Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1910, Image 5

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Cur 10th & Main 81.
. ,
i Wholesale and Retail :
Hoy, Groin, I'lcld,
Mower ami Gar
de n Seeds.
Dr. I. U. I en, DotillMt, ltooms 17
ml 1H, Masonic lilita. ' '
Wiinl mii'kN fur aiiln u( Ori'Koll t'lty
('l)lllllllllHlliri tlllllHM.
Mm ii. Muy 2'J. In Mr. mill Mm. Hi-r
iiiiiii Ni'lmm, (if (iliiilHtiiiie, it 9 iiiiinil
K. ('. Hue Ki'll In iiirtliiii III" i iiiiii
ty hiHikit ami In iikhIhIimI by Minn NIclii
MrCurviT. ,
Horn. In Mr. unit Mrs. J. I.. Mimru, nf
Mniilil rii'iimiul, ii 12 iiniillil win, Mon
tin v, Muy ;in,
Mr. 'urkir, of llukrr Clly, U visit
luts ui tin' Iiiiiiip nf lirr iIiiukIiIit. Mm
I inn Mi lili inn
I iiiiiii y JiiiIkii Pliiilrk wilt In Ni'iily
I'ti-iiml yi-nii'iilii)' In Imlil it I Ion J
Hilillln' tlll'I'tlllK
M J 1 -. miri'liiry nf llm Ciinliy
fiuiiil ('imiinuy, iw In ililii illy nu
hiiMm'M Miiiiilu)'.
(iilflllli Unhurt, pniiiiliii-iil rimliliiil
1 1 T llinur I'ri-i'k. iul In llil rlty on
liilnlliKim Hahinliiy.
llm ii, A pill ul Kill I'liy. to Mr.
mill Mm. Kilwiinl Nurliuiiit, s ilniiKhlcr
Wt'lKlllllli I'lKht HilllilH
.Minn ('hint I-'Ii-IiIk iiiI In I'urtlnml
Kuniliiy, liin lm will iiul I In1
Itixi) illviil Mi-rk Willi frli'liilx.
Will!. mi (iiinliii-r, llm iiriiiiilni'tit I'll
lulu mill onion kiowit of Nrw Kr.
i Hi I III" i lly Tliui'iilny nil IiuhIiii'h.
J (' KiipuliH'li, nmnuKi'r of tlio Cor
tulll ri-anni y ul I'miby, .in In Ori
linn ('Mr Mniiiliiy
Mm Tlnoilnin Omiionil uiitl liiihy
li-fl Tui'iiliiy fur I'nrlliiiul, where thry
Will Hpi'llll Mil' Murk Willi ri'lllllVl'tt.
.Mi. Hint Mm I'limb lluli'H, nf
Cunliy. mi' npi'iiillliK tli' wik III till
rliy, I In- kii'i nf Mr. unit .Mm. A. J
1 Un
S N.i eh nf IIihIki', ii ml J. M Hoopm,
of Twilight, wi-tn III llm rlty Wi-il-iirxliiy
Tin fiiriimr U visiting Ilia
IiioiIiit In law.
Mr ii. l. Wi'lli-r. of KiiKrtw, bus
urrlvril In Hi In rlly, inn) In me Hum!
of Ml S'i'llli' llrrliy tlnrliiK llm Itunr
Ciiinlnil n( rorllmnt.
Ml lliirrlnt CiHlirun id visiting
lili Iht lirr. Mm J. II Itolilimon
iiml Mm. J. I'. Knit lug ill I'm lluiiil,
iliirlmt (tin Itnao Cnrnlvul.
Tlir Mlr I.Uilr mill Kvrlyn Vmi
Iau n( I'vrllniul, wrro llm Mural of
tlix Mlw Klillim nml l.niilnr Wolwr
litt Kuinluy.
Mm. InioKi'ii Hunting IlriMlli- will go
to Cumuli. ni'Xl Momliiy to "In nt
Alumni l)y, tlm opi'iilnx nf Coin
tni'iii I'liii'iit wrvk
Mlwi l.'im (iolilmnlth, of Hun Krikn
i l.ro. urrlvi'il In Ori'Knn Clly Monday,
mill will vl.lt wlln Iht liiothrr, Mr.
A. CoIiIhiiiIiIi, fur wvt-rul weeks,
Mr. ('. (). T. William nml Mr. C.
i, Mlllrr iiml nun, who have liwn vis
iting with Mr. iiml Mr. J. M. Ijiw
ri'iiif, ni llcnil, omgoii, hnvf rrliirmil
in iln-lr Iioiiii' lu Oil illy.
Itpv nml Mr. Wlllluin Hlovi-r nml
Hon, of Tnroiiin, urn vIhIIIiir ri'lritlvi
Imni for n fvw ilny. Mr. Slovnr emim
ilown from Hut Hmiiiil tu iilli'inl Urn
i'oiifrr'iiri nf Mm rhurch nt I'ortlnnil.
Mind llnn.il ('oil-, of Criilll 1'HHH.
iirrlvml In Urciinn Clly Kuniliiy nml
will vIhI wlih Iiit ltr. Mm. (lOorKf
ICly, iltirliiu tlm Hummer. Hlio will wlmi
vl.lt llm Konii Kluiw In I'ortlnnil iliirlim
llm Wffk.
Summer Bale mi nil mtlllimry. Cnlln
MIkh Molllo Mllilmll nml hIhIit.
IIiixM. loft Mniiiliiy for thi'lr Imiiin nt
Snmly. Thi liilii'i- will Hpi'iiil her
Hiitniiirr viunlloti nt Siimly nml MIhh
Mllilii'll pit-iH lo rot urn hirt iiflrr
fnw l ny k vlnlt Ihi'iiv
llm ii nt Ciluliy, Mny 2S, lo Mr. nml
Mik. SloiH'Wiill JurkHiiii ViiiikIiiiii. ii
Alberta Farm Land
The Canadian Pacific Railway Track
Bow River Valley, Southern Alberta
fresh land on the market all the time,
right on the Railroad-no stumps, no
Sold at low figures, on ten years time
cannot be beat for investment. Buy
while it is cheap.
Come with us and see for yourself.
Excursions leave Portland every ten
days. See Aeni a!
Corner 6th and Main Streets
MIhh llni'lllil I'l'inll ll liH ll'fl IliKt Wi'i'k
fur V Imi iiumIii, wlinin hIiii will lillilm nil
hxIi'IiiIimI vIhII with rflnllvr.
Minn l.i'lln Hmllli uirlvi'il In OrnKoii
Clly from Wiiurn, Ori'Kon, on Hiilnr
iluy iiIkIiI. nml will iiiiilin Imr fuiiira
lioiiiu In ih l clly. ,
nml, Mr. mill Mix, Viiiirliiin nrv wnll
liliowii In till" rliy, wlii'i'n llii-y mini
I hi-1 r Iioiiik for mini" llni". Mm,
Vniiiiliiiii wii fornii-rly MIhh I'Ioi iik
All Millinery nl ii IiIk rniliirllnli,
Cnlllt IIiiIiIhiiiIIIi.
V I It I it hi Ni-fzui'i- nml Oliver Clinriili
l"fl l-'rliluy hy Himiiinir for Cihh lliiy,
wli"H limy will plum iiiilnmiil Ic
ii'lnlii'i' In n Iiiik" hiiwiiiIII, Mr,
CIiiiiiiIh IiiivIiik i Iiiiikh of llm work.
Mix I,. A. Hmllli lill'l iliim:lit"r, Ml"
Mill', Infl Mniiiliiy for I'urtluud. wln-ie
limy will vl.lt llm fnriimr'H iliimtlilur,
Mm, IC. H. Illnnimi, ilurliiK tlm I(oh
Km' A. Illlli'liriiinl Iiiih riiliiinnil
finiil It HlH wki'Iih' trip In llm KiihI,
Wlillw iili'imil Ini iillmiili'il llm mil Iiiiiii I
' Kiillmi Iiik of llm Ciilliolli' KiiIkIiI (
' Aiimilrit iih u ii'I"kmI" from Oii-koii.
Arthur Mniilny, win of Mr. nml Mr,
J. II. Multliiy, of Hiivinilli HLrmil, wlio
him Imi'ii III fur .H"V"iiil wni'kH, It it M
lli'i'll I n Ii" II In till Nt, Vlnri'Ul H I In
plliil, wlmni Im will riii'lve ini'illritl
MIh Mit Mim Hmllli, ti-in lmr nf Hi"
Ilii'Koii Clly hi IiooIh, li'ft Momlny for
Monlitvlilii, whcrit hIiii will vlnlt with
In-r HlHlnr mil II ufiur tlm Hoh Hhow,
wlimi hIii will RO In Hiilmn, to Hpi'iiil
Imr hii in mxr vm itt Inn nt Imr homo.
Mr. mill Mr. Illllii-rt llorlnn, of
I'nrllmiil, uirlvi'il In llil rlty Krlilny
nml will Hpnml u wi'i'k Willi tlm form
it'h pnroulH. Mr. nml Mr. (Ihoi'k
Him tun. of llm S'nt HIiIm. Mr. Morion
I. now rommi'lKil Willi tlm I'ortliilul
clly wntnr work
A Mount AiiK"l iiinii, wlio Kike no
KiikMmIi. but nmtiiiKi'il lo kIvd tlm uu
l.iurltli' to tiiiilrminml III miiim I
JiMupli, wii lirmiKlit In Krlilny from
Mnliillit mnl wii ihiimiIihhI for hi
.unity, Imlun rominllliHl to llm unylutn.
Tlm innn I iiliout Hj yur of uk. mill
piotmlily nii'iilnlly Irii'.puii.lliln.
impiity Cuiinfy Itiyonli-r nml Mr.
I.loyil Wlllliun nml Dr. A. II. WII
lliiinri. of llli liliiml, On' , mnl Mr. nml
Mm. K. Iv llioill" wit" miioiiK Ilia
llri'Kon Clly pi'opln who went lo KhIii
i'iiiIii Hiiluriliiy lo hihi tlm illriplny of
Hiinwl'i-n Im nt llm nmiiinl fi'Hllvul.
J (IIIHN I'.lll-ll lllllllHI ll'll Jllllllilliy lin'l
Iiik fur Imr luntm lit WIIhoiivIIIii. wlmre
.Im will pi-ml Iht Htiiiiumr viimtlmi.
i Mliw HrnliKt Im. lii'i n ono of llm Hiir-
i'i'. ful ti'iii'lmr of llm ()H'Kli Clly
i whool for Hi'vnnil yimm, mnl him nr-'ii'i'pii-il
ii pnnlilon In Mm I'rlimvilli'
rliniil whlih will Im imiir I lie lioliifv
j .trad nlin rii'i'iiily look up.
j I'lofi-Hwir T. I'. Ki'iidiill. for tlm IiihI
I four rin h prlimlpiil of tlio Wi'ut Ori
!koii Clly wliool. Ii-fi Krlilny nlslit for
Curium, Or" . lmr Im will Hpi'iiil llm
HumiiH-r. Mr. K"iuliill ' will ku to
Amity In tlm full. IiiivIiik nrri-iltvil it
pn.ll loll n pi I ml pill of 111" Amity
pnl. IK- mIiihiI. Mm. Ki'inlnll l"fl Krl
ilny for lllinolH. nml will vl.lt with
mint 1 v ik until full.
Qnit Cltirmii Knl" nil u II trlmnird
HlllH. Cl'llll (illlll.lllllll.
Mr. mnl Mm. Clyilit (I JIuullny r
turm.il ofilm-Hiliiy from h hIx wit-k'
trip KmhI, wlmrr Mr. Humify iilti-mlnd
mi'flliiKH of llm riiiiriuiiirulli'nl Ahho
I'liillon. 'l imy Hpnit num tlliin ill Nnw
Yolk. WiialiliiKlon nml olliiT Kn.tiTn
i-llliw, rrtiirniilK lionm over tlio lirrut
Mr. I.WUI l"jir" li'ft TiifHiliiy
for CoilnKB (!rovi. wlmre Him will
vlnlt wtlh Mr. IM-nrt"' puri-nlH. Mr.
lii'Uirrc Ih prominent In imi.lrul
l ln i" In thl rlty. nml will tuive
i liiiTK" of tlm miihli nl proKrnniuin to he
glvi'ii nt n wit"rtluiimnt itlvrti bjr
llm hull" of Hie Mi'thoilUt rhiirrh nt
Cii(Iiik drove nel W'k.
MIh MiiuiI" Conk", who tin lioi-n
limlilim In the IVmlleton piibllt-
IhhiIh, Iiiih rvliinifil to her home In
thl city, unil will gpeiul tlm iiiimmr
with her puri'iiiN, Mr. nml Mm. Henry
Cooke. MIh Cooke, Who Inn been
one of the iii'eHfiil tenrher 111 Pen
iltntmi for evernl yer, him been re
elii'teil to te.'ii'll the aeventh grnde, the
I'limlnit wliool term.
Mm. l.oulwi llolop of Kiilutiuuoo,
Mli'h., who hu heeti vIhUIiik her
nliH-e, Mr. Kreil J. H. Tooze for Hie
piint niolith, left for I'urlliiml Momlny
mnl will Hluy ilurliiK the itoae Ki'Htt
vnl. After next week, Mr. Ilolopp will
KO to Tnioimi nml Seullln, unit nfter
vlHltlnic u few iluy In eai'b town, leitve
for her home, vln the I'nuiiilliin
T. II. lliinkliiH, formerly of thl rlty.
lull now of Still-. Ori'Knn. who hn been
vIhIiIiik with hi iliuiKhtuiV. Mm. If.
K. HlrnlKbl. of thin rlly, mnl the lloe
(.'rniviil nl Portlnml. relurimil to hln
Inline tmlny. Mr. Iliinkln I Inter
iwletl In u wiwtiilU nt Slur. IiiivIiik a
riifiiirlty of SO.lMHl feet n tiny, nml
alnle tluil the timber In Hint Heel Ion
Ih linn. Over fit) men lire employed by
the roinpitny.
Mr. I.lr.nle (iwlnn nml iluiiKliter.
MIhh lliittle, of Wnllit W'lilln. WiinIi.,
nrrlveil In thin illy Thurmlny nl!ht,
nml will Hpeml n week with llm funn
el'' mother, Mr. Mnry Hurl, unil ln
Ini'H, Mr. ,limi'ili Myi'ia, Mr, din
Weal, Mm. H. II. Orrpti nnu Mm.
Kuan Nebri'li, lli'fiirn ri'l urnlliK to Iter
home. In WiiIIii Wullii, Mm. (Iwlnn will
vl.IL Ihe Itnae CliniWnl t I'ortlutm.
'I'IiIh Ih Mr. (Iwlnn' Urn! vlnlt In IIiIh
rlly for Mix yi'iiiH, nml her nrrlvitl her
wii. ii hiii pi l.i- to her family,
Mr. nml Mra. U, L. I.yijill, of Or
lo", Ciillfornlu, lire the Ktienl nf tlmlr
nlil WlrlilKiin frlemlH, W. 10, JiiIiiihIoii'i
fuiiilly, of (iulilHloim, Oil weiik. On
Wi'iliiemliiy limy weru JnlimiJ by their
iliuiKliler mnl Imr biiiilimiil, Mr. nml
Aim. W, l(, Wllwni, nlno by Mm. W. H.
KiiikI nml her iliuiKliler, Mr. A. K.
IIIiikIiiiiii, lli'tt mnl Curyl IIIiikIiiiiii, of
I 'n it In ml, Id'V. mnl Mm, I.i-wIh lilmi-
ilii'l, of Ouk (Iruve, when u M Ii h Ixan
reunion wuh Imlil. Mr. mnl Mr. I,y-'
nml Mr. uml Mm, Wllwni leuve
fur Hi'nlllu next week, iiirryliiK with I
Hniiii it vury fiivonilile liiipri'HNlon of
I Ii Ih liicullly,
A boll In of Hymiii'l, H bur ii riiblmr
pnekut liilinler, tlint will I lit a life
time, nml aluiplii liiHtriietlon for
iiutliiK cniurrh iimko llyonml otilflt.
Into Ihe Inhnler you pour few
drop of ihukIciiI llyoumi (iironnuiir.e
It lllKlio-iim).
Till I nhaoreil by I bo mil Inept In
Kniiy.u within mid now you nro rendy
to lireuthn It over the Kerin liifentcd
nmiiiliruni' wlmrn It will npeeillly bo
Kin II work of klllliiK rutitrrb K'tiiih.
Ilymiml I inmle (if Aiiatnillntt u
uilyplol conililneil with other nritl-Hi-plli'
nml I very pli-niiunt lo
It I Kimruiileed to mire cnlnrrh,
bioiichltlH, anre throat, croup, coiikh
mnl cold, or nioiiny linrk. It clean
mil n atiirfed up ln'iid liinfew minute.
Hold by dniKKlHt tverywhoro, and
by Hum ley llro. Co. Coinplole
out fit $I .0D. Ami rnniemher that ex
I in boitle If nftorwnrd needed
runt (inly 50 rent. Ilrenthn It, thai'
nil. . .
To break up cold In tin) head or
clmat In a few inliiuti'.i. pour I ten
HHiiuifiil tif llyomel Into a bowl of
bollltiK wuler, rover ht-ud mid bowl
with a towel nml brmttho the vapoi.
Nolle of Final Settlement.
Nntleo I hereby (clvon tluil th un-:
il"i hIih-iI. exet'iitiir f the entnte of
Kr"d Itukel, duceiiHeil, Iiiih llleil in the;
County Court of Clurkuimi County,
Klille of Ori'Knn, IiIh null) iircoillit a j
Hiiih I'Heciiinr of aulil eHtule; , Unit
Monday, Ihe lllh duy of .uly, ul thei
llinir or 10 O I'IIII'K A. M , IIIIH oei'll
II ted by wild rutin n the time for
henrliiK any nhJerliotiH In Hiiiil re
port nml the Hi'ttlement thereof.
Knei iitiir of the KHlute of Kreil Itukel.
Tlio. K. Ityan, Atiomey for Exe-
Carl Green Geta License.
In the oltlre of County Clerk (Jreen
mini yi-Hterduy u lli eiiHn to marry win
Inmn-d lo liorrl Miller nml Carl
(irei'ii, a hoii of Mr. mid -Mr. Wlllluin
C. (iriM-n.
The Greatest Piano-Buying
In the History
Club A
Members Secure $350
Pianos and Save $1(3
What It Means to
Join One of these Co
operative Piano Clubs
Tin-He plnim cliilw nre In effect.
Ihe nppllcittiim of whiili'imli' piin
clplrn In the retail di-partmeiil.
It I baneil nu t'iimiiiuntty of In
leivm, un I'lilli'ctlxe nr cu-opeiii-tlve
ir jiint an though M0 (Hoile
Joined ml Hi. 'ii mMit to the fur
totlen to tin the titiyliiK one mull,
rnult4c nf HeleetlnK the tM'Ht'
plallim mid Heilll'lntf tile lient
price, lllld klliiwIHK llow iHWt lo
nil lp them.
Niiturnlly there would lie a tre
inriuloiiH hiivIiik iH'tween pur
chuMtiiif Hi, 1'nrlnmln to one lot nml
Iniylnii each plium hImkI.v. Hence
lite ol'Ktllllxullnll of Hi, 'He Kllel'rt
rtnno ('lull.
I'mier our nitMTVlHlnn llieno
cliih place ymi In exactly Hie
pi.iillloii ti receive the inlviintiiKi-a
iitlilllieil liy Hie llil'l?ct tleilti'l-H.
On our club ptnn you piiy hut
one, mnl tluil n very mniill profit.
The lliMilleiimti iiml nil Intelllleil
lllle expelllM-H are t'llmlllHteil.
In ilieao c!ul menilier nii not
ri'Hlrlclcil In their cholci lo one
nlmclllv limke. bill, to the con
Inii'V. eiicli member ileclile be
tween over n iloreii of the worlil'
Rtiinilni'il unil moHt fnvoi'iitily
known mitkcit of plnno.
II Mhollld be ri'llii'ltlllel'i'tl. too,
Iiml eiicli nml every pliino Im
Hlllctly lil'und new Hie very Intent
ntyle und fully Kuni'iutti'ctl both hh
In iimilliy. niiiteilnl mnl vuliie.
Are not these astounding fig
ures? Hblppeit In the nld-fiisliloneil way
over fol ly ciii'IohiIh of plulloH woulil
be required In I lilt llllilet-tilklllK.
Slilppetl under the KIIith hiiruenN
Hl'Htem tin npeelnl eni'M without
bei'iil even llien twenly-lx car
Will lie, reiilllleil.
The retail vnhie of these iilnnoa
Ib nenrly one-iunirler of n million
dolluin $2l4.tiiHI lo be exact.
III pill-t'lliiHlllK IheHO fttll plnnofl
on llil club iiinii, niemlHTH nnve
over oiie-lhllil of the price, or
CIiih mebmerii each necure un
iivei'iiiro of Ii week lonirer lime
In which to pny for n plimo than
If filch member lioitKtit liulivlilii
ally upon the iihiiiiI term of pny
nieiita. lOtich of Ihe M0 club tnenihei-H
nnve mi uveriute of Sl on hi
or her piiivhiutc. more than eiioitKh
money for n roiuiil-tiip to New
York nml return nml more limn
enough money 1o completely eilu
enle uny young tniin or young huly
In mimic ho nH to qunllfy him or
her un nn liiHtriictor. at least for n
beginner In mimic.
Oregon's Largest Piano and Organ Dealers
i a .
Mm. Eva Emery Dy Deliver Clan
Addrea and ROM Belle Lynd
Give Valedictory for
The miiiiiiiincRiiiiiiit eercle. of the
Wlllniiitl achnol were hi Id Krlday
nlkrht In the hoIiooI hnuao nt. Wlllum
etln, tho uudltorlum, v.liir'i Hie cn;r-i:Ihi-
took place, Iwlnn imikdl to the
door lo lUlen to lb" excellent pro
Kriiiiime (lint hud bren nrraiiKed by
the teacliera. The cluaa color were
Kbl and white, and Hie auditorium
wa urtlHtlnilly di-cora'i-d In theae
color. Murnuerlti and Klden col
ored crepe pujicr were timd lu aliund
iincc. Over the plulform waa an
archway, benrlnK lhe cIuh motto,
"I'UHh On," the letter bulm? of Mar
KuerlteH, and havtiiK UikKround of
aold colored crepe imicr. Indian
hnakelH filled with Mnri;iierlle com
pleted the decorutlon. The teacher
were. BHHlated In thl work by Mra.
KrncHt Muhi and Mr. L. Cnien.
Tho iirogmiiim wan a followa:
Miirch, MIh Alice (lOettllnn: Invoca
tion, Ilev. T. F. nowfii; ntldrt-H of
welcome, MIh Idu May lierdlne. preal
dent of the cIiihr; piano wilo, "Im
promptu," MIh Florence Wentenuard:
rend Iiik, "The CliMmtwrwl NuullltiH,"
Mln Kathleen Oliver; vocal nolo, Ming
finue Shewiiinn; oration. "Ability v.
Opiiortunlty," Arthur Kraml Wal
ilron; whlHllliiK nolo, Harold fiwaf
ford; cIiihh prophecy, I'.yron Ktrauznr;
viwnl nolo, lal "ftOHe In Ihe Hud." (b)
"Without You," MIh Alice Ooettllns;
cIiih hlnlory, Mlwi Ethel Delnm I)e
lluk; i lull HwliiKlni;. ItoU-rt Warner:
oration, "Home Influence," George
Mllner Smuow; piano nolo, "Dance of
Ihe Wood Nymph," MIk Genevieve
lelKhtoii Capen; vocal olo (a) "The
lllrlh of Morn," (b) "The Evening
love Sonit," MIk KIhIc Conklln ; clan
poem, Ml Nellie Mildred Iteam; read
inic, "Kraiii'iiH'O." (a alory of Venice),
MIhh Myrtle Tooxe: violin aolo, "I.
lie LiiKu," Ml Melon Weatengiird;
valetlicljjry, Minn Roaa Belle Lynd:
clauH itildreH, Mr. Eva Emery Dye;
presentation of dlploimm, II. i'. Khl
ley. ThoH Kraduating frnru the tenth
We're presenting an unprecedented opportunity to
every music-loving home in Oregon to secure t fine piano.
We're going to sell 26 carloads of the finest new pianos
on the co-operative club plan.
This means that every member of three different clubs,
now forming, will secure a piano at lesa than the actual
wholesale factory cost.
It means more than this.
It means that many a home heretofore deprived from
enjoying the possession of a fine piano because the allure
ment for investment of money elsewhere, will now be able
to have AT ONCE splendid, sweet-toned, high-grade,
warranted piano.
There are thousands of homes which will never miss
a payment of $1.25 or $1.50 per week. There isn't a home
in Oregon that cannot pay $1.00 a week. Think of it! If
you Join Club "A," now forming, make a deposit of $5.00
to show good faith, and agree to pay $1.00 a week for 232
consecutive weeks thereafter, then you secure immedi
ately your choice of many different makes of fine, new
pianos regularly sold for $350.00,
Club "B" members will pay $1.25 a week; and members
in Club "C" will pay $150 weekly.
In commemoration of the consolidation of all of the
Ellers' stores and as a fitting demonstration of the mer
chandising power of this organization we have organized
these three clubs.
There are no dues: there is no redtape; no waiting; no
The club price include everything. -
Club members jolnlnglub "A" pay five dollars Initial
payment and they pay the balance at $1.00 a week until
$232.00 is paid, whereupon the piano is paid for in full.
Club "B" members pay $1.25 a week and those In Club "C"
pay $1.50 weekly.
KTitd were MIh Ida May lierdlne,
MIhh Kohii flelln Iynd and MIh Alice
Kathleen (Vmklln; from the eighth
Krade were VeMitl llennelt, I'atil Nore
IIiin llerK, El be) Ijclrna lie link, fleori?"
Mllner Hnldow, Hyron ftlrnuzer, Nel
II" Mllilri'il Keaiii, Arthur Krancl
The leiii'hei who have Junt com-I'leli-d
n niiml HiieceHHful year' work
at Willamette lire Mr. Vloln M. God
frey, principal; MIh Ilelle K. Maltley,
Mink KIhI" Conklln, MIhh Grace I-.
Tlilnrd, mid have been eiiKHKed by the
directum lo teach tint cum Iiik year,
Mount Pleamnt People Will F'eaat
1 Friday, June 17.
The Mount I'lnaaant Civic Improve
ment CIiih met Tueaduy nlKht In the
audliorliiin of the Mount I'leaxant
hi honl liiiiine, and plan for the annual
baniui'l, which Will lie Klven on Krl
ilny evening, June 17, we're made.
Chairmen for the varlotiH committee
Were appointed, and tlnw will Uipoint
llm Kiibcouiiiilltee during the week.
The banquet Klven by the Mount
rienwitnt Civic Improvement Club are)
alwny very iiiccewifut affair, and are
looked forward to by the member
with much pleanure. The Improve-'
moot or commercial club of Oregon
City, OladHtone. Mllwaukie, Oak
Grove, Willamette and Canby will bei
reprt-Henti'il, a In former year.
Frank Johnion, of Oregon City, Ha j
Mine in Eaatern Oregon.
Frank Johnson, of Oregon City, was
In Humpicr and Uourne this week, says
tltH Sumpler American of April 23,
looking after hi mining lnteret
here. Mr. JohnHon i Intereeted with
Mr. Cake of Portland In the Mountain
View Extentlon claim, and thl sum
mer he will do connlderable work at
the property. On Wednenday he waa
called to Portland by btulnes matter
that will take a few days to adjust,
when he will return to Hunipter to get
ine work under way at the mine.
The Mountain View Extension ha
l-en developed Htifntlently to Indicate
that It will become u. very valuable
property. It already ha a quantity of
high grade ore ready for stopping and
thl Hummer may nee It making hip
n lent to Sumpter smelter.
W. P. Ferrell is Under Indictment by
Grand Jury.
W. P. Ferrell, of Eagle Creek, was
Indicted by (ho grand Jury on a charga
of perjury. Ferreli waa the witness
for the state In the suit against E. E.
Elliott, who was tried on a. charge of
selling liquor without a license. Fer
rell temltled before the grand Jury that
he purchased liquor from Elliott, and
the Indictment against Elliott was
made principally on the evidence of
Ferrell, who, at the trial, stated that
he did not secure liquor and went
buck on the grand Jury evidence.
Members Secure $450
Pianos and Save $152.50
750 1 25
and nothing that will give them more
good, wholesome fun than a
You'll be surprised if you are not already
familiar with kodaks, at how simple it all
is and what a good camera you can buy
Brownie Cameras. $1.00 to $t2.00
Eastman Kodaks, $12 to $75.00
We show you bow to take and make pictures FREE of
CHARGE. We do Kodak Developing and Finishing.
Prices Reasonable.
Oregon City Jewelers :: Suspension Bridge Corner
Had Attempted to Extract $2000 Dam
ages From W. J. McKillican.
Allison A. Pease lost his damage suit
against W. J. McKillican In the Circuit
Court Tuesday. Pease asked for $2000,
charging that McKillican made an as
sault and battery attack on him, and
that be was Injured to that amount
The Jury took the opposite view. La '
tourette and Latotirette were attorneys
for Pease and McKillican's case was
handled by C. Sehuebel and George C.
01 the Northwest
Club C
Members Secure $550
Pianos and Save $ 1 9 1
1100 1 50
Our club plan offers the following extraordinary ad
t vantages:
Don't fail to read this carefully.
Eery Instrument is positively guaranteed for five
years. Our guarantee means something. It is a straight
forward guarantee, protecting thepurchases of one of our
pianos In every way.
Every club member has the most positive assurance
of complete satisfaction with his purchase. If the instru
ment after delivery does not prove in every way satisfac
tory it may be exchanged for any other piano of equal or
greater value that we sell and every penny will be applied
toward purchase of such a new instrument. We sell 40
different highest-grade American makes.
The family of a club member will receive immediately
a receipt in full fur the instrument in case of death of
club member dueing the life of his contract.
A beautiful stool to match each piano is included with
out extra cost.
The piano is turned over without extra charge.
Pianos are delivered free of charge, except to extreme
ly distant suburban parts, where nominal cartage is addded .
to tho first payment.
A still further reduction Is given club members in the
shape of cash premiums for all installments paid in ad
vance; and also for securing additional club members.
These cash premiums will in most instances more than
offset the 8 per cent Interest charge on deferred payments.
Club members receive twenty music lessons free.
Start the .children in music immediately at our ex
pense, t
Delivery will be made from samples in our retail es-1
tablishment at Park (8th) and Washington Sts., or, if de
sired, direct from our wholesale establishment on our side
tracks at the corner of 15th and Pettygrove Sts.
Books Will be Opened by County Clerk
Greenman Next Monday.
After a rest of two years the county
registration books will be thrown open
next Monday morning by County Clerk
Greenman. The books will remain open
until within a few days of the primary
election on September 24, and will
again- be oiiened after the primary
election. It is expected that the regis
tration for the November election will
be considerably in excess of that of
two years ago, as there has been a
noticeable Increase In the population of
Clackamas County since 190$.
The Advantages of
Buying of Eilers
Music Store
We w UI 811 not h Ing that we
know Is not right. When we veil
to you It Is with the knowledge
and the belief that tf we satisfy
you. you will influence your friends
to deal with us
"We have utilized every modern
economy In order that we might
give better value and better sat
isfaction to our patrons. Buying
and shipping In tremendous quan
tities, factory Inspection of pianos
by our expert representatives, a
binding guarantee with every pi
ano sold, a orrps of expert tuners
snd regulators all ; these have
contributed toward making the
big following we now have find
making our business what it now
As the piano purchaser knows
the ndvantagfs In buying from
the Kilers stores, so the manu
furturer realizes the advantage in
selling through the Kilers stores.
No three piano stores in any lurge
city, combined, can offer the piano
purchaser more variety and merit
in piano manufacture than we
From America's oldest and su
preme the grand old Chickerlng
to the genuine Autopiano the
latest creation there Is scarcely
a name well and favorably known
in the piano trade, that does not
rtnd representation In the Kilers
stores. The Sohmer, the favorite
of the most appreciative music
ians; the world-renowned Kimball:
the rich-toned and durable Lester:
that aristocrat of pianos, the Haz
elton: the. genuine old Decker; the
old reliable Schumann: the artistic
Hobart M. Cable; the Marshall &
Wendell; the Story & Clark, and
Boston's old favorite, the Hallet &
lavls piano all these, and many
others, are sinlUc-ant guarantees
of piano excellence.
To secure n piano through these
co-operative clubs means to have
the service of piano experts in .
making the selection for you It
means a guarantee which insures
you against disappointment In any
way, and, best of all. it means
that on a plan of payment so
wonderfully eusy that no one ever
will miss the money, you are en
abled to secure a high-grade plann
for the money that would other
wise be paid for a, very inferior
instrument. '