G OKKUOX CITY KNTElUMMiSH, KUlhAY, JULY S, 1!U0. HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Glvet Timely Warning That No Oregon City Citizen Can Afford to Ignore. DANCER SIC.NAI, NO. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when tli kidneys are sick. Well kidneys excrete A clear, nnibor (In til. Sick kidneys send out ft tliln. pnle and foamy, or a thick, red, 111 nmolling mine, full of sediment ami Irrf-nnlur of passage. DANCER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from the back. Hack pains, dull and : heavy, or sharp ami acute, toll yoi of Hick kidneys, atul wai n ou of the ap- J proach of dropsy, diabetes and j Hrlght's disease, Doan's Kidney Tills J cure sick kidneys and cure them per- manemly. Here's Oregon City proof: Frank 11. Hush, Jr., Main street, Oregon City, Or., says: "l suffered from an acute attack of kidney and bladder trouble and received no re lief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. This preparation did Its work so thor oughly that since taking the contents! of two boxes, I have had no recur-1 ronce of my former complaint. I Whenever an opportunity I give Doan's Kidney Pills my endorsement." ! For sale by all dealers. Price 50' cents. Fnster-Xlilhurn Co.. Iluffalo. ! Now York, sole agents for the United i States. Remember the name Doan's ami take no other. 6-17 :4 ' CHAUTAUQUA OPENS NEXT TUESDAY (Continued from page. 1.) 11:00 I GOOD ROADS CAMPAIGN. ! In Highway Commission Reappointed Ventura. Cal. ' The supervisors In preparation for j proHsel ImihI Issues In Ventura, Cal.. have reappointed as county oommls- j Blotters Messrs. Clark. Edinmidon and I Fleisher. This commission was ap- j pointed two years a so and went thor- j otighly Into the question of good roads throughout the county, furnishing ( specifications and an estimate. Hut the financial depression came on. work was droped and the coimuis- sion discharged. Since then agitation j has been startisl for a renewal, and a proposition has Ihhmi set on foot to I bond the county for J1.UK1.000 for good i roads and a mini Iter of bridge. The j commission Is emimwered to again re- i tnln Surveyor Wand at a salary of not to exceed JIOO per month. i The matter of n choice of a court- j bouse site in Ventura has been select- 1 ed by the supervisor. Citizens have j raised a purse of $2o.iX with which to buy a site, the location Ivlng left j to the supervisors. , Two sites have a I- I readv lieen offered. ' Pacific Coast League: BASEBALL j RECREATION PARK, ! Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. i OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND JULY 12, 13. 14. 15. 16 and 17. Games Begin Week Days 3.30 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c, Grand stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children, Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 25c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. Summons. In the Circuit Court of :he State of Oregon within and for tne County of Clackamas. Chas. W. Delisle, plaintiff. vs. Alphonsine M. Delisle, defendant. To Alphopsine XL Delisle, the above named defendant: , IN THE NAME OF THE STATS OF OREGON, you are hereby le-j quired to appear and an;vr the eom-i plaint filed in the above entitled cause, of suit on or before Thursday, the 1st; day of September, lttlii; and if you; fail to appear ami answer, for want' thereof, the Plaintiff will apply toj the above Court fur the relief prayed j for in his complaint, to-vlt. ' For a decree annulling the bonds! of matrimony now exisrin.? between. the Plaintiff and the Defendant. This summons is served upon you; pursuant to an order duly made andi entered In said suit on the 7th layi of July, nun, by the Hon. Grant IJ Dimiek, Judge of the County Court. which said order requires you to sie pear and answer the said complaint on the 1st day of September. 1910. i HENRY E McG INN, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. ! STATE OF OREGON.' Date of the first publication. 8th day! s-'. of July, 1910. I County of Clackamas : Date of last publication, 10th dav1 P.y virtue of an execution of August, Hilfl. su' d out of and Fifth Dav, Saturday, July 16. MORNING. 811 Classes. 11:00 lecture, "Tho Ideal Education," Dr. Ion ard W. Riley, President of McMlnnvllle . College. Reading, Miss Christine Anderson, of the Gillespie School of Expression. Lecture, "When Knighthood Should He In Flower" Prof. L. tt. Alderman, of the Vnlversitv of Oregon. AFTERNOON. 1: 15 Chemawa Indian School Hand. 1:45 Conferring of Chatauquu Diplomas by President J. II. Aekornian. 2:00 Solo Irving M. Glen. Lociur, "How to Make Things Go," Dr. Madison C. Peters, of New York. 3: SO Haselmll. Clackamas vs. Eagle Crook. 4:00 College Reunions, Ohorlln Hon. II. M. Cake, President. Monmouth. Miss Fannie O. Porter. I'nlverslty of Oregon, Francis Galloway. 7:15 Cheniawa Indian School Hand. Rending. Mrs. Anna White Stlllman. of tho Gillespie School of Expression. 8:00 Ross Crane, Cartoonist, Mud-Moldcr and Fun-maker, of Chicago. Slxtti Day, Sunday. July 17. W. C. T .U. DAY. MORNING. 10:00 Sunday School. 2:00 "Our Country, Our Homes and Our Duty." Col. George W. Hitln. of Kentucky. In troduced by Ada Wallace Unruh. 4:00 Band Concert. Chemawa Indian School v Hand. Columbia Park Hand of San Francisco. Cal. . S:00 Music. Ross Crane, one of the most Impressive Lecturers. Cartoonists and Entertainers on the American platform. Seventh Day. Monday, July 18. MORNING. S-U Classes. 11:00 Piano Solo. "The Robin's Return," Mrs. Merlin Thompson. Reading, Miss Signs Lack, of the Gillespie School of Expression. Lecture. "Oregon Literature." Prof. J. B. Horner, Oregon Agricultural College. AFTERNOON. . :i5 Chemawa Indian JSchool Band. 2:00 Solo Irving XL Glen. Lecture, "The Searchlight of the Twen tieth Century" Col. George W. Bain, of Kentucky. 3:30 Baseball. Gladstone vs. Chemawa. 7:15 Chemawa Indian School Band. 8:00 Concert, tho Pastnore Sisters, three Amer ican Artists who captivated the music ians of Berlin. Germany. (Piano used from Filers Music House.) Eighth Day, Tuesday, July 19. MORNING. S-ll Classes. 11:00 "Echoes From Dixie Land." Mrs. Sylvia McGulre. Portland. "Dixie Songs," Miss Goldie Peterson, Pa cific University,- accompanied by Mrs. E. E. Williams. AFTERNOON. 1:15 The Pasmore Sisters, of San Francisco. 2:00 Lecture, "A Neglected Cavalier," Dr. D. F. Fox. of Pasadena. 3:20 Baseball. Honeynian Hardware Company vs. Eagle Creek. 7:15 Cheniawa Indian School Band. 7: 4i "Spring Flowers" (C. Reinecke), Miss Goldie Peterson. Music The Pasmores. S:00 Athletic Entertainment XI. C. A. Prof. A. XL Director. Ninth Day, Wednesday, July 20. CLUB DAY. XIORNING. 8-10 Classes. 11.00 Vocal Solo XIrs. E. S. Xliller, Portland. "The Cincinnati Biennial," Sarah A. Ev. ans. President State Federation tf Women's Clubs. "Public Health," Xirs. Sadie 0. Dunbar, Portland. "Educational Work of Oregon Federa tion," XIrs. Clara Graves French. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Chemawa Indian School Band. 2:00 Elocutionary and 'Caricature Entertain ment. Elies Day and Oranne Trultt-Day. 3:30 Baseball. Clackamas vs. Chemawa. 7:15 Chemawa Indian School Band. g;00 Concert, the Pasmores, of San Francisco. Tenth Day, Thursday, July 21. FARMERS' DAY. XIORNING. S-ll Classes. 3-12 Discussions on Livestock, Horticulture, Dairying and Agriculture. By many of the leading men of Oregon. i State Congress of Mothers. Rabbi Jonah 11, Wso, Temple lllth Israel, lVi'tlnnd. AFTERNOON. 1 : 13 Chemawa Indian School band. 2:00 Solo-li ving M. Well. Reading. Miss Sophia Geary Shlves, of the Gillespie School of lCxpn s-lon. Lecture, "Grapes of Gold," Dr. 11. V. Adams, of lvs Moines. S:;,!)--Baseball. Eagle Creek s. Gladstone, 7: 15 Chemaw a Indian School Hand. S: 00 Lecture, Gov, Joseph V, Folk, of Missouri. Eleventh Day, Friday, July 22. MORNING. S-ll Classes. 11:00 "Now Light on Tuberculosis," Robert Prlngle, Boston "A New Force Radium,'' Prof. Green, Washington High School. Reading. "Au Old Force tho Mustard Plaster." Xllss Charlotte Itantlold. "Requisites of a Trip to Europe," William O. Walk. Boston. Mrs. James W. V. vH' J.' i A- COL. GEO. W. BAIN, tu re July 17 and 18, Park. who will lec at G'Jrtitone by Portland T. Grllley, Physical AFTERNOON. 1:15 Chemawa Indian School lta;ul. 2:00 Lecture. "The House of Changing Dimen sions." Dr. H. V. Adiiins. 3:30 Baseball. Honeynian Hardware Company vs. Clackamas. 7: 15 Chemawa Indian School 1'aml. Solo Irving XI. Glen. 8:00 Reading Mls Sophia Geary Shlves. Lecture, I' The Torchbonrer of tho Xllddle Ages." Dr. II. M. Fox. of Pasadena. Twelfth Day. Saturday, July 23. PATRIOTIC DAY. MORNING. S-ll Classes. 11:00 Chemawa Indian School land. Heading Miss Mav Peildergrass. G. A. R. and W. R. C. "The Star Spangled Baaiier," Irving XI. Glen and the G. A. II. Brum Chorus. "Fifty Years of Freedom." U'wls H. Daw ley, Portland's Colored Orator. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Chemawa Indian School Hand. 2:00 Solo Irving M. (lion. Lecture. "I'nder the Stars and Stripes," Dr. Went worth E. Etewart, of Detroit. 3:30 Baseball. Loading teams. Relay race. 7: 13 Chemawa Indian School Hand. S:00 Elocutionary and Caricature Entertain , mcnt. Ellas Day and Oranne Trultt- Day. Xlagnlficent display of Fireworks. Thirteenth Day, Sunday. July 24. MORNING. 9:00 Devotional Exercises. . 11:00 Sunday School. AFTERNOON. 2:00 .Music. Sermon Dr. D. F. Fox. of Pasadena. Sacred Concert Prof. Irving XL Glen. Prof. Glen Is giving much attention to this programme. Ton can't afford to nils It. 8:00 XIuslc. Sermon Dr. Wcntworth E. Stewart. BASEBALL SCHEDULE. July i2 Chemawa, vs. Honeymnn Hardware Co. July 13 Gladstone vs. Ciaekamas. July 14 Chemawa vs. Eagle Creek. July 15 Gladstone vs. Honeynian Hwd. Co. July 10 Clackamas vs. Eagle Creek. July IS Gladstone vs. Chemawa. July 19 Honeynian Hwd. Co. vs. Eaglo Creek. July 20 Clackamas vs. Chemawa. July 21 Eagle Creek .vs. Gladstone July 22 Honeynian Hwd. Co. vs. Clackamas. July 23 The two teams in tho lead for tho championship. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given tint Ibe nil derslgned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Ore gon ror the county of clackiiiiniH, ad ministratrix of the estate of Fred Bent, deceaseit All poi'soua having claims iigaliiHt said estate mo hereby required to present them to me ill the otllce of ll Reu Scliuebel, Ore gon City. Oregon, properly vcrltlod as by law required, within six months from tho ifnie hereof, lalo of tlisl publication, Jnlv S, l!!0. MARY Hi: NT, Administratrix nf the estate of Fred Hent, deceased. ("Ren Scliuebel, attorneys for ad ministratrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the nil derslgtied has been duly appointed by the county court of tho staie of Oregon for the eoiinlv of Clackamas administratrix of tho estate of F. .1 Hurley, deceased. AH persons having claims ugiilust said estate uro hereby required to present them to me at the otllce nf ("Hen Scliuebel, Ore gou City, Oregon, properly verllled as by law required, within six months frolu the date hereof. Pate of first publication, July K. I!" 10. MARY K Hl'RLKY Administratrix of the estate of F, .1, Hurley, deceased. C'ltetl Scliuebel, attorneys fur ad mliitstrairlx. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS IIERKHY GIVEN that the undersigned,, Arthur S. Draper, has, by the County Court of t'larlut mas County, Oregon, been appointed the executor of the will of J. A Buck, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, or the decedent, will present them to the undersigned lit the office of Jos E Hedges. Esq, In the Weluhard Building In Oregon City, Oregon, within six mouths from the iluto of this notice, th proper vouchers, and duly verllled. Hated .1 ill v S, HMO. AltTIU'lt S. IIRAPER. Executor of the will of J A Buck, de ceased. Jos. E. Hedges and Bruce C Curry. Attorneys fur Executor. thereof the plaintiff will apply to the complaint, for want thereof the plain. NOTICE NOTICE IS the TO CREDITORS. HEREBY GIVEN that Court for thu relief demanded In thin complaint, lo w It : For n decree dis solving tho bonds of matrimony and tiiiiirlago contract exlHilun between philiitllT and defendant, Tills hiiuiiuoiih Is published by or der of the lion J, l, Campbell, Judge of tho above named court, which order was made ami entered on the 2Mh day of June. HUH, GEO. J, CAMERON. Attorney fur Plaintiff. ' Summon. Ill the Circuit Conn of Hie Statu of Oregon, for Cluckaiuas t'otinlv, leiin OWVIIL .Halntlff, vs. William O'Neill, liefeudnnt, To William O'Neill, above named Mti fondant : In the imtno of the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear iind answer the complaint Illeil ligaliint you In tho above named suit, or or betTu'e the :llh day of Augiliit. I'.HO, said dale being lifter (he expiration of six weeks from (he Hist publication lUlhls summons, and If you fall lo' appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief prayed for III her complaint, to wit : I' or a decree dlsHolvIng the bonds of matrimony now exlstlug between plaintiff and defendant This lire will apply In Urn court for llm re lief dcmiiiulcd In thu complaint, lo- wit: For n decree dissolving the limnlii of li i il ( 11 1 til v now I'llxtliiK liclwonn tho plaintiff ami defendant. This hiiuiiuoiih Is published by order of Hon. Grunt II, IHinlek, Judge of ihn County Court, which older was made I and entered op the 22nd day of June, i HUH, mid Hi" lime lU'cmTthcil for publication thereof Is six weeks, tin gltiulUK w ith the Imuiio of Friday, Jiiiiii 'Jllh, I HI. I, ami coiilltiultiK each I week thereafler to and Including Ihn Iikhuo of Fildav, August Mh,- IHlii j GEO. f, HltOWNKLL, j Attorney for Plaintiff the numinous -i published hv order of Hon. ,1. ,. Eakln, Judge of (he Circuit Court, which order was made mid en tered on Hie 2!Hh dav of June, ;l,l, ami the time proscribed for publica tion thereof is six weeks, beginning with the iHNiie of Friday. July 1st, ll'io, and continuing each week there, after to and Including the Issue of Friday, August 2th. !ii. GEO. C. IIIIOWNELU Attorney for Plaintiff llnf .1 ii... I County I'iMirl nf tin Slato of On. i.-w -.i'M, tin- t iriiin j i'i in niiiuii-', linn Notice of Final Settlement, i Notice Is hereby given Hint tho tin-' derslgned has tiled In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, his lluiil account us Executor of the last will and testament of Catherine Wagner, deceased, and that Xlomlav, ' the :;,th day of July, mm, Mt thV hour of lit o'clock A. XL. has been llxed hv said Court as Ihn time for hearing of objection to said remirt ' and the settlement thereof. PAI L PELLATZ. Executor of Esiate of Catherine Wilis Bum m oni, III the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Clackamas County. Ceivantea Hawkins. PliiliitltT, vs, Cora Pearl Hawkins. Iiefemlant To Coin pearl lliiwklun, defendant : tu tho name of (be Slate of Oregon, you mo hereby roiiqlrcd to uppear and answer tho complaint tiled against you In ibe above entitled suit, on or ln'fore the tilh day of Aug ust, HMO; anil If you full to move, demur or answer, plalnllrf lll talm a decioo against you, forever ills solving the ponds of mull Inioiiv here loforn mid now existing between llm plaintiff and yourself, and for niu h oilier and further relief In the prem ises tin in the conn may seem jnl and equitable Sen Ice of this sniuiuoiis la made upon ou hv publication In pursniiiice of an order of the llolioiable Grant II, Dlmbk. County .Indue of Olarka i nuts County, Oregon, made on the ''-il dav of June, '.lil. ordering such . publication lu the (iri't'oti City En jlerpilse, once a week, o- six coliner- lit I x w eeks, the flt'M publication 'being Julie '.'I. mi, Hint thu hint publication being August 5. mm. IHISCOE P. Ill' it sr. Attorney for Plaintiff. appointed the undersigned administra tor of the estate of John I'. I'ursKull. deceased. All poisons having claims against the said decedent, or his es tate, are hereby given notice that they shall present theiu to the undersigned administrator at the office of Jos E. Hedges, Esq., In the Weluhard lliilld lug In Oregon City. Oregon, within six rhombs from the dale of this notice. 1 with proter vouchers duly verified Dated Jnlv 8. mm. ISAAC A. PI RSIFI'LU Administrator of the Esiate P. Purslfull, deceased. Jos. E Hedges, Attorney. Attorney for Kxeculor. Summoni, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Nettle V. Richardson. Plaintiff, vs. Guy I. Richardson. Defendant. , To Guy L. Richardson, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint (lied against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 1st day of the time prescribed In the order for the pub lication of this Summons, to-wtt: On or before the 15th day of August, 1910, said date being seven (7) weeks Nodce of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that (he un dersigned, executor of (he esiate of Fred llakel. deceased, has (lied III the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, his tlual account lis such executor of said estate; Hint Mommy, the llth day of July, at the hour of in o'clock A. XL, lias h.sm llxed by said court as (he time for hearing any objections to said re- f John.1"'- Hi" .e::ieii;cui iiiereof. PETER WINKEU Executor of the Estate of Fred Itukol, fleet used Thus, f, Ryan, Attorney for Executor. Summoni. ' In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas County, Alice Powell, Plaintiff. vs. , Leslie Powell. IM ndant. To l'slle Powell, above named do. fondant. , , III the name of the Stale of Ore gon, yuti are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the shove named suit, on or before the tlth day of August. the expiration ofi I'.HO, said dale being after the ex from the first pule I plruUou of six w eeks from the first Mention of this Summons: and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want publication of (his summons, and If you fall lo appear mid answer said Quardlan'i Sale of Real Property. Notice hi hereby given Hull pur suant (u an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clacka mas County, (he undersigned guardian of the persons mot estates of Jay Walton Xlooro, a minor, will sell din Interest of said minor Jay Walbm Mihiio, In an, to (he same, subject I to the life estate of Albert Xlooro, ' Marceiina Moore Maple and Anthony ; Moore, which said null elnti In lie scribed as follows, lowlt: The S's of the NE' of Hoc, 30, T. 5 S. It 2 E of W, XI, excepting M iii-res of laud out of the NW, corner of said land, described us follows, lowlt; Commencing at the NW. corner of the S'-j of the SI'.' of the said Sec. .'lu, running thence S iin rods, thence I" Ho rods. Ilieiice N. CO rods, thence W. fin rods to the place of beginning; also excepting I aire of land out of the NE. corner of the i first iiIhu-k ib serlbeil land, described n follow s: lb ginning at the NE. cor , nor of Hie H'v of the N K 1 of .aid Sec. 3,i. running thence H 3n roils. ' more or less, to the channel of Rock I Creek; thence writ 5 1-3 ,rods, thence - N 3u rods, more or less, thence E. A 1-3 rods to the place of beginning, the granted premlsea containing iVI acres, The RE.1 and the B'i of the HV' of Sec. 3'i. T. 5 S , It. 2 E. W. M.. containing 210 acres. Also i he N' of the SK'i ami NS of tli. NW H of Section 31. T. C 8 . II 2 K. W, XL, containing lrto acres. Said sale lo bo on July 23rd. 1M0, at Hie ofllca of Geo. (-. Jirownell, fan field imlldlng, Oregon City, Oregon, mid to h n( private snlo for ca-di In hand. ANTHONY MOORE. Guardian Aforesaid. M Cool Breezes In the Circuit Court cf the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Bank of Oregon Plaintiff, City, corporation. Thomas Cliarnian and Fred !'h.-.r;ii.'i!i, partners as Thomas Ch.rm.tn & son. I nomas Charmia. sopnta above entitled court, In the above ei:- j titbd cause to me duly dlrecied au l; dated the 6th day of July, ll'lo, upoiil a judgment, order and decree remlr-j ei and entered in said court o:i the1 (30) minutes East Sixty and 20100 iiu.2ii. chains to the place of begin nlng, com. lining EI;;hty-one t s 1 1 acres, more nr less. NOW. THEREFORE. v virtue of Charman, Jaggtir, J. XlcGarvey, his w:f, M. Tracy Defendant li ind ri'amin M iri.'ih L'otli day of April, i;mi, in f i- .r of. said execution. Judgment, order and Hank of Oregon City, a c-iri.orai :,n, j decree, mid in compliance with the plainiiff. and against Thomas bar-: command of t::e said writ, I will, on man and Fred Churm ii partner.- as Saturday, the i li day of August, mid, Thomas Charman ic Son, and Thomas j at the hour of 2: HO o'clock P. XL at Charman, Jointly an. I severally, iie-'ihe front door of the County Curl fendant.s, for the mm of $7 .:is:. -HI.! House In the city of Oregon City, In with interest tho'-con at the tale of j said County and State, Hell at pu'ollc lo per cent, per annum from the 2'uh auction, subject to redein"i;on. to day of April, l!u!. ami the lunn r , the highest bidder, for I'nlted Slates sum of $.""0."''i wm!i intere-u th.-rei n ! Gold Coin, ca-'i In hand, all the ilcbt I from the yun I iv of April, I'jul, as title ami interest which attorneys fe." ai l tho furtnei sum ! named defendants or either of $111211 costs anil dlsiyrsements. I had on the 2u' li day of April, less the sum of M.nuO.nii realized in 1 have since ),;,, In or to tin duly I.,- under the seal of tao- No. Report of the Condition of THE FARMERS BANK AT WILSONVILLE ill the State of Oregon at the close of business, June :;oth, ItilO. RESOURCES lyoans and discounts . ... Honds, sureties, etc Banking house, furniture, fixtures Due ...$25,201.5 21.7 and . . . 2.SS9.2- from approved reserve bankH Checks and other ca-h items Cash on hand Total 21 11.35 5.00 2.1011.11 2,0114.03 LIAHILITIE8 Capital stock paid In . . . Surplus fund Undivided profits, les-s peases and taxes Individual deposiitH subject to check 31.110.04 Demand certificates of de posit 2,l!5.'Hi Time certificates of deposit 2,:; IS. 21 Total 52,004.0- Stale of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: We, J. W. Thornton, and Joe J. Thornton, owners of ihe above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. .1. W. THORNTON JOE J. THORNTON Owners. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st dav of July, 1S10. KATE WOLHERT. (SEAL) Notary Public for Oregon. .My commission expires Nov. 2i, 11)10. on a former sale on execution iis,n said Judgment and upon which judg ment there Is now due from said de- fondant, debtors to the h-: 1.1 plaintiff j the sum of $5,519.10, together with interest i hereon at the rat" of In per cent, per annum from the Nth day I of June, 190, and said wr t eommand- iiH Mi'- tin,.- ii.r nt.iu nuill i'i $15,0110.11(1, r,-, ),, logether Wit!. interest, ai 2ii0.o.'i; aforesaid, out of Hie personal proi- 1 x' i erty of said defendant deotors; or ,f paid S'nj.7-1 j Kiifliflorit persona! rruie.'ty !'; not found, then out of th- real properly of said defendant deld-irs. And. WHEREAS, pursuavi 'o the sail writ I have levied upon the following described real proper. y liel.,i,g,t;g lo said defendant debtors, Thomas char man on the 2uth day of April, laui, to wit : described thereof, i judgm':iit. costs and w il Din if tin in I9UI, or I : abov' ' Ha 6.4 PROM ecinc ai property or any pirt o Titlsfy sail exe(utlo:i. older, decree, Inteitsl. ill accrulnB co Is. Dated. Orei'oti City. Oregon, July fi, 19I. R. It. IlEATIR, Sheriff 'if ClaekiimaH (.'oiiidy, State of Oregon. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, SHELF HARDWARE, NOTIONS. Pay Cash and Sell for Cash Get my prices and see if I can save you money J. H. MATTLEY 905 7 street All of lllock Seventy-eight Oregon City In Clackamas County, Slate of Oregon, according to the duly recorded pint thereof, and All that portion of the Donation Land Claim of David Cutting and .Vary Cutting, being Claim No. Fifty nix (.if! I, Cerrillcate No. :;9I9, siiiintr. In Sections Sixteen (Hi), Seventeen (17), Twenty (20) Htid Twenty-one (21) of Township Three (:!), South of Range Three :!) East of Willam ette Meridian In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and described as follows: lieginnlng at a point on the South boundary of said Donation Land Claim Fifty-two and SS-lOn notilii d chains distant North Sixty-four I'll) degrees East, from tho Southwest cor ner thereof; thence running North Sixty-four (lit) degrees East Thirteen and r,i)-(0 (l.'i.oOl chains; thence North Twenty-live Vl', degrees Thirty c:'i minutes West Sixty and 2u l'i0 (i;i.2u) chains; thence South Sixty-four (CD degrees West Thir teen and 5(1-1110 ( 1 :!.nn chains; thence South Twenty-live (2-") degrees Thirty Adnrniitrator'g Notice. Notice K hereby given that the un derslgned ha ; been appointed ad rnliilslrator of the estate of S. L,i Secn-st, deceased. All persons hav ing claims aL-alnst said estate an hereby notlfo, to present the sane with jyoper vmchers duly verllled to law, at the olhce of Oeo. C. Ilrownell, Oregon City, Oregon, within six I months of tie; date of tho publication) or or tins notice. Dated, July s, 1910. CEORfiE XL SECREST, Administrator of the estate of S. L. Kecrest, deceased, (jco. C. liiovnell, attorney for admiii-Ntraior. NEW AND SECOND HAND Notice to Creditor!. Notice Is hereby given that the un deihlgneii ,aH been apolnted by 'he lloiioralile ( oiuity Court of C'.acka mas County. Oregon, administrator of the estate (,f John W. .Wolfer, de ceased. All persons having clalnn against the said estate are hereby jl io preHOiu. i:ie finite in ioc for payment duly verilled with prop t vouchers at. my. residence, near Hub bard, my address being Hubbard, Oregon, I'.outo 1, llox 72, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated, July li, 1910. CHARLES F. WOLFER, Administrator of the estate of John H. Wolfer, deceased, (iordon E. Hayes, attorney for estate. ecfric St ore e 7th St. Cor. Alder St. e i i