Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 01, 1910, Image 3

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Minn V 1 Im HiiIiIiihoii, nf I'm lliinil,
Im It iil Iter pnl nil h hern Tlllll mliiy.
Mr. liinl Mm, (', . HleveiiHini, nf
I'm HiiihI, were III Ciiuby 'riinrinliiy
Iniil.liiK after Ihi'lr properly In Cnnliy
.Inhll Newlnli left nil Monday for
Twin Kill Ik, IiIiiIiii, wlicitt he iieH 1)11
Mr, and Mix, II, ,1, Kniilliiier, of
I'ni'llliliil, Hpenl Hunday will Mix,
Hiilliiiiu hIi.
II. II. Kei li'H Hpenl Hunday In port
hiliil, '
Mrs. CmiHle lOvnim left on Weillitm.
day morning fur ICiigono, where nhe
will IhII fur leu days wllli the
MIkhi'h Krrle and I(ii"Iii Itohhlmi
Mr. uml Mih. W. II. Ilulr and Mr,
mid Ml h. K. H. IIiiiiIU inutui , to
Hit li'iii mi Hiuiilay.
Attorney (t. . Eby anil' ,M. J.
cello, lieuminr anil Heereliiry nf Ilm
ClaiiiaiiuiH Cninily Fair AhmicIuiIiw,
with In Canliy on liiinlumm In connco.
linn wllli the coming fair, thin weeli.
I ytlll II I III' 1,00, will) hllH lii'i'll Hpt'llll
lug He' piiHt un wet'iiH with her mint,
Mih, ('link, relumed hmne mi Tiieie
day nfierimon she wax iii'i'iiiiipanled
iiem ny aim, i Ml , wiin will vlnll fnr
Hl'VlTlll ilayn.
Mih. Volney While, nf Miiripiuin.
vllte, her paieiiiM, r, and Mih. .'red
Hamilton, nn Monday.
Mr. mid Mih Clareiue N..hi,ii um,
Mih. Clmrlen Itainh caine frnni I'nrt
hiliil mi WediieHilny mol nliiK
John It. MaiiiH, nf .MiuIih I'ralrle,
wan lii Caiihy nn Miniilay, Imvlnif
innie hi-re to piiri'tlane Home fiirmliiK
liiipleineiiiii for hla farm.
Mih. J. a KilierHoti vlxllfil her
piiienu, Mr, and Mih, Henry Heck, at
Aiirnrii UiIh week,
Mrn. Ilernli-e Heek Ih vIhIiIiik wllli
hr puientn, Mr ami Mrx, J. I,,.,.
KrkiTHiiii, UiIh week.
Mr. llraiiileH, of I'oitland. wax lie
HM)i'liK hi w limine, wtilrh Ih
lielliit lnillt ,y .". :. MmIkiv
I'rof. , . Coleman Ih IihvIiik a new
rexldi'lire ererleil nn hlx iih III
llolli'H iiddlllnn.
Wllllani ViiiiKlmn, nf Mulullu
In Caliliy on Wediieinlay.
MIxH li.r.W liiiinermmi. nf Aurora,
wiih A KiieHt nf MIhh Allan Krkerxon
llllx week.
, !
hi link nllli'T Ih luixy xiiwIiik
I til h week
Home mlHi-reiinl ulnle the luitt.TleH "" Haliirday eveiilim H train mid Hpent
mid nil Viiph nfr the Kiiilliie enKlne j K '"' 1,1 """'r muueH here.
iihi'iI hy the Canliy ('mini CninpKiiy'Hj Mrn. A. Kocher, who wax taken ti
IrrlKiillmi projiTi on the t'uitiiiiliiKH .St. Vlnrent HuHpllal In I'ortlaiiil laxt
plare IiihI Mninlay iiltihl. It In! week, Ih lmprovlii niplilly, and lx
tlininilit the t li Iff In l Mil I i-il . ami a 1 now ulile to rmiiuiuiili'iile with rela
winriilit will ntitui he liemril fnr hlx liven and frlt'iidn III UiIh city.
wrr,'',, ' II. ('. Davenport hnx Inxlalletl n
MIhh Myrtle Hli nxt'l, nf Portland. Ih hatidnome Jewel rune In hlx nhnw
ii Kuent of Ml ! (iiu l'i UiIh week, j window, which Ih nttrartliiK no little
Jtihu Itoth ami family have return-1 atleiillnn. it Ih of quarter-Hawed oak
-I to lit h home al I'ort Coluinlilii, uml ami cluxx ninl'lt Juxt the thliiR to din-
I h' limine ri'i'i'iitlv im cnpled hv lilln pluv the kikiiIh
Ih for rent.
Unite n number of Ki'bekaliH atleml.
ei the oiK'niiballmi of a Itebikah
llKe at llulibiird Tui'xday tilKht i
AuioIik iliime alti'iidlliK were Mr. and
Mih a II KnlKht and Mr mid Mrx.
O. It. Mack. j
Mr. and Mm. i (, Hodcen. ofj
Klillielleld, Wash , but formerly of
Dements Best
P. C. l.ATtlt.'ltlCTTE I'reHliUnt K. J. MEYEK. Cuhliii
Trncli Onrrtl Banking Butlnen. Open from 9 A. M. to S P. M
Otfleo Until rtionej
Pioneer Transfer Co.
KslnbllHhcil 1805
Hale IteaHonable, HarKUKo Stored ;t lmy Kren of Cluirno
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
Give Us a Call Bring; Your Estimates-We will Save You Money .
I'm-lllc Minn
Home II Js 1
4 OMBM(444t4M
' Careful of Your Property
One of .'he secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
afes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street
rlSir ASplendidOvcn.il
i . j: m:L u l
i-. "
b " til r. i w v
In tli" city on H IiiihIiiiihh
l i li
Toliii MiiITiiiiiii, Caiiliy'M Mlur Ijii B'f
luill cittolior, Npi'iil Miiiiilfiy In Aurora.
.1, It, Ni-w lun In having mi lirllHlmi
well drilled mi It Im fin hi north of
Kri'il Kni li, Ciinliy'M civil iiiiKliii'r,
llllH 0l'IIC'i Mil olllrtl llll C Htri'l'l, -
Iiimlln IIki Cii li ny ('mini Oompiiny'it
oltlri'. Mr, lent li dues all kinds of
surveying ami plaiting. Ik In a
graduate uf llio Agi'lciilliirul Ciillogti
al ( (u viilliH, mill linn liinl llvo yearn
i'M'i li'iiiii In i Im win k,
M II. I A" liitn gone lo AhIoi In lo
woili during llli' Hulling hi'IIHiiii,
Mr. illinium, nf M khIiiiik, wiin III
Caiihy mi IiiihIiii'dh l-'ihliiy.
.Mix Ni'llln llatniliiii liii'l nlHlur,
Mm Volncy While, with III I'oilliind
Cliiililn lluty, wlio him been pitching
fur I In' li li by Cii n ii In, Iiiih iioroploil u
j ih 1 1 ! n wllli it Hiili'in li'itm. Mr, Duly
In nun nf tlii Hinr pluyem of the tiiiiii
ly, mill will Im it grout ions lo Hie
Caiihy loam,
Mr mill Mix. J. .1, Id'dlMd lift on
Friday for it vlHlt m their old homo
In VVIxi'iiiihIii.
Gnat prcpiiriiliouii hid being iiiiiiIii
for llli' big mooting nf llli' Htuli) Gro
cers' A h c I ut l id , wlilrli will lio held
at Hut CliicliiiiiuiH Count y J''ulr Ahho
rliillnn grounds ml July 20. Th
lore building will bo d'-coriui'rt for
llin OiTAnlnll flinl tlio hoiipltuhln pen.
pit) nf Canby will give llm grocers li
witlcniiiK. It Ih prnlnitilK Unit ihore
will lie hi'VkiiiI (IiiiuhiiikI people Hi
tlix fair grounds on this day.
MIhn IMIIIi Kroiigcr, of Elgin, III,,
who Iiiih lii'i'll visiting wllh Iiit hIkIit,
Mr, J. (. Kanili'li, loft on Tiii'Hilny
inornliiK fur Colviilllw, where kIio will
vlfilt for a few dayii. MIhh Krougor
Iiiih been teaching In (tlx Scuttle pth
lie m'linnlH. Illnl will H'miii Ioiivd for a
Mult it her old In unit In llllnnlH, no
ronipiiiili'il by Iht hIhIit, .Mrs.
Cliiirli'H II. WiiiIiIh, nf Korxxt drove,
wlin recently piiriliimi'd ih Milter
plare through the Cnnliy Hoiilly Coin
puny, Iiiih arrived here with IiIh fur
lillure, anil will hooii ,e ni-t t )-! In his
! new linme.
I MIhh U'liii Cribble, nf Cribbles Prai
rie, Ih vIhIiIiik wllli her griimtpiirenlH,
Mr ami Mm. li. . K I rl tiK.
MI"H Hill He 1 1 i t i'Ii I ti n in unit MI"H
i 1 1 1 1 1 U) lllnluii, nf I'nrllatnl, eame mi
,. J. I'liililock weal to I'nrtliiml oil
Monday and mopped at Ori'mui Cllv I '"UKraliiliiK-.l In Hecurlni; IiIh Hervlcen.
on lilx way home and vl-tltt-d IiIh par !"r- A r"- li' litplnnaHxe, who han
I'litH. Mr. and Mm. J. ('. Paddock. ! I""' I' Hder of the Cmihy Hand fnr the
Mm. Anna Kninht. of I'nrtland. j l,i,Bl v,'"r- wl" llllvt' charne on Mon
formerly of Ihln city, returned to her;,lllv "' I'l-''HpllinaHHe. nlnre
hni li Tuexilay afierniMiii, ufter , l,,l'r. li"" prnvetl hlniHelf
rlMMiiK wllh her dauKhter. Mm, W.Mu ''" " miitlrlnii and leader of hlnh
II. Illalr. She wan accompanied here! Ill, r"- A " l"'K "IwayH played trom-
j hone before comlliK to thin city, ami
Kimldenco I'hnno Mnln 20:4
SuccHHor to C. N. Cireenmun
Corner Main and 14th Streets
" o
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pocket.
Felled seamt.
Ill S.lt it all Drilm.
M aim I Act men
SufiMWl (elifirill
flrwwrl'V'rt'" fl
hy line daiiKliler, Mrn. Clyde ICvuiih
mid Kinnililaiikliler, VMetlo Ireini
Kviiiih, who will reuiiilii hern for Mev
i' in I dayH.
Mih, V' 1 1 1 In III Ciililwell anil iImiikIi
ler, Malile lowry, went to (lladiitoli't
mi Wediiemlay, where Ihey Mpent the
day wllli Mm, William Kltern, Mrn.
Canlwell'M hIhIi'I'.
Ilnliert Iliill, of Hitlelil, wiih III thin
illy nn Hiimliiy vIhIIiik wllh filetnlH.
Mr. Porter nd Daughter Injured.
, Mrn, W, It, I'nrter mid dnunl'ier,
MIhh Veriin, wnlle rhlliiK In I holr
hur.Ky on Huii'hiy iiflerniHui, met with
mi iiicldiTit wlilih nearly proved iIIh
HHlrnilH. While panHlim almiK 'u hill
near the city, the hoixn they were
driving became balky mid romineiiced
to IihcIi, MIhh Torter Jumped from
the vehicle, bill tin bnrxn backeu
the wiiKiin over her, Injuring her arm
and bmlly brululiiK her Imdy. Mm,
I'orier wan thrown mil miller the
liuci'V a x It iiipxletl mid Ih HiifferliiK
wllh Iniiliit-H liinl lacerallniiH of the
face. The Incut Inn where the acci
dent liiippeiii'd Ih daiiwrmiH, mid Mm.
I'orier and MIhh Venn lire coiiHlderliiK
(lieiiixelveH lucky to i-Hciipn further
liiJurli'H than they did. AIiIioiikIi mif
fcrliiK iiiih h pnln from tli' lr liiJurleH,
(hey are linprovliiK.
Georgo Rauch li Burled Here.
licurye Haucli, who wuh fatally allot
',y lilx father In law. ('. A, Iliicli, of
I'nriland, mi Tui-Hiliiy evenlliK 'if Innt
week, Wiin hrmiKlit hern for burial,
niitl the funeral nervlccH were con
ducted ut Mie home of IiIh mother.
Mm (ieoiKe Hunch, ThiirHilay after
noun, the funeral hitvIi-i-h Im-Ihh enn
ducii',1 by llev. Ci-eeity, piiHtor of the
MethoillMt ICplxcopat church, mid the
Inii'i nii'iil wiih In the 'Ann cemeiery,
the remalliH IicIiik laid Im-m lilo IIiohi
of hi m fin ln-r, who died In t li lit city
admit one year uko. Many frleinlx of
the deceiiHeil and of the family al
lemleil the funeral, and many beauti
ful MnwerH were In evidence.
(iemite itnuch wiih ralm-d on
farm near I IiIh city, mid wuh held In
I Iiu hlKhent exleeui of all who knew
him,' Many frlendn deeply nymputhl'.e
wllh hlx mother mid family In their
Tim death nf Mr. Itaurh wuh a
Kii-iil Hhia-k to IiIh friemlH and fam
ily here uml In Portland, and In Ore
Kon Clt y. Mr. Itnuch had been mt
Hiiadi'd to no lo (Im home of IiIh
father In law by the latter, and wax
hlml there by him. The tragedy oc
curred nn Tuexilay i-VenliiK, and death
followed on Wednenday. Mr. Huch.
lifter HhiM)tlni! Mr. Hauch. killed him-
Bind Secure! Another Leader.
John ('timer, of I'ortlaml, htix been
Hfcureil by the Canliy I In ml for a
leader of the orKiinlziitlon. TIiIh mil
nlcan Imx u reputation nf heltiK one
of the bext lniiiil leatlem lu the Kline,
'"1" "" of HUH city Ih to be
liiteiidn to be nun of the leatllnn trom
bone player during the cniuliiK "'
"mi. when Mr, Cumi-r I leadlni;,
othcrwlne he In nbllKt-d to pluv the
lenriiet. With Hie tiHrtlHtanrp of tlu-ne
two excellenl munlclatin .Cmihy Hund
l to be mil' of the bent Htnutetir
liiimlH In the ntate.
Director Elected.
Al the recent bcIiooI election In Hlv
erxlile Dlxtrlct the following were
elected: K. K. IoiIki fnr three yearn
iih director: Mr. Wlnle, for two yearn
ami Mr. Nt'cdham was elected clerk.
charlcH Ken KdIkIii Ih chairman nf
Hie I Ion 1,1 of Directum.
Canby Canali Win Again.
The ln'Ht bnseliHll nanie of the ea
Htui was (hat on Sunday afternoon,
when Aurora team played the Cutiby
CiiiiiiIh. The liiiKe.tt crowd of the
neiiBiin was In altemlance, to say
thai the niiectalnm weren't enthnsl
HHIIr, does lint expresH It. Many
people from Aurora came down to
help root for their team. Ar the
close of the name the score wan 5 to
:i In tavor of Canby.
The following Is the lineup of the
llayni'K. . . .
Huffman ..
Wunir . . .
W. llnty ..
Frederick .
Kckel xon . .
. . ..Frost
. . ..Clesv
. ..Miller
IV Miller
. c.
Young Wills!
i Hampton
Hart ..
. :!H
. .A.
Miller j
. Unig
11. K.
! r
s ::
Cnnlvv ...
Aurora . . .
IIHk ..
Aiirnin . .
t :i o o ii i n o
;: l i i l o ii
o 0 o o o o 2 o l a
loio o o :t i 2 s
I tills ...
I Yhi'iv will In- no Kami' tin Sninlay.
us lilt' ttnni will lvst np fur Hit' fnl
lowliiK ilny. Knnrth of .Inly, mill will
' mt't't tin' Ciniias, Wnsli., tt'iini on tht
' tlluiiinliil lit (ilailHttnif. This will lit'
a lit'lly rmitt'stt'tl j;aint'. an nt'lllitr
nf tlit' ti'iinm liavo lust n saint' this
si'iistin. Tin' Mulullu lniiiil will play
iluriiiK tlio uiiim' mill will tt'iul tti on
llvt'n tlit' Kami1. Cats nro to lio run
illivi'tly tt) tlit- liall ititmiiils. Tlio
Kunio Is ciillt'il nt 1 d'clnrk. Many
liiintlivils iif ifiilt' n iv romliiK from
Camus lo wlltit'ss tlit' game, nnil tho
)i'iiplt of Cliu'liaiiias County aio of
I'tiurHi' liitrivstdl in si't-liifj the homo
toain win, ami will inin out iy tlit
Fair Executive Board Meets.
A 'mt'i'tlnK of thi' exoi'iitlvo lioanl
of l lio Clat'Kanias County Fnir Asso
clnllon lii-lil n nit'oliii!; at t lio fair
Kiouiiils on Monilay uml tvunsnrtotl
inui'li iinpiii'lant liusliii'ss. This
lioanl Is i'Oiuiost'tl of M, ,1, Uri'lle,
O. I). Kliy, of OivKtui City, niitl ,1. V.
Smith, of Mat'hslnii'K. Tho upper
lltHir of tho IiIk exhllilt IuiIIiIIhk will
ho reliifoi't't'il. This will have to be
tlnne, as there ntv many more exhib
its to he on this Moor this year than
last year.
A pint form will lie oreeteil on the
utoiiiiiIh lit'twei'ii the pavilion atitl the
grow, where the pumpers lire sta
tlouecl. Ilainl concerts will ho nlven
eat-h evenluir, und sotne of the best
speakers In the state will he heant
ilnt'lug the three iluys' session. The
linuil concerts mill spealilii); lu tho
evenlliK will ho now features of the
fair. Mr. Smith has been authorized
to proeoeil nl once for tho necessary
work, mul everyt hint; will ho in roitil
InesM nt the opening of tho fair on
September 20.
On Hit' main floor of the bulhllng
will lie a" tip-tn-ilnie refreshment par
lor, which bus been lioouVil since the
fair opened. This will be prontly np-
preclaled by Hi crowd (lint attend
dally. Mnny lire already in commit-nli-i(tliiu
wllli lh W'oretiiry, M. J, 1a
.idle, In reKiird to Hpine for exhibit.
Tim bnliy mIiow, which wa ut1i a
ilniwlnx curd IiihI yr, and when TiO
liable wero entered for the prl.en,
will also be linolher feature of (IiIh
year' fair. Till" M ho xlvn on
llin plalform on the Kroiind. There
will be M HfT;rijt cIuhhi-h, and
many liandnoino prize nm to
Klven' away.
On Hie Hecoriil fl'i'ir will be
dairy depnrttni'nt, which will be
iter the miporvlHloti of .r. h, Rhro(;k,
of lltibhard, (Idputy fond commlnHlon
er. Mr, Hhrock will linvo in thl dlv
IhIoii a model cow mull, Hiimple of
butler and cheeae. Th'-re will he a
dairy row content and prize for the
cow kIvIiik tho lai'Kenl ioantlty of
milk and lititt'T nunle from the
cream, Thl colli""! will
two day. Mirny of Hie
couipanle of I'ortlaiiil nr
be on for
to exlilllit
on thl floor.
M. J. ! will prcxeiit u $2r. fruit
bliHki-t for tho het lx boxe of ap
ple. Programme for Racet at County Fair.
The folJowltiK I partial ilxt for
the race to be ! n at the Count y
Fair In September:
Thumday, Heptemlu r 2
2: .10 trot, $100.
One half mil"; $75.
Friday, Heptemlx-r :!0--
2:. 'Id trot; $150.
2:10 puce; $1".".
I'nny race.
Halurdny, October 1
2:25 trot; $150.
2:20 pace; $150.
One mile, running; $75.
One mile heat, :: nut of 5 to win.
The racliiK proKrnuime I to be one
of tho main drawing card thl year,
and the enlrlcH clone September 1,
and the comltiK fair protnlBc to he
the mut uccefiil ever Rlvt-n In
the county.
On the main floor of the auditorium
will lie office for the necrctary, treii.
nrer. etilry clerk, race clerk and su
perintendent. The BiipcrllitendciitH f the dlffer
enl dlvlxnn are ax follow; ,ve
Hlock, Heorui! Ui7,'lle, OreKnn City;
DalryliiK. M. 8. Klirock, Hubbard;
I'oiiltry, Frod K. DoiiKherty, nf Mo.
lalla; Flirm rrodiict and Vegetable,
Oscar K. VTi'i'tHK, fin-Kon City; Hor
ticulture, A. J. Iewln; Ladle' Textile,
Mr. J. U Waldmti, Oregon City; Dfr
mentlc Science, Mrn. Charle N.
Wnite, Canby; Flower. Mr. Wllllani
KiiIkIk, Canliy; Juvenile Department.
MIhh Kmlly Spulak, New Fra; Haby
Show, Mr. O. E. Kreytag. Orr-Rnn
Canby Market R-port.
The following quotations arc given
by Gordon Dro., the grocers, and
1-ucke IJro., the hulcheru.
Chicken Old h'-nii, ra 20c. broilers,
$5 per doz., rosters, 12c. spring, 20c!
Kkh, 27c, butter, 55c.
Turkey. 21c.
Duck. 181j2oc.
(icexe( 12c.
lien, K,c.
Spring. 21c.
HtHiHters, young, He.
Hroller. 2Cc.
Fryer, Stic.
IJtrd. bulk. 18c.
Ilacim, ranch, 20c.
Shoulder, 17c.
Ham, 30c.
Flour Valley. $1.35; hard, $1.75;
blue-htem, $1.70.
Cheese, 2:iC.
Oranges, 4ic doz.; lemons,
Short. $1.12 rack; brun,
uck: wheal, n.oo per bu.
Itnlled barley, JJ5 per ton.
Oats, new, $25 00 per ton.
Hay, clover. $10 per ton; cheat. $15.
Hop, contract. lo'iflSc.
!raM riHit, -Ifa 5c per pound.
Cascara bark. 4ft 5c a pound.
Sugnr $f .25 p'r sack.
Hlce, fancy, 5 lbs. 25c.
ltutter fat. 2!'c.
Onion gets. Iilc lb.
Cabbage, 2 'if lb.
Mohair, 32c.
Hogs, best blockers,
11V; ordi-
nary 11c.
Hides, suited, S'ic; green 1 cent
Veal, il'c; mutton, 6c,
Ijirtl, Hie.
Oregon City Knterprlse $1.50 per
year. All the news of the County.
Vegetable and tlower seeds at Gor
don llros.
Old Ulcers
Are unsightly and dangerous. Dr.
Hell's Antiseptic Salve will heal them
promptly. It Is clean ami pleasant to
use. 25c a Imx. Sold everywhere.
For Mile by Jones' Drug Co.
A quiet home wedding was solemn
ized Saturday at noon when Miss
Mary Kilckson became the bride of
Mt Jensen, of i'ortlaiiil. On acount
of the death of Miss l'licksou's slsier.
jj'.Mr.s. Ilerg, only relatives were pres-
eui. l.iltliim iv'uu iiiii-u int.- wen
ding march. Sunday Mr. nnil Mrs.
Jensen left for their home in Portland.
Their many friends Join In wishing!.
thoin a long and happy married life.
MJsh Annie Kilckson came up from
I'ortlaiiil to al lend her sister's wed
ding. O. M. Aiisve nnil family. A. II. Whi
tlows and family and U. K. Irvln and
daughter, Untile, attended the memor.
lal services of Henry Snyder Sunday
at Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller, of
Oregon CHy, worn visiting Mrs. Mil
ler's sister. Mrs. Slieppard, Sunday.
Mrs. M. W. Slieppaiil wns visiting
Elys Cream Balm
Sure to Civo Satisfaction.
It. t'h'iiti-k'i, son'th'S lii-iils mul p:-otiv!s the
ilisi'-i- d nn "iibi im riNuliim; from t'.iliiirli
mid ilrivesnwiiy n I '"Id in the 1 livid ipii. kiy,
Jit'Mtiucs tho Si-ii-vt of 'J'iiMo mul Suiril.
Fiisy to use. (VuMins li" iniiiri.-us ilru,:-i
Applied into the nostrils ami nb-terbi'il.
Largo Size, Jit) cents at Druggists or hy
ni:iil. Liiiiiil Crt-.un Balm for u-o in
atomizers, 7"i cents.
ELY BROTHERS. V, Warren St.. Now York.
.MIh Harlow, In I'm tliinrl
IiihI wci-k.
MIkk llnttln Irwin wan vlnlflng Mrs
DiiKiTHiui nnil MIhh Jennln 'ronton in
OioKnti (!lly h cimplw of day lust
C. (i. Tull nnil Henry fillliortnon
were Ori'icon CHy vlMllom Halurdny.
Walter Mowo wmt to On-K'in City
Mm. Wiirfel wftiit to Porlland Tiioh-
f f ii y.
MIhh HchhIo Ilrtiilrlir In home from
I'ortliiiid vIhIIIiiic.
Hchiiol cliTtliin wan held June 20
In tlio Krhoolhciintfl. A one and one
half mill tnx wh oted on tho dln
trb t to help run tlio m-liool and pay
off n Hiiiiill IndelitertnoHH. Mr. Hano
whh elected tllreclor t mitceerl Mr.
HerK. I). j. Irvln was reelectoil
clerk. Tlio iihcr dlrectorn ro O. M.
Aiisve ond H. T. .Melvln.
Itov, Smith and wife returned
homo from Walla Walla Tuesday.
Tim team are all tinny HKiiln haul
Iiik tlea,
Mrn. Opal Crecnift, of Portland,
wan elected an principal for our
school and MIhh Lillian Anderaon, of
HorliiK, wa choKi-n for tho prlmaiy
room. j
l.nrKo hunch nf flrecrackem with
every pair of hIkioh. On-Kon City
Hboe Kiore, opp. I'oHtofflce.
A Wretched Mistake
to endure tho ItenltiK, painful dlstreKg
of I'IIoh. There'H no need to. Uaten:
"I Buffered ninth from Piles," writes
Will A. Marah, of Kller City, N. C
till I Kot a box of Uucklen'H Arnica
Salve, and wan noon cured." fiurns,
IKiIIh, ricora. Kever Soren, Kcxnma,
CiHa. Chapped Handa, Chllhlalna, van
IhIi before It. 23c at Jones nruj; Co.
II. 0 Joehnke lias greatly Improved
the appearance of his place by paint
ing his house.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Meltidl, of Port
land, spent the week end wltb Mrs.
Meindl's parents of thia place.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey were visiting
relatives at Mil 1 1 no last Thursday.
M. J. Ia.elle, of Twilight, made a
business trip to Canby last Monday.
W. Youiik and family, former neigh
bors, have purchased the E. Ellck
White place, and we will again have
them 'In our community.
The many people who attended the
Grange at New Era last Saturday re
port an enjoyable and profitable meet'
Mr. Kaulk has had the misfortune to
lose his best cow. This was a very
valuable animal and the loss Is no
small one.
V. B. Martin, formerly of Ibis
place, but now of Gladstone, wag
calling on old friends last 3unday.
A Rood roads meeting convened at
the Twilight store the fore part of
this week and excitement ran high,
for such a gathering never met in
these parts before. The attendance
was good.
Hlchard Kelland, who Is a travel
ing man. la home to spend the Sum
mer on tho farm witn his little brother
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hess, of Canby,
spent last Sunday with George
Schrelner and family.
Mr. Nash, who recently purchased
the lialley place, has nis new resi
dence nearly completed.
Large bunch nf firecrackers with
every pair of shoes. Oregon , City
Shoe Slore, opp. Postoffice.
Hurrah! Everylnidy go to Oregon
City for the Fourth.
tier nlMcr,
Nature Gives Timely Warnings ThatUell, of Denlson. Texas, "Mr. and Mrs'
No Oregon City Citizen Can
Afford to Ignore.
from the kidney secretions. They will
warn you when the kidneys are sick.
Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber
fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin,
pale and foamy, or a thick, red, III
smelling urine, full of sediment and
Irregular of passage.
from the bnck. Rack pains, dull and
heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of
sick kidneys, and warn you of the ap
proach of dropsy, diabetes and
Brlght's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills
cure sick kidneys and cure them per
manently. Here's Oregon City proof:
Frank H. Bush, Jr., Main street,
Oregon City, Or., says: "I suffered
from un acute attack of kidney and
bladder trouble and received no re
lief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills.
This preparation did its work so thor
oughly that since taking the contents
of two boxes, I have had no recur
rence of my former complaint.
Whenever an opportunity I give
Doan's Ivitlney pills my endorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo,
Now York, sole agents for the I'nited
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 0-17-24
Automobiles Made Run to
Hood Sunday.
E. Henry Wenime's nerslstenev miH
enthusiasm has resulted In putting the
.Mount Hood wagon road in excellent
condition. Seventeen automobiles
made the run Saturday and Sunday
without nny trouble. The bridge
across Whisky Creek has been com
pleted, but the approaches have not
yet been built. The bridge across
Zigzag River, carried awav last Win
ter during a freshet, has' been re
placed with a new bridge and the iron
Is oHn through to Government camp'.
Work is In progress at several places
beyond Sandy, part of the road has
been replanUed and the sharp hills
cut down. The improvements now mi
ner way are of a permanent character,
nud the money Is being spent to ad -,'
va ntage.
Cor. 7th and Center
Cheapest Place in Ore
gon City to buy
Fresh Vegetables and
Berries Received Daily
H. J. Bigger & Sons
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
All colon, all itylei, all alzee. All ready for the Fourth. Wa
have Shoei for low inttepi, high inttepi and regular Instept.
We carry Women'i Shoes up to 9 and Men's Shoes up to 13.
Our motto: We fit the shoe to the foot, NOT the foot to
the shoe. Come In, get fitted in a pair of our Shoes, and do
away with the worst III that flesh Is heir to a hurting foot
caused . by an Ill-fitting shoe.
A very pretty marriage wa aolemn-
Ized Sunday afternoon at 4 .o'clock
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kent, of Parkplaco, when their cily
dauKhter, MIhh Juanila I.ttrllne, be
came the wife of Fred Stelner, fit
Prairie du Chine. Wis. The I m proa
Hire rlriK ceremony wa performed by
Kov. J. R, IvinclHlxiroiiKh, pastor of
the Presbyterian church, in the prea
jence of many friends of the contract -
Ing parties i,hii:ii-:oii. i in: i'"mm were very pri
To the strains of Lohengrin's Wed-I'y- wlth th"'r ""ration of wild
ding March, which was rendered by marguerite and bachelor
Miss Mae flambo. the bride and i u"it'""' Mn "Hf-d profusion,
came down the stnlrwav and entered1 The Oregon City guests left on the
the parlor, taking their places be-!7-'0 ':lock car Bn1 "-""-ned on the
neath a beautiful floral arch umitr k rar. Those attending were
which was suspended a la.-ge floral 11 r; a"' M"- El-er A. Chapman. Mr.
bell of white lilies. The arch was ?,nd MrH' W; A- S.ewman. Mr. and
of white lilies, asparagus ferns and,'"- U """. Mr. and Mrs. John
ivy. The bride and groom were at-! AIam 'r- a"l M.rs' Henry O'Malley.
tended by Miss Dorothy Straight and , J r' a"'1 MrB' atham. Mr. and
Mr. Elmer Stelner, brother of the J oil'. 1 i, ,r' ii" i'r8r
grwm. After the ceremony was per- f ' 8tralnt' NIeta Barlow Uw
formed ice cream, cake and punch ' r MrB' Strubler. of Portland,
were served. The young couple were P" lce. hhfwman. R. U Holman,
the recipients of many handsome!1" v- Kan,al1-
nifts, including cut glass, hand-painted : ' , .'.
china and silver I On Friday evening the new hall at
The bride was becomingly gowned
In gray silk poplin and carried an
arm bouquet of white lilies. The
bridesmaid. Miss Dorothy Straight,
wore a pretty gown of champagne silk
and carried a bouquet of pink carna-
tlons. ( !
The bride and groom left for their
honeymoon and upon their return'
will reside on Monroe street, where-
the groom has furnished a cottage, i Iipa! 11 : ? , -Before
tho hrirt' H.ri .1,- i reading, "Marjories Kisses
threw her hr,,,n,,. .h.
and It was caught by Miss Dorothy
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Kent was
prettily decorated for this occasion.
The reception hall was In green, the
parlor, where the ceremony was per
formed in white lilies and festoons
of Ivy, and the dining room in red
ramblers and ferns.
The bride and groom are well
known In this city and at Parkplace,
and have a host of friends who ex
tend to them their hearty congratula
- ,
tions and best wishes. i
Present. at the marriage ceremonv:
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent, Rev. J. R.
Landsboroueh. Mrs. Mary Kent, Bert!
Kent, of Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. i
J. L Rail, of Portland, Sir. and Mrs!
J. B. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Walter;
Symes, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Daven-:
port, Mrs. Helen Montour. Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Lu ran Mr nn,l Mr in. I
soph Brunner. Mrs. Rich Halversnn
Mrs. George Killin, Mrs. Nannie Griz-
A. J. Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
McComb. Mr. and Mrs. George Ma
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peckover.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Praeger. Mr. and
Mrs. B. Goodpasture. Mrs. F. Bre
nlcr, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayhurst. Mrs.
XL . Bniner, XIr. and Mrs. W. G.
Green, Mr. and XIrs. S. J. Jones, Mrs.
William Rambo, .Miss Dorothy
Straight. Elmer Stelner, Otto and
Lowell Kent, John Roppell. John
Straight. August Treichler. Xliss Etta
Bruner. Xliss Isabelle Mann, Rae
Kirhyson, Miss Ethel XIann, Xliss
Lydia Vysett, Xliss Harriett Good
dell. Clyde Green. Xliss Pearl Jones.
.'ii cud auai;iii, ljecin Ollltt. .M 15S
Kathleen Brunner, Miss Mae Rambo,
John Straight, Jr., Xliss Reva Jones
Donald Praeger.
The annual online of the St. Paul's
Guild and Daughters of the King oflseen ttlat ,he nlan lal d'ed of nat
tho St. Pauls Episcopal church wasurul cnus'S. Johnson was preparing,
held Fridav afternoon at the home' l ,r',ire for Ihe nlSh' wen he was
of XIrs. Dan O'Neil and Miss Holmes,
"Hose Farm," and a most enjoyable
! afternoon was spent bv the members
of these two organizations and their i resl(ll"S 1,1 Wisconsin. The Swedish
friends. In the earlv part of the af-lf.onsul of Pn"land notified these rela
ternoon vocal and Instrumental music,' lves- aml, ,ne remains were ordered
was rendered. "Little Miss Muffett," i f , be interred in Portland. The
represented by Ernestine King and
Lyle Yexley, the latter dressed as a
little Indian girl, sold cottage cheese;
"Utile Jack Horner'' was represented
hy Forest Yexley. and "Jack and
.ill" with their pail of water, by j
Douglas King and Fern Yexley, j
quenched the thirst of the guests, i
The old historic home was artisti
cally decorated for this occasion, the
decorations of which were admired by
all. On the verandas, where the de
licious refreshments were served,1
were decorations of bachelor buttons
and yellow calliopsis, the tables of
which were decorated to correspond.
The dining room was in pink sweet
pens, living room in marguerites and
La France roses, and the parlor in
white iris and sweet peas.
Before the departure of the guests
packages containing fancy and useful
articles were auctioned off. XIrs. G.
A. Harding acting in the capacity of
auctioneer. Much amusement .was'
t li result, as the articles contained
In the packages were unknown to the
buyer until opened. The net pro
ceeds amounted to about $25.
These assisting Mrs. O'Neil and
Xliss Holmes were Mrs. W. B. Staf
ford. Mrs. A. E. King, Mrs. V. E.
I.awton. XIrs. A. C. Warner. XIrs. E.
A. Chapman, Xliss Ella Williams, Miss
Homa Stafford.
Mrs. William Aiidresen entertained
at a luncheon at her home on Sixth
and Jefferson street Friday afternoon
from 1 to 5 in honor of Xliss Anna
Iliiird. of Portland, whose marriage'
takes place the latter part of August
In Portland. Only the former school.'
mates and old time friends of Miss '
Ilainl were present, ami a most en-'
joyable afternoon was spent. The'
affair was lu the form of a niiscel-;
hineous shower, and many pretly!
gifts wore presented to this bride-to-i
lie. Tho rooms were artistically dec
orated for the occasion. Roses weie
used among ihe decorations in larsi:
quantities. The dining room was e-t-l
pecially attractive. Iluttercups werej
used here. In the center of the table;
was a basket filled with these golden I
colored flowers and wns tied with Il
lusion. From the electroliers wore
suspended miniature ciiplds, ami the
place cards were hand-painted cuplds.
Tho hoatess was assisted by her sla
ter, Mrs. K. 0. MWrrclI, of Portland.
There were about ten ajuesU present.
Judge and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan
entertained the Friday Night Drldge
Club at their homo at Gladstone Fri
day night. Bridge was tho feature
of tho evening, In which Mrs. Henry
t) Malley and A. Hhewnian won
i the nrlzea. Mrs. Rvan. assisted hv
! Mr"- btnibler. of Portland, served a
Gladstone will be dedicated, and an
excellent programme has been ar
ranged for the occasion, which Is as
follows: Piano solo, Leo Bunion;
quartette, "Waltz Song," Pastime
quartet; reading. "Fiddle Told," Miss
Mary Sandstrom; boIo, selected, Mrs.
C. Hagerman; quartet, "Doan You
Cry. Ma Honey," Pastime quartet;
recitation. Mamma's Help," Violet
' Miss
' Mary Sandstrom, quintet, "Massa's
,v, I J ..! I
In the Cold, Cold Ground." Mrs. Nieta
I Barlow Lawrence and Pastime quar
! tet.
The programme will be followed by
refreshments and a social time.
Funeral of Well Known Woman
, at Oregon City.
i The funeral services over the re
mains of XIrs. Leila Ownbey Dupuy,
wife of Harrington E. Dupuy, who
died at the home of her parents, XIr.
and XIrs. A. J. Ownbey, In Green
Point, Friday morning at 5 o'clock
were held Sunday afternoon from
the Ownbey home at 2 o'clock, and
the interment was In the family
plot at Mountain View Cemetery.
XIrs. Dupuy was born at Enterprise,
.Oregon, November 20, 1881, and after
: graduating from the Oregon Agricul
tural College at Corvallis, she mar
i ried H. C. Dupuy October 5, 1904.
Before her marriage she was a resi
dent of this city, having come here
with her parents, and since her mar
riage she has resided here for several
years. She leaves besides her hus
band, of this city, her parents, two
sisters, XIrs. A. C. Cox and Miss
Bunny Ownbey, and two brothers.
Ivan, of Portland, and Pliny, of this
Carl J.
Johnson Found Dead at His
Pari T Tnbnann a .aaltlanf nt II..
, Cnk,lic.k DnhlnmAnt
at Colton, was
dead at an early hour Sunday
morning. Coroner Holman was noti
fied, and visited the home of John
son, but deemed It unnecessary to
:nolu n inquest, as it was plainly
l stncKen.
f The deceased had no relatives in
i this state, but a mother and sister
iiouy was sinppeu to fort land Non
day night for burial. Johnson was
about 50 years of age, and resided
George E. Simmons Dead.
George E. Simmons, who died at
his home in this city Sunday, was
buried Monday afternoon, and the in
terment was In the Mountain View
Cemetery. .Mr. Simmons came here
about three months ago from Port
land. He was 1 years of age. and
was born in Iowa. He leaves besides
a widow, one daughter. Xliss Nellie
Simmons, of this city; two sons. Al-
i bert and Edward, of Portland,
Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Maddox.
The infant son of XIr. and XIrs.
.Melvln Maddox. of 71(5 Taylor street.
died last Thursday
County Division Will Be Discussed.
County division will be the subject
for discussion ar a meeting of Mil
waukie Grange Friday evening. All
members are requested to be present
and visiting members are welcome.
There is considerable Interst in this
topic, and free and full discussion
will be invited at the Grange meeting.
'Y If ' A I '
.' A -
t?"i:;e it
Tovoep Camadi'm Co. l