Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 01, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday
S. E. 6R0DIE, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at Oregon City, Or.,
office a second-clasg matter.
Subscription Rates:
One Year $1.50
Six Months T5
Trial Subscription, Two Months .25
Siit.f ci li'ers will And the dale ot ex
piration stamped ou their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment is
not credited, kindly notify us. and
the niutier will receive our attention.
Advertising Kales on application.
On Saturday of next week mass
meetings will be held by the Repub
licans of Clackamas County to select
delegates to the county assembly at
Oregon City July 16. The represen
tation In the assembly will be based
upon the vote cast for the Taft elec
tors in each precinct being
given one delegate at large and one
for each 15 votes and major fraction
thereof cast for the Taft electors. This
will make an assembly of about 225
11 is apparent that there is a strong
sentiment throughout the County of
Clackamas in favor of an assembly,
but just how strong can hardly be es
timated though nolitlcal observers
say they are surprised to learn of the j
large number of Republicans who fa-;a
vor a clean-cut assembly, not govern-j
ed by a bunch of professional poll-:
ticians with selfish Interests. While!
tho farming interests are nearly a I
unit for the direct primary law on
principle, many of them, and this is
especially true of the sincere Re
publicans, will insist upon an amend
ment to the law that will have fru
its object a more equal distribution
of the county -offices. No one can
deny that under the present system
the centers of population capture all
of the offices, and this is simply a
natural consequence of the system,
but the Idea Is wrong. Two years
ago every Republican nominee save
two came from Oregon City, and
those two offices were treasurer and
surveyor. In the latter Instance
there was no opposition. There is
no doubt that some will Bud a way
iu rvmr- ah aiur iiuuieui lu lutr pri-j
mary law that will end this nnsatls-'
factory condition, and it will have to,
be done, else the whole primary law !
will fall into disfavor iu the county
here It should have and
has- had its heartiest support.
There is an effort being made to
elect delegates to the county assem
who will possess such radical
antl-assemblv ideas that thev will
seek to prevent the selectlon'of ss'
seeK io prevent tne selection or 5a,
delegate, to the state assembly. As
the county assembly was called .for j
this purpose, the friends of the '
movement are said to be working
niiictw tn tho ., .v.!iast sad duties, which wouuld fall up
will not be held in vain.
The way to a man's vote is through
his stomch, say the local leaders of j
the equal suffrage movement which :
making progress toward the cll-
max of the campaign at the Xovem-j
ber election. Therefore the women
who want to have have Issued a SIlf-!
frage cook book which U nnt 1 1
irage cook D00K, whlcb Is not only
first claS5 text book in cullnair1
uul a means OI raising campaign ,
expenses as we,, for the suffrage '
wuiKris sen me DOOKS 10 pay ttietr.
Prnpncpc Tcr ffflir th tt-.d,(-
"vn. vc naomijiuu
. ... i
r.4uai BMUrdKe Association presented
100 of its cook books to the Oregon
Association, which is also fiehtlne
for "votes for women," and a like i univer5e rever presides in that tern
number to the associations of Okla-i P'!-0n..biK ' ' . lU
t, -.,...., . Brother McQuaid had been in the
homa and South Dakota. These gifts ernploy o the southern Pacific Corn
celebrated the payment of a printer's, pany for a number of years as road
bill for 3,000 cook books, and now' master, and leaves a widow, three
the suffrage campaign Is "on vel
vet," as It were, with cook books to
meet all expenses.
The old Dalles military wagon road
grant is about to be placed on the
marxei ana this land, together with
tho 'Willamette Valley & Cascade Was not spoken of the soul."
Mountain road grant that is to be! H-
sold in small tracts, will mean a great
colonization movement for Oregon1 Tpethi,1S children have more or less
i,i,-ir, fhr. t , .diarrhoea, which can.be controlled by
during the coming few years. The Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
Dalles grant comprises 430,000 acres and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that Is
and Is very largely valuable agricul- necessary is to give the prescribed
tural land. Its settlement will mean i 'se after each operation of the bow-
a great Increase in the state's popu-i('!? P101"? than n?tural amI thTVatf'r
iTtt j i.!. i oil 10 cleanse the system. It s safe
lation and wealth. an( sure s,)1(, by a
CHave you any good reason for not saving? Ask
yourself and find out if you have.
3y saving you provide for the' future by storing
up the surplus of each day's labor.
jThis surplus is practically a mortgage on the
future, a source of additional income.
CjThis surplus, saved now, will be of much greater
value to you in the future, through its accumula
tions, than if spent now in driblets.
I'nele Sam Is counting his tlmfoor
wealth on the Rlopes of the Cascade
Mountains. Expert timber cruisers
In the employ of the Government are
at work making the estimate and It
Is expected It will tnke nil this Sum
mer and next to complete the cruise
of the watershed of the Willamette
River and its tributaries in the Cas
cade Reserve. The land will be clas
sified and the timber segregated Into
Jogging units. This. Is the first at
tempt, so fur as known, of the Gov
ernment to take an Inventory of Its
timber resources.
Lumber manufacturers of the Ore
gon & Washlngtln association are per
fectlng plans for the logging congress
to be held In Tortland late next
month. The visitors will spend three
days In the city and local loggers and
lumbermen will be hosts. The saw
mill men and timber cutters of the
Northwest will become better ac
quainted as result of the gathering,
and the benefits following the meet
ing will be mutual.
The Sluslaw Port has expended
some $10,000 and Is asking the en
dorsement of the taxpayers to Issue
$215,000 more In order to secure as
much in addition from I'ticle Sam.
The Florence West point out that
since the formation of the Port all
land has greatly Increased in value,
and that the expenditure of more
money will certainly continue to keep
conditions better In the community.
l.a Grande has a payroll of $1:15.000
month, and its agricultural lands
are Increasing in selling price asked
because the increasing population
makes demand at home for the pro-
ducts of small farms,
A Pain Remedy
Both internal and external Is needed;
daily bv almost every family. Keep
a bottle' of Dr. Bell's Anti -Pain. Good
n Li,,.! ,.r troubles. Extol--
i.n" , ,,ll
uaii; n-'i unf, i'"' !' "- j
pains. strongly
everv where. For
Co. "
.ale bv Jones
Nat Particularly Impressed.
Mr. rpsotne You had a kihhI
i seeltis the Itivlera while you
time !
were j
abrojid. I presume?
Mr. Struckett-IIitch-Kr yes, but one
1 performance vv.-w ein imb f T me I've
' seen it played Ins l-tter ri-ht here iu
i Cincinnati. -('Mica;:" Tribune.
Masonic Buria, ServIce at Estacada.
james ti. .mciiuuu, tn t-.iui.-uiu
Lodi;e, No. 19, wno died at Kagle
Creek June 17, was fittingly laid to
rest bv the Loue Pino Lodge, A. K.
and A. M., No. hi, at M,uunl Zion
Cemetery. June 19.
1 Another tree has fallen In the for
.t f ii.Um.n iimrh-r Meiiiml,!'
- has mine to that honrn from which !
'no traveler returns." The fact of
Brother McQuaid s death came to the
sMe lo get the information to the
members of the order to have a suffl-
cieni numoer present 10 periorm me;
tn tniirn .1 rr-jn vun un f tt tv oro tun il t-
1 however, that the remains should be
brought , to Estacada and put in
charge of the Masons to perform the
burial services at the grave, which
was raost fittingly done,
The burial service of the order was
i read by Brother George C. Armstrong, ;
iin uo vwthtr iat0r uhi.-h rpr. i
talnlv left a lasting Impression with
all 'strangers present that Masons
surely believe in the immortality of
lhe l- B"- McQuaid had been sick
7 .
T e I ,
lan(1, bllt had been brought back to
Eagle Creek to wait the Inevitable
U,JU1 wu-ii luc tumu ui nit- uimt'i j
of the Supreme Master should)
aiitr ctri lauuc n i'-t ,i, jiiu iuc t
brother translated from the imper-
feet to the all-perfect ' lodge, where
the Supreme Grand Master of the
sons and two daughters to mourn
their loss.
"Tell me not in mournful numbers
Life Is but an empty dream,
For the soul Is dead that slumbers
And things are not what they seem.
"Life Is real; life is earnest;
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art to dust returnest
The Mothers' and Teachers' Club lr McUthur, wife and daughter,
held a meeting Krldav. .tune 21, at Isabel!, spent Sunday and Monday nt
the public library rooms. The an-1 his brothers lit RuUelleld. Wash,
nual election of "officers resulted as) George Jones had the misfortune to
follows- Mrs Maggie A. Johnson, fall from tho bulbllim whore he was
president- Mrs. Kll.i Maple, vice-1 working In Mllwniil.li' last Friday,
president'- Mrs. KlUabeth S. Huck. breaking a l ib on Ins t ight side, Dr.
treasurer- Miss Irene Carter, score ' Grim as called, nu,l set the rib. Mr.
tatv. The club decided to keep the Jones Is slowly linpiovlng.
Ill.rai v open on the Hist and third i J'K I'll!" and "'', of Portland.
Wednesday afternoon during the spent the week's end with Charles
Summer vacation. ! Vanardstraud and family.
O II. Iladden has moved his fam-l Mrs. Tom luaid ami children, of
tlv to his new house on Mlnthorn. Portland. Knt'iit the day Wednesday
'llenrv Phillips has moved his fuil" Mrs, Walter IVrwIlllger t her
llv to his new cottage on Palm ave.. beautiful home on Courtney avenue.'
line. Mlnthorn. ! II. Parallus sold his home on Court-
Mr. and Mrs. K. 1 1iirge moved lo I ney avenue to 0. l"ok. Mr. Purn- j
Hoouiam, Wash., last week. I H" bought a home la Mllwnukiu ami
Mr. Haves Is building on his Min i moved his family there,
thorn property and expects to m.ivej Hester Armstrong has entered the
there in a few davs j Oregon Conservatory of Music under.
Thomas nrlseoll died at Kerby. j P'f- Kdwards, and will study music j expected that 600 fans will come up
Ore.. last Sunday morning. The (u-j dining the Summer month. i from the Columbia Ulver towns (o
neral took place' Wednesday morning j Johanna Mayer ami Kdlth Griffith cheer their team to victory. The en
from the llemstook nu.b-taking par-; spent the week end with Mrs. Horry tire population of Canby will come
lor at Sellwood. The 'mnal was at i at her home In Portland. j .town Tor the game. Ka.-h team Is
Mllwaukle cemetery. Mr. nrlseoll' Mr. Herry. one of our school-! the champion In their reectlvo sec
formerly lived here and was a "u in-1 teachers, was out Friday visiting her Hon. ,,, have good clean records
her of 'Ash Camp. W. i, W. That j pupils and friends. i for fust ball. The line up will be as
lodge attended the funeral in a body,; U'ls F.polet. junior of the school, i fellows;
Mr. nrlseoll leaves a wife.
The union nicnic of all the Sunday
schools of Oregon City and suburbs ,
was held on Thursday. June 2:'., when
several hundred noonle enjoyed the
day nt Mcldrum's Grove at Fern
Ridge. Races and various games
were enjoyed and three of our Lodge
boys captured ptires in the race.
Shelby Shaver won the watch In the
boys' race, and Wendell Smith in the
loo-yard dash won the cuff buttons.
and Arthur Roberts in the sack race
won the urst prize of a knife. The;S:ein. s-ut the day Sunday with W.
two former boys attend the Congre
gational Sunday scIum! in Oreson
City and Arthur Roberts, the Evan
gelical Sunday school at the !dge.
.Mr. and Mrs. Puvy have returned
from a visit with Mrs. Davy s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerber. of l-ogan.
m, .,.i ., . , i.it...i with :
..v..';'... Vr." .
i uvir iiant, im-i ni ahi vi uiu nil, tut
i Anabcl Wells reiurned home Sun-, consider the final without numbers
Wilcox s infant son ; day after a week's visit In the country eligible. There will be several clvl
111 with wh.KiplnB with her eranilnaretits. Mr. ami Mr ! unu r. ...... ,.i.....i,.i ....i
Mr. and Mrs.
has been uuile
coui;h and w-as threatened with pneu- j
Mr .and Mrs. Trout man and little
daughter, of Portland, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. I. Shenetleld.
Mr. Wright and Miss Taylor, of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Roarilntan, of Gladstone, were callers
at the Itoardman home on Sunday.
Mrs. George Morse and the Misses
Tomas. lluruette and Carrie Scrip
ture left Portland on the steamer
Poer on Monday to spend the re
mainder of the summer at Ocean
Pari;, Wash., at the Dr. Coffman cot
tage. Mrs. Noah Shupp. of Milwaukie, was
a caller on Saturday anions her many
twinge friends, and was an over-ulght.
vlstor at the new home of Mr. and :
' 'Vu'm1?- . .
iv, iiaveriuiij preached an excel-;
1,,,lt sermon on Sunday. June ;. This ;
dnr Is the Sunday that Is usually ob-1 Ladles' Aid will hold their regular
Cl,hll,1:en1 3 Da,-V 1,1 ' "' meeting Thursday in the church base.
EvanRellcal church, but owinir to the.nient.
who.,plnB cough in the neighborh,!. ; B3;,Ml
11 Indennltely postponed. j Mlhvu).lo (.,,,, .i,.,,,,.,,
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morse and Cal- iMt!:ln ,,,am oll ,s Kr,MlntiH j,n,a 215.
mi. m rmiMuu, -i- imiuu ,,us,
their relatives the first of the week.j
.Mr. ami .rs. i mas. iurii.er.jr mim
Iowa, but who are nicely located nt I
Corvallis, visited the H. t. Palntnn,
family and on Sunday drove to Mt. i
Pleasant and spent the afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Clark. I
Little Ilelene Seeley was the host- j
ess 10 a ,er' Pr " P""; on -i'i-'
nay atiemoon, ir neing ner eicmn
j birthday .anniversary. Mrs. R. G(s.d-;
follow, Mrs. U A. Morris, of Oregon,
City, and Mrs. F. Powers assisted
P Seeley In entertaining seven of,
; Helene 8 little friends and dainty re-,
V' ' p k r.'.i 1. i Vt ,
Eill.hbUell andMar
ton, Bessie Roberts, Iethal Cross,
fha 1,.l... lf Ik.,1.
.. . . '
';ri int'ir ilirit- iitintvn Hlilll lllillt'
, . . .
'.""Z " , ,,
Mrs. Dafferman and little daughter,
of Portland, spent. Friday with Mrs.
H. C. Tozler, and enjoyed the lovely , ,., at th,.r nII1B Thursday even
Royal Anne cherries for which the nif , the ,,,,!, of (no PK,,, n,
Will Jennings' place Is noted. ninth Y-railes -. .,. n,iii ...t r...
Mrs. Ross, accompanied .by Miss .
r.iiua. or Vancouver. v asn., and ner
daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul,- a recognition meeting was ten-
of Vancouver, B. C spent a few days ; dered K"v- ' L. Jones und Mrs.
at their cottage at this place, and on .tncH at Park Place Wednesday even.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Paul were ac-ihl! jn(. 22. rtl.v. E g. Bollinger and
coinpanled by Miss Kdna Ross to Mrs. Bollinger. lt-v. H. N. Smith and
their home In British Columbia, where dtlieis, of Portland, were present
she will spend her vacation. ! Mrs. nn.r j;ave the address of
Mrs. Elder and Miss Gagnier. of; welcome to the nw pastor and wife
.Michigan, who have been the motif of t w,,.h MrH Jimea rcHponr,. The
a number of pretty affairs and on : programme was followed by asocial
Monday Mrs. Gardner, Klder and Gog-' hour to promote arniinlntanco and
tiler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. II.! good fellowship. Mr. Jones will
H. Emmons at luncheon at the Com-1 preach at Park place next. .Sunday at
merelal Club In Portland. n A. M . llt nil(.;nmas at 8 r, M
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Spoooer are vls-j Mr. and Mrs. Hartnell were the
itlng relatives In Tacoma. , recipients of a e(.nno surprise party
Mrs. J. P. Strain and Miss Millie : last. Friday ey. i,ins The occasion
Hart were business shoppers In Ore.wll wedding anniversary planned
got. City on Tuesday. j ,y ,helr children: Prlends and
Hie annual camp meeting of the! neighbors were present to enjoy a
Oregon Conference of the Kangelical Koo, musical nnd literary programme
Association will be held at River Katnes o the lawn, and a bountiful'
View camp grove at this place, be- wedding feast. At a late hour the
ginning with July 19 to 21, for the fiesta departed wishing host and
Sunday School League convention; hostess many 1,,-mpy returns
and from July 22 to 23 the Young j C. C. Sargent, who went to The
Peoples Alliance convention, and Dalles Home ,0 days ago on a hiisl
July 24 to 28 the regular camp meet- ness trip, was taken seriously III. and
Ing. All are cordially invited. One
half a clay will be devoted to the
Women's Missionary programme and
one of our Idge ladies, Mrs. Palnton,
Is to give a reading at this pro
gramme. Dr. and Mrs. Wardner entertained
a number of their Portland friends to
a i; o'clock dinner on Tuesday
....n. ,v- :u e.,..-i..i,ne ,j or ner i j. u .joncH preached an earnest, Im
Portland friends on Thursday of last. presslve sermon Interment was In
Children Cry
Jack Burgess and wife left Mon
day for Prince Rupert, B. C, where
Jack has a large building contract.
V. L. Gilbert, wife and son, Ray
left Monday for Prince Rupert, B. C,
City Lots, Acreage and Farms
a Specialty.
P. 0. Box 213
Milwaukee, Ore.
and Northwestern Clackamas
I with Jiu'k Iturgoss tn work all Sum
I mer.
Mx Monday on a iH to his sister
i iu St. louls. Mo.
I -'"lm Hsl'.v w-as a city visitor Sat-
; urday.
i Harry G. Starkweather Is In our
burg assessing proctty.
Mrs. Charles Y.inordstraug and
sou was In Oregon City Tuesday vis
tllttg friends.
Mrs. Charles Wellington left for
Anderson Wednesday morning (or a
few- davs' visit with friend.
M. W. A. held Its regular meeting
In Greens halt Tuesday evening l
Hently, eoimsll; Jim Kahler. clerk.
Walter Albers ami wife, also Mrs.
Shtvfler and family.
Mrs. Walter Temilllger took din- j
tier with Mrs. Tom 1-enard at her
home In Portland Sunday. !
Mrs. Proctor Is entertaining friends'
from the Kast. ;
winiam wen mi.l rumiiy spent the
.In- Ciui.Iii- r V.,-1., PL. . W.....I-......1. .
'" . ' ' ' "' 'V" ' ' " ,
MT- Murphy ami family. Mr, i
t! IS ItlOtht!
Mrs. V.. C. Warren entertained at
dinner Thursday her parents. lr. and
Mrs. Ituss. of Montavilla, and sisters.
Mrs. Kiiima McKercher, Mrs. F.stollu
llutbrie. and nlere. Ijiui tluthrle, of
Mrs K. J. Moore served luncheon
to several friends from Portland Fri
day. Mrs. Thoinpsnn and Miss Zonlek
stietit the dav Wedtifsday with .Mrs.
William Holt.
M't. llod Ice Cream for sale
William Holt. All orders filled
short notice.
Church Notes.
M K Church Sim. lay school,
, m.. Mrs
tleorse MrArthur, super
services 11 A. M' by
Father Allen: evening services.
i. i hv pliStor James Moore
smrf, li to 7.
0ak' (;r,)Ve jr , was defeated by
,h(. Alhltia team June 2. Score
... r
0ak ,;rove ,,.. ,.r-ttl the Ver- '"" celel.ratlnn. It I likely that!
,, tP.ln) JuI1M gcore, 15 to 10 'n" reitn.mt will !i nulviTsally com-i
0ak (;r()VI, Bm ' pav t,n'pll''d with. Some of the stores will
Washoucal team ,,n lis irnniini iniv:"nt he oi.etied nl all on Moiidar. as.
4 Anyone wishlnn to Bi with thi-
t-ntj can; fare, round trip. $1 In.
Train leaves 9 A. M. For further In
formation see Jack Warren, manager.
Large bunch of firecrackers
every pair of shoes. Oregon
Shoe Store, opp. Postofflce.
1 n' I
meeting held .Monday ,
.'o. resulted in the elec
P Vtkfl 1 HIT
tion of Lee Harrington, director, In ,
place of A. Mather, retired.
.Mr. ami Mrs. lleacock gave a re-
rreshmenls made, a good time for tho j
vnniiir quests
sent word for his wife to join him.
Mrs. Sargent left Monday morning,
We are Informed that Albert Mor
ris' condition Is materially Improved
and that he Is able to be up and
The funeral service of Mrs. James
lme was ii-ld from the Congrega
tional church Sunday afternoon. Rev.
1 the Clackamas Cemetery,
The entertainment given by Mrs.
Martin and Mrs. f. D. Kllton, of Port
land, last Saturday, was a treat to
those present.
. Graduating exercises were held In
the school building lust Thursday
night. Rev. oberg, of Montavlllu
gave the address of the evening, and
Professor T. Gary presented the di
plomas. Those graduating) were
Kllen Poor, Ulxle Caff a I, Hazel
Thomas, Margaret Otty, Kdward Hay
man and Peter Erlckson. Prof. A
w. winn was principal for tho year. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I;on Robinson went on an excur- It has relieved moro pain and sttffer-
slon to Estacada on Thursday. Ing and naved more lives than any
Mrs. John Davlg has gone to Hills- other medicine In use. Invaluable for
horo on a visit to relatives. children and adults. Sold by all deal
Misses Nellie otty and Mattle Hay- ers.
man are at tending tho summer school
nt Oregon oily.
Mrs. Campbell, of Portland, Is vis
it log at the home of MV, and Mrs,
S. Millard.
Mrs. IIIII U visiting with relatives
and friends.
(Continued from page 1.)
wliniecalled promptly at 1;.10
o'clock, wild will be played on the
Gladstone Purk grounds, where an
admittance of 25 cents will he
charged. Through the courtesy of the
Portland Hallway Light ,v Power
Company trains wilt be run Into the
iwirk leaving Oregon City for the ball
grounds at 12:15 and l:lf. There
will be nu excursion from Camas in
Oregon city on the Fourth and it Is
0 Ostcuson ,
II. Osleiisou
r I'ostlnU.
. . . p . .
. ss
...III. .
.. :tit ...
. . I K ..
..I'F.. ,
..UK ..
. .. Huffman
Slokes. Hut)
W. Italy
. . Young
i . Hampton
. . . I Mines
Kckei sou
lr. A. lleatle, chairman of the
committee on limits for the Fourth
of July parade. Is working untiringly
to Interest every business house.
: lodge and Improvement elub In this
section of Claikaniaa fuiinlv In Hie
j celebration, and he has secured def-
Inlte promises for nt least ;io fine
float Substantial prizes have been
ottered for the best floats, and the
Judge' stand will be at the corner
of Filth ntid Center street. Ilefore
the parade mines from Thirteenth
and Main streets a number will be
. ... .
Ki"" iicii mult, aiKI utiles these
,miWi. ro on the
float at Fifth
and Center street, the InilweH will nut
men! dub, lodgii and fraternal or
ganlalloMs, and bulties.s houses, us
we as decorated automobile.
One ,,f the must attractive events
for the celebration will e the tug
of war. In which teams from the Wil
lamette Pulp tt Paper Co. and the
Oregon City Manufacturing Co. will
contest. Captain M. 1 Phillip, for
the pa iter company, and Captain Fred
Met'lier. for the woolen mills, have
a sturdy lot of huskies under their
direction mid the haltl. will he l.i the
at! I.i wl
wlH be
strong. This event will be nne of the
water sisirfs, ntid will be fought out
oil 11 raft In the Willamette Klver.
Twenty feet of water will lie between
the two teams and woe to the' un
lucky lot of men who have not the
xtrem;fli to withstand the victor.
There will lie eight men on each i
team, and needles to say all of thetn
will lie experienced swimmer. Percy I
Cnufh'ld Is an etitbuslnstlr member
of the committee In charge (if the1
water sports, and he Kuuraiilec that
thev will lie worth while.
The executive committee fur the
Fourth of July relebratloit ha re.
quested nil of the merchant of Ore.
K"n City to close their places of husl-
nes at noon next Motulny, In order
that their emtiloyes nmy nnrtlcpnte'
me ing itnrniie. wtuen ninny will re-1
gard ns tho prltirltml event of thej
day. I scheduled to move at Id o'rlork
nnd It will he the oltjerf of Ornnd I
Marshal R. ft Ileal I.. nnd hi nldesi
to start the line of march promptly!
cm time. With four bands and a large!
number ' flue Hunt, the parade will
be the fluent tllnplav of It kind ever
seen In Oregon Cltv nnd tlmteuimfs
of people will he In the elty early to j
secure vantage points.
Candidate for Ooddess of Liberty to
Make Cloie Finish,
The last count In the limbless of
Liberty contest before the closing; (,f
the ballot boxes was made Wednesday
morning, nnd Ml Clara Fields iiml
.Miss Let lilt Jackson nave only III
votes to separate thetii. The dual i
count will Im made at a o'clock Friday
morning in the Commercial Club par
lors In tho presence of represent!!! Ives
of ihe several yoniin women In the
contest, mid the result will then be
niaile public. The Interest III the re
sult Is intense nnd It Is expected that
the final day will see u big rush of
voles In the llnlsh. The count this
morning follows:
Miss Clara PlnMs 2HP.0
Miss ldba Jackson 2S2D
Miss Uletii Carolhers 19:10
Sunday Schools of Five Places to
Hold Patriotic Exercliei.
(irand union picnic of the llazi'lla,
Oswego, lllmiril, Tiiajntln and WilHon
vlllu Sunday schools on July 1 In the
new park lit Wllsonvllle, on the Ore
gon Klectrlc Hallway.
Patriotic exercises commencing at
l')::ii) A. M., Hon. Clnrencn Truii Wil
son, grand orator of day; brass band:
ulhlctirs; liiiselmll; boating; valuable
cash prizes. Unfresbnienls on snlo.
Kxtra trains. Special railroad rates
of one a tul one-third fare for round
trip, subject to minimum rale of ;i.ri
cents, for whole tickets, nnd 20 cents
for half fare tickets. Admission free.
Games and Sports Will Follow
Patriotic Exerciser
A big Fourth of July relebnillon
will be held at C'olton on Monday,
flood music nnd patriotic speeches
are on the programme) for tho fore
noon. The afternoon will hu occu
pied with games mnl sports of all
kinds, foot races, sack races, horse
races .shooting mutches and all milli
ner of exciting contests. A big pic
nic nt Canyon Creek bridge at Colton
will be enjoyed. The day's exercises
will close with a grand ball lit Col
ton hall In the evening.
The world's most sueessful medicine
for bowel complaints Is Chamberlain's
.Sec the VALUAIiLU PRLSL'NTS wc ore liold
liMl for vu- AIno learn why V"r l'lars
hove greater purchasing power with us.
ter of lh Fourth of July Pjrtl.
i. v. - i j
;- - - i. --
0. D. CBY. who will officials at
President of the Day In the Coming
celebration of the National Holi
day. A Cough, a Cold
And then no tellliiK what unless ymf
use )r. Hell's Plne-'l ar lloin'V. It Is
the Im'sI, link iiur liclKhhur. IHik
for the ll.dl on the bottle. Sold every
where, l-'or sal hv Jones' Drug Co.
Qu,l Trut.
Clleslir Sif the 1 .1 il 1 1 hi on the!
dresMi-r j
Arcbb- Thal'ii not n lad' I u-.'. Lnilv
ill' never en jtiln ii!'ir: 1:1 n'Vlicu ,
renins i
Cbe-ter Bui llils Is a liiinllaih bi'i; ,
-Gari:'i le
Dfcaliiiein It.
"W hen a nullum merrier mnl then
dlliiriK-1 ber l-ll-ln I cl 1: ' le i.f n e is'lt
hat eil'il iiiii i Hi P "
"Tul. If.: hi- ii nne in n'li " - Prince
ton liui-r
Dr. W. Chambers ScbulUej
A. u. l h;l". A. M liCi. I.nfiivi.iin riill.-Ke, 1
Kioniin. I'l-tiu.. M. I Ii1'". ttin nlM-mlty ;
mnl M-llevne liisiltal Mi iIIi hi Colli , I
New York I 'llv. I
IlllU-e and ennslllllilliill priiellee reluslve
ly. civet- fully fi-iwn i xiiiTl.-in-e. ITh
lini Int cniii luui'it tin- KnHtern ciistimt nf
putting up bis nwii preHi-rliillnns.
liKw Mmnle MwU) M linn (
Mmnle MwU) M linn (
ft . I 1
-' w t
A 1 ', i,
, ,-,..y'.v:
i , 1 ....
' ' .
v. .rw X7
RiAktntr rrvitify l4l ritt fr (hh fariu nMrt mi tf mi (fr nl tm
NO -VIO.NI.V KKOI IICKli until .hi r rivf jmf i.i.nivr .. yHif lnt-yrU . WiMf
".ti IMA
tit jnynf, mivwhrir m tdr U. S. n-fAoM .i ttnl ittfaut a it alv4tn t.frtfay J tight, iJ
Hour 1 KN H HlKK I Hill, lunii(t -Im I. umt you m-y n.imU buy, It
tit II lo any iril pu wiah II you ra llirn txtt it1rt lly 4itt,)rl nr fin ntil wuli la
0ri tilt Int yi If tlllil it Kli k lo Ui 41 our CM"" Hl 9" fi'ufW tV tut tm ttnt.
FAPTADV M" lircuit tlm lihril fMiln liMyrlei II U ini!iI id mkt
rHvlUnl rnlbLeJ at i,ni dnjll prolil Uvr i tii.il lrtiry end. You ui to
In t mi'lilUmrn'i totit tt huyl ntf dirrri ii un Jhl live lli niiiitif4rlnrr'a iiur
mitut iM lnntl ytf buyl. lM MH' HI V Ur.y( le or pjir ol tlit Imm amftm
m any frt.t until vou rrrrivn our i uIukik i mxl lrirn our unliafd ul Jtttorp
frusi nut rtpftrkat'lt ifitftoi ffr$ tu ritltT Httlitt-
IUU WILL UL fldlUnidllLU .tuily our milirrh nw.ilrl. m tin uvmrnJp
.nurifiworjrj mkt you (Ml yrr. We it) I ilin tughttl tutlf titcyrlei lor ltt monry
tti.ui liny vUrr Iai lory. W r tillihetl mill i.on tmolil hvb l( (ory toil.
l:i( Y(:i.K Jli:AI,l-:UH.
dourtli our I'llc. Onlrrt tillrtl tlia
hi;('OM KIND JUt V I.I H.
mnlly li.ive i ihhhIxt on luii'l t4kru In
prtiftiiilly nt (-rict ririi!inir from V.I to W
fl,1CTrD flDAVrt ")'( tvhm'ls. linHrtm
WUMalLH-UnHIVLdf criuiiimenl of all kind, at half
ecir iiCAl IIa TlDrc sample paiii
Thr regular retail frt'rr ot then tirel 11
1 1. x per fiatr, etui la tnttin!int we vilt
irll yauaiample pair far Jl.njiasnwilntrilrrfi..)),
NAII.H, Tnrtka or (IIiim will nut Int tho
air out. Sixty Ikouimxl jhiIi mUi tnit yrar.
Over two btinurcu iiiouiwitu pair now in iik,
nFftnmPTtnMi Mm!? In all Hx?. It UHvelv
tuli-riHvtulifii vci vtliirnblrnitfl line tlliiHi lewith
a ion in) (liinlitv of riibbrr. whlrli nrv'T Iwcotnra
pormianiul which clor-a up atnnll nuncttirra without nllow
ttttr iheuir toe.ntM". We have huiiflrrda nf let tern from nnti
fit licuMtoiuerailuiliifrt lint their hrrnhnveoiily been puniped '
upotire or twiee In whole arnarin. They welfh no mure t linn
aij ordinary lire, me puncture retMunKquaiiurinx'iiiKHivrn
by irveml layer ofthin, ipeciully pu pared fubrlcon (he
trend. The renulnr price of the e tirea U J.tjoper pnl r(lmt for
a'lvcriiaillK puriwwen wenrc 11111 in k ntvi mi ntciory
the rider of only 4-Ho p-r piilr, All ord'-ra a!tl;ped
approval. You do not yny a cut until you have examined and found them atrlnly aa represented.
We will allow a rnnii ilUmiunt of k pi r trcnt (Utcrtty nmkintf Ihe price IM.Aft per pair) If you
end t UlX CASH U ITU or.DKIL mid euoloie 1I1U ndverUneineut, You run no Holt In
eiiiliitf u an order aa the tirel inav be returned nt OUIt exoeiiae If fur anv rennon thev are
not aaur factory on eiaminalion. Wc ure perfectly reliable and money aent lo tin la aaawfcaa In a
tank. If you order a pair of theae tirei, you will find that they will ride eaaier, run flutter,
wear better, laat lonvT and h)oIc finer thun any tire you have ever lined nr aeen nt any price. W
know that you will be i well pirated that when you want a bicycle you will give ua yuur order.
We want you to tend ua a trial order at once, hem e thia remarkable tire offer.
ffC Vlff 9JCm TnrC don't Imy any kind at any price until you aend for pair of
ff I UU . I inCO liedifethorn Puucture-I'roor tirra on approval and trial at
the ipeclal Introductory price quoted aUivc; or write for our biff Tire and (Sundry Catalogue whlcli
deacribea and quoteaall raakea and klndaof tlrea nt about half (he toiunl prieeN.
MM iii urifPi but write uaa TMaul todnv. I0 NOT Til INK4K
IMM fwtf WwMMM or a pair of tirra from
oflera we are making.
11 ooiy coata a poauii 10
Comjregation of St. John's Church
Give Public Reception to Priest
Who Ho Dpoii Here
The sliver jubilee of llev. A llllb
liiunil, fur Ihe lust l".' years pastor of
St John's Calhidlc Chun h of (irnKon
Cll. win i-elelualid 'lui-iidiiy with
elulioiaie lelemuliV. on'iiliii In (he
iiniiiiliiK lih kiileimi til.-, It mass at
III o'cltick, MiibI llev. Alexander
( 'It: I Klin. mchliUtnip of tin-Kon City,
preached Ihe sei iiinii- The coiii'lunlou
of tlie ii'IIkIiui" ceieiniHiy was mark
ed by a Kciiotul time of enjoyment.
I hen- were II pi li sts at (Iteuoli CM)
f i urn nearly cum nei'llnu of the ill"
nne nnd iii, i ii v buuiliioiiie and ii"i'ful
Klfts were presented to the beloved
pastor of St Julius, who was or
dained al priest lit Ijiuvaln. II. Icliiiu.
.'.'i I'ill H iiku Tlleiiliiy.
Il was trulv a day of lejnlcliu; for
t'allier llllleliraiid lluiiilieds of his
p.il I .lil.me, and frletidH called to
leiiil their naiiiiint i nin'.iatulatloiis
to t bead of t!io l) i i;e.i City chinch,
who bill inkd fiUiiullv .Hid sin
l-esn'tl'lv (nr 2.' 'IUS 111 this sncllnll.
1. 1; I tlte result (fill lie has one of
the ill, el cllUli-bes III Ihe entire dlo
n hi h i, I a inn nliinl and hlttb ki'IiihiI
will nil einollu.iMit of J.'iii ntodonln
and a h.iiiil-.i' ne liulldlnx
T ii- day ev.'lilii); the andltnrluill of
Mel mrt'illii Imtltnte was lliriiiiged
with tan friend of the punier In ut
teniiatiie at the public reception. The
ncri slim wax it eiy happy one and
Klltlel lllllelitand tuts presented
Willi ix Hil"e C"tll.lln1lilt I'liKI tin a
tentimiuilal of tho nffectlon In which
he Is In-Ill by his people. Music was
rendered by an orcln ui r, and selec
lloiis from Mr and Mrs. II, T. Me
Haiti. Mhs Marie Kn'ilerlch. Mrs. Kd
Hard Shiiihiin, Mrs. William II.
Ilui:harilt, Jr I'raiik J. Nuieritau.
mid N M li lu ls llrlnf inilreMf weiu,
iiiinle by Archbishop Christie, ticorgc
C. Ilrownell, Miss Kiiuiile t. Porter.
Mayor W. K. Carll, Krniik llusch,
llev, Knther Mctiee, A. M'. Slnnott,
Jmlite J. C. ('ampin-ll, JudKe J ra nt
II IHinlili nnd Hlati) Senator .1. K.
Hedges. The purno hiis presented to
Put her llllli lii iiiid by Limine Shenhati.
The affair lusted until a late hour und
niiH t v-epilnhully pleanltut Ibrougb
out. ; TAKE THE HINT !
You can get the best that
money can buy If you buy of e
our new stock Of canned Table (
Fruits. They have the do 1 1 c I-
out, ripe flavor. I
t t
a Oregon City.
' lnryr iirn.itcT hr r nl
nrl ditrlrt to
' lnryr iim.itcT hr 1 r limit tvetywhan 4rf
ynh on tell our LkvlIcI utiilar vuur own lumi uull it
iliy rvccivrd,
Wo do mil rcrul.uly h.irvlle iwnnd.inil ,Mrvrlf, but
irnlc ly our Clii'-iiro retail niorii. 'Ihrnc wo cltur out
or H. 1 J rm rltu v iMrifJln niatlfu lr.
rullcr 4-IihIiih ami irtiul, MfU, reiMiri aitd
tin wttai Mutt fruit.
TO mwuouue, omr
1 tlltlf
Kntlon th thlek ruMnr tmnrl
'A" 11 ltd nunotiir! atrlna 1
mid !," a I no rim atrip
to prrvrrit rim nutlliiar. Tlila
tlrn will nutlitat any othor
nit It a ho FT, liXaVtilU mid
JKAHV illlilNd.
nricc 10
dnv lelter la received. We ahln P. O. Tt. on
DO NOT Til INK4K UTIYINO a bicycle
anyone until you know the new and wonderful
jh knfiw the new
Write it NOW.
icaru everymiug.
SL if