Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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I he Kind You Have Always Bought, ami w hU-h has boon
in use for over 30 years, lins borno (ho signature of
j ntnl lias Iwu nuulo umlor bis por-
j ftounl nniOTvisUm since its hifiuu.
t&etf?T(,lc4Ai Allow iu oiio toUovolvo you in tliK
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".rust-as-nood" aro but
Experiment tlia. trlllo with and ondanpor tlie health of
Infants and Cblldrou-KxiHrionoo against Kxnortmont.
CAstorh Is a harmless mibst Unto for Castor Oil, Part',
irorio. Props and Soothing Syrups. It is lMoasant. It
contains neillwr Opium, Jtorpbino nor othor Saroollo
Ftibstanctv Its aff Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhtva and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teethlnjr Troubles cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The EM You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
pum , m I Hum
j j 1 L 1 1 J I 1 T - - J I 1 - " -
Mercury took drop on Monday.
It rainstpret SS on Fridav and on
Saturday and Sunday 8G, but on Mon
day It fell to 60 and fires In the liv
ing room stoves felt very comfortable.
On Saturday afternoon Adolph Del
kar had a farm raising under the
supervision of Gus Gebhardt. Every
thing passed off pleasantly and very
smoothly with the exception of Ed
Sharp, who met with an accident.
Someone dropped a pike-pole and the
business end took off a slice of Mr.
Sharp's thumb. ,
The Church of God. who meet in
one room of the schoolhouse every
2nd and 4th Sunday in each month,
again held services in the afternoon
and evening on last Sunday. The
roomi was as full as could be seated
in trie evening and excellent order
prevailed, except that a few boys
tramped out before the meeting was
closed, thereby missing a very inter
esting speech by Mr. Kellar. Mr. Kel
lar and family have been sorely af
flicted in the death of two of their
children but a few weeks apart. A
Sunday school is to be started, when
these people come out again, which
will be the second Sunday in May.
The German Church has always
maintained a Sunday school and most
of the neighboring children attended,
but some thought as the parents did
not understand the language enough
ta explain passages and pronounce
words correctly they would try to
start an English Sunday school, and
it was decided to meet In the after
noon so as not to conflict with the
other. They are a well meaning peo
ple, and try to teach the Bible as
they understand It and the love of
God, and good will towards men, and
no one can be the worse for their
Mrs. Powell's sister. Mrs. Scott, was
out to see her one night last week.
Her husband, who was operated upon
for appendecltis, will be able to be
out of the hospital in a few days
more. His wife has been stopping in
Portland until the crisis passedi
Mr. Gage needs a reliable man to
di? post holes and put up fence.
The Sebattz boys will finish putting
in oats in Mr. Gage's fteld in a couple
of days more.
This neighborhood is turning its
attention to chickens this year. A
number of the citizens have bought
new incubators. Mrs. Gebhardt and
Harry seem to carry the palm as far
as heard from, having already nearly
400 chickens doing well.
Misses Louisa and Lena Zimmer
man and Alice Eisele were Oregon
City visitors Thursday.
MY. and Mrs. Eisele went to Wll
sonvllle Monday.
Mt3 Mabel Hodge, who Is working
in Oregon City, came out Saturday
evening to attend the dance and to
visit her parents. She returned Sun
day evening. 1
Ve are glad that the typhoid fever
patients of this neighborhood are all
up and around again.
Mrs. Chrlstensen and little daugh
ter. Ellen, visited Mrs. Hodge Suu
day. Mrs. Koellermeler and Mrs. Hodge
spent Tuesday afternoon visiting Mrs
Herish. The ball game that was played be
tween the Sweet Briar and a pick up
team of New Era and Canby, Sunday,
ended with a score of 13 to 5 In favor
of the Sweet Briar. Coonle Zim Mer
man, one of the Sweet Briar players,
as very unfortunate In spraining his
ankle during the game.
Amnie Hodge was a Canby visitor
Miss Polly Koellermeler visited her
sister. Mrs. Boekman, Monday.
Alice Eisele and Noisy Allen spent
Monday evening at Hodges'.
The ilo social given on Krlitny oven
in by (he Hood View School, under
the management of the popular teach
er, Miss Murray, was a splendid sue
ceis. mill netted the school about
twenty-three dollars for the library
fund, and pictures for the schoolroom.
Mr. Hubbard was auctioneer and made
short work of selling everything in
.VTr. and Mrs. Harvey and family
arrived from 'he stale of Washington
recently and have located at Mow
man's mills.
Now that the Commercial Club of
Oregon City Is going to pay tor room
lor a Clackamas County exhibit In
the Chamber of Commerce In Port
land, wo will have to send down some
of our Wilsouvillo fruits and eseta
tiliw later on In the season we can
! eertiilnlv Vhnllonee nnv other tmrl of
the county.
Our village school needs a porch In
front and a cloak room. The present
condition of things Is an Injury to
health, as wot coats and wraps, hung
upon pegs In the schoolroom, send
forth a steaming poison, more bene
ficial to the pocketbook of the village
doctor, than for the parents of the
pupils, who help pay the taxes, to sup
port the school. A goodly number of
residents recommend disposing of ttio
old schoolhouse and building a new
one, as the place Is not at all In keep
ing with the splendid progress of Wil
souvillo In general. Why not use the
old schoolhouse for a high school, un
til the Villon district high school Is
established long enough to build a
school that Is, If the tax payors vote
for a high school, which they surely
will have foesight enough to do, for
that high school fund law will cer
tainly carry In Clackamas, whether
we wish to have It carry or not. and
then we would be paying taxes ou oth
er schools when wo might have one
of our own. where our boys and girls
could receive the benefit therefrom,
right hero at homo.
The Motor Boat Club, of Portland,
will "have a dance In the M. H. A.
hall at Wllsonvllle on Saturday even
ing. April 30. and on Sunday after
noon will have boat races ou the river
at Wllsonvllle. at which tl.no twenty
five of the fastest boats of the club,
will participate In the racing contest.
Everyone Is Invited to witness the
races and those who "trip the light
fantastic" are assured a good time at
the ball on Saturday evening.
The Wilsouvillo baseball team lined
up against Tualatin last Sunday after
noon In the neighboring village.. and
beat the Tualatlu boys In a warmly
contested game of 13 to H Innings,
In favor of our home team. The day
was scorching hot and the game
reached fever heat In every sense of
the word, for the Tualatin boys are
good players and seemed itvternitned
to win, but our boys had gnthered
together the brawn and muscle and
knowledge of the game that means
success, and the Innings in their favor
was the result of skillful playing. The
Wllsonvllle line up was as foHows:
Batteries, Wm. Ilrowe and M. Morgan,
assisted by John Biggs, Geo. Stanglo.
Elmer Seely, H. G. Hartshorne. Wm.
Rldder. H. Kellls and Chas. Bidder.
The teams will again compete ou next
Sunday morning, probably about ten
o'clock. . but the hour has not yet
been named definitely, for on account
of the Motor Club boat races In the
afternoon, the game will take place
In the morning. Our home team will
surely cover themselves with glory.
as they are all In fine trim tor me
It's The World'! Best.
No one has ever made a salve, oint
ment or balm to compare with Buck
Jen's Arnica Salve. It's the one per
fect healer of Cuts, Corns. Burns,
Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Bolls, Ulcers,
Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes,
Cold Sores, Chapped Hands, or
Sprains, it's supreme. Infallible for
Piles. Only 50c at Jones Drug Co.
The dance and basket social given
for the bent-lit of the Sweet Briar Ball
Team on the 23rd of April, at Eisele's
barn was a most decided success. The
barn was most tastefully decorated
and It was a most ideal night. A large
crowd from Skunk Hollow, Frog Pond,
Stafford, Canby, New Era, and Port
land, attended. It was estimated that
about 200 people were present. There
were 32 baskets and all averaged $2
apiece. R. W. Wilson acted as the
auctioneer. Louie Toedermeler and
Waldo Koellermeler furnished the
music for the evening, and now we
are all looking forward to the 21st of
May, as this one was such a success,
we have persuaded Mr. Eisele to give
another one before It is filled up with
hay and we sincerely hope that all
wiil have as good a time as the one
that Is now past.
Mr. Hasselbrink Is very 111.
Reed Graham went to Portland on
Saturday and purchased a piano.
Anna Baker, who has been very ill
with appendecltis, is much better, and
it ia thought an operation will not be
Rev. Exon, of Tualatin, preached In
the A. O. U. W. Hall on Sunday last,
at three o'clock.
The cooling river front site of Wll
sonvllle, was much appreciated dur
ing the excessive heat of Saturday,
and Sunday.
Mr: and Mrs. Bethme spent Satur
day and Sunday of ltst week at their
old home at Lents.
' Mrs, Joe Epler spent a few days at
her home in Sherwood last week.
', Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornton and
son, lately from the Eastern States.
I are spending some time with Mr. and
I Mlrs. Thornton.
; The Methodists are planning a so
cial to raise money for the new
; church fund. Let us lay aBlde sec-
tarjanlsm and help to build a church
of some denomination in our village,
as It is almost a disgrace to our pub
, He spirit, not to have a church build
, lug In Wllsonvllle at all. (
Miss Bailey went to Portland on
Saturday, and was accompanied by
Anna Bishop, one of the pupils of her
, school, who needed to have her eyes
tested for glasses.
i Mrs. Matt Baker had a fall on Sun
day last and sustained a badly sprain
ed ankle, making her quite lame.
The attractive - and pleasantly lo-
cated home places of Mr. Biggs and
i Mr. Cronan are offered for sale, as
! these men are both going to take up
1 homesteads In Central Oregon :on.
What Ails You?
Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, hive frequent head
chei, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning,
"beart-burn," belching of fas, acid rising, in throat after
eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells,
poor or variable appetite, nausea at timet and kindred
symptoms ?
If you bare any considerable number of the
bora symptoms you are suffering from bilious
ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made
up of tbe most valuable medicinal principles
known to medical acience for tbe permanent
: cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most
; efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel
regulator and nerve strenfthencr.
The 'Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or tecret nostrum,
a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper end attested
under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm
ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical,
forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y,
The largest, best, most reliable mil
linery .store In Oregon City Is Miss
C. Goldsmith. 506 Main St.
There was a strange man hunting
up tha section line of the railroad
land. It looks like something.
Mr. and Mrs. Wettlaufer were In
town last week.
Mr. Schlewee and family spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Putz In Colton.
Ben Marshall Is moving his furni
ture. Mr. Marquardt was in town last
Monday. i
Alex Seherruble moved his engine
Mr. Frank Nicholas and family are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Larkins
Mr. and Mrs. A. Durst, from the
1'nlon Mills visited with Mr. anil Mrs.
W. Kllensmlth In Clarkes.
The English M. "E. Church had a
nice basket social last Friday night
and a large attendance also.
Mr. and Mrs. Nash from Maple
Lane visited Mr. Bottemlller in this
city last Friday.
Mr. Sulvaln has got nlre little colt.
v r-r 'va
M !M asj Will NOT UM
V ':iv.lX ...., miK -no 1
,i.v. wowal
A.J.Towi Co. ioTo.u.
V 111 I i
1 II,.
line weather prevails, and the
fanners are jjetuf.g well along with
their Spring seeding There has been
a great deal of clover seed sown
this Spring.
Mis. Strong and daughter. Lillian,
are to leave brie April 3U. They
have traded their property here at
Mavg.ua in for propert at Seaside
Mr Shoemaker, recently from Mis
ouii. has bought Ihe Garret property,
belter known n, the old Dunlavy
The Neorensoii s.iwmlll Is now run
ning Hop training Is about over for (lib
I N. Jones has commenced to work
on the roads. Tliey need It bad
There Is to be a Spider Web Social
at the parsonage Friday night. April
For All Skin Diseases
Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Is the best
It Is a creamy snow white ointment
pleasant to use and every box Is guar
anteed. Price 25c. At all dealers.
Sunday, April 24, was a mist de
lightful day. The services, at the
church, which were conducted by
Brother Morton Wood, and the dis
course of this minister was very ef
fective. One young lady made the
confession, and was baptized In Clear
Creek below the Clear Creek bridge.
The travel over the public road here
by autos exceeds anything that we
have seen at this time of the year,
besides the one and two-horse rigs
that are crowded. There are also a
great many pedestrians paHHlng
through here also.
William E. Mumpower has been en
gaged In leveling up the road by grub
bing the stumps. These stumps are
first blown with powder and after
wards burned. The roads are then
scraped and placed Into condition to
travel over. The work that In being
done Is on the roads leading Bouth to
wards Rcdland and along the Clacka
mas River, which are both in the same
district, making the two look like a
Grant Mumpower has been courting
for the last week at the county court
house. Thlsis a bad time of the year
to allow such a business In such a
country as the Oregon country.
Most of the crops are seeded In tills
vicinity, even the "spuds" are about
all planted.
The man who purchased the Walter
Shepherd place has an Incubator and
Is hatching out chickens.
E. Mendenhall has a fine lot of the
largest hens ever seen In this section
of the county. We nope that he will
do well In the poultry business here.
Mr. Smith Is stocking his land with
goats. If Mr. Smith succeeds as well
as in getting the goats to eat up the
logs and brush, as he makes butter at
the creamery, his goats will be a fine
Our egg man was around again on
time, but the egg patrons loaded him
down so (hat he had to leave part of
his load for another day.
Tell Your Neighbor
When In need of a cough medicine to
use Dr. Hell's pine Tar-Honey. It Is
the best. Look for the bell on the
Planting corn seems lo be the order
of the day. John Paine was helping
C. Smith plant com last Monday.
Mrs. Ilertheua Smith Is visiting her
people. Ed. Howard .
Dr. XI. C. Strickland Is thinking of
having Mrs. John U Lewis taken to
the hospital In n few days.
Kobert Hullnrd brought a new or
gan home one day last week.
C. Smith la contemplating building, a
new barn very soon
Last Sunday was a great day for
Mr. I'dell returned from Stayton.
where he was called by the serious
illness of his aunt.
H. SelUor has been quite lame with
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace and two
little daughters were visiting their
parents. Mr. and Mrs C. K. Smith.
Mr. Raker, of Cams, died Monday,
April '.'!. at 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Owens, whose house
burned last Monday, will soon have
.Mr. linker, of Cams, died Monday,
George Ijowry Is planting corn for
C. Smith.
For millinery, trimmed hats, call on
Miss C. Goldsmith. 5t; Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston tut
daughter. WlllaX, and Frances, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Thomas Sunday.
Aura Hnvm.ui and Miss lint h Hud
son attended church at Siinnysldo on
Sunday night.
Mlsg Ellen Poor was tho guest of
Miss Hazel Thomas Sunday.
Miss Wlllah Johnston, of Clackamas
attended church at Harmony Sunday
Mr. and Mm. Erlcksen, daughter
Lydla and son J'eter. were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs Damin. of Stone, Sun
day. Miss Amy llartnel, of Clackamas,
was the guest of Miss Lllllnn Crocket
Lawrence, you should beware of the
little bee.
The Harmony baseball team played
against the Sunnyslde team last Sat
urday at the Harmony ball grounds.
The score was nine to twelve In favor
of the Harmony team.
Roy Otty and Miss Margaret Otly
were the guests of Mr. Uyers, of Stone
lust Sunday.
The Phelnthea Club and the Ilarara
Club had a business meeting at the
home of MT. and Mrs. J. L. Clarke,
Saturday night. Those being present
were: Miss Nellie Otty, Mrss Anna
belle Strange Misses Uiura and Mer
vln Ambler, Miss Lydla Erlcksen, Miss
Kate Former, of Arlela, Miss Pearl
Clarke, Mr. William Strango, Mr. Hoy
Otty, Mr. Jark Hunter, Walter Kanne,
David Kami", Gustave Kanne, Alfred
Otty, I-eon Roblson. (ieorge Clarke,
Ethan Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Kills A Murderer.
A merciless murderer la Appendicitis
With many victims. Hut Dr. King's
New Life puis kill It by prevention.
They gently stimulate stomach, liver
and bowels, preventing that clogging
that Invites appendicitis, curing Con
stipation, Headache, IlllllousnnHS,
Chills. 25c at Jones Drug Co.
The line weather continues, which
makes everyone smile und stir aboul.
Mr. McMurren and wife are away
visiting at Hlllsboro. Mrs. Cook, his
daughter, h inking care of the child
ren, ami ranch, during their absence.
Sam Sagar went to work for llert
Cummins Monday.
H. Wallace got his back hurt unite
badly a few days ago by some heavy
timbers falling on him, which he was
trying to ral:-e up.
M. W. L Will, PHMmr m Mmuu
fl fitn wmant m wum
nt tin r-r to havn
four ttwth oat ami
pi at And tirHM
work ion. For out
of -town itroas w
flntiri pmt nrl
tihiiKfl work In out
Amy if ncMMrj,
Molr Crown $5.00
Gold Filling! 1.00
EmimI Fillings 1.00
8llvtr Filling! .50
Good Rubbtf
fin. i 5.00
8il Rubbtr -
piiim 7.50
PiinUn tVllon .60
pAlniwut K.itr Linn t r whm pUf or brli) work
ll oflnrivl. (Virmuiutlrm FfM. i" rmuaitt nt tBtlr
pmlnltm work ftrivwtjAr. no nmttor how tnm h you f.
All work fully vnarautl foff riftin T .
Wise Dental Co.
Painless Dentists
fslllni Building, Third 1 Wastilniton, PORTLAND, OREOOM
HUt Koua: S A. M. U S . M. ulri, IUI
Mr. ami Mrs. Will Wallace and
daughters, spout Sunday with Mr. mid
Mrs. C. Smith, or MMIItio, mid In ih
afternoon Mr. Smlih mid Hilly took
In tho bull giiuie at Mulllio.
Mrs. Itonney, who Is doing the cook
lug for IHx ilros. is away visiting for
a lew days, leaving tho boys lo bach.
A number of men have been work
ing on the rond, laying plank which
helps con.tlderable.
V. II. Wallace Is Imiillug lumber
for it new kitchen und woodshed.
. Most everyone got tbolr polatoos
planted dining the Hue weather.
Breathe Hyomel for Two Minutes and
Stuffed up Head Will Vanish.
It you want to get relief from
rntiirrli, cold fn the bond or from an
Irrilatlug cough In the shoriesl time,
breathe Hyomel (pronounce It High-o-iuo
It will clean out your bend In two
minutes and allow you to breiithe free
ly. Hyomel will cure a cold In one day.
It will relieve you of disgusting snuf
ties, hawking, spitting mid offensive
breath In n week. I
llvomel Is nuulo chiefly from ou
culyptol, a soothing, healing, germ
killing antiseptic, that comes from
the eucalyptus forests of Inland Aus
tralia where catarrh, ustlimii und con
sumption were never known lo ex
ist. Hyomel la pleasant and easy to
breathe. Just pour a fow drops Into
tn hard rubber Inhaler, use us direct
ed and cure la almost certain.
A complete Hyomel out fit. Includ
ing Inhiiler and one bottle of Hyomel,
costs only $1 00 at druggists every
where and at Huntley tiros. Co. If
you already own an Inhaler you can
get an extra bottle of Hyomel at, drug
gists for only Sic. 2!-i:i
flllGTIfliB SALE
20 or more Eastern Of egoa horses
broken and unbroken will be sold 10
the highest bider for cash or approved
security; also 5 head of cows and
heifers, on
Sunday, May tf 19 JO
Two blocks north of car barn, Mil
waukie, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M. v
Gresham Will Be Place of Meeting On
May 6th to 8th.
The Annual Convention of the
Salem lllstrlet KpwortU league of the
rlFfl Iiilv4 II
1 1 t
May try to assert Itt Independence
and explode Juat to celebrate the
Glorious Fourth. If you would avoid
suth trouble, let us keep all your
in good, repair. Our work Is unsur
passed. P. C. GADKE
Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and
Hop Pipes. All Klnde of Job
bing end Spraying Material.
914 Main St. Phone 2654.
Methodist Church will be held at
(iieslmm May ll. 8, and an etcelleiit
programme bus. been nrriiiiged, which
la lis follow;
Friday Afternoon Session,
1 : 3i I'riklHU Service, led bv Itev.
e),. it ii,.t,
".':0II - HjihIiich Session, M litters
pertaining lo OrKUtiUutloii. Commit
tees, etc. Itoll Call (Informal).
Evening Session.
7:110 -Kpwortli league Social.
j a : no Allure l v i'ii oiihv .-Mr.
1 Lewis Sliattuck. Mayor of the 'city.
Mr. 1). V. Tarr. for the church lie-
' 8:.lii Aildress: "The Symmetrical
! Life." Mr (1. II. Patterson, of Wil
lamette I'nlversliy. - I
Saturday Morning Seaalon,
8::io I'rulne Service,
It: 00 lloll Call mid Kcport of
: 15-Department Work. 15 Mill,
outlines by Iiept. OlnYcr Heccna.
n.;o-I'upers. "t'ruetlcul Christian
ity." Miss Anna Simpson, Woodliurn
Chapter; "Chrlmiuu Stewardship."
Ml-. II. ss Cordon, McMllinvllle Chap
ter; "The lllble A tins tiulde." Mr.
Ill C. Trosler, Oregon City Chapter;
"t'sycliology of a (iiMul Meeting." Mr.
Wesley Wire. Ne berg Chapter; "Our
I delation to Foreign Missions," Mb j
j I jiii ra Heist, Salem Chapter.
Aliirngun ov.iign,
2:00 I'ralse Service.
:t:2i "An Ideal IIUHlness Meeting."
Siilem Chapter; "IMuna Kor the Fu
ture," Miss Mary fori. Forest drove
3:;iO lluslliess meeting Mcction
of officers.
Evening Session.
7:30- Coiiserrui Inn and Prolan Ser
vice. Sunday Morning.
(Willamette I'nlverslty Session)
11:00- Senium. Fletcher Human, 1).
It,, Pres Willamette I'nlverslty,
Afternoon and Evening Sessions.
II: 00--Address: "World Vision of
Methodist Youth." Itcv J T Abbot,
Conference S S, Missionary.
;i ;i(t - Installation of Officers, lllst
rlet Superintendent.
t!::iO -Itegiiliir ltevotloiiol Meeting,
(reshiim Chapter In charge.
K;lHW Tcnipcrunee llully, r. Kno
dell, Slate Hupl. AnllSulooti league.
OF U.S. A.
Established 1B68.
Over half million In force
out of Oregon City.
A. B. Combs, Manager,
Local Representatives,
Oregon City.
E. P. Elliott & Son
' AM kinds of
Andresen Bldg. Oregon C'ty, Ore.
any carbon filament lamp.
than the
can be used in
Portland Railway Light
& Power Company