Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 05, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    OKEHON CITY ENTKKlMJIStt, Ul DAY, ATdl'ST .", 15)10.
Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday
E ERODIE, Editor nd Publliher.
' I
Knti ioil at Oregon City. Or.,
oillco us ocond-c!as9 nuttier.
Subscription Ratei:
0ne Yoar '
rtix Months "5 !
Trial Subscription. To Months .25 1
Subnet Hut will flini the date of ex
piration stumped on tlioir papers tol
lowing tlioir tinino If last payment Is
not f iTdiioii, klmlly notify us, ami
the muttor will roeolve our attention.
Aileertisir.R Kales on appll'-atiun.
sfc J -S-
Kioin th" ;ipp'"'rance of tin
roRisiratiott books it is aipar
out that the tot that every
man nuiM iv.;i't'r in order to
participate n tin- primaries is
tu t (lenerally known. Only a
very snrill mir.ibor of voters
have recistor d thui far. The
registration close.-, for the pri
maries Soptci.r.-ei II, and any
man whose name does not ap
pear in the rosntr.vinn bm-ks
will not he allowed to vole
In the primary io."tii,n Sp
temlHT 24. The law is usicl
ami does no; permit an elector
to swear in his votj at the pri
maries, as is .1on at the gen
eral election. If you do not
register you rnu: vo'.ent the
primaries. Th:s is a privib'se
that yon shouU han.ly pass by.
Register Do not delay, hut
register today
, . - .i-
Fiftv-four Rennhllcans endorsed a
' f ".' wf
Cllf tS.,... n .. I Art
vo... r.'li. iiu'ii ,,iiew i.'i auu o.i
men voted against a motion to endorse
a ticket In a convention at which
231 delegates were entitled to seats
in men assumed to represent a ma-;
jority of the party and proceeded to
attach their official endorsement to
a ticket. This action was taken In
the face of strong opposition and
against the advice of this newspaper.
The endorsement of this small body
of Republicans cannot possibly carry
with It any considerable strength. It
may do the candidates harm, and again
it may do them good. It should be re
membered that few, if any, of the
candidates recommended sought the
endorsement, and therefore should
not he held responsible for the action
of the assembly.
Any number of Republicans has a
right to assemble and endorse candl-
dates for office. No one can question
ihpir Hirht hut hnforo sneh anion is
taken it is well to look ahead and see
what the consequences will be." The
scheme in Clackamas County was ill-1
advised tn tint it mildlv. Few men !
wanted it, there was no general d?-!
maud for it, and it has already caused!
a soreness and dissension in the Re-j
publican ranks. Three men who were; nominated by R. S. McLaughlin, de
endorsed have ueciined to run under! 1 ,rP!1S?n3- , ,
i J. W. Reed, of Estacada. nom Hated
any circumsiauces. iwo otners uave
declared they did not seek the endorse
ment and would rather not have it.
This is a condition that does not
l.mk rosy for the assembly ticket.
The situation is peculiarly unfortu
nate', as The Enterprise knew it would
be, and said so. T'ter.' are number
of good men endorsed. It is assumed
they will have the support of the
assembly men. ami it is likely they
have friends In the anti-assembly camp
who will not be alienated by the un
expected action of the oi. It appears
.that the eal of the assembly men at
this time was misguided. The assem
uiy iilea is new. It has not been re-'deivt-d
with particular favor in this
co'n'y. The Enterprise advised that
an assembly be heid to send delegates
to the state assembly, adopt a plat-
form and adjourn. All of which goes
to show that the "speed maniacs" are
trying to nold the steering gear.
(Continued from page 1.)
Dye was Earned and refused to act,
and Chairman Gibson appointed L. L.
Porter and Mr. Eby, of Macksburg, to
act with R. S. McLaughlin, of Oak
Mr. Trembath doubted the presence
nf a quorum and asked for a roll call,'
E. P. Carter, of Gladstone, declined
tc answer when his name was called cur. shall be filled by a committee,
aaj said he was present simply as a consisting of one Republican from
;-!;otat',r. EU;b'.y-tiiur delegates ans- eacj, precinct, to be appointed by the
v.ered to their names, when Assistant chairman from the list of delegates
oe-'.retary 'lartl'M called the roll, ' to the county assembly,
showing 2.32 en:itlfcd to seats. jr. ,j, Lee wanted to ratify the state
In order X oh a in an expression Mr. assembly ticket, but Mr. Gibson ex
I mined that tho assembly en- plained it would not be proper, so long
You Will Appreciate Oar Service
But it will be necessary that you become a
customer of the bank, because the full value of
our service cannot be explained by words; you
must actually experience the benefits of our ser
vice to thoroughly appreciate them.
Ce are always glad to have customers, and
those who are not customers, come in to the bank
for a friendly business talk.
tliimr n lloki't, Bint Mr. Tivmlmth j
ratsiil l no point tr no quorum, nut
was ovorruloit hv tlii' iluili'nittii
Tin' ns.simlily Is p.mrly roprt'sont-
''!." saM tieorso Kamlall, "ami mtli'ss
o ri'I ti nt i y of notion, furthor ills-
ttitiwfuti w ill ho r.iilt.'.i "
,.j flivr 11,-koi if a majority of
I ho party umit It," ilool.iro.t Colonel
po. "Tlu Hoplo of t'laoKamas
t'ounly have a mistakon litoa ami
think iho assomhlv Is it Mow at tlu
dliool primary law. I liolievo tho on-
ilorsomont of a tlrKot woulil ho tho
moans of splitting; tho party vilo
"Thoro Is no harm in cot; ins an I
expression," Insisted Mr. Porter
" O
have adjourned to put up a ticket.
If the ticket recommended is one that
moot with approval. It will be nomln
;tod. Kvory oilier county has nnined i
a ticket. At the dictation of a few
men iv we soins to lay dow ti 1 ' All' ,
we going to semi Populists and IVnnv
onus to the I'nited Slates senate ? I
believe It Is entirely within the prov
ince of these men hoiv to endorse a
. ... ,
an' taking the surest niotlio.l
ipt the party, exc aimed K P.
to disrupt
('alter. "1 have fought the assembly
movement because I want to see tho
with St delegates, then do so, hut youfv!v!
are sacrificing the men you endorse
The leaders of the party assembly aro
against Statement No. 1. and the di
rect primary law."
"This is a time for us to get to
gether and get together in harmony,"
said John P. Clark. "Wo must give
ami take a little."
Mr. t'lark then offered as a sub
stitute for l.ee's motion to endorse a
V 8 " " ai,'urmnR s'!dist Kpiscopal Church,
seinldy. Mr U-e wanted a clause i K r Mackett. of Abornethv. .r
and the suocossfiU candidates at tho
nrimnr.. aloolbvn I
' v !
..is.:- K....t.l -..t
ro iiiuiut-ii uii-ii iiuiiio imr mr; hi tjiausiouo, lor surveyor, win accept
Renuhllcan party." said C. A. Miller, j the endorsement of tho assembly.
"We must have a little charity. I ; Nicholas lllair. of Klllin. w ho was en
am an assembly man, but I would not I dorsed for commissioner, is expoeteii
knife a candidate because he Is anti-tto stay In the running,
asseinbly. I think the idea of rule orj k. Ik Olds, of Oak Crove. will enter
! ruin on either side should be dispelled.' ttu, nls fr the nomination of Kopro-
, I favor a county assembly ticket. Onei
or w" n,en nr( lr.v,"s " run- uie i
One or,
two men tried
to break un the nu'etllli?
- ...
OI Wll- Clllllliy rt III I III colli lllll lee. VMIl"
or two men wrote a letter and got j
another man to sign It. I do not want
fa do'en men-"'" I
one. two or a ibuen men.
j H Revenue, of Sandy, wanted to!
know when the Republican party had ;
loci Its right to assemble.
Clark's resolution was lost by a vote!
of 4 1 to,:::; and the original motion;
of Mr. Lee to endorse a county ticket 1
prevailed. Max Telford, of Canemah
presented a resolution, condemning :
a ticket, but it was lost. Telford ex-i asseimuy mr sia.e seiuoor. .i
plained that he favored organization ' c"v 'h,, nsk,,,l f,,r 11 'letimte. state
through an assemblv and made a plea 1,s ,H whether or not he Intended,
for partv unity. Nominations cum- m:,k, rar''' lf hp has lu'l'l,'
menced. E W. Bartlett, of Estacada. ! " his nln'1- ;,r,,,r f,mr ,lavs- h" is
was nominated hv John W. Meldruni "'" r,'a,lv ' tmike " I""'!l' " ls
for state senator. .-In a burst of ora-i s"!'"" that Mr. Walker has hU;
torv O. W. Easfham ulaced I. P.
Walker, of Cauby, in nomination, and
Mr. Hartlett. expressing himself as j
complimented, withdrew his name!
and moved the unanimous endorse
ment of Walker. Mr. I.ee said Walker
had told him he did not rare to make
the run.
For representatives. Mr. Meldrum
nominateit .Mr. tfanien, wno oecnneu.
and George L Story nominated C. A.
xtilier. who said he could not run if I
he wanted to.- I.ivv Stipn named Pr. i
H. S. Mount, I, U Porter nominated
Exon. of Pover. and C. A. Mil-
ler iilacert .1. S. Voder, r.f Wedv in
nomination. These three were chosen :
unanimously. Frank Jaggar. when!
.lohr F. Clark for cnuntv judge
Mr. Stipp named J. T. Apperson.!
and L. U Porter placed Charles T. '
Tooze in nomination. The vote stood: '
Anperson. ?,: Clark. 13; Tooze, XVI
The nomination of Tooze was made,
iinilnlmnua !
i, fiii.Jnn ,.ii,i m- a.i ,,. i
chair and nominated W. -H. Counsel,
of Milwaiikie. for commissioner. The
nominatiifn was seconded bv J. W.
Roots, of Horlng: T. .1. Gary', of West i
Oregon City, and Pr. Townley. of i
Mik.,n. n w l-,u.i,. .-,,!.,, i
ed Nicholas isiair.' and M. .1. Lee andL,h" offl,r,R' Prln M "'""ting f the;
i p, nn,io.i .h no,in.n,. i Assembly under the direct primary i N
! M. J. le nominated D. R Dimick
for sheriff and then withdrew , his
name. George L. Story nominated E.
C. Hackett, who was given the un
animous endorsement.
J. W. Reed named L. E. Williams
at,.d E p The ,aner re. w
reived .34 votes and Williams 12. '
C. M. Lake, of Boring, for clerk:
; J. A. Tufts, of Gladstone, for treasnr
' er: Pr. Thomas J. Fox, of Ore-
gon City
for eornner, and O. T.
ere endorsed without opposition
I'pon motion of L. L, Porter the en-1
dorsement of precinct officers
was left with the assembly
delegates at their homes. Upon
motion of 0. W. Eastham, the
chairman was authorized to name a
campaign committee of five, and upon
the suggestion of J. W. Reed, Mr.
Gibson was made the chairman of
the committee.
It was decided that
all vacancies on the ticket, If any oc
s Cliu-knmnt County ha n onmlliliito
for itovoinor lu tho poison of t'onniy
limit U. Olinloh. ami (ho ns , Ftlnout EvJ,n0Bn ,0 Lecture t Ore
somhly inljounio.l, ..... , .. ....
I gon City, Auguat 14th.
Uov. William Stiiutuy, bettor
Men Endored by Assembly Decline , Known as "llllly" Sniiituy, tho ruin
to Make the Race. I nolW, has boon -ncnmM to ilolhvr
vi,.,,., ,. ni i,., ...,.wi.i..v,.i,i.. orkt"' "' l famous l.vtuiva In l.roKo.i
for tho nominating cumuli tv of tln
i t'liiokainas County liopnhllcnn Assent
j lily, It reports of iloollnai Ions of tho
endorsements eoiuiiuie to
Clutrles T. Tooro. of Iliad
i oonie in
stone, who was endorsed for ooiinty
jtlilco, Tuesday morninc staled em
',,.,.;..,. . ... It ,
; lit, I I. .lit,, I ,1,11 II," ,,,Mllt I"'" .
i candidate for that otllee. Ills luisi ,
j ness ulTairs lo not permit II Pr i
i ll.i..h C l.,nt,f 1., (.,., Iw,. I., tmil.o !l '
,. ,.. ,i. .l,i.,,'i r i;.,
ivsenintlvo in the loiilslaturo, for
wbl ul.u,,m hl, :l!l ,,dor
the asseinbly last Saturday. K. P
lVdniau, of Clackamas, candidate for
Kecorder, and .lames A. Tufts, of
llladstone. candidate for treasurer, ilo-.
elared tuelr lutein ion xr s
Kl, ,,,,., uonlln.uillu for
u,v uw tt,k as,
elared their Intention -of seeking the.
the ollices
ngo, ami i noy :
decline to' go before the voters with'
tho assembly endorsement, but will'
main in the race .1. W. Iaoii, of
Xiver, and M. S. Voder, of Needy.
who were endorsed for Hcpiesonta
lives, will probably make the race,
at least Mr. Kxon has announced his
Intention of going out after the nom
ination. He was formerly a Willa
mette River pilot, and slates he can
ho of great assistance to the people
of the Willamette Vallev lu their of
. i ....
ions io secure an o,"'" n or .,.
Kvin Is now a minister o tile Metno-i
" ,",;,. ,' .. ,,. .!,.. ,. i i ..f '
. . ..'.''.!.. ' :
Horlng. tor clerk, and P I. Meiilrnm.
. i.. . . .
soutallve, and Walter A. Plinick will
seek reeUvtion for a second term
ubert 11 Snodgrass. of Milk Cnvk
e,..t.,.i Ku l.,t.....l.,.t t.. ... l. f1, u.,.;
... ... .. i
puhllcan UOtntUattOn Or SliertU. I'. II.
pitnick, of Cnnbv. Is expected lo enier
,tu, race, and this w ill make three j
fr ""S ptt""n- I
Caiby Banker Takes Some Time to
Make Up His Mind.
I.eror P Walker, cashier of the
Caiibv Hank and Trust Company, who
wns enuorse.i t.y me Kopui.ucan conn-
iieiin'iiains urn leeiuig uie piiiinc
pulse In regard to the assembly. In
loiuer io usei-iuiiu now- ptuou oi m
poor his. chances for obtaining the I
nomination really an-, but he is fight- son, as both teams have groat rec
ing shy of publicity until he secures ,,rds an, both are itpially ciniflilont of
the Information he is after. In other; winning.
words, Mr. Walkc' has assumed a The game will 1 calle, 'at 2 i in
; clam-like att'i'v'e and savs he Is not ;
going to make an announcement un-!
til he Is good and ready, or words to
that effort
Should Mr. Walker find it expedient:
and advisable to decline to make a'
run for the nomination, the assembly I
"ommatlnt: committee w ill probably
have difficulty in filling the vacancy. J
' I
To the Voters of Clackamas County.
GLADSTONE. Aug. 1. 191o.
I was Informed this morning that
I had b"en honored with the endorse
ment for County Treasurer, by the
Assembly, which met iu Oregon City.
Ore., on Sueurday. July no. I9lu. This
was a great surprise to nie, as at no
time have I endorsed or advocated an
movement In Clackamas
County, and while I appreciate the
kindness nf the Individuals who gave
mo this nomination, at the same time
I had filed my declaration with the
Clerk of Clackamas Countv. of my
inteniion io tieeome a ciiiioiuioe mi :
i and I do not fed lhat It
would be
lust or honorable to the people of :
Clackamas County, or to mvself, as 1
I do not desire to be placed In a posi-i
ilon of sailing under false colors, to:
hesitate to declare mv position. I
.1. A. TI'KTS. I
Glailstone, Ore.
H. Bottemiller will Enter Political
W. II. Ilottenilller, of Clarkea, ac
companied by Christian Haag, another
prominent farmer of that section of
the county, were in Oregon City ti
ilay on business. Mr. Hotlemiller's
friends wish h!ni !o enter as a Re
publican candidate for county com-!
missioner at the coming election, but
he has decided not to enter the race.
Mr. Bottemiller Is the owner of a
large farm and states that it does not
Justify him to do so under the present
conditions. He has resided In this
county for over 22 years and Is well
Children Cry
Former Actor Is Married to Young
California Girl.
.1. It. Ilellnian and Dorothy Ran
dolph, the latter l(j years of age, were
married here Saturday by County
Judge Itimlck, Chief of Police IiuriiB
giving the bride away. The ceremony
took place at the Instance of Sheriff
.f ildd W. Hoyd, of Red Uluff, Cal., who
sent the following telegram to Chief
"Dorothy Randolph escaped from
custody of probation officer. If Hell
man will marry her, release them.
If not, hold girl and will send mother
there to prefer charges. Wire an
swer." Chief Hums explained the stua
tion to the o.air, and flellrnan unwill
ingly agreed to pay for a marriage
license. He came to Oregon City as
aot.or In the Van Darling Stock Co.,
and was afterward a bootblack In a
local barbershop.
When the digestion Is all right, the
action of the bowels regular, there Is
a natural craving and rellah for food.
When this Is lacking you may know
that you need a dose of Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
They 1 strengltien the' digestive or
gans, Improve the appetite and regu
late the bowels. Sold by all deal
ers. '
City on Suuda'
o'clock lu tile An
will be "Hooje, m
Wagon," ami h
porwii slogan. S'
leelure at Sl'okai
UiKiist II, at ;!
ry. Ills mihloci
lot oil tho Water
1 mnnid the inn
lay do'heivd this
to lii.ii'M) pocplo.
lie p;,ri(ciilarly mt voters to he.u
him, and Is Pom " ; under the r.us j
pices of four i-:--:viM"" I lie wtile
r-'pulatlon of tin- .ingli-i will no
doubt pack tho h''
large erowd .
mooting at Auroi
Mr. and Mrs. 4'
and Mrs. tloorgo K
hoil Springs Sum!
Pr. W. W. t!l. -catiipcd
at Wllholi
i. iideil the mass
Tuesday night.
:k Miller and Mr
, !is aiitoed to Wll-
and family
a iv
K. Yodor and fa n ly ivturned homo
Monday after t"
Wllholi Springs.
Mr and Mrs. P
laud, and Misses
Kroiis niado a trip t
Mrs A. II. III. -'
.'ooks' ouilng at
Snyder.' of Port
otta and tieorgio
Wllholi Springs
anil daughter,
Alm.!(, ,d0 tt
to Portland Moil
.loo Krbslanii iyi;
a trip to Oregon
City Tuesilay.
A- Kmns loft Yed,,esday Morn
itlg for NOWlHIl I 0 til' glille iWO
.... a
j Lorn Clesy mado a trip to Newport
' Monday to be goto two weeks.
' Mr. and Mrs. Win K'n and Mrs.
; Scluiere made I t ip to Th OnM
' last Thursday.
I Sickness ill the f..mlly prevented
Mi Uuent from .1 ling much In the
r.ilitest the mist week, but from now
on she will surprl-e she contest niau-
r with tho nnnil'i r of subscriptions
Aurora Defeats Cube.
A' r T't """V""!
l ubs, by It to 1 Sunday. In a hiird
hitting game. lii.i" le, star pitcher
of the "Cubs," was hit fur a total of
IT hits. Including three two baggers,
llaker, on tho other hand was In fine
shape, striking out I'.' men. and al
lowing but five srittetod hits, hut for
an error, he would have scored a
shut out.
This makes thirteen wins and only
three detents for Aurora this season,
which is a very good record.
Next Sunday the Creenlleld "HIiiob,"
come here to try lu take the honors
away from Aurora The "Hlues" uro
tho fastest bunch of plavers mil of
Portland, having ten defeated but
twice tills season Everybody should
uini out to wit to is tnis game as no
doubt It will lie the best of the sea-
instead of 2:li p. oi as hoforo.
The score of list Sunday' game
R. II. K.
Montavllla "Cubs" 1 S f.
Aurora it it i
Itatterles flrovell and Margraves;
r. linker aniUKrmt .
Batting Average Aurora B. B. Team.
Players ' C. A. It. II. P C
j 1. (!. Haker .. .... .1 10 r. .lino
j 2. G. Miller Ifi i;x 'JS ,41;
i :l- A. U.ng II r. I '.'1 .412
; 4. O. Frost 12 !? IT, .::s."i
! ". A. Mlllpr 5 I'D xil
: . it. win is r.t :2 n in
; 7. T. llaker 3 12 I .X'!3
. V. Glesv I.ri ; ! .nu7
1 !- G. Hurst in i:t 12 .279
J !" N. Long ... 5 24 ' 6 .250
10 430 153 ,35f,
Team batting. 3.W.
A Clan Salve
desirable. Or. Hell'n Antiseiillc
Salve is a creiimv
snow while olnt-
t""iil and uuatanteerl for nil skin
diseases, such as ecjemn. sail rheum.
chaps, etc. 25r. For mile by .lones
Prng Co.
. , . . . . s
Is the great incent
ive toward sov
. inq money
We pay
on savings accounts
We pay;4 per cent
on Cet lificates of
of Deposit
' Courtesy
i3 our motto
t'j.; - ,
Aurora, Oregon
11 :- .
B Lee, Prominent Melon Grower,
of Canby. Bringt, First Cant,
loupi to Market Receives
'Cood Prlcei,
h'reih Oregon vegetables are arriv
ing Into l ho local markets lu large
lots, and (here Is it sternly demand.
Coi n, all hough slightly high In price,
Is romlng Into the market, ami b
next week the merchants claim that
the price will be lower, as I hero will
be plenty. The vegetables need mill,
bill as mai: of the farmeiH are now
cutting thofr grain rain at this
lime would prohahh be a disaster. ;
I'cai-hes urn to ho plentiful sihls
year, but li Is stated lhat the pe.tj
-i op win wk- KKori. i no piuin crop
is good, and the uppto crop will be
bumper one. (irnveiistlne mid As
triichiin apples are arriving In the
markets, bringing good prices.
California, melons are arriving al
Hie local markets mid soon the Die
gon melons will make their appear
mire. T. I Uv, of Canby. is the
first melongrower of Clackaiuas Conn
ly who has marketed cauiuloiips so
early In the season. These were sold
In his own home town. Mr. I.oo Is
one of the prominent growers of the
county, nearly all of his if, arre farm
at Canby having been planted Into
There Is a good demand for poultry,
but the markets are somen Iml over
stocked lu Portland, and Very few
chickens are being shipped i,i n,,u
place. The price has" gone from III
and IS cents to ; and K. cents for
The berry season Is about over and
the only berries lu the market now
are blackberries. The raspberry mid
loganberry crop was somewhat short
ened, owing io the long dry Hindi.
Quotations furnished ,y Oregon City
Commission Company:
iialu--Wheat, Sii'us.'.e per bushel;
oats, I.T.Vi $:'; per ton; barley. :x per
llest rh.ver. new, ftjli) per Ion.
timothy. new $l,'.)ili per tun:
griiln hay, new, Hl iuii(i K'.ilti; straw'
on i ,i no per tun.
Fruiti and Vegetable!
Apples. .")ii.(7.c per bo.
Illack Caps. II i I. L'.'i.
I'.larkUTrics, line '. 1 1 no per crate
Cherries, 1 ij Sc per lb.
Hums, i pic per lm
Dried prunes, f.iMlOs, :'Kc to 3o per
Onions. l f,ii;t I 7.", per sack.
Potatoes l)d. ;!('( 7He per sack;
Egge, Butter and Dairy Produce
Kijgs, iKlli.'ic.
Hatter Creamery, So'JGOc. per roll;
country, i''o t.'ie.
rculiry-Old hens, fat. I '! 'A T I le;
mixed, i;"nl:!c; spring broilers, i::f
I Sc.
Fryers, Hilt ISr
Dressed Meats.
Ilogs. K'S lbs. lo 17S lbs.; fancv, I le
t 12c.
Veal, fancy, 9 'it I'ic.
Hides. Wool, Mohair, Etc.
Sheep pelts.. 10c ht lb.
Hides, green, iltSc lb.; dry. 12 dine
Wool, ',rit I tie lb.; mohair,
Cascara Hark, 4c per lb.
l'ii'pl( wllh t-lil III re it Klioubl kii a i
buttle of Dr. llell'H IMne Tar-Honey 1
on ham! at all llmcx. Crimp Ik wornei
al night when it 1m hiuiic(Iiiicm hanl
to gel a physician. Look fur I he bell
on the botllc. Kor Hllle by June
Drug Co.
Notice to Creditor!.
In 'he Comity Omit of the State oi
Oicipui, loi the County of Clacka
in a -I. ;
In the mailer of the catnie of D.-xler
J. Ilowcll, lieceiiMeil:
Notice is Hereby given, that the'
iillib'iHIglied, Alice ' M. Unwell, ban1
been (Inly appointed by Ihe ('uiinly
INiurl of the Mate of Oregon, tor the
( niiiify of ClnckamaH, ailiiilnlHtratrlx
of the CMiato of Dexter .1. Howell, ile-;
ceiiHeil anil letters of adminlHl ration
have been duly IhhikmI to her by ihej
huI(I (onrt.
All pei'sotis having cIiiIhih agiiliiHt
salil esinto ure hereby notllleil ami,
reipilred to present them under oath
with pioier voiiciiith therefore at
im lied wllhln six months of tho (lain
of this notice, to the nmlerHlgneil, at I
the oljlce of the Oregon City ICnler-
prim In Oregon City, Comity of Clack-:
limns, Htate of Oregon.
Tho dale of the llrst publication of i
this mil Ice Is August 5, I9HI. j
JAJ1KS 1';. I.UA1II,
Atiorney for Administratrix.
Alice M. lowell, Administratrix of
tho'entate of Dexter .1. Howell, de
ceased. Summon!.
In tho Circuit Court of Oregon, foi
ClackamiiH County.
Kose Fry, J'liilntlff,
I'sllo A. Fry, Defendant.
To lisll(t A. Fry, above named
In the name of the Htate of Oregon,
you are hereby reipilred lo appear anil
answer the complaint filed a.jalimt
you in the above named suit, on or be
fore the loth day of Sept.. 1910, wild
date being after the expiration of si
weeks from the llrst publication of
this summons, and If you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
tn Ihe nrinrt for tb4 relief ileum ruled I
in ihfl complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing heUvecn !
the plaintiff and defendant. This;
HiimmoiiH la published by order of
Iloit (irnnt II. Dlmlck, Judge of the
County Court, which order was made
and entered on the 2Sth day of July,
1910, urn! the timo prescribed for
publication thereof Is six weeks be
ginning with the issue of Friday,
July 29th, 1910, and continuing' each
week (hereafter to and Including the
Issue of Friday, September 9th, 1910.
, . B, HjHAINKH -d
Atiorney for Plaintiff.
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