Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    OklOOON CITY ' ENTER I'JilSE, FRIDAY, .JULY 8, 1010.
tln City iih'hIk nki'iiihI Kit! ii i-il ty lifter-
""'I III I'UI'll lllolllll lit KlIllpp'H hull
III Winter mill In Hi'lilHinrr'N I'UI'll,
Wllllllllllln, III Hllllllll"r, (Ins Hlllllioorr,
iicl(l.'iil ; Uml'ilpli Holler, Hiteretiiry.
MIHS ADA IIKPWII.L. iigntil for U
l I i. " I It mi ii .liiimiiil, Hiiliiriliiy Ev
I'tilntt I'iimI, Oregon t'lly Enterprise,
nil pot liidli iils, Hperlnl nil ii mi
U'iiiiiiiu'ii Hum" c 'titti ini iilou mnl
Mi-Untii'ii, for IIiii Iwn. tf
In lln ('In nil Court of thn Hindi nf
Unbolt fin' Clin luiiiuis Cniiiily,
Ki.o'ii itiii, piuiiiuir,
vh. ,
I'', I'. Iti'lil, lli'folldulll.
Tn .1'. I', lliilil, III" hIimvii liiiuii'd (le
fi'iiiluiit :
In the liiittu nf the Hfiil" nf (Iri'Kini,
yini tti' hoiehy required to iiinnr
mnl nimwer the ciiiiiiiliiliit llli'il
llwillist you III Hi" uIhivii eullllnil
I'iiiiiI mnl riutse on or before Hutur-
dny, n h. i:nii day of August, r.n i,
mnl If mmi full no lii nppenr mnl mi
Hwi'r within llin nit jil 1 1 , In default
llii'H'i'f, pliillillff will iiiily In llii'
ri fur llin rullnf ' y ! fur In the
com pin l tit lirri'ln, tow it: Kur n tin
I'll'" forever illHHut vttiK ill" IhiiiiIm nf
iiwiirliiiuiiy imu mill heretofore exlni.
lug li.-i w ii-ii iiluliii irr mnl ib'feiiiliint
nml Klvlug iiml i n ii I in ii in pluiiiirr
llii- fn r-, 'Mgiotly mnl control nf llin
minor rlilM'it nf plaintiff iin, d-i
fi'iuliilit.. limit, .-ay Mill ie (e, f ml
Kliirt'iu o VMiiu Held, mnl (or such
oilier mnl further ri'llrf tin to the
niint limy hiein meet mill cillltillliv
Service nf tlilit n ti in ii h nml pub
HiiiMi'ii thereof In mtiilii iy order i f
lliilini iililn (it itiil II. lilmli'K, Judge nf
inn County ( nun nf 'lin Iwiiiiiin
I'niiiily, Oregon, mndo mid entered
Jiiiik :'7Ui, 1 : 1 1 1 1, mnl directing t tint
mild iiilili'iitliill I' untile In Tlm Ore
Kim City Knii'riirlnn, new ptipr nf
itiiii'iul rlniiliitlmi, pulilnlied nt llm
Kmi City, CliirluiiniiH County, Oregon,
iilul I lint mild publication lui mmlo
nine n week fur six stnreioth" weeks
pilot' io Annum Kith, I'.iin
The iliit" nf tlin tli'il piltillilitluil nf
ihlh hiiiiunoiiH U In tlin Issue nf nnlil
iii"T nf July ll. 19H).
Attorney for riiilntlff.
Guardian' Sale, f
Nntiii- in hereby given Unit I, the
tilili-r -U: n'1. liuiinlltill nf tin' person
nml llin entitle nf J-rrnlil Ashloti, II
niliinr. by virtue i f llin order nf the
I'niuity Court nf ijlifhuiiiim Cninily,
OH Kiiii. tniiiln mnl entered nf record
llm Jstli dny nf June, A. II I'.'in, will
"l ul private milt! nit mnl liftiT n
ii'rlnrl. A. M . Momliiy. August I ul.
r.il'i, to llm highest bidder fur mull
In liiiliil. tit llm nftU' nf C. II. I, t
tunny, miiilhwist corner KIkMIi mnl
M ti tit utriM'tn, (tri'Kon t'lly, lln-Kiiii. till
llm rlKlit mnl liitnfit nf llm until inl"r
In . uinl in tlm folio Iiik iI k rllji'il
uiil iirupiTlv, toli: An tlinllylili'il
I. lie (nclltlnlll llltlTl-nl III til" follow-
lui; 1i kIiiIii nt Hlilki) 2H rim. V.
nf tlm N. K. '"t'linr nf Jmnli .MrUnil
M I). I. ('. Nn. Si. Not I!"'" Kit.
Ni. I. II ml 2. Hi T. N- 15 S..
It. 4 W. r tlm Wllliini'ill" .Moflilltitt,
mnl rmiiiliiii llmnrn S 33 flw mnl I'l
Ikit : th.-ttrn W. f.'J lm. mill 111". I
Until N ;::i eh, mnl 21 llm; tlmltrn
K. 5'.' i ll", nml '.''I I'lu' i' '
lii'KlnnlliU. rntiiiiliiliiit J 99 ncrr, muri'
nr ii .' In IJiiii (""nutty, r'Kim.
An liiiilHiili'il . Miio-lmlf Itttnri-Mt In
llm f:illnlnM proprrly, lilt: ll'Kln-tilt-.tr
th" N. K rortmr nf llio 1. I
C of liavlil MrCiilly. Not. No. S97I.
iin,l Client iX ti T. IS H.. It. i W. nf
llm Wlllmunttn Mnrlillnii. Oii'K"ii;
tln ln i' V. 32 H rliH. ; llmiti-H H. 37.1IS
llm.; tlifiii'ii 32 K rh. In tlu tt. K.
nirtmr of kiiIiI clnliii; llmttrn N. 37.9
rln. to tlm plnro of IhkIiiiiIiik: rnt.
luliiliiK 12).3'J nrroft. In l.lntt Cnitnty,
All tlllillvlilml lilto-linlf llltiTI'Kl Itl
thn follow Inn propnrty to-wlt: Iln
Kliinliii; t tin' H. V. iiirtmr of I't 2
In H'C :7, T. IS 8 II . V. of Hie
Wllliiinnltii Mntlililtl, (iri'Kim: Ihi'lico
tt. !;l lli'KI'nl'H 20 lllllllltt'M K. elm.
In n Mnkn tit ii point N. 89 ilnnrnini
:n inltiuinii W, uinl 30 i-liH. (liMimtt
from tlm IJniirtor Si'o. rnriinr on K.
Ilim of nnlil Hi'i". 27; tlii'lii-o N. 24
flu. to tlm cmilnr of llm dIiimkIi "
tlm S. 1 1 1 1 nf tlm tnirt nf In ml Mt off
in Klin .Mi'ttil' iiliiill: tlu-nt'o ilown mltl
mIihikIi In tlm ('iMitcr nf tlm iiiiiln
I'huniii'l tlmri'nf to tlm Wllltinmtlo
Itlvnf; f Ikiii-o up Hiihl rlvi-r to tlm
pliu of lii'KliililiiK. rnntiilnltiK 28
Hitik, In I.ltiii Coiinty, (iri'Koit.
All lltllllvlllril Olll'lllllf IllU'ri'.Hl In
lliu follouliiK pt'opi-rly. Hllunti'il In
l'i'iiillntoii. ilttiiiilllu Coiiiity, Ori-iton.
In wit: it 'J, lilock 97. Ui'Hnrvntlnn
Aililltlnti: loin K, 9 mill HI. Iilork 107.
lt.'H.. in Imi Aililltloti; lulu 3, 4. S, t.
7. S, 9 1(1. II uinl 12. Work lfiS. linn-
1'ivii Hi nt Ailillllnii ; lolH I. 2, 3, 4 mnl
S. Iilork 2'.'.', It'-HiTVHt lull Aililltloti;
lutH 1 to In, liirlulvi, block 2H7, Hi'
nrviitliiii AiMltlnll.
Httlil itnii'rty will bo nnlil uh n
wllnlf, or In Hnpiii'iiln pnrri'lH, lis will
In Ht kl't'VI) llm llltlllVHtH of Hlllll
inllinr'H i-Hlntn.
Htiti'il IIiIh lrtt dtiy of July, A. I).
(iiiiirillnii of Afoii'Hiilil I'sliim.
In i ho Circuit of tbo Stnto of Oregon,
or the ('utility of OliiclinniiiH.
I'mil V. Kindt, pliilnllrf,
Helen M. Klnrh, tlefenilnilt.
To Helen M. Klncli, tho nbovo
nnmeil defeiiilnnt :
In tbo nmne of tho ntiilo of Orrunn,
yutl nrn hemby reitilnl to nppnur
mnl niiHwer yrt' coin plaint of pliilnlirr,
llli'il iiKtiltiHt ynti In tho nlKvvo ctitltlod
Hull, on or before tho expiration of six
weeks from nml nftor tho tints of the
lliHt iMibllcutlon of llils Btimmona, nnd
If yon full bo to nppenr nnd nimwtir,
fur want thernnf, tho plulntlff will np
ply to thn court for tho relief prnyoil
for In Hiilil cnmplulnt, towlt; For n
iliwep (IIhsoIvIiik tho bonds of mnt
rlinoiiv now PxlHtlnn between tbo snltl
plnlntifT. I'nnl V. Klncli, nml tho snld
dnfeitilaiit, Helen M. Klncli, nnd for
such other relief ns the court mny
si'i'in p(tiltnblo nnd Just,
Thin HUmnioiiR Ih flnrvi'il upon yott
by pnbllcatlnn, ptirniiunt to nn order
made nnd entered In biiIiI milt by thn
Hon. .1. U. Cumiiboll, judK" of tho
Olronlt Court of the state of OrPRon
for the. County of Clncknnms, dnlod
tho 2Sth tiny of Mny. 1910.
Attorney for I'lntntlff.
Pnto of first publication, Juno 3,
Ditto of liiHt ptilillciiilon, July lli,
Guardian's Sale.
In tho County Court of tbo Stnto of
Orcein, for Clncknmiis County.
In tbo mutter of tho ('stiito of
Olndys Ilrown, n minor.
Notice Ih hereby Klven that In pur
Rtianeo of nn tfrdor of the County
Court of Clnckunius County, OroRon,
iniiili) on tho 20tli day of Mfly, 1910,
In llm iiiiiIIit of tlm nliovit I'tillilnil
imliiln, llm iiiiiIkihIkiii'iI, 1'iiiiiilir Hurl'
li-t I , Kiiiinlliill of tlin pnl'Hiill mnl i'
Inin nf (llinl)K llinwli, a niliinr, will
nnll ul. pilvitlii Halo, for nnlil, on mnl
iifli'l' llm limit tiny of .Inly, I II 1 0 ul
In tiYlnch A. M, ul ihv nlllni nf
CmiiH & lluiiininliil, (lii'Kon City, On)
mill, llm follow lug iliHi'illii'tl I'niil
intn, Io-wit ;
All 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 . 1 1 oiinliuir Ilili'ii'Hl III
llm follouliiK iIi'hii llmil 'prnpi'rly:
CuiiiiimiirliiK ul u point III llm North
liiniiiiluiy nf llm ll. I,, (', of Hubert
.Minn In 'I'nwiiHlilp Ii Hinil ll of ItuiiK"
I, Kinil of III" . Wlllliiiii'lln .Mnrlillnii,
11 I'liultiH mnl S lltlllN Wi'Ht nf till)
NnrUii'inil ' rortmr tlmmof; tlmtico
Nuitli hit ili'u, ,'lu inlii, Went on th"
North liniiiiiliiiy Hun nf Hiibl Clnlin, H
chnliiH mill HI IIiiI.h; tlii'imn Koutli III
ili'K. 9 Inln, ICuil II t'lniliiH mnl 49
IIiiIik to tlm uiil" of tlm Cotinly roinl
li'inlliiK to Hllvi'lloli; lliilHO Nnt'tli
In ib'K. Su tnlii. I'mi S cliiilim mnl M
lliilu to Hin pliiiit of In k I ii ii I iik. nml
rolillilnlliK 1,7a tinrnn, mot" or If "M.
nil hIIiiuii' In cimluimmi County,
Hiiiitilliin nf llm I'i'ihiiii nml Ktlnln
nf (iliulvn llinvKi, ll inlnnl',
fmli'il .lull" ::uili, III I i,
CltnrtH Air HAMMOND, Atlonn-yn
fur tiuiinlluii. -
In llm ('limit Court of tlm Htttto (if
Ori'Koti for CliirKumiiH County.
Ili'tt Mi'Clii'mimy llonpnr, I'lulntlfT,
Hokii Vlolu Hooper, IWi'titlnnt.
'In It'iHa Vlolu Ilooiiir, tliu nbovo
It il 1 1 1 1 ' it llnfi'llilllllt.
Ill tlm liiitim nf tlin Ktntu of Or'Km
you urn bnrnliy i'i'iiili! to (tppnnr mnl
iiiiMwi'r llm ruuipliilnt of tlin plultt-
HIT lllml In Hi" Hliovit i iilllli'd milt on
or lu foi i' tlm 1 1 1 It tiny of July, i9in,
I hut Iii-Iiik tlm liit tint" pi i'Hcrllmil
In llm iinlnr of iii lil ln t it nt of tliln
HuiiiiiiniiH iipnii you mnl If you full to
no tippnur nml iniHwt'r mi I it roinpltilut
fur wiint HmriMif plultitlfr will npply
to tlm court for tltn r'lb'f prnyoil for
In tlm r- i in j J ii 1 1 t . tnwll: Knr n !)
cren illtimilvliiii tlin bninlH of tnstrl
moiiy "Xlnilni; but with plulntlff nml
i""iulmit nml for mn-li otlmr rollnf tii
Hi" itiint tuny ilfnin i'iultnlili'. Till"
hiiiii!jiiiih In pulillnlii'il by tltn onlnr nf
tlm llotioruliln (iriint 11. Dltulrk,
JiiiIko nf tltn ('utility Court nnd which
nnliT wtiH mini" nml niitcrt'il on tliln
Jinl iluy nf Jnim, 11I9U.
Tlm IlrHt pitlillciitliin of tliU mint
tnniiK in Jnim ,1ril, 1910, nml tint bmt
piililli iitloil tlmrnof In July 1.1th. 1910.
Allot ncy for Htitntlff.
III tlm Circuit Court nf III" Sllito of
OrrKott, for Clnckmnitii Cotinly.
C. llun. I'lnlnllffff.
Mm y Hun, Di'fi'iiilmit.
To .Mnry Hun, 1mv nnntoil Pi4
fiinlnnt In tlin litinit) if thf Htnto of Itn1
itnn you ttrf Imri'liy rt'iulrl to ppi"ir
mnl ntinwur tb conipliilnt flb'il
UKiiliiHt you In tlii itliovn cntltlml .nilt
nil or before the 9th luy of July. 1910,
nnlil ilnt" helm; Hi" expiration of Hlx
hi"Ih frotti tlm (lute of (ho llri" pub
lliMimn of tliln BiminuiiM, nr.fl tf yen
full to iippeiir mnl nnnwr 'nl'l coin.
! Inltit, for wu.it then of the. plaintiff
i 111 nt'i'ly to the coin", for tli' relief
i1 iiiiimli'il In the -iini.liilut, towlt'
Knr n ilerteti dlHHtilvlii tint botnlii nf
i.iutrlttiony now oxlHtlttf between tlio
piiiintlff mnl ih fi'liilnnt
Thin Hiiinmi'ini In pitiil Kin 4 bv ( r
i'er of I Imi. J. U. Citptpbi'll, Jink'y
of the nbove nmiieil cottrt, which or
tier wnn mini" mnl entereit on the
2i'.th iluy of Mny, 1910. mil the time
priHi-rllii'il for publlcnllun Is nix
Weekn, beKlllllltlK with tltn Isxtn) of
I'rlilny. Muy 27lh. 1910, uinl coiitlnu
IliK elicit week tliereuflt'r to IICI'I 111
rluillns Krldny. July S, 1910.
Attorney for riivliltlff.
in -the Circuit Court of the Stnto
of Ori'Kn. for the County of Clnck.i
limn. Ooru Woodurd. I'luliitlff,
I.Hwtftice It. Wonilnrd. Defendnnt.
To Ijiwrence H. Woodurd, 'he
sIhivo mimed defendnnt:
III the ntinie of the Stnto of OreKo!',
yntl lire hereby repttlred to appear
nml mm wer the cviniplnlnt of pluln
tlff, tiled attains! oil III the nbovo en
titled milt, on or before the oxpKi
Hon of six weeks from and nfter the
dnto of the IlrHt publication of this
summons, nnd If you fall so to npp.w
mid answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will pply to tbo court for.
the relief pruyeii lor in sain com
plnlnt, towlt; Knr n decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between the snld plnlrtifT
Horn Wouilatd mid the suld defen
dant Uiwrence II. Wooilnrd, nnd
nwmdliiK to said plaintiff tho custni'.v
nf the children of said niurrlune, nnd
for such other nnd further relief as
to the court nitiy seem ciiullnhlo and
Just. , i.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication, pursuant to nn ord;'i'
tiiude and entered In said suit by the
linn. J. ir. Campbell. JiiiIko of the
Circuit Court of tho Stato of OroRon,
for the County of Clackamas, dated
the 2llth day of May, 1910.
A. S. imHSSHR.
Attorney for I'lnlntlff.
Pale of flrat publication, May 27,
Date of last publlentlon, July 8,
In tho Circuit Court of the. Stnto of
Oregon, In nnd for Clacknmns
HUH Shaw Melody, Plaintiff,
Joseph Melody, Pefondnnt.
To Joseph M'lody, Defendant:
In tho nnmo of the Stnto of Oregon,
yott nro hereby required 1o nppenr nnd
niiHwer tho cotnplnlnt filed nunlnst
you In tho above entitled suit, on or
before tho 9th day of July, 1910, nnd
If you full to move, demur or nnswor,
plaintiff will take a decreo nRnlnst
)otl, forever dissolving tho bonds of
mnti'lmony heretoforo nnd now exist
Iiir between plaintiff nnd yourself,
nnd grunting snld plaintiff complete
nml absolute custody nnd control of
the minor children, Porollty M. nnd
Frances M. Melody; nnd for such
other nnd further relief In tbo prem
ises ns the court may doom Just nnd
Servlco nf this summons Is made
upon you by publication, In pursuance
of an ordor of tho Honorable Ornnt
11. Dlmlck, County JuiIro of Clnck
nnms County, OreRon, mndo on tho
21th day of May, 1910, directing such
publication In the Oregon City Enter
prise once a week, for six consecutive
weeks, the first publlentlon being Mny
27th, 1910, nnd the last July 8th. 1910.
noscora p. hurst,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
' Summons.
In llin Circuit Court of thn stnto of
Oregon, fur CliiclinmiiH County.
Myrtle HmlHi, pliilulirf,
Mulvln Hmll Ii, defembint.
To Mulvln Hitillli, ip rendant :
In thn ii ii it io of Hi" ntiiUt of Oregon
you ul" Imri'liy required to nppetir mid
iinswer Hut cniiipluliit llli'il ligulnstyou
In the uliiiv" eiiiltli'il suit on or bo
nne thn 1Mb day of July, 1910, tluit
lining tint Imtl day prescribed In tlm
order of publlcutlon nf this summons,
mnl If you full to tippenr mid uiikwit
nnlil complaint the plaintiff will ap
ply to tbo court for relief therein
pniyed, towlt; A d"crm dissolving
tlm marring" contruct now existing
bet ween you mnl thn plulntlff. Thin
HiiiiimoiiH Is published In tlm Oregon
City ICntnrprlse, newspaper, for six
cntmeeutlvo weeks by order of linn
.1, lT. Campbell, Judg" of said court,
mini" on I lin ?mh dtiy nf Muy. 1910,
tint llrxt piililli'iiiluii being on tho 3rd
iluy of June, 1910.
Attorney for I'luliitlff.,
In tbo Circuit Court nf lb Stnto of
Oregon In nml for Clnckamun
Jam' i:, Ilmndbeut, I'lnlntlff,
Harry MrMechitn Ilradbettt, Defi-nd-iiut,
To Marry McMcehnn Ilroudbent, do
fetuliint llliovn named:
In Ihe rutin" of the Stnto of Oregon:
Vmi nro hereby tiolllleil tbitl the
plulntlff has filed n complaint .igitltiht
you In Hi" nbovo etilltl'd court nml
cause, and yo'i are Imrebv required
to tippear mnl nuswer thn complaint
or Uln some linpeiiriince therein on
or before the Inst day tin's,; Ibed Itl
the order of piilillesllnn thereof, to
wlt: the ir.lll iluy of July A. I). 1910,
Uinl If you full so to uppeur nnd an
swer the complaint or III" some nn
peartinee therein, Ihe plnlnlllT will
ciiuki" your default to bo entered nnd
nntcil and will Mpply to the court for
the relief prayed for In bis complaint
herein, to wlt; A decree forever dls
snlvliiR tlm blinds of muti'luiony ex
Wing between ymi nnd the plaintiff
Mid for tlm rcHiitnptliiti of pluiiitlT"
fialdeii nmne nnd for such otm i and
fin hT relief n to th" c-iuti mny
seem meet.
Tin' dute of the first puliMratlon of
tliln summons Is Krldny, tho 3rd Uy
of June, A. D. 1910, and this summons
In to lie published on every Krldny of
fttch wieli for u period of six weeks
li.. .w en nnlil dntes.
Tills siimuinns Is pulillubcd by or
der of Hon. (iriint II. Dlmlck. County
Judge of Clufkumiin County, made 111
chambers tills 2nd day of June, A.
I). 1910.
Attorneys for I'laintllf.
In the Circuit Court of Oregon, for
CluckuiiiuH Ciniiity.
Ida Muy I.lhler, I'luliitlff.
Joseph Ulster, Defendant.
To Joseph Lister .nbovo named
In tho nnmo of tho stute of Oregon,
you nro hereby required to appear and
nuswer tbo compiulnt filed against
you in the nbuve numed suit, on or be
fore tb Kith day or July 1910, said dute
being after the expiration of six
weeks from tbo first publication of
this summons, and If you full to ap
pear and answer snld complaint, for
want t hereof, the plaintiff will apply to
tho court for tho relief demanded In
the complaint, towlt:
Kor a decreo dissolving; tho bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the tplnlntllt mid defendunt. This
Munitions Is published by order of
Hon. (iriint 11. Dlmlck, Judge of the
County Court, which order was made
and entered on the 1st day of June,
1910, and the time prescribed for
publication thereof Is six weeks be
ginning with the Issue of Krldny,
June 3rd, 1910, nnd continuing ench
week thereafter tu and Including the
Issue of Krldny. July 13th. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In ihe Circuit Court of the Stnto of
Oregon, for Clnckanius County, ,
Oslil K. Shepperd, plaintiff,
William Juntos Shepperd. defendant.
To Wllllnm James Shcoperd. defend
ant :
In the name of the Stnto of Oregon,
you at e hereby required U appear and
answer the complaint lll"d attaint you
in the above entitled suit nnd court.
on or before the 23rd dtit of July, 1910.
such time being more than six weeks
sulisentietit to the date of tho first
ptibllciitlou of this summons, and If
vou fall to nppenr and nuswer snld
complaint, tho plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for the relief prnyed for In
the compiulnt tiled heroin, to-wlt:
Kor tho dissolution of tbo bonds at
matrimony now existing between you
nnd the plulntlff herein, for tho cure
nnd custi.dy of the child of plaintiff
and il.'fenilnnt, Itiiymoiid Frederick
Shepperd. for costs, disbursements
nnd attorney's fees In this suit nnd
for such other nnd further relief ns to
the Court shall seem Just nnd proper.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. James V. Campbell, Judge of
tho nbovo named Court, mndo nnd
entered on tho 2nd du-r of Juno, 1910.
UI)A M. O'ltllYON.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
102 Cnmmerclnl 111k.,
' Portland, Oregon.
Pnto of first publlentlon, Krldny,
June 10th, 1910.
Pate of last publication, Krldny, July
23rd, 1910.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clnck
nnms: Elbert J. Jnmcson, Plaintiff,
I Iat tie M. Jameson, Defendnnt.
To llnttlo M. Jameson, nbovo named
In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complnlnt filed against
you In tho nlxive entitled suit on or
before the 1st dny of August, 1910,
that being six weeks nfter the dnte of
the first publlentlon of this summons,
nnd If you full to nppenr nnd nnswor
snld complaint the plulntlff will npply
to the Court for the relief therein
prnyed for, to-wlt:
Judgment ngnlUHt you that the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween this plaintiff nnd defendant
nlxive named be dissolved and for
such other nnd further relief as to
the Court mny seem equitable and
This summons Is published for six
consecutive weeks by ordor of Hon.
J, U. Campbell, Judge of said Court,
mado and entered on the 13th dny of
Juno, 1910. The first publication the
17th dny of June, 1910. Last publica
tion the 29th dny of July. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho Hltiie of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
()i:lu (iorhiiui, PlnlnlllT.
Joseph J, (lorlitim, iJef'inluiit;
To Joseph J, (Itiilium, above named
ilefi'iiduut; '
In tlm immii nt the Hlnlii nf Oreitnn.
, -.. iu.ri.tv riirinlri'il to ftiiiieur ami
miiiwtir tho complnlnt "'"d ngiilnst
you In lb" nbovo iiuitnit suit, on or
before thu'l.'ith day of August, 1910,
suld dute being after tlm expiration
of six weeks from the first publica
tion' of this summons, nnd If you fall
to nppenr and answer wild compiulnt,
for want thereof Hi" plaintiff will ap
ply to tho court for tlm relief demand-
,..i l ili., .iiniitiiliit. to-wlt' Kor a ite-
creo dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing in-iwei-n tlm
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hun.
J. A. Kali in. Judge of '"" almvn court,
uM,.h finli.r whh inln!" nml entered
on the 2Mb dny of June, 1910, and the
lime prescribed for puiiilcnilon tliere
of In six weeks, beginning with th"
Issue of Friday. July 1st, 1910, and
continuing ench w'sdt tlierenfter to
and luilinllng tho Issue nf Krldny,
August 12th, 1910.
k. J. mi;nii:.miai.l.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Account In the Matter
of the Estate of John Leuder,
DeteMec'. ,
Notice Is hereby Rlvi-n that U. W.
Ashford has filed his final aii-ount as
administrator of the above entitled
estate, and that the llotinrnble Coun
ty Court of Clacknmns County, Ore
Kon, will hear objections thereto on
Monday, the 1st dny of AugiiHt, 1910.
at ihe court room of the County
Courthouse of ('iHikatntis County,
Administrator. .
First publication July 1, 1910.
Uist publlcutlon July 29, 1910.
In tho Circuit Court of th Stato of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
W. J. Peck, Plulntlff. i
Mflry J. peck, Defendant.
To Mary J. Peck, 'he above named
In tho name of the Stnto of Oregon,,
you are hereby required Io appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit In the
above entitled court on or before six
weeks nfter the first publlentlon of
thin summons, to-wlt, on or before
the :9i h day of July. 1910, and If you
fall to appear or answer within said
time, the plulnlltT will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In the
complaint, to-wlt: Kor a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony be
tween you and tho plaintiff and for
such other relief as to the court may
seem equitable. This summons is
published pursuant to the order made
and entered by the Honorable Grant
II. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court.
In the absence of Judge J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the above entitled court,
on the 1.1th dny of June. 1910.
The dute of the first publication of
this summons Is Jnim 17, 1910, nnd
the dute of the Inst publication Is July
29. 1910.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Elizabeth Ijitchaw, plaintiff,
Pnul I- ljitchnw, Defendant.
To Pnul U Latchaw, above named
.In the name of the state of Oregon:
You nro hereby required to nppenr and
nuswer the tcomplulnt filed against
you In the above entitled court and
cause, on or before the 29th dny of
July, 1910. and If you fall to so ap
pear and answer, tho plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for tho relief prayed
for In her complnlnt, to-wlt, for a de
cree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the above
plulntlff nnd defendant.
This summons Is published in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
tlrunt Dlmlck, Judge of the County
Court of Cluckanias County, State of
Oregon, mude and entered on the
13th dny of June, 1910. specifying that
the Bunie be published for not less
than "six oonserutvle weeks In the
Oregon City Enterprise, beginning
with Issue of June 17, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
umas. Marie K. Burto. HalntitT,
Win. J. llurte, Defendant.
To Win. J. llurte, above named
In tho niinie of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to api?ar
and answer tbo complnlnt filed against
you In the nbovo entitled suit, on or
before tho aoth day of July. 1910,
that being six weeks after the date
of tho first publication of the sum
mons, and If you fall to appear and
answer snld complaint, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
prnyed for, to-wlt: A decreo of di
vorce, dissolving tho bonds of matri
mony now existing . between this
plaintiff and defendant abovo named,
nnd for Btich other and further relief
as to the court may soom equitable
nnd Just. This summons is published
for six consecutive weeks by order of
Honorable J. I". Campbell, Judge of
snld court, made on the loth day of
June, 1910. Tho first publication is
the 17th dny of June, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Alphla II. Powers, Plaintiff,
Clarence E. rowers, Defendant.
To Clarence E. Powers, nbov? named
. In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above named suit, on or
before the 30th day of July, 1910, suld
dato being after the expiration of six
weeks from the first publlentlon of
this summons, and If yon fall to ap
pear and answer snld complaint, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
In the complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plnlntifT and defendant. Thin
summons is published by order of
Hon. Grant B. plmlck, Judge of the
County Court, which ordor was made
nnd entered on the 14th dny of June,
1910, nnd" the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof is six weeks, beglu-
nlng wlih thn Istim of Friday, June
17th, 1910, nnd continuing chcIi week
thereafter to and Including tho Issue
of Friday, July 29th, 1910.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by tho
Hon. County Court of Cluckunins Coun
ty, Oregon, Executor of the estate of
Knrl Htiiodcman, deceased. All persons
having claims against the said estate
nro hereby notified nnd required to
present the same to me for payment,
duly verified with proper vouchers, nt
my residence nt Heaver Creek, my adj
dress being Oregon City, Oregon,
Route 2, Ho 99, within six months
from tho dute hereof.
Executor of tho Estate of Karl Htucdo
man, deceaxed.
Dated June 7th, 1910.
Attorney for Estate.
Sheriff's Sale on Execution.
In the Circuit Court of tbo State of
Oregon, for tho County of Multnomah.
C. II. Wbodworth, plaintiff,
Ryland O. Scott, defendant.
SiulD of Oregon, )
County of Clack'amas. J
Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de
creo and an execution, duly issued
nut of and under the seal of the above
entitled Court, In tno above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 10th day of May, 1910, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In
snld Court on the Pith day of October,
1907, In favor of C. Ii. Wooifcvorth,
I'lulntlfT, nnd agulnst Ryland O. Scott,
Defendant, for the sum of One Hun
dred and Eighty-four and 80 one hun
dred'hs Dollars IITSt.SO), with inter
est thereon ut the rate of eight per
cent, per annum from the 10th day of
October, 1907, ami the further Bum of
Twelve Dollars ($12.00), costs and
disbursements, and the costs of end
upon this Writ, commanding me, out
nf the personal property of said de
fendant, and If sufficient could not be
found, then out of the real property,
belonging to said defendant on or
afu-r the 10th day of October, 1907, to
suiisfy the said sum of $181.80, now
due on said Judgment, with Interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum from the 10th day of Octo
ber, 1907. and the further sum of
$12.no, also now due on said Judg
ment, with Interest thereon at the
rate of six per cent, per annum, from
the loth day of October. 1907, and al
so the costs of and upon this Writ.
Now therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, Judgment order and decree,
and Ih compliance with the commands
of said Writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's,
I did on the 10th day of May, 1910.
duly levy upon the following describ
ed real property of said defendant;
situated and being in the County of
Clacknmns, and State of Oregon, to
wlt: Beginning at a point 37C.8C feet
North and 299 feet East of
nn Iron bar set at a quarter sec
tion corner between Sections 9 and
M, township 2 south, range 2 east.
Willamette Meridian; thence East
1992.4 feet to an Iron pipe on the East
line of the Samuel L. Campbell D. L.
C: thence. South 0 degrees 3C4
minnteg East, tracing the East line
of the said Campbell claim, 223.9 feet
to an Iron pipe; thence East 223 feet
to a point; thence North J161 feet to
a point on the North line of the Pres
ley Welch D. U C.; luence iorm bs
degrees. minutes West tracing
the North line of said Welch D. L. C.
235.3 feet to an Iron pipe at the North
west corner of said Presley Welch D.
L. C. the same being the East line of
the Samuel Campbell D. L. C; thence
South 0 degrees, 36 minutes East,
tracing the East line of said Camp
bell D. L- C. 325 fee. to an Iron pipe:
thence West 19S5.9 feet to a point;
thence South 613.11 feet to place of
beginning, containing 34.18 acres, in
Section 10, township 2 South, range 2
East. W. M.
Also beginning at the Northwest
comer of the P. Welch D. L. C, run
ning" thence East 15.62 chains;
thence South 10.37 chains; thence
East 3.50 chains: thence South 1.87
chains; thence West 3.50 chains;
thence South 13.37 chains; thence
North 25.62 chains to the place of
beginning, containing 40 acres.
Also- beginning at an Iron bar set af
the quarter section corner between
Sections 9 and 10, township 2 South,
range 2 East, W. M.: thence North 88
degrees. 52 minutes West, tracing the
one-half mile line through the center
of Section 9, township it South, range
2 East, 1336.5 feet to an iron pipe;
thence North 964.34 feet to an iron
pipe; theuce East 1635.2 feet to a
point; theuce West 299 feet to an Iron
pipe: thence South 376.86 feet to place
of beginning.
And I will, on Saturday, the 9th day
of July, 1910, at the hour of 10:30
o'clock A. M., at the front door of the
countv courhouse in the city of Ore
gon City, in snld County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for
P. S. Gold Coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and Interest, which the
within named defendant had on the
said 10th day of October, 1907, or
since bad In or to the above described
real property, or any part thereof, to
satisfy said Execution, Judgment or
der, decree, interest, costs, and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, this
6th day of dune, 1910.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of ciacn
amns: Haiiniih Mace, Plaintiff,
Al J. S. Mnco, Defendant.
To Al J. S. Mace, the above named
tu thn mmt nf the State of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 29th day of July, 1910, that
linlm air weeks nfter the date of the
first publication of this Bummons;
and If you fall to appear ana answer
said complaint, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for, to-wlt:
A decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between said
nlnlntttr nnil defendant nbove named
and the privilege of resuming her
maiden name and lor sucn omer ana
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and Just. This sum
mons Is published for six consecutive
weeks by order 'of the Honorable
Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County
Court, Clnckamas County, Oregon,
made tne 13tn day or June, a. d. l9io.
Date of first publication June 17th,
Harvey E. Cron. William Hammond
Removed to Rooms 12 and 13 Masonic Building.
Real Estate Abstracts Main 8trt,
Loam, Insurance, Oregon City, Or.
1910; date of last publication, July
29th. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas: Jorgen Eredrlck Jacobsen, Plaintiff,
Elna Marie Jacobsen, Defendant.
To Elna Marie Jucobson, the above
named defendant;
In the name of the 8'ate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you on or before the 20th day of July.
1910, and if you fall t appear and
answer, the plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for the relief prayed for in
bis complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between your
t;elf and the plaintiff, and for such
other relief as to the Court may seem
Just In the premises.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. J. C. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, made and en
tered on the 15th day of June, 1910.
First publication, June, 17th, 1910.
Last publication July 30th, 1913.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
1 Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of;
Oregon, for the County of Clarka-!
mas. j
Franklin McGregor, Plaintiff,
Edith McGregor, Defendant.
To Edith McGregor, above named
defendant: .
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 12th day of August.
1910. said date being after the expir
ation of six weeks from the first pub
lication of this summons; and If you
fail to appear and answer Bald com
plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will spnly to the Court for the relief
demanded In the complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant above
named and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem meet
and Just.
This summons is published for six
successive weeks by order of the
Honorable J. A. Eakln. Judge of the
Circuit Court. Clackamas County. Ore
eon, made the 30th dav of June. A.
D. 1910. Dnte of first publication,
July 1st. 1910. Date of last publica
tion. August 12th. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
W. H. Reddicltffe, plaintiff,
Eva May Reddicllffe, defendant.
To Eva May Reddicllffe, above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint Sled against
you in the above named suit,-on 'or
before the 23rd day of July, 1910, said
data being after the expiration of six
weefcs from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between i
the plaintiff and defendaut. This
summons is published by order of
Hon. Grant B. Dimick, Judge of the
County Court, which order was made
and entered on the 6th day of June,
1910, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof is six weeks, begin
ning with the issue of Friday, June
10th, 1910. and continuing each week
thereafter to and including the issue
of Friday, July 22nd, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Dollie pittman,' plaintiff,
Wm. H. Pittman, defendant.
To William H. Pittman, above
named defendant:
In the mime of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
vou In the above entitled suit, on or
before the 23rd day of July, 1910. that
being six weeks after the date of the
first publication of the summons, and
if you fall to appear and answer said
complaint, the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for, to
wlt: A decree of divorce dissolving
the' bonds of matrimony now existing
between this plaintiff and defendant
nbove named, and for such other and
further relief as to the court may
seem equitable and just. This sum
wons is published for six consecutive
weeks by order of Honorable J. C.
Camnbell, Judge of said court, made
on the Gth day ot June, 1910. The
first publication is the loth day or
June, 1910.
Attorney for Plalnt'ff.
associated with
George C. Brownell.
All Legal Business Promptly At
tended to.
Real Estate, Loan's and Insur
ance. Special Attention Given
to Probate Matters.
E. W. Bartlett, Atty. at Law
Practices In all the Courts.
O. 0. E B Y
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estate
settled, general lew business.
Over Bunlc of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlement.
Office In Enterprise Building.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Probate and Realty Law Prao- I
tice Specialties.
Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple
Commercial, Real Estate and '
Probate our Specialties. Of- I
flee In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City,' Oregon. J
W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V.
Gradutte of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ot ioronto, Canada,
and the McKUlip School of
Surgery of Chicago-, has located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
eleventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones
Fanner' 13a Man Ijll
Clackamas' County
Headquarters ,
510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment ot maps, plat,
abstract books and tax roil.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys & Countellors at Law
Wind Mill, "''mps and Hydrau
lic Ranis jeclalty.
Phone 2682.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Ttt at ll at ItlTlll KOim
j .'.i.iiiia1 ''''''' "'"lI-T'r-1t"T
9 mL ft!r-rHa'' w
J jj Grandfather knows good
1 whiskey and since he was B
B a boy Harper ha been hi B