasi 19 vears. Mrs.
I Holland is survived by her husband.
The funeral services were held from
St. John's Catholic church Thursday
morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Father Hll
lebraud officiating, and the Interment
was In the Catholic cemetery.
Former Oregon City Pioneer.
Mrs. Catherine M. Hunter, a pioneer
resident of Oregon City, and later of
Umatilla County, dropped dead at her
home in Pendleton Sunday noon. She
had been to Sunday school and church
as usual, but feeling unwell after re
turning from the latter services, ask
ed'her daughter to prepare a cup of
coffee. Scarce had she started to
drink the beverage when she dropped
to the floor, dead. Mrs. Hunter was
born in New York 69 years ago. She
is survived by six children Henry
Hunter, of Wisconsin; Mrs. C. A.
Cooper, of Pilot Rock; Mrs. N. A.
Jones, of Colfax, and George. Bert and
Audrey Hunter, of Pendleton.
Funeral of August Holden. ',
The funeral services over the re
mains of August Holden were held
Saturday morning at the family resi
dence. Rev Proctor, pastor of the
Congregational church, officiating.
.Many friends of the deceased attended
the funeral. The interment was in
Mountain View cemetery. The pall
bearers were E. Yoder, Fred Erlck
son, August Erickson, Fred J. Meyer,
Fred McCausIand, C. Schuebel.
and district to
ride and exhibit a
bicvele furrmhrd hv ui. I )ur aptnts evenrwhere an
full particna-rt and sftctul ejfer at enct.
We are satisfied wilh ji.oo proiit above factory cost.
VnU can ul I iiur birvulen untler vtmr own mmi mnta at
Uy received.
We do not r.-.-vhrlv rv-im'lf iN-nmt fvinr! hirvrle. but
trade by our CIiumco retail stores. Thcs we clear out
or fclO. Jerrintive Ktrvmn list mailt-d free.
P Notice the thick ruhhw troari
A" ttml p limit ure atrip "It"
nd 'I), alrtn rim atrip
to prevent run fitting, this;
tire will outlrtt any other
LA-k' 1UD1NG.