1111 T OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 1, 19.10. CLERGYMEN BREAK LAW FAIL TO MAKE RETURNS ON MARRIAGE LICENSES TO COUNTY CLERK. SCHNOERR OBSERVES FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY FULL CORPS IS ELECTED GERMANS FROM MANY OREGON TOWNS HONOR PRESIDENT OF LOCAL VEREIN. j TEACHERS ARE CHOSEN FOR , . COMING YEAR IN THE The fiftieth birthday of lots Sehnoerr. nresldent of the Herman ! CITY SCHOOLS. ... society, in the park nt his nonio nt Willamette-, was ce.ehruted Sunday. MAY FACE INDICTMENTiSrS8 .roiTOOZE IS IN CHARGE JCtty wore present. i There were (towers and music,! ! ,...., I.. ..I I presents rem iiimhuu. mom - - i, 10 nH !'ieiles, speeches and a flno dinner Fall Term Open, September 19 and ! served nt the park to all the visit-1 Final Plm Will Soon Be ors. It was a grand social gsiherlnir j such ns the r.erman people can have.; i where the whole family participate j j in Innocent pleasure. j I Thrt u.titr't:o of r-onerat llhltloll WaS I PORTLAND TEACHERS CHOSEN Many Clackamas County Pedagogue Are in m torpi. The names of many Clnckimins County teiu'lu'is appear In the list of the rorthiml corps, Miss Maude tHke. who lias been tonchliiK at IVndlelon, 1ms been e-nRitge-d In the I Albion Humes! cad. and Harry t'. Kustham In the .Jefferson Mull school, Others who have been reflected arc: l A. Head, principal Clinton Kelly; Oilla Sholikoer. ('Union Kelly; Kdlth Karr, fivston; Kiinnle tl. Ver ier, principal t'nllliiK; May Kelly, Falling; Myrtle Shonkwller, Haw tliorne; Addle Clark, HlKhlaml; Alice Shannon, Holladny: uirvttn Kan. Montavllla. Kate 1, Porter, WtHxl. Scok- Sell- Judicial Authorise Determined to Punish Violation of Oregon Statutei if Evidence Can Be Obtained. Ready for High School Building. Indictments may he returned against more than one clergyman or other official authorized to perform marriage ceremonies because they failed to make returns to the county clerk as provided by law, within 30 days from the date "of the issuance of the license. From the records of the office of County Clerk Greenman there has been compiled a list of the licenses issued since January 13, 190S, upon which no returns have been made. The names of the persons se curing the licenses and the name of the person making the affidavit in each instance follows: Anna Eva Wester and Arthur E. Pierce, by R. G. Pierce; Jennie Hilll ker and John H. Cochran, by Edward Pendergast; Bertha Robertson and Amos Strait, by John Green; Martha Prey and Edward S. Schlung. hy Uvy Stipp; Lena Burhel and A. M. Paddock, by A. Buchel; Marie Anas tasie Leveque and V. L. Tlbbetts, by Joseph Deters; Eva R. S. Clark and John F. Douglas, by G. A. Hlbbard; Lillian P. Burrow and Harry E. Tay lor, by William Masters; Bernice M. McKinley and George E. McLoughlin, by George C. Brownell; Frida H. Duns and W. L. Kirchem, by Mrs. W. P. Kirchem: Mary E. Hoseington and J. D. Pfiefer. by V. W. H. Sanson; Susie Cole and E. A. Trusty, by B. Richardson; Claudia Miller and Fred A. Stevens, by J. I". Campbell; Ida Ijviers and Charles Emmerson, by R. D. Wilson: Dena Dlckelman and Frank Dunmire. by J. W. McAnnlty. . .. I, .,,'0 . .. . . ..... .i.. i- ecnoti oi inc etui's ei ....... t cnnX ,cu,scher .-n j tlW ' Two little sons of the celebrant re- Plolcd las m urda di,K b , .ponded in German. O. M. Klemsen ! hoard of directors. ; " i presided and printed Mr. Schnoerr Pre) Erlckson was . leete J an -of and wife with a beautiful solid oak j the Harclay and 1 J hall tree and mirror. Otto Kleemnn. 1 the latter being ass Ignet . the I ar-, pr..sident of the German Verband of clay. Followlns is a c n 1 'U is , ! Oregon, presented him with a cut of the teachers for the coming m hool , I glass pitcher and water service. ; cai . j Frank Busch. of Oregon City, deliv-, cy Superintendent - Fred J. S. : , erod an address of congratulation onfooie. j 'behalf of Mr. Schnoerr's neishhors prm.I)al Hiuclav building A. O. and fellow citizens. Mrs. Schnoerr j.,, j v,n m yRrr..,ipa, Easlham bld,ng-John I i JfXfZ'- Vsmtcor; in Mlgh Schoo.-Nh.ude, Msttlev assistant principal; Kdna ; REFUSE TO ALLOW PASTOR TO DEPART CONGREGATION OF PRESBYTER IAN CHURCH GIVES MINISTER TWO MONTHS' LEAVE. by the ladles of Oregon City with a Salls- with a great deal of feeling. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of JONATHAN HUMPHREYS Saved at Death's Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayres. of Transit Bridge, N. Y.. when his life was won derfully saved. "I was in a dreadful condition," he writes: "my skin was almost yellow; eyes sunken: tongue coated: emaciated from losing 40 pounds, growing weaker daily. Vim-' lent liver trouble pulling me down to death in spite of doctors. Then that matchless medicine. Electric Bi'.ters. ' cured me. I regained the -irt pounds lost and now am well and strong." For all stomach, liver and kidney troubles they're supreme. 3"c at Jones Drug Co. husband "had to defend Mmself; M? Veach-Mr. Ella againsi an me nuacivs hi a .'. ,. ,. , r,,,i.,i i .-,uv iv!il. .This he was able to do in an eloquent : "'. "rW f ';"'": I , manner, and he s,oke from the heart Anna T. Smith. 1 Waff r. . , !..h . . h.i wn Mta Harding, Mrs. Helen LiL-et., i Pearl G. Cartliiige. Elizabeth l.allogly. i Mrs. Gussle L Hull. Harriet Cochran. 'chrlstalH-l .lewett. Marcla Roinlg, j Clara M. Chamlrlaln, Marlbel Che-: I ney. The city sahools will open for the Fall term on Monday. September IS'. The necessary repair work around ; the buildings will be under way In a I short time. Excavat'ui for a base- ment tinder the East ham building! will be made, and the dirt removed j ! will be scattered over the Kasthaui' Dipe j grounds. Concrete sidewalks will be! constructed on the Eleventh street! , side of the new High School building, i West Oregon City Resident Stricken I The detailed plans and the spool-1 Suddenly at Astoria. j flcatlons for the construction of the i (new High School building are now; Jonathan Humphrys. who had being made up by the architect Aaron ; been a resident of West Oregon City ; H. Gould, and will be presented to since 1ST2 died suddenly at 9 o'clock '? dlreteors for their thia approval j vesterdav 'morning at Astoria, where I within the next in days. II 1,1s for the he had been vistlng his son. Charles. ! construction of the new building will torlthe past month. Death was due; he asked for just as s.kui as the, to heart disease. Mr. Humphrys was' plans are approved and the work! about G vears of age and was a na--will be rushed on the structure, with tive of England His wife was with : the object of having It ready f-r oc him at the time of his death. The ' cupancy early next Fall. The Issue ; following children survive him: John of $o.oo(i bonds for the purchase of! R Fred W -Charles. Nicholas T. and a site and the erection and equipment ; Mis Jessie Humnhrvs. The bod" of a High School building has been; will be brought to Oregon Citv for taken by the First National Bank, of burial. Oregon City. Several weeks ago the Slsslon and several other members of his church, noting the 111 health of Uev. Mr. ljindslKrough, the pastor, planned to show their love for hint and appre ciation for his services by a grant of two or more months' vacation, nl full pay, In order that he might try another climate, rest and regain his formvr strength. In the meantime, however, he Intimated a desire to re sign and accept a call from another, church located under what he thought more favorable conditions of climate. I'pon the presentation, however, of his request for release, his congregation, unwlllng to give him up If he could possibly remain, promptly ami unanimously voted him n two months' vacation, on full pay, and expressed also the desire to Increase the time. If necessary, for him to fully regain his health. At the Prosbyterlal meeting yesterday the representatives from the church renewed the offer of vacation nud nsked that his pastoral relations, be not now dissolved from the church, hut that he try another climate and return here lu September If well. Mr. 1-andslioroiigh acquiesced llnnlly In the request and Presbytery did not dissolve the pastoral relations. The members of his church and his many friends sincerely hope for him a speedy and permanent recovery that he may continue to live and work among them. The delegates from this city were George Brown, C. Schuehel, A. K. Frost and F. J- S. Toote. MUCH BETTER Than the average suits at this price are the special values we now have on sale at 3S15.UI This lot consists of about 500 suits m Serges and Fancy Mixtures, Cassimercs and Worsteds. Better values at this price can not be obtained. ASK TO SEE OUR LINE OF BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES LION CLOTHIERS 166-170 THIRD ST., PORTLAND, OREGON REFUSED TO MARRY A PORTLAND COUPLE JUSTICE OF PEACE SAMSON SAYS NAY AND CUPID FOLDS HIS ARMS. Every Body S.itiafied Who has tried I. Hell's Pine-Tar-Honey for coughs, colds, grip or any throat or bronchial trouble. Get a bottle today. Look fur the- Hell on the bottle. For nlc bv Jones' Drug Co. James Kane and Julia (iundllach came lo this city Wednesday for the purKise of getting a marriage license and to embark on I he sen of matri mony. They were successful In pro curing the marriage license, but were not so fortunate lu securing a minister or magistrate to lie the knot that would make thetu man and wife. It was the Intention of the couple to have Justice of the Peace Samson perforin the niurrlnge cere mony, ami he nccoivpanled the would- l-griHiui as he went to the court house lo secure the marriage license After this hud hceu granted Miss ifiuudllach stated that two years ago she had married a man either by the , name of HoMnson, llobertson or Hob- bins, she did not know which, ns she was hypnotUed nt the time, ami she ouiiit t tint in' mis a iiiarrlcit man I with a family. She stated that the marriage ceremony was performed In j Vanronver, Wash. She- liml (he man 'arrested for bigamy and he wn son : tenreil to serve three year lu the I H'tilteiitlarat Salem, but was nfter ' wards paroled. She consulted her at torney, who told her I he marriage not legal, ami It was not uec-s-sary to apply for a divorce. I'pon hearing this. Judge Samson refused to perforin the marriage ceremony, anil up to n late Imttr the couple hail found no one to do this, and left for Portland, whence tln-y came. CIRCULATION CONTEST ON (Continued from page 1) able while wotuali In Cliicknmiis County. To give people residing lu different parts of the county it fair oportunlty to wilt a prize, we have divided the territory Into two dis tricts. The llrst district comprises all of Oregon City; the second dis trict includes all territory outside of tin1 corporate Units of Oregon City. , An a result of this, any woman of ambition, energy, hustling nbllty nud wide acquaintance may enter lih splendid chances of winning a val uable prlto, no matter how much or how little they may be able to de vole to the contest. l Is strictly a competitive proiHisltlou in which there will be no clement of chance or J luck, nud the result will depend en tirely upon HO' ruoris Ol mi u o'u i j tesiant Tin- reward for a Mule work Is In deed worth while. The grand prl, . which goes to i lie lady In either ills j trlcl g-ttlng the highest number of! votes lu the contest. Is n ) I L'.'i IClb-r : nlnmi tf U ii Holeuillil Instrument. , It Is barked by nil uncotiilll liuial guar.; ! antee -- no conditions as to wear, i ! usage, etc , that renders gimraiiti e ! j on many Instruments of no value; 'for five Yearn. H I an orchestral; ; upright Hratul, nud l he winner iniiv j I select walnut, oak or mahogany II n j ' Ish It may be neon nl any tlhie at j i Kllern piano House nil Washington, j I at Park. Portland, ; j lu each of Hie two districts three; ! prizes will be given lo the .-oiliest j , nuts. The first prl.-e In each district I 'will be. a l.'iii menliailill-ie certificate j - the Maine as $.V) lu gold to you The second ptl In each district will be a piano Kcholaishlp at the Oregon Conservatory of Music, Portland, or a business Kcholiirshlp ut the P.e lue tic llusliiesH I'lilverulty, Portland. Hot It are well known for the excel lence or their Insiruclloii. The latter la not lu the business collcgii trust and gives you Individual Instruction and thorough work. The third prle In-each district Is a huinliionie ladle' gold watch. Now Is Hie time In start. Send In your inline nl once or the inline of a rrlend I ho I wallla II pililio ntld U willing to work a IHlle lo obtain one. To I he nrsoii who (1rnt tend In the name of Hie lady who ln the grand prlo In the rontest we will give till III gold at the close of Ibe content. To the two persons who llrsl Noml In the names of the winners of the dt'st prlnen In the Iw., dlslrleis we will give each a (voyeurs' sub nerlpllon to The i:nlerprle lu cne of ii tie the cash or subset IplloiiS will be dlvib'il between the ieroli Helng, Start right away. Cull, pi r write for a receipt book A Utile hustling now will pav you big Pit your eye on the plimo an, I start to win It today. I run do your family washing eiin ler. ilcker and Is-tter; save nibbing and save the clothes; make llieln clean, wholesome and snowy white; brighten colors, soften woolens mid kill germs I mil WASHWAX. the liew nclelltlflc comsilind Hull doe the work without the aid of soa-p or blench, nin lined lu hot or cold water. There Is nothing like Inc. Send ten cents stamps today and I will come bv uuill lu regular sire. Von will be glad you tried me Address Wnnlittax Co, St bulls, Mo, ' If you wntil old newspapers Km-rpihi" office, Prce. all nt i BWIi'ff JUI 1MI Ml 1IU Ml' I' '. fiM,illMVllMJW."-'-w-- n ., i m I Viable Prizes Given. Away! IN THE TO POPULAR LADIES ENTERPRI SI?" GREAT CIRCULA1 10N CONTEST CONDITIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION. Any respectable young lady residing in Oregon City or Clackamas County is eligible to enter this contest. The contest manager reserves the right to reject any nominations, and all candidates must abide by the rules of the contest. Votes will be issued on renewals and paid-in-advance subscriptions. A coupon and nomination blank will also be published in The Enterprise, which will count for tne number of votes xpecitied thereon. The fir.st thing to do is to enter your name as a candidate. Then either cail, write or phone The Enterprise office for a receipt book with which to secure subscriptions. Then let all your friends know you are in the conte.-t, and request thorn to save their votes for you. Candidates may nominate themselves or may be nominated by their friends. All "Reserve Ballots" issued on subscriptions are good until the end or the contest, and they may ba voted at the direction of the contestant or the subscriber. Voters will be allowed on subscriptions secured anywhere in the world. Subscribers may vote for contestants in any district, and contestants may work in both districts or outside of them. Votes not transferable. The final count will be by a committee of prominent citizens. A square deal will be given every contestant in every way from beginning to end. In case of a tie the prize will be divided between the constants tleing. Any questions which may arise will be settled by The Enterprise, and lt:t decisions will be absolute and final. Candidates must reside in the district from which they are nominated. SEND IN YOUR NOMINATION. You will find a nomination blank below. It is good for 1,0'iu votes, which gives you a fine start. Then enlist the aid of your friends and neighljors. fse your telephone. Ix-t everyoti'know that you are a candidate before they promise their help to a more enterprising contestant. Be ambitious and determined to win. If you have friends you can not see at once, write them, . You can get votes and subscriptions from either district and anywhere in the world. Votes will be given on both new and old subscription payments. Call or send to The Enterprise office for a receipt book. The Contest Manager will be glad to have you call so that he can explain details and give you helpful plans. Telephone or write if you can not call and a repre sentative will give you full details. Secure every coupon and nomination blank you can, as they all count. Hut work for the Reserve Ballots, for they count the most. CONTEST OPENS JULY 5 1910 CONTEST CLOSES AUG. 20 1910 . I Magnificent $425.00 Eiler 2 $50 Merchandise Cefml cates. 2 Piano or Business Schol arships. 2 Handsome Gold Watches. The Oregon City Enterprise offers one of the fairest and most liberal Circulation Contests ever conducted in the state. The grand prize is a magnificent $425.00 Eiler Piano, which would be worthy of any home fn Clackamas county The person winning this Piano will never regret a little work. Any lady, young 9Loi4-'"-.J!i? county may enter. Anyone paying for year's subscription to the Enterprise may vote for any contestant. The winners of these prizes will be the women cf greatest energy and pluck, most ex tensive acquaintance, the best organizing and hustling abilities, the brightest and most popular. Enter at once by sending in your name and address. Costs youjabsolutely nothing. Thousands of people work years to save what you can win in a few weeks time. The sooner you enter the greater your chance of success. ir TIk-i-o To ASK YOUR FRIENDS TO I IF.LP YOU you bi-loni; lo n tt.-ci.-ly, church or liny orKuulutloii. let your follow . .. .1 : 1,..!.. 1..I11 I w ill II I- V 1: veil It ou Itll-IUI'i TH KNOW HMO ''H oniv 11 bi-roii It U kI'-ii lo Homo other conti-Miint. Ixm't fowl ibut children can do the mont ofT.n-lhe work In collect Iiik conpoiiH and nomination bliinU. in well us secure you many snbi. rlplloiiB. Should your father, nuiihcr, brother, mater or fileud Indium lo any oi Kiinlzullon, tp'l them lo nocine tin- vote mid modulation of tV nieuibeih Ho not lot a dav hiNS bv without M-cuilnit houio milmcrlpiloun mid voleH The steady. petHisleut dally work Is what will will you the plain). Keeplim evi'ihoilltiKlv at It Is what brliuts kiici-i-sk. Anyone, anywhere, can voti) for any candhliiUi. Candldati-H can nocinv votes anywhere. e valuable prizes will be won by koiiicoiio. way uoi n ju: eipiallzo compellllon and islvo every contestant an eipial chance to win a prize, the territory has been divided into two iiiHiricis: It Is easier lo ask questions tlinii lo corn-el mistaken. Iion t hcHltato to ask nueslloliH. The Contest Mummer Ih at The Enterprise ofllco to help you, Telephone Main 1 or Homo H lo. YOU CAN EASILY WIN A PRIZE. Do not not illsconnmeil. Once iioinlniilcil, do mil drop out. You can w in, These valuable prizes will be won by Homeono. Why not you? YOUR FRIENDS WILL I IELP YOU. Hundreds of people will have no personal friends In III" contest, on can Hocure their friendship and subscriptions If you only ask theni. They will also secure voles for you from I heir friends, A Mule oiKanlzalloti iiiiiouk your friends for systematic work lu your Interest will (to a Ioiik way toward nilililnn you I he winner of the I'llltlO. INCREASE YOUR VOTE EACH DAY. Don't lose a slunle day. (let some subscriptions each day. That Is the way lo win out. fiet it receipt book and start at once. $10.00 IN GOLD Ton Dollars In (lold will be lven to the first person Hint nominates the lady Hint wins I lie ttnind prize lu The Kntei piise HIk Circulation Coulest, ami a two-veais' subscrlpllon will be lven to each of the two perHons naniiiiK the winners of the first prizes in the two districts, lu ruse of a lie the nold or the subscriptions will be divided between the coniesliiutH tlelnK. Of course you want to nominate a lady you lire sure will make kooiI. Make iih many nominal Ions as you wish. Division of Territory ill chance to win To equalize competition and give every contestant an equal a prize, the territory has been divided into two districts: District No. 1 Oregon City. District No. 2 All territory ouUide corporate li-nits of Oregon City. SCALE OF VOTES. 2 months' trial C months 1 year 2 years 5 years New Old . ,2ri 100 i( l''" r'1'" 1.50 2.",im 12-j'i 3.(1(1 "0.'I0 2-V)0 . 13.00 ",'1000 23000 NOMINATE A CANDIDATE NOMINATION BLANK 1000 VOTES The Enterprise Great Circulation Contest I nominate Address ' District No I'hono No Only the first Nomination I;lai-k counts l'KMi voles; each subsequent blank 10 voles. Names of people making nominations will not be dlvulKcd. COUPON THE GREAT CIRCULATION CONTEST The Oregon City Enterprise THIS COUPON WILL COUNT FIVE VOTES. District. No. NOT GOOD AFTER JULY 9th.