1 ffl lid BY OREGON WOOLEN urns ana women lor sewing m Shirt Factory. Also boys, girls and women for weaving and other woolen mill EASY TO LEARN I nriAi nrT -T-12 I KLAL L J I rt I L I ' U-iilla mid Aliram K. Ijibowlich to (. J. mill KlirulM'th llnlmon, lots 1 mid N nml 111 2 3 f"t of loin 2 unit 7, block 1. Arlxln; ll. ' I. 8. mul David McArihiir to Hurt mid Mima MrArllmr, 20 acres of iTtloim 1,1 mill 14, lowlmlilp 3 south, rang" 1 I'linl; fl llomard mul Mnry K. Frledrlch lo I. W. mid limn Kolililim, 2 ncni nf J M nt hluH HwkkIk )). U ('., (nwnnlilpi ft mint h, rniiKi' 2 nml; $1. Hiipllsl Campbell to Thomas K. . C.I.. 4 Ul .. i '.. .. i J. . .. . .. '""""": t .. .... ..I.. - ,, " ""'" f.t lli.uld ( ill. I Hut IT 'Jr. H..rM tif IIoiim I nml 12, towtiHlilp 3 south. mn Hn I oust; IJMMI Knttirn Investment Company I Jin- II. () In Kri'd llHrgrcavcs, & acres of John llnwlmvit It. K (., township 3 south, rmiKK 2 'iil ; 110. KohIiia mul ft, J. White to Biunui'l mul t'aitiile lliown, mnn of hit lion !, towimlilp 2 south, range 3 east; III). K. ('. mul l.lda Ij VmlT lo J. Q. ICIriMl. Iiiiul In m-rlliilni 7. N, 17, IS. lnnnM Mouth, rmiK t im; 110. Clllx.'ii, llittik to -irhii A. KliiK. Iiiiul In mn'iloii 2A, towniihlp 2 louth, run 0 1'iKl; tin. Alfn'd J. mid Bwrnh llurdtt to iHillln lliinli'tlr. frncllonal purl of tiliK-k 7.1, Ori-Kon ConfrnMire CninH K roti ml. Cnnliy; 1110. C. M. mid MrKrct Kohuim to J, C, KIlKora, IX 06 Bcrm of m'clloim 7 mid 17, towiintilp 4 muilh, rmiKo 4 mill; IIK05, Howard M and Carrlo Jmiifi to linvlil A. Janira, undlvlilcil half In tir't of lulu l and t, hlork 3 J, flritt Aildlllun In Kmarndn; 1150. II. K. mid IxMia . Ilrown tn II. II. Kvana, luta 7. H am) 1. of block 11, WlnilHor Aildltlon lo Onmni City; 1270. J. C. and Mav TulItT lo Mnry K. WrlKht. Iota 1, 2, 3, 0, hlork 7, liar low; $'0. W. W. and I.ydla II. Irwin to K. H. HlrluK'T, lot "K" ronlaliiliiK 10 12 nrrt'a of Irwln'a Tracta; $:'noo. Wllllnm and Arnica HhlnilliT to II. (.' l.ymnn, luta H. , in, hlork 2, Uh Addition In Wllllnm Mi'i'k I). U C, townHhlp I.hiiiiiIi, ranitti 1 cunt; $026. Culled Hinli'a to John U'lnliiKvT, SO arna nf ai'rtloii 4. townHhlp 7 Biititll, raiiK 2 runt; I'uli'lit Thomaa It. A. and JoMcpliInn M. II. EASTMORELAND Is the best known home site property in Portland It is the home of Reed Institute The next few months will see the erection of a great many Eastmoreland homes NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO BUY A LOT. ASK US ABOUT IT Armstrong & Warren AGENTS OAK GROVE, OREGON Phone Red 1 7 i COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Portland, Oregon CITY MILLS. rk. wo HellwiHtd ID Jlnrlnd K. Scllwood. IiiI 3 "' ,ll"ck '"' 1 "f ,,l"k - Uncf A.WUI.IU tn Mllwa.ikle; Iu0. Krcilcrlek Cerkn fn I (1 r U'ltoi uii.l J. M. HIh. 1 1, fill ucri'S of section 4, Uiwimhlp 3 smith, rongo 7 east; $1 . vt. ami I ii. Irwin i willliiin n n (I MIiiiiIk I'. Kit-hough, 40 (TrK of section 3, township 3 hoik h, Mngo I'lml; I2NU. J. P. mill Ague J Jones In Chris JiirKi'liai'lt, In ml III section 2!, town hip d koiiiIi range t cant; IIGOJ. . Krliui'lti'l, trustee, and Agnes Hi'IiiikIh'I lo J. K, Buyer, 4-10 acres of Kirn Fisher I). U C. No. 44, town xlilp i wuii Ii, riiKn 2 east; $:IM). I I Mil, I ll..,.l.. tlru.1l.... ,. L1 It ' "f Iff l. mid Anna M. Marline, 12 acres of I I- t J l. Hwnfford nnd wlf.., town- h, 3 wmIh. runK 2 east; $2ai. ' I.iirlliila I ivvft lo C. A'. KoraltorK j liuid In Ki'rlloii 17, towiiahlp 2 aoiilh, ' raiiK" 4 I'll"!; $ 10. Uracil and Hona Dclorr lo (!rar K. IjmIit, II) arrra of I). U C. of U II. I jitoiiri'ili., towimhlp 3 Boulli, ran' 2 emit; l, Jainea am) Jtolry Adnma to Kit a t'haai", IS arr of arrtlon 22. town ahlp 3 aniilh, ruiiKo 2 fiiHt; $1MI0. John W. UiiIit and (Jriicc K. UmIit lo Olnf and Karnh ljirnon and Sarah II. IIIhth, land In C'larkamaa County: II. Mary U WTIkIH Ui Knima K. Ka ton, 0 rna of accllon I, towiiahlp 4 aoiilh, raiiKn 1 runt; fKOfl. 8. Klahrr to KIiiut W. KInicr. 80 arrra of arrtlon 7, towiiahlp 6 aouth, raniie 1 raal ; Iimmi. Olaf and Hannah Johnaon to Emma Johiiaon, 5 arma of Clackaniaa Hlvrr aide; &(HI. Clrriton Iron A Bled Company to U.rrn II. ItarrliiKton, lot 6 of Tuala tin Meadow a; $10. Haniuel (). 'Urllihlc to J. K. Grlulil. lfiO nrrra of aertlona 15. 10, 21, 32, townahlp 4 aotith, rmiKo I cnat; 1500, .Mliry Stuhlx. to Wlllluin tftnMx KO.ll arrra of arrtloii 27, townahlp 3 Boiitli. Ttitino 4 aat: l Wllllnm Stiihho to Mary Hlnbbc. K0.11 arn-a of nertlon 27, townahlp 3 iHiuth, riuiKK 4 runt; It. Alvlna Wrlttlit lo ICrneat A. UdKh Ion, Tract "I." Wllliinicttc KiiIIh Acre a lie Trarta; $1500. liana and Chrlallno Paulaen to Jul lua I'nulaen, 40 arrea of lection 20, townahlp 3 aouth, ninno 6 cual; :HHI0, William Ullle to Charles II. Can Held, iruatce, hind In Orciton City: 11. (ilailatonn Ttcal Katutp Aaaorlatlon to llalley (1. MrClaln, lota 15, 16. MiK'k UN. tiliidatolio; $350. CATARRH 'n. "(mHaiia WW J) Uttlarrh and drive away a Cold in tl,0 in'ii lld oiili kly, Itn. haw r(-ffra atiirna tha Hii of tlHT I Lf Lit Taala ami Hiih II. J'iiII .1... r,il at Jni. ulata or l.y until. In 1 1., ,n.l tuna, 75 nmU. Ely Jlrutlinra, 60 Warrou Hlnial. Now York. J. U and Jciinlii H. Voalmrff to M. K, llciilty and J. A. KarKaln, ill arrra of aertlona 34 and 35, townahlp 2 aonlh rim iiit 2 cual; lnoo. KulhiTliio KlnK anil J. II. KIiik In Aalrn J. and Nda O. Mo, In nil In Cliicka'inna Coiinly; $550., Aalre J. Mw and Ncla O. M to II. V. W. (lortler, hlocka C and l Blma Hllhdlvlalon of luta 3 and 4, block 14 liiirlow'a Klral Addition to llurluw; IIISII. II. C. and Henry C. l'earaon to Mary A. I'enrHou, euat hulf of northweat quarter and lota 1 and 2 of auction 4 townahlp 4 aouth, rauice 4 rnat; 110 Mlchuel and Catherine Mochnko to Kre,) 8. Me nk i), hlork 1 of Holmea Ad dition lo Orison Clly; l. I. H. MrArthur and David McArthur lo Curl K. Anduraon, 10 arrea of arc. tlona 13 and 14, townahlp 3 aouth, rauice I rait; 5l0. 0. W. and I). II. Knntham to K. U. Caullrld, i)il avrei of aertloii .'), town' ahlp 0 aouth, raiiK" 2 eiiat; II. Mnry Kllen M'rKurlund lo Kloyd T Wlllluina. 27 acre of Inane Cutina I) li C No, 52, townahlp 2 aouth, range 2 eaat; $1. Ilanniih and Oliver Anderaon to Kra U Hwniik, lota ), 2. 3, block 0, Mllwunklc park; $1. Churlea and linbcllu Zerk tu Ella IIiiukIiIiui Keller, 37 arrra of aectlon I, townahlp 2 aouth, rann 3 euM; II. W. A. and Ida V. Alcorn to Marxar. nt White, 2 1-2 acre of aectlon townahlp 2 aouth, raiiicw 7 caat; 41 Clareiiru u and liolllo KcKl'-a to William li. llarkadal, Tract 6, Tual atln Mradowi; $1. ' Adolf and AuKuaia Urn mm to Au Hiiat Wllwm, land In Clarknmaa C'mn ty; 15oo. Hurah It. and Dorothy Hubbard to John E. 1'elcher. HO acrea of awtlon .10, townahlp 3 aouth, rango 6 cant, II. William B. Welch to U K. Kern. .C5 acrea of aectlon it, townahlp 3 aouth, range 7 raat; ,10. C. W. mid Uicenn Kern to h. E. Kern; lota C, 7, 8 hlock 2. Idlrwlld: II. Joaephlne Eherhnrd to l M. Frlta, 5(1. 7(1 acrea of Job. C. (leer D 1, C No. 43, townahlp 3 aouth, range 2 went; IfilMI. Herman Jacohaon to C. F. Blake, 4.07 Clacknmaa lllghlnnda; $2100. Chrlatlnn and Chrlatlnn Kraft to U A. Ilrnndra, 40 acrea of aectlon 29, ownahlp 3 aouth. range 1 eaat; $C4')0. Thomaa E. and H ill tie U Hlzger- aid lo George A. Ilolachu. 40 acrea of Cliirknmiia Helghia; 12400. Zion Cemetery Aaaorlatlon to Mia. Illggv, lot 22, of hlock 2: $16. Clmrlea T. Toore and Iettle G. Tikiic lo Anna Howell, lota 1, 2 and weat half of northweat quarter of aectlon 27, townahlp 2 aouth, range 2 raat ; $7000. Krancla X. and Mary E. Ryan to Karnh It. and IKirothy Hubbard, 80 arrea of aectlon 36, townahlp 3 aouth. range 6 eaat; $1. Dulay and Edward Ulna to Samuel Smith, land In Kr.ra Flatter V. U C. No. 44, townahlp 2 aouth, range 2 eaat; $1000. B. K. and Martha 8. Ulley to Mattle M. Ilnrnea and M. M'. Merrltt. Iota 13. 4, 15. Ifi. 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 14 block 12, Mlnthorn Addition to 'ortland; $132 I). C. Houthworth and wife to Hana HennlngKcn, SO acrea of aectlon 35, townahlp 1 aouth, range 3 eaat; $4800 llert II. and Mnry Ijiiulon Eapy to E Kelly, 3 acrea of aectlon 2, township aouth, range 1 eaat: . $10. Myrtlo Toore to T. F. Hyan, lots 11, 2. block 7. Chidatone; $0. Chickumua Ahatrncl and Tniat Com. pany to Stephen T. Uritten, lota U and 12 of (ilen Echo; $1. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Tltlea Examined. Abatracta of Title Mada. Office over Bunk of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK. Mgr. Pine Tar and Honey Have been used for generations In treating roughs. Dr. Hell'a l'lne-Tnr- lloney contains both combined with other valuable Ingredients. l.ook for the hell on the txittle. He sure you get Dr. Hell's. Letter List Mat of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City Post Olflco for tho week end ing May 13, 1910: Women's IJst: Miller, Mrs. Nora; Siiillh. Mrs. Krancla; Smith, Elsie; Strong, Mrs. Mary A. Men's Ust: C.rof, John (2): Pal mer, Sollle; HuHmnaaen, II. P.; Hh'idcs, Jas. E.; WYIght. D. T. CURED TO STAY CURED. How Oregon City Citizens Can Find Complete Freedom From Kid ney Troubles. If you suffer from bnckache From urinary disorders r From .any disease of the kidneys, Ho cured to stay cured. Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. C.rnteful people testify. Hero's one cose of It: A. J. Wood, 733 N. Front St.. Snlem. Ore., says: "About two months ago I began to Buffer from kidney and blad der trouble. Tho kidney secretions were too frequent and painful in pas sage, causing me much annoyance. I hud often heard Doun s Kidney Pills highly recommended and thinking they might prove of benefit I procured a box. I can truthfully sy that the use of one box freed me of every symptom of kidney complaint I strongly advise other kidney sufferers to give this remedy a trial." The above statement was given on Jau. 30, 1906, and was confirmed on Nov. 20, 1909 by Mr. Wood. Ho snltl: "The statement I gave In 1900 public ly recommending Doan's Kidney Pills was correct. Th,Is remedy cured me of kidney trouble and I have had no return attacks." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm la aulcklr abtorM, liti Rtlltl at One. ItnlnthiwHi, anutlina, liaU anil jirotwl til diaeiuH'il nimii. Iiranareaulliiiutiinii W4 I if GOOD ADVICE TO ROAD BUILDERS Simple Methods For Keeping Highways Repair. GOOD DRAINAGE IMPORTANT, "Den't Laava tha Work For Otharai 8uprvl It All Yourulf and You Will Meat With Succtti," 8aya Don aid McCoakac Wl Conatruoltd Roadwaya Tand to lncrta Buainaaa. A prominent byaijlu who la au tnthiialaatlr road biilliler make the following auggeatioiia. which thoaa In Ivreaied In lb cini" will Bnd very valuabla: Flrat go lo work; talk afterward. Mikfc up our inlud at Ilia at art what kind of road yuu aro going to build. Then when you begin work on the road give II your full attention. If you do tbla uimti jouraelf you will learn mora about bow to make country roada better In two hour than I could tell you In prim In fourteen week a. Again. I repeat, go to work; talk afterward. The aiioud thing la atudy the needi of the little at retch of mad Uhjii which yoo actually do your work. Make that atreich of road a model of good road way lo every particular hee to It that every Individual who drlvea over your road becomea a talking advertlaement for highway Improvement. If you mil at blaat out ruck to afford good drainage for the aide guttera along your road, why, blaat itivtii out. Don't wait to talk about It. Earth and water api mud. and t muddy road la Dot a good road, and A OOKCBm CDLVKBT. (From Good Koatia alaxaiin. New York. you cannot get rid of water until the water baa the right slope of a drainage channel to carry It off. Culvert conatructed out 'of concrete are believed by many authorities to bt the beat means of carrying the water from a well built road. Third, If you can. do It yourself, or. lf you muH, tit wun oua via do It for you, but be aura to get good, llv photographs of your road before you atari to work uikin L after several hours' work baa been done and again at the conclusion aa tbe final exhibi tion test of your work. 'Jet as many good, live people as you can to travel over your road with tbe specific pur poae of examining It In comparison wltb other roada neglected in your immediate neighborhood. tct your newsKier men there. Get the members of your automobile club there. Get prominent members of your local board of trade there, for every business man In every town realizes that tbe better tbe roads which lead from the country to bis town the more farmers there are who will travel to town and the more busi ness he can secure. Fourth, adopt the platform of P. B. Shaw of Wlliliimsport. Pa, one of the "llvest wires" for good roads Im provement lo the L'ulted States. Mr. Shaw's platform Is "work and talk.' Nw Oust Laytr. Vice Consul VY. Washington Bruns wick furnishes I lie following Informs tiiin concerning experiments made In Chemnitz with a Gemma anti-dust sprinkler: During the lust summer extensive experiments were made 'with "ant! stiiubit to prevent ' dusty roads in Cbemiilts. The material was bought by the city from potash works at Ascherslebeu ami cost JJti.18 per met ric ton of rJ.(M(i pounds. Tbe antl s'jiubll Is sprinkled over the road by uviius of tbe ordinary street sprinkling cut After carefully cleaning the street aud molsteulng tbe material with water It Is tbus strewn when II mt applied, and for each square tne tet about one kilo I-.2 pouuds per 10.8 squire feeti is required. All subse- qmnt sprinkling is done with a solu tluk of 50 per cent water. According to the experience of the Chemnltx strict cleaning department the dust preientlng effect of antl-staublt lasted frort twelve lo twenty-four days, ac- cortlng to the amount of tr utile and the (eneral condition of tbe streets. I To Build Road of Slag. At Colfax, la., steps have been tak en tt Improve one nf the roads leading out )f tbe city wltb slag. The ma terial to be nsed I" not blast furnace alag.lbut the refuse from a coal mine in th neighborhood. It consists prin cipal;- of slate particles mixed with coars Ore clay and is said to make an excelrnt roadway. I KYoaaa'teowthltfltsuid rrtplas. Iljou pluit rerrjt Seed! you Jf rrow icily wM y aJkJMrrience V I everywhere. Fmti T'treeoarequeit V y a. sl RUT a ce. a f teiraa; snta. WHETHER for Social. Outing o Business OCCASION we have the clothes arid the accessories. Why not be properly dressed no matter what the oc casion may be? Not necetiaty to have it cost very much money. The "Clothes Beautiful" MADE AND DE8IGNED BY SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. of Baltimore and New York Supply Style and Service at MODERATE COST. J. LEVITT EASTERN EAGLE CREEk. Dick Gibson bought a horse of Mrs. Cooper one day laxt week. Mrs. Katie Douglass returned homo Monday from Stevenson, where she had ' been visiting with ber parents, Mr. and Mra. John Sweeney, for a few days. Mrs. Kosa linker and Mrs. Emma Uerg were Portland visitors Satur day. Mrs. Gibson and Miss Mann were In (Catacada Saturday. Malcolm, Mary and Nettle Woodle were over to tbe old home place the lattpr part of last week. Wlllam Baker, of Portland, carqe out lo the Douglass school house Sunday and preached quite an inter esting, though lengthy sermon to a fair sized audience. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle were vis iting with relatives In this neighbor hood Sunday. They also came to hear Wlllam Baker. Eagle Creek Grange will give a May Day picnic in Us beautiful cedar grove near the tail, Saturday, May 21. There will be a fine pro gramme rendered. W. S. U'Ren, of Oregon Cliy. will make an address. All are welcome. Come one, come all and have a good time. , Eagle Creek played a game of ball with Tbe Hop Golds, of Portland, Sun day. On acount of Eagle Creek's i 11 BnJ, V-Xv. i k.V I collar bone, one or two boys not hav-' . V. . V.,,1 .1 1 .. n 1. 1 ii i . K hmkan ing put in an appearance, another quitting, and another having gone to take unto himself a wife, ihey had to pick up some players and yet they defeated the Hop Golds by the score of 13 to 3. Dave Hoffmelster was looking very much pleased Sunday. Mrs. Viola DouglasB and daughter. Miss Blna. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg. and son Carl, called at the home of R. B. Gibson Sunday evening. MY. and Mrs. Clark entertained Mr. and Mrs. Murphey, Mr. and Mrs. Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker, and Miss. Meda and Perry Mtirphy, Mr. William Baker, and a young man who accom panied Mr. Baker from Portland, at dinner Sunday. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A DOVER. It la understood that Mr. Miller, of Sandy,' has sold his place near here to a Mr. Green, of Hood River. This place has a great future In the way of fruit raising. Frank Ahnart's folks called on Mr. Keith's last Sunday. Guy C. Larklns attended the Ep- worth League Convention that w; held at Gresham last week. Our road boss, G. R. Woodle, Is still rushing the good road problem, so we will soon have pleasure roads in Dov er and neighboring places. Mr. Morrison waa noticed out last Sunday testing aome of the roads. Orchards, fields, meadows and gard- dens promise a bountiful harvest this yenr. Henry Udell was down to Eagle Creek last Sunday to see the ball game. Miss Helen Keith visited over night with Miss Frances Donnellan last Sunday Dover school Is planning to give a bnsket social the 20th of May. Every body is Invited to come. The ladles are all requested to bring baskets and the men and hoys well filled pockft books. Lulu Roberts made a return trip to Sandy with the mall carrier. What'a the Use To suffer with sore eyes when one 25c tube of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will cure you. We guarantee It. You risk nothing. It's a creamy, snow white ointment. KELSO. More rain to make our crops grow. Will Stevens and wife, who have just bought a 20-acre tract at Flrwood, were visiting In Kelso recently. Anna Jarl, of Portland, spent last Sunday with her mother here. Victor Johnson is preparing to fence his 40 acres here, which he recently bought from Mrs. Dickenson. 1 Mrs. D. Jerger has men clearing up 10 acres more of land. They Just ' lushed 5 acres for him in time for the Spring crop. J. Thlelke is also having 10 acres of land cleared. Henry Perrot and wife, of Sandy, visited at tne home of Joel Jarl on Sunday. Mrs. P. Rath, of George, spent Sat urday and Sunday In Kelso visiting relatives. Our school marine are. busily en gaged in their school work again. Ed. Hart, Joel Jarl, B. C. Altman and others attended the registered Jersey sale at Scappose last week. Mr. Altman purchased a fine young animal, Emlnentg Carnation, for Department Store . CLACKAMAS FIR WOOD. The road viewers were out Monday looking over the Mt. Hood road in this district. Considerable work will be done on the road this summer, and we expect before long to have them' up in fine shape, A large crowd la expected to attend the mask social at Firwood Hall on Saturday evening. May 21. A fine programme Is being prepared, which will consist .of music, drama, recita tions, impromptu speeches, etc. A nun pond will be one of the most amusing features of tbe evening, and many hitherto unknown wonders will be drawn from the depths of the pond. Everone Is most cordially invited, and we are sure you will feel well repaid for coming. It will do you good to rest from your labors and meet wltb your friends and neighbors once in a while. M. Walton was out from Portland Monday In the( Interests of tbe road work to be done near his place at Flrwood. Mrs. E. D. Hart was In Portland over Sunday. Mrs. Barber returned to Portland Sunday. ' Many ' people are visiting the country with the Idea of locating here. Jack Lawless and Ray Howe attend ed a lecture In Portland Sunday. All members of the Glee Club are requested to meet at E. D. Hart's on Sunday afternoon. May 15, to practice ..,', ' for the entertainment. Mr. Kehras has moved to Sandy. A mistake was made last week, which we wish to correct: Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens (instead of Stevensen) of Portland, are building on their ranch, which they recently purchased of B. F. Hart James DeShazer Is doing consider able repairing on his house, also giv ing it a coat of paint Prospects are good for a fine crop of apples this Fall. The Mt. Hood Fruit Growers' Asso ciation will meet at Sandy Saturday afternoon, May 14. 25c la a Small Amount. You would not suffer one day for five times that amount. Then try Suther land's Eagle Eye Salve. We guar antee it to cure. It's painless and harmless. DAMASCUS AND ROOK CREEK. We have been having fine weather of late. All the famers are looking forward to good prospects of fine crops. The nice rain came just In lime to make the gardens grow. There will be a large Btrawberry crop, but the cherries ,are hurt. M. Abphnalp's sister and family from Lents, were visiting at AIs faim Sunday. Oscar Beben was home Sunday from down on the Columbia, where he has been working recently in a logging camp. MJsa Burnett has gone to Portland and will be absent some time. Mr. and Mrs. Osterbach, Miss Bur nette and Mrs. Pirtle and children, called on Mrs. C. R. Hunter Sunday. Joe DeardorfT has started to build his new barn. Mr. Kasper is doing the concrete work for his basement. He will soon build a house. M. Abpbnalp and Mr. Aupphfield D. C. LA TO URETTB President THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, Transacts a General Banking Business. Office Both Phone 22 Residence Phone Main 2G24 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 1865 . Sucessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER mm mm . ouM Mm co have Just finished clearing about ten acrea of land, which adds to the Im provements of his farm considerably. Mr. Koenltzer was up to Latourclle looking for his horse, which he lost but did not succeed In finding It. Any one knowing of a stray bay man In good condition, weighing about 1400 pounds, kindly write to Mr. Koenltzer, Boring, Ore. R. D. No. 3. A number of the grangers from Damascus are counting on attending this week. The school children have found wild ripe strawberries; that means that the cultivated berries will soon be ready. , A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever tbe trouble is, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away tbe .pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold by all dealers. SANDY Rain and warm sunshine is making bumper crops. All grains and hay look extra good, and a big crop as sured. , Sandy nov.- hn two doctors Dr. A. Lupion, ocat'-d Instead of Dr. Witty, as reported last week. Dr. Lupton has taken quarters in tbe Douglass building. Sandy's two doc tors. Dr. Davis and Lupton, should keep all In good humor and health. A. C. Thomas, delegate, and F. F. Bruns, alternate, elected to represent Clackamas County at the Statu Grange Convention, left to attend that body Tuesday. Sandy Grange will have an Impor tant meeting Saturday, May 14, when arrangements will be made to hold a fair next fall, also to make arrange ments to celebrate the Fourth in grand style. Good many of our Industrous peo ple have risen early mornings to do star gazing and thus see Haley's com et and so far the comet has been seen at all hours of the night in all kind? of imaginable shape and cole. Mr. Shriver's little boy had the mis fortune to break his right arm. Gilbert Jonsrud's little children, who are down with scarlet fever, are almost welf again. Work In tbe Bullrun pipe line to Portland has started In full blast. there being 150 men In camp working from Bullrun Bridge to head works. Alton Phelps has put on a stage line between Bullrun and Gresham. Elmer Phelps has the contract for floating down the Sandy River the ties of Davenport Mill Company and John son Mill to Troutdale at the mouth of the river. P. T. Shelley was down from the mountains, where he has a large force of men at work planting tbe barren hlls with seed of fir, hemlock and cedar for the government future for est supply. Not 8orry For Blunder. "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har- . rodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung-racking cough fall. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The effect was won derful. It soon stopped the cough) and I am now in better health than have had for years. This wonderful life-saver Is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup,, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free.. Guaranteed by Jones' Drug Co. F. J. MEYER, Cashier 50.000.00. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M for every use. Cut generous ly full Two hip pockets. ' Felled seams. Continuous fly. isaaioka MURPflT.CRAfHICO. MuMfaaarm 'SuriMdu Utah r ,i,.. A t. .-. C.I, . 1 .. t .'j :- take no other. 5 6-13. 1200. ' l