Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1910, Image 5

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Cor 10th A Main 8t. t
i Wholesale and Retail i
Hay, (n o In, l lcld, i
liowcr owl Ciur- v
din JicctK
Dr. 1. It. Ion, DoiilUt, Rooms 17 j
ml IS, Masonic III1I11.
II . rh. n Jai l,, nf Muiijiiiiui, wnn In I
Hi" I-1 1 v Wodn lay, ,
.Mli, 11 t'liiituim Llewellyn, 1 f ('hi I
dlgu. Ill,, l VlilllllK IHl .1t"S Mlltle,j
Krone .
Mh I.II11 Hwnrfi.nl. of H.1I1111, la.
veiling her kiiixIii, ,llh Nellie;
Nwurtord j
W II Mm til II Unwell led hut week1
l f Kellll, NoWtdll, III wlllH'Hlt till! great ;
HkM i
Minn Ma.. IU111I111 In Mulling Willi'
l.'liilliri III HlllnlHiiii, mill ckucrln In'
In gone tcvt'rill Wccl.n. !
J. W llooil, tlilivnr lif I'.nllllllllll, Wlini
III Inwn Wodiivadny mi tninlin-HH lie-'
fun" Ihi" county mint.
( iiiilli'lil, hIiii turn Imh'Ii attend
ltlg I'll" I lllU'lMh lif Oregon, lum i
limn-d in lila In. 1111. In 1 hl city. j
Ml;. Auiiii T. rtmlili Mill l.'i l-ri I
ilny fur HpoKii n. Witnh . In spi-nd 11'
two 1 ii'Hi I li ' in nil. .11 r i'l 111 1 1
Wool mirkit fr mill' ut Oregon t'lty '
('iiiitiiiltinlim lluijiii.. j
Allium.)' W, X llci Iii.iiii, nf j
Katiii-iidtl, wan In thin i'ly imi IiuhI-m-an
Wi'iliii'mliiy. 1
J M lAWrniu-o. nf llenl, u lui hnnj
( 1 vImIi Hit! Willi III kMit Iii law,
Mn C. li. Miller, linn t I'lnr nt'it homo.'
.loo Myers, wlin recently arrived
hero from MlniH'iiiilH, liiu ihti . Ivil a
tiimllliiti In tli hi. in. of liimin
Company !
Mr milt Mrn. Kii'il Htclnnr, who
were iiniiili'il mi Siimluy, linvt re
lumed fniin tlit-lr honeymoon mill t.i k
imi up their r'ii'iiin In 11 ruiugc mi
,Miiilln!i ulri'i'l I
.loo lia.ll.i'. tlw young nun if Mr I
KMil Mit. F. ('. liinllin, wlin 11:1 Leon ;
III f.,r mime IIiiik with Hiiiili'l fever.'
linn recovered, iin.l I lio family In now
ml nf qu.it imi lluv
Mm Nni Mi'lilriim an. I Iwrn children
led Krtiiirdiiy fur linker fit y. whom
lin y will mnko 1111 nieuded vlnlt In
Mr. ninl Mrn. J. II. Parker, imii'iiu
nf Mm, Melilrutn.
Minn Mnllli. Mitchell loft (hid week 1
fur her honi ut Smiily, mi. I from j
there will go In Mmiiii II.miiI, whore
tin1 w ill spend liiu summer nl '
Yorinn'n. government rnni.
Minn Jmiiiln Ijlnlvy. of Denver. Cno..
nml Ml.a liurlmrn l.iiitiln. of Hurling-,'
Imi, Vt. tiro the kui-i of Mr nml
Mm It. K. Woodwnrd.
Mm. I. II. Fox. of Tlw Pillion, who,
lum lii'i'ii visiting her nlntor, Mm. l. '
II. Ehy, for m-vinnl lt ytt, Irfi yintir-j
ilny fur Mnliillu. to vIhII tirr imroiim '
Mr 'mill Mm. lb .1. Moorr.
Mlm Ktiiiun WViult who Iwih Iiimmi
iimklnu Iiit hoimi with Hip Mltm-xt
Hinllh t (iliiiUloni for Ihn piiHt .
Irft Tii'mlay for In-r hnini' In Mln
IK'II J lot I B.
Removal Sale
Trimmed Huts,
Flowers ond
Pressed Shapes
below cost.
Miss Celia Goldsmith
Alberta Farm Land
The Canadian Pacific Railway . TracK
Bow River Valley, Southern Alberta
fresh land on the market all the time,
right on the Railroad no stumps,no
Sold at low figures, on ten years time
cannot be beat for investment. Buy
while it is cheap.
Come with us and see for yourself.
Excursions leave Portland every ten
days. See Aeni al
Corner 6th and Main Streets
iMomh I'Miiii HlminoiiH, who lum l'N
vIkIHiik hi. i' pin 1. nl,,, Mr. mul Mm.
Aim. HlmiiMiiin, for m-voiiil wim'Iih,
loft for Ki'lmi oil 'I'lii.Biliiy, wIiitii hi'
In In ihn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v IiiihIiiiihii,
Mlim MI1111I11 Mi lint, iiflnr vIiiIIIiik
wild MIhn KiiIIiihi HI111111II nl K"lm,
Wiiiih,, Wliiii'ii nlii- I t Imi Knurl h,
llllK I 'l IM I In n.,. Inirill) In IhlN
Mih. I). V. Kliiiuilnl, of Hi'iillln,
W1111I1, nml Imi. 1 hi. r, willluiti T, TnV
lur, of WIIiiiIiikIoii, liiivn lii'i'ii III"
kui'hIm fur H"Vi.inl ilayn or Mm. M, .1.
MiiimIuiII ami ilmiKlHi'i', MIhm tiiiiyc,
of ('nitt'iiiiili,
Mm, A. W. Cluiiii.y, nf I'oiilmiil, Ik
III HlU i lly vlnll III); Willi hi'l' pllli'lllH,
Mr. mul Mm, A. It. DooIImIm. Mm
CI y linn li" "li iiiIIimI o (IiIh illy
i. in- nil ir iln nmlniiH llliii'HH nf
In r mnllii'i'.
''Hilly .IiuIk", (iiiinl II. Dlmlik,
will nit in WiiIim loo, I. Inn t'ounty,
ui'xi rliiinriliiy nml will iiiiiIio 11 mn i'i li
llmrn. (In Ihn fiilliiwIiiK Kiiliirilay,
.Inly HI. .hull'" IMiulrli will H.inL lit
Wl ll"i'iin.
Mil. Din AiiIiIiiiiikIi, who Imi liri'ii
vl.ililuit wiih h"r i'iii Iht, Klin'T ul
I'mlliui, Hi. 1:1111, Iiiih ri'lni ii'-il lu.iu".
mul will liiivn noon fur ( a 1 1 f 1111 tu for
It Vlnll.
Mr. mul Mm. II. K. Hlrnlnlit Iff
I'llOiiv fur HHir, Ori'Kiui, wlnT" Ilny
Will HI. III" I'lMlllll Willi til" lilt
ti'r'ii i:ii"iilH. Mr, nml Mm. T. II linn
Mux Mrn, HIiiiIkIiI will ri'liiiiln fur
n il iliiyn nl Htnr, lull Mr. Hlrnlnlil r
liinii'il TiiKKiluy,
.luliii () iCviiiih, nf H"ilimi", WiihIi,,
11 pi ' mi I mul )ti mi I r iiiiiliiiitor of Hint
city, ,who hun linui up. -n, linn 111., punt
Iwo wi.i-kn wiih liU hIhIit, Mrs. .1. It.
Wlllliiinn, l"fl Krliliiy fur liln hiini"
KoIiik hy wuy or Hi'iillln,
I,. O. Iliil. in mul hiiii, ( 'In 1 1 1 !, I Tt
'I'lU'inliiy f.,r Hi" Kiml, lni"!i.ilui( In
lui Kiui" thri'ii nil .11 1 1. n vlnlilm; Max
mil KiiIIm. WiiMliliiiitnn, I'lill.i'li'ljihlii,
N"W York. Ilonlnii. 'Iliry will iipin.l
ill" Hiiiiiiiu'r nl .Mr Kiiiun'ti ol.l In. inn
In M.illi", wll.'f" ho Iiiih 11., I hm-u fur
ovi-r I'll yiiiin,
Mr. D W. Kliiiuilnl, uf Kualll".
Wiiiih , mul lirulliur. W, ('. Taylor, of
VYIIiiiIiii'Iiiii, lii'lnuai", who Imv"
lii'i'ii vIkIiiiik wiih Mr i; J. Mnrhiill;
mul Mr. mul Mr. Mlillaiu, of Cuna
mall, lilt yi-'nirriliiy fur 111" l.i'iuli.
wh"i" ih" wir iiMiialn fur 11 fi-w
iliivn l.rl.ii" inluriiliiK In thi'll li.iliii"i.
Mm Naomi I low nil. Minn Mary
11. . mil mul t'linmlii'in llowi'll, 11.'
i-.ilupiinli il hy Hi" Intlur'n iiiiinlli, Minn
Kiln llnwrll, Imv" ri'MiriU'il fruui .1 f
fuinuii, (U.K. .11. wh"i" III"'.' Iiav"
l""ii vlnliliu; ri'liiilviK. Tho party
Willi I.V lllllll
Mm Kt"il Slui iim nml luiliy, of Krl".
I'll , nrrlvi'il In l)n'i!iui t'lty Hi" llml
ut tli" wi-i'k. mul will ri'iiinln tic 1 ' for
"i rnl wika vlnltltiK with tin1 form
IT U Blnli-r, Mm VV. A'. Slii'W 1111111,. Mr.
51.1. -iiin iirrlv.'.l In Ok'khii Hivirul
wi'ikn K" II" fun. ri'iiiinliiK to llit'lr
I1..111" In I ' mi n I v it 1 1 In . Mr. mul Mm
HI. . rum will vl.ill ri'l.itln'H In ih" nliite
of WunlllllKtoll.
Mrt ti. W. Cnii" nml two iluiiKht
I'm.' Kluri'iii'n nml ICIlcn. who tin vi
li.'.'ii vlnltliii; r'liillviH In KiikIiiiiiI
mul Wuhn fur tin' piml yiir. will null
fur 110111" x t Siiiunliiy, July !!. They
will miik" ni'vuriil ntupi "11 n.ul" 11ml
will pruluilily nrrlvi In (Iri'Kon City
Hiuiii'iliii" In AtiKtiHt.
Minn .1arKun-t WllllnniH, who lias
Iummi nil" uf tlu ti'iiihum uf Hi"
tiri'Koti City pulillr mhuula fur Iho
(iiimI hovimi yearn, l"ft Wi'iliipmlny tur
I'iirtliuiil, wIiuip . nil" will take n
ti'iuhi-r'H ronrn" In palntlnn nml
itrawliiK iiiuIit tho tli im-iIuu of khiIiit
Wiu-nt, mipirvNor of ilrnwlnn In ih"
I'ordiiml pnhlli' Milinuln. Minn Wll
HmiiH ponnuhHi'ii iiiiiili lali'iit In thin
liiu of work.
Mm. ('. II. Krhiiri-iniin, of rorilnml,
niTompaiiliul hy lu-r ilniiKhtiT, J.'iui
I'ltf. wan In thin rlty Krhlny. Mm.
rlrhiiriMiiiin la n wull known iitWH
piiM'r wuiuiin. fnrtni'tJy nf th i illlnruil
Hinff of tho HuiiHtoii t'lirunlrlo, Tojiih,
luuliiK ihuri!" of 111" "Wnnmil llt'iiiltl
fill" column, mul whom nho cniuliii'li'il
11 il"parliii"nt of Bporlnl liiti-ri'Ht to
woiiion. M mi Si hiiriMiiaii writ Iiikh
hnvo Iioimi pulillnli".! In ninny mtiKa
r.lui'K. Shi' wan horo urni iikUik fur
talkN to ho iclvoii hy Iht tit the
ChiiiiliiiKiun, nml will h hi'iiril nl tin1
Koriiiii. which Ih In charKc of Mm.
Kvn Kuicry )y.
Of Importance to ' the People of
Oregon City.
Huntley II run. ilcslic. to niinoiinre
tn the rourturn nf tho KtilorprlKO llicy
hnvo h"on nhlu to Hi'cur" tho tiKiuioy
for r.'irlnliin Siik", Hi" tnarvoldiiH dan.
ilruiT ruic nml ilollKhtfill Imlr tlri""H
Iiik. Hiiiitlcy Hi oh nr cliul to ntnt that
1'minan Siik" In u rlnlilly Kiinriintucd
hull' InvlKorntor.
It curoH (Iniulriiff In two weeks hy
klllliiK tho ilamlruff iiili'rol.cn; It stnpn
fiilllnn linlr, Helling malp mul ttplll
tliiK linlr ur tiionoy hark.
It In n niimt ploiiHiint linlr iIioshIiik,
i'np"clnlly fur liulloH. lis It rnimofl tho
hair to ftrow thickly nml makes It
luxuriant mul luul rmis. Tho price In
only fill t'ontH a Iiii'ko hulllo ut Huntley
Famout Mediurtii WH Be on Platform
and Attractive Program la Ar.
raiiyeil Inducement! to
The 'Will iiniiiial huhhIiui of Hi"
Spit Itiiiillnt riiiiipiiiiu'tliiK will ho lu'l'l
at the Now Km kiuiiiuIh .Inly ! to
iimlcr Ih" iniHplicH of (ho Klml Spirit.
liallHl HellnloiiH AhhocIiiIIuii of Cluck
ii mini Comity. The unicorn uf Hie n
Hocliiiluii lire K. li Uiintun, Moliilln,
pi"nlil"iit; M I'M. I,. I,. Irwin, Harlow,
vice pioHlileul ; lieurK" II. KlrbyMOli,
Oickhii City, H"ct"iary; .luhn llur
Koyti", New Kin, troiouinr. Tho nf.
doom of tho UuIIch' Ciilun mo Mm.
Klt'liynun, pionlilont; MIhh flliulyn
Inintuii. Hi'crelnry; Minn Km? Klrhy
Him, treiiHiii'er.
,"cw I'm In hllulileil on the main
II f tho Southern I'iuIIIc Itall-
ri mil, twenty iiiIIi'h nuutli of I'orilaml.
ami nix lullen from OrcKiiii City. It
Ih on Hi" lianll uf Iho Wllliimotto
lllver, where tho nli'iinl.:ilrt, tjiHH
ilnlly. nfforilliiK a choice nf travel.
The rump In ti Htiiirt walk fi "in the
(iroilllilH llpellcil for KOttlllK up teiitn,
July K.
HrucerliK, lueiilH, veKelnhlex1 mul
fruliH ilellvereil on the Kroitniln.
II niton, jr ami $i; per wc-k:
tl ami 11.25 per lav; itn-nlH. 'J.'i renin:
II per week. lnlitliiK L'T renin nml
rn renin. On nrcoitnt of Iho nutniier
of Hpellk'TH to he lll'rl .111 MIOI l;i I I'd ti.o
ri hiiii for KiieHlH will ho lltnlteil, hu
t 111 h hIiiiiiIiI ho hroiiKht If ikihhIIiI".
Itecular rule of one and one third
far" from Portland Saturday mul
Kiimliiyn. unod roturnliiK the U"""
Sunday or Monday ifollowliiK.
I'rocrmnn will ho printed weekly
Tho niaiinneinent roHervos ih'i 'III
to exH'l any mid nil pemonn from
i ho Kroiindn for ood and miR' clout
reiiHoti, ur fur prnctlren conlrn'-y tn
Hi" prlurlnloH of thin aHHuclntlun.
Thu fn!kiwlii npeakern and tno
IIiiiiih will ho prow-lit: (ieor II
llrookn (July 1K), m Amtoloi, fill. :
V. ('. Iloilco, San Dli Ko, Cnl.: V. 8.
Watem l.luly '.'.'i :il. Seattle, Wanh :
Mrn K. K. I'ohh, Seattle, Wanh.: Mm.
J. S. I". Hint (July SSI, Corvullln,
Ore.; Mm. Nf. A. Cnnndnn, fori Intnl.
Ore.; Mm. K. V. Jiickmiti. Victoria. II.
I'.; Mrn. Alt hen Halley. I'ort'aiul, t)ro.
The procrmii for the flrnt week
Siindny. July 10 JO n in. ' v'immI
ami orrhontral inilHlr : addn-ns, W, ('.
lloili;" : nionnak'en, Mm. Ila'hv. Mr.
Ilrookn: 2 p. tn., npeclul nniHlc; tor
ture, (ieorKo 11. HriKikn; mevHaRen,
Mm. .larknon, Mrn. Cohh; 7:15 p. tn..
addrenn, Mrn. M. A. CnnKdon
Monday, July It 7:45 p. in., I'd
drenn, (ioorno II. Ilrookn.
TuoHdny, July 1210:30 a. m , ron-(
feri'iire, led hy Mr. Ilrookn: 7:r. p.
in., Illerary nml nuiKlrul proifrnnt.
WediioHilny. July 13 tO:.tn n. m
rln le; ":t.ri p. in., addresn. Mrn. Cohh.
Thumday, July U (Mun' Ilny I
in::iu a. tu., ronreronre; 2:.;n p. ni..
nddrenn, (ieoriie H llrimkn: 7: t.i p
in., pn'Krain of niany Hides.
Friday, July 15 2:30 p. in., ad
ilronn, W. C. HoiIko; 7 : -15 p. m., men-
nuco tneellliK.
Salurdny. July Hi 10:30 a. in, con
feroncn. led hy Mr1. HodKO.
Sunday. July 1710:30 a. i ano
rial iiiiihIc; lecture, (ionrne II. Hmokn;
tn"HHnu"H, Mr. HMik. Mm. Cohh
2:30 p. in., HP"rlnl music; loot urn, V.
C. HodKe; iiioshhkos. Mm. Halley, Mn
Jarknoti; 7:4.1 p tn., farewell ni'IrertH
tiinrite It. Ilrnnks.
Special ilayn Thursday, Julv II
Map's Ilny; each Tuesday nt 7:4.1 p.
in., Hpecliil literary prnKnim; Thurn-
ilny, July 21, Wnninn'n Pav; Thiir
day, July s, Children's Day-rii tront
for the rhlldren: Saturdav. Julv :10
nnniuil lutsliicHH meelliii; mid olerllon
nf olllrors; Sundiiy. July 31, I'ortliind
l'mtTiun suhjert to chance, hut
will he followed as closely an pursl-
To those who have attended the
New Km Camp nothing needs to lie
said of the henuty and Krandenr of
tho place. Tho rove of tniiKnlfleent
tlr trees, with their drooptllK bnineVs
that Insure perpelnul shmlo nrd civil
ness, the heautlful Willamette. Hint
Kiilhors Its clear waters from the
mountain Hides, the rounh nml rucned
Hock Island In tho river, the pre
cipitous hanks that rise like stone
walls for hundreds of feet iihnve, Unl
tineliiK Itoeli. the Innplrliitr shady
walks, nil speak for themselves.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Siynulure of
Dye Returns from New York.
Trafton Dye, a son of Colonel
and Mrs. Charles II. Dye, has re
turned homo for his Summer vncn
I Inn. lie was recetitly nnidmilei
with tilth honors from tho law de
imrtmeut of Columhin University,
New York City.
How Color Affects Growth.
Color agriculture Is the latest. On
mllle I'lamniarhui put seedlings of tie
aenslllve planl lulu four different
uunscs-nn nrilliiiiry conservatory, n
blue house, tin ordinary iiroephouse and
a red house. After n few months
wnllhiB he fmind the little plants In
the hliie house practically Just ns lie
linil put them In. They aeenilnitly Imd
fnllen nsleep and remained utichntiKod.
In tho Rreen class house they hail
grown more than In the onllnnry Rlnss
house, but they were weedy and poor.
In the red house the seedlings bail be
come positive giants, well nourished!
nml well developed, fifteen times ns
big ns the normal plant. In tho red
light the plant hail become hyper
sensitive. It wiib found thnt tho blue
light retards the processes of deeny
ns well ns those of growth.
Awakening of the Jericho Con
sumers on High Prices,
Placidity of the Quiet Town Briaki In
a Rally of the Eatem Reiolutiont
For Change and Bp.r.ttd Raid on
the Mola Barrel.
By M. QUA0.
ICopyrlicht, laid, hy '"' l"""l l.lo-mry
V 1 1 F.Alt WUXIAM-I mn no
lllnrmlHl. I luive never
iihiriu'i'd even mi old n.-nlnu
hell. Neither du I lllu.li lit
concliiHloiia. If I owi iiuiti u (lulliir
I tu ko n whole month to pay It In,
W hit t I urn Kollitf In "y lh"t I know
Jericho- from lop to !"' t'.m know
her iiioimIh. I know what her people
nro rnpnhlH of wheo drlien to the
wall. I know what It cik-ji n v. hen
Killer Lyniinder Jiililiaon wnll.n nliuul
Willi III IiiiiiiIh cronHi'd under hli coal
Inlln nml it ryu ntraw In liln moiiili.
IjihI week Jericho m eiilliiinliiMtlc.
There wan rhei-rliiK ami whoopinK and
ewlwilliK of hiltn. , 'I'll' henn clucked
In the niuiHhlne. mid Jericho ereek
hahhleil on lln way to the m-a.
A rhniiKe has come Jerli hu In pine
Id. Thorn Inn't n whoop. There Isn't
a cheer. There Isn't a rlin-k.
Mrn. riiikliatn ha dliiii(,niHt the
nyiiiptoiiin, hikI nil" nKrei- wltli me
thnt It Is the calm before the storm
tho placidity that on old cow takes on
Just before hIio la to let a hind leg go
and plant a foot against your manly
bo num.
Monday morning Sllns Goodheart en-,
tered uiy grocery and asked If the
price of butter had come down. I an
awered that I was sorry to say It bad
Jumped up Instead, lie asked uie how
long I thought the outraged people
would stand It mid went away slink
ing bis bend aud muttering, lie was
followed by Moses Taylor, who asked
for codtlsh. I bad to tell him thnt cod
dsn bad advanced.
"Tap." said he as be drew closer and
lowered bis voice to a whisper, "get
ready for trouble: The people have
been driven to the dead line. If you
have any Influence with the president
set It to work at once."
I tried to pump him. but It was uo
go. He Just gave me thnt warning and
then walked out. I at otica lowered
tho price of butter nml codfish and bad
tho same proclaimed through the town,
but tho placidity still continued. The
butcher was called a robber: the cob
bler wns culled a vlllalu: the feed store
man wns looked at so menacingly Hint
bo shut up shop and went to Dobbs
Ferry for tbe day.
Tuesday oH'iied wltb tbe nnie pla
cidity. Not a leaf stirred. Men simply
bowed as they passed each other on
the street. Not a cluck from a cluck
ing hen. Mrs. P. mid I both moved
about as If there was fenr of an ava
lanche. Symptoms of Distress.
On Wednesday there wns a smell of
sulphur In the nlr. and nt Intervals n
faint rumbling was heard. I was un
usually urbane and uuctuous, both iu
the H)stotlice nml grocery, lint no
smiles greeted me. I felt myself a
marked nian. l.nte In the afternoon
Henry Stiiallman. who Is known far
and near for bis gentle disposition and
tho length of time It takes to collect a
bill from him. entered the postoltlce
wltb a musket on his shoulder. It was
the siiuie musket his grandfather car
ried nt Hunker Hill. In n Joking way
I asked him If he was out for wood
chucks, nud tho look he gave me sent a
shiver up anil down my spine. The
answer he made me was that I had
best go borne early and not put my
nose outdoors ngalu until morning.
William. 1 have fought grizzlies. In
dlnns. wildcats nml men. but the situa
tion took bold of in and I followed
Henry's ndvlce. As I walked through
the town niter closing "P 1 heard whis
pers nnd murmurs and the loading of
guns, nnd men pnssitl tne without even
a nod.
Mrs. rinkham sat down wltb the
symptoms nnd diagnosed them to mean
that something was going to bust be
foro morning. She was correct, as
usual. Something did bust, but we
hnd passed n night of terror before we
heard the pnrtleulnrs. A public meet
ing wns held nt Kur'o hall, nml the
place wns Jairinied w'.th men and wo
men. They came arued with I'll sorts
of weapons. It was announced nt the
outset that If I npp'rod and attempt
ed to break up the gathering my life
would be taken lu five or six different
sorts of ways.
Rally of Consumers.
Adlnnbud Smith, who was uever
known to hurt a fly. was the first
speaker. lie jumped out nnd began to
shout for blood the first thing. He de
manded the life of every member of a
trust nnu flourished a crowbar around
bis bend ns be demanded.
Adlnabad was fol'nwed by Jericho
Jones, son of the founder of the town.
Hie baa been known to faint away at
sight of tbe blood when bobbing off n
a sheep's tail, but he was nil there
that evenlnc. He flourished an old sa
ber nnd demanded that every grocer
and butcher be tortured to death, IJls
! r,V?. ,
f 1 1
mis, - a
courileiiiinri. took on such n look of
ferocity that (K'uplc who hud known
him from childhood fulled tu recognize
Saturday Hpllluian wan the third
speaker, lie in a mun who will run
sooner than fight and tins been licked
by women, but on thin (n-'-iiHlon he sur
prised everybody by appearing on' the
platform with a pitchfork and demiiiid
big your scalp He charged you with
atmiilliig lu fear of the trusts, and thus
bringing ahotil the extortionate prices
of living, mid he fairly roared for your
scnlp. 'I hey bad to tlo lilm up by tho
leg lo keep him from starting for
U'nalilugton nl once
Rttolutions For a Chanyo.
Kilns liooilhenrt wan the Inst speak
er, lie made no atleiupt at oratory,
but announced that I should be hung
with you on the same limb. No pre
amble was Introduced. The people
couldn't wait for It. They Just start
ed right off with the following resolu
tions: Jlenolvi-d, That w kH' th preiNlfiiit,
Old 1'np l'lnktmm, miililhrr hieU of kov
mmioit Dfu-eii ilit' from tl.U il.-itu to
tnovu aKalrmt ev'-ry trimt In it.n liirel: ami.
Kenolvi-il. That If they don't niov we
will, nod.
Jtcnolved, That tho rrnonii' rwiponRlblii
for lh prrii-tit hlKh prlri.n of all focl
stuffs, wJiUit tiHonKlrur to truntn or
not, he IrivnitKHtci, loc-xed up and Krpt
fur Ihn next llvn vi.oftf mi it flint nf til.l
ruhbnr bootn fttul uxio memo: uii.l. '
ltt-nolv'J. That wo rirrnund ft law mak-
Inn It a crlinn equal to thnt of murder In
th flrnt dt-Kren for any r-mon to pui j
meat or futlnturfn tn cold ntoraica for
over ten dayn; and,
l(-nolved. That all meala, veKMiiblen,
wool and leather tie admitted to thla coun
try fre of duty and that If prices don't
come down we will to It that tienaior
Aldrlch and other fu up: and.
Heaolved. That an old l ap I'lnkham has
seven harrela of N. O. mol.iKMea that he
Is holdliuc at 'Jt ci-nls a icallon we begin
on him the lirnt thing tomorrow.
William, thnt last resolution was car
ried out to the letter. I had scarcely
reached my grocery next morning
when a committee carrying Jugs, pails
and pitchers entered and demandi-d
lo know what 1 wun goug to do about
It. Did you ever read the story nf
Davy Crockett culling a coon to come
down tbe tree? The coon cume. So
did L
N. O. molasses went down to 3-1
ceuts a gallon ns soon as 1 could find
a piece of chalk to mark the bond
of tbe barrels, and It was speedily fol
lowed by codfish. At this writing 1
seem to have the situation well In hand
as far as Jericho Is concerned, but tbe
molasses Is going fast, and when the
Inst barrel Is empty what the outraged
populace Is going to say and do I can
not predict.
Something has got to be done in
Washington. Don't be afraid of bring
ing on a money panic. I-t her come
and be durncd. It's n panic as 11 Is.
And meanwhile Teddy Is grinning
and wondering what you are going to
do about It. and W. i. B. is smiling
and rubbing his hands nnd saying:
"Didn't I tell you how It would
turn outT' OLD PAP I'lN'KIIAM.
Present Postmaster. You Pet.
Correspondence. Office Force and Base
ball Shorten the Hours.
SIX-THII'.tY u. m.-Anise. Sun
shining brightly Saw a blade of
green grass 'from the bathroom
7 a. ni. Wife reprimands me for
whistling "Waltz Me Around Again.
Willie." at breakfast. Wife rebukes
me again for rending puiht and an
swering "Matty" when she asks who
la starring now lu "I.ove Watches."
8 a. ni. Arrive nt otllce. Heprlmand
office boy for loitering over sporting
page of morning pajier.
8:15 a. in.-Have to pause In ml.lst
of my correspondence to correct office
assistant, who has Informed stenogra
pher Wagner Is greatest living all
around ball player.
0:30 a. m. Itesume my correspond
ence. 10:15 a. m. Office force seems to be
away behind on usual routine. Have
Just finished correspondence. Office
assistant ventures prediction Cubs will
wlu flag.
11:45 a. ni. Must attend to those
coal contracts before lunch.
11:50 a. m. -Mr. Sqileezeui of
Squeezem & Getlt of Philadelphia
drops lu. He complains that our last
shipment has been uti necessarily de
layed. Look It up and tind there was
positively no excuse for It.
12:0! p. in. Co to lunch with Mr.
Squeezem. Nice chap is Squeezem.
but he has a lot of fool ideas. Thinks
the Phillies are sure to wlu. with tbe
Giants In tbe second division. 1 ex
plained that the Phillies did not have
a cbnnce and nearly lost a good cus
tomer. 1:30 p. m.-liack on the Job. Work
does pile up frightfully. Tblnk 1 will
have to shake up office force.
1:3U p.m. Fred Melrose phoned me
about those coal contracts. Confound
the otllce force. Beastly subway serv
ice at fault- Company ought to put on
more trains or something, so we busy
business men would have seats and a
chance to catch up ou leading news of
the world In our few leisure moments.
Doubt whether the Yankees will make
good getaway without Lou to pull
their youug pitchers Into shape. ,
2 p. m. Called to phono to square
kick from old fogy out. in Lancaster,
Ta. Shipments delayed again. Very
Irritating to have to be polite to those
bush leaguers. Finally squared It.
3 p. m. Gave the whole shipping de
partment my opinion of them, linked
them all over the con Is good and bard.
Feel better. Foreman suggested It
might be spring fever. Told hltu they
had uo right to bare spring fever.
3:30 p. m. Have finished up my aft
ernoon mall. Did It In a burry. Takes
me to make things fly! Just saw a
robin In the tree across the street
Showed Mr. Itedbreast to the office
force. If I'm one thing more than an
other It's observant.
4:15 p. ui. Got the office force back
at work. They show mi Incomprehen
sible disposition to (inivdle I'm never
happy unless I'm working.
4:30 p. m.-Evening papers say the
I.uxatiiwiiu company Is going lo fur
lilsh the armor for Hie new battleships
Our bid should have gone In this morn
Ing. Those confounded directors are
getting uiore Inquisitive nud exacting
every day loo Wilt surely luive in
sliuke up office torce. It y George. 1
see Chance says at West Haden that
his pitching staff will sweep the other
clubs off their feet, lie must be crazy.
Cbnnce. uever saw Jhe.diiy Jltiree Fin-
It .1 4 ..
I VS 'S- ;.".
ioSNl J
I Pleasure for All
ANYBODY can take good pictures. No fuss, no
bother, NO DARK ROOM for any part of the work
Lei us show you how to
to 'send to your friends
KODAKS FROM $1.00 TO $100.00
But meister
Oregon City Jewelers
gored Brown could lioni Matty
5 p. in. Otllce force going borne. Hy
hickory. I didn't know It was mis late:
Well, I'm too tired to tackle them to
night. I'll get up earlier tomorrow and
go at tbem. I'uck.
Mrs. George A. Harding was the
hostess of a luncheon Thursday after
noon at her home, her guests being
the Alumni of the Oregon City Semin
ary. These ladles graduated from
this seminary in 1870, and all of the
members were present at yesterday's
gathering. Owing to the illness of the
professor, Dr. S. IX Pope, of Victoria,
under whom they graduated, he was
unable to be present, but a letter writ
ten by him to the class was read dur
ing the afternoon by Miss Mary S.
Many of the remlniscenses of school
days were enjoyed, and the afternoon
proved too short for a pleasant occa
sion like this. A delicious luncheon
was served by the hostess These
alumni gatherings are held every two
years, and are always locked upon
with great pleasure by the class. The
rooms were very artistically decorat
ed for the occasion. The parlors and
dining rooms were In marguerites
and trailing Tines, the living room In
nasturtiums, while the dining room,
the most attractive, was In the colors
of the class, blue and white, bachelor
buttons being used in profusion. In
dian baskets filled with these added
much to the decorations. Each guest
was presented by the hostess with a
picture of the old seminary building.
Before the departure pictures were
taken of the alumni.
The members of the class present
were Mrs. Hattie Barclay Pratt, of
this city, Mrs. Kate Hunsaker Nich
olas. Mrs. Emma Miller Cochran, of
Portland; Mrs. Clara Caufield Morey,
of Glenmorrle; Mrs. Jennie Barlow
Harding, of this city; Miss Kate Bar
clay, of this city; Miss Mary S. Bar
low, of Portland.
One of the prettiest luncheons of
the season wns given Friday after
noon by Mrs. Charles G. Miller at her
home on Center and Seventh streets.
The affair was given in honor of Miss
Mary Mclntyre, of Peoria, 111., a for
mer Oregon City girl, and Miss Ana
Baird, also formerly of this city, but
now of Portland, the latter to be mar
ried the latter part of August to Mr.
William Henry Pierre, a prominent
business man of Milwaukee, Wiscon
sin. The rooms were beautifully decora
ted for this ocasion. The parlor and
living room were in niurguerues uuu
ferns, and the dining-room was in the
atrictlc colors red, white and blue.
Large hunches of red ramblers were
gracefully hung from the walls in In
dian baskets, and red sweet peas were
used among the table decorations. At
each place were minature I ncle
Sam's hat filled with bon bons. The
place cards, of which were hand
palnted, suited the ocasion, upon each
of which were written appropriate
limericks of each guest. Six courses
were served by the hostess, w ho .was
assisted bv her mother, Mrs. C. 0. T.
Williams. '
The guests were Mrs. C. O. T. Wil
liams, Mrs. John T Clark, Mrs. A. S.
Dresser, of Portland. Mrs. F. K. Ham
mond, of Eugene, Mrs. William An
dreseu. Mrs. Hiram N. Straight, Mrs.
Crown Work and Bridge Work
It is remarkable how many badly broken down teeth can be
restored to usefulness and conifort by crowning. Gold Is used fo:
the back teeth and porcelain for the front teeth.
The Porcelain Jacket Crown is a special crown that permits of
artfully concealing artificial. tyt in many cases it can bo fitted to
the natural tooth without devitalizing the nerve.
Brldgework requires unusual skill for Its successful perform
ance the knowledge of the metallurgist, the skill of the jeweler,
and the art and training of the dentist.
If you have two or more good teeth or roots in your mouth
you can have a full set of teeth attached' to and built up on these
roots, without a plate to cover the roof of the mouth to Interfere
with speech or mastication, so that the pleasures of the table 'are
not minified.
-I . ''.rn- '
N .
'"TH r-
the Family in the
& And csen
Suspension Bridge Corner
John W. Lodor, Miss Mary Mclntyre,
of Peoria, 111., Miss Ana Baird, of Port
land. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Kellogg, of Mount Pleasant, a fare
well party was tendered to Mr. and
Mrs. William Rowan, who left last
week for Oregon City, where they will
make their future home, having sold
their home at Mount Pleasant. Re
freshments were served and a most
enjoyable evening was spent by the
following: Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rowan.'
Mr. and Mrs. S. tt Dillman. Mr. and
Mrs. Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kellogg.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Holmes, Mrs. A. E. King,
Mrs. Elmer Hendrickson. Miss Sarah
Hendrickson. Miss Lilliau Holmes,
Miss Ethel Holmes, Miss Florence
Holmes, Misses Lucile and Leona Kel
logg, Miss Nellie Dugey, Ernestine
King, Miss Edna Rowan, Alfred Row
an, Master Everett K. Thomas, Master
Owven G. Thomas, A. C. Thomas, Gor
dan McKillican, Arthur King, David
Married. At the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Stelnman, near Currinvllle on July 3.
D. E. McConnell and Lydla E. Stein
man. Rev. A. Densoy read the beauti
ful marriage service and pronounced
the words that made them husband
and wife. A large number of relatives
and friends witnessed the ceremony
and showered congratulations and a
generous supply of rice upon them
when they departed for Portland,
where they will reside. Many use
ful and valuable presents were re
ceived by the happy bride and groom.
Marriage Licenses Granted.
The following have been granted
marriage licenses: Pearl Owens and
Lanman Bloomfleld; Bessie Clark and
C E. Osborn; Helen Beuthlen and
Gustaf Escheback; Kate M. Snodf
grass and -William Bohlender, Helen
Jale and J. F. Lynds; Ettie lsbam and
Al W. Harrier; Juanita M. Stubbs and
Harry J. Kelly. Florence M. Smith
and Carl Johnson; Lydia E. Steln
man and David E. McConnell.
Norman Howard Wants Divorce.
Norman O. Howard has filed a suit
for divorce against Josie D. Howard,
to whom be was married February
1. 1908, in this city. He complains
his wife made dates with other men
and carried on a correspondence with
them, and that she deserted him June
23. 1910. George C. Brownell is How
ard's attorney. Mrs. Howard yester
day filed her acceptance of service In
the case, which will probably not be
OREGON CITY, Or., July 8.
Hazen H. Barnard has been appoint
ed carrier on Oregon City rural mail
route No. 0, to succeed Frank Hend
ricks, resigned.
Seventh street for sale; reasonable.
Address A 7. Enterprise.
Seventh street for sale; reasonable.
Address A, Enterprise.
WAITER GIRLS wanted at Chau
tauqua Restaurant. Apply to H. E.
Cross, chairman committee.
BERRIES, MILK, vegetables wanted
at Chautauqua Restaurant. Apply
at once to H. E. Cross, chnlrmau