V f LARSEN & COMPANY Cor 10th A Miln 8(f OREGON CITY, OREQON. Wholesale and Retail I GROCERIES AND PRODUCE LAND PLASTER Hay, Grain, field, Mower and Gar den1 Seeds. WE PAY CASH FOR ? COUNTRY PROCUCE ! ,0 LOCAL I3RIEPS Dr. I. a. Ict, PantUt, Room 17 and II, Manmla llldg. Mm. A. (ioldmnltli, wlm linn tii ri very III' nl her lniiiin with pneumonia, I Nlnwiy tin proving (i. II. Dlmlrk mid W. A. Dlmlrk nHiit Hiimliiy tit lliilihiiril. where Hi 17 npent the iluy wild relatives. Mr. niul Mm. Chun, (looming, nfler u vliill with rolullvon here, linvti re turned In ihelr liiimn In KiiKi'iio. II. K. Nnynr, n proiiiliimit farmer f Mi'uiluwIiriKik, wiin In Oregon lily mi Hiitiirdny itri'iiininiiiil by bin rmiilly. ('. II, Oliver, traveling niiloniunn fur I In Oregon Clly Enterprise, left Til"it iliiy fur a lrli llinmiili the Willamette Vulley. Mr. mid Mil Jiiiiii'ii V. Church niul Iwn children, nf Cnliiliili, Ore, huvo lu'oii vltiiuiiK Mr, niul Mm. Wheeler Church 111 lilmlntnlio. I Mil iii'W KuiMm given uwny nl En- lorpllne oHlre. 1 1. II liiiry, of WnnhoiiKnl. Wah , wlm linn been vlnltlng wllli bin broth it. Ciiunly School Superintendent T. J. ( inry, relumed In hln lniiiin Hundny. Mm. Cut tin J. Tronrhiiril, of A liirla, iiiTniiiiniili'il hy her dnnghtor, MUn Anliii Trenrhiinl, of I'm Hand, wiui In Oregon City Holiday vlnlilug friend. lii'uiKi' Miimlinll, nf I'nrlliiiiil, Mm. I(nlili Mnrnhnll mid mm. niul Minn Horn Jcriienon, nf .Mmitnvllla, visited ul 1 In- Iiiiiiik nf Mm K. J. Marshall I'll Sunday Minn Kill ll llmini'ii, a ntiidotil nf the I'lllVemlly of Oregon, Willi U Npctld- Ing In-r mint Ion In I'drllnml. wnn In Oregon t 'It y Hnniluy, the guo( of MIhh Nli'iii liiinlliiR Tin- (iiTinnil Wri'ln nf Oregon City will give llii'lr flntl 1111111111I May I lit tl mi Miiy 7 III Ariiinry Hull Fnrmor'n full on In Him nml n gum! tlmii nnnurcd In Hit. Ahliy WiMiilItii, formerly of Oregon City, niul ,A v. Cliuri'lilll. who win 1111III recently rnnuoctrit with 1 Grand Theatre, at I'lirllmnl. have goiin in Ij Angeim, Cnl., In join thi' Gonr Kin Harper Him-k Ciiiiiimiy. Mm. Itulph Parker, neo Hilda Me. (iotrhlo, formerly of this place, hut now nf Bui l, Moiil., arrived in Ort linn Clly Thumduy, ml will remain fur 11 few wtiekn visiting with hnr par ijum, Mr. and Mm. John Medeleliln, if (lliuMium, If you wim Old linwnHiiim cull lit I'.niiu pi inn mni'n, ' n un, ' Mr. mill Mm, Kiikiuih IKorom, of riiriiiiiiu, npnin wniliii'Kiliiy In Ihln clly with llm fnriiinr'i mother, Mrs, Mnry UForenl. Mr. UKorent, wlm in now holding a rnnpnnnlhln pnHltlnn on lh HIiiihIii Limited, spent li Ih boy hood days In HiIn city nml In well known ncro. Clliirlnii W. Knlly, ,)r. A. L, llentm, iiniry , siiiiiiiy, HiihwkII IIoImiiiii Cliiliincny 10. llniiiHliy. O1.0. A. Iluril Iiik, Clyiln (I. Iliiiitlny, Krmik JaKnr nml mum, J. K. uim nml Dlllmrt I- Ili'il((i' with iiiiioiik tlm fiuiH who wmit in Cm I litinl TuiiNiluy in himi 1I111 HHlllliK kllllin, T, II. limiillloii, of t'nnliy. whn In Ori'K'm Clly Krlilny on IiiihIiicnn. Mr. limiillloii riTiuiliy mil.) hlN fiirm nt Cmihy, mid Iiiin iiirrluiHd a lurxii I met of liiml In tlm Nvmly roiimry, wlmro tin ixiiirtM to niKiiKi In fnrm- Iiik on ft lnrKr kciiIp, Hii wiin foruinr ly n ri'Hlili'iit of thU city. Iliiv. H. A. liny worth, iiiiNtor of tlm I'lrMt I lit pi lt Church, tinitnr npiiolut- liinlit of II111 Oi'kkoii All I I'Hnlooii U'ukiim, vInIIihI Tlm DiillnN Tui'Nilny, IioIiIIiik a confiriiirn ami mlilrniiHliiK n iiihnn iiimpvJiik thnt iiIkIii. Mr. liny- worth wiin In I'orllmul Mondny, mid ri'inl a iiiinr Imfoni llin nii'iilliiK of tlm llnptlHt MlntHlnrlnl Anmri'lntlon on "Tlm I'crlwl of Church llliilory Kroin H) to IS 1 7." Vu Kiinruiiii'11 Hutlinrliinir ICnxlf) Kyn Hnlvo to rnr roiniiiiiu noro pyci In 2 to All hoilm. Thin m'ini ntrnimn, hut It In tinrki'd hy nur Kunrfinlfa. You run 110 rink nml It only conu 25o. CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY. Dun of thn nlnrlcn Jiinllrn llrnwnr wnn ml fniul (if li'lllliK n limul hy I1I111 to uliow MkIi ri'iinnl fur thn law of K mm fin. Junllcn Itrt'wnr rnlnlcil thnt a Jiin llrn of llin pi'iicc owned n fit rut In Kuunnn Hint hnnlcred on Mlnnourl. (I1111 ilny (he Juntlrit wnn iltllnit on fi'iM'K, liillll illri'rtly 011 Die nlnte linn. niiperliili'iiilliiK Hoinn work hln mm nnd n fiirm IiihhI weru doliiK. Tlm mm niul liln riiinpiiilon eiiKiiKi'd In a din- put" wlilrll ended In n lint flKlit. Th Jlinllee of Ihn peure, JilHlIrn llrower would etplnln. wnichi'il thn enroiin tr fur n few inlnuieN nml then nhout ed III n loud voire; "lieiilli-ineli, III Ihn lintnn nf Ihn Inw of ihn ntitiii of Kmumn nml hy vlrtun of my niillmrlty, I rominmul you lo ili'HlM "Junl then ihn mil hruke." ronlln ued Junllcn Ilrewnr, "mid Urn Juntlro of Ihn pence Ininled In Mlnnourl. Arn Iiik lo liln feel, ho eirlnlineil: "(live him mm; I hnvn Ion my Jurlnillcllnn ' " Kminim Clly Jnur- nnl. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A I.AIIliK HTOCK OK COMCT TOM A TO ri.ANTH, Cnrniitlnnn nnd Cur mi linn IMniiln, nt wholennla and retail price, lleli'n Cireenliuune. JennlliK UmIro. riiono. Farmers gx. Kor teller, rliiKworni, ecxema, run 11 1 n 1; noren and all akin dlneanea Dr Hell n Alillneptlc Halve In Kiinrnnteei! lo Klve nntlnfnrtloii or you K''t your niuiiey hnck. ITic overywhero. Homeseekers Attention! The nuh-dlvldliiK of Urn Dlmlrk llniiientend neur Hulilmrd, Orn Knii, pluren on tlm market & nnd 10 urre Imctn nf liind nullnlilo lo any puriMinn niul pniperly worked will produce ciioiikIi In t rnip lo pny for tlm hind. Klnn Denver Dam holtmii Imul nl $75 to $00 mt acre, ncrordliiK to unnllty and liH'nllun. Home of thin html imw neitliiK $500 per nrrn an onion Inml. 1'p Imul, wi'll drulneil, mid ready lo plant, nultalile for orchurd trnrln lit 1 1 Ml, fin: mid list) per acre. Ili'iiuilfiil hullilliiK Hllen with nliiudlliK tlmher ut 1112.50 T ncrn, Itoadn to etcry trnrt. Wnler for IrrlKiilliiK ami, In fnrl, everything you wmit to get perfert rrop renulln. It will pny you In liiventlKiitu Ihln opportunity to ohtuln a piece of the llti I'M farm In the Willamette Valley. I'lat In now rendy mid land open to liiHperllon. A hove pi lren nre Rood only lo May l.'ith. ut which time ihey will lie ruined. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO. Hubbard, Or. C. H. TRULLINCER, Prcildcnt and General Manager. Dements oest FLOUR $1.80 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. Alberta Farm Land The Canadian Pacific Railway Track Bow River Valley, Southern Alberta fresh land on the market all the time, right on the Railroad no stumps, no brush. Sold at low figures, on ten years time cannot be beat for investment. Buy while it is cheap. Come with us and see for yourself. Excursions leave Portland every ten days. See Agent at : C. H. DYE'S LAW OFFICE , ( Corner 8th and Main Streets . ; OREGON CITY, OREGON .ifllO.lwO : '. ' . ... I j i Mr. nml Mm, M. J. I'O nnd Mr. uml Mm. W. II. Ilulr formed a party I hut Went lo Uli'Kon City on u pleunure t rip In Urn Ilulr nuto on'Monduy. I'rof. T. J. Illll vIhIIihI thn county neul on Huturduy. Minn Vumu Itoliliimui, of rortlmi'l, Hpent Hunilny In (hln clly vImM Iiik with her pureiilH, Mr. mid Mm, huiilol lloh-Iiihoii. MIiH. (ieoiKn KiiIkIiI, who Iiiin lienn vIhIUiik wllli relullvea In thin city for mtvorul dayn Iiiin returned to hnr home In I'ortlmid, K. II. (,'urllon, of I'm tliind, wun In Cuuliy on hUNluenn Tuenilny. I'rof, Howard M. Kcclea wont .to I'ortluiid on Huturday inornliiK'i triiln, rniiiriuiiK Hiiniiuy nrteriioon. i Minn I'eurl lluiiiplon left on Humluy eveiiliiK for Miinpiiim, where aim will npend neveral weigka with tier alnlur, Mm. Volney WliltM, Mm. CunnIo ICvana went to Wood Imru on Hundny afturuiMin, wlier nIid vlnlied with frlendN. Mr. and Mm. W. Jl. Ilulr and Mr. and Mm. Kd Hrudll vlNltud with a few frlenila III Wooilhiiru on Hiimliiy. J. A. Cohh, or tlm IIIK Hlx Depart limnt Htorn, niailn a hualneH trip lo I'ortlatid on Tuemluy, where hu pur clinnnd a new llnu of ifimdN, which will hu added to hln aiock. Mr. and Mm. William Knlnht enter. Inlunil their relullvea ut their home on Hunilny, thn occunlon IikIiik their hlrlhdny. Mm. KulKlit nerved a dell- cloiin repuni, which wun thoroiiKlily enjoyed hy her KUenla, William Krey, of J'ortlnnd, apent Hundny In Ihln clly, dm kui'nU of Mr. and Mm. II. A. Ie. John ICId went to I'ortluiid on himl- nenn In connect Ion with lila reul en- lute otllco Tiienduy. Hoy K. A. KrtiRcr and Wllmer Biindniienn went li Aurora In Whlte'i nuto Hundny. Minn Violet Kvuiin, of Portland, vln lied her aunt. Mm. W. II. Ilulr, hint Week. M.lnn Mnhel Hill, of Mllineapolln, Minn., nrrlved here lunt week and will remain ilurlnn the Hummer with her nlnler, Mm. J. J. Kedlleld. MIhn Hill In nlremly dellKhted with OreKoii and lln cllmuie. , Mm. SI in l.lndney, who was culled lo Huli-m hint Tuenduy hy Hie deuth of her only nlnter, Mm. John (iuntenln-ln, relumed lo Cuuhy .Monday mornliiK. hut left for Hulem on the (venttiK train, u ml will remain with her mother during the Hummer. Mr. hludney, who l un hi-i'n wlliterlni: neverul home on Ihn nice truck ut the fair grouiiiln, will leave In nhout a month for Haleui. Mm. Hurry Vunituudy, ufter visit Iiik for neverul dnyn with, her parent nt HI. Jnhnn. n-liirtu'd to her home In Ihln city nn Monday. Will Koi-hli-r nnd Henry Hoiiuhain, of rnrtluml, npent Hundny lit their homrn In Cuuhy. MIhn Almu Krlrkson, who recently nccepied a ponltlun un clerk In Cobb & DIllliiKlinm'a ntore, Iuih been pro moted to canhler. K. K. Keiinkn, a prominent furmer nnd dairyman renldlim In .MiirkHhnrR. wait In Canhy on IiiihIuhh Tuenduy. Minn Florence. Wuiir apent Hundny wllli her nlnler, Minn Mildred, who In attending the Mt. Aniicl College. Mr. nnd Mra. Aliile VolKumorc nnd Iwu noun have nrrlved from Okluhonm for a venr'a vlnlt with Ihu formerii purentn, .Mr. and Mm. VolKnnmre, of lJherul. The r.ew arrlvaln are no div IlKlKed with thn OiKon rllmale that they aru coliletnplulliiK iIIhimihIiik of their properly Inlerentn In Oklahoma nod m ilk 1 11 k OreKun their periniinent llnllie. Mm. C. C. Hiilrhlnnnn went to Port land on Monday, where Khe purchnsed another line of hula, which arrived hero Wednenduy moriiltiK. Minn Kuync Hiikiiii wun an Oregon City vlnltor op Mondny. Mr. mid Mm. T. J. Gary and aon, of Willamette, were tho Kuentn of Mr. and Mm. Wuiik thn llmt of tho week. The nteiim yhovel of the Southern l'nrlltc Company will he brought here Ihln week mid will he operated In the Knivel pit. aouth of the city. W. A. and C. C Hunilny. of Oregon Clly. panned ihrounh Cunliy In their new iiiitoniobllo on Hundny. They Hindu a brief vlnlt with A. D. Taddork. Ihn driiKKlnt. Mr. Sawyer, of Ilrownnvlllu, visited In Cuuhy Innt week. While In this city he wiin tho giictit of hla alHter, Mm. DillliiKliam. Mm. A. J. Knluhl went to The Dal Ii'h on Saturday mornliiK, where alio vlnlted with her hUHhnnd, who is In the employ of the railroad company with headquarter at the place for the present. Mm. Knight relumed to Can hy on Mondny evenlnK. During her ahnence Mlsa Grace 1'atch acted aB pout mint rem. Mm. Andrew Kocher went to Or- Ron Clly on Tuesday njtnmoon's train rotuniliiK on the Sllverton local In me evening. Whoopliig cough In prevalent In this clly, and several of the cases are rc- IKirted serious. Many of the children lire obliged to remain home from the school. Charles T. Hates, who Is ono of the Jurymen for tho April term of court. was at the county Bent for several dnys this week. M. J, Lee ll Delegate. M. J. Ijeo went to Albany on Thurs- ilny, where he wns a dnlegnte to the Open Itlver Convention. It was through tho motion made by Mr. Lee thnt the next meeting will be held at Oregon City, this being seconded hy Judge T. F. Ryan, who was also a delegate. Tho meeting at that plnco will be held on April 27, on the dny previous tho Investigation will be held It la proposed to have the locks nt that place freo for transportation, nnd an effort will be nindo to have this done. It is planned to have lunch at the Commercial Club rooms on the 27th of April, and the Cnnby Commercial Club will send 100 pounds of aspar agus nml 30 gallons of buttermilk for the affair. The asparagus raised In this place has won a wide reputation for Itself, and this will be a great treat to those who are fortunate in attending tho spread. Born. Horn, Sunday, April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cobb, a daughter. Mrs. Cobb Is at the home of her parents In llosoburg, where Bhe has been vis iting for some time, i . v Services at M. E. Church. The regular services will be held at the M. E.- Church next Sunday, with Rev. C. li Creesy, pastor, officiating. Sunday School,. 10 o'clock. Morning service, 10:30. Evening service, 8 o' clock. All are Invited to these ser vices. . ' Canby Land Transfer. Several .reul estate transfers have been made b the Canby 'Realty Com pany this, week, among. them being the J. J. hedfleld place In this city. There are w lor nd -bouse, 1 and wiro purchased by Mr, finrnh Jiiriiim, thn consideration being t72fi. William llrldge, whoso home In near Horlng, him bought through thin com pany tho Charles icdwnrds piucn con NlNtlng of 10 acres, tho price being $2800, and Mr. Wright, the Culler plnco at llnrlow, prloe being $ir,o. Other deals will probably he cloned by Urn Inttnr part of tho week, among (hum being several largo fnrmn. Dur. Ing Iho punt few dnys setcrnl new comer hnve visited In (,'unhy looking for a locution, and were pleased with Iho notinlry. Mnny Inquiries are com ing In from Eastern people, who are contemplating coming Went during Hie coming Hummer, Silver Tea I Succens. Tho Hllvnr Tea given on Friday af ternoon at the h(rne of Mrn. Kd lirarttl for tho benefit of the W. C. T. IJ. wan lurgely attended, and the offering wns a neat sum. The hostess nerved re- frenhiiienlN. i Y. M. C. A. Will Be Organized. It la now an assured fact thut a Young Men's Christian Association will be orgnnlxed In this city. On Frldny night a banquet wa served to about 20 enthusiastic citizens at the Clly Hotel, and proved to bo a most enjoyable affair. The banquet hull as well n the table were prettily decorated for the occasion by MY. Peterson, Bpeechmaklng wn the main feature of the evening. Many par ticipated In this. Mr. Hhoiiden, state secretary of the Y. M. (,'. A. wna present, and gave. an cxcnlliifit address, and was encouraged over tho prospect of the organization of this assoclutlon. It is the object of the Young Men's Christian Association of this city to buy property and erect lt own build ing, this to be equipped with a read ing room and gymnasium. Work On Flume Is Progressing. Tho work on tho flume of the Cunby f'nnn! Is progressing at a rapid rate. This will he used for the carrying of the water over two miles, which will irrlgnle over 1500 acres of some of the finest farm land In the state. The power plant Is nenrlng completion, nnd will he In operation ahntit the latter pnrt of May. Baseball At Hubbard. A baseball game wll' be played on the Hubbard diamond on Sunday, Ap ril 21, between the Donald and the White Box team of Hubbard. The game Is called at 2:30. Many are planning to go from this city. Carlton & Rosenkrans Buy Hotel. The Knight Hotel, which has been In churge for tho past three years of Miss Anna Knight, has been sold by Mrs. Wllllum Grant lo the Carlton & Hnsctikruni Company. Mlks Knight will take a much needed rest, and ex perts soon lo move to her home near the Camp Ground. The Knight build ing Is ono of the old land marks of the city, huvlng I (-on used as a hotel fur the past 35 years. The building Is well located for such a business, being on Mlt I n street. It ban not been slated by the owners what they con template doing with the building. The building the company Is now occupy ing is owned by William Knight, nnd ll is probable that a store building will be erected on the site of the hotel structure. Tho price was 13500. Canby Canal Company Will Plant Alfalfa. The Canhy Canal Company Is hav ing the ground plowed anil placed In to shnpe In the southern part of the city, preparatory for the sowing of alfalfa aeed. About 20 acres will lie planted to this, and tha ground will he thoroughly Irrigated so as to make the growing a success. Alfalfa will grow much bettor, and better results from the crops can be had If the ground Is Irrigated. This will be the largest single field of alfalfa In the Willamette Valley up lo the present time. Iast year half an acre was planted hero, making a growth of three feet, and blooming the first year. This shows that alfalfa, with the proper care, can be grown here as In any other section of the county. Paddock Receives Soda Fountain. A. D. Paddock has Just received a Walrus Iceless soda fountain for his drug store, and It Is being Installed. The fountain Is very attractive, hnv Ing marble tops. It Is six feet long. and at the rear Is a large and hand- smne plate glass mirror. It Is the Intention of Mr. Paddock to carry Ice cream In connection with his drug store the coming Summer. New Ice House Being Constructed The Corvallis Creamery Company Is having a new Ice house construct ed on the property adjoining the creamery, and south of the present building. The company will use this for the storing of Ice during the Sum nior and It is probable that Ice will be sold to those wishing the same. The addition which Is being ' constructed by Mr. Douglass will be 14x40 feet The Creamery Company Is handling all of the cream that Is coming In, tho output of the establishment last week being 3384 pound. This butter commands the highest market price, and dm! s a ready sale in the markets. Much of this ts being shipped to Port land and other points. W . H. Kauplsch. general manager or the Corvallis Creamery Company, with headquarters nt Corvallis, was here the latter part of last week, ac companied by Prof. Phillips of the Ag ricultural College. These men were inspecting the creamery stations of the Corvallis Creamery Compauy. The station at this place Is In charge of J. C. Kauplsch, who Is a man well posted In the manufacture of butter, nnd who has made many friends dur ing his resldonce here. The Corvallis Creamery Company has recently established a creamery nt Lobanon, and Is managed by Ralph Aiungnam, well known in this city. Mr. Allingham had charge of the In stallation of the plant In this city, and was also In charge of the exhibit at the county fair of last year. Mm. Gantenbeln I Buried In Salem. The -funeral services over the re mains of Mrs. John Gurilenbeln. sis ter of Mrs. Sim Llndsey, who died at her home In Salem last Tuesday morn ing after a brief illness, were held lust Thursday, that services being in charge of Rev. Knight. They were very Impressive and were attended by many friends of the deceased, who was loved by all who knew her. The floral tributes were many and hand- somo, and It was necessary to have a carriage to convey them to the ceme tery. The deceased leae8; besides her husband and 14-year-old aon Lloyd, a mother, Mrs. Llllle Folkes, and sis ter, Mrs. Sim Llndsey, and brother, Henry Folkos, of Salem. .Mrs. Lind sey's mnny friends of this .city deenlv sympathize with her iu hen bereave ment, i i ' i Baseball Team Organized; , Baseball enthusiasts at Canby have decider) to orranlze a ..nine .to .reore. sent4 that place. ' Stanley Wang,' cap tain and shorlsiop of last year's win ning Canby Reds, ha been elected raptnln and manager. Tho team has lost a number of good plnyers on ac count of them having signed contracts with Woodburn, Albany and other teurns, but Hie Canbyites expect to make a creditable showing this sea son , Berries Will Be Large Crop. Thn berry growers of Canby and vicinity are looking forward to large crop of berries this year, and will probably bo much larger than that of lust year. The prairie, whore the wild berries abound, I covered with the snowy blossoms, and If there are no Into frost there Is bound to tie a bump'ir crop of these. The wild ber rle are of delicious flavor. Many of the residents of tho Canby section are putting In berry bushes. M. J. Ia-o has Just planted half an acre of a new variety of raspberry, while oth ers have recently planted several acre of raspberries. It. 8. Coe, A. M. Vlnyard, John Newton, Charles Roth, A. R. Cummlngs are among the prominent strawberry grower of thin section of the county, and many bund-1 reri of boxes are picked and shipped from their gardens each year. Make FaVmlng Profitable. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Redfleld, of Macksburg, were In Canhy on busi ness Tuesday. Mr. Redfleld, who came to Canby about two years ago, is now one of tho most enthusiastic Oregon Ian to be found in Clackamas Coun ty. After railroading for 23 years with headquarters at Spokane, Wash he decided to take up farm life, and since doing so has made a success. After coming to Canby he purchased a 120 acre farm near Macksburg. In connection with this he ha a dairy. Mr. Redfleld recently sold 27 bead of hog, which commanded a good mar ket price, averaging $10.25 on foot. Canby Market Report. The following quotations are given hy C. T. Hate, the grocer, and Lucke Uros., the butchers. Chickens Old hens, 19Q20c, roosters, 12c, spring 18c. Kggs. 2c: butter, C5c. I-ard, bulk, 18c. Itacon, ranch, 18c to 25c. Ham, 18 to 20c. Flour, valley, $1.40, hard, $1.70, blue- stem, $1.35. Cheese, 25c. Oranges 30c doz; lemons 25c. Shorts, $3C per ton, bran $30, wheat, $1.00 per bu. Rolled barley, $32 per ton. Oats, new, $30.00. Hay, clover $14 per ton, cbeat $15. Hops, contract, 25 to 2Cc. Grape root 3c a pound. Cascara bark 4c a pound. Sugar $0.25 per sack. Rice, fancy, 5c to c. ltutter fat 0c. Onion sets. 10c lb. Cabbage, 3c lb. Hogs, best porkers, 12CQ121-4C; ordinary. lOcQllc. Veal. 9frl0c; mutton, 6 to 7c. Lard. 18c. Welnes, 15c. Pork Sausage, 12V4c. Heef Porter house, 15c; round steak 12'.sc; prime roast, 10c; boil ing meat, 8c to 9c; suet, 5c lb; pork chop, 18c. Vegetable and flower seeds at Bates. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 per year. All the news of the County. Prompt relief In all cases of throat and lung trouble If you ubo Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all dealers. 1 r- : t, " Set In Ladles' and Set In Pin, Locket, Gent' ST N Bracelet, RINGS. fl Cuff Links, Etc Price j j M y ,12.50 From $10.00 t I'm g IV to 400.00. VV J ) J ,25'' Do yot know that when yoa bay a Diamond, it is )tt lite saving money? We have a plan whereby you can own a diamond by making small payments from time to time without missing the outlay of money and with the probabilities of the advance in prices of diamonds you will receive a better dlvident than yoa would from a 8AVINGS BANK. We have some exceptionally good values to offer now In diamonds of all weight and prices. We bought a paper recently containing all rizes from small stones costing $10 to $20, up to larger ones at $250 and $300. After sorting this lot we find that we have saved nearly ten per cent on the purchase, and we offer these stones at that much saving to our customers. OUR JEWELRY STOCK contains all the newest designs In Watches, Pins, Bracelets, Chains, Lockets, Cuffbuttons, Scarfplns, Signet Rings, Watch Fobs, Emblem Pins, etc. Burmeister & Andrescn Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor. SOCIETY Addle Whiteside, of Portland, will have charge of the afternoon's programme. The Hawaiian Orchestra concert Invitations have been issued to the J given at the McLoughtin Institute on marriage of Miss Elizabeth Callff, eld est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Callff, of Cazadero, and Walter Nor rls. of Cazadero, the marriage cere mony to be performed on Wednesday, April 27, at 6 o'clock, P. M. Miss Callff was born and raided In this clly, and recently went to Cazadero with her parents to reside. Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the Women's Club, was a success ful affair. The net proceeds amount ed to $38. About 200 people attended and enjoyed the 15 numbers on the programme. The hall was kindly do nated by Father HUlebrand. The lad le In charge of the concert were Mrs. W. A. Shewman, Mrs. L. A. Morris. The entertainment and basket social ! Mr. A. Price. Mrs. Frank Forsberg. given at Woodmen Hall Tuesday night J Mrs. R. C. Ganong. Mrs E P Rands, under the auspices of the Friendly I Miss M. L. Holmes, M?ss Myrtle Bu Blhle Class of the Presbyterian church j chanan. Miss Cis Barclay Pratt. Miss was a successful affair. Many baskets , Florence Wbite was presented with a gold bat pin for selling the largest number of tickets. were sold, some of which were gaily decorated. The auctioneer was H. D. Parks. Coffee and cake were served. An Interesting programme of music ,, k8; ,, ...7 'he Gypsies at her home Saturday mlttee who had charge of the affair! ... ' F ..AJ, Mrs. M. D. Latourette entertained TWILIGHT. Mrs. Freeman spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. F. Way. Mr. Earl Scheer, of Portland, spent last Sunday with his cousin, Albert Scheer, of this place. Clyde Harvey, of Seattle, Washing ton, was home Inst Sunday to attend the re-unlon of the Harvey family. A good many of the Twilight citi zens were seen at New Era last Sat urday attending the play given by the school. All report a good time. Do sure and attend Warner grange at New Era next Saturday. Marvin Faulk Is working for Mr. Harvey. Extensive street Improvements are being made on Evergreen Avenue. J. W. Hylton made a business trip to Portland one day last week. The Twilight school district expects to build a new woodshed this sum mer. Supervisor Mattoou has a crew of men breaking rock to be In readiness for the crusher that will soon be placed. He will begin grading next week. The census enumerator has called on the most of the people of this neighborhood and has them listed among the millions. DERRY LODGE NO 154, LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION Meets evenings of last Saturday in month at Shannon's Hall, 9th and J. Q. Adams St., J. K. Morris, secretary, Wm. Shannon, W. M. was Ralph Eddy, Oscar Woodfln, Har ry Miller, Miss Eulalla Scheubel and Miss Lillian Long. Mrs. J. W. Moffett entertained the Derthlck Club Friday afternoon. The members have been devoting two af ternoons a month to the study of Grelg, and Friday the study of Johaan Straus was taken up. This composer's operas and waltzes will be studied until the latter part of May. when the usual Summer vacation will be taken. Mrs. H. E. Straight gave a paper on Strauss, and was followed by Miss Kathleen Harrison, who rendered sev eral of the composer's popular walt zes. Several selections were given by Mrs. Moffett on the pianola. Re freshments were served during the afternoon. The rooms of the Moffett home were prettily decorated In Spring blossoms and ferns. It had been planned to hold an open session the latter part of May, when Miss night at 500, the prize being awarded to Miss Cls Barclay Pratt Refresh ments were served. Present were Mrs. E. J. Daulton, Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mrs. J. N. Wlsner, Miss Edith Cheney, Mis Bessie Daulton, Miss Helen Daulton, Miss Aimee Bollack, Miss Marjorie Caufleld, Miss Bessie Kelly, Miss Em ily O'Malley, J0ss Myrtle Buchanan, Miss Robin Shaw and Miss Ivan Gor don, of Canby.. The judge stared hard at the ac cused man. "You are charged," he said, "with robbing a limburger cheese factory. Have you anything to say?" "Judge." the prisoner hoarsely re plied. "I was driven to It by hunger." The judge shook his head porten tously. "Six months at hard labor, for the larceny, and six months for the ex cuse." he growled. "Call the next case." Cleveland Plain Dealer. DEUTSCHER VEREIN OF ORE gon City meets second Saturday after noon in each month at Knapp's hall In Winter and In Schnoerr'a Park, Willamette, in Summer. Gus Schnoerr, president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. FOR SALE Five new Steel Ranges. I need the money they will bring, and the room they occupy. Will make prices to move them. J. H. Mattley, 905 Seventh street. FOR SALE The old Chase place on Clackamas River, (148 acres). Rea sonable. Address Blaine Chase, General Delivery, Portland, Ore. LOST White and yellow Scotch Col lie, has yellow spot on side and ear, answers to name of "Doc." Return to Oregon City Commission House. Reward. ESTRAY NOTICE Dark gray mare, coming 4 year old this Spring, has wire cut on InBlde of left hind leg. Came to Secrest & Pendleton's stables last Sunday, April 10. SECOND HAND SHOT GUNS Your choice for $5; two large cupboards, $2.25 and $3.50 each, J. H. Mattley, 905 Seventh street. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply at residence of Mts. John RIsley, Rlsley Station, . or address Mllwaukle, Or. ' KITCHEN TREASURES, new, $3.00; , second hand, $1.50 and $2.00; -crosscut saws, one doz. 10 cents foot and up. J.i H.i Mattley, 906 Seventh St YOUTOSETlONEYby .p' se'lfinto. n me before selling your furnlUjre.. j, H. Mattley, 95 Seventh St. ' H. Y. MILLER 2J4-2J6 Seventh Street, Oregon City, Oregon Phones: Main 1771, A64 Only EXCLUSIVE Dealer in Tea, Coffee. Extracts and Spices in Clackamas County. Patronize a Home Store, where you can buy nothing but the Best. As an Introductory Offer bring this ad to the store any day of the week beginning April 25th, and take advantage of any one of the following discounts: REGULAR PRICE SPECIAL 25c Coffee, 5 lbs $1.00 , 7c per lb. r 30c Coffee, 4 lbs $1.00 20c per lb. 356 Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 23c per lb. I accept the above offer In good faith Name: Address !i i R6uteandJ3ox Number .CJ-. I