OREGON . CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE, 21, 1910. 3 EASTERN CLACKAMAS 8ANDY. WlllWllI'M llT llll'HMllIlt IlltVII lll'l'll fllll- IllK Hid iimhI Wecli, iiiiilillIK III" fill III ci'm hiiiIIii tint smile ill ii I. worn' cumo cfT. I'l'tim of nil klmiH urn looking Ilni' ; MUlltl fUlllll'IN llllVH cut liny. Huiiily ri'Hl entail! Ih moving Hi n lively rill". I'llcea II to ill it guild mliil mill ii t ii ii y liniiii'iti'i'lii'M mill III Km I mil inn ImyliiK liiml hero, Iim mill JhIiii Meyer luivti hhIiI tlii'lr liin iii'ii'it rm' 'i,iiii. Jiiiihi'uiI llruth. I'M Hold III lll'l'l'a t 'K I II I) I III 91-10 JUT iiitii tn A. ('. .InliliHiin, 1 1 1 lit & I'd. have Willi Ihi'lr fit nil. rniiHlHlliiK (if 21)11 luren, fur rj.r.im, llirlilillllK nil per annul mill i "ill iruii'i'l', tu u I IihkI IIIvit niiiii, who i'XM'i'lN to put moil of llii' Improved liunl Into tipple. (ii'iii'Hi' Kihthiiu'ii fin in wiiii mild i'ii ceiitly fur IH.ihhi. "I'll Mount llmitl nillwiiy Ihih (-lunnil tln il"iil nil -liMl in-1 cm Junt north of town, Mr. Motley, lali'ly frniii Hniillmi'ii liri'Knil, Ihih IhiiikIii 'in inri't of Mr. Wdmler. Wuiidy Uili'l ('miipiiiiv mild two loin A I I Id ...I. Ill r. It. I'iinn, Willi win iniiiii in unco, i ,11 r. i ninn jinn Mini ma rill III IH'lir ('ill 1 1 I'll fur $5,111111. U I ItlVlM llllcl ,Mvh. (', (iilllnltr llllVIt liulli iiiirrluiHKii loin lii Hiiiuly. Krnnk KIiimIi'm Im n I mu iiiiri liiuii'il h lul mill Will 111 11(1 t IIIH'l'. II. A I ltn Iiiin Hiilit liin lioimn mill lot mi PiiM-inr iivi'iniii in Cunt imhriiH. Mm I IiivIh Ihih IiIh bungalow iiIiiiiihI i'iiiiilnli'il, mill will Himll Iiinvii III. I). W, MrKi'i'ii hun IiIh holme com pleted nml timed Into It. tiixiritii llnrnalfiir ni'W IiiiiikiiIciw Ih Hearing riunii'tiii a limiilmniin ri'Blili'iii'K in Vinilvi'1'n mlitliliin. I'. T. Hhi'lley Ihih moved lulu town In I nk ii rlmrKi' of I h lilnckatiiltli hup ln littoly purchased Mr. Hlielley will Illitni'illiili'lV urecl ii big building for mi Implement luniae, where tin will keep fur iwiln everything from n gar ili'll rukit to 11 thryalilllg liilti'hltie. II. I -iTn it Ihih Imllt mi iiililltliiu to IiIm lilm-kmnltli shop Mm. Ijimi' Iiiih opened up n quirk limrh ciiiinler. which make tint ace unit realntirunt fur Hmidy. Ttitt Hnmly M. K. ('Inirih lirnl u lilg llim. Uny. Zliiiiiieminn delivered n liM-liirn with stereoptlcun picture (in liiupirmii'o, anil wiih niti'iult'il by u large crowd. Kiiiiliiiilliin i'xi'I'iIhi-h uf her daughter, Klliul, A, .1. Mux ley's brother, from Hon t h Kin Oregon, recently piircliuHiiil tlm Webster pliiii', Tin' UhIIiih' Mutual nii't with Mm V, Klxrlicr In Mt wiii-k, mill Hpi'iit viii y plmiHiiiii mill piulliiililii after ikiiiii, Til" next meeting wlll liu lit Mr. Win. llulliiilin'M, .In ih) liu. Mm. A ii ii ti llixitliliy ami Ml"" A ii ii ti .lull, uf. 1'iiitliiiiil, spent Hiiuiluy with ,Mih, lluiilliliy'H hIhIit, Mr. V. Hlev I'lin, l.litlit Miiijurln Hti'Vi'iiH celebrated littr i'IkIiUi lilriliiluy Hinnliiy, Jiiiih lit, receiving a number of nice Kilt" it Hi' hi K llit'in li Hint lilriliiluy cuke. H. II. Hurl wiih limiHiictliig bilMliu-H III I'm lliunl liiHt week III til" InlitriinlH (if tin' I''Ii wiiim IIiivit Ti'li'liliiilin Co, MiH, Iti'i'il Ihih been cunflncd to her lii'd fur Mevcnil iliiyn. The Mt. Iloiiil Fruit (itnwcr will meet Hiiliinliiy, June ITi, nt l-'lrwooil Hull. Jit in I'M lumper left for ronlnnd IuhI Muiiiluy, ejpectlng to I)" nwny fur Hi'Vi'inl wci'kH. Mr. Ijimiiht Ihih n juli of liiirnliiK hrli-k for it compiitiy In I'urtliiuil, iiml 1'iirli Htimtti"r liu Iii'Iph llii'in thruiiKh tint liiiny hhiikoii Nt'l nionHi Iim llltrury IiouIin will tin itii-liiiiiKiiil. Aiivimn wIhIiIhk to iiii Any uf HiIh nut. mimt K"t liimy MIhiii-h Klliul nml Until ami Mnt"r KrucHt Hurt lire Hi-nillnK tlii'lr Hum nii'r vnriiiliin mi tlii'lr rnni'li. Mr. nml Mrn. lllrt Joimriiit, of KeNn, vUllml Mr. mill Mrn. Albert lli-lln Inn! wni'k. Jih' W'IIIIk'h rtiitiKlilcr, of Porllnnrt, Ih MpunilliiK n pnrt of tier vncntlon with him. Wnrrt'ii Wllklnn minli cvpriil IuihI- mH trlpn to (ircHlinm Inti'lv. II. T. Hurl, of Montnvlllit. Hpont Piinilnv with K. P. Ilnrt. W. Htovcnn rnmr nut from Port In nil Knliinliiy iind Mpi-nt Hiindny on IiIh riuii'h. Julm Biurlnlr wiih down from Bnl- moil Itlvnr Runilnr. If viii liro not Hntlnflod nflor iihIiht nrcurdlliir to dlrfrtloiiH IwothlrdH n' it hutli- of Himiiliorlnln'M Htomnrh nnd I-lvi'r Tnlilnlit, von rnn hnvn vnur moni'r linrk, Th tnlilptn rlenniu ' itnd ItivlmiriitK the tomnrh, linnrovo I the illKPHtlnn, rojiilntn ttm liowoN filvn tlH'tn a trlnl mid k well. Sold Ii v nil di'itlcni, A ni'W nildlilun Ihih In -f ii opi-ni-'l up wticm lutH will ho mil, I jiiHt northi'iiHl j DOVER uf town on t'i'iliir frefk. iy Iti-nfnr ft Hmltli, of I'lirilmiil Tlmy Imvn l- Iimli1 Ilodli-y wuh ii 1'urtlnnd vIh irmly Hold uliilit lutH mid inut nf,"""" l"t Tut'Hiliiy. Ill" liuryni will liullil Hiiiiiiimr Iioiih-h At 111" m-hiHil mi'i'tliiif Monday II. tliiTiHin. '"'It'll wuh icrtr-d illn-rliir nml ('. Mr. Kit rn'n iikw ri'lifiii.-t' U citn-' A- KIiik rlnrk. plt'to umt hf In imiw IIvIiik In It. Hi'! HoliortH Ih Iiuiiic from Tor- will Imlld unotlifr lion"" HtMiii tu nun. viillU. whi-ri. Im Ihih Iii-cii mtfndltiK Tim Kir win nl nml Dover ti'li'plioiitt mhuol. wn i-uiuiiilliliiti'd mid liii-ornornttsl ! ('iiv Wordli' Ih micrliiK with n nml will ut mint I'ttoiiil Itn linn I1114 j "wt'llun linn, lln wuh In Kundy Moii- rwry liouin of Kundy mid Hiirroiind-1 I ii K tumitry. with Hnmly tint ci'iitrnl. Siindy will oliHi-rin tlio filorliiiiH , Kuili lli III H K riilul old funlilolli'd lln Ixtlli iluy mill uliilit. An sn-llt-lit proKriuu liin Im-iii iri'puri'd. J. J. j Jfffrli'H. uf I'urtliiuil. will 11 ornlor of fill v to (-oiiHtilt with Dr. Upton Mi'Hiluini'H KllznillliT, Clnrkn. Mnrpliy mid linker were np to Dover hint Mundny plrklnic Htrnwlierrlen. Jm IieSlinrer nnd family went to Handy TueHilny, Mrn. lli'WH U nlil" to lie up nnd tll't iluy. AlliuliK the liltraitliiiiM 1 nroilllil the Ikiiihk nfter n week' Ill- will lie hIiikIiik led hy the Hnmly tllee j nPH. t'ltih tut 1 1 (luuitel. The' uportH of the I A very pleniant mirprhie pnrty wnn tiny will Im n wremlliiK niiitrh he- Riven nt the twin of Mr. nml Mr tween two H-n rlimiipltitiH, wheel-1 C A. Keith Mondnv rvenlnR. rele Imrrow rare. fiMit race, tiiiHctmll mid Iiriiilim flnylord nnd Helen Keith' miineroiiH other irlH. j tilrthday. Gnmen were played. W. A. I'roclur mid nun. Kied. havo tnflv I'ulleil nnd nil left nt it Into hour K0110 to the Cumuli I lul HprliiK, ' J "InhlnK the rhlldren many more J. Tliwni y will inuvu hU rmiilly to ' hnpty hlrthdnvH. WiMiillnwil lo live In the future. M. DiivIh Ihih opened no n plmto-! Bnk on 8urc Thlno Now. II KtHlll lllClllCKN. Mm, A. Miiiumi)' han cone to Port In Kit oil ImimIiu-hh. It. Litptun linn inovi-d Into IiIh new llUllK'. Vic Kituherii Ihih mild IiIh Iioiihi' and lot to M. Mi-(itiKln. A hand of Kypxh't huvn been rnuip lim near town on their way to North Dakota, ho they hhIiI. crupn ualK-ry In Hunily.'nnd I doliiK "I'll never he without Dr. KIiir's New Ufe pn nitnln," write A. HchliiKei-k, C.17 Kim St.. Ililflalu. N. Y. "They cured me of rhronln cotBtlpu Hon when nil other fnfli'i! " t'n eqiiiilleil fur hlllotiitneHH. Inundlre, In illKi'Htlnn, heiidnche, chilli, nniluriu nnd di-li)llty. :.r,c nt Jonep DriiK Co. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A FIRWOOD, The Klrwood I'roKieHHlvo Ahhoi-Iii-thill wiih well Atlelided. After the IiiihIiiohh nn'tiiliiK n nhiirt hut Inturoit Iiik proKriimine wiih rimderod. John KulicrtH, who hun Junt re turned from the Ort'Kon Anrlcultiirul Cullt'Kit, Kiive a Hhort till U on the col li'Ko, 11111I J. K, llniHh, who recently cumo from Ithlcit, N. Y., kvo n vocal Hclectlon which 'wuh Krently ctijityed hy nil. At the IiiihIiii'hh ineetliiK tliern whn Koine talk of IiiiIIiIIiik a nw hull fur l-'IrwiHiil, nnd 11 committed of II vn tinmely: n. K. Hurt, W. Iiotholm. V. KlHcher, A. Miilur nml K. D. Hurt, wero appointed to look Into the mutter. REAL ESTATE Clair Corey mndo a IiiihIiii'hh trip to Portlitiiil 'pint Monday, Mm. 11, k. Hurt went to rortlnml uhlp 2 miuth, rmiKo 5 east j Oii'con Swedish Colonization Co. ; to S. A. .lohiiHon, SO aorV'H of Hectlon I :i.ri. towtmhlp i Mouth, ranpt 3 eust; i I'm. Otto I', nnd (iliulvH ConntunH to C. C. Vnnce. 10 ncri'H of Hectlon 23. low'UHlilp 2 south, mime 1 cuhI; $1. I.ury H. OnlMirn to Chnrli'K C. Wouilrock, hind In Hectlon I'd, town Hlilp 2 Huiitli, rniiKO 5 enHt; f 1 200. KHther C. Knlijlit et ill to Cnnliy 1 Hunk TniHt Co.. tnHt hulf of lot 1. hliK-k 3, Ciinby: $1. HnlKey J. nml Mnry Phclpn to Al v 1 11 I'helpH. land In Hectlon 1, town Hlilp -I Hoiith, rnniin 1 ennt; $1. Ilnrrlet nnd dlilcon Krlulmum to Kiln M. Htryker. nouth lmlf of north west (pint-tor of northwest quarter of Hectlon .in. township 3 Honth, rnnse i east; (2001). Chnrh'H II. Cox to Ixmlse R. Hum- 1 llton, .8ii acres of section 25. town- It tho flrnt of tho week lo attend thn Walter- F. nnd (iertrndo k! Cnso et D. C. LATOURETTB PreMdsnt. r. J. MKYEK. Cuhloi THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, t0.000.00. TnnMotiiOnrl Banking Bualntii. Open from A. M. to S P. M Office Iloth Phonal 22 Ueildonce Phone Main 2624 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 1S6S Bucoasor to C. N. Grecnman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Ratos Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Dnys Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Solo Agents Now Idea PattcrnsIOc EachNono Higher Sec Them Sheelinfl 6c Yord 6c IA4 Hhci'lliiK, the host He Krndtt. A Kieut lot til K" Ut tlllM Kfnt Hiilo, Iim ynrd for only lli'Mt In n vy 9H Hlii'i-tlliK, u r' t:ulnr Ililc Hiiller, Hie yard nt thin Kfi'lOf mill) vvt'iit, only ZUL A wonderfully pretty npHiirtmotit of fuiiry Hummer I'nriisiilH, val ine worth 1 1. Ml to 12.00, lit HHi AQ. Hiilo for yot J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor 7th and Main Sts. Selling's Old Stand $1.50 Waists 95c Nently tailored Wnlats, vnlileH that you'll pny $1.60 for us ually, at this sale Iloniitlful Fancy Waists, many (iHlnty styles, 92.00 valueH, at this sale for only Values In these lovely Ka,ncy Waists, worth up to $2.60, nt this great event for. ......... 95c $1.35 $1.85 Before the Fourth A Host of Nighty Bar gains! Boy's Pants 1 5 Cents 'One IIk lot of hoys' wuhIi Knee I'untH, values froln ITic to Mic III the lot; at this ;reut niiiu while they liut for only 15c See The Men's Hats Hiui'lt'cilH of dirrereiit styles In HuU for smart men. yoiiiiK and old, ut this hlg event ut during price reductions. Sale Starts Friday, June 24th A daring bargain event at this foremost style store for the entire family, thst will win the approval of every resident of Oregon City and vicinity one that will again convince you of the superiority of this popular store in style, low price and high value leadership a sale that should net be missed by any one within calling distance begins Friday at eight o'clock sharp. A host of terrific bargain reductions for the whole family all seasonable merchandise, new this season will be found priced at reductions that are simply amazing. 6pace and time allows but a alight mention of the hundreds of wonderful of' feringi to be found at this startling sale price cuttings thst are truly astound ing at this, the height of the season. Women's Vests 9 Cts. Women's SleeveleHS Vents, a vuhie that Portland stores sell at l.'c to 20c, at this great sale event, the garment 9c Laces and Embroideries A beautiful gathering of wanted Laces and Em broideries, hundreds of patterns, at reductions of more than one-fourth. Reduction of 25 to 35 Per Cent, on CLOTHCS lllf VsMBHHsSKanBsnsi ALL MEN'S SUITS Kar-fumed throughout the whole country for the ninny rx'P'il'ir brands of stylish Men's and Young Men's Clothing, we'll offer a llHt of ter rific reductions that Impress every man of the urgency to shnre In this great reduction sale whlrn starts Friday. You'll find savings on every Suit of from 25 to 35 per cent off the regular prices! The high values and nohbltiess of our clothing can only bo Impressed on you from a glance at the fa mous makes we carry exclusively In this city, which Include "Steln-BIoch" Clothes, "Schloss Itros." and "Society Drand" Clothes; Take note of these big reductions: Values worth up to $25, In these wanted Clothes for Values worth $25 'In these Suits for this low price of Values worth $15 at, the suit.. Values worth $12.50 the Suit, $10 the Suit for for Vitlues worth only . . SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Stylish Suits At Half Less Half Off 410.00 $ 8.00 $ 4.50 $ 4.00 Buy Men's, Women's ondj Children's Shoes, NOW! Ilroken sizes In Women's Shoes, moHtly it in n 1 1 Mixes. $2.50 and t'. values, nt this siile $1.45 All OxfordH. all better grndes of KtHitwi-iir. nit children's Shoes, at this biiIo at Tremendous Reduction Men's Shoes and Oxfords, nifty values, worth $3.50 the pair, at this great sale event for only Values In these Shoes and Oxfords worth $4.50 the pair at this sale for Values worth to $2.50 for $2.85 id Oxfords $3.15 $2.10 $5.50Voile Skirts $3.95 A startling reduction event on Women's sty lish Voile BklrtH, many different colors and styles, at these wonderfully low prices: $10.00 values go for only Jgf 45 $12.50 vnlues go for only S (." $ 9.00 values gor for only ( 5.50 values go for only .. $;$ ), Women's best heavy Percale Wrappers, reg ular $1.25 to $1.50 values, nt this sale for only 98c The Celebrated R.&G. Corsets $19.85 $14.90 $11.85 $ 9.50 $ 6.95 m J 0 nt. Women's stylish Spring Suits In many different and popular fabrics, all desirable styles and colors, go at this amazing sale at the startling reduction of This means $35.00 values for $17.50 $30.00 values for $15.00 $25.00 values for $12.50 $20.00 values for $10.00 $18.00 values for $ 9.00 $15.00 values for $ 7.50 Wash Suits Modish Summer Wash Suits Included In this wonderful event at reductions of from 1-3 to 1-2 off. values for values for values for values for $5.00 $4.75 $3.50 $2.75 $2.50 Wash Skirts for $1.45 1 .45- Save on All lien's Fur- nishings at This Big Sole Men's fine Work Shirts, a wonder ful reduction to .jc lien's heavy 75c Sateen Shirts, at this sale for 43c Men's $1.25 fancy Pongee Shirts go for only 95c Men's fine silk lisle fancy Socks, 25c values foT Igc Men's fancy Hose, regular 20c val ue, the pair 12c Men's Summer Underwear, medium weight, a big value f--2jc Men's 12VC work Socks, a great cut to only, pair g J-3c Men's working Pants, the pair, the pair, $1.25 and 95c Nearly ONE FOURTH Less A great and amazing reduction on the famous R. & G. Corsets at prices that you cannot duplicate at any other store in the state prices low.er than you've ever seen full lines of these wanted Corsets priced at. $1.00 Values 89c $1.50 Values $1.15 Values $1.65 Values $1.95 Values $2.45 All Dress Goods Cut Wool Dress Goods, blue, black and white, as well as the latest shades fine Serges, etc., 50c to 75c values, the yard 43c 25c to 35c Summer Lawns and other Summer materials, the yard jgc 12 l-4c Dress Ginghams, latest shades and pat. terns, the yard for only.." jqc All 15c and 20c LawnB, many different colors and designs, the yard J()c Regular 7c Calicoes, blue and light colors, the yard for 3c Regular 8c Apron Ginghams at this big event for only, the yard al to John W. Thornton,, 31 ncres of section .'II. township 4 south, range 2 cast; $25. llernhard and Mnry E. Krledrlch to John W. Thornton, 1 aero of section 31. township 4 south, range 2 east; $75. W. I. nnd Martha K. Robinson to A. U Thompson, northwest quarter of Klrst Subdivision of Oak Grove; $1X00. Austin C. Mllllcon to Harvey N. Ion Lumber Company, east half of section 20, township 4 south, range 5 east; $1. Julia A. Rellly to D. E. Altenberg, east half of section 26, township 4 south, range 5 east; $1. Alfred Hansen to Julius Hansen, 5 acres of J. G. Doner D. L. C; $550. A. K .and Hutina E. Hlgs to George F. Hennlnger, 10 acres of section 1C, township 4 south, runge 1 east; $1000. Bank of Oregon City to H. S. Clyde, C. J. HOOD MAX BOLLACK BUILDERS SUPPLIES CO. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, FLOORING, CEILING, FINISH LUMBER, ETC., DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULD INGS, PLATE GLASS, ETC. Give Ub a Call Bring Your Estimates-We will Save You Money Corner Main and 14th Strcels OREGON CITY, OREGON PHONH8: PneifU- Muln 11J lluiue B -'N-t Stratum, southwest quarter of north-i 6.35 acres of section 28, township 2 enst qunrter of section 7, lownsnip 3 south, rnngo 5 east; $2000. R. W. and A. R. Henry to E. G. Ailnms, north half of southeast qunr ter of soctlon 24, township 2 south, range 5 east; $10. E. F. and Martha S. Riley to Jo hiuma Hayes, lots 39, 40, of block 44, Mlnthorn Addition to I'ortlnnd; $50. Johnnna Hayes and Samuel Hayes to Elizabeth Maude Mnry Elklns, lots 39 nnd 40, block 44, Mlnthorn Addi tion to Oregon City; $1. T. J. and Martha E. Dunton to Wil liam F. Smith, 8 acres of section 20, township 2 south, rnngo 2 east; $200. John O- and Charlotte Roth to Wll helmlna Walt, 0-25 acres of section 33. township 3 south, range 1 east; $50. E. M. nnd Anna Howell to Jnmes Griffin, lots 15, 10, block fi. Nob Hill; $47.50. W. I. and Nancy E. Rowan to G. A. and Anna M'. nickel, 8 acres of P. U C. of S. S. White, No. 41, town ship 3 south, range 2 east; $5. Jennie Shepherd McMurrny nnd j 4 enst Allium McMurrny tot Cora nnd Joseph Sprnhue, 1 acre of P. I C. of WlUlnm McArtlmr nnd wife, township 2 south, rnngo 8 enst; $1. Mrs. Robert Wltz nnd Robert Wltz to M. Llndqitlst, 10 acres of section 1(1. township 4 south, rnnge 1 east; $1000, George I and Hone Bates to Chns. south, range 2 east; $G00. E. Ml nnd Anna Howell to Chnrlty A. and Philander Peck, lots 1 to 10 inclusive. 16, 17, IS, 19, block 11, Nob Hill; $300. Albert and Anne Schmldll to Cath erine and Joseph J. Koch, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 18, Windsor; $1100. Sundy Land Company to Caroline nurns, lots 9 and 10. block 11, Sandy; $75. . H. B. Beatlo to Robert DeShazer, land In D. L. C. of N. J. Lamb, town ship 2 south, rniiKC 3 east; $1. Benjamin T. Bawling and Louisa Jaue Kronenberg to Charity M. Rawlins, 150 acres of section 4. town ship 4 south, rim ce 5 east; $1. L. and Lura linker to John Ar quette and Mamie Arquette, 20 ncres of section 20, township 4 south, range 4 east; $400. W. A. Proctor and Frank Beers et nl to Ezlkol Beers, land In section 27, 28, township 1 south, range 4 east; $1. Ezlkel Beers to Kva Griffin, 7 acres of section 27, township l south, range . Jiasnl Cntarrh quickly yields to treat- J2000 meut ny me agreeable, aromatic f-ly's Sarah Jane McCann to Albert nnd Cream Balm. It is received through the leimin -Memlnl it 4 K hWV 1 . nostrils ami cleanses ami neais tue wnoie o..ii....wwi .Liin.,., . tionn surface over which it diffuses itself. Drug- """ "'""""" '"" ...n r.,i.. r it A Robert J. and Myrtle W. Batty to i " ',.' ' . ' ' " ' ' " , : are mire to coutmue the treatment till re- Frnncesca Roth, 22 ncres of rhilnnder : jiovoj Lee and wife's I). L. C. township 3j ' Vnnounceinent south, range 1 enst; $G75. To B,ommo,,llto tll0ie whoaje partiai N. V. and (ieorge Sorenson to ..A ..,,,.,-,,.-, .,., kins, 40 acres of section 15, township 2 south, range 3 enst; $1. Emllle A. and C. S. Arnold to E. B. Woodworth, land In sections 1 and 2, township 2 south, range 1 east; $10. Baptist Campbell to Elizabeth No ble, 3 acres of Hector Campbell D. L C; $1500. Maggie A. and J. I. Johnson to James H. Black, lots 40, 41, block 73, Mlnthorn Addition to Portland; $5. J. M. and D. M. Baker to Collsta Murray Dowling, 2.64 acres, May wood; $1200. Hattle and H. C. Bouldin to Mrs. H. P. Preston, land In Ezra Fisher D. L C, township 2 south, range 2 east; $182.50. Frank C. Wllfong to Mrs. Harriet J. Creston, land In D. L. C. of Ezra Fisher, township 2 south, range 2 east; $50. John W. and Grace E. Loder to Charles and Yella Wilson D. L. C. No. 44. township 3 south, range 1 east: $9500. Mrs. Mary Trotter and G. B. Trot ter to Narclssa Hampton, 16 acres of section 3, township 3 south, range 3 east; $1300. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A. TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. A Good Way to Use Hyomel. Besides breathing through the In haler a few times a day, many cat arrh sufferers write that they find inhaling Hyomel from a bowl of steaming water each night before re tiring a great aid in curing stubborn cases. Try It; It's very simple; gives quick relief and makes you breathe easier. Fill a bowl half full of boiling water; pour cure catarrh, sore throat, coughs, colds, rose fever, asthma and croup, or money back. Try it on that gen erous basis. Miss Clara Fields Leads. Miss Clara Fields still leads in the race for Guddess of Liberty, and had 2,100 votes when the count was made Tuesday morning. The count shows the following figures; Into the water a half Miss Clara Fields 2100 I Hunter nnd Julia E. Huntor, east of section 3d, township 1 south, range lmlf of north half of D. U C. of Ly-! 7 east: $1. mnn nnd Nnncy Wllllnms, section 28, township 1 south, .range 4 enst; $11,500. D. E. and Alpha Altenberg to Un- Goorge B. Baldwin, et nl, 520 acres . , , 0 tlie ,,1 passages for catarrhal trou- Wei, the proprietors prepare Ureain llalra in B. and Katie E. Glldnor to Joslo Courtoes, lot 17, block 4, Hyde-Park; $10. Huns P. Lnrsen to Jessie J. Haw- liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Creum Balm. Price iuoluiliug- the I spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. teaspoonful of Hyomel, cover head and bowl with a towel and breathe through nose and mouth the medi cated antiseptic and healing vapor that arises. This method relieves that stuffi ness at once and makes your head feel clear. You can get a bottle of Hyomel at druggists everywhere, or at Huntley Bros, for only 50 cents. Ask for an extra bottle Hyomel InbalenL But bear in mind If you want a Hyomel inhaler you must buy a com plete outfit which only costs $1.00. But as stated before; if you al ready own an inhaler a bottle of Hy omel costs but 50 cents. Hyomel Is guaranteed by druggists everywhere end by Huntley Bros, to Miss Rieta Carothers 1280 Miss Letha Jackson 1270 CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND .0 BRAND T4f LAMES I Aik 7.f UnwM for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS la Rkd and A Goto mnallin boxe, tcaled with Bluct Kibtxm. Till HO OTBIl. n.r mt jwT BnnM mm uk tor CIII-CUUS-TKII S V DIAMOND BUANO PILLS, (or twcntT-Oie Tears regarded aa Beit, Safest, Always Reliable. &0LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time cvrpvuucDr worth WSfa.ll I II II I. III. TUSIKQ TKJttD Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! All colors, all styles, all sizes. All ready for the Fourth. We have Shoes for low insteps, high Insteps and regular insteps. We carry Women's Shoes up to 9 and Men's Shoes up to 13. Our motto: We fit the shoe to the foot, NOT the foot to the shoe. Come in, get fitted in a pair of our Shoes, and do away with the worst ill that flesh is heir to a hurting foot caused by an ill-fitting shoe. McKITTRICK "Tfie Shoe Man" "THE HOUSE OF EXPERIENCE" 612 MAIN STREET TvVVVVvVyvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVV