( I ? t Cor 101 h A Main St. OREGON CITY,, OREGON, ? Wholesale and Retail 1 GROCERIES! j AND PRODUCE LAND PLASTLIt Hay, (iroln, held, flower fliul Gar den Seeds. : WE PAY CASH FOR ? COUNTRY PROCUCE LOCAL bRIEPS Dr. U 0. loo, Dentist, Hamuli I J and IN. Masonic HIilK Kuruier enmity l'omiiilHnner T. II. Kllli'ii wiih dim n fi mil lliililuiril Tne iliiy, Jiullie Kiililn, of Aniorlu, will unlvn III (iri'Kuli I lly Juiir. 2s In Imlil n 'le u iirin of thu Cliriilt I'uiirt. Horn, mi Hultirduy, Jiitm 1 1, In Mr. mill Mm. llrrlii Unwell, of Twelfth iiiul ,ilTrMin afreet, daughter, Mr. Kil. Taylor, formerly of tlila city, Iml now nf Hellwooil, hu bus ln'i'ii iiiuigerniinly III with pneumonia, fur rrn weeks, U nlowly Improv ing Mr. mid Mm. K. IC. llrodlit. who liiivn Ih'kii nl CorvulllH, wlur Hi" hit ler mitiK mi lli (iiiiniHMiffiiiiMii eer clneii, returned In Oregon Clly TM"- lay. Mm M. II Bpnura iiikI daughter. Mini Kim Hpenra. of this rlly, li'fl Inst wio'k fr t'barleitliui, ll, where they will m'Ih tli Hummer" at lliiMr old lllMIK' William Mulvey, wlin has been III fur Hi" pa at twu week Willi iih-omI !, luta r'iovnriil, mill reaiinitxi tils po ullii'ti In the t'oiinly iitTlce on .Monday inornliiit Horn. Krlilny. Jinn' In. In Mr. itnd Mr. Klduii llluiii'liiiril. of Eighth and WunliliiKion Htri'id, n nine pound mm. Mm. Illmii'tiiiril wuii formerly MImk Muldn Smith, Wool mic-lin for ante nt Oregon t'Hy Coniiiiliiiilon Houne. A. II. tioiilil, arrhltert for the now high nrliiHil IiiiIIiIIiik, rmnn up Tiles ilny night from I'nrtlnnd for H confea rui'r will) Ihn m'lionl tionnl. Mm. KlUnlii'lli HiirrlH. of Tacotna, Wash , w ho linn lieen visiting with her slmer In luw, Mm Mary Mi-Carver, of UiIn illy, hit gmie In Itlaley, where nhx will vIhIi with Mm. llurlcY. Judge Thoinmi y. Kyati loft Hnttir dny for Hlnylon. where h will have rllurK of I ho new I O. O V. tmllitltiK. Judge It yn ii linn aeYen corner stone to lay during the nioiiih of Juno, Iw side aeveral building to dedicate. Mr. niul Mr, (I. A. Knlrweather. of Tai-oma, Wnh.. after vlaltlng with tlio Intior'a slatera, Mra. It. II. Ilunltlo mill Mm. L I'. William, have gone to l-enta. where I hoy will visit with tholr daughter for i fow days. Mm William Melssner and ditugh lor, Ml I.llllnn. of Kelnhet-k, Iowa, have arrived In Oregon City to at lonil ihn marriage of the fornior'ii Hon, Mr. t II Melaancr, which take place thin wiyk, to Minn Ijtura AvIhoii. Mr MoNully mill party, of Kpoknno, were In this rliy rtundiiy on tholr wny hy ftulo to I'nllfornlu. where thoy wilt tour through the southern piirt of t lint nlnto. iiiul expect to ri'turn homo hy ntonmor. Whllo In thin rlly thoy woro Kiionln nt tha tiolilmnlth hoiip'j Mm. a. (lolilnmlih, of thin i lly, nml .liiiiiilitor, MIhk I.oiiii. of Hun Ki vn plki o. loft Tuomlny fur Kiikoih' vvlioro In-) will vlnll wl'l rolntlvon dnlim l no c i ihiolironionl oiorrl-ion ill Hi.' IIIkIi School mill I'nlvomlly. Minn MIk Ida tiolilHiiillh loft novornl ilnyn nun for Kiikoiip. J T. Appomoii, ii iiii'iiil.or of tho llomil of Iti'Ki'iiu of Ihn Ori'Kim Ak rlciiliiirnl CoIIoko, In In Corvnllln, nt lonilliiK Iho coiiimcncouiont wook nml ipiurtor conlonnlul oxon-lnon. John Kniipp, John lluniiy nml Mm. Krnont I. HmihIh uro nlno lit Corviillln for wook. ChoMlor llindlo, of Cuiihy, n uiomhor of tho clunn of iui7, In n vln Itor nt tho coIIi'ko, for thn week, nn In M. J. Ijixi'llo, nocroiury of thn Cluck niniin county Fair Annorlullon, and a momlier of tho clunn .of 1D09. i'LARSEN & COMPANY Alberta Farm Land The Canadian Pacific Railway Track Bow River Valley, Southern Alberta fresh land on the market all the time, right on the Railroad no stumps,no brush.' Sold at low figures, on ten years "time cannot be beat for investment. Buy while it Is cheap. Come witi us and see for yourself. Excursions leave Portland every ten days. See Aenf al C. H. D.YE'S LAW OFFICE Corner 8th and Main Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON CIiiiiiIw H'riihmi, an iitloiiiny of l'oi t liinil, wiih In thn city thin mornliiK mi IokiiI hiiHlnnnn. Tim Dogri'ti of I'mihiiiiliirt' mot nl III" Kmipii hull IiinI iiIkIiI nml ilochl uil In oiiinriulu Hi" Itml Mou Jiiiiu 'iH, 1'lin Woinuu'n llolliif Corpn will iiioi't nt 2 ii'cloi'k tumoirow nflornomi ul Williiiiii'i In Hull In npoclul KKHiilon. Minn Nlidii IIuiiIIiik Ion. thin morn li'K for KiwiM', whom hIih will iilli'iul Ilic coiiiiiiiiiicoini'iit oxorclnon of thn riihoriilly of Ori'K'Mi. Coiilily .IiiiIko (Irani II. Dlmlrk loft. Ililn iiioi'IiIiik for n lirlof luiHliionn trip lo KoMidiiUK nml (liunln I'linn mid will r-( 11 in hoinn not Hiliiiluy. Tho t'lui'liiimiin t'oiuity Hmnnior Noniuil Hi h'Hil will opnn Moinluy, Juno 27, nt Oroiion Clly, liiillciitliinn ni" thorn will Ixi larno utioniliiiii'o, Wiii'liono Council, No. 21, Di'Kroo of I'oriihonliin,' will outorliilii thu iiiiii horn of tho Impiovoil ()iior of (toil Mmi on Tuomlay ovoiiIiik, Juno 'iH. Ilov. Wllllnm A. I'roclor, K. T. Av Ihoii nml Oiriir IC, KroytiiK loft thin luoriiliiK for KuK"in', wh"io thoy will ulli'iiiloii n iin'olliiK for tho mull- 11I.11II011 of n .Mi'M'M lirolliorhiHiil of Iho CoiiMii'Kiilloiiiil Church IoiiIkIiI. Ilov. J, It. iJillilnhoroilKh. K. J. H. T000, (Joiiiko llrown nml C, Hchuliol' will ko to Itooilnvlllo, (r., not Tii"n day o iilli'iul n Kin liorliiK of Ihn I'I'-m hylorliin iliiirch, Hlriiwhorry honon nml crulon for niilo 111 ()ri'Kiii Clly Comniliinlon IIiiiihu. Mr. mnl Mm. Kinnk Nnwlon, of To li'dii, who have ,i'on nttonilliiK Iho Itiwo Hhow h( I'lirllniid, urrlvi'd In OM'Ki'ii .city 011 Kuniliiy (ivonlnir. wlimo Ihi'y linvo Imon vIhIIIiik with Mm T. A, Mcllrl.lo and Mm. K. U N'owlon, pmi'iilH of Mr, mnl Mm. Now ton, Thoy of fur tholr lioinn ul To loilo Tilomliiy. Mr. mnl Mm. Androw JoIiiihoii. who linvo lii-i'ii ronldliiK on n liiriie fnnn noulh of M0I11II11 for tho pnnt JO yonm, linvo nold out. niol nfior a hrlof vlnlt with frlomln In thin city nml Hollwooil, 'ft for Modfiird, whoro Ihoy linvo pnnliunoil proM'riy. MrJ nml Mm .InlitiMin linvy I10011 .In iiiHir In-all Ii hiiiI think Hint c-liiiritt" of oil 11111I0 will ho Ih-iii'IIi lal. Oreat Clenrnnu Kaln on nil Irluiuioil Hum. Ci-llu tiohlHiiillli. I Marrlngo Llcemet Are Qmnted. l.troiiDon to ninrry worn Krnntoil yontorilny to K. Hcott nml (I. T Judd, Knthi'ilno M. Duinwalil nml ICd wurd J. W'lIllliK. Mnmln Hmltli mid J. C. CiiMlininn, I .urn y, Howard nn1 ICdwnrfl K. York, M110 llnrr nml J. C. KltrhlUK. tiiiHHln W 1 1 In nl nml Herd tioodpiin tnro. Mm. Klenimr Vnn Alton unit E. II. Hholnlcro. KllnlU'lh M. Ilroon mid Cnlvlu T. Cnrllou, Annlo HloliiKer mid (lli.im II. Oak. Myrtln Tooo nml Krnukllii Hull Cull, Kvn Mltlohiirn nml JoHoph I'ri'iiot, of Mnrlnii County; Mnry Whlli'fonl iiiid A. II. Klolnlck. Tho Inttor worn mnrrlod hy Couniy Hocordor V. A. Dlmlrk on Siuuril.iy .ifiorniHin. Ijiiiio nhotildcr In nlninni Invnrlahly rnnio'd hy rhoiiinni Ihiii of tho nm r I en nnd yloldn qnlclily to thn froo nppllru lion of Clininlierluln'n Unluiont. Thl"1 liniment In not only prompt nnd of feotiinl, Imt In no wny dl"iiKroonllo to uo. Sohl by nil denlorn. Frtd Btnt, of Hlghlnnd. Kmd Rnnt, a resident of Highland, dlod Monday mornlni; at hli borne at an early hour. Dnceaand waa a black nmtth by trndo and waa 60 yaara of ajo. Ha leave a wife and family. Parkplac Woman Iniana. Mm. 8. M. Ilodun, of rnrkplncc. wnn ndliuliicit. Innnnn yontnrdiiy nftorniHin ami tnkon to thn nnyliim nt Halein Innt nluht Mm. IIiuIk In tn yonm of ro, nnd hnn olitht children. Rhn hn Kono Innnno ovor rvllKlon. CATARRH GOES. 80 Doe Sort Throat, Bronchltia, Croup and Aathma. You en nunlly toll by rt'iiillnn the rl 111 ptoiliH lielnw, Whetlior yon 1MVO caliurli or not: Oltoimlvo bronth fropuont mieeiliiK. d'.'ihnri!o fr.mi lie i,i o, .toppafio of tho iiiihi'. Iiutklnonn of tho voice, tick 1 1 11 K In throat, dropplnitn In throiit. a roiiKh, pain In chest, lonn of nlnniKth, vnrlnlilo npiiollto. HpnnmH of coiichlnx. low nplrlli'd ut tlmon. rnlnltiK of nm-' cun. dllllculty In hrculhlim. Iohs of vlul forco lliiutloy Ilron. Co. Ivo :i moiikIIi'p renieily (money buck If H fuilsi for rnliirrh, called llyomol (pronouuci'd IIIkIhiiih') which In a vnporir.od ul r no milinopllr, that whon It In lireallied ovor thn liitlnmoil nnd gorm-lnfcHtod niemhrane. It kills oil K'im life. Klvon relief In two nilniiton, luid curoa cnlnrrh. Tho prloo, Inclu I'nir hind ruiihor In- hnlor, In only II.Oll. Thn bind rnlilior pockot Inliuler will Innt n llfetlro ho tlint nhoiild you noml n norond liottlo of llyomol, you on not It for 50 conta. 317 SOCIETY Thu firm ilmirluK parly to h" kIvoii on Hullirilny nlKht hy Calvin I'rii'n wan n ni'iHi aiir.coHMful iilTalr. rioforc Iho iiiiikIii nliii'loil thn hull wan lllloil with morry ilnncoin, who iiftorwurdn Mijoycil tho uiont populur ul rx of thn I'lirniiT orchoHlrii, iimmihwciI of nil ploi'i'H, Many oiil-of towu pliln worn In ullomluucn, Mr. I'rlco In nrriinK- I11K In U I v 0 iiiiolhor of thonn i-ujoy 11I1I0 uvoiiln on Hid unlay iiIkIiI. Juno Zi.Hl. Tho iiiurrliiK of Carl (inu u, non of Mr. mnl Mm. W. C. tlroon, mnl Minn liurln Miller, took pliic.u on Thurmlny 1 vonliiK nt t lio hum" of thn tfroom'n puronln on Hovontli and Conlor nln-iil. Tim coromoiiy w'i porformod hy ilov. J. It. liuilnlioroiiKh, nml only 1 fow lulliiiiilo frlomln worn pronont. Mr. nml Mm, firomi loft Krlilny for I'orlliiinl, whom thoy will m a ho tholr fuiuro homo. Mr. tiroon In coiinoctofl Willi iho IMiclllc Ti'lophonn Compiiuy. I if. ('. K. Molnnmir. wliono niurrliiK lukon pliicn thin woi-k to Minn iJiurn AvIhoii, kuvii n njippor lo u few of IiIh fi'loliiln nl Iho llrmiHwIck ronlmirmit on Hatiirdiiy nlKhl t):T,0 o'clock. .1 f 1 Ii 11 K. CI111I1 wun Iho toiintnuiHlor. Thn lulilon worn piclllly diTorutnil with roHi-H for thu ociuhIiui, nml the haiiiiK't norvoil wiih onjnyi-il liy tho rollowliiK: Wllllnm Mulvoy, Wllllnm l(!iin, Korlion I'mtl, Hurry Draper, I)r, Kox, Hurry Klllot, of I'ortlnml, A. A. I'rlco. Wnllor WVIIh, W. A. Hhew rnn it, John K. Clark. Tim nlileenth hlrthiluy of Minn Helen Hmltli wun tho wcuhIoii for a dellKhtfiil paily ul her homo In Cun ouiiili Krldny ovonliiK. Informiil Kumon look up Iho mnjor part of tho (-venlnn Olid lorn cream nml cake woro norvoil. Thonn printout worn: MIhh Kmiua Qiiliiu. MIhh KIIh QiiIiiii, Minn Mary KII011 Ijiiik, M1hd lleryl I,iik, MIhh Until HimIkoh, MIhh Mae Holton. Minn Klornuco Hnrtt, Minn Verno M0111I. MUn Helen Hmltli. Mr. and Mm. Aiik iit Ituknl, My. anil Mm. Charlie Hpeiicor. Mr. nml Mm. I'otor Hmltli. I'eier lniK, Arch Iiik, Kllion Ioiik, Dick Uiiik, Dllvoi- Front. Herman Kukol. Dr. 11ml Mm. A. I Dentin eiiteriuln od thn Krlilny MkIiI llrlilKM Club ut their homo Krlduy nliOit, mid u mont dellKhtfiil evenliiK wun nHnt In brldKo. thu prl.on koIiik to Mr. mid Mrn. J. IC. Joiion. Thn rooms wore nrtlntlcully decorutod for thin ocenn Ion III thn Iti-d Kjiinblom. A lunch nun w un nerved. The next meet 1 11 K will lie at tho I101110 of Mr. and Mra. Thomiin K. Itynn ut tilmlnoiin. I'roHi-nt worn Mr. nnd Mrn. O. V. Kuathiini, Mr. and Mm. W. A. Shew man. Mr. nnd Mrn. KI.er A. Clinpman. Mr. uml Mm. U IC. Jnncn, Mr. und Mm. John Ailmnn, Mr. mid Mrn. U K Joiion, Mr. and Mrn. Jnhn Adnmn. Mr. uml Mrn. II. T. Mcllnln, Mr. nnd Mm II. K. HtralKht. Minn Murjorlo tiiiiltlold. Minn Crarp Hhcwniun. A family rounlon wun hold Monday at tho homo of V. It. Croon In honor of Mm. Mnry llurt'n 7th birthday. Mrn. Hurt In one of tho early st-t-tlorn of Ori'Kon. havltiK cronnod the plulnn with un ox team In 1NC4. Tliimo lin-nent worn the duiiKhtern, Mondnmon Utiln Gulun, Hobo Nehren, l.lnn tiroon, Ollln Mnyur, Irone Icle, Ida Wrnl und Amnlla Duvln, nnd nona, Monnra. John Hotter and Jumea lira in inor, of Kllmrton, Idaho; the grand children, Martha Mynrn. Fairfax My nrn John Myi'rn, Anna Myorn, le My nrn, Kthnl (Jmon. Loin Ciroon, Tldd Itoliert (Jroon, Mury (Iroon. lunula (ittinn, Union On'en. Halph Orove. Hullo Went, liclu Wont, Mnra Dnvln, John Dnvln, Clara Nehren llond. Curl Nehren mnl one ureal crnndcblld. I Inmoth Tldd. Other Kunntn wore F. It. firnen, Jon llynrn, II. U llond, Jeff Tldd uml Chrlnt Klncle. Mm. Dun O'NclI and MIhh Mary U Holmes entertnlneil In n niont de lightful manner thn Wodneadny Af ternoon HrlilKo Chili. WVdneniluy, ut tholr home. "Hoho Farm." The dnco- rntlonn of the roomn of the historical homo were very artistic, and wore of niurnuerttOH and ronea. Thn uuests from thin city left by nuto, whnre thoy remained until 5 o'clock. DurliiR the ufteruooii brlilKn wnn played on the verttJiiln frontlnn the house, and the rnfreKhmentn were nerved on the mar veranda. The prison In brldKo were won liy Mrn. Mux llollnck and Mm. A. Price. Thone nttendliiR were Mm. Theo dore V. Chirk, Mm. A. nullack. Mrs. M. O. Ijitonrettn. Mrn. E. A. Chnp iniin. Mrn. U'nii Chnpmnn, Mrn. U U I'orter. Mm. JJ. A. Sonimnr, Mm. J. fl. Mount, Mm. Nlnta Harlow Ijiw rencn, Mrs. A. Prlco, Mra. W. S. U'Ren, Inlln Porter. Mm. V. II. (Jodfrey, Mm. T. A. Mclliltle. Mian Nell Can Hold. Mlsn Jiinnla Kent, whnno marrliiKC will tnko place next week, waa Riven 11 surprlno linen runh Tuesdny evon liiK nt her home In Parkplace. The brlde-eloct received ninny beautiful pieces of linen. Refreshment were served, nnd n most enjoyable evening wnn spent. Those present' were Miss Horn StrnlRht. Mrs. Mills. Miss lint tie tlooilell, Mm. Ijuirence Ruconlch, Mrs. A. J. Wilson. Miss Jlnttlo Wil son, Mm. Alex Simmons, Miss Edna Simmons, Mrs. Elmer iJinklns. Miss May Rnmho, Mrs. Wllllnm Rnmbo, Mrs. Weynian, Mm. McCouib, Mrs. M. Hruimer, Mlsa Etta Rrunnor. Mrs. Otto Erlckson, Mm. T. llrown. Mrs. Hurry Peckover, Mrs. Paul PrneRor, Mrs. .1. Roppell, MVs. W. C. Green, Mrs. Frank Dernier, Mrs. Frank Ui ens, Mrs. S. J. Jones, Miss Pearl Jones, Mrs. Jennie Hutts, Mlsa Ethel Hutts. Mm. J. C. Elltlns. of MlhvnuUlo, Mrs. tleorRe Miiplo. of Mlhvaukle;' Mrs. Ornzloll, of Texas; Mra. Hazel Weyinnn. Mi's. John Kent, Otto Kont, Lowell Kent. One of the most enjoyable birthday imrtles of the senson was that of Suturtlny afternoon nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnrton Tlnrlow, of Olnd stone, when some of tho llttlo friends of their diiHRhter, Porothy, were In Ivted to assist In celobrntlnR the fifth nnnlvomnry of her birth. .Tho chil dren hud a delightful time In music nnd pluyliiR pnmos, aftor which a bounteous luncheon wns served. Dor othy wns thn recipient of many hand some trlfts. The table, dining- room nnd HvliiR room were artistically doc orated with roses, marguorltes and ferns. Present wore Mrs. Frank T. Bar low, of this city, Mrs. Monde Ken nedy and Mrs. Al. Blount,, of Glad stone; Nina LubecU, Tlnn Lubocfc, Porn Liflieck, Tlllle Olson and Fred Olson, of Sollwood; Herbert Barlow, Horn Ice Barlow, of Oregon City; Har- loy llmnry, Iva Illoiiiil, (iludyn llloiinl, Kdim Rockwell, Ituth Onwalil, Mil drod Hull, Kldn lluxtor, N'irma Mor row, Grace Ownii, (inrlriuln Knnnmly, Dorothy llnrlow and Mnry McCann, One of the prettiest homo wi.'ddliiKu of tho mmnon wb nt th home of Mr. und MmOliurlo T, Tmzo, of ()m. ntniif, Tuomlny afternoon at 2 o'clock, when their ilniiKhmr. Minn Myrtle, wun united In miirrliiK" lo Mr. Frank lin II. Call, of Portland Thn com ninny wnn oorfornicd hy Rev. J, M. Ilurkor, piiKtor of tho Flrni f:oiiKri'KH lloiiul Church of Kornni (irovn. ProcndliiK Iho cnrniimiiy, Minn Mario Krlndrlch rnndornd "Oil, promise Mo," ut thu conclusion of which the note of lyihonrln'n WddliiK March poulod forth, Minn Klnlo Krl-dr.:h pronldlliit ut the pliino, annoiinclnn n,e arrival of thn bridal party. Tho hrldn, on thn arm of Iwr futhnr. C. T. Too.t', pre coded by the llttlo (lower kM. Itoni-tla N'owlon, of I'ortltind, unit tint brldon liuild, Minn llar.nl Toow, nlnter of the lirlijn, I'lilnrud lh parlor und worn mot beneath thf floral canopy of white llllen ami - rone hy ihn Kriom mid boit man, Hurt ram ('. Hhort, of Portland, where tho ci-rem my wan held, uftnr which Mr. and ,ns. Call re ceived the coriKruttilatl'.nn and K"od wl then. I.iiiicIiooii win nerved after Iho nervlcn. The liijiinu wjin coiin-rted Into a vnrlt:ihlii floral Ixiwor with Itn Kr Imidn of UHpuriiKHS fenin, On-Kon rnpn and nmllux, Interwoven with rose mid llllen. The color nchi-mir In thn pnrlor wan whit" ami Kreen; thn IIvIiik riniiii, pink uml Kreen; 11 lirury, red and Krnnn; reception hall, red nnd Kreen, and tlx iIIiiIiik room pink and white. The lirlde'n table wnn manned with 1 1 lift and aspaniKun fornn, with fnntoonn of while nulin rllilioiiH. The hrldn wun a pi' litre of bounty, M'lliK humlHoiiiely Kl,wn'd In cream colored crupe do Parln, made Prln conn, enlruln, with nllver irlmmliiKn, und her veil of tulle wan held In place by a wreath of llllen of the valley'. Khn mrricd a nhower bouquet of brlde'n ronen and llllen of the val ley. Mini Hazel Toone, the brides maid, wore a ocomlni! nown of pink nllk uml carried an arm boiupiet of llrldenmuld ronon. The little flower Itlrl, Ronetta Newton, wore a dainty drenn of while Swiss Many pretty gowim were worn on thin occasion.. Mr. and Mrn. Cull left for Portland hy automobile amid a nhowor of rice und shoes, from which place they nulled for Sun Kranclnco. and after lourliiK through California, they will ii-turn to Port In nd. at which place they will make their future home. lb-fore her departure the brldo threw her boquot. whlrh wag caught by Mlsn Wara HarrltiRton. The youiiK couple were the recip ients of ninny handnnme Rlfta of cut glass, silverware and rare china. The brlde'n lft from her parents wan a modern bungalow and lot In one of the popular suburbs of Portland, and Is furnished throughout by the groom. The bride Is the eldest daughter of Mr. nnd Mrn. Tixixe, and han been a prominent figure tn social and educa tional events In Gladstone and Oregon City, she being an elocutionist of some note. The groom in a promi nent young bunluenn man in l'ort lund, holding a renponalble position with one of the leading firms of that city. The following; Ruestt attended: Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Tooze, Mr. and Mrn. Edward Harrington. Mr. and Mrn. F. J. 8. Toore. Mr. and Mm. Walter Tooxe. Jr., Captain and Mra. 8. V. Short. Mr. and Mrn. J. C. Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paddock, Mr. and Mm. J. L. Kruse. Mr. and Mra. Harry Paddock. Mr. and Mrn. W. R. Dunn, Mr. and Mm. J. W. GunRaulls. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Crlswell. Mm. Harry Wheeler. Mm. L. Strickland, Mrs. El len M. Call, Mra. Ullle Dygert, Mrn. J. W. Thornton, Miss Kate Wolbert, Miss Ivan Harrington. .Miss Kate Murray, Miss Wava Harrington, Miss Pearl Harrington, Miss Jessie Murray, MIsr Hilda Toom, Miss Hazel Tooze, Helen Tooze, Uuilse Tonie. Miss Helen Murray. Miss Jessie Paddock. MIbs Murie Frledrlch. Mlsa Elsie Krledrich, Mian Rena E. Tlcer, MIbs Jean Mur ray. Miss Helen Bradley. Miss Har riet Haven, MIks Rosntta Newton Mlsa Uira Paddock, Messrs. Bet ram C. Short. John Itnscli, Fred Tooze; Jr., II. F. Hoffman, George Murray. Stan ley Murray, U. H. Crlsel. A ' very pretty June wedding took plnee last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Avlson on Sixth and Center streets, when their young est dnughter. Miss Laura, was united In marriage to Dr. Carl Herbert Melssner, of this city. The Impress ive ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. William A. Proctor, pastor of the First Congregational Church, nt 7:30 o'clock. Mlsa Edith Cheney presiding at the piano, played Men delssohn's Wedding March as the bridal party came down the stairway and entered the pnrlor. The bride, who Is a striking brunette, looked beautiful as she entered on the arm of hor father, Eugene T. Avlson, fol lowing the little flower girl. Shirley Park, who carried a basket of roses, dropping the petnls as she passed along, and Miss Ivah Gordon, who acted as bridesmaid.- In the bay win dow, where Rev. Proctor was sta tioned, they were met by the groom, and his best num. Walter Wells. After the ceremony congratulations were extended and about 15 congrat ulatory telegrams from Iowa, Colo rado and Portland were read. The bride was handsomely gowned CATARRH r-" - 1 nl :i AY-FEVcR Elvs Cream Balm Sure to Give Satisfaction. Olvia ajILIKF AT ONCI. It cIoaiiMa, aool bea, hrals and protects tha dissnmil momhrane reuniting frnra Ontarrh and drivw away a Cold in the Head quii-klr. Roatorrs tha Senaea of Taste and Smt'iL Easy to we. Coutains no injurious drugs Applied into the nivtrila and absorbed. Large Size, 60 cenU at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for una In atomizers, 76 oeuta. ELY BROTHERS, 16 Wmaa St.. Nsw York, WORKMANSHIP IN WATCHES ! It is workmanship that gives a watch smooth regular motion distinctive of a fine timepiece. We know this from repairing so many watches of all kinds We recommend the- Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Hamilton Watches, because we know they are carefully and honest ly built and that they will wear longer and keep better time than any other watches that are made. 7-jewel Waltham or Elgin in solid Nickel case, 15-jewel Waltham or Elgin, in Gold Filled case, -1 7-jewel Waltham or Elgin in Gold Filled case, 17-jeweI Hamilton in Nickel case, 17-jewel Hamilton in Gold Filled case, Howard Watches in Gold filled and Solid Gold cases, Ingersoll Watches, - (Bring your watch and BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN OREGON CITY JEWELERS In white crepe dc chene, entrain, and ; Walker, Miss Lilian Cries sen, Miss her long graceful tulle veil waaiBadge Bright bill, Miss Marian Mon - caught in place by a spray of orange blossoms. The only Jewels she wore was a necklace of pearls and am- j etbyst, the gift of the groom. Shej carried an. arm bouquet of bride , rosea and lilleg of the valley, which j was afterwards caught by Miss Edith Cheney. MIbs Ivah Gordon wore a om:oilllllK Riiku (J piun vito uu chene and carried pink carnations. Mrs. E. T. Alson, mother of the bride, wore lavender silk, and Mrs. William Melssner. of Relnbeck, mother of the groom, wore gray silk. Many beau tiful gowns were In evidence. The decorations of the Avlson home showed artistic taste. The1 color scheme throughout the rooms was pink and white. The reception hall was In La France roses, and the stairway as entwined In white satin ribbons. The electroliers of this room were twined with festoons of Ivy; the parlor, where the ceremony took place, was in Caroline Testout roses and Ocean Spray. The back- ground of the bay window was formed of ferns and palms, and on each side were hung Indian baskets filled with Caroline Testout roses. From the ceiling was suspenaea a uifo wmw , . . 1.1.1. , 1 .1 . n .1 ! Faun bow, unuer wuicu mo uriuc "u ; groom stood while the ceremony was. Si rSor.rm'anl Mrs Har.ngton h is been vls.tlng dining room were Interwoven with 1 '8ter' Mrs Kandle. sprays of smilax and Caroline Test-1 If the work 8tlll P". " outs. The living room was In pink as good roads as any district In and white roses, while the dining ! the ,eounJJ' room was In white and green, nun-! Miss Freda fchenk has recovered clreds of white lilies being used j from her sick spell. Glad to see yon nmong the decorations. The bride's j Baln. Jeds- mm table" was a bower of beauty. The ! Miss Ro ' Closner returned from electroliers were entwined with sy-iNrg a few days ago where she rlnga. and from each spray was us-' has been attending schooU pended white satin ribbons, and from Mr. "d r8-.,C"ll .lT 7 he extreme ends of the ribbons were ! wl h their daughter, Mrs String fastened white lilies, forming a most; s C Pearson U WOrklng " beautiful effect. Satin ribbons were Mrs Finn . ' ., also suspended from the electroliers Miss Ethel Keller Is getting a class to each corner of the table, and were for music. held In place with bunches of lilies. Mr. and Mrs. Jagmin moved away In the center of the table, and which and Mr. Thomas and his wife have completed these artistic decorations, moved on the P'aee. was a basket filled with lilies and tied Mrs. Ada Smith is on the sick list. In white satin ribbons. Indian has-1 kets filled with lilies were also no - tlcenble among the decorations., inei table where punch was served was of 1 the corresponding colors The shades ' of the electroliers of the reception I hall, parlor and living room were of pink and ' green, and of the dining room white and green. During the evening the bride's mother, assisted by Miss Louise Wal ker. Miss Marian Money. Miss Madge Brightblll and Miss Lilian Grlessen, served a luncheon. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Meissner, who are held in the highest esteem of all, were the recipients of many hand some gifts, consisting of brass, silver, cut glass and china. Among the Rifts that were received was the after dinner coffee set of enameled Havl- ltmd from the bachelor friends of Dr. Melssner. As Dr. nnd Mrs. Melssner were ready to take tholr departure for their wedding trip, tne kiks, or wnicn uie doctor is a member, arrived at thn house by automobiles, which were gaily decorated with old shoes, nnd strings of tin cans, tied to the machines, which aroused the neigh-1 bors from their Blumbers. The car- riage which was In waiting for Dr. Meissner and his bride, was not needed, as the Elks had fairly kid- napied them and had taken them J lirdav away. They were taken to the cat , Ge ' e Hartwlg reeclved a carload and sent to Portland, and from that I Qf i,ueg Friday city left on the 12 o'clock train fori Captaln M1Iey went to Salem Frl thoir honeymoon, which will be spent ; (lay at the nome or tne urines sisier, aire. Hugh Hendry, of Stratford. Canada. nnd before returning will visit at the I 'r. k.nA In Da nlionlr TnuiQ nitrl muuiiia m....c ... nniiunv., """ other Eastern cities. The bride Is an accomplished ; young woman, and since her rest-, Mrg Eu jrosberger and chll dence In Oregon City has made . drpn Qf Wo0(1burn were visiting Mr. ' many friends The groom is a prom-: M D M, G, thig week, 1 Inent physician and is highly es-, I teemed. Upon their return, which' Auston oder was at Hubbard Sat wlll be about six weeks, they will,"87- make their home In this city. j H. H. Hurst was up from Portland j Those attending the wedding were Saturday. Mrs. Wllllnm Melssner, Miss Lilian miss Mabel Krous was a Portland j Meissner, or iteinueca, lowa, moiuer visitor Inst weeK. and sister of the groom: Mr. and j Mgg Marle Scheurer. of Hlllsboro, Mrs. John Melssner. Miss Lorna Bnd ner B,8ter Mrs Mo8ier were vls Melssner. Carl and Jay Melssner, Mr. ,t, relatives' and friends at Aurora and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Kiwi "z g-jxx&szxif Bess Daulton, Miss June Chnrman, Miss Edna Canfleld, Miss Clara Cau- Strawberry hoxes and crates at the field. Miss Ivah Gordon, Miss Louise Oregon City Commission House. Jewelry repairing to ua. All work SUSPENSION ey, Mlsa Edna Park. Shirley Park, Dr. W. E. Carll, William Avlson, Walter Wells, Bothwell Avlson. Bank on Sure Thing Now. ..,. neyer be wIthout Dr. King's New Ufe pla , ,. wri.s A , Schln8ecti 647 EIm 8t.f Buflao, N.y. They cured me of chronic constipa tion when all others failed. Un equalled for biliousness, jaundice, In digestion, headache, chilN, malaria and debility. 25c at Jones Drug Co. 8PRINGWATER. Sprlngwater, wake up! wake upf Mr. and Mrs. William E. Closner returned from their weddine trio last j Thursday evening, and were sur- i . U I. ll.nl. hlcna came and gave them a serenade, all extending their heartiest congratula tions and best wishes. Children's Day exercises irlll be he,d next Sundayi june 19, at the Presl)yteran church. Everyone come and haye t good Ume. Dinner will , gerTed ,n the poye Quite a number of the Sprlngwater - . ,.ii ,hla P-P went to the R- Carnival this j0. AURORA . j h. L. Miller made a trip to Port land Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. W. W. Giesy were Portland visitors Friday. Andrew and George W. Miller and Freddie Giesy were In Portland on Thursday and Friday. Miss Llllle Miller was a Portland visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. R. Johnston, of Argentine, Kan., Is vlsltin grelatives and friends In Aurora. C. Zimmerman received a carload of lumber Friday. Misses Ttllie Fry and Emma Yoder went to Albany Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kiel and Mrs. J. R Johnston made a trip to Portland Thursday. Mrg A Coie went to Portland I Thursday. ! Mr &n'd Mrs A B widdows. of j Barlow were m Aurora Saturday. i Mr and Mra Geo Krous and Miss, ,- K-mll mnH trln to Salem 1 fvilly 1 Auro'ra haml went up t0 Hubbard to , n ,h(1 ,.ipni that nlare Sat- Mr an(J jrrg A H Gle8V made a ,u Portland Satllr(,ay. caud M)Uet , ..... I home to Vlnssel. Ore., after v s tine a few days at the home of her sister, 0mth if iVT Vi A crT"iiiruiuiiai i n 1 $ 6.00 to $9.50 12.50 to 20.00 15.00 to 30.00 1630 and up. 20.00 and up. 40.00 to $150 1.00 1 9.00 guaranteed.) BRIDGE CORNER CTDIIpC R OW AT I J I ftllVLJ ULUll rtl PASSENGFR RATES LOCAL MERCHANTS FILE COM PLAINT TO HAVE LOWER FARE TO PORTLAND In an effort to secure a reduction in fare between Oregon City and Port-, land over the line of the Portland Railway Light t Power Company Co, M. E. Dunn, a local merchant, has filed a suit through Attorney George C. Brownell, with the State Railroad Commission. It Is contended that pa trons of tha, Oregon City dlvlson pay a greater charge per mile than people 1,vi ? nf.th J JKS water division: that the fare between Concord and Portland, a distance ol fi r , mllAa tc A Mnltfv whilft hitwMn i t. jan anj TVirtlnnri ft itlatAneA nf 9.32 miles, the fare is only 10 cents. Other similar instances are recited In the complaint, which charges that the rates between Oregon City and 1 Portland are unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory and unduly prejudicial. It Is probable that the Railroad Com mission will order a hearing. CASTOR I A lor Infant and Children, . TTia Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature Start for Pedestrian Tour. Alexander Bowen, Walter Hart, Milton Noble and Carl Cassidy started Wedsenday morning for Boring, from which point they expect to walk to Mount Hood. They will probably be gone a week or ten days. Interest Is the great incent ive to ward sav ing money We pay Interest on savings accounts We pay 4 per cent Interest on Certificates of of Deposit ' Safety Liberality Cotiftesy is our motto Aurora State Aurora, Oregon .