Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1910, Image 3

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Astoria & Columbia River R. R.
Sea llrciv.es, Surf Bathing, Fishing, Motoring and
Driving, Splendid Hotels, Cottages and Camps; 25
miles of clear beach. Mountain Water. The finest
resort on the Pacific.
$4 season tickets. $3 Saturday and Sunday returning
Fass Trains from Portland m- ?f V
6:30 p. in. daily; 2:30
p. in. Saturday. Write for booklet.
General Freight ant Pass. Atft. A. &. C. R. R. R., Portland, Ore.
Wenley linugliitm mul mm Kit re
lumed home liint I'll. In v lulu l!,
Smlii Hlu lUKU, where I In')' nlH'HI it few
liny UlltlKllIK l!e lililllK" Plight lu ll-
'(II Mr. I loiiulnnn. win) tun vol y poor
lii'iillli. Hut the rluuiKo illil lilin mi
good for In' mini' hi.ni" feeling worm'
1 1 1 It It when III' li'll, lull 111 lllln writing
ll In II llllli. billet,
Mr. Mnrlo tiltuem wiih iiii tliti
hill iimt Saturday,
W. A. linker, nt Portland, will riiiiii'
mil iH-vl Sunday, July n, iiinl hnlil
m'rvli'i'N nl llu hi'IiimiI hutme ut 11 n
in Alt inn ciinlliily luvlli'il mii'iiit.
Several of Hi" pi'iipln nf HiIk iiiiih
niunlty iitti'li'li'il III" ri li liiulluii nl
Sandy Din Fourth, Hi,'ii it i l. nnit n t
tiny ll'li'iihitf In lln flue program, cut
lug dinner nml WllllCMilllg lllll VlllllltlH
A immln'r i'f K' l'io mmiji,. went up
tu ill'1 iik ut 1 1 1 1 1 ii rt In spend tlu Fourth.
Rubble JtiliiiMinl nml family hpi'til
llu Fourth nl 111" count
lliirn in Mr. mid Mm. Joel Jitrl July
I it seven ihiiiiiiI baby li! Utile
Mildred nml Wmli' mi' much pleased
iivit tlii'lr Huh' sli.li r.
Mont ut Ilii Mitt in 1 1 1 h cloned fur llii'
Fourth. Jurl lru. ti Itiiili i.uly have
II fl'W lliljll IIMT" III IUII III llll'lr pri'H
III Hill'
Hating In Hi" order uf Ihi' nii hi it)
lll'I'O iiik.
Jih-I .liirl put up iilni! ui'ri'H uf hay
hint week,
Children Cry
nlnt iiml ruiil'i'i'iil" Willi liiNpi'Clur
l'wlt III lliii work ln'ii'.
I'mf Jnikm'ii, of III" (I. A. C. at
CiiivhIIIh, wiih hIkii present mill gave
N flu" tiillt mi I"'" iIIhi'Iihch nml Hi"
iiii'llitul nf It ii ml 1 1 it k 1 1 1. in . lie Hpoln'
very highly nf our lnciillly an mi apple
lllllllll'l, nml III" ftllUK) piUhpiTlN of
lit" niiintiy.
Ia'wIh lildeuiorc was iIiiwii friiiu
Three Sl Sunday.
W. I". Fischer hit x Jiil finished
plllUllllg IllK lllll' eight roiiiii house
which In' recently linlll. Mr, Flschei
iiiuvi'it here from I'orihiiiil ulHiut n
yi'tir ago, liavltiK purchased one 'f
Ihi' fluent riiiti hi'H In III" Flrwnnd din
Irlii, loriiti'il mi I lit li'il"il Aulu mini
to Ml Hood. Ho Ix making an Willie
llvi plum if ll mid we nr.' hoping
inoi" mu ll people mh Mr. Fischer will
locate hern nml h"lp build up tin
Fit wood In progressive; every nni'
mliiillii lliul. Tim Mill It Ii contagious.
lf you ilu imt ln'lli'V" U k'i'p your eyes
npi'ii iiinl i ii v." iiotli".
Il"iiry Koi'k Iiiih Juki flulNlii'il lath
ing 111 flint hiiiiMi whli-li ln han I n
building for muni' time, ami It will
muni lii'Ti nily for Ilu- ncnipantH.
F. A Ki'llny. of 1'nrtlmiil. visited
over Sunday with Mr ami Mr. W.
Mm. Anna Malar KniH", with In-r
daughter Dorothy ami Moiinrlo. W
vIkIMiik at hi'r olil hoiiK' In Klrwoml,
ri'tii'wUti; nlil iii-'iuiiliiliuirrit iiinl not
Inn tin' iiiaiiy rliaiiK"H Unit arc lakliiii
plum In ttm way nf linpnivt'iiii'iitH anil
IH'W KI'ltllTH,
W. I.Uromli iiinl (V, Wackrnw. of
I'orllanil. vlnlti'il Mr. ami Mm. V. K.
KItIiit Iiml w'k.
('. H. 1'is-k mwHl a few tiny h at Ki'l
Hot NN'mhIi., IiiH w,'i'k.
Mrn. K, U Hurt vlnlli'tl III Totlnnil
Wi'iliifnilay ami Tlinrmlay (if lant
Mri. I. S. Miilnr Kruii' and ilutinh
loin Imrolhy nml Mnrjurl", nf I'ort
lanil, a r" v I nit 1 1 K at tlii'lr olil houii.
Ki'Klnalil Smith, Hon of J. ('. Smith.
In Kii'iiIIiik hU Mil hut vnrntloli nil
tin' rniii'li. Ilu thinks tlHT" In nil Kiirh
pliK an Klrwooil.
W'arri'ii Wllklrm ntiil fninlly nml W.
U WllkltiH, Br., ami wlfn ttpent Sun
lav ut Hull Hun. .
W. ItniiKlann, nf Kanln Cri'fk, mini'
up Siitiinlay In iitti'iitt tli Fruit Clrow.
i rn' Anmirlatluii.
Mr. ami .Mm. i'otKi II. Coiiimt, of
nml Mm. K.
Tim Mt. Ilnotl Krult (Irnwi'm Ahko
iliil I.. ii lii'lil mi I'litliuHlaiKli' int'i'lliiK
nt KlrwiHiil hall on J mm ?'. ThiT"
tti'ri' nliotll forty ptim nt aiul iwu until
Inn. In Welti out from l'tirtlaml St-v.-i nl
tun. I" npplliiitloii for iiiimiiImthIiIp.
Couiily Imiiii'tor lwln, of llri'Kmi
City, wan pi" "Mil anil Kiivn a Vt'iy lit-
tiTi hllnt! talk nil "Trt'iittni'iit nf HI. I
fiint'tl ('rull Trt't'H," ami ulnu fxplalm'il i
Hniiin nf thn wiii'm of a fruit limpct'tor, I
Htntliiif that whi'ii lu liiul fiiuml It i f ' I , . i r v 1 1 1 . vIhHi'iI Mr
tiiTi'HHiiiy to tinier hailly iIIhi'rhi'iI j D, ;irl Iimt Tui'Silay.
I ri-t'M ili'nt in) ml, afti-r pi'uplo li ii il rW
finii'il 111 Hpiay ami takti tin' prnpiT
iiii ii In mivn llii'iu (iiIiIioukIi tin' law
ii'ipili'tnl lilm to IniV" hiii'Ii trt'i'H rut
tloivii ami hurui'ili, th" uwiii'rn hail
nfii'ii 1 1 in f h roK" up In aiiun iikiiIiiuI
him anil n fiiKi'il In alilil" hy tli" Jaw,
lii't'oinliiK hln iniinl lillt"r i'lii'iul"n.
Mr. I'wln I'Vpi'ttH tu vIhIi thin In
rallly In th" curly fall ami n hnpc In
fact wo arc nurc he will meet with mi
Hitch illlfli ulllcH hern aa our people
lire all law alihlliiK "III "tin anil ih'Hlr
nun nf lii'iirflltlui; their llclKhlior II H
well lit tlli'iiiMclveH. mill aa everyone
known It Ih liupoiiilhle fur one mini fyi
huvo a clean iircluiril while IiIh neldi
Imr itialnlalliH illneiiNeil treen. The iih
Mirlutliui iiilopleil a rexolutloii In tlx
IJnllc a nuiiilii'r of (.lie Snrlnuwutcr
people went to Ueillmiil tu the picnic
mi the Knurlli uf July. Kveryone en
Jiiyeil Ihelnselven. After n KihiiI pro-
Krani lh crowil iimveil mi watch
the match kuiii" of Iiiiho hull lietwiH'ii
SprliiKwiiler ami Iti'illand which ro
Kiiltetl In a Hcore nf H tu 10 In favor
of SpiliiKwater..
Mr. Srliinl.lt ami l iiikIiIitk, Iji
I ii it mul I'lviiiln, huvo Jim ivturtifil
from the Wllliolt SirliiKs. where they
have li.'i'ii mi account of MIsh UivIiiii'h
III health. , ,
Mrn. ICImer Hllilile' han heen visit
Iiik her parents.
Give Us a Cull Bring Your Estimutes-We will Save You Money
Corntr Main nd 14 1 h Streets
fnrllll' Mnln
Hume II .'ft-l
Careful of Your Property
One of ihe secrets of our success
In the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street
Canity Iiml n il"Hcrt"l npiicaniiict'
nil lint Kuurtli, iih li ut n y uf the people
went In Oi'i'KMi City to wIiiii'kh tliti
Iiiihu hull nam" hctwi'cll the I'linliy
I'liuiilii nml the Cii in an liiiiii, or to
M tic h 'i li it i K mill lliiliharil, III" hitler
pliiicn lilt v I ii k ri'li'luittluiiH that wVre
well all"lnli4.
MIhhi'H J I it 1 1 1 f mul Ivliiii iliiu liliiinn
in iiiiiiiiiil"i hy MIhh (IoIiIIii IIIiiiiiii,
npeiil lliu I'uiirlli at lliiliaiil, reiiialn-
Iiik iivnr for lint ilaiuiiiK party In Ilu;
Mih, Alethii Wi.bli, nf i'orllanil, In
vlnltlitK with In-r NlHter, Mih, Ii win
Wheeler, nf thin city. Mm. Wheeler
Iiiih heen very III for the pirnl week,
hill In ntiw liitprovliiK.
Mm. Alnlrew Knrher, In ntiil In Hi.
VIltri'lll H IlilHpltlll.
Mm. Frank Zullfu'r, uf thin city, wiih
liiketi tu the hoiipltal In l'tirtlaml on
Hiiliiiility Iiml on Kuniliiy wan upi'ialeil
iipitu fur Kali Htniti'n: 2-ii of th.iM"
hiiiiii'h Ih'Iiik rt'tiiuveil. Mm. Zolluer
Htimil Hie opiTiiilon wull ami In Itu
'provlnK. Mm. M. II. I."" ami family, of Huh
Iiiih). npeiit Hiimlay In thin city vIhII
1 1 (C tehillven.
Minn Verim KoIiIuhoii, of I'url limil,
Iiiih ri'turiieil tu that city after vIhIi
Iiik with lu-r purculH, Mr. ami Mm.
lliililiinuii. of thin rlly,
MIkk '111 1 It tlulriiH retiiriKil to Call'
hy on Tii"Hilay iininliiK'n trulii, after
npeiulInK tlm Fouiili ci'leluatlnn In
Orcein! City.
Mr. ami Mm, M. J, l.i" iM'-iit Mon
day In (iri'K'iii CHy anil In I'ortlauit.
ri'tuitiltiK home on Tin-mlny.
Mr. ami Mrn. Alvln IMicIiih, after vln
IiIhk with rt'liiilven In Cmihy for nev
cral day", n'turtn'il to their honni In
I'ort html it Wciltii'Hiliiy.
Hiit'.Hoin Super, of lloiul Itlver, Ih
vlnlllK with hln hIhIit, Mm. K. W.
Unit lilnnoii,
Ktonewiill VauKhiin ami William
Vniinhiili, who iittemliil fhe raccn at
KiiKitie, rclurneil hmne on TueH'lay.
'I'helr horn.', Stella A, wan entered In
the rure. racliiK nitalnnt Zulnck.
J. .1. SiimliiioN and family went to
llarlnw mi Weilm-Htlny afternumi,
whi'ii they nt tended the tiiiirrhiKf of
the fnriiier'n lil'i'i', MIhh Cum llowe
ami Mr. Henry (illhertntm.
Mth. CiihhIm ICviihh, after vltltlriK
with the MIkhchKHI!' ami Honelvn lloli-
IiIiih. of IviiKetie, for n week, returned
home on Tnt'tdiiy inornltiK'n train.
Mm. ICvatiH iliitiiiK her may In KiiK"iic
att"iiil"il the rart'H,
William Kendall atlended the raccn
nt lluceite illirltni the pant week,
Mr. and Mm. Tlmtnan returned
hnnio after HpcndltiK Monday In I'ort
laud. Mr. and Mm. CeuiKe KenerlnK
went to Mai'lmliiirK on Mmulity after
tiomi, where they iitlelided the cele
liratlon at that plum, and remrt a
pioHt en)iiyaltle t line.
' MIm Alma Kckcrnnn npeiit Monday
ai MarknliurK. nni nt tended the danc
Iiik party at lliihlnird In the evenliiK.
MIhhch Helen (iraham, Mildred.
Florence unit Lilian Wiiiik attended
the Fourth nf July ciielirailon at Ore
!oii' Clt)',
CcorK" Hill.maii, uf Hood Itlver. Ih
vIhIUiik with hln iiiother, Mrn. Ilolz
liiiin. Mr. and Mrn. A. J. KnlKht and dau
ghter. Flort'tice, are npemlliiK a few
dnyn with rt'latlvcK In thin cltyr Mm.
KnlKht and ilauKhter. while HtayliiK at
The liallcn wero very III with ineuHles.
hut have rectivered from the effect.
Mm. KnlKht ami ilauKhter will remain
her." for n few wt-ekn. but Mr. KnlKht
will return In few dnyn.
Mrn. W. J. tlmduti and noun. Adel
hert and Claire, upt-nt Monthly In Ore
Kim City, the latter retiirnliiK n Tuen-
iliiv moruliyr.
Mr. nml Mrs. A. 11. raddnck npent
the Fourth at (ilnilntone with the for-
mer'n parentH, Mr. ami Mm. J. C. rail
ilurk. Mih) U'c. who han heen nt Antorla.
han returneil to Caiihy for a visit with
Aiulrew Kocher In In I'urtland this
week owIiir to the lllnesn of Mrn.
Kocher, who In slowly recovering
from her recent mirKleul operntlnn at
the St'. Vincent hnspltal.
J. A. CoiiiIi M'nt several ilayn of
this week at the falls near Sllverlim,
where he han- property IntercHtR.
Hoy 1'C has returned from Alhany,
where he vlnlted with fiiendn for a
few days.
Mr. and Mm. Palmer and children
and C. F. KomlK and two noun formed
a flshhiK party that spent the Fourth
at New Km.
J. J. SundHiicsa ami family werel
iiuuitiir the Canity people who spent
the day In Oickoii City and enjoyed
the Iiiiho hall came hetween the home
team and the Camas Jenni.
Minn Myrtlo Scnsel returned to
Portland on Saturday evenliiK, after n
week's visit with Mlsa Orn l.ee.
Services at the M. E. Church.
Services will he held at the M. E.
church on next Sunday as follows:
Sunday school al 10 o'clock; tnornltiK
service, II o'clock; evenliiK service, S
o'clock, Itev. C. I,. Creesy.
A move la on font to have services
held here every Sunday Instead of
every other Sunday, as at tho present
time, and this matter will hp brought
up for decision the first of September.
of tint renlilentM of Clllihy l,y nti'iiiin
of pipes. It In the Intention of tho
('mini Ciimpiniy to lay pipe to carry
thin water throiiKhoiil the town.
Thrio miles of nlxim'h rnalm will he
laid an noon iih lint pnw-r plant Ih
compleliiil. Thin will he a Kf'-'it hen
elll to the peoplo of Cmihy win, have
needed city water for no many yeiim,
nml who have, had t dcpt-mi on the
On June SO, lit II A. M., the wh'-eln
of thn'puwer plant were started for
the llrHt time. Tho I'lant linn tint
heen nlllelally nliirlud, Imt thin will he
done In nhout two weelu,, Tim plant
will he used for the IIi;IiIiik of live
towns, Aurora, Unrlo. ( iinhy, Donald,
and Huhhard. Th hlK putnp Iiiih ar
rived ami will noon ho limlalle'l. Thin
will throw li'iuO Kali""" l'r mluiite,
anil mi iiil llll"ri pump "f 4ni0 khIIoiih
per minute will also he hi italleil, muk
IttK m lot nl of I'l.nna Kiillniin capuclly
per tnlnuti.', Thin will im nluri"d Im
mediately afler all of Hi" inaiiiliiery
, The Aurora Kh'rtrlc Coiiiinny In
neltliiK the near poles and high ten
hIoii tninHformern to lake the Juice
and dlntrlhuin ip the live lownn.
W. li. Minire, who In lurifely In
terenl"d In the Canal Coiupauy Ik
makltiK weekly vIhIIh to thin city
vlewiiiK the work that In Iu Ihk dune,
and In pleaned with th" lonftructlun.
Canby Team 6tlll Undefeated.
Cmihy Canal Uanehall Taiu Ih not
wllhout - frleiidn, an in:t:,y bun
dredK of people llvltiK I" the southern
part of the county wnl to Oregon
City on the Fourth tu wltnem the
liiiM'lutll Kiime between thin team and
the Camas team, which was played
09 the baneliall KnuiMil of the
Chiiii'ailipia park. Thin proved to he
inn! of the main drawiiiK canln of
the ilny. DuriiiK he K.ime the
Molalla band furnlnh'-d the music.
The Kiime wan wltnesi by lare
crowd, and the Kranibliiiiil was filled
to Its capacity. The Kate wan In
charse of "Dor" Snyim- mid Carl
Diicke, of thin city. Mr. I.utke bad
hln hamls full during th" pntKrenn nf
the Kame, an there w r many picnic
parties who arrived at the park pre
viously, the members nf whom were
iuhIouh to see the Kani", but nut enr
Iiik lo pay the necenwiry rharRen, No
one whh allowed to ni the Kame un
ion he did pay.
HeiiHlltiB, one of Ih" Vernon twirl
em In the Pacific Count I,chkuc, was
lu the box for fan by, ttm! bin curves
were certainly myntlfyhiK. A double
Hleal by the Caiiuin team Kavc that
team one of Itn runs. During the
Kame n Rreat deal of ram;llnK occur
red, but the Cnnby Canal save in to
their oppnnentH on several occasions
lo keep pence and lo allow the Kame
to proceed. The srorc at the close
of the nine InnlnKs was 4 to 3, in
favor of the Canliy Canals.
Thin is the first game that Camas
team han lost thin sciimhi, and Canhy
team has the honor of still being nn
defenteiL The Canhy Canals is one of the
strongest leaiiiH that has ever been
oiKanl.cd III thin city, ami it In prob
able that many games will be played
by It before the close of the baseball
Land Salej in Canby.
The Canhy Keul ji:id Company
has made several good land sales
durliiK the past week, among them of
which are the following:
O. It. Mack. C.39 acres of Canhy
Gardens, the cost of which was 12nn.
Mr. Mack will build cottages on this
for rent, which an? badly needed In
Canhy. as there, is Vgood demand for
houses at the present time.
John Murks ban purchased through
thin company, five acres of Cnnby
Card. 'lis for $12.10. John Eckersnn has
also purchased several acres, while
Inga Steinberg has bought two lots
from the Real I-ani Company, con
sideration $uo.
Other deals will probably be closed
by the hitter part of the next week.
Mr. and Mr. Lee Entertain.
Mr. nml Mrs. II. A. Lee had a most
enjoyable gathering of relatives and
friends at their hunpltable home on
Sunday, when over 50 attended. A
basket lunch was served on prettily,
decorated tables under the trees anil
all did Justice to spread.
Among those attending were Mrs.j
H. Tlce, Mr. and Mrs. C. Casseilay. of
Heaver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. William Hlder, Mr. and
Mrn. Albert Mart, Mm. E. Saltmnrsh,
A. H. U'e, Mr. ami Mrs. Georce Ogle.
Mrs. P. M. Sopor, William and Alex
Tlce, Mr. .anil Mrs. Robinson. Miss
Verim Robinson,' Miss Orn l.co, Kdtia
Hutchinson, Karl and Curl Casseilay.
of Heaver Creek, Mr. and Mrs. War
ren l.ee, Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Jnhnnthan Tlce. of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs.K. C. Shull. of
l.lnnton, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Gillmore,
Mrs. M. H. Ia'P. of Hubbard, .Mrs.
Kpsle Shields, Nellie Je, Emma and
Samuel Hart, Norman Saltmarsh,
Dow Hutchinson, Anna and
ncHKlon nf Tuesday night wan followed
by a bauipict.
Letter Lit.
The following in the lint of leltera
remaining 1" the postofflce of Canby:
Women' Lint Minn May Ayrea,
Mm. W. Clark, Mrn. Hnrnh Harris,
Mm. I j. Miller.
Men 'n MM: - ('.. H. D. Saunders, G.
Wnlrh, Charley Parker, D, W, I'pte
grove, Frank W. Irwin, Waren Freece,
(). Olson and family. i
Canby Market Report.
The following ipiotatlom are given
by Gordon Uron,, tho grocers, and
l-iicke llron., the biitchern.
Cbii keiiH Old hens. ii 2)r, broilers,
$.1 per (loz., rosters, 12c, ' prlng, 2UC.
F.kkh, 27c, butter, 55c.
Ttirkeyn, 21c.
Dticlin, nH-C
(ieiiie, 12c.
Hens, Ilk;.
Springs, 21c. '
KnoHiern, young, J4c.
lirollers, 20c, j
Fryers, 2Cc.
iJird, bulk, ISc.
I'.acon. ranch. 20c.
Shoulders, 17c. I
Ham, 20c.
Flour Valley, $1.35; liard. $1.71;
lilue-Hlern, $1.70. j
Cheese, 2:ic. j
Oranges, 40c (loz.; lotnons, 30c. j
Shorts, $1.12 sack; bran, 83c per:
sack; wheat. $1.00 per bil.
(tolled barley, $25 per ton.
Oats, new, $2.1. 00 per ton.
Hay, clover, $10 per ton; cheat, $15.
Hops, contract, 13ft 18c
Grape root. 4i3c per pound.
Cascarit bark, 4t5e a pound.
Sugar $0.2.1 per sack.
Mice, fancy, f, lbs. 25c.
Htitter fat, 2Iie.
Onion nets, 10c lb.
Cabbage, 2'c lb.
Mohair, 32c.
Hogs, best blockers, 11 c; ordi
nary 11c.
Hides, salted, Hc; green 1 cent
Veal, 9'4c; mutton, Cc.
I-ard, lfic.
Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 per
year. All the news of the County.
Vegetable and flower seeds at Gor
don llros.
Old Ulcer
Are unsightly and dangerous. Dr.
Hell's Antiseptic Salve will heal them
promptly. It in dean and pleasant to
use. 25c a box. Sold everywhere.
For sale by Jones' Drug Co.
A pretty church wedding was
Bolemnl.ed Wednesday. June 29, at
C p. ni.. when Miss Cora Howe lie
came the bride of Henry Gllhertson,
with Rev. A. O. White of Sllverton
officiating. The church was beauti
fully decorated with white fox glove,
or dlgatllls. The bride wore a white
crepe dress with bridal-veil and car
ried white lilies.
The brides-maids were Misses Olga
Howe. Cora Sandeness and Clara
Fagerhak, all wore white. The
groomsmen were Wllmer Sandsnesa,
Walter Howe and Geo. Gllhertson.
The bride was lno attended by Stella
Sandsness and Agnes Herg as flower
girls. Mrs. C. (J. Tull, sister of the
bride, played the wedding march. lm"
mediately after the ceremony, a wed
ding dinner was served at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. nd Mrs.
H: C. Howe, where about 100 guests
partook of a bountiful repast. Many
beautiful and useful presents were
received by the young couple and
their many friends Join in wishing
them a long, happy and prosperous
married life.
Miss Bessie Brudrig and Miss
Clara Fagerbak come up from Port
land to attend the wedding.
Misses Rose and Emma Reuck, Geo.
and Carl Turney and Geo. Reuck of
Portland, spent the Fourth at the
Jake Reuck residence.
A very quiet Fourth here. Some
went to Oregon City, some to Hub
hard, others to the woods for a picnic,
while a few remained at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and Miss
Annie Erlckson of Portland, came
home for the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs-. Will Bauer and sons,
near Wllsonvllle. were visiting R. E.
Irwin's fnmlly Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesse of Port
land, were visiting ' Frank's parents
Miss M. S. Harlow of Portland, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. M. W. Shep-pard.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tull went to
Salem to visit Mrs. Toll's mother,
Mrs. Kimsey. the Fourth.
Miss Alta Evans of Portland, spent
the Fourth nfr home.
Mrs. G. Oldenberg ami daughter of
St. Paul, are visiting Mr. Oldenberg's
parenta Mrs. Oldenberg is on her
wnv to Lewiston, Idaho, where Mr.
Alberta i Oldenberg has employment as fruit
Ten Dollars in Gole will be given
to the first person that nominates the lady
that wins the Grand Prize in the Enter
prise Big Circulation Contest, and a two
years' subscription to the Enterprise will
be given to each of the first two persons
naming the winners of the first prizes in
the two districts. In case of a tie, the
gold or subscriptions will be divided be
tween the persons tieing.
Use the nomination blank
Contest Advertisement. Address,
in the i
.Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of Sprlngwat
er, ,have been visiting with tn,lf
daughters, .Mrs. Hoopen and Mrs.
Chan. Snook of Vancouver, spent
last Sumlay with Ma parents of thi
Homo of the good people from here
go In camp meeting next Saturday
night, others will not go until Sun
day morning.
J. Riddinga, of Marquam,
Property Valued at $20,450.
A Pain Remedy
Hoth Internal and external Is needed
daily by almost every family. Keep
a bottle of Dr. Bell's Ant! Pain. Good
for all kinds of bowel troubles. Exter
nally for cuts, burns, sprains and all
pains. Strongly antiseptic. Sold
everywhere. For sale 'by Jones' Drug
Petitions for tho probate of
estates were filed Tuesday as
S. L. Secret, value of estate, $1,100;
George M. Secrest, administrator;
George ('. Brownell, attorney.
F. J. Hurley, value of estate, $:)00;
Mary B. Burley, administratrix; U'Ren
Ac fachuebel, attorneys.
J. P. Purslfiill, value of estate.
$1,000; Isaac Pursifull, administrator;
J. E. Hedges, attorney.
P. J. Ridings, value of estate, $20,
4.10; John A. Ridings, administrator;
C. D. & D. C. 1-atourette, attorneys.
Solving the Mystery.
Mrs. O'Brady Ol don't know puat's
th' manlier nid tbot table fallln' V
pieces as 'tis doin". 'Twas bought fr
seasoued wood.
O'Brady - Seasoned! Begorry. th'
wood must 'a' blD seasoned In tb' fall,
fr tb' leaves do be droppin' abt.
Hie Changing Calling.
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the govern
ment food expert, was talking' of
"new" sort of food preservative. "Tliey
are all the same thing under different
names." be said. It reminded hhu of
the old caretaker of an Episcopal
church of whom be once beard.
This old fellow as be sat on a tomb
In the churchyard dismissed as trivial
the question of his proper title.
"The good old creed keeps the same
for all." he said, "though they may
change the words they use. Look at
me. here. I used to be the Janitor.
TbpD we had a parson who called me
the sextant. Dr. Thirdly gave me
the name of virgin. And the young
man we've got now says I'm the sacri
lege." Youth's companion.
Gillmore, Florence Rider, Eda Shull. Inspector.
Florence and Mildred Munson. Lot-I The Spiritualist camp meeting at
iew tsra opens next nunuay. i,oou
umniyii hi u mi n i n i mi
jvj.hn.c.rn irn, on nt
A Splendid Overall
for every use.
Cut generous,
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
Ik bit 4 ill Mm.
SiifrHiMt (ilifwiii
Th. K ill e 1 1 1 L 1 1 f K I ii it Art 1 1 ii r nlaved! r Installed here by
tho Macksburg team lust week, anil
resulted in a Hcore of 4 to ;i In favor
of Canhy,
Ambush Wins Race.
Many of the people of this city are
Interested In the famous trotter, R.
Ambush, that was wintered on the
Chickainas county fair grounds, who
wan raced against Dollio McKinney,
the pacer, at the races held at the
Eugene race track last week, and won
In the race. This was one of the best
matched races held there, R. Am
bush's time being 1:0. Robert Hiitt,
owner of It. Ambush, will bring this
flno burse to the county fair in Sep
tember ntiiLho will ho entered In some
of tho races of the three days' session.
At inesent the horse Is in training nt
the fair grounds lu Salem. '
Electric Car Line Project
M. J. I.eo's surveyors have nindo a
complete preliminary survofrom the
Cascade mountains near Molalla
crossing the Willamette river at Can
by and on to Portland Intersecting
Hue running tho entlro length of the
Tualatin ' Valley. This survey has
been mndo fur an elocttic car line,
which will bt constructed without the
trolley whoa for the carrying of
freight, but with n locomotive, and
for tho carrying of passengers by
electric Murage. From tho present
Indications there Is a very bright out
look for the construction of this pro
ject, which wlj! ho a groat bmiellt to
nil of the country through which It
passes. Tho road will bo completed
within two years.
Canal Company Purchases Land
The Cnnby Canal Company has pur
chased one-half acre of the Mack
property, which Includes tho splendid:
well that has been supplying tunny
nlno Dee, Rona Hutchinson, Homer
l.ee, Velna I ,. Almlra Shields, Ray
I-ce, Earl Leo, Hazel lx?e. Allan
Combination Boxes Installed.
Combination boxes for the postof-
Bowman and Warm Kendall under
the supervision of Postmaster Knight
Those boxes have been needed by the
patrons for many years, and Mr.
Knight bus nt iast succeeded in se
curing them. There, will be no more
call boxes as heretofore, and as the
prlco la only 35 cents per quarter all
can afford this. The boxes will be
completed and ready by the latter
part of this week. Many have already
taken boxes.
Rebekas lnst.il! Officers.
The Installation of officers of the
Rebekah Lodge took place on Tues
day evening, and the three new mem
bers wore Initiated Into tho mysteries
of tho order. At tho recent meeting
held Inst month six new members
were taken in. This lodge Is growing
rapidly, and others are contemplating
becoming members. The business
i . i
r . ' L
' !
speaking and music will be heard,
are Invited to attend.
A Wretched Mistake
to endure the itching, painful distress
of Piles. There's no need to. Listen:
"I suffered much from Piles." writes
Will A. Marsh, of Siler City. N. C.
till I got a box of Bucklen'8 Arnica
Salve, and was soon cured." Burns,
Rolls, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Cuts, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, van
ish before It. 25c at Jones Drug Co.
Mftk Curtis Dodd spent last week
in Portland with friends. While there
she attended the wedding of an old
time friend.
Our genial horse trainer, Wallace
McCord, Is worthy of favorable men
tion for nnnearances in the partde
on the Fourth at Oregon City.
Marvin Faulk Is attending summer
Normal school in Oregon City He has
decided that teaching the coming
generation Is the proper thing for him
to follow.
Roy Whllehnrt of Portland, is visit
ing with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Hylton.
The Prlcllla Club met last Thurs
day nt the home of Mrs. Hnrvey. The
day was suent with sewing and Pleas
ant conversation nfter which a dainty
luncheon was" served bv the hostess.
Miss Mnrlo Harvey favored the
guests with several mtrsicnl selec-j
Hons thnt was greatly appreciated. :
Those present .were Mesdame, I
Itlack. Thompson. MeCord. Scheers. !
Swick. Bnvlan, Lazelle, Schrelner. Col-!
well, Faulk, and Mr. Harvey, Misses j
Hoylan, Swick, Srheer. anil MissI
Marie Harvey. The Indies will meet !
at the home of Mrs. P. M. Thompson
on next Thursday. , -
Many people from here attended i
the celebration In Oregon City on j
tne Fourth and all join In saying that;
It. Is the best that was ever held in!
Oregon Clt.w '
Resourceful Father.
"Cholly. why aren't you callln
Miss Gotrox any more?"
"Qer father objected."
"But falut heart uever won
"1 know that, but the heartless
wretch got out an Injunction." Wash
ington Herald.
Ely's Cream Balm ;'J
it quickly abtorbed.
Gins Relief at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
the diseased mem
brane resulting from
Catarrh aud drives
away a Cold in the
Head quickly, lie. If ay CCMCO
stores the Souses of flH I I LV Lll
Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta., atDnig
gists or by mail. Iu liq.iid fnrm, 75 ivuts.
Kly Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New 1 ork.
A Good Way to Use Hyomel,
Besides breathing through the In
haler a few times a day, many cat
arrh sufferers write that they find
inhaling Hyomel from a bowl of
steaming water each night before re
tiring a great aid in curing stubborn
Try it; it's very simple; gives quick
relief and makes you breathe easier.
'Fill a bowl half full of boiling
water; pour Into the water a half
teaspoonfu! of Hyomei, cover head
and bowl with a towel and breathe
through nose and mouth the medi
cated antiseptic and healing vapor
that arises.
This method relieves that stuffi
ness at once and makes your head
feel clear. ,
You can get a bottle of Hyomel at
druggists everywhere, or at Huntley
Bros, for only 50 cents. Ask for an
extra botvle Hyomel InhalecL
But bear in mind if you want a
Hyomei inhaler you must buy a com
plete outfit which only costs $1.00.
But as stated before; If you al
ready own an Inhaler a bottle of Hy
omei costs but 50 cents.
Hyomel is guaranteed by druggists
everywhere and by Huntley Bros, to
cure catarrh, sore throat, coughs,
colds, rose fever, asthma and croup,
or money back. Try it on that gen
erous basis. j
Wl tuly4
May try to assert its independence
and explode just to celebrate the
Glorious Fourth. If you would avoid
such trouble, let us keep all your
in good
repair. Our work is unsur-
Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and
Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job
bing and Spraying Material.
914 Main St. Phone 2654.
D. C. LATOTJRETTE President.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Office Both Phonea 22 Residence Phone Main 2G24
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1865 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER